• 4 years ago


00:00Live from Television City in Hollywood, Chrysler Corporation, maker of these five great cars,
00:16Plymouth, Dodge, DeSoto, Chrysler, and the exclusive Imperial, the five great cars of
00:31The Forward Look. Chrysler Corporation presents Climax. Tonight's starring Thomas Mitchell,
00:50Elizabeth Patterson, John Carradine, Walter Catlin, and Charles Taylor as Huck Finn. And
01:02now your host for Chrysler Corporation, Bill Lundigan. Good evening. I'd like to read you
01:16a quote. Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted. Persons
01:22attempting to find a moral in it will be banished. Persons attempting to find a plot in it will be
01:29shot by order of the author. Tonight I'm going to boast a little bit and I'm also going to ask a
01:37favor. First the boast. I think we have in tonight's program a really special show with one of the
01:43finest cast that Climax has ever had to bring you a story so wondrously deep in our hearts that
01:48I feel I can ask the favor. Don't send the youngsters to bed this once until you've seen
01:54The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because I'm sure that they'll have fun watching and I'm sure
02:00that you'll have fun watching them watching Huckleberry Finn.
02:31The immortal story of Huck Finn is bound up with the legends that are a part of that
02:35greatest of all American rivers, Mississippi. And these particular adventures of Huck began
02:45on a certain summer afternoon in one of the hidden limestone caves bordering the Mississippi. Here
02:51in quest of a stolen treasure chest of gold have come Huck and his friend Tom Sawyer.
03:51Where's Injun Joe? He must have stole the gold from the robbers and hid it here. He's sure done for now. See that river down there so deep it goes
04:09most of China. It'll never bother us no more.
04:22Just think Tom, this is all ours. All we can divide it up like they said whoever found it could. Yeah, no more school. Just lying along the riverbanks and fishing the whole day through. That's the life for us. You don't even have your own mean paw to worry about no more.
04:38Since he went and got himself grounded. Tom, you realize that for the first time in our lives we're free. We're all on our own.
04:48Say, I got an idea, huh? Why don't you and me become blood brothers? How do you do that? I'll show you. I read all about it once in a storybook by a Frenchman named Dumas.
04:58It was these two friends. They took a solemn and sacred oath. Whenever one of them got into trouble with pirates or deadly villains, there was the other one.
05:05His true blood brother, showing up to rescue him safe and sound. There, now you make a little cut too, Huck, in one of your fingers.
05:19Yeah, that only draws the blood. That's the idea. That's how we get to be blood brothers.
05:25I, Tom Sawyer, take this solemn and sacred oath that Huck Finn is my true friend and blood brother for life. I'll come to his aid whenever he's in dire distress, no matter what the cost to me. I so swear.
05:39I so swear ditto.
05:42This is our secret, Tom. Stack of Bibles ten feet high. It's our secret.
05:54Ain't this the life, though? Ain't it just?
06:09But things didn't go exactly as the boys had planned.
06:14Huck Finn, because he was underage and an orphan, found himself bound over by court to the widow Douglas as her adopted son.
06:21And here, one early evening a month later, the widow Douglas is entertaining Tom's Aunt Polly and her young houseguest, Miss Mary Jane Wilkes from Morganville, just down the river apiece.
06:52Oh, my great land of goshen, Mary Jane. That sure is elegant and ladylike playing.
06:59Thank you, Miss Polly.
07:01I do declare I don't know where those boys can be. They promised faithfully not to get themselves dirty and to be here promptly on the hour, so as none of us would be late to prayer meetings.
07:11Oh, you know how boys are.
07:13No, I don't, but I'm learning. Huckleberry can be a trial.
07:17I must say you've turned him into a regular little gentleman. I'm that anxious to have Mary Jane meet with him.
07:24And Judge Thatcher, isn't the judge going to accompany us tonight?
07:28Oh, yes, he'll be here directly. He sent word he's been detained on the matter of investing the $6,000 fortune Huck and Tom have apiece.
07:36Ah, the judge is a wise man. Think of knowing how to invest that money so that each one of the boys will get a whole dollar interest every day. All the days.
07:48Yes, indeed. And with a fortune like that, the boys will be required to be gentlemen.
07:53Boys? Huck? Tom? Is that you?
07:57Dread these store-bought shoes. They squeak.
08:00Mine, too. We should have taken them off.
08:02What's the matter with you boys? Cat got your tongue? Oh, Landy, dearie, me, Huckleberry, come here. I declare, where have you been?
08:10Oh, get yourself in such a state. There, now that's better. Now come with me. I want you to meet a very nice little lady.
08:18I'm sorry. For your land's sakes. What have you got?
08:22Mary Jane, this is my adopted son, Huckleberry Finn. And Huckleberry, this is Miss Mary Jane Wilkes, visiting Tom's Aunt Polly from down the river.
08:30I'm that glad to know you, Master Finn.
08:33Goodness alive. Huckleberry, stand up straight. Are you struck dumb, boy? Mary Jane has just played a beautiful little piece for us on the piano.
08:42Why don't you show her what a fine lad you've become? Let's see how much you remember from your Sunday school lesson.
08:48Shucks, ma'am. Oh, that'll be splendid. Tell me who Moses was.
08:55He was that little critter found in them bulrushes.
08:58Bulrushes. And who found him?
09:05Oh, Moses was found by the king's daughter. Pharaoh's daughter. Don't you remember anything correctly?
09:11Ma'am, it's like this. You first begun to tell me about Moses. I was in a sweat to find out all about him.
09:18By and by he let it out that he'd been dead a considerable long time. And I didn't care no more. I don't take no stock in dead people.
09:25Me neither.
09:27I reckon you boys don't realize that a wise man like Judge Thatcher, so to speak, learns from the past so that he can prepare for the future.
09:36Ma'am, I reckon it's the present I'm most interested in. Me too.
09:40Well, you boys better go upstairs and comb your hair and wash your hands proper like. You can at least look like little gentlemen at prayer meetings.
09:47Yes, ma'am. Come on, Tom. And don't be all night about it, boys.
09:52Oh, Miss Douglas, I'm so glad we can have a moment together. I'm just bursting with news and I haven't had a chance to tell you.
10:00Mary Jane received a letter this morning telling how her father was taken down with an illness.
10:05So I went right over to see Judge Thatcher and he's going to accompany Tom and me on the riverboat when we take Mary Jane back to Morganville.
10:13My stars, Polly, this is news indeed. I have a hankering for a nice little river trip myself. Nothing like it to relax a body.
10:21Miss Douglas, would you and, would you and Master Finn care to come along too? We have plenty of extra room space at home.
10:29Well, now, I just don't know.
10:31Oh, do come along. I'm sure the judge can engage passage for you and Huck too and the riverboat's due to dock next Monday.
10:39Well, that does just give us time.
10:41Oh, I'm so glad. It'll be ever so nice with you both along.
10:46And Master Finn.
11:00Steer that whippoorwill.
11:03I'll steer it.
11:05I'll steer it.
11:07I'll steer it.
11:10Steer that whippoorwill.
11:13Man, I wish I was a bird and free like him. I sure enough do.
11:17It ain't worked out like we planned, has it, Huck?
11:20We're being civilized, Tom. I'm going along with it.
11:24I swear I wish I was in my old rag and Sugar Huck's head again.
11:28I'd even go back to being with my old man, as mean and ornery as he was.
11:32If only he hadn't gone off and got himself drownded.
11:35Huck, you're going to find out about it sooner or later, so I reckon I ought to maybe tell you myself.
11:41But your old man, he ain't drownded at all.
11:44Turned up in the village today. I hear drunk as a skunk and talking almighty big like he was the President of the United States.
11:49Honest Injun?
11:50Honest Injun, Huck.
11:52I know it all the time he was too mean to get himself drownded dead.
11:56Say, I'll bet he's heard about my fortune and come back to claim it himself.
12:00Say, I'll bet he's heard about my fortune and come back to claim it himself.
12:04You better tie up your fortune so he can't get at it. That's all I got to say.
12:08Yeah, we're coming.
12:10Oh, I just got you.
12:11Evening, Huck. Tom?
12:13Tom, if you don't mind, run downstairs and escort the ladies to church, will you?
12:17I'll be along directly as soon as I have a few words here with Huck.
12:20Sure. See you in church, Huck.
12:21Yeah, Thomas. Singing and a-praying.
12:23Sit down, son.
12:25I hope you ain't going to be too upset by what happened.
12:28I don't know what it is, Judge.
12:30My old man's not drownded, is he?
12:32Oh, so you already know, huh?
12:34Well, he's making a heap of trouble about your money.
12:37Yeah, I suspicion that, too.
12:40Oh, it's, Judge, I wish I didn't have that money.
12:42It ain't bought me nothing but a peck of worry.
12:46I don't want to go to that old prayer meeting tonight.
12:50And I feel too sick to go to that prayer meeting tonight.
12:53Well, I'll tell the witty Douglas you're indisposed.
12:56Oh, don't tell her that. Just tell her I'm sick.
12:58Huh? Oh, oh, all right, Huck.
13:10Judge? Judge, have they all went?
13:13Well, I'll check and make sure.
13:15Yeah, yeah, they're all gone.
13:24Say, Judge, I was wondering.
13:26Do you reckon I could give my money away, all of it?
13:29Give it away?
13:30I want you to take it, Judge.
13:32I want to make a present of it to you.
13:34Oh, is this because of what you're afraid your father might do?
13:37Oh, part ways.
13:39Then I got that constant feeling that, like they say,
13:42money's the root of all evil.
13:45The civilized ways I'm getting into, Judge, they can be powerful evil.
13:48So I just want to sell out.
13:51So I just want to sell out.
13:53Oh, I get the idea.
13:55You want to sell your fortune to me, not just give it to me.
13:58Is that the correct idea?
14:00Sure, if I could sell it and not get any money for it.
14:02Well, now, let me see.
14:04Yeah, yeah.
14:06I ain't never lived in a house with people before,
14:09and I kind of got that hankering, restless feeling.
14:13Just to get out and do for myself.
14:15Let the rest of the world take care of itself.
14:17Now, look here, son.
14:19We all in this world, every man of us,
14:21and we got to learn to live with folks and tolerate them
14:25and try to understand other people.
14:28Now, here, here, I got it all written out for you.
14:31In consideration of the sum of one silver dollar,
14:35I, Huckleberry Finn, do assign my entire fortune to Judge Thatcher
14:40to do as he sees fit.
14:42Now, here.
14:44Here's your dollar.
14:46Now, you just sign. Sign right here.
14:49Sounds all right and proper.
14:59I feel like all my troubles have just melted away.
15:02Now, you just go on up to bed,
15:04and don't you worry anymore, you hear me?
15:07Yes, sir. Thanks a lot.
15:09Good night, Judge.
15:11Good night, boy.
15:16Good night.
15:18Good night.
15:51Think yourself quite a big buck, don't you?
15:56Maybe I am. Maybe I am.
15:59Ain't you the sweet sinner, Danny?
16:05Well, a little tanner with some cow, I'll knock that out of you.
16:09It just ain't no end to your hair since you got yourself rich.
16:12I ain't rich.
16:13You give me that money tomorrow first thing.
16:15I want it.
16:16I don't have any money.
16:17Get it from that old judge.
16:19I seen you four o'clock up here doing business with him, signing papers.
16:23I seen him give you a whole dollar.
16:25Well, you can shell that out right now.
16:29Tomorrow, I get the rest.
16:32I can't get it. It ain't mine no more.
16:35What do you mean?
16:36That paper I signed with the judge.
16:38Gives it whole and entire to him.
16:41Why, you little cheat!
16:44You ain't no son of mine no more.
16:46But I'm gonna make you like it.
16:48Don't go back talk.
16:50You come right along with me here right now.
16:58I'll deal with that judge tomorrow.
17:12I'll get the coffee on directly.
17:15Tom, you run up and see how Huck's faring.
17:18Yes, ma'am.
17:19Don't come along with me, boy.
17:27Mr. Glace.
17:30I declare, I think something's brewing.
17:34You know, men always stick together closer than sideshow freaks.
17:39You may be right at that.
17:40Maybe we ought to investigate.
17:44You come along too, Mary Jane.
17:56You come back, Judge.
17:57Huck's pa come back and kidnapped him.
17:59Yeah, I'm afraid you're right, Tom.
18:01I bet that mean old man's gonna hold him for ransom.
18:03He's been kidnapped.
18:07And I only just met him.
18:09I gotta get a posse together, Judge, and go rescue him like I swore.
18:12We're blood brothers.
18:14Say, Judge, how do you get a posse together?
18:27You look like that son of a...
18:30Like that fancy pants he tried to make you.
18:34I gotta go back to town and have it out with that uppity Judge and that silly old woolly woman.
18:39But you're gonna stay locked up right here and wait on me hand and foot.
18:45Like a dutiful son should.
18:47You understand?
18:48Yes, Pa.
18:50You're gonna sleep right here on the floor.
18:53That's for these clothes.
19:07That's what I think of them in their ways.
19:11Readin' and writin', huh?
19:14Scrazy little family.
19:16No good.
19:34No good.
20:04No good.
20:19Smart, you old pot here.
20:21Well, I'm gonna give you a lesson you won't forget soon.
20:24No, Pa, no!
20:34Come on.
21:05Tom, Tom, is that you?
21:07Huck, can't you get out of here at all?
21:09Oh, Tom, I've tried everything, but I can't get out of here.
21:11I couldn't get out if I wanted to.
21:13Pa, he just gets worse and worse.
21:15Well, don't you worry, then, Huck.
21:16Didn't you and me swear to be blood brothers?
21:18I gotta get you out of here.
21:20Listen, I towed a raft over with him.
21:22It's got provisions on it.
21:24Yeah, food.
21:25What's in it?
21:26I don't know.
21:27I don't know.
21:28I don't know.
21:29I don't know.
21:30I don't know.
21:31I don't know.
21:32I towed a raft over with him.
21:33It's got provisions on it.
21:34Food, rope, my double-bladed knife, my patented war preventicator.
21:37Plenty enough to take you down as far as Morriganville.
21:39That's where I gotta go, and I can meet you there.
21:41We can escape west and fight Indians.
21:43Tom, I can't get out of here.
21:47Pa's run over here now, so I better light out.
21:50Watch out for him, because he's higher than a summer kite, and real mean besides.
21:54I'll be seeing you.
21:55Tom, hide the raft in them bulrushes where Pa won't find it.
21:57Sure, Huck.
21:58I'll be looking for you.
22:02When I'm hungry, when I'm hungry, when I'm hungry, I drink when I'm dry.
22:11So I drink when I'm hungry, and I live till I, I die.
22:26I'm gonna learn you tonight.
22:34No good sheep.
22:36And it's taken.
22:38Only he got his father's weapon.
22:45Belongs to me.
22:48Oh, no.
22:52Oh, now where'd that blamed old key go to?
23:00Yeah, yeah, yeah.
23:02Come on.
23:03You worthless no good.
23:05Help your old Pa buy that key.
23:07Yeah, yeah, come on.
23:10Yeah, yeah.
23:13Ah, ah, ah.
23:16Now, take a look at that smarty old potty.
23:19I'm gonna teach you some proper manners.
23:23Yeah, yeah, yeah.
23:26I'll learn you a lesson you won't soon forget.
23:29I'll knock some learning into you.
23:32Hey, hey, hey.
23:34Where are you?
23:35Help me up over here.
23:36Help me up here.
23:38Oh, oh, oh.
23:39Turn this thing away.
23:41You won't get away with that, I'll tell you now.
23:44Huck, Huck, you come back here.
23:46Huck Finn.
23:48We should be dead for sure.
23:52There, a pig.
23:55Who tied these witches' knots?
23:59Huck, Huck, I'll catch up with you.
24:03I'll catch up with you somewhere.
24:16In just a moment, we'll return to the second act of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
24:20And now your host, Bill Lundigan.
24:24Tonight, let's drop in a number of people all across the country.
24:28Because we've had our newsreel camera busy lately,
24:31and have talked to a great many owners of the new 1955 Chrysler Corporation cars.
24:36Now, for example, we asked this gentleman in White Plains, New York,
24:40why he bought a new Plymouth this year.
24:43Well, I think there's nothing like the engineering behind Chrysler Corporation.
24:47There are many features which I like in the Plymouth but no other car has.
24:52Then we asked a fellow in California what he thought about his new Dodge.
24:57I like this automobile because of its long, low lines,
25:01the power and performance, the handling on the road.
25:05I've owned a lot of automobiles and drive a lot of miles.
25:08I've never had one that performed nicer for it.
25:11We also talked to a very happy DeSoto owner in Mount Vernon, New York,
25:16and asked her why her family happened to select the 1955 Firefly.
25:21Well, we've heard a lot about it.
25:23We've seen it advertised on television,
25:25and we've tried several other cars driving them,
25:28and we thought it was most pleased with this one.
25:31And in Texas, Chrysler and Imperial win praise from their owners.
25:36It's been here, there, and everywhere,
25:38and you just couldn't ask for a more comfortable car.
25:41This is the second Imperial that I've had,
25:44and it gives me everything I want.
25:47It has a lot of power. It handles easy.
25:50It gives you the power when you need it,
25:52and it's just the kind of a car, I think, the finest car that money will buy.
25:57Well, I certainly can't add anything to that.
26:00It just goes to show that people really are sold on the cars of the forward look.
26:06And now we return to Climax Tonight, starring Thomas Mitchell,
26:09Elizabeth Patterson, John Carradine, Walter Catlett,
26:13and Charles Taylor as Huck Finn.
26:29The days passed, and the great Mississippi just went roll, roll, rolling along,
26:34as it always does.
26:37Born along on its current, too, went Huck Finn,
26:40alone, free at last, as the whippoorwill bird can be so envied.
26:59Hey, person, you right there, come into this office.
27:02Hey, person, you right there, come into this office.
27:05You have to hear what Red Hound's got to say to you.
27:07He's here soon last year on the raft.
27:09He's here, he's gone this year.
27:11Come in here with me.
27:12You hear what Red Hound's got to say to you.
27:14Come in here, boy.
27:26Come back, come back, come back.
27:28Come back, come back.
27:30Come back, come back.
28:01You can come out now.
28:02We're in the middle of the river, the coast is clear.
28:06You are, you are a veritable prince among men.
28:10Oh, my boy.
28:11My boy.
28:12I shall always be eternally grateful to you, my boy.
28:17What's this all about?
28:18Why were they chasing you anyhow?
28:19Well, between the acts of my recitation from the works of the Bard of Avon,
28:24you've heard of the immortal Shakespeare, haven't you?
28:27William, that is.
28:29Well, during the intermission,
28:30I was settling an article that takes the tartar off the teeth.
28:33And it does take it off, too.
28:35Generally, the enamel along with it.
28:37Well, I reckon I just stayed in that miserable little town longer than I should have.
28:42What was you running from when I met up with you?
28:44Well, I'll tell you.
28:47Here's how it happened.
28:49See, I was holding a little temperance revival in that town for about a week.
28:53Doing mighty well, too.
28:55I was the pet of all the womenfolk, old and young.
28:59Bless them.
29:01Yes, sir.
29:02And I was making it mighty tough for them rummies.
29:04Also picking up six or seven dollars a night.
29:07Well, unfortunately, a little rumor got circulated that I wasn't such a temperate man myself.
29:14That I was spending my time with a little private jug on the fly.
29:20Well, when the ruckus started, I took off lickety split.
29:25Yes, sir, double time.
29:27I didn't even wait to have breakfast with my latest darling.
29:31Old man, I reckon you and me could team it up together.
29:34Double team it.
29:35What do you think?
29:36Well, I'm not undisposed.
29:39What have you got in your mind?
29:41Bernard, I must ponder over this question.
29:45Is that how you ponder a question?
29:50What are you alasing about?
29:52Do you think that I should live to be leading such a life?
29:55Be degraded down in such company?
29:58Well, darn your skin.
30:01Do you mean to say that the company here ain't good enough for you?
30:04Yes, it is good enough.
30:06Good as I deserve.
30:07Who fetched me so low when I was so high?
30:10I did it all.
30:12Who fetched me so low when I was so high?
30:14I did it myself.
30:16I don't blame anybody, gentlemen.
30:18I deserve it all.
30:19Let the cruel world do its worst.
30:22Take everything from me.
30:24Loved ones, property, my own noble title and name.
30:28What in tarnation are you talking about?
30:31Oh, you wouldn't believe it.
30:33The world never believes, but let that pass.
30:36She's of no matter.
30:38The secret of my birth.
30:39I'll reveal it to you, gentlemen.
30:42By rights, I am a duke.
30:44Yes, you know.
30:46A duke.
30:47My great grandfather, eldest son of the Duke of Bridgewater,
30:50fled to this country.
30:52I'm the rightful Duke of Bridgewater.
30:54Here I am, all alone, degraded to the hospitality of a mere rat.
30:59I should be living in a castle, with all addressing me as Your Grace.
31:04I'll call you Your Grace.
31:06It's the only name I know you by.
31:07If you don't mind being called Grace, that's the way I'll call you.
31:10You are indeed a gentleman to the matter, boy.
31:13Your Grace.
31:17Now, look here, Bilgewater, let me tell you something.
31:20You ain't the only one that's been dragged down,
31:24snaked down, wrongfully, from a high position.
31:29What do you mean?
31:30Now, can I trust you, Bilgewater?
31:35You, boy.
31:36To the depths.
31:37The secret of your being.
31:41Gentlemen, I am the disappeared dolphin of France.
31:46You are the what?
31:47Yes, sir.
31:49Your eyes, right now, at this very moment,
31:52is a-looking at the poor, disappeared dolphin.
31:55I'm Louis XVII.
31:57Yes, sir.
31:59Son of Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antonetti.
32:04Gee willikins.
32:07Yes, I am the rightful king of France.
32:13And if the whole world was in its proper place,
32:16and me along with it,
32:18you all would be calling me Your Majesty.
32:23I'll call you that, Your Majesty.
32:25Your Majesty.
32:27Your Grace.
32:30Now, have you pondered?
32:33Have you made up your mind
32:34of what we're going to be double-teamed out of doing?
32:38I have indeed.
32:39Came to me now in a pretty gracious flash.
32:42About ten miles of there, about down the river,
32:44is a little town called Morganville.
32:47Ah, Morganville.
32:49Well, what about Morganville?
32:52We'll talk about this later.
32:55Just you and me.
32:57Just you and me.
32:58All in due time.
33:00In the dead of night.
33:27Hey, how'd you happen to hear about this?
33:39I was quenching my thirst today in a local pub,
33:42and I heard all about a very wealthy man named Peter Wilkes
33:45who died yesterday in Morganville.
33:48Well, what's that got to do with you and me?
33:52Oh, plenty.
33:53Peter Wilkes was expecting the arrival
33:55of his two English brothers from Sheffield, England.
33:58Before his demise, the brothers were delayed.
34:01Now, nobody knows what the brothers Wilkes,
34:03George and Harvey, look like.
34:06Don't you see, Your Majesty?
34:08We'll impersonate the brothers Wilkes
34:10and claim the fortune poor Peter Wilkes
34:12left to his only child, Mary Jane.
34:15Sounds pretty good.
34:17Hey, wait a minute here.
34:19What in the world are we going to use for identification?
34:22Oh, I've memorized the intimate facts about the family.
34:25Peter Wilkes didn't put any trust in banks, bless him.
34:29The money's all in gold.
34:31Left in the custody of his only child, Mary Jane.
34:35We'll rest with this, Your Majesty.
34:37Yes, until dawn do break.
34:42Sleep on, innocent laddie.
34:45Sleep on.
34:46Oh, yes.
34:48Sleep the sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care.
35:18Now, remember, none of your tricks, sonny.
35:21Remember, you never saw us before, understand?
35:24If you value your life, you better not pause in Morganville.
35:29I don't even want to stop here.
35:31Majesty, give me your umbrella there.
35:32Yes, there's my brolly.
35:36It's shallow enough here, Your Majesty.
35:37We can make it on in from here.
35:39That's fine, fine.
35:40Thank you for the brolly.
35:47Remember, boy, you keep on going.
35:49Yes, sir.
35:51You remember, young fellow, you just hold your tongue.
35:54If you should have heard something that you shouldn't have.
36:06I've got to get to Mary Jane.
36:09Here's the water.
36:20Yes, thank you, thank you.
36:22There he goes off like a scared rabbit.
36:24Don't worry about him.
36:26Remember, he's just a little boy.
36:29Now, all haste to Morganville.
36:31Remember, I'm Brother George.
36:34Yes, sir, and I am Brother Harvey.
37:01I warned you I'd catch up with you.
37:04I've been waiting for you to put a show on.
37:06I thought it all right and proper, didn't I?
37:08Now, I catch you right where I want you.
37:11And I'm going to put you where I can find you when the right time comes.
37:15Now, I'll teach you to keep your poor paw out of what is rightfully his.
37:22No more nonsense.
37:23Now, you go on.
37:34Right in here.
37:35No, no, no, no.
37:36You've got to warn Mary Jane.
37:37I don't care.
37:38You're going to stay right here.
37:40Chained up.
37:41Chained up just like a runaway slave.
37:45There you are.
37:47Now, I'll show you to teach your paw.
37:52When I need you, you think this no good.
37:55I'm going to know just where to find you.
38:03That's a good boy.
38:05You twist and squirm, and you bruise your dear little double-timing neck.
38:12Here, I'll get some.
38:30I needed that.
38:33Now, you think of all the good food and cool drinks you ever tasted,
38:40and now you're never going to taste them again, unless I come back for you.
38:51In just a moment, we'll return to the third act of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
39:06And now, once again, your host, Bill Lundigan.
39:10Now, here is a tune that's number one on the Forward Look hit parade.
39:15It's a magical little song about five cars that are winning the hearts of people all over America.
39:20Let's listen.
39:22The Chrysler Corporation
39:28Look, look to the Forward Look
39:31Everything about it is so brand new
39:34All the country took to the Forward Look
39:37And so by chimney, will you
39:43It's easy to see the country road by
39:46The swept-back windshield is the reason why
39:49Our power steering works full-time
39:52Our power brakes let you stop on the dime
39:55Look, look to the Forward Look
39:58Everything about it is so brand new
40:01All the country took to the Forward Look
40:04And so by chimney, will you
40:10Power-fly transmission makes you go like flash
40:13With drive selector on the dash
40:16Men love the engine most of all
40:19So powerful it makes them feel ten feet tall
40:22Look, look to the Forward Look
40:25Everything about it is so brand new
40:28All the country took to the Forward Look
40:31And so by chimney, will you
40:37Put it all together and you have got
40:40The car of the year that is genuine hot
40:43Its beautiful lines are so low, low, low
40:46Even standing still, it looks like go
40:49Look, look to the Forward Look
40:52Everything about it is so brand new
40:55All the country took to the Forward Look
40:58And so by chimney, will you
41:01But don't buy a chimney
41:04Buy a Plymouth
41:11Chrysler or Imperial
41:17The Forward Look from Chrysler Corporation
41:22Chrysler Corporation
41:26And now we return to Climax, a night starring Thomas Mitchell,
41:29Elizabeth Patterson, John Carradine, Waller Catlett,
41:32and Charles Taylor as Huck Finn.
41:42The Great Mississippi
41:47The Great Mississippi flows onward towards the sea
41:50and although a day and another night have passed,
41:57it has seemed like a century to one in poor Huck's desperate plight.
42:06But there is another who has awaited Huck's coming,
42:09one who hasn't forgotten the oath of everlasting brotherhood he took in blood.
42:39The Great Mississippi
43:13Gee, Monique, what a terrible plight!
43:15Tom, I gotta get out of here, fast!
43:17I'll think of something.
43:23I think I can break it open with this.
43:25Might hurt.
43:26But can you grin and bear it?
43:29Okay, you go ahead. I'll keep grinning.
43:32Oh, Uncle George.
43:34Uncle Harvey.
43:36If only Rod was...
43:39was still alive.
43:41There, there, my child.
43:43We suffered a series of calamitous misfortunes en route.
43:47I know.
43:48I know.
43:49I know.
43:50I know.
43:51I know.
43:52I know.
43:53I know.
43:54I know.
43:55I know.
43:56I know.
43:57I know.
43:58I know.
43:59I know.
44:00We suffered a series of calamitous misfortunes en route.
44:02Yes, my dear, but it's all right now.
44:04We are here to take care of you always.
44:07Ah, yes.
44:08And after the funeral, we'll take you back to our country estate in England.
44:12Wouldn't you like to ride about the countryside
44:15and have all the kindly villagers address you as Little Lady Bountiful?
44:23Real uncles.
44:26Tom, we gotta do something.
44:28They ain't no real uncles like I told you.
44:30Yeah, but she believes them.
44:31We gotta prove they ain't real.
44:35She was a blessed little angel you are, my dear.
44:39Oh, don't cry.
44:41Just a minute, Mayor Jane.
44:44Have you gentlemen any proof at all of your identity?
44:47Well, do we need proof?
44:49Above and our loving hearts.
44:51Why, Judge Thatcher, don't you believe them?
44:53There's something very curious about these two men, Miss Douglas.
44:56Mayor Jane, I ask you not to accept them
44:58till I can investigate and authenticate their true identities.
45:01Oh, to be doubted.
45:03To be doubted in a strange land.
45:05In my own dear departed brother's home.
45:08Oh, the cruelty of fate.
45:11Now, you look here.
45:12You look here, Your Honor.
45:14I want you to know that we are only here for our dear brother's...
45:17We want to be present at our dear brother's funerals.
45:22Doesn't that prove their charlatans?
45:24I'll warrant you they're not even English.
45:26But this man doesn't even know the difference
45:28between obsequies and orgies.
45:31Sir, in Sheffield we call them orgies.
45:34You called us charlatans!
45:36And so you are, sir.
45:38Mayor Jane, I warn you as your father's old friend
45:41to have nothing further to do with these ignorant adventurers.
45:44Put them out of the house right now, honey.
45:46Will you? Please.
45:54Here's my answer.
45:57Uncle George, this is the fortune that my father left me.
46:05Will you take care of it for me until I reach Sheffield with you?
46:08Gladly, my child, gladly.
46:11Blessings on the honesty of an innocent woman.
46:15I think you did right, dear.
46:17A woman can only trust her intuition.
46:19Ah, double blessings on the trust of the...
46:22the trust of the female heart.
46:25And now, my dear uncles, you must be very weary with your travels.
46:28If you'll come with me, I'll show you to your room.
46:30With pleasure, my dear niece, with pleasure.
46:33Thank you, angel, thank you.
46:41She did do it proper, Rob, poor little thing.
46:45Hey, look, Huck.
46:47Climb up the roof here.
46:48The guest room window's up there,
46:49and we can see where them thieves hide out the fortune.
47:01You just nap as long as you like.
47:03I'll call you for dinner at noon.
47:04Thank you, thank you, darling.
47:06Thank you, my dear child.
47:07We are indeed overly tired.
47:12If you didn't just about let that calf out of her bag,
47:15you ignoramus orgies.
47:17Almighty heaven, don't you know what a real orgy is,
47:20you half-baked Roman?
47:22Oh, stop, stop, stop.
47:23Stop your jabbering and jabbering.
47:25Everything's well.
47:26Now, where do you think we ought to hide that fortune?
47:31Yes, yes, let me see.
47:32We have to give us pause here till nightfall
47:34before we can make a break for it.
47:36Aha, I have it.
47:41That's your idea.
47:53Now for a much-needed nap.
47:55As we say in my country, a siesta.
48:28Yes, yes, yes.
49:07So, you came back, did you, Junior?
49:09You had your warning, didn't you?
49:11Now give me that gold.
49:12No, I won't.
49:13It's yours.
49:14Don't do anything, you old fool.
49:15Had it been for me, we'd have been rocked for sure.
49:17Now you give me what ain't yours
49:19or there'll be a couple of slit throats here.
49:21No, I won't.
49:22The gold ain't yours either.
49:23It's hers.
49:24Give it me.
49:25Hell-rappers, burglars, thieves.
49:26Is it the sight of blood, boy?
49:28Aha, there's a knocking at the door.
49:30Come here, you young rat skeleton.
49:34Ah, ladies, we have thieves amongst us.
49:36Why, as we slept, these two poachers
49:38would have made off with your gold, dear Mary Jane.
49:40I'm sorry, I don't believe it.
49:42Huckleberry Finn.
49:43Well, it shows bad blood will tell.
49:45Amen, like he says.
49:46I didn't like that at all.
49:47How can you speak so of my dear uncle?
49:49Mary Jane, they're not your uncles.
49:51You've got to believe me.
49:52Why, ladies.
49:53I know all about them.
49:54Ladies, we never seen these two boys before in all our lives.
49:57Well, across my heart and hope to die.
49:59Call the judge.
50:00He don't believe they're real neither.
50:01Oh, Mrs. Douglas, let's not do anything rash.
50:04The judge does have his doubts.
50:06He's off now, having words with the local constables.
50:09Let's wait for his return.
50:12Yes, madam.
50:13I do insist that I and my brother ourselves
50:15convey these two thieves to the constabulary,
50:17that the truth may out, which it will.
50:20A very good idea.
50:21Both Thomas and Huckleberry should be taught a good lesson.
50:24Take them to the constabulary.
50:26Thank you, madam.
50:30Aunt Polly, you can't let them take us down to the...
50:32I don't want them to...
50:33But if there is some more...
50:34He needs to be taught a good lesson.
50:36I don't know.
50:37I think we ought to wait for the judge.
50:42I got a good hold of you there, boy.
50:44None of your monkey business.
50:45No tricks.
50:46Don't try anything on me, you young fool.
50:48Don't hurt them.
50:49Please, don't.
50:50Mary Jane, make him give you back your gold.
50:52If he gets out of here, you'll never see him or us again.
50:55Hey, hey, to the constabulary.
50:57Open wide the door, brother.
50:59There they are, the rogues.
51:01Put them in handcuffs.
51:03What is this, a new indignity?
51:05It means your crimes are finally caught up with you.
51:07Why, you two men are known in every village in Hamlet
51:10along the river.
51:11There's a list of charges against you a yard long.
51:14Mary Jane, these are not your uncle, just as I suspected.
51:17Your real uncle will be here by nightfall.
51:19These men are absolute fakers.
51:21Get the gold.
51:22Duke's got our gold on him.
51:23The Duke.
51:28There, what did I tell you?
51:29I said we ought to wait for the judge.
51:31Oh, he's such a wise man.
51:33Take them down to the jailhouse and lock them up.
51:35They have plenty of sins to meditate upon.
51:38Oh, oh, like a day.
51:40The quality of mercy is not strange.
51:43You bet it ain't.
51:44I hope that new jailhouse has soft beds and good vittles.
51:51Here you are, Miss Wilkes.
51:54You dear boy.
51:59I do believe you're my own true guardian angel.
52:04Guardian angel.
52:07Don't go running off somewhere.
52:08Remember our own.
52:09I'll never forget it, Tom, but I gotta get out of here.
52:12Judge, go after him.
52:13Stop him.
52:14If he gets away, he's gonna go out west and fight Injuns.
52:16And if he goes, I'm going too.
52:17You come along with me.
52:35Come on.
52:36Come on back, Huck.
52:37Here you are, Huck.
52:38I'm returning your fortune.
52:39You're a rich man again, son.
52:41I can't take it, Judge.
52:43My pa will find out about it and be after me again.
52:46No, Huck, this morning.
52:47I didn't want you to go on your raft.
52:49It's because there was a dead body floating out there.
52:51Your pa really got himself drowned to dead this time.
52:55Poor pa.
52:57No, I want to be left alone.
52:59Oh, listen, Huck, you can come live with me if you want to.
53:02You be your own boss.
53:03Nobody to make you scared.
53:05You'll be a free man, son.
53:07No, I gotta head west.
53:09Well, I just want to tell you,
53:11we're expecting you home about six o'clock with a nice string of catfish for supper.
53:16And, Huck, let me remind you,
53:18get you a nice big fat one for Mary Jean.
53:21Yeah, she asked you special.
53:34Huck, please come back, Huck.
53:38I'll be back.
54:03I'll be back.
54:05I'll be back.
54:07I'll be back.
54:31Chrysler Corporation and Philco recently broke the news
54:34of a startling new development in car radios.
54:36Phenomenal surface barrier transistors result in an auto radio
54:39that doesn't heat up and that has no tubes.
54:45And what is a transistor?
54:47Well, it's one of the major electronic developments of the century, I'd say,
54:50and it's no bigger than your, well, your little fingernail.
54:54Mary, will you show us one of those mighty mites?
54:57Indeed I will, Bill,
54:59but you'll have to move in closer because it's really tiny.
55:03Tinier than the eraser on this pencil.
55:06But you know, the marvel of it is that 11 of these tiny little things
55:09take the place of...
55:11Hi, Bill, you're just in time.
55:13I think I'll let you take over in the parts department.
55:15All right, Mary.
55:17Well, 11 transistors replace one transformer, a vibrator,
55:21and nine conventional glass tubes.
55:23Now, what a fantastic difference in size,
55:25but more important than the fact that the completely tubeless car radio
55:28saves parts in bulk is that it saves on the power from your car battery.
55:33Now, the average conventional car radio draws about 42 watts,
55:37whereas the transistor radio draws only about 4 watts,
55:40cutting consumption of battery current by 90%.
55:43And do these little guys make a car radio rugged?
55:46No delicate filaments in them to burn them out,
55:49nothing to jar them out of place.
55:52These revolutionary Philco transistor car radios
55:56are being readied in limited numbers for the exclusive Imperial.
56:00They're another great first for Chrysler Corporation and Philco,
56:04the team that introduced the very first built-in car radio 25 years ago
56:08and just another facet of the forward look at Chrysler Corporation.
56:13Now, ladies and gentlemen, as you well know,
56:15next Monday is Labor Day.
56:17In recognition of this occasion, Chrysler Corporation says
56:20thanks for a job well done to all the men and women
56:24who have made this a banner year for the cars of
56:27the forward look from Chrysler Corporation.
56:43Look, the prison break is all set for one hour from now,
56:46but I think the guards are wise to us.
56:48We can surprise them if we make a break for it now.
56:51Now, that part of the wall looks about the safest place to go over.
56:54You go first, and I'll follow you.
56:57Okay, pal. See you later, huh?
56:59Good luck.
57:12That's all I want to know.
57:15I'm sorry, Warden. I didn't have anything to do with it.
57:18I didn't have... Ward...
57:20Aren't you Bill Winnegan?
57:22Yeah, I am.
57:23What have they got you locked up in here for?
57:25Locked up? I'm not locked up.
57:26I just came down to ask the Warden if he'd let you out
57:29so you could make your dramatic debut on...
57:31dramatic debut on Climax next week.
57:34Well, sort of, yeah, Bill.
57:35Well, I'll tell you what you do, Red.
57:37Tell us all about the show, will you, for next week?
57:39All about it?
57:41Well, it starts...
57:42In five seconds.
57:43In five seconds.
57:44Well, I play the part of Rusty Morgan.
57:46Now, the big question is, am I a mad dog, or am I a genius?
57:52Thanks, Red Skelton. See you next week.
57:54Okay, I'll be here.
57:55Ladies and gentlemen, Red Skelton,
57:57starring in Public Pigeon No. 1
57:59and co-starring Lovely Ann Rutherford, Nick on Climax.
58:02Incidentally, I'd like to mention that I'll be in my hometown, Syracuse, New York,
58:06for the next four days to participate in the opening ceremonies
58:09of the New York State Fair.
58:10This is Bill Lundigan saying thank you,
58:12and don't miss Public Pigeon No. 1.
58:59Chrysler Corporation.
59:05The Forward Look.
