00:30I was worried Lloyd
00:48And Nebulon has the ball
00:50He fades back
00:54Nebulon has it again
00:56He's open
01:00What is going on in here
01:02Me and the guys are just having some fun
01:04But don't you worry Mrs. N we were just about to leave
01:06We'll be at my house Lloyd
01:08I did not say you could have friends over Lloyd
01:10Yeah well
01:12I decided not to bother you with getting permission
01:14Seeing as how you were so busy scrubbing the toilet
01:16You're supposed to be cleaning your room
01:18Just look at this place it's a disaster
01:20This rag is for scrubbing not throwing
01:22Aw come on mom it's my fraternal vacation
01:24I don't wanna spend it working
01:26Every year Lloyd
01:28Shivenox is over it's time to clean
01:30So get to work
01:32And please for once put yourself into it
01:36Man oh man
01:38What a day
01:40Not only did I have to scrub the baseboards and straighten up my closet
01:42But get this my mom actually made me vacuum
01:44Yeah so
01:46Allow me to add big whoop
01:48What's wrong with you guys
01:50I thought you'd be laughing and having fun
01:52Having fun right after we left your place
01:54Have you dusted Lloyd have you
01:56It's dusty
01:58I spent the last three hours painting our mailbox
02:00Yes well at least you boys are finished with your chores
02:02Well here I am still in the midst of organizing our family photo albums
02:04What a mess
02:06This album is supposed to document our vacation to Brainavia
02:10One of my baby pictures
02:12Hey Douglas you were cute
02:14Aw I think he still is
02:18This is no laughing matter
02:20Baby pictures have no place in this album
02:22Greetings y'all
02:26And here we have farm pictures
02:28Since when were you a farmer
02:30That's not me that's my cousin Jeb
02:32Look this Jeb guy's actually got a swing made from a real tractor rocket
02:36This guy's own swimming hole
02:40He's catching frogs
02:42Now they're going on a hayride
02:44Listen to him man they're a-pickin' and a-fiddlin'
02:46Howdy fellow mcnuggets
02:48We're having a dandy old time
02:50Y'all ought to come by and visit
02:52Call us anytime
02:54See you quite soon
02:56Yes rub it in country people
02:58Frolick to your heart's content while I toil in the city
03:00Hey I wanted to see more
03:02That place looks like fun
03:04I bet he spends half his time just skipping rocks and fishing
03:06Yes well I wouldn't know I've never been to their farm
03:08Why not didn't you hear him
03:10He said come by anytime
03:12Hey he did say that didn't he
03:14I suppose
03:16Guys that gives me an idea
03:18Let's get out of our crummy vacation
03:20Douglas it's time you gave your country cousin a call
03:22Now let me get a handle on this cousin
03:24You want to come out here to the farm
03:26Now all of you
03:28Erm well yes may we
03:30Why sure fact is now's the most fortuitous time
03:32The zoogleberries are just bursting from the bushes
03:36Oh boy
03:38Just have your ma call my ma and we'll set it all up
03:40See you real soon
03:42Erm farewell partner
03:44My that was easy
03:46We'll be fishing and stuffing our faces with zoogleberries in no time
03:48It's the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of Intrepidville
03:50Well yeah
03:52Except for one thing
03:54It's just like Jeb says we've got to set it up with our moms
03:56And there's no way my mom's going to let me skip
03:58Vertumnal cleaning to go hang out on some farm
04:00I cannot believe this
04:02My mom's actually going to let me skip
04:04Vertumnal cleaning to go hang out on some farm
04:06What could our mothers be thinking
04:08Who cares
04:10All I know is I'm chugging along in a real hot steam rocket
04:12Just look at it
04:14We're in a country where space stretches as far as the eye can see
04:16We're not actually in the country yet
04:20Approaching planet Boondock
04:22But we sure are about to be
04:32Now this is the country
04:34Our galaxy's heartland
04:36It's just like I imagined it
04:38Look guys a beaver
04:40That's no beaver
04:42Jeb come on cousin
04:44Greetings Uncle Vern
04:46Jeb, Uncle Vern these are my friends
04:48Lloyd, Eddy and Kurt
04:50Howdy station slickers
04:52Welcome to planet Boondock boys
04:54Hop on and strap yourselves in
04:56Next stop the McNoggin family farm
05:04Check it out
05:12Au clown
05:14Toi là
05:26Well boys
05:28Here we are