Art et designTranscription
00:00My plans were kind of blown
00:03But everything is so fun now
00:05I never wanna be without
00:08Like a teeny weeny pixel genie
00:11Teeny weeny pixel genie
00:13Teeny weeny pixel genie
00:16Teeny weeny teeny weeny pixel pinky
00:20If there's one sport I never thought I'd be good at, it's bowling.
00:24Turns out, I was right.
00:26Come on Nina, let's go bowling!
00:28No way Annie, bowling isn't really my thing. I've only done it once before.
00:49Let's just say it wasn't pretty.
00:51But you're older now, you've got more coordination. Come on, one game.
00:55No way, it's not gonna happen. Wild horses couldn't drag me in there.
00:59Hey Nina, guess you've got a job at the bowling alley. You should come and play a few games.
01:04Sure Max, I mean, I'd love to. I'm really into bowling.
01:08Great, I'll see you in there.
01:12Seriously, she gives try hard a whole new meaning.
01:16This was a mistake.
01:17Please Nina, just because she looks totally amazing doesn't mean anything.
01:21Bowling is like anything in life girls.
01:23As long as you look good doing it, everything else will fall into...
01:30Oh my dog, what are you wearing?
01:33Come on Nina, let's go bowl.
01:38Great, it's stuck.
01:40Can you give me a hand Annie?
01:45Wow, slippery little guys aren't they?
01:49Bowling is so not my thing.
01:52You might want to step back a little.
02:00Alright Nina.
02:01That was a total fluke.
02:04Smooth Nina, you must be a natural.
02:07Yeah, something like that.
02:09Hey Max, do you like my bowling shoes? They're an imported limited edition release.
02:13Yeah, well let's see what you can do with them.
02:19Does she think we're playing marbles?
02:27Alright, I guess this makes me a natural too.
02:32That was like fantastic.
02:34I said it first.
02:35I said it first.
02:36No, I said it first.
02:37No, I said it first.
02:38I can't believe you and your minions call that bowling.
02:42What's a minion?
02:43It means you follow Susie around as if she's a pop star, feed her ego and compete with each other for her attention.
02:48Me? A minion? That's cool.
02:51Excuse me, how did the topic turn onto you?
02:54Oh, sorry Susie.
02:56I challenge you to a bowling match.
02:59What? Oh I couldn't.
03:01She'd love to.
03:03Saturday, 4pm.
03:05But that's way too soon.
03:06We can't wait.
03:10Annie, why would you do that?
03:12Do what?
03:13Agree to let me humiliate myself in front of who knows how many people, including Max.
03:18Nina, relax. You'll beat Susie hands down.
03:21Um, hello? That was the first ball I've ever bowled that hasn't caused mass destruction and devastation.
03:27And it was an accident.
03:29I'm sure you're not that bad, Nina.
03:32Trust me, bad doesn't cover it.
03:34You were fantastic. Besides, practice makes perfect.
03:37I'm doomed.
03:39No way. Now rest up. Your intensive training starts tomorrow after school.
03:44Come and see me in the great bowl-off.
03:47Come and watch me win the great bowl-off.
03:49Come and see me. Me, me, me.
03:54Susie, what do you think you're doing?
03:56What's it look like? PR? Public? Um...
04:00Yeah, that.
04:01But it's supposed to be a casual game, not some big competition.
04:05I don't see the point if I don't have an audience.
04:13This is a mistake. Surely it can't be too late to pull out.
04:16Pull out? No way! You can do this.
04:29Woohoo! Go, Nina!
04:31It was a gutter ball.
04:32At least you kept it in your lane. It's a start.
04:40All right! Way to go, Nina!
04:43Yeah, what a superstar.
04:46I'm going to make an absolute idiot of myself in this bowling competition.
04:50I've always wanted to go bowling. Ever since... forever.
04:54It sounds like so much fun.
04:56Not when you suck at it.
04:58I just can't do it.
05:00Of course you can.
05:02You just need to practice.
05:05Say no more!
05:09Now this could work.
05:38Nina, how did you suddenly get so good?
05:41Practice makes perfect.
05:46Suzy, you're not going to like this.
05:49See? That was her third strike.
05:52Of course she's bowling strikes. She's got her own bowling ball.
05:55There's only one thing for it. Let's go shopping.
06:03Nina, is there something you'd like to tell me?
06:05Your support and friendship are invaluable.
06:08I mean, is there something you'd like to tell me about your sudden bowling talent?
06:12Positive thinking really does make a difference.
06:15Yeah. I'm not buying it.
06:17Well, maybe I had a little help.
06:20I knew it.
06:22Hi, Pixel Pinky.
06:23Hi, Annie.
06:24You said you wanted me to beat Suzy.
06:26And now I want you to annihilate her.
06:32Let's do it!
07:03Pixel Pinky? Pixel Pinky, is that you?
07:11Can't mess with talent, Nina.
07:13Um, Nina?
07:15Not now, Annie. I'm on a winning streak.
07:22Annie, what's going on?
07:23Where's my ball?
07:24I don't know, Suzy.
07:25I don't know, either.
07:26I don't know, either.
07:27I don't know, either.
07:28I don't know, either.
07:29I don't know, either.
07:30I don't know, either.
07:31Where's my ball?
07:32Pixel Pinky would never have let me bowl a gutter ball.
07:35Yeah, about that.
07:36Suzy has your ball.
07:38Well, I'd better go and ask her to give it back, then.
07:40Yeah, that'll work.
07:41Why not?
07:42Nina, please.
07:43You have way too much faith in people.
07:45It's worth a shot.
07:47Um, hi.
07:48I think there might have been a tiny little mix-up.
07:50That's my ball.
07:51Actually, this is my ball.
07:53No, really. It's mine.
07:54So, let's just swap and get back to the competition.
07:59Now, if you excuse me, it's my turn to bowl.
08:01But, but...
08:06Get it together, Nina.
08:07You can do this.
08:08You're already in the lead.
08:09Just focus on where you want the ball to go
08:11and picture it going there.
08:13Think the ball, Nina.
08:14Feel the ball.
08:15Be the ball.
08:16You don't understand, Annie.
08:18I can't win this without Pixel Pinky.
08:20Yes, you can.
08:21Listen, you're way ahead.
08:23All you've got to do is hold on to your lead.
08:25Même si Suzy bowls straight strikes from now on,
08:27you only need to knock down five pins.
08:30Just five measly little pins and you win.
08:32You can do this, Nina.
08:46Sing it with me, Nina.
08:47I can do it. I can do it.
08:49I can do it. I can do it.
09:25That's it.
09:26Keep your pins down.
09:38I did it!
09:39I really did it!
09:41Congratulations, Nina.
09:42Here's your prize.
09:43A lifetime membership to the Alley Cats.
09:47I think we all know what went on here.
09:49My ball was clearly a dud.
09:51Oh ! It bit me ! The ball bit me !