Giving Helps – Dr. Frederick K Price – October 15th, 2023

  • l’année dernière
00:00:00 Acts chapter 2. I believe we're going to wrap this series up in the next two lessons.
00:00:10 We're talking about giving helps and what I want to discuss today, I referenced it last week, but we're going to go here.
00:00:21 Acts chapter 2. You may recall that I shared an example using the day of Pentecost.
00:00:28 And I shared an example about a certain something that God did not do again. He only did it once.
00:00:38 And we're going to look at some examples of things God did more than once, and we'll look at some things that God only did once.
00:00:46 And what it arrests our attention to is that you can't expect the same thing in every situation to happen again the same way.
00:01:03 Not everything.
00:01:07 Here in Acts chapter 2, verse 1, I'm sure you're there by now.
00:01:16 And this is the fulfillment of what Jesus told his disciples.
00:01:24 He told them in Luke 24, he told them in Acts 1, "Wait here in Jerusalem."
00:01:32 We know that they were instructed to go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature, but before they were to go, they were to wait.
00:01:40 They were to wait for something. They were to wait for someone.
00:01:46 They were to wait for a particular kind of power that would come from on high.
00:01:54 Once they waited and received that power, they could then go.
00:02:00 And so Acts 1, 8, for example, says, "You shall receive power after or when the Holy Spirit has come upon you."
00:02:10 And then, who was he talking to? The Jerusalem church.
00:02:13 He said, "And then, and then you'll be a witness to me." Where?
00:02:18 In Jerusalem, in Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth.
00:02:23 It sounds to me like before the Holy Spirit coming upon them, they wouldn't be qualified as witnesses.
00:02:33 Because he says, "And then you'll be, once the Holy Spirit has come upon you and filled you."
00:02:39 So here is the fulfillment of that. Acts 2, verse 1, it says, "When the day of Pentecost had," what? "Fully come."
00:02:47 Why doesn't it read, "When the day of Pentecost had come?"
00:02:51 Why does it read, "When the day of Pentecost had fully come?"
00:02:54 Well, many Pentecosts had come.
00:02:59 Pentecost was a Jewish celebration, festival, feast, holy day.
00:03:08 Right there with the Sabbath and the Feast of Tabernacles,
00:03:12 Pentecost was something that Israel was already familiar with.
00:03:18 So Pentecosts had come, but why in this case does it read, "When the day of Pentecost had fully come?"
00:03:26 Because fully come means fulfilled.
00:03:30 "When the day of Pentecost," or "When Pentecost had been fulfilled."
00:03:36 It says, "They were all with one accord in one place.
00:03:43 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind."
00:03:50 The sound from heaven could be likened to a rushing mighty wind.
00:03:57 It says, "And it filled the whole house where they were sitting," the 120 in the upper room.
00:04:03 It says, "And then there appeared to them cloven," or divided tongues, "as of fire."
00:04:13 So we see that simile there as.
00:04:16 It didn't say that they were.
00:04:18 Oftentimes you'll hear people talk about the cloven tongues of fire, but really as of fire.
00:04:23 Cloven tongues as of fire, likened to fire.
00:04:26 Fire was the most fitting word to describe what they saw.
00:04:31 Cloven or divided tongues as of fire.
00:04:34 "And one sat upon each of them, and they were all," what?
00:04:39 "They were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to," do what?
00:04:42 "They began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance."
00:04:46 They were filled with the Spirit.
00:04:48 They began to do the speaking upon the Spirit giving them the utterance.
00:04:53 The Holy Spirit does not do the speaking for us.
00:04:56 The Holy Spirit gives us the utterance.
00:04:58 We're to do the speaking.
00:05:00 But this is the Jerusalem church being filled with the Spirit
00:05:06 and now positioned to go into the world and preach the gospel and make disciples of nations.
00:05:12 This is the day of Pentecost having fully come, being fulfilled.
00:05:19 Now notice in this third verse it says, "There appeared to them divided tongues as of fire."
00:05:26 This is something that they could see.
00:05:29 This never happens again.
00:05:35 What a sight.
00:05:38 How awestruck must they have been to see this, but it doesn't happen again.
00:05:45 Because not everything happens again.
00:05:47 Some things only happen once, ladies and gentlemen.
00:05:49 Now watch this. We're going to read two more times where individuals are filled with the Spirit.
00:05:54 And they speak with tongues.
00:05:56 But you'll notice the divided tongues as of fire are not present.
00:06:03 Look here in chapter 10. Acts chapter 10 and find verse 44.
00:06:13 Acts 10, 44.
00:06:14 Now what we're reading here or what we're getting ready to read
00:06:19 is the spiritual experience in its fullness that took place in the household of one by the name of Cornelius.
00:06:31 In the beginning of this chapter there is an Italian soldier, a centurion by the name of Cornelius.
00:06:38 And he was a humble man. He was a man who feared God.
00:06:45 Some scholars believe that this Cornelius was the same centurion that Jesus ministered to.
00:06:50 You remember the centurion who said, "My servant is at home sick."
00:06:55 That same centurion in Luke 7, Jews came to Jesus on his behalf and said,
00:07:03 "He is worthy of receiving his requests granted because he loves our nation.
00:07:10 He built us a synagogue."
00:07:13 Many believe this is the same centurion.
00:07:18 Whether it is, whether it isn't, according to Acts 10, this man Cornelius was a God-fearing man.
00:07:25 And an angel came to him and said, "You need to send for one by the name of Peter."
00:07:32 This is how you know that right now angels are not authorized to preach the gospel.
00:07:38 Because if they were, the angel could have preached Jesus to him right then and there.
00:07:43 But no, the angel tells him who to go send for so that that one can come and preach Jesus to him.
00:07:51 Right now the responsibility of sharing the gospel belongs to us.
00:07:56 Blood-bought, blood-washed, spirit-filled humans in this earth realm.
00:08:01 Now a time will come when we're not here, during the tribulation,
00:08:08 where angels will then be given the charge to preach the gospel.
00:08:11 But right now, it's our responsibility.
00:08:14 And so this angel says, "Send for Peter."
00:08:17 Well, we fast forward to Peter, and Peter ends up having this spiritual encounter.
00:08:25 The Bible actually says that he was caught up in a trance, and he had a vision.
00:08:31 And he had a vision of the sheep coming down from heaven.
00:08:34 And on this sheep were all types and sorts of unclean animals.
00:08:40 And God said, "Rise, Peter. Slay and eat."
00:08:45 And Peter said, "Not me. Nothing unclean has ever come to these lips."
00:08:54 And what does God say? He said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow your roll."
00:08:59 He said, "No longer refer to what I have cleansed as unclean."
00:09:08 That was the authorization from heaven for the gospel to be preached to Gentiles.
00:09:21 So Peter makes way to the household of Cornelius,
00:09:25 preaches a powerful sermon, a powerful message to them,
00:09:28 and they end up getting saved.
00:09:30 The household of Cornelius ends up getting saved, but it doesn't stop there.
00:09:35 Look at verse 44.
00:09:38 It says, "While Peter was still speaking," while he was still speaking these words,
00:09:44 it says, "the Holy Spirit" what? "Fell upon."
00:09:48 That "fell upon" is like what Jesus said, "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon."
00:09:54 While Peter was still speaking, what happened?
00:09:57 It says, "The Holy Spirit fell upon all those who" what? "Who heard the word."
00:10:03 It says, "And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished."
00:10:10 It says, "As many as came with Peter."
00:10:13 When you first read about the circumcision in Scripture, that's referring to Israel.
00:10:19 The circumcised according to the law of Moses.
00:10:23 Actually, before the law of Moses was instituted,
00:10:26 God told Abraham, "All in your household at the age of eight days must be circumcised."
00:10:33 All males must be circumcised.
00:10:35 But of the circumcision when you're reading Scripture in the Old Covenant, that's referring to Israel.
00:10:39 But when we transfer that over to the New Testament, circumcision is of the heart.
00:10:45 So the circumcised under the banner of the New Testament refers to those who are saved.
00:10:51 Those who believe in Messiah, in Jesus the Christ.
00:10:56 So it says, "Those of the circumcision who believed, they were astonished as many as came with Peter."
00:11:01 Because what? "The gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also."
00:11:09 See, God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that you could ask or think.
00:11:13 This was not just heaven authorizing salvation to the Gentiles,
00:11:18 but also that Gentiles could be filled with the Spirit.
00:11:22 And what happens here, verse 46, "For they heard them," the household of Cornelius, all these Gentiles,
00:11:28 "they heard them speak with tongues and," what? "magnify God."
00:11:33 Notice, no divided tongues as a fire.
00:11:39 Look here in Acts 19.
00:11:42 Acts 19.
00:11:46 Find verse 1.
00:11:54 When you have it, say, "I have it."
00:12:00 Okay, and it reads, "And it happened while Apollos was at Corinth,
00:12:05 that Paul, having passed through the upper regions, he came to Ephesus and finding some," what?
00:12:14 "Paul found some," what?
00:12:17 "If Paul found some disciples," what does the Scripture,
00:12:25 reading out that Paul found some disciples, tell us about these men that Paul found?
00:12:32 They're believers.
00:12:34 These are believers.
00:12:36 So Paul, here in this first verse, coming to Ephesus, finds some believers.
00:12:49 And he said to them, he asked them a question, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?"
00:12:57 Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?
00:13:00 And so they said to them, "Well, we have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit."
00:13:06 Now, my question, my question, if I place myself in this scenario,
00:13:14 I probably would have asked Paul this question, "Believe what?"
00:13:22 What do you mean, Paul? Be more specific.
00:13:25 When I believed what?
00:13:29 Look here.
00:13:31 He said, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?"
00:13:35 Now, if this is talking about salvation, being born again,
00:13:43 you can't be born again without receiving the Holy Spirit.
00:13:47 I'm not talking about being filled with the Holy Spirit.
00:13:50 I'm talking about being born of the Holy Spirit.
00:13:53 So if you believed, if the message of salvation was preached,
00:13:58 and you responded to that message in faith, and you became a believer,
00:14:02 then you received the Holy Spirit, because you can't be born again without the Holy Spirit.
00:14:07 It's the Holy Spirit that takes us and baptizes us into the body of Christ.
00:14:13 And when the Holy Spirit baptizes us into the body of Christ,
00:14:18 the Holy Spirit comes on the inside of us, and He dwells.
00:14:24 Okay, now watch this.
00:14:27 Some of our Bible study people know where I'm going with this.
00:14:30 Now, watch this.
00:14:31 Just because the Holy Spirit is dwelling on the inside of you doesn't mean He's fully active.
00:14:43 Remember that we can liken this body to a house.
00:14:50 And how many of you know that houses need decorating, sometimes redecorating?
00:15:00 They need renovations.
00:15:04 When the Holy Spirit indwells the believer at salvation,
00:15:11 the Holy Spirit is dwelling on the inside of an unfurnished apartment.
00:15:21 But when the Scripture tells us that they were filled with the Spirit,
00:15:24 the word "filled" means "to furnish."
00:15:29 So it's receiving the infilling of the Holy Spirit that causes the Holy Spirit to furnish the house.
00:15:38 Are you with me?
00:15:39 Okay, so if they're asking the question, or if Paul is asking the question,
00:15:45 "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?"
00:15:48 Well, when I believed on the Son, when I believed on Him as the way, the truth, and the life,
00:15:55 yeah, I received the Holy Spirit.
00:15:57 Let's keep reading, though.
00:15:59 It says, "So they said to him, 'We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.'"
00:16:05 Oh, wait a minute, they haven't even heard about the Holy Spirit.
00:16:09 So then what did they believe?
00:16:11 Let's keep going.
00:16:12 "And he said to them, 'Okay, let me ask you a question.
00:16:16 What were you baptized into?'"
00:16:21 Paul's saying, "This will help me locate where you are.
00:16:24 What were you baptized into?
00:16:26 And what was their response to this question?"
00:16:29 They said, "Into John's baptism."
00:16:33 Oh, oh, the baptism you're familiar with is John's baptism.
00:16:41 And Paul says, "Okay, thank you for the clarity."
00:16:45 He says, "John indeed baptized with the baptism of repentance,
00:16:51 saying to the people that they should believe on him who would come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus."
00:16:58 Watch this.
00:17:01 And then in the next verse it says, "When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus,
00:17:06 and this used to baffle me for the longest, but it came to me last night."
00:17:09 Crystal clear.
00:17:12 Who baptized Jesus?
00:17:15 John baptized Jesus.
00:17:17 Wasn't John baptizing individuals before he baptized Jesus?
00:17:21 And what was John baptizing them into?
00:17:25 Repentance.
00:17:28 Not salvation.
00:17:30 Because in order for you to be saved, you've got to believe on Jesus.
00:17:35 There was no Jesus to believe on when John was baptizing men and people before Jesus came to be baptized by him.
00:17:45 So the only thing that John was baptizing individuals into was a baptism of repentance, meaning what?
00:17:52 Change your mind because the kingdom of God is very close.
00:18:00 They were only familiar with John's baptism of repentance,
00:18:05 which I believe we can deduce that these were John's disciples.
00:18:11 See, John had disciples.
00:18:13 Now, when Jesus came and John baptized Jesus, all of John's disciples should have became Jesus' disciples.
00:18:22 But we can read further along in the gospel where we see that John still had disciples.
00:18:29 And it's like, "John, what are you doing with disciples?"
00:18:31 You and your disciples should have now become disciples of Christ.
00:18:37 So they were only baptized in water for repentance.
00:18:44 There is nothing that particularly points to these individuals having ever been saved.
00:18:56 I believe when it reads "disciples" in the first verse,
00:18:59 these were individuals that may have thought they were saved,
00:19:03 but they were disciples of John because they had only been baptized into John's baptism,
00:19:07 which was simply what? "Repent, for the kingdom is near."
00:19:12 "Repent, for the kingdom is near."
00:19:14 That was the baptism of John.
00:19:17 Look what it says in verse 5.
00:19:18 "When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus."
00:19:23 Now watch this.
00:19:24 If this means they were baptized in water in the name of the Lord Jesus,
00:19:29 that means that before they were baptized in water, they had to believe on Jesus.
00:19:34 Because the only individuals that are baptized in water in the name of Jesus
00:19:39 are individuals who have received Jesus.
00:19:42 Which means that verse 5 is saying that they're saved either way we look at it.
00:19:47 It's either saying that they became saved,
00:19:50 or it's saying that they were baptized in water in the name of Jesus,
00:19:53 which means they were saved.
00:19:55 Are you with me?
00:19:57 Okay, then look what happens next in verse 6.
00:20:01 "And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit," what?
00:20:05 "came upon them."
00:20:08 And what happened?
00:20:10 "They spoke with tongues." Stop right there, don't read the rest yet.
00:20:13 "The Holy Spirit came upon them." And what happened?
00:20:17 They spoke with tongues.
00:20:18 Didn't I read that in Acts 10?
00:20:20 The Holy Spirit fell upon them and they spoke with tongues.
00:20:23 Didn't I read that in Acts chapter 2 verse 1?
00:20:26 They were filled with the Spirit, they spoke with tongues.
00:20:28 Didn't Jesus say, "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon"?
00:20:33 Did we just read that the Holy Spirit came upon them?
00:20:37 Which means they were filled with the Spirit and they began to do what?
00:20:40 They began to speak with other tongues,
00:20:43 and then immediately after they spoke with other tongues,
00:20:46 a gift of the Spirit went into operation.
00:20:50 The gift of prophecy.
00:20:52 They began to prophesy.
00:20:56 But what's absent here?
00:20:59 I don't see any cloven tongues of fire here.
00:21:01 I don't see any divided tongues as of fire.
00:21:05 Now we have three examples, Acts 2, Acts 10, and Acts 19.
00:21:11 We see disciples being filled with the Spirit in all three of these examples.
00:21:16 We see disciples speaking with other tongues in all three of these examples,
00:21:21 but only one were divided tongues as of fire present.
00:21:27 And it was the first time it happened when the day of Pentecost had fully come.
00:21:33 Anyone expecting to see divided tongues as of fire needs to stop expecting that.
00:21:40 It was one time when the day of Pentecost had fully come
00:21:43 for the very first believers in the Lord's church.
00:21:49 Some things will not be repeated.
00:21:54 There have been a number of moves of God in the church, in the age of the church.
00:22:01 And some of these moves were so powerful
00:22:03 that people are hungry to see these same moves happen again.
00:22:07 They might happen again. They might not.
00:22:11 If they happen again, praise God.
00:22:13 If they don't happen again, praise God for a new move and a new wave.
00:22:22 Now let's look at something that happened more than once.
00:22:27 A physical law-defying event.
00:22:34 And it happened more than once.
00:22:37 Go to Exodus 14.
00:22:44 Exodus 14, find verse 21.
00:22:49 Anyone ever heard of the book of Exodus?
00:22:55 Anyone ever heard of a nation called Egypt?
00:23:01 Anyone ever heard of Egypt?
00:23:03 Anyone ever heard of Israel?
00:23:05 Anyone ever heard of Moses?
00:23:07 Heard of Moses?
00:23:12 Moses had the responsibility, Aaron was with him,
00:23:17 to let Pharaoh know what?
00:23:19 It's time for you to let these folk go.
00:23:22 They're not your people, they're God's people.
00:23:25 Let them go.
00:23:27 Well, we know how hard-hearted Pharaoh was.
00:23:31 And we know that after ten plagues, even the death of his own firstborn,
00:23:36 we want to talk about stubborn and stiff-necked,
00:23:42 he's like, "Let them go."
00:23:45 But he said it with an air of deception
00:23:49 because Pharaoh was going to have the last laugh, wasn't he, as far as he was concerned.
00:23:57 You all are familiar with the Red Sea parting.
00:24:00 How many of you would like to see that? I know I would like to see that.
00:24:06 Would you believe that that was not the only time God parted waters?
00:24:13 Many of us only are familiar with that one account.
00:24:16 It happened three more times.
00:24:20 Look at this first one.
00:24:21 We're already familiar with this account.
00:24:23 Exodus 14, look at verse 21. We're going to read 21 and 22.
00:24:30 It says, "Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord caused the sea."
00:24:35 You see how God works through?
00:24:38 It says Moses did what?
00:24:40 See, there's a part you have to play.
00:24:44 Some of us are wondering, "Why isn't God moving?" Because you ain't moving.
00:24:53 Just like being filled with the Spirit.
00:24:55 Yeah, the Spirit gives you utterance, but you got to speak.
00:25:01 How many times have we asked God, "Where are you?"
00:25:05 And God's asking you, "Where are you?
00:25:09 I'm waiting for you."
00:25:13 God, where's my abundance?
00:25:16 Where's my financial wealth or my riches or just being provided for?
00:25:24 And God is saying, "I gave you the power to get it."
00:25:30 Work with what I've already given you.
00:25:35 Look at what it says.
00:25:37 Moses had to do something, didn't he?
00:25:39 Moses stretched out his hand, but who caused the waters to be parted?
00:25:44 Oh, the Bible's clear. Moses didn't do it, but God did it through Moses.
00:25:49 Or God did it using Moses.
00:25:52 Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night and made the sea into dry land.
00:26:01 My goodness, and the waters were divided.
00:26:04 So the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground, and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
00:26:15 Can you imagine walking on dry land that was the result of a body of water being parted?
00:26:27 And you look to the right, and you look to the left, and you see these water walls.
00:26:36 And if there was any life in the water, any kind of sea life in the water, you most likely could see the sea life swimming in the water wall.
00:26:56 A God that can do feats like that?
00:26:59 That's why Elijah had no problem being all by himself and challenging 450 prophets.
00:27:05 He said, "You want to see whose God is the baddest? Y'all go first."
00:27:17 You would think that this would be a one-time deal, because this is amazing.
00:27:25 A body of water being parted, and yet it happened again.
00:27:30 Y'all want to see where it happened again?
00:27:32 Look at Joshua 3. Go to verse 14.
00:27:38 Joshua chapter 3, verse 14.
00:27:49 Now, what's the city most famous in the Joshua account?
00:27:59 Jericho.
00:28:01 Okay, so now it's time to cross opposite Jericho, to take the Ark of the Covenant across.
00:28:08 Look at verse 14.
00:28:09 "So it was when the people set out from their camp to cross over the Jordan, with the priests bearing the Ark of the Covenant before the people.
00:28:18 And as those who bore the Ark came to the Jordan, and the feet of the priests who bore the Ark dipped in the edge of the water,
00:28:25 for the Jordan overflows all its banks during the whole time of harvest,
00:28:30 and the waters which came down from upstream stood still and rose in a heap,
00:28:36 very far away at Adam, the city that is beside Zeriton.
00:28:40 So the waters that went down into the Sea of Arabah, the Salt Sea, failed and were cut off,
00:28:46 and the people crossed over opposite Jericho.
00:28:50 Then the priests who bore the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan.
00:28:57 And all Israel crossed over on dry ground until all the people had crossed completely over the Jordan.
00:29:05 He did it again.
00:29:11 He did it again.
00:29:14 Why did he do it again?
00:29:16 Well, one, one is because he's God.
00:29:19 Two, it was required.
00:29:26 It was of necessity.
00:29:28 This is number two of four.
00:29:31 Go to 2 Kings chapter 2.
00:29:35 God does it two more times on a smaller scale,
00:29:40 but it's still so impressive that it's as if it's the Jordan of the Red Sea.
00:29:47 Anyone ever heard of someone by the name of Elijah?
00:29:51 Anyone ever heard of someone by the name of Elisha?
00:29:56 You've heard of Elijah, and you've heard of Elisha.
00:29:59 Well, the time came for Elijah to be removed from the earth.
00:30:08 And so we know this account.
00:30:13 Some of the other, I believe, not sons of the prophets, but yeah, sons of the prophets.
00:30:24 Other sons of the prophets would come to Elisha and say, "You know, today's the day God's going to take Elijah. He's going to take your master."
00:30:31 Elisha's like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, yeah."
00:30:36 Then they come and tell him again. He's like, "Bro, I got it. I know.
00:30:40 He's taking Elijah today."
00:30:43 What does Elisha request? The double portion.
00:30:47 And he receives Elijah's mantle. Look at verse 8, 2 Kings 2.
00:30:51 "Now Elijah took his mantle, rolled it up, and he struck the water. There was anointing on the mantle."
00:30:59 See, what is a mantle? Technically, a mantle is a robe or a cloak.
00:31:07 It's a garment, but the mantle can be made synonymous with a specific anointing because there is glory and anointing in the cloak.
00:31:18 What does Elijah do here? He what? He took his mantle, rolled it up, struck the water, and it was divided this way and that way.
00:31:26 So that the two of them, it was just for the two of them, but it was still impressive, crossed over on dry ground.
00:31:35 Then drop down to verse 14.
00:31:42 Elijah's out of here now. Whirlwind came, received him up. God took him alive.
00:31:49 Elijah didn't see death. God took him alive.
00:31:52 Chariots and fire as well. And then look at verse 14.
00:31:55 It says, "Then he took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him and struck the water and said, 'Where is the Lord God of Elijah?'
00:32:02 And when he had also struck the water, it was what? Divided this way and that, and Elisha crossed over."
00:32:11 Now watch this. Just because it happened four times doesn't mean it's going to happen a fifth.
00:32:17 But it happened more than once.
00:32:19 Here is a move of God that happened more than once, but the divided tongues as a fire only happened once.
00:32:27 Parting water, more than once. Divided tongues as a fire, one time.
00:32:31 What determines when God is going to do something that he's done before again?
00:32:37 Or whether he's not. He determines that.
00:32:46 God might do the same thing a different way.
00:32:54 That's according to his will.
00:32:58 Okay, look here. Let's look at something else that only happened once.
00:33:03 Joshua chapter 10.
00:33:12 Go to verse 12. Let me know when you're there. Joshua 10, 12.
00:33:29 It reads, "Then Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel.
00:33:37 And he said in the sight of Israel, 'Sun stands still over Gibeon and moon in the valley of Eyalon.'
00:33:49 So the sun stood still and the moon stopped till the people had revenge upon their enemies."
00:33:58 Grasp this now, the sun is standing still and the moon has stopped.
00:34:06 It says, "Is this not written in the book of Jasher?" And it is.
00:34:10 It says, "So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.
00:34:16 And there has been no day like that before it or after it."
00:34:21 What does that tell us? Happened one time.
00:34:25 "Before it or after it that the Lord heeded the voice of a man for the Lord fought for Israel."
00:34:35 You don't see this happening. You don't see this happening again.
00:34:42 That the Lord heeded the voice of a man. Now watch this.
00:34:48 What is this saying specifically? Because we know that our words are of necessity to see God move in our lives.
00:34:56 Like our words have to be his words.
00:35:00 Our words have to be in sync and in harmony with his words.
00:35:04 But this is something that Joshua just said, "For the victory we need this to happen."
00:35:10 And God heeded the voice of this man Joshua and it had never happened again.
00:35:17 Sun stand still, moon stop. Happened one time.
00:35:22 Just like the cloven tongues as a fire. Happened what? Happened one time.
00:35:26 Water being parted? That happened more than once.
00:35:31 Let's look at one more thing. And there are a number of things that we can look at in Scripture that happened once.
00:35:36 And a number of things that we can look at in the word that happened more than once.
00:35:40 Just giving you two each for this day to drive the point I'm making and will make home.
00:35:51 Look at Matthew 3.
00:35:54 Matthew 3.
00:36:00 Find verse 13.
00:36:06 Matthew 3. Chapter 3. Verse 13.
00:36:14 It says, "Then Jesus came from Galilee to John."
00:36:20 Look at what we're reading. We just talked about this, didn't we?
00:36:23 "From Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him.
00:36:28 And John tried to prevent him saying, 'You want me to do what?
00:36:33 Do you know who you are?
00:36:36 I need to be baptized by you.
00:36:41 And you're coming to me?'"
00:36:44 And why did Jesus come to John? Because John was a Baptist.
00:36:56 He was an immerser. He was a baptizer.
00:37:01 He was known as one who baptizes people.
00:37:04 So Jesus is coming to him. Remember what John was...
00:37:07 He was baptizing them in a baptism of repentance.
00:37:12 And that God's kingdom is near, is at hand.
00:37:16 Then here comes Jesus in that same line.
00:37:19 And what's John saying? "I don't understand why you're coming to me. I need to be baptized by you."
00:37:25 "But Jesus answered and said to him, 'Permitted to be so now, for thus is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.'"
00:37:32 It's of necessity. John, it must happen this way.
00:37:36 "Then he allowed them. And when he had baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water."
00:37:40 Which means what? Where was he? If he came up immediately...
00:37:48 Is it safe to assume he was under the water?
00:37:51 So baptism is being fully dipped or dunked or immersed in water.
00:37:57 Not partially dipped, not partially dunked, not having water sprinkled on you.
00:38:02 That's not baptism.
00:38:05 Baptism is whatever Jesus experienced.
00:38:08 Water baptism, that is, is however Jesus was baptized in water, is how you and I should be baptized in water.
00:38:17 You can't sprinkle water on an infant and call it baptism.
00:38:22 That's not biblical baptism. That's something man-made up.
00:38:30 Okay.
00:38:32 "When he had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water, and behold," watch this, "from one baptism to another."
00:38:42 One baptism to another. Immediately after being baptized in water, he was baptized with the Holy Spirit. Look at it.
00:38:50 "And behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon him, and suddenly a voice came from heaven."
00:39:01 You don't read this worded this way a lot in Scripture.
00:39:06 And what we're about to read, you only see it twice in the gospel. Only twice.
00:39:10 "Suddenly a voice came from heaven saying, 'This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.'"
00:39:19 In this case, it wasn't the logos, it was the rhema. The utterance of God was what?
00:39:25 "This is my Son, my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
00:39:32 It happens one more time.
00:39:35 In a very interesting environment, on top of a mountain.
00:39:41 Go to Matthew 17.
00:39:56 I'm gonna deviate for a second and talk about something that I think is kind of cool.
00:40:01 And so hopefully you can stay with me.
00:40:05 Watch this, verse 1, Matthew 17, verse 1. It says, "Now after six days, Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, led them up on a high mountain by themselves."
00:40:20 And then what does verse 2 say? And he was what? He was transfigured.
00:40:24 He was transfigured before them.
00:40:28 The word can refer to a metamorphosis.
00:40:33 It can refer to being transformed or changed.
00:40:37 In the case of Jesus, his appearance was resplendent with divine brightness.
00:40:48 He was transfigured before them. Who's the "them"? Peter, James, and John.
00:40:54 And where are they? High on a mountain.
00:40:59 They're high on a mountain. Peter, James, and John are with Jesus and before their very eyes, he's transfigured.
00:41:08 It says, "His face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as the light."
00:41:15 "And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with them."
00:41:23 "Then Peter answered and said to Jesus, 'Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, let us make here three tabernacles, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.'"
00:41:35 We won't get into how Peter knew it was Moses and Elijah.
00:41:43 See, either Peter knew by the Spirit in that moment, or there was some reference made to it being Elijah and Moses, and it's just not recorded in Scripture.
00:41:55 Because here's what we know for sure.
00:41:58 Peter didn't have a smartphone by which he could Google images of Elijah and Moses.
00:42:07 We know that Peter didn't have a photo album dating back to the Jews in antiquity.
00:42:14 So clearly for Peter to know, for him to mention to Jesus, "Shall we make tabernacles?"
00:42:22 Peter had to know by unction, or it was made mention but not recorded.
00:42:30 Okay, now watch this.
00:42:34 The two that appear with Jesus were Moses and Elijah.
00:42:43 One makes sense, the other doesn't.
00:42:48 I'll tell you why.
00:42:51 Let's make a case for Elijah.
00:42:53 How could Elijah be on the Mount of Transfiguration, translated or transfigured?
00:43:01 Well, Elijah didn't die.
00:43:04 Elijah didn't see death.
00:43:06 Elijah was taken alive, carried up by way of a whirlwind.
00:43:12 So we can make--it's supernatural.
00:43:15 So the mere fact that it's supernatural means it makes no logical sense.
00:43:22 But we can make sense of Elijah being there because Elijah didn't die.
00:43:29 I would think that if another individual was going to be up there with him, it would be Enoch.
00:43:34 Because Enoch also did not die.
00:43:38 He was taken alive.
00:43:43 But it's not Enoch.
00:43:45 It's Moses.
00:43:48 And what do we know about Moses according to Scripture?
00:43:52 When it came to the end of his years, the Bible says he died.
00:43:54 Matter of fact, how does the book of Joshua open up?
00:43:57 Moses, my servant, is dead.
00:44:02 Well, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
00:44:05 If Moses died, how could Moses be on the Mount of Transfiguration?
00:44:09 Here's why it's baffling.
00:44:17 First, let's establish that God does not make new things.
00:44:30 He doesn't make new things.
00:44:32 He makes things new.
00:44:34 But he doesn't make new things.
00:44:38 There's a difference between my brother-in-law Mike here.
00:44:42 Had a 1978 Lincoln Mark 5.
00:44:50 I remember that car coming out of the womb of my mother.
00:44:56 That car was one year older than me.
00:45:00 I was in it all the time with Adrian and Alan.
00:45:03 In the back seat. Going all over the state.
00:45:08 And then there was a time when it was not operable
00:45:12 because Mike was getting some work done on it.
00:45:16 He was getting some things restored and he was getting some things updated.
00:45:21 In other words, he was taking something old and he was making it new.
00:45:28 And he made it new.
00:45:30 And that's the business God has always been in.
00:45:34 God doesn't make new things. God makes things new.
00:45:38 What's the difference between the two?
00:45:40 Okay, I'll give you an example.
00:45:44 How many of you have been born again?
00:45:47 Okay.
00:45:49 Let's establish what God didn't do when you got born again.
00:45:52 Here's what God didn't do.
00:45:54 God did not reach in your body,
00:45:57 pull out your spirit,
00:45:59 toss it, throw it away,
00:46:01 and then craft a new spirit and put it in this body.
00:46:05 No. When you got born again,
00:46:07 God took the spirit that was already in you and made it new.
00:46:14 So watch this. So when you get born again,
00:46:17 God doesn't make a new you. He just makes you new.
00:46:23 But it doesn't stop there.
00:46:25 Because this soul that we have right now,
00:46:28 that's being renewed on a daily basis,
00:46:30 this same soul, God's not, watch this,
00:46:33 when the end comes and it's time for the resurrection of the saints,
00:46:36 God's not going to reach in your head or reach in your body,
00:46:39 pull out your soul and replace it with a new one.
00:46:42 He's going to make your soul new.
00:46:46 And when it's time for the redemption of these bodies,
00:46:49 and it's time for these bodies to be resurrected,
00:46:52 God's not going to eradicate this old dust.
00:46:56 No, he's going to take this same old dust and make it new dust.
00:47:03 Our resurrected bodies are our bodies made new.
00:47:08 When John says, I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
00:47:13 John wasn't saying that God obliterated the old earth and eradicated the old heavens.
00:47:19 No, John was saying God has made the earth new and he's made the heavens new.
00:47:26 That's what God does. He makes things new. Why?
00:47:31 Because he wouldn't have to create something new
00:47:36 because there's nothing wrong with what he created in the first place.
00:47:40 Because if God is good and God is perfect,
00:47:43 then everything God created is good and perfect.
00:47:46 The only problem with these bodies, the only problem with these spirits before being born again,
00:47:52 the only problem with these souls is sin.
00:47:55 Remove the sin flaw and the product goes back to the way the designer made it in the beginning.
00:48:04 So he doesn't make new things. He makes things new.
00:48:08 With that being said,
00:48:15 for Moses to be on the Mount of Transfiguration would have to imply that Moses' body was made new at some point.
00:48:27 But how can Moses' body be made new on the Mount of Transfiguration when Jesus hadn't died yet?
00:48:35 You can't have any resurrections until after the resurrection.
00:48:41 No one could be... Oh, oh yeah, people were raised from the dead.
00:48:46 Lazarus was raised from the dead.
00:48:50 The name widow's son was raised from the dead.
00:48:54 The daughter of Jairus was raised from the dead.
00:48:59 But then they later on died.
00:49:03 Because when you're raised from the dead, you still have an appointment with death.
00:49:07 But when you're resurrected, death can't touch you ever again.
00:49:12 That's why Jesus said to Martha, "I am the resurrection.
00:49:18 The resurrection begins with me.
00:49:21 No one else can be resurrected until after I'm resurrected."
00:49:25 So in order for there to be anyone on this mountain to qualify, you have to not die.
00:49:34 Elijah qualifies. He didn't die.
00:49:38 His body, Papa Hayes used to say it like this, his body was translated.
00:49:42 Enoch's body was translated.
00:49:44 So Enoch could be on this Mount of Transfiguration.
00:49:47 Moses is a bit of a problem because we know according to Scripture that Moses died.
00:49:55 But let me offer you a theory.
00:50:00 See how this sits with you.
00:50:08 Anyone ever heard of Superman?
00:50:13 Raise your hand if you know, if you're familiar with Superman.
00:50:15 You've heard of Superman. Maybe you've read about Superman.
00:50:21 You remember any version of a Superman television show.
00:50:30 Okay.
00:50:33 What do we know about Superman?
00:50:34 Well, we know he's pretty much invulnerable.
00:50:40 Right? You know, faster than a speeding bullet, more power, powerful than a locomotive,
00:50:47 able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
00:50:52 Right? We're familiar with all this.
00:50:54 We know that he's got this weakness for, the kryptonite can hurt him.
00:50:58 Right? But if the kryptonite is removed from him, he's back to being Superman.
00:51:03 We know for the most part, Superman is pretty much unstoppable, invincible.
00:51:08 Right? Okay.
00:51:09 We also know that one of the main reasons that Superman is so powerful is because of our sun.
00:51:15 The yellow sun gives him his power.
00:51:18 It fuels and charges his power.
00:51:22 I mean, he could be near dead, but if you expose him to some sun, in a couple seconds, he'll be right as rain.
00:51:29 Okay.
00:51:31 So, most would say, "You can't kill Superman."
00:51:36 But then there was a comic book series called "The Death of Superman."
00:51:41 I still have it. In 1992.
00:51:44 And many of us Superman fans were crying because we could not fathom how our beloved Superman could die.
00:51:52 But watch this. I'm going somewhere with this. Watch this.
00:51:56 But if you've seen any animation on this particular subject, if you've read the comic books,
00:52:02 or even if you saw the recent movie a couple years ago, "Batman vs. Superman,"
00:52:09 where at the end of the movie, Superman dies. They give him a funeral and everything.
00:52:15 But then later on in another movie, he returns. In the Justice League movie.
00:52:20 But how is it that he could return in the first place?
00:52:22 So watch this. Here's the theory. Here's how it applies to Moses.
00:52:26 Should I stay with this? Okay. Here's how.
00:52:34 I'm kind of showing my nerdiness here, but I got it.
00:52:38 Okay. So listen, listen. Superman came from a planet. By the way, his name is Kal-El.
00:52:43 Right? That E-L. Semitic for God. Kal-El.
00:52:47 He came from a planet called Krypton. On Krypton, Krypton is a planet that revolves around a red sun.
00:52:53 So while the hero that we know as Superman, while he's on his home planet, he's normal like you and I.
00:53:02 He doesn't have any powers on Krypton because a red sun makes him normal like a yellow sun makes us normal.
00:53:09 But you take Superman from his home planet and you put him on Earth, which revolves around a yellow sun,
00:53:13 and he's a man that's super.
00:53:16 So if he dies on Earth while this planet still revolves around a yellow sun, his death really isn't--
00:53:26 it's not really a death. It's more like a slumber, a stasis. It's like a stasis.
00:53:36 Moses dies and he's buried in Deuteronomy 34.
00:53:43 But what's unique about the burial of Moses? God did it.
00:53:54 First off, who the heck are you to have God himself--
00:54:03 not you were buried in the name of God, not you were buried by those who represented God.
00:54:11 No, God himself buried you.
00:54:16 The Bible tells us God buried Moses.
00:54:22 Now why did God have to bury Moses?
00:54:25 There's a couple reasons, but I believe two stand out specifically.
00:54:29 One, he didn't want the devil to know where Moses was buried.
00:54:35 Because odds were the devil would pervert the location into a pagan place of worship.
00:54:45 Here's the second reason, which is probably the stronger reason.
00:54:49 How many of you know that Moses spent some time on the mountaintop?
00:54:54 How about 40 days and 40 nights?
00:54:57 But here's what we forget. After the 40 days and 40 nights, Moses made other trips to the mountaintop.
00:55:03 Meaning what? Moses was exposed to the glory of God.
00:55:07 And the glory of God affected him in such a way that it was on a cellular level.
00:55:14 His internal organs, his systems, his nervous system, his cardiovascular system,
00:55:22 all of it was tainted and infected with God glory.
00:55:29 He was so affected that when he came down from the mountain, a veil had to cover his face
00:55:35 because the children of Israel couldn't stand the sight of him.
00:55:40 They couldn't look upon him because his face was infected with God glory.
00:55:48 What if, what if, like Superman, who actually did die, meaning his heart stopped,
00:55:56 all of his systems failed, and he ceased to exist.
00:56:02 But while dead, because of that yellow sun or that glory, was working on him to where that death
00:56:15 suddenly no longer became a death, but rather became a restorative sleep.
00:56:22 What if, Moses, because here's why I'm on this.
00:56:29 I know how God works. I know how he operates.
00:56:33 And God doesn't make new things, he makes things new.
00:56:36 Which means even Old Testament saints who are resurrected, that's their same body being made new.
00:56:44 He doesn't give you a new body, he makes your body new.
00:56:47 So for Moses to be on the mount of transfiguration along with Elijah,
00:56:53 meaning that they represent the law and the prophets, for Moses to be there,
00:56:57 Moses had to have an experience very similar to Elijah.
00:57:02 So here's my theory. My theory is that Moses did die.
00:57:06 But the glory that had infused itself in his cells caused that death to suddenly become a restorative sleep.
00:57:18 And I believe that the Lord took him, he took him where no one would know and where no one could see.
00:57:26 Specifically the devil. I believe the glory of God surrounding Moses was a cloak for the devil to not see.
00:57:33 God take Moses once he woke up from his sleep.
00:57:36 Now, I'm not saying this is fact. I'm not saying that this is scripture.
00:57:41 And I'm not saying that I'm right. But here's what I am right about.
00:57:44 God doesn't make new things, he makes things new.
00:57:48 And every single person that will participate in the resurrection,
00:57:51 that's not God giving you a new body, that's God making your body new.
00:57:57 So if God took the body of Elijah and translated it for Moses to be there, watch this,
00:58:02 before Christ's death, burial and resurrection,
00:58:05 Moses had to experience some kind of translation.
00:58:08 The body of Moses is such a tricky subject matter that even the book of Jude tells us
00:58:14 Michael the archangel had a dispute with the devil about the body of Moses.
00:58:22 Nowhere else in scripture do we read that the devil came to any body or any angel about anybody's body.
00:58:31 So why is he going to Michael, the prince of Israel, about the body of Moses?
00:58:37 Why did he want to know about the body of Moses?
00:58:40 Why did he want to know the whereabouts?
00:58:44 That's my theory, because in order for Moses to be on the Mount of Transfiguration,
00:58:50 right there with Elijah, you've got to not die.
00:58:57 So what if Moses, my servant, is dead, meant Moses as my servant is dead?
00:59:06 Don't don't miss what I said. Moses as my servant is dead.
00:59:16 Anyway, I got nothing to do with the lesson. That's just let me finish.
00:59:20 Let me finish the lesson because you all got me over the clock.
00:59:26 Look what it says in verse five. While he was still speaking,
00:59:30 behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud saying, what?
00:59:34 This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.
00:59:39 Same words we heard after Jesus was baptized in water and then baptized with the Holy Spirit.
00:59:46 Happened more than one time. So I've given you four examples of things that happened in scripture that were
00:59:53 flat out impressive, supernatural, or highly spiritual in nature.
01:00:01 Two of these examples only happen one time. The other two examples happen more than one time.
01:00:08 What determines when God's going to do something that he's done before again?
01:00:12 What determines when God isn't going to do something that he's done before again?
01:00:17 What determines it? God is the determining factor. Right?
01:00:21 There could be some other unknown factors. Maybe the maybe maybe the people, maybe the will of the people,
01:00:26 maybe the faith of the people, maybe the expectancy of the people. There could be a number of of unknowns and things we're not taking into consideration.
01:00:33 But ultimately, it is clear in scripture that there are some things God did once.
01:00:43 There are things God did more than once. Now, how does that apply to what we're talking about in this lesson and where we're going as a minister?
01:00:54 Some things in the history of Crenshaw Christian Center are going to stay in the history.
01:01:03 They're going to stay in the history. Some things will repeat.
01:01:10 OK, one example is the teaching ministry that comes out of this ministry.
01:01:17 That is something that will forever be at the forefront of this ministry as long as this ministry exists.
01:01:25 It wasn't a one time deal. This wasn't a case where where where the Lord used the previous pastor to teach
01:01:33 and then the next pastor and any pastor after will not teach.
01:01:38 No, that's not the case with this ministry.
01:01:41 Whoever the next pastor is, whoever the pastor is after that and whoever the pastor is after that, if the Lord tarries,
01:01:48 if he doesn't appear to receive us, teaching will be a hallmark of this ministry.
01:01:55 OK, but watch this. Watch this. What the stage looks like may be a forever changing thing.
01:02:05 What the room looks like, what the seats look like, what the clothing looks like.
01:02:11 The watch this. The manner in how the teaching is delivered is subject to change.
01:02:18 Those are things that might evolve. Those are things that may have.
01:02:24 There was a there was a wave of the charismatic moving in the early days of Crenshaw Christian Center.
01:02:31 Now, I'm not saying that that that wave won't occur again, but it may not occur the same way it occurred.
01:02:39 That's right. It may be a new or fresher wave with a different slant to it.
01:02:45 You can't expect the same things to happen the same way forever.
01:02:51 That's that's not how life works. I mean, look at the covenant.
01:02:56 There was an old and now there's a new. The old made new.
01:03:01 A new and better covenant established on better promises.
01:03:06 But watch this. There won't be a newer covenant.
01:03:11 Everything else that happens falls under the umbrella or the banner of the new covenant.
01:03:19 So some things will change and some things will not change.
01:03:27 And it will be my hope that as we move forward in this ministry,
01:03:34 because I'm telling you, that's what these attacks are all about. Trying to stop what's about to happen.
01:03:42 And what's about to happen is going to be a mix of things that have happened before.
01:03:49 And some new things, which means that there are some things that happened before that are going to stay in the before.
01:03:56 They're not going to come to the now. Some of the things will come to the now.
01:04:00 Some of the things will stay in the before. Some things are going to be new.
01:04:04 And as we continue to move forward, some of the new things that are implemented may only be implemented one time
01:04:10 or they may be implemented more than once. Ultimately, God is the deciding factor.
01:04:17 The only thing that we should be is expecting.
01:04:24 Watch this. I don't know exactly how God is going to move, but I know he's going to move.
01:04:30 And I'm expecting him to move. I'm expecting him to move.
01:04:34 Oh, watch this. I'm expecting him to move in ways that are a reflection of him being the ancient of days.
01:04:41 I'm expecting him to move in ways that are a reflection of him being the same yesterday, today and forever.
01:04:48 But I'm also expecting him to move in ways that are a reflection of his new mercies every morning.
01:04:54 And I'm expecting him to move in ways that are a reflection of the God that's doing a new thing.
01:05:00 Amen. Father, we thank you for your word. It's truth, it's life. It will not, it cannot return to you void.
01:05:07 But it will accomplish what it set out to do. It will prosper where it's sent.
01:05:10 And I thank you that the word indeed has gone forth.
01:05:14 It is seed that has been planted into the good ground.
01:05:21 The hearts of those present, the hearts of those watching wherever they're watching.
01:05:27 I thank you that the word did not fall on deaf ears.
01:05:32 Father, your word be, it will not, it cannot return to you void.
01:05:35 It accomplishes when you send it and it prospers where you send it.
01:05:40 I thank you for your accomplishing, prospering word being sown into the hearts of every listener.
01:05:48 Thank you, Holy Spirit, for making the invitations I'll mention in just a second.
01:05:55 If you don't know Jesus, you can know him today.
01:06:01 You can know the Savior today. You can be introduced to the Messiah today.
01:06:06 Become a part of the family of God today. No one can do it for you.
01:06:11 There's no salvation by association.
01:06:16 Because your parents were saved and you were raised in a Christian home doesn't make you a Christian.
01:06:20 Doesn't make you a believer. I must confess with my mouth. I must believe in my heart.
01:06:25 And there's no better time than right now to make a life-changing decision such as salvation.
01:06:30 Change your life for the better.
01:06:32 Number two is to be filled with the Spirit.
01:06:38 We read it earlier, you shall receive power.
01:06:41 They were filled with the Spirit when the Spirit came upon them.
01:06:45 When the Spirit fell upon them, they were filled. They spoke with other tongues.
01:06:49 Every single account that we read today, Acts 2, Acts 10, Acts 19, these were believers.
01:06:56 Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:06:59 People who had confessed Jesus as Lord and believed in their heart that God had raised them from the dead.
01:07:04 They were qualified to be filled with the Spirit.
01:07:07 That's the only requirement is that you're already saved.
01:07:10 You don't need to be filled to see heaven.
01:07:14 You don't need to be born again to see heaven.
01:07:17 But God would not have it that we only see heaven.
01:07:22 But that we are voices of His Word in the earth realm today.
01:07:26 And for us to be effective in that as witnesses, we must be filled with the Spirit.
01:07:31 Maybe you have questions about it. Maybe even concerns.
01:07:35 You wonder what's the tongue stuff all about.
01:07:37 What is the true purpose of being filled with the Holy Spirit?
01:07:40 You can find out today. You can find out the benefits.
01:07:43 Number three is to become a part of this local body.
01:07:46 Local body of believers. This local assembly of believers.
01:07:51 And number four is for assurance of salvation.
01:07:57 God wants you to know that you know that you're saved.
01:08:00 As well as you know your name and age, you can know that you're saved.
01:08:04 We can walk you through the Scriptures and show you indeed, in fact, you're saved.
01:08:08 You can't get born again, again.
01:08:11 We don't see that anywhere in the Bible.
01:08:14 But you may need assurance and you can have that assurance today.
01:08:17 Those four again, to be saved, to be filled with the Spirit, to make Crenshaw your home.
01:08:23 Your home church, your home ministry, your home family.
01:08:29 And number four, for assurance of salvation.
01:08:32 If any one of these apply to you, wherever you are, raise your hand up high.
01:08:35 Raise your hand at home as well, if it applies to you.
01:08:39 Wherever you're watching from, salvation, Holy Spirit, becoming a part of this local family of faith.
01:08:48 Assurance of salvation.
01:08:50 Okay, I don't see any hands raised, but I'm going to ask.
01:08:52 Okay, there's one hand.
01:08:54 Okay, there's one hand.
01:08:58 Two hands. I see two.
01:09:00 Two right here.
01:09:02 Okay.
01:09:10 Before I invite the two who raised their hands up front, so that we can pray for them, I want to make sure that no one else misses out.
01:09:25 I'm going to ask for everyone to repeat after me.
01:09:27 We want to cover our family online, our family streaming, because they can see us, but we can't see them.
01:09:32 We want to make sure that they're taken care of as well.
01:09:35 So we're going to pray a prayer of salvation and a prayer to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to make sure that they're good.
01:09:40 Starting now for salvation, saying, "Dear God."
