
  • 2 days ago
00:00:56This is the tale of how the Illuminati
00:00:59Invaded and took control of the United States of America
00:01:08This is the real history of America as you've never seen before
00:01:20Using new evidence we will reveal how this massive secret organization infiltrated the religious groups
00:01:28Political parties universities and corporations
00:01:40How they placed their own people in positions of power and authority
00:01:51How they manipulated the minds of the masses and it is all from view
00:02:02Group embraces what is known as the esoteric the so-called spiritual truth hidden from the rest of us
00:02:16Over a vast period of time the secretive organization
00:02:20turned slowly to the dark side of these esoteric truths and
00:02:24Utilized them for power and control
00:02:33Take their orders from the International Secret Council of nine
00:02:41They are collectively called the Confederation of Initiates
00:02:49They are under the strict control of their masters and to oppose them means punishment worse than death
00:03:07Has been this way for thousands of years and they are working slowly
00:03:12But surely towards their ultimate goal of a one world government
00:03:17with the nine in control
00:03:34This film we reveal their plans and schemes
00:03:38We show how the so-called land of free is not free at all
00:03:43How it is under the yoke of a very large very powerful and very secret organization
00:03:55Is the Illuminati of America
00:04:171932 the International Secret Council of nine who direct the
00:04:22Confederation of Initiates of Illuminati
00:04:26Issued the following highly secret statement to the order of the Rosicrucians
00:04:32this is the new dispensation and
00:04:35The work of the spiritual and mystical fraternities must be re-established throughout the world
00:04:42So that all peoples may be taught the law and thereby enabled to apply it towards universal
00:04:49Improvement as the only means of saving mankind
00:04:54We the council of nine
00:04:57Have selected your organization as one of the oldest in America to help do this work
00:05:19This must be brought about in such a manner that there can be no question of personal self-interest
00:05:26May we suggest that you select as your method that of the pre-christian Essenian order in which Jesus was trained
00:05:35Accepting in good faith all students who apply on an absolutely free will basis
00:05:42Instructing them in the ancient manner and permitting these students to compensate you on an exchange basis
00:05:55The man who wrote these words was the compte de saint-vincent the master of the council of nine
00:06:02The order of the Rosicrucians
00:06:04Is the order of the Illuminati
00:06:15This small section reveals a great many things
00:06:18Firstly that the order of the Rosicrucians did indeed come under the rule of the Illuminati
00:06:31Secondly that the Illuminati is a secretive order
00:06:36Originating in a completely false origin story from the equally false originator
00:06:42Christian Rosenkreuz
00:06:50It was in fact an organization created by the Illuminati to gather in believers and initiates
00:07:02It worked beautifully and spread throughout the world and then spawned yet further secret orders of its own
00:07:10This indeed is how the web is created and the real origin long forgotten and hidden
00:07:17Secondly the text reveals that the Rosicrucians were in fact much older and the oldest in the USA
00:07:36Thirdly they were to use the old method of communication
00:07:40These were the Gnostic Jews who wrote all the New Testament and all the texts that didn't make it into the Bible
00:07:48The Dead Sea Scrolls were written by these mystics
00:08:01They then used the Old Testament to communicate with the New Testament
00:08:05They themselves had their own origins in the much older Egyptian, Syrian and Eastern cults
00:08:13It stretches back many thousands of years
00:08:26Fourthly they were not this time to be too choosy who they allowed to join
00:08:32This implies that they used to be and indeed that is the truth
00:08:36Now with the advent of the second wave of a worldwide revolution about to begin with the Second World War
00:08:44All were to be accepted into the fold for the great work to get underway
00:09:31Six years of hard training and actual battle experience in Spain and Poland had made the German army look invincible
00:09:44This was and is a group that is spread throughout the world
00:09:50And have been involved in most of the big revolutions that have occurred
00:09:54including the French and American revolutions
00:10:09Dr. Randolph was a man who investigated the order at the time this text was written
00:10:15he stated
00:10:17many though by no means all
00:10:19The alchemists and hermetic philosophers were acolytes of the vast secret brotherhood
00:10:25Which has thrived from the earliest ages
00:10:29The members of this mystic union were the magi of old who flourished in chaldea ages before
00:10:36They were the original people of sabbah
00:10:39They were the men who founded the semitic civilizations
00:10:43Of this great brotherhood sprung brahma buddha
00:10:49the gnostics the essene
00:10:51and jesus
00:10:53Who was himself an essene?
00:10:55Preached the sacred doctrine of the fountain of light
00:11:06This fountain of light is the illumination
00:11:10The inner enlightenment to the reality of existence and from where the term illuminati is derived
00:11:23He continues
00:11:25They were the men who first discovered the significance of fire
00:11:29The transcendent light now illuminates the world
00:11:33Comes from the torches which they lighted at the fountain when all light streameth upon that mystic mountain of initiation
00:11:41There is nothing original in thaumaturgy
00:11:48and ontology
00:11:50But they gave it to the world
00:12:09Dr. Randolph here reveals the full extent of the illuminati
00:12:13That they are secret
00:12:15spread throughout the world
00:12:17Originated religions and saw their origin in the illumination of the mind
00:12:23From philosophy to psychology
00:12:34They therefore believed they had the right to rule the world
00:12:38And over time they used their knowledge to force and manipulate their control over those who refused to see the light
00:12:45They were right
00:12:47Everybody else was wrong
00:12:49And their own doctrines stated such and gave them the right power and knowledge to manipulate man
00:13:16Rosicrucians are illumines of the oldest stock and were spreading far and wide across the united states
00:13:24They give the following explanation of their fire or light
00:13:29The thing which gives rise to the name illuminati
00:13:33There is in nature one most potent force
00:13:37By means of which a single person who would possess himself of it and know how to direct it
00:13:43Could revolutionize the whole face of the world
00:13:48This force was known to the ancients and the secret is possessed by the secret schools of the present day
00:13:55It is a universal agent
00:13:57Whose supreme law is equilibrium?
00:14:00And whereby if science can learn how to control it
00:14:04It will be possible to send a thought in an instant around the world
00:14:09to heal or slay at a distance
00:14:12To give our words universal success and to make them reverberate everywhere
00:14:38Strong beliefs indeed
00:14:41And yet we must also realize that these people often speak in parables
00:14:47They don't always mean what they say
00:14:55They taught that all the scriptures of all religions were parables and hid the secret doctrine
00:15:01The truth of the scriptures to them is that there was not just one christ
00:15:06But all are capable of being the light on earth
00:15:10All have the hidden christ within
00:15:13A belief that runs counter to the established church and was therefore hidden
00:15:30These teachings are in fact spread across all of the secret societies
00:15:35For all are linked under the web of the illuminati
00:15:38And all were created directly or indirectly by them
00:15:54In 1905 one such order was created in the usa
00:15:58by a dr. Julia Seton
00:16:00And was called the modern church
00:16:03It's purpose was to prepare the minds of the people for the new civilization to come
00:16:10She stated
00:16:12The illuminati school is the modern school of higher psychology and mysticism
00:16:18Where ancient and occult wisdom is revealed
00:16:22It teaches new methods of social ethical industrial religious
00:16:28and national liberty
00:16:42Here is revealed their belief again
00:16:45That they are higher and therefore above all
00:16:49They will teach the rest of us about their ways
00:16:53Because obviously we need to know
00:17:04Because they believed god or the universal life force was speaking through them
00:17:10They believed that everybody else was wrong
00:17:13They used their substantial wealth and power to spread these doctrines and it was heard
00:17:34They called mankind to join them
00:17:36anybody who did not
00:17:38Was obviously not listening to the voice of the universal spirit within them
00:17:43Those who heard the call and joined
00:17:46were chosen
00:17:49Similar doctrines we would hear again at the dawn of the second world war
00:18:15Man they said was not part of god
00:18:18nor a creation of god
00:18:20But the universal intelligence or cosmic spirit itself
00:18:26The purpose of this system was simple it was to take away the individualism of the follower
00:18:40He was to listen only to the cosmic spirit and not his own reason
00:18:48Through the various methods of the universal spirit
00:18:52Through the various initiations
00:18:54Members of these courts are washed clean of their own mind and given a new one
00:19:06They are broken and rebuilt
00:19:08It is a very old method of creating an army
00:19:12Their new civilization was not to be one of light at all
00:19:16Was not to be one of light at all it was to be one of the master and blind servant
00:19:35Confuse and then make clear
00:19:38befuddle and bemuse
00:19:41And then explain in simple terms
00:19:44These are the methods of forcing the initiate to believe he has become enlightened
00:20:04By 1925
00:20:06A new messiah was launched upon the americans
00:20:09He was a russian by the name of nicholas roerich
00:20:13a painter philosopher
00:20:15and supposed scientist
00:20:18In russia, he had achieved greatness and was adored by many
00:20:22He was then invited to the usa
00:20:25In 1922 he established the corona mundi the core earth
00:20:32He started to teach his ideology of a new era
00:20:36another name for the new world order
00:20:38the new civilization
00:20:40but the same old story
00:20:59He became so popular that his teachings spread outwards around the world
00:21:04He taught the same old things
00:21:06That the willpower within is the divine essence and is the answer to all
00:21:12it was
00:21:13He said a creed of a new era of mighty approaching energies and possibilities
00:21:19The sheep listened and followed yet again
00:21:23The new world he said would be created by the fire the light within us all
00:21:29Joining together and allowing the illuminated to dominate the world
00:21:35And the new world to be created
00:21:37And the new world to be created
00:21:40And the new world to be created
00:21:42And the new world to be created
00:21:45Joining together and allowing the illuminated to dominate the world and bring peace
00:22:05Any who did not listen were simply negatives the world would be dominated by the illuminati
00:22:20This russian was just another mystic shouting about the so-called truth
00:22:26No scientific backing no evidence. No proof was needed for such mystic statements
00:22:32He was however a member of an organization
00:22:35That was trying to enlighten the world to their new world order
00:22:49Their light would shine and others be extinguished
00:23:00Much of this is not secret
00:23:02Indeed, it was spread to all who could hear
00:23:05But the truth behind the purpose of all of this was hidden
00:23:09The truth was to take the minds of the people
00:23:12And to give them the power to control for their own purpose
00:23:29Through people such as rurik and madame blavatsky of the theosophists
00:23:34The word was heard
00:23:36And spread into the higher authorities of the land
00:23:38But this was in fact just a reinvigoration of what had already come before
00:23:56From the moment the first settlers landed in the usa
00:23:59The message was being spread
00:24:02The fraternity of the freemasons was deeply rooted within government military religion and commerce
00:24:10the freemasons absorbed
00:24:13Cultivated and spread the mystic light
00:24:16the messages of the masters and the council of nine
00:24:32They did not always understand what they were spreading but they spread
00:24:37Those at the highest degrees of initiation were aware
00:24:41And they created revolution and formed government
00:24:52These are just ants doing the master's bidding
00:24:55The army that is called to revolution
00:24:58The true illuminati are hidden true masters unseen
00:25:33Who were the masters
00:25:36in 1912 the theosophist anne besant wrote
00:25:41a master
00:25:42Is a term applied by theosophists
00:25:45to denote certain human beings
00:25:47Who have completed their human evolution?
00:25:51have attained human perfection
00:26:04It didn't matter what society or order the followers belonged to
00:26:09Because the masters ruled them all
00:26:12in reality
00:26:13the theosophists and the
00:26:15Rosicrucians were linked under the group of esoteric men. We generally termed the illuminata
00:26:22They were all fed from the same trough
00:26:31This hidden group were known to the various groups as the hierarchy of light
00:26:37the elder brothers
00:26:39Nobody ever saw them. They just did their bidding
00:26:42Under these men were the seven masters of the great white lodge
00:26:47These had their hands on the reins of government
00:26:51They controlled whole continents
00:26:53They guided destinies inspired statesmen and rulers to action
00:26:59Governed over many orders and groups
00:27:03They were the masters of the great white lodge
00:27:06Inspired statesmen and rulers to action
00:27:10governed over many orders and groups
00:27:13Each master had a name
00:27:15For there was no face
00:27:19humi and more
00:27:22The history of one of them was known even if his real name and location was not
00:27:28He had been educated at a british university
00:27:31The name of the university was widely read and was in charge of revitalizing the ancient philosophers
00:27:48Their aim was to ensure that the head of every government and organization of power and authority
00:27:55Should be ruled over
00:27:57By a master or at the very least one under the master's control
00:28:08They were to gather in anybody who showed an interest in seeking the force
00:28:17Their ultimate goal they say is to control all the world
00:28:22under the power and authority of the hidden masters
00:28:26And to reign over a world of peace
00:28:37Only by ensuring that all human minds succumb to the will of the light or fire will true peace come about
00:28:45All must do the master's bidding if there is to be peace in the world
00:28:56Through their various means of establishing this authority of the light
00:29:00They reduce man down to a shell
00:29:03by means of
00:29:05The pupil's personality is in turn withdrawn from the physical body until
00:29:11They say the man recognizes himself as a part of the master's consciousness
00:29:17The master is only interested in a man from the point of view of his usefulness and his capacity to
00:29:32These are their own words
00:29:35They even tell us how the forces are used to enable this control
00:29:40They use as all cults have throughout time
00:29:44rhythmic sounds words and phrases
00:29:47music dance and meditation
00:30:04These methods remove obstacles in the mind
00:30:08The rhythmic nature they say allows true nature to flow
00:30:14In essence, it is nothing more than a method of hypnotism
00:30:18And it is used in churches masonic lodges and all secret societies
00:30:23The effects are global for all men are the same natural being
00:30:41In the early 20th century the rosicrucians and theosophists of america
00:30:46Set out their store
00:30:48They had a plan
00:30:51Given to them by the masters
00:30:53They would take control of politics religion and education
00:30:58Through these they would control business and the rest of the world
00:31:15America by the time they had finished would be the world dominant power
00:31:20Their vision was realized by the end of world war ii
00:31:24as their great revolution ended
00:31:29Men women and children
00:31:31Must slave on farmer in factory for the nazi master race
00:31:37or starve
00:31:39There will be a class of subject alien races. We need not hesitate to call them slaves
00:31:46French children were to grow up on such inadequate food that many would reach the age of 12 before they grew new teeth
00:31:56And for any attempts to protest against these restrictions thousands of innocent french civilians would be executed
00:32:08This was the price the french were to pay as they signed the armistice
00:32:14And the master of the master race must go to paris to tour the streets of what was once the city of light
00:32:22You notice no cheering crowds here to welcome in the new order
00:32:33Old empires were destroyed with the two world wars and a new one emerged their plans were succeeding
00:32:43In 1864 revolutionary writer maurice joly wrote
00:32:49Before thinking of actually directing the public
00:32:53One must stun it
00:32:55Dazzle it by all sorts of movements
00:32:58Mislead it
00:32:59insensibly in its ways
00:33:02They did stun the world with two dreadful world wars, which were nothing more than revolutions
00:33:08Which were nothing more than revolutions
00:33:11No different to the french and american versions, which they also set in motion through their secret societies
00:33:23In the early 20th century one of the nine masters actually said
00:33:29Experiments are being made now
00:33:32unknown to the subjects themselves
00:33:35that people in many civilized countries
00:33:38are under supervision
00:33:40and a method of stimulation
00:33:43Intensification is being applied
00:33:46Which will bring to the knowledge of the great ones themselves
00:33:50A mass of information that may serve as a guide to their future efforts for the race
00:33:56Especially our people in america australia india russia scotland and greece being dealt with
00:34:04A few in belgium sweden and austria are likewise under observation
00:34:10Schools have already been started when they are firmly grounded when they are working smoothly and with public recognition
00:34:18And when the world of men is being somewhat colored by them
00:34:22when they are producing scholars workers politicians
00:34:25scientists and
00:34:27Educational leaders who make their impress on their environment
00:34:31Then mayhap will come the true occult school
00:34:45The whole idea yet again is to control the minds of man
00:34:49The control is so complete that in their own words
00:34:53The initiate cares not if he loses friends relations children popularity
00:34:59He cares not if he seems to work in the dark and is conscious of little result from his labors
00:35:07By 1927
00:35:09They were claiming that
00:35:11We are witnessing the birth of a new world consciousness
00:35:15of a world civilization
00:35:17Old traditions are being broken down old customs destroyed
00:35:22There must be anarchy before there can be creation
00:35:36Their workers are necessarily cultured and widely read
00:35:40They do not regard their country and political affiliations as of paramount importance
00:35:46They are equipped to organize
00:35:48slowly and steadily
00:35:51that public opinion
00:35:53The biggest work for them they predicted
00:35:56Was to be the mid 1930s it was to be the time of anarchy before the calm
00:36:15They said of the 1930s
00:36:17material stress and strain
00:36:20the wrecking of old political parties
00:36:23the overthrowing of trade relations
00:36:26All of this came true
00:36:28The depression caused mayhem political upheaval
00:36:32And saw the birth of new radical political parties around the world
00:36:36And none more so than in nazi germany
00:36:52All of this was needed they said
00:36:55To demonstrate the necessity of establishing a spirit of international dependence and interrelation
00:37:02So that the nations would be politically forced to realize their isolation
00:37:09And the cultivation of national egoism must go
00:37:22After the first revolution of world war one
00:37:25They brought about the league of nations
00:37:28A group of countries desiring never again to see war on such a scale
00:37:33It was in fact the creation of a secretive group of international business leaders
00:37:39and mystics
00:37:41All linked to the illuminati and all now with the authority of the broken public behind them
00:37:58Phase two would be started by these same people in the 1930s
00:38:03As hitler was founded funded and sent on his merry way to create mayhem
00:38:21And what of america
00:38:23That was simple and was under control
00:38:26Political parties there were almost incidental because it was in the teenage years of true capitalism
00:38:34It was therefore controlled
00:38:36Not by presidents in congress, but by business
00:38:39Business leaders were already under the power of the masters through the masonic brotherhoods
00:38:46And they chose and controlled the politicians
00:38:49Most of which were masons anyhow
00:38:57The mason were directly under the influence of the masters job done
00:39:05The fate of the world was sealed anarchy was set in motion
00:39:09The usa sat back
00:39:11grew in power
00:39:12And watched and waited
00:39:19They then jumped in at the perfect moment and brought the might of that wealth and industrial power to bear
00:39:27The world blew a sigh of relief and shouted never again
00:39:40The united nations was formed
00:39:42blame attributed
00:39:44And man moved on
00:39:46In a few short years a disparate world had been forced to join together at the same table
00:39:53It was unprecedented
00:39:55It was predicted
00:39:57It was planned
00:40:09In fact
00:40:10The prediction was so perfect
00:40:13That even gave the year that world war ii would end
00:40:17And a new world faith would begin to take shape
00:41:02The united states was called the new world for a good reason
00:41:06It was to be the place from which the new world order would be created
00:41:11This plan was centuries old
00:41:14The old world of europe its monarchies and religions would be left behind
00:41:19And the enlightened minds of the united states created
00:41:29All of this takes time and a great deal of work
00:41:33But the very foundations of america are those of the illuminati
00:41:38As one writer in the early 20th century wrote
00:41:42How did it happen at the time of the american revolution?
00:41:46When next to nothing was known of the mathematical interpretation of the great pyramid
00:41:52That its symbolism was used in concrete exactness
00:41:57on the great seal of the united states
00:42:01Indicating that it was part of america to reinstate the rule of christ
00:42:07the light or illumination
00:42:09on earth
00:42:13It happened
00:42:14Because it was a symbol and sign for all to see
00:42:18For many to rejoice over the others to fear
00:42:22It was the symbol of the coming to power of the hidden masters
00:42:31An american high mason and rosie crucian in 1877 wrote
00:42:36in the last century
00:42:38The united states was freed from the tyranny of the mother country
00:42:42By the action of secret societies more than is commonly imagined
00:42:48It was true
00:42:50All of those in positions of power and authority on all sides of the american revolution
00:42:55Were in fact brothers of the same lodges and fraternities
00:43:00They even held meetings between political enemies of brothers on the battlefields
00:43:05It was all staged
00:43:15It was staged again, but pushed out into a wider world in the 20th century world war revolutions
00:43:31This is what the illuminati said in the 1920s
00:43:37Do you know that there are men and women in the united states
00:43:42Who are able to look into the immediate future with transcendent vision?
00:43:47And discern accurately a complete metamorphosis of our present institutions
00:43:54along more wholesome lines
00:43:57This means in plain language
00:43:59That they can see what improvements in our political and economic order are going to arise
00:44:05from this present period of distress
00:44:08and turmoil
00:44:17They see these improvements crystallizing between 1933 and 1945
00:44:241945 both dates written large on the great pyramid prophecy
00:44:431933 is the year that adolf hitler came to power
00:44:491945 is the year his reign ended
00:45:07It had all in fact been going on a long time
00:45:12Often the politicians are completely unaware of it and are just pawns in the bigger game
00:45:19other times
00:45:20They fully know and cover up
00:45:38George washington who was himself a freemason wrote
00:45:43It was not my intention to doubt that the doctrines of the illuminati
00:45:49and principles of jacobinism
00:45:52Had not spread in the united states
00:45:55on the contrary
00:45:57No one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am
00:46:14There has always been two sides to the illuminati movement
00:46:19The mystical side we have covered
00:46:21But this is in truth. Just a modern cover for the political scheming that's in the background
00:46:27in the 18th century when the name illuminati
00:46:32The political clubs were called jacobin clubs
00:46:35Seen by many as aristocratic groups fostering followers
00:46:40Today their direct descendants are known as the council on foreign relations
00:46:46The trilateral commission the united nations and more
00:47:01All of these can be easily traced back to those earlier groups
00:47:06Even the same bloodlines exist within all the organizations
00:47:16They plan and scheme
00:47:18And throw up congressmen senators and presidents and place them where they are needed
00:47:24Through the vast wealth and media power. They manipulate the masses to carry out that fakery. They call democracy
00:47:39There are several well-known and often covered names involved in all of this
00:47:43The european financier family that had huge influence is the rockefeller family
00:47:49David rockefeller founded the trilateral commission
00:47:52And was a co-founder of the council on foreign relations
00:47:56The family tree reads like an illuminati greatest hits album
00:48:01Through just the minor work of this one family a grand unification has taken place
00:48:08Countries of the world have been brought together
00:48:11Countries of the world have been brought together under the powerful influence of just one head
00:48:17The united nations is a group of nations
00:48:20But the delegates all owe their positions to the various branches of the worldwide illuminati
00:48:27And so do the master's bidding
00:48:30What the illuminati cannot make happen through influence
00:48:34They bring about through revolution
00:48:37The united states was the major game player in world war one and two
00:48:42Woodrow wilson's 14-point plan after world war one
00:48:46Held within it a veiled attempt to get all nations to surrender to their sovereignty
00:48:53It almost worked when they formed the league of nations
00:48:56However, the us never actually joined itself
00:49:01It didn't really matter because world war ii was already under planning stages
00:49:07So the united states was the only one that could join the league of nations
00:49:12And the only one that could join the league of nations was the united states
00:49:17It didn't really matter because world war ii was already under planning stages
00:49:23And the council on foreign relations was created behind the scenes
00:49:33This is an almost country-sized secret society in itself plotting and planning on our behalf
00:49:41Most of the members have bloodlines that stretch back to the early days of the illuminati
00:49:46and royal houses of europe
00:49:51The rest are high-powered businessmen and other such people in positions of vast power
00:50:00We must remember that all of these institutions
00:50:04Are places for generally non-elected people
00:50:08The same is true of that other global secret group the bilderbergers
00:50:13In the usa there is a friendly group called the american friends of the bilderbergers
00:50:19Each group is made up of chosen individuals
00:50:22Chosen by whom?
00:50:25Each group is made up of chosen individuals chosen by whom?
00:50:36Somebody here has the power to choose people who already have amazing power
00:50:45Surely in a so-called democratic nation the people should be informed of what whom and why?
00:50:55The bilderberger is made up from the world of international banking political circles
00:51:02and business
00:51:04and professional people
00:51:06They hold top secret meetings annually to promote internationalism
00:51:12To promote a closer union a one-world agenda
00:51:16And it is fully american endorsed with a host of politicians scientists and business leaders from the usa attending
00:51:26All of the meetings are secret nobody ever tells
00:51:34So just how and when did the illuminati influence in the united states begin?
00:51:39So just how and when
00:51:41Did the illuminati influence in the united states begin?
00:51:47The very first official mention of them is in around 1785
00:51:52When the columbia lodge of the illuminati was established in new york
00:51:58some of its members were
00:52:00governor clinton
00:52:02the editor of the new york times
00:52:04and the early roussevaux
00:52:10In 1786 another lodge started in virginia with thomas jefferson as a member
00:52:21This was followed quickly by 14 more lodges throughout the then 13 states
00:52:29In 1789
00:52:31Some people were getting concerned
00:52:33The president of harvard issued a warning about their growing influence on politics and even religion
00:52:41At the exact same time the french illuminati came to pay a visit and helped to spread it even further
00:52:54George washington was so worried about the illuminati and its influence
00:52:59That he said it would shake the government to its foundations
00:53:07Both washington and adams lobbied congress to protect the us from conspiracy
00:53:19Thomas pain the author actually aided the illuminati to infiltrate several masonic lodges
00:53:31By 1798
00:53:33The reverend jedediah morse in charleston, south carolina preached a sermon about the illuminati
00:53:43Practically all of the civil and ecclesiastical
00:53:46Establishments of europe have already been shaken to their foundations by this terrible organization
00:53:53The french revolution itself is doubtless to be traced to its machinations
00:53:59The successes of the french armies are to be explained on the same ground
00:54:04The jacobins are nothing more nor less
00:54:08Than the open manifestation of the hidden system of the illuminati
00:54:13The order has its branches established and its emissaries at work in america
00:54:20The affiliated jacobin societies in america have doubtless had
00:54:25As the object of their establishment
00:54:28The propagation of the principles of the illuminated mother club in france
00:54:34I hold it a duty my brethren which I owe to god
00:54:38To the cause of religion to my country and to you at this time
00:54:43To declare to you thus honestly and faithfully
00:54:47these truths
00:54:48My only aim is to awaken you and myself due attention
00:54:53At this alarming period to our dearest interests
00:54:57As a faithful watchman, I would give you warning of your present danger
00:55:13In the same year
00:55:15the president of yale university said
00:55:18Shall our sons become the disciples of voltaire
00:55:21and the dragoons of murat
00:55:24Or our daughters the concubines
00:55:26of the illuminati
00:55:34Thomas jefferson a member of the virginia lodge of the illuminati
00:55:39and a mason
00:55:40Helped the illuminati to infiltrate the new england masonic lodges
00:55:49Also in 1798
00:55:52The reverend snyder the lutheran minister wrote to president washington
00:55:56Expressing his concern about the illuminati infiltrating the american masonic lodges
00:56:07Washington wrote back. I have heard much about the nefarious and dangerous plan and doctrines of the illuminati
00:56:16Shortly before his death washington issued two dire warnings about the illuminati
00:56:27In 1807 the future president john adams wrote three letters to a masonic brother
00:56:34complaining that
00:56:36Thomas jefferson was using the lodges for illuminati purposes
00:56:41The letters have been stolen and never seen since
00:56:45He also wrote to washington and others saying that lodges were being used by illuminati
00:56:52for their
00:56:53satanic worship
00:57:01Rumors also circulated that benjamin franklin was illuminati
00:57:06But most of the focus and hatred was directed at jefferson
00:57:11the reverend morse called
00:57:13an illuminatus
00:57:22In 1812 the president of harvard gave the following speech
00:57:27There is sufficient evidence that a number of societies
00:57:31of the illuminati
00:57:33Have been established in this land of gospel light and civil liberty
00:57:38Which were first organized from the grand society in france
00:57:42They are doubtless secretly striving to undermine all our ancient institutions civil and sacred
00:57:49These societies are closely linked with those of the same order in europe
00:57:55They have all the same object in view
00:57:58The enemies of all order are seeking our ruin
00:58:03Should infidelity generally prevail
00:58:06Our independence would fall of course
00:58:09our republican government
00:58:11Would be annihilated
00:58:19In that same year
00:58:20the british attacked washington
00:58:23In order to destroy vital documents that revealed the illuminati influence
00:58:28on the government
00:58:29and the war
00:58:37In 1829
00:58:39The british illuminati were giving speeches in new york
00:58:43Francis wright spoke for the women's auxiliary of the illuminati
00:58:48on free love and atheism
00:58:51She spoke of the international secret movement that was working behind the scenes to ferment future wars
00:58:58To bring about the one world agenda
00:59:01Indeed, they were called the communists before communism
00:59:06It was the plan she said to create mayhem
00:59:10So that the members of the illuminati were seen as the saviors and bring peace
00:59:21In 1843 the poet Heinrich hein wrote
00:59:28Communism is the secret name of this tremendous adversary
00:59:33Which the rule of the proletariat
00:59:36with all that implies
00:59:38Opposes to the existing bourgeois regime
00:59:42Communism is nonetheless
00:59:45the dark hero
00:59:47cast for enormous if fleeting role
00:59:50in the modern tragedy
00:59:52Underweighting its cue to enter the stage
01:00:02At the same time
01:00:04the editors of the new york tribune and new york sun
01:00:08Were working with the rothschilds on a secret illuminati committee
01:00:13It is believed the committee was all about the running of america from behind the scenes
01:00:24In 1841
01:00:26Clinton roosevelt wrote a book outlining plans for the new deal and national recovery act
01:00:35Both of which would not even be realized for another 100 years
01:00:41under franklin d roosevelt
01:00:44Long-term plans and family bloodlines indeed
01:00:55In 1835
01:00:58the illuminati set up yet another front organization
01:01:02called the loco foc party
01:01:05It was used over a period of 10 years to influence other political parties
01:01:11and institutes
01:01:12Many of the socialist ideals that conservatives still hate to this day
01:01:19Are being
01:01:24Throughout this whole time the illuminati influence in the government of the united states was immense
01:01:37From the constitution to the political structure, it was a massive political influence and still is
01:01:52But that second tier of illuminati influence also played a major role
01:01:58For the two cannot be divided
01:02:01The mystical side of the illumins is clear to see even to this day
01:02:06because of their huge influence
01:02:09From the sacred geometry of washington dc
01:02:12To the all-seeing eye on the dollar bill
01:02:15The sacred symbols of illuminism are everywhere for those with the eyes to see
01:02:26In essence
01:02:28the history of the illuminata in the united states
01:02:32Cannot be divided from the rest of the world
01:02:35Because it is all about the creation of a new world
01:02:40And the americas play a vital role in that grand plan
01:02:48They started many thousands of years ago in the mysterious cults of syria and elsewhere
01:03:00They grew a deep and profound understanding of the human mind within the universal mind
01:03:11The man in matter the spirit in nature
01:03:19Through the use of drugs
01:03:23dervish and other means
01:03:26They tripped the light fantastic
01:03:28And began a journey towards the light
01:03:37Along the way greed and desire for power stepped in
01:03:41And turned the knowledge gained
01:03:44Towards the dark side
01:03:52Over vast periods of time power was jealously guarded and grown
01:04:00But man is a chaotic being and power a strong pull
01:04:05They didn't always have it their own way and fought many battles for control
01:04:10Over time they have brought down governments royal dynasties and religions
01:04:18They have thrown the world into the desperate pit of warfare
01:04:23And then they have offered us peace and calm on their terms
01:04:30They have grown wealth so vast as it staggers the mind
01:04:41Nobody now is in a position to truly fight them or has enough knowledge to truly reveal them
01:04:48That is why they are the enigma. We know as the illuminati
01:04:57But they have taken america they do own every large institution every large business
01:05:06Their men and women are in the highest offices of the land
01:05:12All listen to the master's voice
01:05:17Talking to them through the eons of mysticism in a political world of power
01:05:24Next time you cast your vote just ask yourself why you bother
01:05:29You are given two choices as always
01:05:32You are given two choices as always
01:05:36Left or right it does not matter
01:05:39Both are under the yoke of the masters
