DRАG RАСЕ S15Е14 (2023)

  • 2 days ago


00:00We walked back into the work room after I sent Lucy home and the only thing I'm thinking
00:08is sorry, heaven, you tried.
00:12That's fucked up.
00:13Love you hookers.
00:14Don't forget to let loose.
00:17She was fierce competition, but when you play a dirty game, sometimes you get dirty results.
00:23Lucy's strategy did not really work out in the way that she thought it was going to.
00:28Why did you choose to give Sasha's person to Sasha?
00:31Because she didn't say that I'm not creative or unique.
00:36Karma is a dish best served cold.
00:39You thought you got me.
00:40Whose face is the egg on now?
00:42Not mine, yours.
00:43But I respect her for playing the game and I respect her for finally admitting to the
00:49fact that she is playing the game.
00:50I give her her props.
00:51She finally was honest.
00:53You can't deny that Lucy was a fierce competitor, but regardless, one bitch closer to the crown.
00:59I think that it's time to wipe and let Lucy loose.
01:03Let loose.
01:04That was a good one, right?
01:07Being in the bottom two so close to the end was a crazy feeling.
01:11There was a slight chance that I could have gone home.
01:14That completely did not make sense with my fantasy.
01:17We're all losing our minds.
01:20I feel it in my heart that I need to be in the finale.
01:25Congratulations, bitch.
01:26You won.
01:28Good round.
01:29You got it.
01:30Oh, so you won three challenges.
01:32Who did it?
01:33This is insane.
01:34Winning back to back.
01:35I'm right neck and neck with Sasha Covey, which feels right.
01:38All that's left for me to win is the crown.
01:40Bitch, it's top four teats for me.
01:44Top four.
01:45Top four.
01:47I've been visualizing this moment forever.
01:53I've been nailing everything, but there is a moment where I'm thinking like, ooh, is
01:57the other shoe dropped?
01:59All three of these girls are tapping on my ass.
02:02I can't believe it.
02:03This is wild.
02:04We still have one more challenge left, and I own that prize.
02:08I own the grand finale.
02:09I see you.
02:10You mine.
02:11And I'm coming to get you.
02:14Just all this booty.
02:15Not all that ass.
02:16It's all that club dick.
02:17Top four, bitches.
02:18All right.
02:19I think that the top four is exactly how I envisioned it from the jump.
02:32And for once, I feel like I can finally just let go.
02:34So I am kind of letting myself breathe for once in the competition.
02:40She not ready to have her.
02:41Okay, bitch, let's go.
02:43My top girls.
02:45It's the final lap in a heated race.
02:46Last dance, last chance to serve some face.
02:47The finale beckons.
02:48There's a crown to mock.
02:49So which bitch is leaving?
02:50And who's on top?
02:54Hello, hello, hello.
02:57You're stupid.
03:18My fantastic four.
03:19Now over the course of this season, your charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent has been pulled,
03:21hoped, and frauded like never before.
03:23Well, I don't know you personally.
03:27And now that we are in the final stretch, you need to prove that you are the fattest
03:32bitch of them all.
03:33Are you up for the challenge?
03:35What do you think?
03:38For your final maxi challenge, you'll be collabing with me
03:41on the season 15 remix, my song, Blame It On The Edit.
03:47Now root clocking us, honey.
03:50This song is a shady song because the girls
03:52love to blame it on the edit.
03:53First, you need to write and record your own sassy verses.
03:58And then you'll be working with Drag Race choreographer,
04:01Miguel Zarate, to create a space-themed
04:05music video extravaganza.
04:09It's a music video!
04:13I get to be in a RuPaul music video.
04:16Like, this is what I do, this is what I do.
04:18Meanwhile, back here on Earth, each of you
04:20is cordially invited to join Michelle Visage and me
04:24for an intimate tic-tac, chit-chat.
04:28Now remember, only three of you will be going through
04:32to the grand finale.
04:33So whatever happens this week, don't fuck it up.
04:39Gaggy, boo, blah, blah.
04:41Honestly, I am gagged because I thought
04:43that we were at the top.
04:44There hasn't been a top three since season eight
04:47of Drag Race, so the stakes are higher
04:49than Anitra and Sasha in that comedy challenge.
04:52Racers, start your engines,
04:54and may the best drag queen win.
04:58All right, divas.
05:00Well, well, well.
05:02I'm gonna take a listen to this song.
05:03That might be a smart thing to do.
05:05Y'all haven't heard the hit song,
05:06Blame It On The Edit before?
05:09We are writing our own verse to Blame It On The Edit,
05:12and I am ready to cut up because everyone knows
05:15this is a shady song.
05:17And who better than to be featured?
05:19As far as the verse, I feel like it'll be pretty solid.
05:21Yeah, I feel good at writing.
05:24And like, you know, I know words.
05:28The inspiration for my verse,
05:29I really wanted to write something
05:30that was sexy, dips into the vogue.
05:33Did you see what I did there?
05:35I think it's me.
05:36It's totally me.
05:37But you write music all the time, right?
05:39Yeah, I kinda do this.
05:41I'm very excited for this challenge.
05:43I just love writing bitch track verses.
05:46And it's very like a bitch track verse.
05:47This is the last chance that the judges have
05:50to see what we can do,
05:52and I am just so excited to finally be a video vixen.
05:56I'm gonna kill the choreography.
05:59My verse is Stanoshia Dupree.
06:01It's gonna give today, mama.
06:03My verse is pretty much written,
06:05so like, I see where this is going.
06:08Lex's strength is her crazy confidence.
06:12That also could be Lex's biggest weakness.
06:14Your drag delusion confidence has got you to this point,
06:17bitch, but you can never get too comfortable,
06:19because baby, all it takes is one slip up,
06:21and then you are gone.
06:23Lex, are you asleep?
06:25Lex is sleeping, child, so shh.
06:27Don't wake her up.
06:31Hi, Sasha.
06:33Hello, Sasha.
06:34Hi, Colby.
06:34Hi, folks.
06:35It is time to have the Tic Tac Chit Chat.
06:39And Michelle Visage up close and person
06:41with a lovely pile of Tic Tacs.
06:42I'm so excited.
06:43Welcome to the Sasha Colby meet and greet.
06:45Oh, feels good.
06:47When did you come here from Hawaii?
06:4920 years ago.
06:50I went to Chicago for a bit.
06:51Oh, really?
06:52And then I was in Orlando,
06:53and then I finally made it to LA.
06:54Did you work at the Baton?
06:55For about six years.
06:56Six years?
06:57Five nights a week, three shows a night.
06:58That's exhausting.
07:00Yeah, I moved there to kind of learn
07:02from the best of the best.
07:04Mimi Marks.
07:05Mimi Marks, Monica Monroe.
07:06Chili Pepper.
07:06Chili Pepper.
07:08The First Continental.
07:09Have you struggled at all in this competition?
07:11I have, I have.
07:11Internally, there was a lot of that inner saboteur.
07:15Really feeling like I won two challenges in a row,
07:17two maxi challenges.
07:18And the first thing that came to my mind was,
07:20oh, oh no, the girls are gonna hate me.
07:23Like, I feel like weird.
07:24Like, I feel like someone else should get it.
07:26Like, I was willing to let go of my personal triumphs
07:29to just have like that quick fix
07:31of being liked by everyone.
07:32Why do I need that?
07:34I was really trying to get down deep
07:35and it really came to acceptance as a child
07:38from my family and my mom particularly.
07:41Everything I did was always just to like,
07:44have my mom say she loves me.
07:45And like, I would never get it.
07:50And all the badges I do and all the like,
07:53challenges here has just been for them
07:56to say that they're proud of me.
07:58And I'll never get it from my mom.
08:00I'll never get it.
08:02When did that realization come?
08:03It actually happened.
08:04It was a growing process from when my father
08:06had passed away about six years ago.
08:08He had hung himself at 80.
08:13He was such a good man.
08:15He was like my biggest ally.
08:17That was the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with.
08:23We just are left with so many questions.
08:28Because my father had actually left me everything
08:29when he passed.
08:32As the queer, as what we call in Hawaii, the mahu,
08:36being entrusted with this generational land.
08:39It felt like pops, like seal of approval.
08:42And that's when I really started to try
08:44and make meaning of life.
08:46And what is it all made of?
08:48What is it all for?
08:49It took like going really, really, really deep
08:51and doing a lot of work.
08:54There is survivor's remorse,
08:56but a part of that equation has to be letting go
08:59of older tapes and thoughts.
09:02There's so much abundance.
09:04There's so much abundance
09:04and you kind of sort of feel guilty about it.
09:07I mean, look at Michelle's cheekbones.
09:08I mean, she got too much.
09:13She really did.
09:14I can't wait for my abundance to grow.
09:18And the next chapter has arrived.
09:20And it's like, my world is just so open right now.
09:23With everything that I've accomplished here,
09:25I feel like I could do anything.
09:26You can. Anything.
09:27You absolutely can.
09:29We see it.
09:30Thank you, Sasha.
09:31Thank you so much.
09:31Thank you so much.
09:32Good luck.
09:34Hi, Anitra.
09:35Hi, Anitra.
09:36You're so different from the Anitra who walks this runway.
09:40Oh yeah.
09:40You're very soft-spoken.
09:41Have you always been that way?
09:43I grew up Mormon.
09:45With the way that I grew up,
09:47I felt that I had to be that way,
09:49especially with my own queerness and-
09:51You had to be quiet.
09:52Yeah, not feeling comfortable and right to be myself.
09:56So I think that when I grew up,
09:57that's just the person that I became.
10:00Anitra, for me, it was like a place for me to express
10:02everything and do everything and go ham.
10:06Can we please talk about that fucking lip sync?
10:09Can we talk about that lip sync?
10:13You flip over Marsha.
10:15I just remember I had a moment.
10:17I was like, do I do it?
10:19And before I could even complete the thought,
10:20I was already over top of her.
10:23It was just, I'm gonna say,
10:26my favorite lip sync of all time.
10:27Shut up.
10:28Are you kidding me?
10:29It was phenomenal.
10:33And you better walk that fucking duck, bitch.
10:35That's right.
10:36Where did you learn how to Vogue?
10:37Me and my sister, Salem,
10:38used to just be in the dressing room.
10:41We would just put a Voguing track on and start whacking.
10:43This is in Vegas?
10:45We don't really have a ballroom scene in Vegas.
10:47I feel like a lot of my love for the ballroom scene
10:49is just from watching videos on YouTube.
10:52It's just a style of art that I love so much.
10:54It's much like drag.
10:56It has that sense of community
10:57and they obviously cross paths very often.
11:00You've lip synced several times.
11:01You've interpreted the material in a way that only you can.
11:05And so we're watching this magic actually happen.
11:08It's just creative expression
11:10and that's the thing that I love the most.
11:12What would winning Drag Race mean to you?
11:15Winning Drag Race would mean all of the
11:20tribulations and trials that I have gone through
11:23would be worth it.
11:25And it would mean everything.
11:29We witnessed you come out of your shell.
11:32Over the course of this competition,
11:34it's been a joy to watch you blossom.
11:39Well, hello, mistress.
11:41Mistress, how are you?
11:42I'm doing well.
11:43You are a queen who is very outspoken,
11:46not afraid to speak her mind.
11:47Where does that come from?
11:49As a kid, I was never allowed to be like that.
11:51So when I finally found my voice
11:53and found where I belong in the world,
11:54I was like, it's better to be outspoken
11:56than to be thinking and replaying it in your head.
11:58Because for me personally, if I feel some type of way,
12:00I'm that girl who will replay it and replay it
12:02and replay it until it explodes.
12:04I would rather get it out in the open right now.
12:06Which is the healthy way to do it.
12:08It's the healthiest way to do it.
12:10Sometimes people are not ready to hear that.
12:12Has that helped you or hurt you?
12:14It's gotten me in trouble here and there.
12:15In this competition?
12:16Most definitely.
12:17With who?
12:18Especially with girls like Lucy.
12:19We kind of had a bit of tension
12:21because there was times where she would act different
12:23off camera when we're not in the public eye with people.
12:25And she would say the same exact things I was saying
12:27but getting hate for.
12:29So I was seeing two sides of her
12:30and I really don't like that for people.
12:32If you're gonna be a bitch, just be a bitch.
12:33We call that an undercover cunt.
12:35No it isn't.
12:38When you walked into the workroom the very first episode,
12:42what were you thinking?
12:43What was going through your mind?
12:45I knew coming in that I wanted to be competition.
12:47I wanted to just have fun
12:48and not care about what would happen outside.
12:50This is everything I dreamt of
12:51and everything I've ever wanted.
12:53Especially with everything I've been through with my family.
12:55They've always kind of let me down.
12:57I've had times in my life where I've literally had nothing.
13:00So being here, I wanted to make sure
13:02that I was not only making my drag family proud,
13:04making my hometown proud, but making myself proud.
13:07You have your drag family.
13:09And what are they gonna think about your time here?
13:12My drag mother is Chevelle Brooks.
13:13She was one of the first big girls to win
13:15a major national title for Skinny Girl pageant.
13:17She won Miss US of A 2000
13:20and she kind of like really changed drag
13:22and the outlook on plus size drag entertainers.
13:24Coming here, I had to make sure
13:25that I'm gonna carry on the legacy.
13:27When I got my message in Untucked from her,
13:29first thing she said was,
13:30you better not be out there embarrassing me.
13:33And that was the first thing she told me,
13:34don't act a fool.
13:35So sorry, mom, I cut up a little bit too much.
13:37Yes, that ship has sailed.
13:40But she's gonna be happy
13:41because I feel like I came and I did everything
13:42I told her I was going to.
13:44What mistress era are we in right now?
13:46We are in the top three era.
13:50Well, thank you so much for talking to us.
13:52I would offer you a Tic Tac,
13:53but you know, they're about 15 years old.
13:56Don't worry, I'll steal something else to make up for it.
14:02Look at this outfit.
14:03Look at this, doing the Garden State crowd.
14:06You wearing these outfits.
14:08Did you have everything planned out when you came here?
14:10I did, I wanted every outfit that I wore
14:12on the main stage and off the main stage
14:14to be a fashion moment.
14:16You know, any opportunity to be
14:17on the grand stage of the world,
14:20That's absolutely right.
14:22Did you go to East Orange High School?
14:24No, I went to Cicely L. Tyson School.
14:27Cicely Tyson High School?
14:28School of Performing Arts.
14:29There's a Cicely Tyson High School?
14:31School of the Performing Arts.
14:32School of the Performing Arts.
14:33Cicely Tyson?
14:36I've met her a couple of times.
14:37I shook her hand.
14:38Cicely Tyson is an African American actress
14:41who has a legacy that is beyond measure.
14:43She really was a pioneer for so many black actresses.
14:47She is that girl.
14:48Well, she was.
14:50You know, as you speak of being a kid
14:52and being creative like this,
14:54my heart fills with so much joy and love
14:56because I think, oh, I would love to have a baby boy
14:59who could do all that stuff.
15:01But then my second thought is, oh, the world is so mean.
15:05How have you been able to navigate
15:07some of the not so nice bits of being such a star?
15:12I was kind of raised to tackle situations headfirst.
15:16My parents conditioned me to think very highly of myself.
15:20People ask where I get my confidence from.
15:22It really is my parents.
15:23They would always tell me that you have to be a leader
15:24and not a follower,
15:26and you can be proud of yourself and your accomplishments.
15:30It's very important for black queer people
15:33to be very confident
15:35because there's always going to be someone
15:37telling us that we shouldn't be.
15:38I know that there are going to be people
15:40who have things to say,
15:41but it's my sole mission to live my life fearlessly
15:44and freely, kind of as, like, a, you know,
15:47slap to the face to everybody who told me I couldn't.
15:49You're a good kid.
15:51You're confident. You're bright. You're very smart.
15:53I'm so excited for you, Lux.
15:55You have such a bright future.
15:57Thank you, darling.
15:58It is just the craziest feeling ever
16:00to be receiving this sort of validation
16:03from the person who inspires everything
16:05that you've done in your career
16:07from the moment you started to now.
16:09Hey, queens.
16:11It is time to shoot the Blame It on the Edit music video,
16:15but first we have to learn the choreography.
16:17I'm the new Abby Lee Miller.
16:19Dance school for queens.
16:20I am so excited to star alongside RuPaul
16:23in the music video.
16:24Wait, did I say star? I meant co-star.
16:27Today, we are shooting scenes
16:30for your Blame It on the Edit music video.
16:31I'm so excited to be working with you ladies again
16:33on this final challenge.
16:35You really are.
16:36Yes, ma'am.
16:37All right, let's learn some choreography.
16:39I know we're all ready to do this.
16:41We have fought our way here.
16:42We have stood our ground.
16:45Give us the choreo, baby.
16:46No mercy.
16:47So ladies, I'm looking for some sci-fi hood girl realness,
16:52and it's clean lines, but with a lot of personality,
16:55but definitely keeping it in outer space.
16:58Here we go.
16:58You're going to step out with your left foot
17:00on top of your right foot,
17:01and then you're going to step out
17:02with your right foot on top of your left foot.
17:04Here we go.
17:05You're going to step out with your left foot on seven, eight.
17:06You're going to brush your shoulders.
17:08Seven, eight, snap, one, and step to the left.
17:11And then you're going to go three, four, five.
17:15I'm kind of nervous
17:16because choreography has me very concerned.
17:20And I'm looking around
17:21and I have three fierce bitches next to me.
17:23Blame it on the edit, and.
17:25There's no more hiding behind someone
17:27and hoping someone's worse than you.
17:28You have to be the best or you're in the bottom, period.
17:31Mistress, make sure that you step on that left foot
17:33because you're looking a little lost at the beginning.
17:35So make sure you go left with the right, uh-huh.
17:38Oppose the left foot with the right hand.
17:40Right hand, left hand, right hand.
17:42And then go left hand, right hand, left hand.
17:45Great looks.
17:46From the top, let's go.
17:47Blame it on the edit, and.
17:49Blame it on the edit, and.
17:51Shake it to the right, step, crack, crack, uh-huh.
17:55So mistress, just the step, snap, snap.
17:57I'm not making it too serious.
17:58This is a very restricting costume.
18:00Even little hands then.
18:01Blame it on the, keep a little.
18:03Just give it the attitude.
18:04Don't be shy about this now, yeah.
18:06Especially in that outfit.
18:08All right.
18:09She's saying the costume is too constricting,
18:10but I think that's just trying to buy her some time
18:12so she can learn the choreography.
18:14Five, six, blame it on the edit, and.
18:17Blame it on the edit, and.
18:19Seven, shake it to the left, shake it to the right.
18:21Down, up, up.
18:23Yes, Sasha.
18:24I like that down.
18:26Down, but then really bring this arm up.
18:27Yes, Sasha.
18:29A plus.
18:30That looked great.
18:32So as we're going on, I'm looking around,
18:34and everyone's kind of getting the choreography.
18:36Throw it, step around, grab it, in.
18:38I'm trying my best to keep up,
18:39but I can't help but think like I'm already up.
18:42Shake it to the right, step, snap, snap.
18:48I don't know how I'm gonna flip this
18:50and make it a success story.
18:52Mistress, it's not bad, but it lacks confidence.
18:54Yeah, I'm not confident because I don't know it.
18:56But you know what?
18:57At this point, you have enough detail
18:58to where you need to be like, get, start performing.
19:01Speaking of performing, let's do it.
19:04It's time to shoot the video.
19:06We move real fast on the set of RuPaul's Drag Race.
19:10We rehearse and we film.
19:12That's what we're gonna do.
19:13So let's start with the first two, Anitra and Lux.
19:16The fact that we just learned the choreography
19:18and not even two minutes later,
19:19we have to film the video is absolutely bonkers,
19:23but kind of sickening.
19:24It's the survival of the fiercest.
19:27Now, ladies, we are shooting
19:29and we're gonna do a couple of takes.
19:31That being said, every take needs to be at 1,000
19:34because you never know which they're gonna use in edit.
19:36Don't blame it on the edit.
19:38I can pump and bog the house down,
19:40but picking up choreography
19:42is a little bit different for me.
19:43I've got it, but I haven't got it.
19:49All right, here we go.
19:50♪ In it, in it, in it on that, in it, in it, in it, in it ♪
19:55♪ You the one who said it, and you're gonna take it, take it ♪
19:58Anitra, Anitra, Anitra, Anitra, Anitra, Anitra.
20:01Like, you can see the worry on her face.
20:03Lux, great.
20:05Okay, Anitra, I don't want you looking frightened
20:07like deer caught in headlights.
20:09You watched one of the most iconic videos, Scream.
20:12It needs that Janet energy.
20:14Bring Miss Jackson to the forefront.
20:17Well, if you're nasty.
20:18I want Janet served hot.
20:20Do it for Janet.
20:21Yes, justice for Janet.
20:23Our queen.
20:25Here we go.
20:27What happened Lux?
20:28I lost a nail.
20:29A nail?
20:30And it's white, so it's gonna be impossible to find.
20:34This looks like a white party afters.
20:36All right.
20:38Make sure it's not in your outfit.
20:41Told you.
20:41All right, music's on.
20:43Remember who you girls are.
20:45That part.
20:46The one.
20:50Let's go.
20:51♪ Hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it ♪
20:52♪ She wanna hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it ♪
20:55♪ You the one who said it, bitch, how you gonna regret it? ♪
20:58♪ Hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it ♪
21:03All right, you two have a seat.
21:04I feel really good about what I did.
21:07I think I ate every aspect of it.
21:09I'm so full right now.
21:11I kinda crushed it.
21:13Sasha Colby, mistress Isabel Brooks.
21:16Barb Wire has joined us.
21:17Feeling my fantasy, honey.
21:19Barb Wire comes again.
21:21This time it'll be a hit.
21:23All right, music, here we go.
21:27Get it, Isabelle!
21:37Sasha is nailing the choreography.
21:39I'm not surprised.
21:40She's an amazing dancer.
21:42Mistress is having a bit of a hard time
21:44and I can kind of just
21:45see her getting in her head about it.
21:47and she needs to get out.
21:49You all right, mistress?
21:50You in your head?
21:51I know, I'm just a fat bitch, I'm out of breath.
21:53You just gonna give it to these bitches?
21:54Or are you gonna fight for it?
21:55No, that's what I'm saying, I'm ready to learn.
21:57Yeah, I'm gonna get it.
21:59Fuck no, I'm not gonna just give it to them.
22:00Regardless if I know the choreography or not,
22:02I am about to get up and swirl.
22:04Move over, bitch, because the big girl's coming through.
22:06♪ She's a woman, woman, woman, woman, woman, woman, woman ♪
22:11♪ You the one who said it, y'all done take the credit ♪
22:15♪ You the one who said it, y'all done take the credit, credit, credit ♪
22:19See, you can move them arms, you can move them arms.
22:21That pass was great.
22:23Extra-terrestrial ferocity.
22:27Okay, ladies, that's a wrap.
22:28Cannot wait to see the final product, so proud of you.
22:30Only three of us are going to the finale.
22:32I don't know who's gonna be there,
22:34but I feel bad for the person that has to leave.
22:36Thank y'all so much.
22:39Bye, kids.
22:40Can't blame it on the edit.
22:42Last day of school, chickens.
22:44It's the end of an era!
22:47Girls, it's the end of an era.
22:49It's our last day in the workroom,
22:51and I'm taking a deep breath
22:52and taking it in for the last time.
22:54It's bittersweet, it's the end of the era.
22:56We are getting painted for the last time.
22:59Can you fucking believe it?
23:00No, it's actually kind of wild.
23:02I mean, we literally did an entire music video
23:05all in 24 hours, bitch.
23:07I'm very excited to watch the final product.
23:09I'm very excited to watch the premiere
23:12of the Blame It On The Edit music video with the judges.
23:14This is going to be the thing
23:16that could make or break one of us
23:17getting a spot in the top.
23:19It was very fun.
23:20It was like living your ultimate video girl fantasy.
23:24I know I'm slow with choreo,
23:26and Miguel knows that at this point,
23:27so it was a lot, girl.
23:29I've worked my ass off to get to this point,
23:31and if you think I'm gonna let
23:32some little choreography get me down,
23:34you are sadly mistaken.
23:35So it's time to put my game face back on
23:37and keep it pushing.
23:38I decided to just let go,
23:39and you know, we only get to do this once,
23:41and we're so lucky to be here,
23:42so I'm making the most of every single moment.
23:45I actually should.
23:46And of course, my verse ate the girls up.
23:51Deep down, mistress knows she ain't crazy.
23:54She knows that she's in jeopardy.
23:57I know she's feeling nervous.
24:01It was kind of wild to have to learn the choreography
24:04and then literally film it right afterward.
24:07I feel like by the end, I got it down pretty well,
24:09but I'm also a little bit stressed
24:11because the finale's right around the corner.
24:12They're looking at every little detail,
24:14and it would really suck for me to go home now.
24:17Okay, bitches, so let's cut to the tea.
24:19What was everybody's first impression of each other?
24:22Lux was like one of the first people I met.
24:24Gorge, painted boobs.
24:26But you're like so fun and like quirky.
24:28I love your crazy confidence.
24:30I was very happy that you look like your pictures.
24:33And I hate when girls are catfishes.
24:35Like, I'm not gonna say-
24:36Say their name.
24:37Malaysia's Baby Dolls, Fox's name.
24:40I already knew who Sasha was,
24:42so I was like, okay, let's see if she's gonna be
24:45as sickening as people are anticipating her to be.
24:48And then to my surprise, she was.
24:51I was hoping you wouldn't.
24:52I was hoping you would be a rotten cunt, too.
24:54Like your sweetheart.
24:55I wasn't expecting you to be so nice,
24:57if I'm gonna be honest, because you have like a status.
25:01It was really refreshed that you were not a bitch.
25:05What I've learned is check your ego at the door.
25:08Just be a joy to be around.
25:09That's really gotten me where I am today.
25:12When I moved to LA, I was already Miss Continental,
25:15but no one in LA knew who Sasha Kobe was.
25:17And I really had to start from the ground up.
25:19I can't be one of those girls that are like,
25:21oh, you don't know who I am?
25:22Oh, darling, like darling.
25:24No, like that's never gonna work.
25:27I already knew Anitra was gonna be like the silent killer.
25:30You were very quiet, but I see that you are very lively.
25:33You just aren't soft-spoken.
25:34And we have like a similar sense of humor, too.
25:36Very bad.
25:37I think that out of the four of us,
25:39Anitra has had the biggest transformation.
25:41When she first came in, I didn't see much personality,
25:44but as the competition progressed,
25:46she's definitely shown more of the person that she is.
25:50And I just love her so much.
25:52And mistress, at first I was like,
25:54I just know this bitch is obnoxious.
25:57You said obnoxious?
25:59But then I found out that she is obnoxious,
26:01but she has redeeming great qualities.
26:04I liked your personality
26:05because you weren't afraid to talk.
26:07I just love that you say whatever you feel
26:10and you like don't care.
26:12The second you walked in, the groups met each other.
26:15As soon as you came up to me, you're like, auntie.
26:17This is a whack, I should've been in y'all's group.
26:21I do remember hearing you say that.
26:22You are a handful already.
26:25Look around, did I lie?
26:26There's no one from my group, bitch.
26:29I didn't come in to make friends,
26:31but to my surprise, I made a few along the way,
26:34even though I was trying to be in my bitchy era.
26:38We got to have some moments here.
26:40Like some, oh, oh, oh.
26:42What was y'all's favorite gate?
26:45Well, that's shady, honey.
26:46If there's one thing this season will be known for,
26:48it is definitely gonna be the season of the gates.
26:51Metal gate, heaven gate.
26:5440 inch gate.
26:5440 inch gate.
26:55Baby bump gate.
26:56Baby bump gate.
26:57Baby bump, oh my God.
26:59Why am I seeing a pattern?
27:01Why is Lex in every gate, honey?
27:02Every gate that happened that I was a part of.
27:04Bitch all the gates.
27:05Apparently I was a part of all of them.
27:08I would consider myself the gatekeeper of season 15,
27:12but I didn't provoke any of them.
27:14Or if I did provoke it, I didn't escalate it
27:16for it to become a full on gate.
27:18However, I am the one who said it.
27:20Blame it on the edit.
27:24We are all about to go back on the main stage
27:27for the last time to find out
27:30who is moving on to the grand finale.
27:32I love all of these girls,
27:34but I am looking at the end goal, which is the crown.
27:38Isn't it wild to think that one of us
27:41is going to be America's Next Rock Superstar?
27:43I know, I can't wait.
27:46I don't wanna be in the top three.
27:47I need to be in the top three.
27:48I want this more than words can even describe.
27:51I deserve to be in the finale
27:52because I'm a phenomenal performer.
27:54I'm a phenomenal drag queen and period.
27:56I should be at the grand finale because I am a drag queen.
28:01My stalker Channing moment.
28:03Just wanna fling.
28:04Oh, we're ready.
28:05Good, this is fun, this is fun.
28:13Welcome to the main stage of RuPaul's Drag Race.
28:16She's not a bitch, she's just edited that way.
28:20It's Michelle Visage.
28:21No, Ru, I am actually that bitch.
28:24Ha, ha, ha, ha.
28:26The hilarious Ross Matthews.
28:28Now, as we reach the end of season 15, any regrets?
28:33I deeply regret the one time I agreed with Michelle Visage.
28:36It was wrong, I'm sorry.
28:39This week, we challenged our queens
28:40to serve intergalactic glamor.
28:43In the music video, Blame It on the Edit.
28:46And tonight on the runway, category is Drag Excellence.
28:51Racers, start your engines and may the best drag queen win.
29:02Category is Drag Excellence.
29:05Up first, Anitra.
29:07Oh, she makes a good point.
29:09Actually, she makes several good points.
29:12She wore blue velvet.
29:14This look is grand high, Empress Anitra, the house down.
29:18It's one of my favorite things I've ever made.
29:20It's dripping in beauty, Asian fierceness.
29:24She's glamorous, she's artistic.
29:26At the end of this competition, I just feel so elevated.
29:30You've heard of Flash Gordon?
29:32Well, meet Flash Horden.
29:33Go, Flash, go.
29:35I love a tassel on an asshole.
29:37Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
29:40Lux New Orleans.
29:42Representing the Cicely Tyson School of the Arts.
29:44Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
29:46I want my final moment on the runway
29:49to be kind of different from what I've shown.
29:52I can also show you elegance, poise, glamor,
29:56and still have myself shine through.
29:58My mug is stamped for the gods.
30:01The earrings are so heavy.
30:03I just have the weight of my success in this competition
30:07on my earlobes right now.
30:09It's just the perfect chef's kiss runway presentation.
30:13I'm gonna take that train all the way to London.
30:14Mm, I guess it do gotta be white.
30:18Sasha Colby.
30:19Aloha, gorgeous.
30:22Oh, her head got laid.
30:23Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
30:25I'm giving you AB Crystallized Galactic Federation Queen.
30:31I wanted to bring some of my Hawaiian culture
30:32with my beautiful orchids.
30:34I am rhinestone from orchid stem to all my bracelets.
30:39The dress is immaculate.
30:41It is giving you pageant.
30:42It is hitting the floor perfectly.
30:44Straight up Sasha Colby.
30:45Drag excellence.
30:46It must look so ethereal
30:48and hopefully makes you gasp and clutch a pearl or two.
30:52Miss Diamond, hey.
30:54If you like it, then you should put like seven rings on it.
30:58Mistress Isabel Brooks.
31:01Bro, she can't win.
31:02She's a cheetah.
31:05I am in my glamazon era
31:07and I am giving fierce ferociousness.
31:10I wore this gown for a national pageant.
31:12Wearing this gown was the first time in drag
31:14that I felt untouchable.
31:16It means a lot to me.
31:17As you go down the gown, note the details, bitch.
31:19The cheetah print is not on the fabric.
31:21It is beaded into design.
31:23Every bead is sewn one by one
31:25and it is hours and hours and hours of work
31:28and that is custom couture, honey.
31:30This gown is heavy, bitch.
31:32This is about 60 pounds.
31:33I know that this gown will go down in history
31:36because, bitch, I'm wearing it
31:38and it looks fucking sickening.
31:39She is feline the fantasy.
31:41I hear she's feral.
31:43Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
31:46Welcome, queens.
31:48And attention, earthlings.
31:50It's time to blast off
31:52with Anitra Lux Noir London,
31:55Sasha Colby,
31:56and Mistress Isabel Brooks
31:59in the intergalactic premiere
32:01of Blame It on the Edit.
32:13Oh, show the world
32:16where we can be our own
32:19We can be
32:21the best
32:23of who we are
32:25She's on that, blame it on the edit, bitch
32:27Blame it on the edit
32:29She's on that, blame it on the edit
32:31You the one who said it
32:33Y'all can take the credit, bitch
32:34You the one who said it, bitch
32:36How you gonna regret it?
32:38Blame it on the edit
32:39Blame it on the edit
32:40Ooh, stomping on brooches
32:42And walking these ducks
32:44Make my way, on the wrong way
32:46Anitra Lux Noir
32:47I twist, I whip, I dip
32:49Can't flip, slash that eye
32:52Bust that lip, a total 10
32:53You girls are heads
32:54Lookin' just like a dream
32:55Look so fierce to be causin' a scene
32:57Better step on the runway
32:59Her already know her eyes on me
33:01Ape-ish bitches left no crumbs
33:02Did it in the designer pops
33:04So when they ask about Lux
33:05Let them know that she's the one
33:07Blame it on the edit
33:08Blame it on the edit
33:09She's on that, blame it on the edit
33:11You the one who said it
33:13Y'all can take the credit, bitch
33:15You the one who said it, bitch
33:16How you gonna regret it?
33:18Blame it on the edit
33:19Blame it on the edit
33:21Bad bitch body, I don't come out playin'
33:24Let's believe my step on the scene
33:25Kitty who's just runnin' away
33:27Dream, she's the star
33:28Make a game, change a bank
33:30We could crack the code
33:31Now y'all know
33:32Sasha Covey run the show
33:34If I be, I'm the MVP
33:35It makes sense why all these girls envy me
33:37Cause I'm the top of the league
33:38And I don't give a fuck
33:39Excuse me when I'm mad
33:40Like a piece of this bumfuck
33:41But guess what?
33:41It's a credit and I made it true
33:43I'm the next to not killin' in Mama Rue
33:44And if you step out of line, I'm the category
33:46No clue, cause the big girls comin' through
33:48Blame it on the edit
33:49She's on that, blame it on the edit
33:52You the one who said it
33:53Y'all can take the credit, bitch
33:55You the one who said it, bitch
33:57How you gonna regret it?
33:58Blame it on the edit
34:00Blame it on the edit
34:01All the shows, all the parts
34:04And everything we do
34:07Never leave, never leave
34:11It's all too easy, come on
34:14Blame it on the edit
34:16She's on that, blame it on the edit
34:19You the one who said it
34:20Y'all can take the credit, bitch
34:22You the one who said it, bitch
34:24How you gonna regret it?
34:25Blame it on the edit
34:26Blame it on the edit
34:37My beautiful queens, tonight we must decide
34:40which three of you will be moving on
34:43to the grand finale of RuPaul's Drag Race Season 15.
34:48And I've just gotta commend you
34:49on all of the hard work and devotion that you've put in.
34:54I know how hard this is.
34:55You should be very, very proud of yourselves.
35:00And now it's time for the judges' final critiques.
35:04Starting with Anitra.
35:06You look unreal tonight.
35:09There's something about this look
35:10that harkens back to days of old
35:12but also points towards the future.
35:14This is very Emperor Ming, Flash Gordon.
35:16We keep going back to Flash Gordon, yes.
35:18Go, Flash, go!
35:21What a joy it has been
35:23watching you grow in this competition.
35:26Each challenge that came, you met it head on.
35:29Then you won three of them, especially in that Rusical.
35:33When you let us in and you touched us
35:35the way you did with your performance,
35:37we will never forget that moment.
35:39Getting to direct you in the music video,
35:41I could see you getting in your own head.
35:44Choreography is different than voguing.
35:45You chose to do a slower rap, but I liked it.
35:48And you ended it with almost a ballroom lingo,
35:51you know, with 10s and talking about that.
35:53But it's like how the Bible says,
35:54when it comes to duck walking, it's a marathon, not a sprint.
35:57That's right.
35:59My favorite passage, actually, yeah.
36:01Tell me about writing the lyrics.
36:03So I wanted to obviously call back to walking that duck.
36:08It was such a big thing for me in the competition.
36:10I knew this was going to be one of the hardest things
36:12that I had ever done.
36:13And it was also one of the most transformative things
36:15that I have ever done.
36:17What you've done in this competition
36:19is nothing short of amazing.
36:22I'm so proud of you.
36:25Up next, Lux Noir, London.
36:28I am so proud of my fellow New Jerseyan
36:32right here in the final four.
36:33Tonight, you look absolutely beautiful.
36:36Your taste level is beyond
36:40when I think of the iconic runway moments
36:42that we've seen in season 15.
36:44You are at the top of the list.
36:46Each week, I fell more and more in love with you.
36:48And look at you now.
36:50And then let's talk about this video.
36:51I liked your lyrics, but what I love is that you sang.
36:55And then you give us rap as well.
36:56You're going to give me four lines, bitch.
36:58I'm going to show you everything I got.
37:00You probably got the choreography the quickest.
37:03And you committed to it.
37:04You're so unabashedly you.
37:06You are so gay.
37:09That's coming from me.
37:14You are the embodiment of what it is to be proud.
37:18There's no shame in that game.
37:19And the lyrics speak to that.
37:21I see you, and I just think about all the kids in the world
37:26who could be you.
37:27You have a family that supports you.
37:30And that has lifted you up and said,
37:33you can do whatever you want to do.
37:35And that gives me so much hope.
37:39I'm so grateful for them.
37:41And I don't even think they know how grateful I am.
37:46I just love them so much.
37:48You are very blessed.
37:50Thank you so much for all of your kind words.
37:52It all just seems so sweet.
37:55Thank you, Lux.
37:56Up next, Sasha Colby.
37:59You came into this competition with notoriety.
38:01Some of these kids may know about your legacy.
38:03Some may not.
38:05Some may be threatened by it.
38:06Some may not.
38:08But it's a big deal to be the eldest
38:10and have to hold your ground.
38:11And when you come out so high, that's even harder.
38:15You exceeded expectations.
38:17Let's talk about this runway.
38:19It's spectacular.
38:21Your performance in the video was so fun.
38:24I love your Pamela Anderson situation that you gave us.
38:27And we were all like, damn,
38:29I want to have sex with an alien tonight.
38:34That's your gift.
38:34And the first line of your lyrics is,
38:36bad bitch body.
38:37You are so much more than a body.
38:42Because they go away.
38:43But your kindness and your inner beauty,
38:46that ain't going anywhere.
38:48As we've learned your story,
38:50you are not only a survivor,
38:52but you are a spiritual leader.
38:54I know the hard knocks.
38:57And they've informed you
39:00how to meet life on life's terms.
39:06Well done, mama.
39:08It was an amazing experience.
39:10I cherish every moment here.
39:12This was really my love letter to drag.
39:16The love of my life.
39:18And I'm so glad I could have shared it here.
39:23All right, mistress.
39:26Isabelle Rooks.
39:28This runway tonight, that's how you do it.
39:31Sexy in all the right places.
39:34But I love that you own being a big girl.
39:36I also love that you never are the butt of the joke.
39:40I've fallen prey to that.
39:42That's powerful.
39:43We got to see a beautiful trajectory
39:45of all the looks that mistress does.
39:49All the while, representing Houston Drag,
39:51you must have said it 50 times.
39:54But I say that with love.
39:55And you did them so proud in this competition.
39:58Let's talk about you in the music video.
40:00Okay, there were a couple steps off.
40:02Couple I saw.
40:03But when they came in close on your face,
40:06nobody sells a close-up like mistress.
40:09Just your eyes alone.
40:12They tell every part of the story.
40:14And you also do this thing
40:15where you can be so sexy and so pop star
40:18and also hilarious the next second.
40:21You're so good at that.
40:22Not only are you a fabulous queen,
40:24a gorgeous queen,
40:25but you are a smart queen.
40:27The acting, the performance,
40:29the gorgeous costumes,
40:31the snarky attitude, unapologetic.
40:34It's so refreshing.
40:35You let a bitch know.
40:37But you let a bitch know in a way that's still fun
40:40and with a wink and a nudge.
40:42Remember who you are.
40:44You are anointed.
40:46You are anointed.
40:47You are anointed.
40:48You are anointed.
40:50And you are anointed.
40:53It's no accident.
40:54You're standing on this stage.
40:56Remember I said that.
40:57Remember this moment.
41:01Ladies, many of our younger viewers
41:05are struggling to find their tribe.
41:07With them in mind, I want to ask you this.
41:10Starting with Anitra,
41:12if you could travel back in time,
41:14what would you tell five-year-old Isaiah?
41:18Oh, wow.
41:20I would say
41:21it's going to be a rough ride at the beginning
41:23and you're going to have a lot of dark days.
41:27But just hold on.
41:29There's going to come a day where
41:32you get to release
41:34and fly free
41:36and be your authentic self.
41:38And it's going to be so worth the wait.
41:41So keep strutting around in them go-go boots.
41:48And I love you.
41:51Lux Noir, London.
41:53What would you tell three-year-old Justin?
41:57You're going to wake up one morning
41:59and you're going to say,
42:00I'm going to be a star.
42:02And it's going to come true.
42:05There's going to be so many things
42:07that are going to try to knock you off of your path.
42:10And everything good, bad, nice, mean, ugly,
42:15it's all going to lead you
42:17to that star shining as bright as it possibly can.
42:21People are going to try to dim that shine.
42:24But you know deep down who the fuck you are.
42:27And you know what you're here to do.
42:29This doesn't happen for everyone who looks like you,
42:33who comes where you come from.
42:34You have a great life ahead of you.
42:37Don't take a second for granted, please.
42:43Sasha Colby, what would you tell little three-year-old Sasha?
42:49First of all, woman.
42:53First of all, your family doesn't know what they're talking about.
42:55Just keep the pigtails on.
42:59I would like to tell her that...
43:05Oh my God, like your dreams are going to come true.
43:08Because you just relied on yourself
43:11and your natural instinct
43:13and turned to drag as your therapy and your best friend.
43:16You're going to find yourself so quickly
43:19and will be questioned about it
43:22and you will hold it down so fiercely
43:26no one can tell you anything.
43:28And I love you so much
43:30because I know you don't hear it a lot.
43:35I love you so much and I'm so proud of you.
43:40Mistress Isabel Brooks, what would you tell four-year-old Israel?
43:49Life is going to be so confusing
43:59and you're not going to understand
44:01why it feels like you're invisible
44:04or like you don't matter.
44:07But there's something in you
44:09that always just holds on to that little glimmer of hope
44:12and don't ever, ever lose that.
44:15You may never have that relationship
44:16you always dreamt about with your family
44:20but you'll find your tribe
44:21and you'll find your chosen family
44:23and you're going to find people who show you that love is real.
44:26And just get ready
44:27because you're going to accomplish so much
44:29that you never thought was possible.
44:32Thank you, mistress.
44:36Thank you, ladies.
44:37I think we've heard enough.
44:38While you enjoy delicious house of love
44:42canned cocktails and mocktails in the workroom,
44:45the judges and I will deliberate.
44:48Now, just between us squirrel friends,
44:51what do you think?
44:52Big decisions to make.
44:53Let's start with Anitra.
44:56Won the first challenge,
44:57walking the fucking duck
44:59and kept walking it through the competition.
45:02The performance in the musical,
45:03we didn't just watch it,
45:05we felt it.
45:06And then she came back and won
45:08with the teacher's makeover challenge
45:09which was right at the end of this competition.
45:12She has brought this momentum into the final four.
45:15In the music video,
45:16was she as strong as Lux and Sasha?
45:19But I loved her lyrics
45:21because she is branding herself.
45:24She's a smart kid,
45:25she's a sensitive kid
45:26and I have just fallen in love with her
45:30throughout this competition.
45:30That is one fierce drag queen.
45:33Let's talk about Lux Noir London.
45:36The first time I saw her,
45:37I was like,
45:37oh, this is like a club queen
45:39who's like,
45:39yeah, it's just living for the moment.
45:41And as each week came,
45:42I was like,
45:42okay, I get it.
45:44Some of these looks were iconic this season.
45:46Talk about her,
45:46everybody say glove look
45:48where she came out in casts.
45:49You know, that is just a different kind of thinking.
45:52The house of fashion,
45:53those zebra pants,
45:54I will never forget that.
45:56Then she's shown us she's got comedy chops
45:58with the funny girls comedy duo.
46:00And in the music video,
46:02I loved the way she performed it.
46:04She's a natural dancer.
46:05She understands what she can do with her body.
46:07She's got such an effervescence about her
46:09and she brought that to the music video.
46:11I look at Lux and I think finally,
46:13a respectable woman comes out of New Jersey.
46:16You better watch it, Matthews.
46:20Let's move on to Sasha Colby.
46:22Sasha won three times.
46:24She competed intentfully and purposely
46:26in every single challenge with something to say.
46:28And when she didn't win,
46:29she still didn't suck.
46:30Much like me,
46:31she never bought them.
46:34And that is quite a feat.
46:36Some of her looks were amazing.
46:38Everybody say glove
46:38with that custom couture baseball outfit.
46:41Her puffer pleas with that black and yellow outfit,
46:43which is unbelievable.
46:45Her makeover look that she did,
46:47she took it out.
46:49And in the music video,
46:50the fact that she like leaned back
46:52as opposed to pushing so hard,
46:54it was so powerful.
46:55I was never not literally compelled.
46:57I felt like she was a vampire
46:58and she was glamoring me.
47:01I could not look away.
47:02Sasha is a consummate professional,
47:05but some of the professionals
47:07that we've had like that over the years
47:08can get redundant.
47:10Sasha never let that happen.
47:12Not only that,
47:13but what a lovely person.
47:16How lovely and poised she is.
47:18Sasha Colby has it all.
47:20All right.
47:20Let's talk about Mistress.
47:22This is another one
47:23who put so much thought
47:25into every look that she brought out here.
47:27Even when she was wearing the RuPaul racer suit
47:29and she put the big girl quotes,
47:31everything had intention
47:33and she was doing things
47:34that were out of her comfort zone.
47:36She won the Daytona Wind sitcom challenge
47:39where she's an actress.
47:40I love seeing people surprise themselves
47:42in this competition.
47:43Her performance in the music video,
47:44she struggled, not gonna lie.
47:46Now, she might not have been the best dancer,
47:48but she was the best lip syncer of the bunch.
47:51She gave us face the house down.
47:53You know, you find out if you're a survivor
47:55or you're a crumbler here
47:56and she's not only a survivor,
47:57she's a winner.
47:58She has worked it out.
47:59She's like a MacGyver.
48:00We got a MacGyver reference thing.
48:02More like MacGaver, but still.
48:05Mistress cracks me up.
48:07The bitch has shape today.
48:08And she's not mean about it,
48:09but she's just meant to be a drag queen.
48:11I know, I'm like, wow, we're gonna do this, right?
48:13There are four queens up there
48:14that could all be in the finish line.
48:15You know, at the beginning of the season,
48:17I promised myself to have an elimination every episode.
48:21I've got to admit, I'm still making up my mind.
48:25Silence, bring back my girls.
48:30Welcome back, queens.
48:31I've made some difficult decisions.
48:38Sasha Colby,
48:42you are the winner of this week's challenge.
48:46Oh, my God, I just won the fourth challenge.
48:51You've won a cash prize of $5,000
48:53and you are moving forward to the grand finale.
48:59Thank you so much.
49:01I'm a finalist in the grand finale of RuPaul's Drag Race.
49:04I'm given my golden ticket.
49:06I'm given my golden ticket.
49:07It's not chocolate.
49:10It feels so good,
49:11like a lovely accomplished sigh of relief.
49:22Luxe Noir London,
49:27you are
49:33you're moving forward to the grand finale.
49:37Thank you so much.
49:38I've told myself that I was going to be here
49:41and that's the ultimate prize for me.
49:43I want the crown.
49:44That's the ultimate prize.
49:46But this is like, it's a really big prize as well.
49:52Anitra, Mistress Isabel Brooks,
49:56I'm sorry, my dears,
49:58but you are both up for elimination.
50:02This is my last chance to lip sync my way
50:05into the finale.
50:06The poker face is out and I'm ready to slay.
50:09Two queens stand before me.
50:12Ladies, this is your last chance to impress me
50:16and save yourself from elimination.
50:21The time has come for you to lip sync
50:26for your life.
50:31I'm not going to let anything stop me
50:33from my journey to the crown.
50:35I want this so bad
50:36and I'm going to give them a performance
50:38they're going to remember.
50:39Good luck and don't fuck it up.
51:04Head underwater, now I can't breathe.
51:07It never felt so good.
51:11Cause I can feel it coming over me.
51:13I wouldn't stop it if I could.
51:17Will I take over your life?
51:21You know you can't deny it.
51:23I am in this 60 pound dress.
51:25I'm giving them everything I got.
51:27I want nothing more than to be American
51:29like Dr. Picard.
51:32Tonight, tonight, tonight.
51:34Tonight, tonight, tonight.
51:36Tonight, tonight, tonight.
51:38Tonight, tonight.
51:40Tonight, I'll be loving the way tonight is true.
51:48Tonight, I'll make it right.
51:56I've never wanted anything more than to be in this finale.
52:15I'm laying this heart out for you on the stage and giving you everything.
52:16I'm about to walk this fucking duck all the way to the finale.
52:46I've made my decision.
52:55For the first time this season, Shantay, you both stay.
53:03We both fucking stay!
53:09You are both moving on to the grand finale.
53:12Oh my God.
53:13I am so excited.
53:16Right now I'm in my winning era, you junkie whores.
53:20We have ourselves a top four.
53:22Who do you want to be America's next drag superstar?
53:26Are you Team Anitra?
53:28Team Lux?
53:30Team Sasha?
53:32Or Team Mistress?
53:35Let your voice be heard using hashtag Drag Race.
53:39And tune in next week for RuPaul's Drag Race Reunited.
53:42And join us in two weeks for the grand finale of RuPaul's Drag Race, where we are going
53:47to crown ourselves a winner, baby.
53:51Until then, remember, if you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody
53:57Can I get an amen up in here?
53:59All right.
54:00Now let the music play.