• last year
Everything is very expensive

Erdal Özyağcılar
Aslı Bekiroğlu
Yılmaz Kunt
Seray Kaya
Pamir Pekin
Sermet Yeşil
Erkan Sever
Aslı Altaylar
Evrim Doğan
Uğur Kurul
Elif Andaç Çam
Barış Aytaç



00:00 Ahmet, haven't we arrived yet?
00:02 I don't know, I guess we were here somewhere.
00:05 We're here, we're here. Here.
00:07 Aha!
00:08 Here?
00:09 For God's sake, let's not go, Ahmet.
00:12 Oh my God, why aren't we going?
00:14 Is it that bad?
00:16 You look good.
00:17 Ahmet, too good.
00:19 Come on.
00:28 Mr. Emre, you wait here.
00:31 We'll call you when we get out.
00:33 Okay, Mr. Ahmet, okay, we'll wait.
00:35 Look at the weather, God, I'm a driver.
00:38 Ahmet, this place is so beautiful.
00:52 Good evening, sir, welcome.
00:55 Do you have any condoms?
00:57 Huh?
00:58 Do you have a condom, sir?
01:00 Oh, well, of course.
01:02 Ahmet Ayten Civan Olsun.
01:04 Look, there he is.
01:06 Please, Mr. Ahmet, let me show you your table, sir.
01:09 Here you go, sir.
01:14 Ma'am.
01:15 Here you go.
01:17 Sir.
01:22 I'll do it, sir.
01:25 You're welcome, sir, here you go.
01:27 Ahmet, this place is wonderful.
01:37 A little rice for you, Ayten.
01:40 Good evening, sir.
01:43 Here you go, sir.
01:45 Here you go.
01:46 Ahmet.
01:57 What happened, Ayten?
01:58 Are you crazy?
01:59 One bowl of soup here is our two-month sales.
02:03 For God's sake, let's go before something happens.
02:05 We'll say we came to the wrong place.
02:07 Ayten, stop, stop, for God's sake, sit down.
02:10 I'm telling you, this was already arranged.
02:13 Sarp arranged everything.
02:14 He said, "Eat whatever you want."
02:16 This meal is already a reward, it's out of the reward.
02:19 Really?
02:20 Really.
02:21 Oh, my God.
02:22 Oh, my God.
02:23 Oh, my God.
02:24 Sarp!