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Lucio Buffalmano is a sociologist and a world expert on power dynamics, strategies, and men's self-development.

In 2016, Lucio founded ThePowerMoves.com to help good men empower themselves, achieve their goals, and win at life.
Today, it’s the world's most popular website on power and strategies.



00:00Jordan Peterson had a good shot at claiming the title of most popular philosopher of our time.
00:05And just a few years ago, I would have said he was a great role model and a great spokesperson
00:11for the values we embrace here at The Power Moves.
00:14But well, that has changed big time.
00:17We've seen a major shift in Peterson's focus and personality.
00:21He moved away from self-development and delved deeper into partisan politics.
00:26Today we have a perennially outraged drama queen, an ultra-conservative zealot
00:31and most recently, worst of all, even a cruel war advocate.
00:35So how did this all happen?
00:37How did we go from uplifting and bipartisan to rabid paranoia?
00:41Well, we'll advance four different and non-mutually exclusive theories
00:46and watch until the end for the most surprising one.
00:49Rule of life number 13.
00:57When you're always calling others narcissists and psychopaths, try looking at a mirror first.
01:03I think he's at least narcissistic, at minimum.
01:08Narcissists can fool naive women.
01:11That's why narcissists propagate, by the way.
01:14Canadians have a very difficult choice to make.
01:17They either wake up and realize that under the jurisdiction of this preposterous narcissist...
01:23Our first explanation is that JP was always the same, but he just hid it well.
01:29Now, to be frank, our title and rule 13 are too mean towards Peterson.
01:34I don't think there is much psychopathy in him, and I believe he has good intentions.
01:39Deep down, he's a guy who wants to do good.
01:42But when it comes to narcissism, well, we gotta wonder a little bit.
01:46He obviously loves the limelight, enjoys hearing himself talk, loves his guru status, the attention,
01:53and, well, how about his suits with his own name on them?
01:56That's a bit tacky, by the way.
01:58In a recent interview, he says this.
02:00The problem with online communication is that it disinhibits the narcissists and the psychopaths.
02:06Well, looking at his recent and more aggressive tweets, it comes just natural to reply that.
02:12Fuck, man, get a mirror.
02:14In that mirror, you may not find a full-blown dark triad, but you may at least see some worrying signs.
02:21If we wanted to psychologize, we can also speculate that Jordan Peterson's current anger and aggression
02:27are a sort of psychological reactance to his emotional fragility.
02:32So I wouldn't change that, but it's not nothing.
02:37It's certainly not just happiness.
02:39And his latent depression and existential angst were always aching for a mission.
02:45A mission to find meaning or to even escape.
02:49Well, he found his mission now in the conservative cause.
02:53Speaking of which, and this is the safest to say, Peterson always was a deeply conservative and deeply religious man.
03:01We say that on the power moves before he officially joined the Daily Wire.
03:06And it wasn't us who were particularly observant, but it was just obvious to many.
03:12Along the same vein, he was also a Western patriot of sorts,
03:16especially for the Anglo-Saxon part of the West and a Judeo-Christian apologist
03:22that eventually came out in the open once he joined Ben Shapiro's openly conservative network.
03:28Which leads us to our next point.
03:36By joining a club of ultra-conservatives and a business built on seeking and fomenting outrage,
03:42Jordan Peterson locked himself into the eco-chamber that he should have avoided most.
03:48We don't know his contract details, but it's entirely possible that he's required to tweet and rant
03:53against the most extreme and stupid examples of wokeism.
03:57And that overexposes him to extremism and warps his reality.
04:02Because, man, try this. Go outside, talk to many people,
04:06and you will find a lot more normal people than woke extremists.
04:11You will see that most people just want normal people stuff.
04:15Men want to get laid or find a girlfriend.
04:18Some girls just want to have fun and some others want to find a great man.
04:22Unemployed people want a job.
04:24Employed people want to advance their career.
04:27People with a house want to pay their mortgage.
04:29And, you know, just a lot of normal people with their daily life struggles and dreams and hopes.
04:36But listen to JP today and you get the feel that everyone is coaxing children into changing sex,
04:41exterminating humanity, or imposing some dystopian world order.
04:46And if that sounds like a conspiracy theory starter, but yeah, welcome to present day JP.
04:52In the face of such mandatory privations and manipulations,
04:56it's obvious that the last thing our tyrannical, idiot, panicked, virtue-signaling government should be doing
05:03is directing their demented attention toward regulating what people serve at their tables.
05:09Stuff like that is quite embarrassing to hear.
05:13A man I formally endorsed now talking nonsense on a topic he has zero expertise on.
05:21Quick advice, by the way. The golden rule of not talking out of your ass is stick to your expertise.
05:28For you, that ain't food and nutrition, Jordan.
05:31Brian, Brian, let me handle this.
05:33Ah, scusi.
05:35Che cosa?
05:36Peter, what are you doing?
05:37Speaking Italian.
05:40Peter, you can't speak Italian just because you have a mustache.
05:44The upside for Jordan Peterson is that there is an endless stream of people ready to follow any conspiracy theory guru,
05:52which leads us to our next point.
05:56Money and power grabbing.
06:00Jordan Peterson always loved money and made no mystery of it.
06:04But I'm an evil capitalist. I don't make any bones about it.
06:07Now he seems to indulge in it with fewer and fewer morals, though.
06:11When you're wealthy, and by your own admission, getting even wealthier.
06:15You are making a lot of money.
06:18Out of this.
06:19I certainly am.
06:20They made me a great deal financially.
06:24I gotta wonder.
06:25What's the point of launching a GoFundMe campaign to fight the legal battles that you decided to pick?
06:31Why should you ask your own followers to pay for your own legal bills?
06:36Together with his daughter, Peterson also aggressively promotes his new course.
06:40He talks down to his audience and he pulls endless power moves,
06:45which frankly make me personally dislike him in this video.
06:50And in my opinion, he also comes across like a snake or salesman.
06:55It's like, come on, man.
06:57How can you say that your course is better than any accredited university to find work?
07:03That sounds like total bullshit.
07:06Those are very valuable for any employer with a clue.
07:09So I think we can just skip the computation process and go right to the employers.
07:13And we might be able to change the education system.
07:15That's funny.
07:17It's weird.
07:18Which leads us to our last point.
07:26Jordan Peterson is being manipulated.
07:28By whom?
07:30Well, I'm not going to make any names here, but I'll leave it up to your imagination.
07:35These scenes, for example, were quite telling to me.
07:39I think, to tell you the truth, I think he's worn out from doing 10,000 things every day.
07:46Even when we tell him to take rests, he doesn't take them.
07:49So I think that plays a major role.
07:52But also the way our lives have changed has been overwhelming.
07:57So when he says he's overwhelmed all the time, I think that that's accurate.
08:02And the courses look so good.
08:11One last note must go to Peterson's recent takes on the Palestine War.
08:16My belief is that a humanist should always take a super-partous view on most wars.
08:23Most of all, obviously, a humanist will always avoid inciting and shearing for destruction.
08:30In simpler words, man, you can't just write shit like give them hell.
08:36It's just cruel, dishuman and ugly as fuck.
08:41And I'm admittedly and purposefully going to go for an emotional appeal now.
08:47This is war, man. This is war. Look at it.
08:51Warmongers are enemies of humanity.
08:56The only answer to warmongers is a heartfelt fuck you.
09:01So overall, it was a bit unsettling to see what we see as Peterson's descent into darkness.
09:08If it happened to a smart man like Peterson, it can happen to many more.
09:12And this is one more reason to always be careful and double-check ourselves.
09:17Finally, Jordan, this message is for you.
09:20You're a great man. The world needs you and you're a genius.
09:24And that's best served with a more political, more balanced approach.
09:29I think you have it in you to swing back towards a more centered stance.
09:34Some quick, unrequested advice.
09:37Number one, look deeply at the people you have around and reassess.
09:41Number two, spend less time on social media and more in real life.
09:46And number three, definitely keep pursuing a cause that's good, but ask yourself if you're not being too extreme.
09:54Whatever cause you pick, ask yourself if you can add more value while building more bridges and dialoguing more.
10:02We don't need more extremists. We need more balanced leaders.
10:06You can be one of them.
10:08In any case, whatever we said in this video, it will not cancel the much good you've done.
10:14You've certainly done a lot of that.
10:16Thank you for it. Wishing you the best.
10:19And if we can get more of that old Jordan Peterson going forward, even better.
10:23And back to us, if you enjoyed the video and agree with any of it, please like, share and subscribe.
10:29It will mean the world to us.
10:31Thank you so much. Big hug. Ciao ciao.
