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Lucio Buffalmano is a sociologist and a world expert on power dynamics, strategies, and men's self-development.
In 2016, Lucio founded to help good men empower themselves, achieve their goals, and win at life.
Today, it’s the world's most popular website on power and strategies.
Lucio Buffalmano is a sociologist and a world expert on power dynamics, strategies, and men's self-development.
In 2016, Lucio founded to help good men empower themselves, achieve their goals, and win at life.
Today, it’s the world's most popular website on power and strategies.
00:00Watch out when your employer says this, because it's a manipulation to take your money away.
00:05Let me preface this, that this is Alex Ormosi, I respect the guy, I think he's awesome, I think he's also a good character,
00:12generally honest, value-giving, uplifting, and he's got really lots of value to give, so he can actually teach the people that he employs.
00:21However, you still want to be careful with this, because he is still the employer, you're still the employee,
00:28and even with good people, when your interests diverge, you want to be careful because people
00:33still want more for themselves than for you, even when they are good people, and especially smart
00:39people, they are good at negotiating, or persuading, or sometimes manipulating. Not the case of Ormosi,
00:47however, let's take a listen, and let's learn how to negotiate better, and how to spot red flags for
00:53not-so-good people. Most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year, and they
00:58underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade. Yeah, that's a very popular self-help trope, I heard
01:02it the first time from Tony Robbins. I think there is some truth in it, I read something about it in
01:08psychology, however, I will not be surprised if overly optimistic people overestimate what they
01:14can do in 10 years, and pessimistic people underestimate what they can do in one year.
01:19However, it's a detail, and every new employee that I have that walks into,
01:25the number one thing that they say they want is growth, and I have this talk with them,
01:29which is the 10-year million dollar... Okay, watch out now, and so if you could write a contract to
01:34yourself, and say I will make no money for 10 years, but on the 10th year, I will add a zero,
01:40or two zeros, or... Come on man, do you realize now my point? If you are sitting with an employer,
01:47a founder, or a boss, when negotiating your contract, and he starts talking like this,
01:53your radar should start blimping red flags all over the place, because the frame they want to
01:58take is, don't think what I'm giving you now, because you're gonna grow long term.
02:05I don't buy this shit at the negotiation table, the concept is true, but don't fucking tell me
02:13now at the negotiation table. Three zeros to my net worth, would you do it? And if the answer
02:19is yes, would you almost... Yeah, he was leading the employee to say yes, of course they don't
02:24want to contradict the boss as soon as they walk in, so people tend to say yes. This is also a high
02:30persuasion move that you want to be careful with, when people push you towards an answer, never give
02:36that answer. If the most obvious answer is yes, you don't say yes, you say, it makes sense in
02:43general, but it depends how you apply, something like that. So you do not contradict your boss,
02:48but you do not follow his lead, which usually it's good for him, not necessary for you.
02:54Invariably is, with every person who comes into my business, then I say, great, now act like it.
03:00Now act like it, such as, don't take a big paycheck now, because you're gonna make the
03:06big money in 10 years, come on bro. So if you knew that you would make this amount of money
03:11over that period of time, you would stop this obsession, myself included. So it's an obsession
03:16to make a lot of money fast. Look guys, money is power. The money that you give up is power that
03:22you lose on the table, and it's not even power in the interpersonal sense, it's power in the sense
03:27of freedom. Look, I've been an employee for many years, I also thought that learning is huge,
03:33however, when I negotiated, I wanted as much money as possible. This is a fucking false
03:39dichotomy. It's either learn or make money, fuck that. One, it's not true that one excludes the
03:44other, you can have both. It's like in dating, somebody says, imagine you're dating a pretty girl,
03:49but she has the brain of a chicken. Yeah, who the fuck says that a beautiful woman must be stupid,
03:54right? Maybe she's beautiful and smart as well, and you can find a smart and beautiful woman.
03:59Same for work, you can find a job that pays you fairly or well, and where you can learn.
04:05Point number two, the future is uncertain, you never know what happens. Maybe two years down
04:11the road, they fire you, or maybe the company goes under, and you left all that money on the table,
04:15for what? When I was an employee, I made sure to make as much money as possible, and then I
04:20had the power. A shitty boss walks in, I have enough money that I don't need to take that shit.
04:26In the end, I saved enough money that I could travel the world, and I had enough time to develop
04:30deep power moves. If I had given up the money, I would have stayed stuck in that company for
04:3610 years in the hope of learning and growing in the future. No, learn and grow as much as you can,
04:43but also make as much money as you can. The two things are in parallel. Listen, example,
04:49you bring $10,000 a month in value for a business. Why should you get paid $100?
04:56They make $10,000, then you can ask for $5,000, or $6,000, or $7,000, or $8,000. Remember, you are one
05:01employee, they make money with the difference of value you bring versus what they pay you,
05:05but they have many employees. So if out of $10,000, you take $8,000, it's good for you,
05:11and it's still good for them. So don't buy this bullshit that, oh, you are learning a lot now,
05:16so I pay you $100. Why should you pay me $100? Remember, salary is a function of the value you
05:21bring. Don't get learning into it. That's a different aspect. Don't get paid with learning.
05:28Learning is blah, blah, blah. Who knows? Of course, you can learn from Alex, but maybe the
05:32boss that will replace Alex will be a dumbass and you cannot learn much from him. And then what?
05:37Then you're stuck with a small salary. Plus this idea, the learning is all good for you.
05:42It's dumb. Learning is good for you and the business, because as you learn,
05:46you also bring more value. But between your learning and the next salary negotiation,
05:52your salary stays the same, but your value increases. And that's all captured by the
05:58business, not by you. It's best for you if your salary tracks your learning. And the higher you
06:06start with the salary, the better it is for you. Do not fall for this manipulative shit.
06:10This shit makes me angry. What would I have to do though to make it unreasonable
06:14that I don't 10x in 10 years? Then all of a sudden I started making very reasonable
06:19bets that I knew would compound unto itself. The concept makes sense again, but it does not
06:26make sense at the negotiation table for your salary because in that situation becomes manipulative.
06:32What is true in general is not true in every and any situation at the negotiation table.
06:39Fuck this shit. And that's kind of like the kid that learns one skill and then immediately says,
06:44I'm going to start a business opportunity around this one skill that makes me $5,000 a month.
06:48Or they have this one skill and say, Hey, this, this company is willing to pay me $100,000 a year
06:54to go do this skill where I have this other company that will give me a free internship,
06:59where I could 10x my potential earning. Again, this false dichotomy, right?
07:05In three years, but I'm going to make $35,000 a year for the three years. Which one would you take?
07:13How about a third company where I learn a lot and I make a lot of money? Or how about the company
07:18where I can learn a lot and also pays me fairly instead of trying to shaft me with a dumb ass
07:24salary that I cannot even survive with? The problem is most people will take the $100,000 now
07:30and forgo it. Look, it's not dumb, man. Making bank when you are young, making as much money
07:37as possible is not dumb. This idea that you made a mistake because you pursued the money.
07:41I don't fucking buy it. As I said in my beginning career as an employee, I wanted to make as much
07:46money as possible and it has served me real well. By the way, making as much money as possible
07:51did not prevent me from also learning as much as possible. Again, the two do not stand in a
07:57dichotomy where one excludes the other. Go the investment in self. And that's the thing is we
08:02are the asset that we invest in and the currency we. Yes, you invest in yourself, but you invest
08:08in yourself with both learning and money. Invest into ourselves in is time, experience and skills.
08:17But not money. Yeah. Right. Skill is the outcome. The time and the effort is what we put into it
08:23to gain the experiences, which ultimately give us the skills. But if you're in an environment
08:26where you're not compounding your potential earning, then you're actually is absolutely
08:32right, is absolutely right. But money goes with it. Using out long term, you're ripping up your
08:38million dollar or you. I don't buy that. You get one hundred thousand in the first year. You're
08:43already 10 percent on your way to one million, which you can also invest and it will grow over
08:49the 10 years, your 10 X or 100 X contract for a decade from now. So you can get the short,
08:54fast money today. And that's what short first money is not bad again. Why in the early days
09:01when you have limited amounts of money, but lots of time and energy instead of putting your money
09:05in the S&P. And by the way, I say that as somebody who doesn't care much about money,
09:08but I care about my freedom and money. Help me buy freedom even as a career starter.
09:15Five hundred. I like to say put in the S&P 500 because the put the learning and the money
09:22asset that is you will always beat the stock market. Number four.
09:26Anyway, you get the point. Alex Hormozy is amazing. What I'm saying is that you still
09:31want to be careful when interests diverge, as in the case of the negotiation table between employer
09:37and employee. But I love this guy. As a matter of fact, the only reason I'm doing a video about him,
09:42it's because he's the only guy left I listen to when it comes to business and entrepreneurship
09:47or one of the few guys. So thumbs up to him. See Power University, where we teach
09:51all these shenanigans that people do and how you can outplay them. Cheers.