• 2 months ago
00:00And it's on the 95.7 the game Twitter feed. We'd love your votes. Check it out. And how would you answer this?
00:06uh dibbers
00:09After the loss against toronto last night warriors are 7 and 17 over their last 24
00:15We get the situation the deadline is coming. What do you want to see them do?
00:21Here are the four options just so that we could put a put a name on it. All right
00:26Make a big trade all caps
00:28big trade
00:30small trade
00:32but save assets
00:34Do nothing and hope for improvement
00:38Or tank
00:40Which one would you vote for I would vote for small trade save assets. Yes, and by assets
00:46I do mean picks and I think that you look at what your assets are
00:51At the deadline for me number one asset is the expiring contract of dennis schruder who has not fit
00:58and if you do not fit well, then
01:01You probably get traded. Don't quit. Yeah
01:03I don't want him to quit but they may quit the schruder era. His contract is 13 million
01:09He cannot be traded until one day before the deadline based on when you acquired him
01:13But you got him at a spot where you knew if you got him then you could flip him before the deadline
01:21and so I do think that it's a chance for dunleavy and company to
01:24Repurpose that contract you go from melton to schruder you throw in whether it's gp2
01:31Or kavon somebody else and you get vucevic in if it costs you a couple of second round picks fine
01:37What if it costs you a first? Well, then maybe it's a first in 2030 or 2031
01:42It would not be a first this year because i'm afraid you're going to need it and grandy was telling me
01:47It's a deep draft and I believe it's a good draft
01:49Yeah, it's a guy who's you know, he's got his finger on the pulse of what's going on in college hoop
01:54I'm, you know locked in on teams not players
01:56But if it's a deep draft and you're going to be lottery ish, then I want that pick this year
02:02But if it means you give up a first in 2030, well, we can deal with that. Yeah, of course
02:08I i'm with you. I voted on the same thing small trade save assets, but right now deb's we're in third place
02:14Uh early returns very early returns on the boat
02:16Well, what do you think just for fun and then we're gonna have the phones
02:20What do you again the four options are make a big trade?
02:24Option two is make a smaller trade, but save your big assets
02:28Option three is do nothing and pray
02:31And option four is tank. What do you think is leading the vote right now? Oh big trade. It's a great question
02:37That is correct trade because fans want fans want big big and bigger big right 51
02:43What do you think's in second place tank tank is in second place at 30
02:48Which I I love the idea like let's tank and get cooper flags completely impossible
02:53But let's think about like team tank you're thinking about tanking winning the lottery and getting cooper flag
03:00And also wait for it. He turns out to be the sauce
03:05Like even if you tank it doesn't mean you get a player who turns out to be really really amazing, right?
03:10That that is 100 correct, but let me add I would like to ask those of you who are in tankville
03:18explain to us
03:20How you execute that?
03:22Are you just fabricating injuries to steph and draymond?
03:26Is that you don't have to fabricate with draymond? He's hurt. Well, so seth's got knee tendonitis. Sure, but like I
03:33Public enemy had a song called shut it down. Okay, but these guys shut it shut it down are sitting here holding nightly press conferences
03:40On and and articles are being written about their desperation
03:45With what's remaining in their career you would have the warriors step in call them into the office. Yeah, uh steph
03:53Take a seat right here
03:54Uh want to talk to you? Uh, you're out for the year
03:58And steph's just gonna be like, okay
04:01I mean, honestly golf club. How do you execute?
04:04with this roster
04:06In this situation in this city at these prices at this this this yeah all your prime time games
04:14How do you execute a tank?
04:17It's difficult. Um, and i'm not gonna say you've done it before because steph actually got hurt actually got hurt
04:23He got hurt and then draymond got hurt
04:27And I don't know if draymond could have played through it if there were meaningful games, but it was eric paschal
04:33It was jordan pool and it was me against low neil in the disgrace of chase
04:37And then you had a pandemic and then you had games in florida
04:40You you didn't qualify for and then you got the number two pick
04:44And well, i'm not gonna continue with the story because we know what happened with the number two pick
04:49But there is a way that you could go into tank mode
04:53I do think that the steph part of it is the most difficult part of it
04:56Obviously, right? Sure. Sure
04:58I mean this guy's sitting here like one day the espn's gonna write an article
05:03About how he's laser focused on his fifth ring and the next day
05:07Was out for the year, but he's not going ring shopping. And I mean none of these guys are
05:13well for me, so
05:14I mean you can be laser focused and I I just think that's I don't know that's jumping too many steps
05:20I'm playing devil's advocate. I don't think that you go to tank mode, but I wonder what the third
05:25Uh, I guess the third option in the vote would be what you and I said, which is make a small move small trade
05:32Yes, yeah 13 do nothing is barely getting any votes at all, right?
05:36Nobody wants to do nothing do nothing is what we saw last night where you've got steph doing his level best
05:42Well, this is like I mean right now. I think this probably do you agree?
05:45This probably come up in a boardroom over at chase center. This isn't just about winning
05:50There's also a conversation of like are we watchable right now?
05:54Is this is anybody entertained? Well, he's entertaining who steph yes
06:02Not enough and he's not playing enough right he's not going to play back to backs and
06:08Like that's I think that's got to be part of this
06:10That's why steve kerr mentioned that the other day. We've got to give our fans some thrills
06:16Yep, steve kerr coming up at four o'clock and I wonder if there will be thrills against minnesota tomorrow
06:22In you know, that's a tough spot end of a road trip
06:25and we don't know if draymond's back will be
06:27Good enough or whether or not his illness will be cleared and and all the rest of it
06:31But you're in a tough spot not only schedule wise
06:35But like you're saying your team is not that entertaining outside of steph and you're losing games
06:40Um, let's go to uh the callers here 888-957-9570. What do you want the warriors to do chris in san jose?
06:47Hi chris. Thanks for the call
06:50Hey marky mark dibbers missed you guys over the holiday season and uh, happy new year. I know it's a bit belated
06:57No, it's fine
06:59As long as you want to wish happy new year, you're free to do so
07:02Well, if I was going to say it could be february 1st
07:05And if I hadn't spoken to you guys since then I probably wish you a happy new year early valentine
07:09And I would take that I would take that. Yeah
07:12Well, you might get an early valentine's day gift for me then marky mark. We'll see what happens. We'll see how uh
07:18Generous i'm feeling around that time and how the the wonderful I forget. What's your wife's name laurie?
07:24All right, talk about me or dibs
07:27Is it dibbers I was gonna say one of you
07:29You always bring up your beautiful wife and you know
07:32We want to make sure you do good rounds valentine's day. So I might come with a few tips. Okay, we'll see
07:37Yeah, mine's not my wife. She's going to be my wife this summer, but her name is christy and and and
07:44Yes, and the lovely lovely christmas and the lovely supper obviously
07:48Anyway, chris, let's talk about the basketball team
07:52I go on tangents gentlemen
07:54Um, so yeah warriors you were you were asking the question should they take should they go for the playoff?
07:59The reality of the situation is they aren't tanking right now like trying to tank but they're in the midst of it
08:07I mean, they're 7 and 17 in their last 24 games you extract right now
08:11They have the 10th worst record in the league you extrapolate what they're doing
08:15Um, you know and what other teams are doing from the seven eight nine seeds you extrapolate that over the rest of the year
08:21And this you know, we're looking at a top seven pick in the draft
08:24Maybe higher if the lottery balls fall correctly, so you're in an interesting spot. I agree with dibbers
08:30Listen, you got hall of famers on your roster. You got steph curry
08:33One of the greatest players of his generation
08:35you're not going to openly go out and tank and
08:37Realistically you're not going to end up with one of the top five spots because those teams are already
08:42You know, you already have 11 more wins than them
08:45So they're in a weird spot where everybody's like unless they make a big move
08:49We're not we're not making the playoffs. But the reality is to me even if they make that big move
08:54They're still you know, eight nine ten seed at best if that
08:58So right now I guess the point i'm bringing up and i'm sure you guys are aware of it
09:02They're not openly trying to tank but they are tanking
09:07With their play on the floor and I you know, the return the return of kaminga. It's not going to get any better
09:13So you're looking at a middling team that's going to struggle to make the play in so to me
09:18You might as well go in that other direction. You might as well ship off draymond green
09:23You might as well bring a you know, quinn post had a nice little efficient night the other night what happens?
09:28He goes down to the g league drops 31 and 10
09:31Let's get the young player some playing time listen, I know moody moody was 0 of 6 last night
09:36Let's find out if he can play
09:39Give him a consistent role you guys signed him to three years 39 millions and he he touched the floor once a week
09:45So, you know, you're not going to get that number one pick
09:48Chances are you don't get cooper flag, but you're you're a lot closer to a top five pick than you are
09:54Making the playoffs the one through six seed. I'll let you guys run with it. Love you
09:59Uh, you guys have a wonderful rest of your evening chris you too. Thanks man. Appreciate it
10:03I mean what i'm hearing is that in some ways we're asking the warriors to put on a
10:11to be actors
10:13in other words like
10:16Are we acting?
10:17Like we can be a good team
10:18But on the down low we know that we suck and we're just going to keep on losing basketball games
10:23And the same thing bounces in my head every time I hear an idea like what chris is suggesting
10:29I don't think it's a crazy idea
10:30I just don't think the execution of it is easy enough when you start going down the road of hey
10:36Let's just play young people and get information
10:40that's where
10:43Steph would be mad
10:45And and and you can say I don't care that steph would be mad
10:49But this is the fence line that you have to walk
10:53Which is to say
10:54Steph is over here on one end going look we're not looking to completely pants the organization on the way out
11:01But the organization therefore needs to meet him halfway
11:04And go yes steph and and in return for that
11:08We will not just stick g leaguers on the court next to you
11:12as you
11:13As you have the curtain fall
11:15It's it's a very difficult
11:18Needle to thread I agree, but you kind of have to play along
11:23Steph's being self-aware and the warriors need to also protect steph
11:28You cannot make a mockery of the end of his career. You can't do that
11:31You can't but you can also continue without making a trade and you can continue
11:36With life as it's been and it's not tanking if you're actually not very good
11:42And right now this team that's true. This team is not tanking. They've lost 17 of 24 and they're trying their level best
11:48So it's not tanking if you're playing steph and draymond when they can
11:54And you're playing the rest of the fellas when they can and you know
11:57What maybe quentin post does get a little bit of a run?
12:00and you know lindy waters you see what you have and that doesn't to me feel like you're
12:05tanking if you're going out there and then you get down to maybe
12:09When you have 20 games left and you're still a 12 seed or you're an 11 seed and at that point
12:14You kind of say all right guys, we're going to shut you down at that point
12:18Then it's not really tanking. No one i'm not saying that you should go into full tank mode now
12:24But i'm also saying that you shouldn't go out there and try to mortgage real assets for the future
12:30To try to chase something that I don't think is really there
12:32Yeah, I look I get it
12:34I I do want to bring this up just because we always in the second half of seasons people start screaming about math
12:43Everything sounds so far away right now, right?
12:46Oh my gosh, it's unrealistic to think about
12:50those top six seeds
12:52They're two and a half games out
12:54Right and behind how many teams? Uh, well, they're in the they're currently in the 12 hole, right?
13:00So they're behind five teams. Yeah, but I mean two and a half games and and the team sitting in the six seed right now
13:07It is is barely outscoring their opponents
13:10Like their point differential is 0.8 the warriors is 0.4. It's the clippers. Do you know what I mean? Like I
13:17Again, i'm not pitching that the warriors are the sixth best team in the west right now. I'm just saying
13:24And things could change they could they can change i'm looking at the west and there are 12 teams that are actually trying
13:31And you are 12th out of 12 because portland they're young and they're doing their level best in utah
13:38God love you. You got marketing and I couldn't name another jazzes
13:42And new orleans my goodness. What?
13:45You got ingram and zion in theory and you are a hot mess
13:49So of the 15 teams in the west there are three that are terrible and of the remaining 12
13:55You're 12th out of 12 so we can say you're two and a half out and it's factually accurate
14:00But I look at the teams ahead of you and it's hard for me to find
14:03A lot of teams ahead of you that I could look at and say oh you're better than them
14:07Well, I don't know that that matters right now because again i'll keep using the sacramento kings comparison
14:13Like literally two weeks ago. You're like my god, they're awful
14:18And then they don't lose games anymore
14:20They win seven in a row. Yeah, they beat boston
14:23They start beating really good basketball teams and the next thing you know, they're firing into the playoff picture
14:29So can't we have to say who's the real kings? I don't know
14:32I don't know, but I don't think
14:35If the warriors make a trade not a huge one
14:39Bring in someone
14:41Also get healthy. I don't think that the warriors are like not allowed to go on a winning streak
14:47I don't even look at the standings right now. Just play better
14:51They have to play better right and they can well they can they're allowed to but I look at the kings and I look at
14:57uh a core of young mostly younger players and guys who
15:01Can turn it on in a hurry and the warriors I look at a 36 year old
15:06Star who is no longer able to carry a team on his own. That's fair. Draymond green hall of famer who is
15:13Unable to get on the floor right now because he's injured and you can look at andrew wiggins in his 20 point performance last night
15:19And yeah, he had 20 and he was a positive in the point differential and usually that means you win
15:25but you didn't and then look at the rest of the roster and
15:28Even if you have cominga who I like cominga i've been team cominga this whole year, but outside of that
15:34you've got a bunch of role players and
15:37like bench guys and maybes I I understand but like
15:41Here's and this is not a great comparison because they're not the same kind of player
15:45But what were they saying three weeks ago about demar de rosen with the kings? What were they saying?
15:51Yeah, he was a big bust. He was missing. This is not a fit
15:54It's the same thing we're all saying about dennis schroeder right now
15:58But but but then suddenly it does
16:01Because they had 30 games together and then something clicked
16:06Like is it possible that dennis schroeder starts averaging 15 a night two weeks from now? I don't think that's crazy
16:13He was averaging almost 20 a night before like lucas said earlier. Well, he's cratered his trade value. I don't think so
16:20The league knows who dennis schroeder is we know who dennis schroeder is right he can play
16:26He's not playing very well right now. It doesn't mean he's gonna play this way for the next three months
16:32Well, he's a guy that uh, brooklyn was pretty, you know ready to give up for two second round picks
16:38He's a guy who's been on seven different teams. They're taking right
16:42But dennis schroeder is a guy who's bounced around and same thing with buddy healed and so buddy came out and he was unbelievable for
16:49Four weeks and then buddy kind of reverted back to the player that many
16:53Sacramento fans would call in and tell us was the real buddy. He also right
16:58So, I mean buddy's allowed to make a shot again and dennis is allowed to play better
17:03But I look at even if those two things happen, does that make this team suddenly a six seed?
17:08I don't know with cominga and vucevic back on it
17:13Probably not. I don't know maybe I don't know
17:15I mean if buddy and dennis play better and you get vucevic and jonathan's healthy and draymond stays healthy and and steph is just
17:22You know what steph has been and wiggins contributes. Okay, it's all that's a lot of if it's a lot of ifs
17:28But that's sports for most teams like you don't get to just assume championship contention every year
17:34We've kind of fallen into that a little bit here in the bay
17:37Like it depends on what goggles you want to put on at the beginning of the year
17:41If you want to think about the team being like in the championship mix, well, yeah, that probably sounds pretty far-fetched
17:48But if if the thought is can the warriors be a playoff team?
17:52And that's the set of goggles that you want to put on at the start of the conversation
17:56I don't think that that sits here today as like this wild thought
18:01Oh, it's unrealistic for them to a make an acquisition b get healthier and c play better
18:08I don't think that's crazy talk
18:10It's not crazy
18:11But just because you want to make a trade doesn't mean you get to make a trade. That's true
18:15I do know that trades are hard
18:16That's what the owner told me and so you want to make a trade for vucevic?
18:21I bet there's a lot of teams that want to make a trade for vucevic
18:24I bet there's more that want to make a trade for cam johnson
18:27If those are the kind of moves that you and I are advocating which they are it's not as easy as you want them
18:33And therefore you get them and the idea of steph and draymond being healthy
18:38We already know that steph is going to be load managed on back-to-backs and I don't know how many more they have
18:43they probably have seven or eight more of those games where
18:46That kind of feels like seven or eight more games where steph won't play
18:50And yet dennis and buddy are allowed to play better. But let's go fellas. The time is now
18:56Buddy's been bad for almost two months now. No that that one has gone south. There's no doubt eddie in the city. Hi eddie
19:03Thank you for calling
19:06Hey guys
19:07Uh, what was the question again? Uh, you guys been talking so long. I can't remember the question
19:12Well, we host the radio show. Yeah, like uh, what do you what do you want the warriors to do eddie?
19:19Okay, so the warriors definitely need to make a trade, um
19:23I don't think they need to make a huge one, but um, they're gonna have to do something this uh team can't stand packed
19:30Uh, they need like a vuchovic and a cam johnson or vucevich and uh, zach levine
19:40you got to kind of clear the deck because
19:43If you do that
19:44You get some young
19:46It'll it'll force us. Uh, steve kerr outside of that top heavy team
19:51You know, you you guys are saying that the words need like a second score. Well
19:56Uh, if you got levine and vucevich and when jonathan cameo comes back
20:01Then you got like three or four different guys
20:04That can take over if steve curry
20:07Is being double teamed or whatnot and then you inject the young people
20:11You'll get some some of the young guys from the g league in there. I'm thinking of kevin knotts and quinton post
20:18And a couple of these other guys you get younger faster hungrier
20:22At the bottom of your lineup and you got some good veterans
20:26And I think most vucevich would be good
20:29Quinton post and tjd, you know pick his brain
20:33Do like he does and you know when his contract is up and he's too old
20:37Then you got some guys that can come in
20:39And take over but you got to do something. You can't stand pack. Well, and some of this is is on steve steve kurt
20:46Yeah, eddie, we got to run but thank you. I think we get the concept. I just think to me
20:51You you're you're you're trying to to to serve too many goals at the same time
20:56Uh, what what here's what i'm not doing?
20:58I'm, not acquiring zach levine's contract which has got over a hundred million dollars left on it
21:03That's all so that I can bring him in and quote go for it and then start prioritizing quinton post
21:10You got to do one of the other here. They got it. Like that's one thing
21:14I will firmly say to me doesn't work which is to stick two feet in two different buckets
21:20Well, you tried that with the two timelines, which is not anything they ever said
21:24But it was clear they tried to bring the youth and have the veterans and so that didn't work
21:28It's either, you know rebuild or you know do something in the offseason
