Al-Quran para number 21 full English translation recited by Qari Bilal Muaz #1

  • 2 days ago
Al-Quran para number 21 full English translation recited by Qari Bilal Muaz #1
Translation Voice Syed Abul A'la Maududi
Tilawat Voice:Qari e Quran Muhammad Bilal muaaz as shaikh noorain
Lyrics: Holy Quran Al-Quran para number 21
Video Editing::Muhammad Ramzan Jani check 19 MB
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holy quran para no 21
20 para of quran name
quran para 21 with english translation
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al quran last 20 surah
Al-Quran para number 20
00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:07In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
00:13In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
00:20Recite what has been revealed to you from the Book and establish prayer
00:28Prayer forbids immorality and evil
00:36And the remembrance of Allah is greater, for Allah knows what you do
00:44O Prophet, recite the Book that has been revealed to you and establish prayer
00:50Surely, prayer forbids indecency and evil
00:54And Allah's remembrance is of even greater merit
00:59Allah knows all that you do
01:02And do not argue with the People of the Book except in that which is best, except those who have wronged among themselves. And say, We believe in that which has been revealed to us and has been revealed to you. And our God and your God is One, and to Him we submit
01:32Argue not with the People of the Book except in the fairest manner, unless it be those of them that are utterly unjust. Say to them, We believe in what was revealed to us and what was revealed to you. One is our God and your God, and we are those who submit ourselves to Him.
01:56And thus have We sent down to you the Book, and those to whom We have given the Book believe in it. And of these are those who believe in it, and none reject Our Signs except the disbelievers.
02:21O Prophet, thus have We bestowed the Book on you, so those on whom We had bestowed the Book before believe in it. And of these Arabs, too, a good many believe in it. It is none but the utter unbelievers who deny Our Signs.
02:41And thou didst not recite any Book before it, nor didst thou hold it in thy right hand, lest the disbelievers should doubt.
02:56O Prophet, thou didst not recite any Book before it, nor didst thou hold it in thy right hand, lest the disbelievers should doubt.
03:08Nay, but these are clear Signs in the bosoms of those who have been given knowledge, and none reject Our Signs except the wrongdoers.
03:38They say, Why were Signs from his Lord not sent down upon him? Say, The Signs are only with Allah.
04:07As for me, I am no more than a plain warner.
04:11Is it not sufficient for them that We reveal to you the Book that is recited to them?
04:33Does it not suffice for them as a sign that We reveal to you the Book that is recited to them?
04:41Surely, there is mercy and good counsel in it for those who believe.
04:47Say, Sufficient is Allah as Witness between me and you. He knows what is in the heavens and the earth.
04:56And those who believe in falsehood and disbelieve in Allah, they are the losers.
05:07Say, O Prophet, Allah suffices as a witness between me and you. He knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth.
05:17As for those who believe in falsehood and are engaged in infidelity with Allah, it is they who will be the losers.
05:26They ask you to hasten in bringing chastisement upon them.
05:32Have they not been appointed to do so?
05:36They ask you to hasten in bringing chastisement upon them.
05:41Have they not been appointed to do so?
05:44The chastisement would have already visited them.
05:48In fact, it will come down upon them all of a sudden at its appointed time.
05:55They ask you to hasten in bringing chastisement upon them.
05:59Have they not been appointed to do so?
06:02They ask you to hasten in bringing chastisement upon them.
06:06Have they not been appointed to do so?
06:09The chastisement would have already visited them.
06:13In fact, it will come down upon them all of a sudden at its appointed time.
06:19While they will not be aware of it.
06:22They ask you to hasten the chastisement upon them.
06:27Although hell encompasses the unbelievers.
06:30They will become aware of it the day when the chastisement will overwhelm them from above and from under their feet.
06:53And he will say to them,
06:55Taste now the consequence of the deeds that you used to commit.
07:00O My servants who believe,
07:05Verily My earth is vast,
07:09So serve Me alone.
07:11O My servants who believe,
07:15Verily My earth is vast,
07:18So serve Me alone.
07:21Every being shall taste death,
07:25Then it is to us that you shall return.
07:29O My servants who believe,
07:33Verily My earth is vast,
07:37So serve Me alone.
07:41Then it is to us that you shall return.
07:44O My servants who believe,
07:47Verily My earth is vast,
07:51So serve Me alone.
07:55O My servants who believe,
07:59Verily My earth is vast,
08:03So serve Me alone.
08:06For those who believed and acted righteously in the lofty mansions of Paradise,
08:12Beneath which rivers flow,
08:15There they shall remain forever.
08:18How excellent a reward it is for those who acted in obedience to Allah.
08:24Who remained steadfast and put their trust in their Lord.
08:36And how many an animal does not carry its sustenance.
08:44Allah provides sustenance for them and for you.
08:51How many an animal there is that does not carry about its sustenance.
08:57Allah provides sustenance to them and to you.
09:01He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
09:04And if you ask them,
09:08Who created the heavens and the earth,
09:12And made the sun and the moon,
09:14They will surely say, Allah.
09:17So how can they be misled?
09:22If you were to ask them,
09:24Who created the heavens and the earth,
09:27And who has kept the sun and the moon in subjection,
09:31They will certainly say, Allah.
09:34How come then they are being deluded from the truth?
09:38Allah enlarges the sustenance for whomever He wills of His servants,
09:45And He has power over them.
09:47Allah is certainly All-Knowing of all things.
09:52Allah enlarges the sustenance of any of His servants whom He will,
09:58And straightens the sustenance of whom He will.
10:01Surely, Allah has knowledge of everything.
10:04And if you ask them,
10:06Who has sent down water from the sky,
10:10And brought the earth to life after its death,
10:14They will surely say, Allah.
10:17Say, All praise is due to Allah.
10:20But most of them do not understand.
10:24If you were to ask them,
10:26Who sent down water from the sky,
10:29They will surely say, Allah.
10:31If you were to ask them,
10:33Who sent down water from the sky,
10:36And therewith revived the earth after its death,
10:39They will certainly say, Allah.
10:42Say, To Allah alone be praise and thanks.
10:46But most people do not understand.
11:02The present life is nothing but sport and amusement.
11:07The true life is in the abode of the Hereafter.
11:11If only they knew.
11:13When they embark in the ships,
11:16They call upon Allah,
11:18Consecrating their faith to Him.
11:21But, when He rescues them,
11:24And brings them to land,
11:26They suddenly begin to fear Allah.
11:29They fear Allah.
11:31They fear Allah.
11:33They fear Allah.
11:35They fear Allah.
11:37They fear Allah.
11:39They fear Allah.
11:40And, they suddenly begin to associate others with Allah,
11:45In His divinity.
11:57That they may be ungrateful,
11:59For the rescue that we granted them,
12:02And that they may revel,
12:04In the pleasures of the present life.
12:07Soon they shall come to know,
12:10That We have made a sanctuary,
12:15And people will be picked up,
12:18From around them.
12:20Do they then believe in falsehood,
12:23And disbelieve in the grace of Allah?
12:40And gratefully deny Allah's bounties.
13:03Who can be more unjust than he,
13:06Who foists a lie on Allah,
13:08Or gives the lie to the truth,
13:11After it has come to him?
13:13Is hell not the resort of the unbelievers?
13:31As for those who strive in our cause,
13:34We shall surely guide them to our ways.
13:38Indeed, Allah is with those who do good.
13:49In the name of Allah,
13:51The Most Merciful,
13:53The Most Compassionate.
14:09The Romans have been defeated.
14:21In the neighboring land,
14:23But after their defeat,
14:25They shall gain victory in a few years.
14:39All power belongs to Allah,
14:42Both before and after.
14:45On that day will the believers rejoice.
14:59At the victory granted by Allah,
15:02He grants victory to whomsoever He pleases.
15:05He is the Most Mighty,
15:07The Most Compassionate.
15:22This is Allah's promise,
15:24And He does not go back on His promise.
15:28But most people do not know.
15:35They are unaware of the life of this world,
15:39And they are unaware of the life to come.
15:54Have they not pondered over themselves
15:58What Allah has created of the heavens and the earth
16:02And what is between them,
16:05Except in truth and an appointed term.
16:12And most of the people,
16:15When they meet their Lord,
16:18Are disbelievers.
16:33And for an appointed term.
16:36Yet many people deny that they will meet their Lord.
17:02From that which they have built,
17:05And their messengers came to them with clear proofs,
17:12Allah did not wrong them,
17:15But they wronged themselves.
17:32Until the land,
17:34And built upon it more than these have ever built.
17:38And Allah's messengers came to them with clear signs.
17:42It was not Allah who wronged them,
17:45But it is they who wronged themselves.
18:02Evil was the end of those evildoers,
18:05For they gave the lie to Allah's signs,
18:08And scoffed at them.
18:10Allah creates in the first instance,
18:13And will later repeat the same.
18:16And He does not go back on His promise.
18:19But most of the people,
18:21When they meet their Lord,
18:24Are disbelievers.
18:26And most of the people,
18:28When they meet their Lord,
18:30Are disbelievers.
18:32And most of the people,
18:34When they meet their Lord,
18:36Are disbelievers.
18:38And most of the people,
18:40When they meet their Lord,
18:42Are disbelievers.
18:44And most of the people,
18:46When they meet their Lord,
18:48Are disbelievers.
18:50And most of the people,
18:52When they meet their Lord,
18:54Are disbelievers.
18:56And most of the people,
18:57When they meet their Lord,
18:59Are disbelievers.
19:01And most of the people,
19:03When they meet their Lord,
19:05Are disbelievers.
19:07None whom they had associated with Allah,
19:10In His divinity,
19:12Will intercede on their behalf.
19:16They will disown those,
19:18Whom they had set up as Allah's associates,
19:20In His divinity.
19:22And on the Day when the Hour comes,
19:24On that Day,
19:26They will be divided.
19:30On that Day,
19:32When the Hour will come to pass,
19:34People will be split into groups.
19:37As for those who believe,
19:39And do righteous deeds,
19:41They will be brought to justice.
19:47Then those who believed,
19:49And acted righteously,
19:51Will be placed in a garden,
19:53And will be happy and jubilant.
20:12As for those who disbelieved,
20:14And gave the lie to our signs,
20:16And to the encounter of the Hereafter,
20:19They will be arraigned.
20:21For chastisement.
20:31So glorify Allah,
20:33In the evening and the morning.
20:46His is all praise,
20:48In the heavens and in the earth.
20:49And glorify Him,
20:51In the afternoon,
20:53And when the sun begins to decline.
21:10He brings forth the living from the dead,
21:13And brings forth the dead from the living,
21:16And revives the earth,
21:17After it is dead.
21:21Will you be raised to life,
21:23After you die.
21:42And of His signs,
21:44Is that He created you from dust,
21:45And behold,
21:47You became human beings,
21:49And are multiplying around the earth.
22:16And of His signs,
22:18Is that He has created mates for you,
22:20From your own kind,
22:22That you may find peace in them.
22:24And He has set between you,
22:26Love and mercy.
22:30There are signs in this,
22:32For those who reflect.
22:46And of His signs,
22:48Is the creation of the heavens and the earth,
22:50And the diversity of your tongues and colors.
22:54There are signs in this for the wise.
23:16And of His signs,
23:18Is your sleeping at night,
23:20And your seeking His bounty,
23:22During the day.
23:26There are signs in this,
23:28For those who hearken.
23:46And of His signs,
23:48Is that He shows you lightning,
23:50Arousing both fear,
23:52And hope,
23:54And sends down water,
23:56And gives life to the dead.
24:00There are signs in this,
24:02For those who reflect.
24:06And of His signs,
24:08Is that He shows you lightning,
24:10Arousing both fear,
24:12And hope,
24:13And sends down water from the sky,
24:15And revives the earth after it is dead.
24:19There are signs in this,
24:21For those who use their reason.
24:44And of His signs,
24:46Is that the sky and the earth
24:48Stand firm by His command.
24:50Then no sooner than He summons you
24:52Out of the earth,
24:54You will come forth.
25:06To Him belong all who are in the heavens,
25:08And all who are on the earth.
25:11To Him belong all who are in the heavens,
25:13And all who are on the earth.
25:15All are in obedience to Him.
25:36It is He who creates in the first instance,
25:39And it is He
25:41Who will repeat the creation,
25:43And that is easier for Him.
25:45His is the loftiest attribute
25:47In the heavens and the earth.
25:49He is the most mighty,
25:51The most wise.
26:12He sets forth for you
26:14A parable from your own lives.
26:16Do you have among your slaves
26:18Some who share with you
26:20The sustenance of the earth?
26:22Do you have among your slaves
26:24Some who share with you
26:26The sustenance of the earth?
26:28Do you have among your slaves
26:30Some who share with you
26:32The sustenance of the earth?
26:34Do you have among your slaves
26:36Some who share with you
26:38The sustenance of the earth?
26:39Do you have among your slaves
26:41Some who share with you
26:43The sustenance that We have bestowed on you,
26:45So that you become equals in it,
26:47All being alike,
26:49And then you would hold them in fear
26:51As you fear each other?
26:53Thus do We make plain
26:55The signs for those who use reason.
27:10But the wrongdoers follow their desires
27:12Without any knowledge.
27:14Who then can show the way to him
27:16Whom Allah lets go astray?
27:18Such shall have no helpers.
27:40O Prophet and his followers,
27:42Turn your face single-mindedly
27:44To the true faith
27:46And adhere to the true nature
27:48On which Allah has created
27:50Human beings.
27:52The mould fashioned by Allah
27:54Cannot be altered.
27:56The mould fashioned by Allah
27:58Cannot be altered.
28:00The mould fashioned by Allah
28:02Cannot be altered.
28:04The mould fashioned by Allah
28:06Cannot be altered.
28:07The mould fashioned by Allah
28:09Cannot be altered.
28:11That is the true straight faith
28:13Although most people do not know.
28:27Adhere to the true faith
28:29And turn to Him
28:31And hold Him in awe
28:33And establish prayer
28:35And do not be of those
28:37Who associate others with Allah
28:39In His divinity.
28:53Those who have split up their religion
28:55And have become divided into sects
28:58Each party exulting in what they have.
29:07Such are human beings
29:09That when any misfortune
29:11Befalls them
29:13They cry to their Lord
29:17Turning to Him
29:19But no sooner
29:21That He lets them
29:23Turn to Him
29:25Than they turn to Him
29:29And again
29:31And again
29:33And again
29:35And again
29:37And if He lets them
29:38Have a taste of His mercy
29:40Then some of them begin
29:41Associating others
29:43With their Lord
29:44In His divinity.
29:56So that they may show
29:57Ingratitude to us
29:59For the favors
30:00We had bestowed upon them.
30:03So enjoy yourselves a while
30:05But then
30:06then you shall soon come to know
30:08Am anzala alayhim sultanan fahuwa yatakallamu bimaa kanoo bihi yushrikoon
30:21Have we sent down any sanction which provides support to their associating others with Allah in His divinity?
30:30wa izaa azaqna an-naasa rahmatan farihoo bihaa wa in tusibuhum sayyiatun bimaa qaddamat aydihim izaahum yaqnatoon
30:47When we make people have a taste of our mercy, they exult in it.
30:52And when any misfortune befalls them in consequence of their deeds, then lo! and behold! they despair.
31:01Awalam yaraw anna Allah yabsutur rizqa liman yashaa wa yaqdiru inna fii dhalika laa ayatin liqawmin yu'minoon
31:19Do they not see that Allah enlarges and straightens the sustenance of those whom He pleases?
31:26There are signs in this for those who believe.
31:30Fa aatina alqurbaa haqqahu wal miskeena wa ibnassabeel. Thalika khayrun lillazeena yureedoon wajha Allahi wa ulaika humul muflihoon
31:48So give his due to the ne'er of kin, and to the needy, and to the wayfarer.
31:54That is better for those who desire to please Allah.
31:58It is they who will prosper.
32:29Whatever you pay as interest, so that it may increase the wealth of people, does not increase in the sight of Allah.
32:38As for the zakah that you give, seeking with it Allah's good pleasure, that is multiplied manifold.
32:48Allahu allahi khalaqakum thumma razaqakum thumma yumeetukum thumma yuhyikum
32:57hal min shurakaikum main yaf'alu min dhalikum min shay'in
33:08subhanahu wa ta'ala amma yushrikoon
33:14It is Allah who created you, then bestowed upon you your sustenance, and He will cause you to die, and then will bring you back to life.
33:25Can any of those whom you associate with Allah in His divinity do any such thing?
33:33Glory be to Him, and exalted be He above whatever they associate with Allah in His divinity.
33:41Qahar al-fasadu fil-barri wal-bahri bima kasabat aydin nasi li yudhiqahum ba'da allathee amilu la'allahum yarji'oon
33:57Evil has become rife on the land and at sea because of men's deeds,
34:03this in order that He may cause them to have a taste of some of their deeds.
34:08Perhaps they will turn back from evil.
34:12Qul seyru fil-ardhi fanguru kayfa kaana aqibatu allatheena min qablu kaana aktharuhum mushrikeen
34:26O Prophet, say, traverse in the earth and see what was the end of those who went before you,
34:34most of them associating others with Allah in His divinity.
34:39Fa'aqim wajhaka lil-dhiinil qayyim min qabli an ya'ti yawmun la maraddalahu min Allahi yawma idhi yasfadda'oon
34:54So turn your face exclusively towards the true faith.
34:58Before there comes the day whose coming from Allah cannot be averted,
35:04the day when people will split into groups.
35:21He who disbelieves will suffer the consequence of it,
35:25and he who acts righteously, they will pave the way for their own good.
35:44So that Allah may, out of His bounty, reward those who believe and act righteously.
35:52Verily, He does not love the unbelievers.
35:57And of His signs is that He sends winds to herald good tidings,
36:04and that He may give you taste of His mercy,
36:08and that the ships may sail on His command,
36:12and that you may seek of His bounty,
36:16and that you may be grateful.
36:26And that He may give you a taste of His mercy,
36:30and that ships may sail at His bidding,
36:33and you may seek His bounty and give thanks to Him.
36:57We sent messengers before you to their respective nations,
37:02and they brought clear signs to them.
37:05Then we took vengeance upon those who acted wickedly.
37:10It was incumbent on us to come to the aid of the believers.
37:27Allah sends the winds that stir up clouds,
37:31and then He spreads them and then causes them to scatter,
37:35and He makes them into parts.
37:38Then you see the rain that comes forth from them.
37:42And when that happens to any of His servants,
37:46they rejoice.
37:51Allah sends the winds that stir up clouds,
37:54And then he spreads them in the sky as he pleases and splits them into different fragments,
38:01where after you see drops of rain pouring down from them.
38:06He then causes the rain to fall on whomsoever of his servants he pleases,
38:12and lo! they rejoice at it.
38:15And if they had been sent down before him, they would surely have perished.
38:32So look at the traces of Allah's mercy, how He gives life to the earth after its death.
38:42Indeed, that will surely give life to the dead, and He is Powerful over all things.
38:51See then the tokens of Allah's mercy, how He revives the earth after it is dead.
38:59Verily, He is the One who will revive the dead. He has power over everything.
39:07And if We had sent a wind, and they saw it yellow, they would have turned away after it, denying the truth.
39:17But if We were to send a wind, and then their tilth has become yellow, they would never cease to disbelieve.
39:27Verily, you cannot make the dead hear, nor can you make the deaf hear your call, when they turn back and retreat.
39:39O Prophet! You cannot make the dead hear, nor can you make the deaf hear your call, when they turn back and retreat.
39:49Nor can you guide the blind out of their error. You can make none hear your call, except those who believe in our signs and have surrendered themselves to Him.
40:19It is Allah who created you in a state of weakness, and then made you strong after weakness, and then made you pale after strength. He creates what He wills, and He is the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful.
40:45It is Allah who created you in a state of weakness, and then made you strong after weakness, and then made you pale after strength. He creates what He wills, and He is the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful.
41:04And on the Day when the Hour will come to pass, the wicked shall swear that they had stayed in the world no more than an hour. Thus they used to be deceived in the life of the world.
41:30But those who had been endowed with knowledge and faith shall say, According to Allah's record, you have stayed till the Day of Resurrection.
42:01Now this is the Day of Resurrection, but you did not know.
42:09So that will be the Day when the excuses of the wrongdoers will not avail them, nor will they be asked to make amends.
42:31And indeed We have presented to the people in this Qur'an every kind of similitude. And if you bring them a sign, those who disbelieve will surely say, You are nothing but falsifiers.
42:51In the Qur'an, We have explained things to people in myriad ways. But no matter what sign you bring to them, those who are resolved upon denying the truth will say, You are given to falsehood.
43:06Thus does Allah seal the hearts of those who have no knowledge.
43:20Therefore, O Prophet, have patience. Surely Allah's promise is true. Let those who lack certainty not cause you to be unsteady.
43:44In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
43:57Alif Lam Mim
44:05Alif Lam Mim
44:09Tilka Aayatul Kitabil Hakim
44:15These are the verses of the Wise Book.
44:19Ghudan wa Rahmatan lil Muhsinin
44:25A guidance and mercy for the doers of good.
44:30Allatheena yuqeemoon as-salata wa yu'toon as-zakata wahum bil-akhirati hum yuqinoon
44:41Who establish prayer and pay zakah and have firm faith in the hereafter.
44:49Ulaika ala hudan min Rabbihim wa ulaika humul muflihoon
45:01It is they who are on true guidance from their Lord, and it is they who shall prosper.
45:08Wa minan nasi man yashtari lahwa al-hadith liyuwilla'an sabili Allahi bighayri ilmin wa yattaqilaha huzuwa
45:24Ulaika lahum azabun muheen
45:32There are some human beings who purchase an enchanting diversion
45:38in order to lead people away from the way of Allah without having any knowledge.
45:45Who hold a call to the way of Allah to ridicule.
45:49A humiliating chastisement awaits them.
45:52Wa itha tutlaa alayhi aayatuna wallaa mustakbiran ka'an lam yasmaa'haa ka'an fi udhunayhi waqraa
46:06fabashshiruhu bi'adhaabin aleem
46:11When our verses are recited to such a person, he arrogantly turns away
46:18as though he had not heard them or as though there was a deafness in his ears.
46:25So announce to him the tidings of a grievous chastisement.
46:29Inna allatheena aamanu wa amilu salihaati lahum jannatun na'eem
46:41Surely, those who believe and do good deeds shall have gardens of bliss.
46:48khalideena feehaa wa'adallahi haqqaa wa huwa al-azizul hakeem
46:58They shall abide in them forever.
47:01This is Allah's promise that shall come true.
47:05He is the most powerful, the most wise.
47:09khalaqa al-samawati bighayri amadin tarawnahaa
47:16wa alqaa fil-ardhi rawasiya an tamidha bikum
47:21wabatha feehaa min kulli dhaabba
47:26wa anzalhaa min al-samaa'i maa'an
47:32fa'anbatnaa feehaa min kulli zawjiyun kareem
47:42He created the heavens without any pillars, visible to you,
47:47and He placed mountains in the earth as pegs, lest it should turn topsy-turvy with you,
47:54and He dispersed all kinds of animals over the earth,
47:57and sent down water from the sky,
48:00causing all kinds of excellent plants to grow on it.
48:04haa thaa khalqa Allahi fa'aroonee maa thaa khalaqa allatheena min doonee
48:12bali allalimoona feeh wa laalim mubeen
48:20Such is Allah's creation.
48:23Show me then what any others apart from Allah have created.
48:29Nay, the fact is that the wrongdoers are in manifest error.
