• 2 days ago
NECA Trick R Treat Sam Head Knockers


00:00Sam's taking his seats while the others trick-or-treat. Here's your spooky spot
00:05on the NECA Toys trick-or-treat Sam head knockers.
00:30He might look like your average costume kid but beneath Sam's mask lies an
00:38ancient and sinister spirit of Halloween ready to enforce the traditional rules
00:42of the holiday. I sure hope this review is all treats and no tricks. Just before
00:46of course we get a closer look at the NECA Toys head knockers trick-or-treat
00:49Sam, first the tape measure is gonna tell us that Sam sits, he's not standing this
00:54time around, at around seven inches in height or the bobble head of the spirit
00:59of Halloween is about 17 centimeters tall. Speaking of tricks, I see we're
01:04being joined again by the dimensional candle. No messages for me this time
01:08around. You're gonna give me something good to eat? What? My soul? You stupid
01:13candle. Getting though a closer look at the head knockers Sam, first the thing
01:17you'll notice when you get this thing out of the package, I want to say figure,
01:20the thing you'll notice right away when you get the bobble head out of the
01:23packaging is it's substantially heavy. It's cast in resin, very meticulously
01:28painted that we'll talk more about in a moment. First though, if we tip this
01:31upside down. Sorry what? I thought you said something. No hard feelings by the
01:36way about calling a stupid candle right? Right? He keeps talking about souls. On the
01:42bottom of this you can see it says legendary, says 2022. Truth be told I
01:46didn't recently pick this up. I actually picked this up last year but I picked it
01:49up just off the cusp of what would be the spottober season. So I thought you
01:54know what, we'll just kind of rebound this. We'll jump over and then we'll
01:57review this again in 2024 which is bringing us to the dance right now. Sam
02:02as you can see is also sitting on top of what looks to be a very large rock face.
02:06Nicely painted here in gray. All the foliage around him as well. If I spin
02:11this around so you guys can see it. You've got some green, well I guess
02:14they're no longer green. You've got some leaves of red, oranges and yellow. It's
02:17all sprinkled around Sam's feet. To the side of Sam's feet you also see as well
02:22he's got his little sack. What's stored inside the sack? I don't think any of us
02:26really want to know. But on the other side though we've got ourselves that
02:28famous jack-o'-lantern that we see inside Mr. Krieg's house. I have tried to
02:34do this this carving of pumpkin. I don't know why I had such a hard time. All it
02:38is is really just triangles. If you know anything about carving triangles it's
02:41only three sides and you just have to do that several times. It got to around here
02:46where I think what I was doing. I was carving the triangles and then I got to
02:50about here and I realized I was running out of space. I know nothing about the
02:53spacing of triangles. What I do know though is that that's a nice-looking
02:56jack-o'-lantern. You can see it's got some wash there. They've added a darker kind of
03:00brown finish I suppose to it. And of course as we move our way up we get
03:05right to Sam, the subject of this matter. Sam's obviously got his footed pajamas
03:09on there. The only thing I would say though is taking this guy out of the
03:12packaging one thing you may want to be worrying about is perhaps his little
03:15tiny digits. I don't know if these piggies are going to the market or
03:18they're just scaring some neighborhood bully. But anyways you can see these tiny
03:22little fingers are probably because they're obviously made of resin might
03:25be the thing that might break on this if you're not too careful. Don't tap his
03:29fingers whatever you do. Overall though it's nicely colored here. The oranges
03:32aren't quite the same orange as they used for the jack-o'-lantern. So I like
03:35that there's... I mean they're not wanting to match the same oranges and that's
03:38probably a good thing as well. You got a little patch there off the side sewn
03:42there as well. And of course the largest thing on Sam is obviously his bobbling
03:46head. Now the burlap sack has been nicely done here. Crisscross applesauce. You've
03:51got yourself these sewn on buttons. A nice stitching there on the front and a
03:55well intersecting somewhat in the middle. This gives him the idea that he has a
03:59mouth. I like the way that they actually sewn this so it looks like it's tight. Of
04:03course you got the rope down there as well. It's a really nicely colored bobble...
04:06sorry what? I keep thinking you're saying something to me. It's a really nice
04:11looking bobble head and obviously one thing I had to do just before hitting
04:14record again is at the opener of this I had to just take off the little bit of
04:18saran wrap that was wrapped around the bottom of his neck. Does everybody call
04:22that saran wrap? Sandwich wrap? The little bit of plastic that was wrapped
04:26around his neck just to prevent the head from obviously bobbling. From a bobbling
04:30standpoint it bobbles actually quite well. This won't be something I will be
04:35putting out all year round. I think Sam's gonna be set aside for doing what I'll
04:38be doing every season of Halloween. I'll just be putting this guy probably on my
04:42mantle and then at the end of Halloween which for me I start dressing everything
04:46down probably about mid-November. I like to drag Halloween as long as I can. Sam's
04:51gonna be sitting very nicely on my mantle. First time actually
04:54unboxing this guy. I'm really happy with how he turned out. Again he's got some
04:58decent weight to him. He's got some really nice looking paint. I think they've
05:00done a really nice job painting the off coloring of the burlap. There's some
05:04darker colors added in there as well. It's a really nice looking bobble
05:08head. NECA has done several bobble heads. Not so many really relating to this
05:13specific spooky season but the ones that they have released, especially if you're a
05:17big fan of Trick or Treat and Sam especially, this one's a nice release if
05:21you get the chance to pick it up. Two things do seem apparent now wrapping up
05:25this review. I've come to terms with the fact that maybe I won't ever get the
05:28chance to speak to Charlie the Ghost through this suspect soul spirit candle
05:32of mine. Sure I'm hearing spirit sounds but I recognize Charlie the Ghost's
05:35Cockney accent a mile away and so far none of the ghosts have had them. Not to
05:39mention too, Charlie really didn't make too much of a mention of souls. He said
05:43every once in a while but this candle just seems to keep talking about souls.
05:46Something seems up. As a side note though, I probably shouldn't have called the
05:49candle stupid so I apologize for that candle. It's currently looking at me at
05:53the far corner of the room. Could you at least turn around? Okay. The other thing
05:58that's ever apparent to me is why did I wait so long to keep Sam still in the
06:01packaging? First, I should have looked at this guy a lot sooner. Second, I can't see
06:04why this guy would only be out during the hallows season. I usually pack
06:08everything up in the house when it comes to my Halloween decorations. Probably
06:11like the second week of November. I think Sam might stay out after that time and
06:15just be on my display all year round. It's a well-painted resin bobblehead. I
06:19mean obviously if you're not into really collecting bobbleheads, it's
06:22probably a hard sell to give you guys. But if you are a fan of the character,
06:26you gotta admit though that NECA's talented team behind the scenes did a
06:29really great job of casting this in resin and very meticulously painting as
06:33well. He's sitting down on the rock. He's got Mr. Krieg's Jack-o'-lantern on one
06:36side, the sack of mystery on the other. It's a good-sized bobblehead too. Like it
06:40feels like it's got some substantial weight. Things that could potentially
06:44break on that or maybe the fingers for Sam. So just tread cautiously when it
06:47comes to taking this guy out. Whether you want to take them out and have them
06:50permanently on display or if you're the other person and just like to have stuff
06:54out for Halloween only and then put everything back away and then get
06:57everything ready for Christmas. When it comes to decorating your house for
07:01Halloween, when's the time do you actually start putting out your
07:04decorations and when do you start putting them away? Maybe you're even one
07:08of those people that just keep them out all year round and I respect a person
07:11like that. Let me know what you guys think of this bobblehead down below in
07:14the comment section whether you had the chance to pick this one up or this is
07:17maybe one that's on your radar now thanks to this review. If you enjoyed
07:20this spooktacular review, do a solid hit and like. You guys want to stick around for
07:24more so? I hope so. Hit the subscribe, turn on that bell and of course come back. As
07:29always, thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
