Anne of Green Gables (1979) Episode 45 - The Glory and the Dream (HD) (English D

  • la semaine dernière
00:30Lorsque le vent s'appuie sur l'eau, l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l
01:00l'eau s'effondre et l'eau s'effondre et l
01:30Les derniers exams étaient terminés, et ainsi commença la longue période inquiétante de l'attente pour les résultats.
01:38Enfin, le jour arrivait.
01:46Tous les étudiants attendaient avec impatience. Certains d'entre eux avaient une conscience difficile, car ils n'étaient pas sûrs de leur passé.
01:53Bien sûr, tout le monde s'intéressait à savoir qui avait les meilleurs résultats.
01:56La médaille d'or et l'école d'avril généreuse allaient aux deux meilleurs étudiants.
02:03Anne et Jane partaient pour une longue distance le jour où les résultats apparaissaient. Ils n'ont pas pu attendre à l'école.
02:09Anne commençait à avoir des doutes sur ses résultats.
02:12Étaient-ils bons suffisamment pour gagner l'école d'avril?
02:15Cette burserie permettrait à Anne d'extendre ses études pendant encore quatre ans à l'un des meilleurs collèges au Canada.
02:23Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, Anne?
02:26Oh, Jane, je pense que mon cœur a dû arrêter de battre il y a plusieurs heures.
02:30Tu as l'air assez saine. Ne t'inquiète pas. Tu as gagné l'école d'avril ou la médaille d'or.
02:36Je m'en fous de la médaille d'or. C'est l'école d'avril que je veux. Tout le monde dit que Emily Clay a la meilleure chance de l'obtenir.
02:43Josie a commencé ce rumeur. Tu étais là. Tu sais ce qu'elle est comme. Elle essaie toujours de t'obtenir.
02:50Je sais, mais cette fois-ci, il y a de la vérité. Je peux le ressentir dans mes os.
02:57Viens, prends-toi ensemble. Tu as l'air d'obtenir la médaille d'or.
03:00Qu'est-ce qu'il y a si tu t'embrasses et te fais mal? Tu ne pourras pas aller sur scène et récupérer ton prix.
03:06Je suis sûre que tu es la meilleure étudiante anglaise.
03:09Je suis aussi convaincu que tu es la meilleure étudiante. Montre-les ce que tu peux faire.
03:14Anne, tu as travaillé deux fois plus fort que tout le monde au collège.
03:18Un effort comme celui-ci doit être récompensé, mon ami. Ne vous en doutez pas.
03:34Matthew, que fais-tu dehors? As-tu mal?
03:38Pas du tout, Marilla. Je me sens bien.
03:41Anne obtient ses résultats aujourd'hui.
03:44C'est vrai, aujourd'hui est le jour.
03:49J'espère qu'elle gagnera la médaille avec tout mon cœur. Elle a mis tant de travail dans cela.
03:54Matthew, je ne vais même pas penser à la possibilité de la faillite.
03:57Elle sera tellement déçue si elle ne réussit pas. Comment peut-on la récompenser?
04:02Comment peux-tu en penser ça? Elle n'a pas besoin de récompenser.
04:05Elle va sortir de l'île, marque mes mots.
04:19Non, je n'y arriverai pas, Jane. Je suis désolée, je n'ai pas assez de courage pour monter à la table.
04:24Oh, Jane! S'il te plaît, Jane, vas chercher pour moi. S'il te plaît, aide-moi.
04:29Je vais passer à côté de la table et aller dans la salle de classe des filles.
04:31Ensuite, tu peux me dire les résultats.
04:34D'accord, mais tu vas manquer ton moment de triomphe.
04:37Je sais que ton nom sera au dessus de la table. Tu vas le regretter.
04:40Je ne le regretterai pas.
04:42Je ne le regretterai pas.
04:44Je sais que ton nom sera au dessus de la table. Tu vas le regretter.
04:47Ça n'a pas d'importance.
04:49Jane, s'il te plaît, quand tu verras que je n'ai pas obtenu le diplôme, je veux que tu me l'enlèves tout de suite.
04:54S'il te plaît, ne t'es pas gentille, Jane. Promets-moi ça, pour la santé de notre amitié.
04:59D'accord, je te promets. Je te donnerai mon mot. Je ne te laisserai pas de sentiments. En fait, je serai brutale.
05:05Je serai reconnaissante, Jane.
05:10Oh, c'est génial !
05:13Oh, c'est merveilleux !
05:16Oh, oui !
05:18Hé, Gilbert, tu es le héros de l'heure. Tu seras le déjeuner de Avonlea.
05:22Tu l'as fait, vieux garçon. Félicitations.
05:25Merci beaucoup, Charlie.
05:27Je savais toujours que tu le ferais, Gilbert.
05:30Oh, bien fait. Je suis tellement contente pour toi, Gilbert.
05:32C'était évident que tu aurais obtenu la médaille d'or dès le début, Gilbert. Je pouvais voir combien tu étais intelligente.
05:37Merci. Merci beaucoup à vous tous. Vous n'avez aucune idée à quel point c'est merveilleux d'obtenir la médaille.
05:49Alors, il a obtenu la médaille d'or. Gilbert Bly snapped up the gold medal from under my nose.
05:56Oh, Matthew, how can I face you ? You were so sure that I would win.
06:01Three cheers for Gilbert. Come on, let's toss him.
06:08There's Anne Shirley. Anne Shirley, come back.
06:12Three cheers for Anne Shirley, the winner of the Avery scholarship.
06:29Anne, congratulations. Oh, I'm so happy for you. Well done, you've got it.
06:34You've got the Avery scholarship. You had nothing to worry about. I was right, wasn't I ?
06:38You really deserve it, Anne.
06:40Well done. You left the gold medal for a mere male.
06:43Oh, yes, Anne. We're all extremely proud of you, Anne.
06:46You'll go down in the history of Queen's College, my girl.
06:49Anne Shirley.
06:54If someone had told me that you were going to win the Avery scholarship, I would have thought they were mad.
06:59But when all's said and done, I must say well done.
07:02Thank you, Josie. Gilbert got the gold medal and we've given Miss Stacy every reason to be proud of us.
07:07Not just Miss Stacy, the whole of Avonlea. We must celebrate.
07:11Hooray for Anne Shirley.
07:17Thank you all so much. All of you, you're ever so nice to me.
07:24I'm so happy.
07:32I'm so happy.
08:02Why should I ?
08:04Don't be silly. Hoping and wishing for it never won anything, you know.
08:09What exactly are you driving at ?
08:11If Anne doesn't get the scholarship, then she'll become a teacher at our school at Avonlea.
08:16If she doesn't fancy it, she needn't take it.
08:18If she misses the scholarship, that's too bad. We've got savings.
08:21We've got a bit of money put away. We can pay our way through college.
08:24I don't know how you feel about it, but I'm prepared to foot the bill for the whole four years at Redmond College.
08:31Thank you. I just knew that's what you'd say, Matthew.
08:34Anne's such an intelligent girl. It's so important that she should study.
08:38Oh, and talking of savings, the other day I heard that the Abbey Bank was in trouble.
08:43Yes, I've heard the rumors as well. It's the talk of the whole district.
08:46And what about us ? Doesn't it worry you ? You seem to think it's unimportant.
08:50But Matthew, that bank has got our entire savings locked up inside it.
08:54Every single penny we've ever saved during our whole lives. And it wasn't easy either.
08:58Don't look on the dark side, Marilla. I'm certain our money will remain untouched in the bank.
09:03And I'm certain that Anne has won the scholarship.
09:06All the same, I'd like you to look into the Abbey Bank business.
09:09Yes, keep your hat on.
09:13And who could that be at this time of day ? Maybe it's Anne.
09:17No, it wasn't Anne. It was the dealer who distributed school books and teaching aids from Queen's College to the smaller village schools all over the island.
09:25Anne asked him to deliver a letter to Matthew and Marilla because she wanted to tell them the good news as soon as possible.
09:34Come on, Marilla, hurry up.
09:36No, Matthew, all in good time.
09:38Let me read it. Your eyesight's hopeless anyway.
09:40Calm down now. Matthew, sit down and I'll read it. Don't get yourself into a state.
09:44Well then, get on with it.
09:45Dear Matthew and Marilla, today I heard that I'd passed my final exam so far so good. And now, hold your breath.
09:54Hey !
09:55And now, hold your breath, folks, because your Anne Shirley of Green Gables has actually won the Avery scholarship.
10:03Oh, what a clever child we have.
10:06What did I tell you ? That little firecracker has shown the others how to do it.
10:10I shall never ever forget this moment.
10:13The gold medal for excellent achievement went to Gilbert Blythe.
10:17I'm very glad for his sake because he really does deserve it. Don't you agree ?
10:23But what gives me the greatest pleasure is the fact that all Miss Stacy's students have passed the final exam.
10:30I shall never forget this, the most incredible day of my life.
10:35I've got a very bright future and I have you two and all your love to thank for my success.
10:42You have given me the chance to make a big success of my life.
10:47I promise you I'll study as hard as I can during the four years that lie ahead.
10:51As hard as I studied at school and at Queen's College.
10:54It's such a pity I don't have wings so I could fly to Green Gables to be with you.
10:59When you're on top of the world, it feels like flying.
11:02But I can't go to Green Gables on such wings.
11:05Love, Anne.
11:17At a moment like this I could also fly over the moon.
11:21Dear me, Marilla, I thought you didn't go in for a flowery speech.
11:26Bye for now, I'll be seeing you.
11:28Where do you think you're off to now ?
11:30I'm off to tell Diana Barry. The poor child is also dying to know about Anne.
11:35Well, I never. You haven't been anywhere near the Barry's place in years.
11:39Yes, I suppose so. But this time I'll forget about the stuck-up parents and think about Diana.
11:44Good heavens, what wouldn't you do for Anne ? You are amazing, Matthew.
11:47But now listen, not tonight, please. That keen cold wind's very bad for your heart.
11:53The silly thing is I can't go in your place. My eyes are really hopeless at night.
11:57I see even less than I do in the daytime.
12:00Yes, you'd better stay.
12:01Matthew, but... Yes, that's it. Diana must come to us.
12:06She'll come tearing over. She'll be knocking on that door in just a few minutes.
12:10Now I get it. That's the secret signal system the girls used.
12:14Oh, Matthew, isn't this a brilliant idea ? Do you remember how it goes ?
12:18Five flashes means come here, I think.
12:36Oh !
12:50Where on earth are you going now, Diana ?
12:52Anne's back. I'm going to the Cuthbert's place.
12:55Oh, Anne's back ?
13:06Oh, Anne !
13:08Sorry, Diana. Anne isn't here.
13:10Matthew and I sent the signal with a candle. I'm sorry if we disappointed you.
13:14But we wanted you to know as soon as possible. Thank you for coming so quickly.
13:18You see, we wanted to tell you that...
13:20Oh, that's not fair. I wanted to tell her about it, Matthew.
13:22I know. The Queen's exam results are out. Am I right ?
13:26Yes, absolutely right.
13:27Yes, and our little Anne has gone and won the lottery.
13:31I couldn't be happier if I'd won it myself.
13:33Oh, Anne, I'm so glad.
13:35I know what this means to you, winning the Avery Scholarship.
13:38I simply have to see you as soon as possible.
14:00THE END
14:31At last, prize-giving day comes round at Queen's College.
14:34This is an emotional occasion.
14:36All the fear, worries and hard work of the last few years are left behind
14:41as the students listen eagerly to the principal's speech
14:44and receive their diplomas as if they were bars of gold.
14:49The diploma is a valuable piece of parchment.
14:52On prize-giving day, these graduates would not exchange all the riches in the world
14:57for their hard-won diplomas.
15:01But Matthew and Marilla are prouder than all the other parents put together.
15:06Marilla has a new hat, bought specially for the occasion.
15:10And Matthew has knotted his tie with great care.
15:13He actually hates ties, so that his collar will look neat.
15:17When Anne steps onto the stage, Matthew and Marilla are afraid to blink.
15:24It's my very great pleasure to introduce Miss Anne Shirley.
15:27During her time at college, she has shown extraordinary diligence
15:30and her results are excellent.
15:32I refer in particular to her outstanding performance in English and English literature.
15:38Miss Shirley, we'd like to honour your achievements
15:40by presenting to you the Avery Scholarship.
15:42This bursary will enable you to study for a degree at the famous Redmond College
15:47with an additional sum of $250 per annum for living expenses.
16:00Look, that's the famous Anne Shirley.
16:02She really looks intelligent, doesn't she?
16:04Whoever wins the Avery Scholarship is extremely intelligent.
16:08Anne Shirley will now read an extract from one of her recent English essays.
16:13It was an incredibly lovely summer evening.
16:15The air was soft and heavy with the perfume of flowers.
16:18A few clouds could be seen in the sky
16:20and the sun had painted a golden wreath around each one.
16:24I sat at the lakeside and looked at the beautiful still silver waters.
16:27From time to time a fish jumped.
16:29An unknown longing filled my heart.
16:31I felt so sad, I felt so inconspicuous, so helpless,
16:34so incapable of holding on to time.
16:54Congratulations, Anne.
16:55Thank you very much, Trudy.
16:57Well, Marilla, aren't you glad now we didn't send her back because she was a little girl?
17:02Believe me, Matthew, it's not the first time I've been glad of that.
17:09My dear, you must be ever so proud of our little Anne.
17:14I'm so proud of her.
17:15That time with her took years off me.
17:17Be glad you've got her.
17:18You must realise that she'll always keep you young.
17:22Miss Josephine Barry would have liked to invite Anne, Matthew and Marilla for supper.
17:26She declared that such an occasion ought to be celebrated with a glass of champagne.
17:30But Anne politely declined the invitation.
17:33She hasn't been at Green Gables since April
17:35and she's so homesick she can't wait any longer.
17:52Matthew, please stop for a moment.
18:15Marilla, it feels so good to come home to Green Gables.
18:18Do you know what I mean?
18:20There's an old saying that those who wish to leave their homes are the ones with dreams to fulfil.
18:25But once I got to college I longed to be back at Green Gables.
18:28And in bed at night I used to dream of Green Gables
18:31and on the first day of spring the longing became worse than ever.
18:34I nearly died of homesickness, Marilla.
18:36Why does that surprise you, Anne? It's quite normal.
18:39Everyone longs for home when they're away.
18:41Your true home is right here with us in Avonlea, Green Gables.
18:44That's true. That's what she was trying to say.
18:47And that's exactly the reason I'd never go away from here.
18:50I know home's the best place to be.
18:52And I don't have to go away to prove it.
18:54You're just like me. You're one of us, Anne.
18:57Thank you, Matthew.
18:59Let's be getting along then. I'm very hungry.
19:03Hurry up.
19:18Oh, that's funny. There's a light on.
19:24There's somebody there.
19:26Oh, that'll be Martin. He's the fellow who works for us.
19:33Anne! Anne!
19:40Welcome home, Anne.
19:42Thank you, Diana.
19:45So you waited here to meet me?
19:48I just couldn't stand waiting at my place anymore.
19:51You've no idea how much I've missed you, Diana.
19:53Not as much as I've missed you.
19:55Anne, my dear, do you want to stay outside all night
19:57or would you like to invite Diana inside?
19:59Why don't you have a proper chat in your room?
20:01That's a good idea. Thanks, Marilla.
20:07Diana, are you allowed to stay? Of course.
20:10Those two get on so well, that friendship will last for life.
20:13That's what I think.
20:15They've been best friends from the first day that they met.
20:22I'm home.
20:24How sweet of Marilla. Yes, that was nice.
20:27She never used to worry about flowers.
20:29I'm so glad to be back in my old room and to have this lovely view again.
20:33I'm so glad to be back in my old room and to have this lovely view again.
20:37You once said that you were a city girl.
20:39I'm a country girl at heart.
20:41Oh, Diana, you don't know what a privilege it is to live out here.
20:45I'm so happy to be back home at Green Gables.
20:48It's wonderful.
20:50But most of all, I'm so happy to see you again.
20:52I missed you terribly when I was in Charlottetown.
20:54Oh, I'm so glad, Anne.
20:56I thought you preferred your clever college friends Stella Maynard to me.
20:59Josie said the pair of you were together from early morn till late at night.
21:03Josie's always trying to stir up strife.
21:06Stella Maynard would have been the nicest girl in the world
21:10if she weren't in second place to my best friend,
21:12who happens to be called Diana Barry.
21:14You are and always will remain my one and only best friend.
21:18What a relief, Anne.
21:20I could talk to you for days and days,
21:23but I don't know where to begin.
21:25And right now, my head feels as if it's going to burn.
21:28Now that it's all over, I suddenly feel terribly tired.
21:30Up till now, I've been doing nothing but study.
21:32The whole time, I could think of nothing else but the Avery Scholarship.
21:35I was determined to have it, so I just kept on and on.
21:38But you did, and you did, and you got it.
21:40You've done so well, Anne.
21:42Of course, that means you can't stay with us in Avonlea.
21:45Yes, I'll be going to Redmond,
21:47but they have very high standards there, as you know.
21:50I know I'm going to have a good time,
21:52but I don't want to miss it.
21:54But they have very high standards there, as you know.
21:57I know I'm good enough for Queen's College,
21:59but am I clever enough for Redmond?
22:01Josie says I'm scared to go.
22:03I'd be scared to go myself.
22:05Now I'm going to have a three-month-long holiday
22:08and try to build up my courage as much as possible.
22:10Here at Green Gables is the best place in the world to gather strength.
22:14There seems to be no sign of the chatter drying up.
22:17Oh, no, that will be a major miracle.
22:20They're used to talking the whole day long at that rate.
22:23From dawn to dusk.
22:26When Anne goes to Redmond, it'll be quiet around here.
22:29We'd better get used to the idea.
22:31Yes, I suppose so.
22:33But at least there's still three months ahead of us.
22:36Three months pass so quickly,
22:38but four years is a damned long time to wait.
22:40Marilla, I must say I like that.
22:42The word damn has never passed your lips before.
22:45Oh, damn it all!
22:47As I've said before, a swear word unburdens the soul.
22:50Ruby and Jane are going to be teachers exactly as they planned.
22:53Jane has a job offer, apparently.
22:55Yes, I heard about it.
22:57The school in Newbridge is looking for a teacher.
22:59They've written to Jane already.
23:01How nice for Jane. I think she'll be a very popular teacher.
23:04And just imagine, Gilbert Blythe also wants to be a teacher.
23:08I thought he would be going to Redmond.
23:11Mm-mm. He wants to, but it's impossible.
23:14His dad can't afford to keep him at college any longer.
23:16The Blythes aren't well off, you know.
23:18Gilbert will have to fend for himself.
23:20I'm quite sure he'll get our old school if Mrs. Ames decides to leave.
23:23Gilbert's popular in Avonlea.
23:30To her surprise, Anne was shocked when she heard Gilbert wasn't going to Redmond.
23:36She was so used to the rivalry between them
23:38that she couldn't imagine how she could excel at Redmond
23:41without the stimulus of Gilbert,
23:43her friend, her foe.
23:46Suddenly, she felt dejected.
23:48All her enthusiasm faded away.
23:50In the past, she'd always had a single-minded aim,
23:53to be better than Gilbert.
23:56And now this girl had vanished.
23:58That evening, Anne sat alone in her room and thought about everything.
24:16Life returned to normal at Green Gables,
24:18but Anne somehow felt that her foster parents
24:20were relying on her much more than in the past.
24:24She began to wonder if going to Redmond College
24:26would be such a good thing.
24:28But more about that next time.
24:46Even if I run, even if I run,
24:49the waves of flowers won't stop.
24:52The lake is far away,
24:54the burning clouds are even farther away.
25:15In the midst of the flowers, a day ends
25:21Like an unawakening dream
25:27Like an unawakening dream
25:45Like an unawakening dream
