Dora the Explorer - 403 - Star Mountain

  • 2 days ago
00:00Hola, soy Zora, and I'm Boots.
00:03I just got a present.
00:05Do you like presents?
00:08Me too.
00:09My present is this necklace.
00:11My grandma, mi abuela, made it for me.
00:15It matches my bracelet, see?
00:18I really love it.
00:20That sounds like Swiper the Fox.
00:23That sneaky fox will try and swipe your necklace.
00:26If you see Swiper, say Swiper.
00:31Swiper, no!
00:34You're too late.
00:39You'll never find your necklace now.
00:44That mean fox, he threw it all the way to the top of Star Mountain.
00:49I really love that necklace.
00:52Don't worry, Zora, we'll get it back, right?
00:55Right, Boots.
00:56Will you help us get my necklace back?
01:02Let's try to find my necklace on Star Mountain.
01:05Make binoculars with your hands.
01:09Star Mountain is so beautiful.
01:12I see star trees and star waterfalls and so many stars.
01:17But we need to find the necklace.
01:19Do you see the necklace?
01:24Yeah, there it is.
01:25Hanging on to the giant star all the way at the top of Star Mountain.
01:30How are we going to get all the way up to the top of Star Mountain?
01:34Star Mountain is where all the Explorer Stars live.
01:37I bet if we call to the Explorer Stars, they would help us.
01:41Let's call the Explorer Stars.
01:43To call the stars, say Estrellas.
01:48Say it with us.
01:53Call for the Explorer Stars.
01:55They came! They came!
01:58It's Tool Star, the Explorer Star with lots of tools.
02:05Sazador, the super jumping Explorer Star.
02:10And Glowy, the bright light Explorer Star.
02:15The Explorer Stars will help us get the necklace back.
02:18Thanks, Explorer Stars.
02:21First, let's figure out how to get to the top of Star Mountain.
02:25Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?
02:29Map, right.
02:30Will you check the map to find out how to get all the way to the top of Star Mountain?
02:35You have to say map.
02:40I'm the map. I'm the map.
02:41I'm the map. I'm the map.
02:43I'm the map!
02:44Dora and Boots need to get to the giant star on top of Star Mountain so Dora can get her necklace back.
02:52To get all the way up Star Mountain, first you have to run up the 15 steps.
02:58Then climb all the way up the diamond.
03:02And that's how you get to the giant star on top of Star Mountain.
03:08So remember, steps, diamond, giant star.
03:14Say it with me.
03:16Steps, diamond, giant star.
03:20Steps, diamond, giant star.
03:25Steps, diamond, giant star.
03:30So tell Dora, first we have to go to the steps.
03:34Where do we go first?
03:37The steps! We need to find the steps.
03:40Donde estan? Do you see the steps?
03:45Yeah, there they are!
03:47Come on, let's climb to the top of Star Mountain to get the necklace.
03:52Come on, say it with us.
03:54Steps, diamond, giant star.
03:57Steps, diamond, giant star.
04:02We're climbing up Star Mountain to the giant star above.
04:06We won't give up until we find the necklace that I love.
04:10Where are we going?
04:12Giant star!
04:14Where are we going?
04:16Giant star!
04:18Adonde vamos?
04:20Giant star!
04:22Adonde vamos?
04:24Giant star!
04:32Giant star!
04:38Whoa, look at all this fog.
04:40I can't see in front of me.
04:43Dora? Dora?
04:45I'm here, Boots.
04:48We need to get through this fog.
04:51It's Tool Star, the explorer star.
04:55Tool Star will help us get through the fog.
04:58Look at all his tools.
05:02Tool Star's got a hammer,
05:04a crowbar,
05:07a screwdriver,
05:09a pencil,
05:11and a fan.
05:14Which tool can Tool Star use to help us get through the fog?
05:21Right, a fan!
05:24We have to help Tool Star fan the fog out of the way.
05:28Put your hands in the air and fan the fog out of the way.
05:31Fan, fan, fan, fan, fan!
05:34Good fanning, and we got all the way through the fog.
05:38Thanks, Tool Star.
05:44Poor Dora.
05:46The steps.
05:50We made it to the steps.
05:52Eww, look at all the bubbling green goo.
05:56Eww, look at the goo.
05:58It's rising.
06:00We better get up the steps before the green goo catches us.
06:04Count the steps with me.
06:06One, two, three, four.
06:14Here comes the goo.
06:16We weren't fast enough, but we can do it.
06:19Si se puede.
06:21Count with me real fast.
06:23One, two, three, four, five.
06:29Oh no, here comes the goo.
06:32What number comes after five?
06:35Six, right.
06:37Can you find the number six?
06:42Yeah, there it is.
06:44We have to run fast up the steps before we get goo.
06:48Count fast with me.
06:50Six, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
06:55Yay, we made it up the steps just in time.
06:58We are fast.
07:00Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.
07:03Oh no, more goo.
07:06And it's blocking our way.
07:08How will we get rid of all this goo?
07:13It's Glowey the Explorer Star.
07:17Glowey's melting the goo with her hot brakes.
07:21Go, Glowey!
07:25Glowey needs help.
07:27Let's help Glowey melt the goo.
07:29Rub your hands together and make them warm.
07:32Rub, rub, rub, rub, rub, rub, rub.
07:37It worked.
07:38We're melting the goo.
07:40Yay, Glowey!
07:42Good job.
07:46Quick, what number comes after ten?
07:50Eleven, right.
07:51Do you see the eleven?
07:56Yeah, there it is.
07:58Ayesta, count fast with me.
08:00Start with eleven.
08:02Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.
08:08Yay, we made it up the fifteen steps.
08:11Good counting.
08:12Where do we go next?
08:14Let's check the map.
08:15Say, map.
08:19I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map.
08:22Oh, we're doing great.
08:24We made it up the fifteen steps.
08:28Where do we go next?
08:33The diamond, right.
08:35Tell Dora, diamond.
08:37Where do we go next?
08:41Diamond, right.
08:43We need to find the diamond.
08:45Dónde está?
08:46Do you see the diamond?
08:51Sí, ahí está.
08:52Yeah, there it is.
08:54Come on, let's climb up Star Mountain to get the necklace.
08:59Come on, say it with us.
09:01Steps, diamond, giant star.
09:04Steps, diamond, giant star.
09:09We're climbing up Star Mountain to the giant star above.
09:13We won't give up until we find the necklace that I love.
09:17Where are we going?
09:19Giant star.
09:21Where are we going?
09:23Giant star.
09:24¿Adónde vamos?
09:26Giant star.
09:28¿Adónde vamos?
09:30Giant star.
09:39Giant star.
09:44Dora, it's starting to snow.
09:47It's beautiful.
09:51Look, the Explorer Stars are bringing us snowsuits.
09:55Gracias, Estrellas.
09:57Thanks, Stars.
10:02That sounds like something's rolling.
10:05What's rolling?
10:09A snowball?
10:11A snowball!
10:13Oh, no!
10:14A giant snowball!
10:16What do we do? What do we do? What do we do?
10:20It's the Zazor, the super jumping Explorer Star.
10:26Zazor can help us jump.
10:28We need to jump over the snowball.
10:31We have to stand up to jump.
10:33Stand up, please. Stand up.
10:36Up, up, up. Stand up.
10:38Get ready to jump.
10:40Now jump.
10:42We made it over the giant snowball.
10:45Great jumping.
10:48¡Qué bien, Zazor!
10:50Yeah, awesome.
10:54Look, there's the diamond.
10:59But how are we going to climb it, Dora?
11:01Star handles.
11:03Those star handles will help us climb up the diamond.
11:06This star is red, roja.
11:09This star is green, verde.
11:12Look, the stars are colored in a pattern.
11:16Roja, verde. Roja, verde.
11:19We have to follow that pattern.
11:21Say it with me.
11:23Roja, verde. Roja, verde. Roja, verde. Roja.
11:32What comes next?
11:38Verde, right. A green star.
11:41We need to reach that green star.
11:43Put your hands in the air and reach, reach, reach.
11:48Yay, we got it.
11:50Look, more star handles.
11:53We can do it. Sí se puede.
11:56Say it with me.
11:58Roja, verde. Roja, verde. Roja, verde.
12:04What comes next?
12:10Roja, right.
12:12We need to reach really, really high to get that star that's roja.
12:17Reach, reach, reach.
12:20We made it all the way up the diamond.
12:26We need to figure out which way to go next.
12:29Let's check the map.
12:31Say map.
12:35Oh, we're doing really, really great.
12:38We made it up the steps. Check.
12:41We climbed the diamond. Check.
12:44Where do we go next?
12:47Where do we go next?
12:51The star, right. The giant star.
12:55That's where Dora's necklace is. She'll be so happy.
13:00Tell Dora, giant star.
13:03Where do we go next?
13:07Giant star, right.
13:12We need to find the giant star.
13:14¿Dónde está? Where is the giant star?
13:21Yeah, there it is. And there's my necklace.
13:24We have to make it to the top of the giant star to get the necklace back.
13:32Whoa, it's really snowing harder.
13:35Look, the Explorer stars can't go any higher.
13:38Oh, no.
13:45Come on, Boots. We can do it.
13:49¡Sí se puede! We're almost to the star.
13:57Thanks. It's really getting icy.
13:59But look, Boots.
14:01We made it to the giant star.
14:04But we have to make it all the way to the top of the giant star.
14:08How do we do that, Dora?
14:10We need a long rope.
14:12We need a rope. We need a rope.
14:14I think I have a long rope in my backpack.
14:17Will you check the backpack for a long rope?
14:20¿Una soga larga?
14:22You have to say, backpack.
14:25Say it louder, please.
14:31Backpack, backpack. Backpack, backpack. Yeah!
14:35Hola, soy backpack.
14:37Dora and Boots are looking for a rope
14:39so we can make it to the top of the giant star to get the necklace.
14:42I have una soga corta o una soga larga.
14:46Which rope does Dora need?
14:48¿La corta o la larga?
14:51¿Corta? ¿Larga? ¿Corta? ¿Larga?
14:59Larga, sí. The long rope. Muy bien.
15:02Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. Delicioso.
15:06Dora, do you think you can throw the long rope all the way up there?
15:11I have to, Boots.
15:13Come on, let's throw the rope all the way to the top of the giant star.
15:18Put your hand in the air and twirl the rope.
15:21Twirl and twirl and twirl. Now throw the rope.
15:26Yeah, yeah, yeah.
15:28Great throw. Excelente.
15:31Look, Dora. A snowman.
15:34On a snowboard.
15:36He's headed right for the rope.
15:38Who's inside that snowman suit?
15:45He'll try to swipe the rope.
15:47We have to stop Swiper. Say it with us.
15:50Swiper, no swiping. Swiper, no swiping. Swiper, no swiping.
15:55Oh, man!
15:58Oh, man!
16:04Oh, man.
16:09Thanks for helping us stop Swiper.
16:12Boots, I need you to hold the rope tight while I climb.
16:16Okay, Dora. I'll hold it really tight. Good luck.
16:20Now we have to climb the rope all the way up to the top of the giant star.
16:25Will you help me climb?
16:28Great. Put your hands out, grab the rope and...
16:32Climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb.
16:37Only a little more. We can do it. Si se puede.
16:41I really need your help.
16:43Put your hands up and climb, climb, climb, climb, climb.
16:49Great climbing. Do you see my necklace?
16:54There it is, there it is. Help me reach for it.
16:58Put your hands out and reach.
17:01My necklace, my necklace. Thank you. Gracias.
17:24We did it.
17:27We did it. We did it. We did it. Yay.
17:30We did it.
17:32We climbed up the steps and melted the goo.
17:35We did it. We did it. We did it. Hooray.
17:38Now we climbed up the diamond thanks to you.
17:41We did it. We did it. We did it. We did it.
17:44We made it to the top of the giant star above.
17:47And you helped me climb to get my necklace that I love.
17:50You helped me climb to get my necklace that I love. Yay.
17:54Hooray. We did it.
17:59We had such an exciting adventure today.
18:02What was your favorite part?
18:08I like that too.
18:10My favorite part was stopping Swiper when he was a snowman.
18:15My favorite part was getting my necklace back.
18:18Three Explorer stars helped us today.
18:20Let's call the stars.
18:22Say estrellas.
18:27Count with me in Spanish.
18:29Una, dos, tres.
18:33Tres estrellas exploradoras.
18:35Three Explorer stars.
18:37We couldn't have done it without you.
18:39Thanks for helping. Gracias.
18:49Help Louie find her star friends using her super power light.
19:14You found me.
19:16You found me.
19:19Bye. Adios.
