• l’année dernière
00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
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01:00Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
01:30Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
02:00Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
02:30Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
03:00Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
03:30Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
04:00Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
04:30Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
05:00Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
05:30Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
06:00Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
06:30Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
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07:30Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
08:00Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
08:30Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
09:00Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
09:31Oh, come on! You're not a slug!
09:35Dad, I gotta tell you something. The Justice Ducks...
09:38We're right, Gosselin!
09:39Oh! If only I'd listened to the Justice Ducks!
09:42If only I'd accepted their help!
09:44Yeah, but the Fearsome Five...
09:46We're too much to handle on my own. I should have worked with the team.
09:49But, Dad, the team needs you!
09:51Think so?
09:52Well, of course they do!
09:54It's not too late. The Justice Ducks and I can be one!
09:58If we work together as a team, the Fearsome Five shall fall!
10:04So, where is everybody?
10:06That's what I've been trying to tell you! They've been captured!
10:11Oh, perfect. Some team they turned out to be.
10:14I guess I'll have to go save them.
10:20The science of pain!
10:22Gives me chills!
10:25This devilish device drains your beloved gizmo suit,
10:29keeping you weak.
10:30But, when I throw the switch,
10:33the energy reversal will fry you!
10:37You can't!
10:39You, you, you...
10:44When these nuclear fusion sunlamps are activated by the switch,
10:50we're gonna have ourselves a big ol' fish fry!
11:00Not so strong when you're weightless, are you?
11:04I hope you can hold your breath a long time,
11:07because all the air is going to be sucked out of this chamber
11:11when I throw the switch!
11:14And you, my little pretty,
11:16in the mystical power draining vise,
11:18you're going to have your little bitty head squashed
11:21when I throw the switch.
11:24And without further ado,
11:26the switch!
11:36Oops, that's not it.
11:38It must be here.
11:40Oops, that's not it.
11:42It must be this one.
11:45No, that leaves this one.
11:50Bye-bye, heroes.
11:59Give me just a tiny break.
12:05I'm trying to have a little fun.
12:08Is there a problem out here?
12:10Look, he keeps turning on the power company.
12:12That's false advertising.
12:14His toys are trampling all my plants.
12:16Or not, or not.
12:24There you go, kids.
12:26One empire, four parts.
12:28One for each of you.
12:30You run it, you do everything.
12:32Gee, how generous.
12:34But what about you?
12:36I get the loot.
12:38What? Why?
12:40Because I said...
12:44Oh, you put it that way.
12:47Just what crime was about to pay,
12:50the double cross.
12:53Well, that's taken care of.
12:55Now, all of you,
12:58eat hot dogs!
13:03Flowers for Megaduck!
13:05I hate flowers.
13:07Did I say flowers?
13:09I meant... skulls!
13:11Skulls for Megaduck!
13:14I'll be right there.
13:19This had better be good.
13:25Did I say skulls?
13:27I meant anvil!
13:29Oh, I dented my anvil.
13:33Yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:35The perfect disguise.
13:37Megaduck can't take all the money
13:39while we do all the work.
13:41It's unfair.
13:42I'd like to fry his feathers.
13:44Hey, why don't we...
13:47Rescue Megaduck!
13:51It is I, Megaduck,
13:53your lord and master.
13:55Get him!
14:03Hey, what's the deal?
14:05Is this any way to treat your leader?
14:07So much for the perfect disguise.
14:11Kill Megaduck! Kill Megaduck!
14:16Kill who?
14:17Yay! Two Megaducks?
14:19No, no, no. Look, I'm Darkwing Duck.
14:21He's Megaduck. Kill him!
14:23You thought he was me?
14:25You were going to kill me?
14:28No, no, we knew it was Darkwing.
14:30Yeah, we were just testing, see?
14:32Didn't we already kill Darkwing Duck?
14:34The ghost of Darkwing Duck!
14:37He's back!
14:39Just get him now!
14:45The Justice Ducks will triumph terrifically,
14:47you treacherous twink!
14:49Not likely.
14:51Note the critical condition of your captured compatriots.
14:55Hi, wingy.
14:57And remember, sport fans,
14:59the fun begins when I throw...
15:02We know, we know, the switch.
15:09Oh, no, you don't.
15:11Oh, yes, I do.
15:22Would somebody please squash this clown?
15:29Oh, no!
15:38Now it's time to say goodbye
15:41to all our company!
15:45Somebody do something!
15:56Wow! Oh, yeah!
16:00Did I do okay, Doc?
16:03You did great, Morgue.
16:17Justice Ducks, assemble!
16:21There's a vibe, get over here!
16:40Oh, no, not again!
16:43Lights out, man!
16:45You son of a...
16:47This time, it's bye-bye!
16:52Stop! Hold it!
16:54You nitwit!
16:57You nitwit!
17:00Get away, you plant-eater, you!
17:02Go on, get!
17:07I never fought a supervillain before.
17:10What do I do?
17:11It's easy, Stegmot.
17:13Let's pretend Mr. Bushroot is on fire.
17:17Put out the bushroot, put out the bushroot.
17:22Nothing can stop these teeth.
17:24Not even a dentist drill?
17:29Maybe some anesthetic first.
17:39Oh, you are a slippery one.
17:42You ain't seen nothing yet.
17:45Hey, pretty good, Morgana.
17:47Not really.
17:48I'm trying to turn him into pudding.
17:50Ah, yes, the P word.
17:52Allow me.
17:53It's pudding time.
17:55Ah! Do not add water!
18:00Shall we, Gizzardoo?
18:01Let's shall!
18:09We make a good mix.
18:11Okay, I put out the bushroot.
18:14Well, I guess it's up to the fearsome wats.
18:18Come on, Justice Ducks, let's get...
18:27Don't move.
18:28If I push this button,
18:30the electric wall will close in and destroy St. Canard.
18:36In fact, I think I'll just push it anyway.
18:50Ground floor coming up.
19:08Oops. Missed.
19:19A job well done, Justice Ducks.
19:23I'm not a duck.
19:25I used to be.
19:26Say, you old curmudgeon,
19:28I thought you didn't want to be a team.
19:31I never said that.
19:33Out loud.
19:35Oh, Dark.
19:42Now you can go on your date.
19:44That's it.
19:45We all go on a big date.
19:47No, no, no, no, no.
19:49I can handle this myself.
19:52But what about the team?
19:54Not now.
19:56Oh, Mr. Darkwing, here's your change.
20:02You keep it, Staggers.
20:03Oh, boy.
