Hebrews 5

  • 2 months ago
00:00So still in Hebrews, in Hebrews 5, in Hebrews 5 verse 1 it says for every high priest taken
00:18from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God that he may offer both gifts
00:27and sacrifices for sins who can have compassion on the ignorant and on them that are out of the way
00:35that he himself also is compassionate with infirmity. So the Bible is describing what a
00:40priest used to do that he was taken out of men and ordained for men for the things of God and
00:48you can go back and we'll see something in a minute in Exodus and Leviticus and see where
00:54all this happened all the way back to Aaron who was Moses's brother that he may offer both
01:04gift and sacrifices for sin so you can go through and you can see the different sacrifices the
01:10offerings that were made and who can have compassion on the ignorant what does that mean
01:16well he has compassion on the ignorant because they're sinning ignorantly a lot of people
01:23they know what's right and wrong but they still do it and that's ignorant anytime that you know
01:29what you're doing is wrong and you still do it the definition of that is ignorant you know I know
01:36people don't like that word or whatever but that's what the Bible is saying is that the priest is
01:41supposed to have compassion on the ignorant and to still at that time was to uh take the
01:50the sacrifices to atone for their sin and on them that are out of the way that he himself also
01:58is compassed with infirmity and by reason thereof he ought as for the people so also for himself to
02:06offer for sins and no man take it dishonoring to himself but he that is called of God as was Aaron
02:14go to Exodus 28. So again the whole book of Hebrews is to provide you with the Old Testament
02:29is to mainly the Jews for them to understand that everything that was done in the Old Testament
02:37had a purpose and a reason
02:41and it's to point back to the one thing that we all must know to be saved and that's the Lord Jesus
02:47Christ look at Exodus 28 verse 1. So about Aaron it's what Aaron's supposed to do this is the
03:00brother of Moses and take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother and his sons with him from among the
03:07children of Israel that he may minister unto me in the priest's office even Aaron Nadab and Abihu
03:15Eleazar Ithamar Aaron's son. So not only was Aaron supposed to but all of his sons were too
03:23and thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty and thou shalt
03:33speak unto all that are wise hearted whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom that they may
03:39make Aaron's garments to consecrate him that he may minister unto me in the priest's office.
03:46These are the garments what they shall make a breastplate and an ephod and a robe and a broidered
03:53coat a miter and a girdle and they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother and his sons
04:02that he may minister unto me in the priest's office and they shall take gold and blue and purple
04:08and purple and scarlet and fine linen. So God's telling them exactly how he wants this done.
04:18You know it's funny how you remember movies but if you ever remember watching the movie
04:24Raiders of the Lost Ark right before they open up the ark if you remember that priest what did
04:30he have on he had on a breastplate that had all these jewels on it just like that well you know
04:36he got burned up because that's what happened but I was when I was reading this and studying this
04:42that's what I was thinking about go to verse 40 verse 40. Exodus 28 40 and for Aaron's son thou
04:54shall make coats and thou shall make for them girdles and bonnets and thou make for them for
05:03glory and for beauty. Now shall put them upon Aaron thy brother and his sons with him and shall anoint
05:12them and consecrate them and sanctify them that they may minister unto me in the priest's office
05:20and thou shall make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness from their loins even to their
05:28thighs shall they reach. So no dresses no skirts you see all these visions of people in biblical
05:37times that are wearing togas and dresses and stuff folks people were wearing pants from day one you
05:45say well how's that so well the word breeches is the same as britches and you know folks just knew
05:51how to do it in fact when you keep reading in this book I believe it's in Exodus maybe in Leviticus
06:00there's people that don't know a lick about how to sew they don't know how to do anything any
06:08metalworking and it clearly tells us that God gives him ability a couple people to understand
06:15how to do that so these people don't want to put Jesus in a dress it's just crazy
06:23um I don't believe that I believe what the Bible says I believe all the way back
06:27people were wearing breeches it tells us that it was from their loin all the way down to their thigh
06:33and that's what Aaron and his sons wore they wore that and they wore a coat and they had a girdle
06:38which is a belt it's not a girdle like a woman would wear but a girdle I've told you before it's
06:43like a belt rope something to hold it together the coat to keep clothes and they shall be upon
06:50Aaron and upon his sons when they come in unto the tabernacle of the congregation or when they
06:56come near unto the altar to minister in the holy place that they bear not iniquity and die it shall
07:02be a statute forever unto him and a seed after him where's the long road folks in fact we'll see
07:08when Jesus is rebuking the Pharisees he's rebuking them for what wearing long clothing
07:14there's no long clothing the priest wasn't supposed to do that um go back to Hebrews
07:21verse five so also Christ see that the Bible's showing us about what the Old Testament now it's
07:28going to put the clarification and apply it to Jesus Christ glorified not himself to be made a
07:35high priest but that he's that but he that said unto him thou art my son today have I begotten
07:43thee go to Acts 13 I've showed you before it's it's it's first said in Psalms 2 but in Acts 13
07:53it brings it into clarification
07:58Acts 13
07:59he talking about he who's he talking about he he's talking about God the Father told Jesus
08:07today I have begotten thee and I've told you before people like to use this word begotten
08:12and they get confused and some of the new modern versions they change begotten to something else
08:18folks the words begotten is I'm going to explain to you why God the Father begotten Jesus and it's
08:25the Father begotten Jesus and it's not because he was created Jesus in the Holy Spirit and and God
08:31the Father they were just there before anything was there just looking at nothing um I know that's
08:37hard for us to understand but that's what the Bible says look at chapter 26 of Acts 13 men and
08:45brethren children of the stock of Abraham and whosoever among you feareth God to you is a word
08:52of this salvation sin for they that dwell at Jerusalem and their rulers because they knew him
09:00not nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath day they have fulfilled them
09:07in condemning him that's Judaism right there folks they read the the prophets they don't know
09:13a lick about what's being told and though they found no cause of death in him who talking about
09:19Jesus yet desired they Pilate that he should be slain if you remember the story of what happened
09:26is they said crucify him crucify him and Pilate said I've not found anything wrong with this man
09:31why do you want me to crucify him would you want me to release Barabbas who was a murderer
09:36and they said release Barabbas and crucify Jesus and he and they said uh then Pilate said do you
09:42want me to crucify your king and they said we have no king but Caesar so Pilate was literally
09:50trying to release him and they did not when they had fulfilled all that was written of him they
09:57took him down from the tree and laid him in a sepulcher which is also agreed but God raised him
10:06from the dead he was seen many days of them which came up from Galilee to Jerusalem
10:14who are witnesses unto the people and we declare unto you glad tidings that the promise which was
10:21made unto the fathers God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children in that he hath raised up
10:29again as it was also written in the second psalm this is psalm 2 7 thou art my son this day so
10:39there's a day that God the father is saying this and it's the day that Jesus Christ was taken out
10:46of the pit of hell and rose from the grave this day I have begotten me so it's clear that Jesus
10:54when he put on himself the sins of the world and he decided to be obedient to God the father
11:01and to be on the cross he did not have the ability to come out of hell by himself he
11:06had to have the holy spirit he had to have God the father to raise him up out of hell
11:11why I don't know but I'll tell you in acts 2 it wouldn't make a lot of sense in psalm for him to
11:16say thou has not left my soul in hell if he could take himself out and as concerning that he raised
11:26him from the dead now no more to return to corruption he said on this wise I will give you
11:34the sure mercies of David wherefore he saith also in another psalm which is psalm 16 10 thou shall
11:40not suffer thine holy one to see corruption for David after he had served his own generation by
11:50the will of God fell on sleep and was laid unto his fathers and saw corruption so people will
11:56say sometimes though this is David he's saying this well what they don't get is that holy men
12:03as they were moved by the holy spirit and David is speaking out of the mouth of Jesus Christ of
12:11what he was saying and so what the verse is trying to tell us is that you dig up David's body you'll
12:18see worms you'll see bones and you will see a corrupted body still in the grave Jesus is not
12:27he's still there with his fathers and his body's being eaten up by worms and bugs
12:33until the day that Jesus Christ comes in the clouds and then his body will be changed
12:38incorruptible Jesus has already done that the day that he was begotten but he whom God raised saw no
12:45corruption Jesus's body was not corrupted be it known unto you therefore men and brethren that
12:53through this man talking about Jesus is preaching to you the forgiveness of sins and by him all that
13:02believe are justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses
13:10he's saying look you want to be justified by keeping the ten commandments
13:14that ain't happening it's all through Jesus go back to Hebrews
13:21verse six
13:22as he said also in another place thou art a priest forever after the order of Mechilzedek go to psalm 110
13:37psalm 110 now in two weeks we're going to talk more about Mechilzedek I don't want to ruin that
13:44because chapter 7 is pretty much about Mechilzedek and after chapter 7 we're going to talk about
13:50and after chapter 7 you'll have no doubt who Mechilzedek is
13:55if you don't already know psalm 110
14:04starting in verse 1 the lord said unto my lord now look at those words in the king james bible
14:12you see the tetragrammaton capital l capital o capital r capital d that's the lord jehovah
14:19said unto my lord that's not capitalized the capital l is but what is he saying he's saying
14:26the lord god the lord Jesus Christ said unto my lord which is my boss sit down that right hand
14:34until I make thine enemies thy footstool the lord shall send the rod of the strength out of Zion
14:43in the midst of thine enemies that people shall be willing in the day of thy power in the beauties
14:49of holiness from the womb of the morning thou hast to do with thy youth the lord has sworn
14:55and will not repent thou art a priest forever after the order of Mechilzedek the lord at the
15:03right hand shall strike through the kings in the day of his wrath he shall judge among the heathen
15:09he shall fill the places with the dead bodies he shall wound the heads over many countries
15:14he shall drink of the brook and the way therefore shall he lift up the head so the bible is telling
15:21us here this is where it's found in psalms 110 verse 4 is that he's always going to be after
15:29the same priesthood of Mechilzedek again a couple weeks we'll talk about more about Mechilzedek
15:35but if you it's in genesis 12 where it mentions about Mechilzedek he was basically the first
15:42priest of Salem which later came Jerusalem so he's the first king he's the first priest
15:52or high priest of God in Salem verse 7 who in the days of his flesh go back to Hebrews
16:01uh the days in his flesh talking about who Jesus when he had offered up prayers and supplication
16:09with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death which is who God the
16:17father and was heard in that he feared uh go to Luke 22 let's see where that happened now we go
16:29to Luke we go to Matthew we go to Mark
16:39so what is he talking about
16:43see this is this is why people don't get that the holy man spake as they were moved by God
16:50by the Holy Spirit Paul was not here my friend Paul was not here he did not know what happened
16:58in the garden of Gethsemane he was too busy killing Christians and putting them in prison
17:03so how did he know this Holy Spirit look at verse 39 Luke 22 and he came out and went as he was
17:11wont the mount of olives and his disciples also followed him and when he was at the place he said
17:18of them pray that ye enter not into temptation and he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast
17:24and kneeled down and prayed saying father if thou be willing remove this cup from me
17:31nevertheless not my will but thine be done so we see the the we always think about the holiness of
17:42Jesus Christ him being the son of God him being God in the flesh but what we rarely ever think
17:47about is the fleshly part of Jesus Christ the manly part of him being a human being and this
17:54is where we see this in the garden of Gethsemane where he's praying to God the father and saying
17:59if it's possible God is if there's any other way for me to get out of it can you just take it away
18:05from me but let thou will be done and look at verse 43 and there appeared an angel unto him
18:12from heaven strengthen him so apparently he's at the point where he's crying and maybe he you know
18:19maybe he's at a point where he needs strengthening from an angel at this point because it's clear
18:26that an angel is coming down to help him and being in agony why is he why is he in agony
18:31well he's going to have the whole world sin from Adam all the way down to the last person in
18:37revelation 22 he's going to have all their sins on him so he's trying to get help from an angel
18:45he prayed more earnestly as his sweat was as there were great drops of blood falling down to the
18:52ground now i've looked at this and i've thought about this several times i don't know if you've
18:58ever sweated that much where you're sweating and the drops of sweat are just so big that it's like
19:04drops of blood if you've ever cut your head you know that the the blood kind of pulls up the big
19:10drops and it just falls big drops well that's what it's telling us is that's how jesus is he's
19:16sweating to that point also i think it's it's a foreshadowing that jesus is going to have drops
19:22of blood on his head when they put the crown of thorns on him and he when he rose up from prayer
19:28he was come to his disciples and found the sleeping for sorry so that's what we see jesus
19:34he's in agony he's asking god to take get away from him this is the manly part the the human
19:42side of jesus that we rarely see go back to hebrews so he's praying out to god the father
19:52he's asking him to take it away look at verse eight um though he were a son
20:01yet learn he obedience by the things which he suffered so he learned obedience and this is
20:08the important thing is that even though jesus is god you got holy spirit god you got god the father
20:16we always say jesus is always giving ominous to god the father he kept telling him i'm not doing
20:24my will i'm doing the father's will i'm not coming to do my own will and that's what we need to
20:29understand when there's somebody that comes on this earth and says i'm god i'm above god and
20:34they claim to be jesus or yeshua or whatever they want to call themselves and it's really the
20:39antichrist you need to think in your mind because i believe there's going to be some christians to be
20:44uh deceived for a little bit until it gets to the point of taking the market a beast but i think
20:50there will be some that are deceived um because it's going to be some kind of politician or
20:54something maybe somebody like trump or something i got a guy watch on youtube he thinks trump's
20:58antichrist because he keeps saying he's god and all these things he's just puffed up i don't know
21:04he might be who knows but it's going to be somebody like that it's not going to be an obama that that
21:10you know most christians don't like it's going to be somebody that they they gather to and i believe
21:19um so we see jesus is always obedient to god the father he never says i'm just going to do what i
21:28want to because he suffered he brings himself into subjection under god the father and being made
21:37what does perfect mean what is several different definitions one of them is complete
21:41which is about jesus the other thing is sinless he's sinless that's why in the old testament it
21:47said that the animal that you took out had to be a male out of the flock and it had to be an animal
21:52that had no blemishes not one with one eye or one leg or broken arm or leg or hoof or whatever it
21:59had to be a perfect animal to show what jesus christ because became the author of eternal
22:08salvation unto all them that obey him called of god and high priest after the order of mitchell's
22:17philippians 2 philippians 2
22:30this uh we went over this one went over in philippians with philippians 2 6
22:36i love these these little section of verses here new bible verses they they brutalize it in a
22:42bunch of garbage but the king james bible does so perfect with it who this is talking about
22:47look at verse 5 let this be in mind being you which was also in christ jesus who being in the
22:53form of god so jesus christ is in the form of god we know he's god in the flesh thought it not robbery
23:00to be equal with god so we see that god jesus is in subjection with god the father but he god the
23:08father's not sitting there saying jesus is getting all the glory folks that's just dumb
23:15but that's uh they change it to something i don't remember what they change it to in these new bible
23:19verses what is robbery robbery is when you steal something from somebody else if you try to steal
23:24somebody's thunder or whatever you know you're trying to take glory away from them and try to
23:29make it look on you god never felt that way he knows that there's no name that we must know
23:37under heaven but by the name of jesus but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the
23:43form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men you never see jesus walking down with a
23:51purple code saying kiss my feet kiss my ring do all this people chose to bow down to jesus
23:57because they knew who he was he never demanded those things because he was going as a servant
24:04he had no reputation in fact people hated him in fact i told you in the book of heb uh in the book
24:10of isaiah 53 it talks about how he was nobody to look at so i think he was kind of you know
24:16look you see these pictures of fabio with his long flowing hair and his beard and everything's nice
24:23i don't think that's what he looked like i think he was an if you would compare him today you would
24:28say he was a homely ugly looking man because people god wanted him to be drawn to him by faith
24:36and not by hey this guy looks pretty cool let's hang out with him type thing became obedient to
24:42the death even the death of the cross wherefore god also hath highly exalted him and given him
24:49a name which is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee should bow the things in heaven
24:56things in earth and things under the earth which is what hell and that every tongue should confess
25:02that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father go back to hebrews
25:08so he's the author and finisher the beginner of eternal salvation now this last part it says unto
25:18all that obey him now some people like to twist this and try to make it into a workspace salvation
25:25what does that mean does that mean that you have to obey every single 10 commandment to be saved
25:31no what does this mean well the only the only commandment we need to obey is in and we're not
25:38going to turn to it we don't have time it's first john 2 where it says that we should believe on the
25:43lord jesus christ that's come the commandment that we should have to be saved to have eternal
25:49salvation putting your trust on jesus it has nothing to do with obeying him we obey him because
25:56we show him that we love him verse 11 of whom we have many things to say and are hard to be uttered
26:06seeing you all dull of hearing what does that mean means that we got a lot of stuff to tell you
26:13because you got to think these people are here to tell them of the things they saw in fact you can
26:20read in the book of john at the end john says i you know if we were to contain every single thing
26:27that jesus did the the world wouldn't hold the volumes of material written and they're saying
26:35we got a lot of stuff to say but it's hard to say why is it hard to say because when you tell people
26:41the truth they don't like to hear it they don't like to hear it it's hard to be uttered
26:48seeing you're dull of hearing what does dull of hearing mean well if you're sharp of hearing
26:52means that you're listening to everything if you're dull of hearing a dull knife isn't cutting
26:57through anything and what he's saying is y'all don't want to hear it you just you're just not
27:02interested in hearing what we got to say we got a lot to say but it's hard for us to say it because
27:07you don't want to hear it look at verse 12 when the time you ought to be teachers
27:15you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of god
27:22so he's saying look y'all shouldn't be y'all should be knowledgeable enough to be teachers
27:30but even teachers they need to be taught again you know anybody whoever says hey
27:40i know everything i don't have to be taught anything in fact don't ever say i know how to
27:47do that because you sound like i know it all sometimes it's better for us to just say nothing
27:55even though you know and this is hard folks let's say somebody comes up to me and says hey
28:00let me show you how to do that and it's something already know sometimes i'll just not say anything
28:07and see how they do it to see if it's a better way now if it's not a better way and it doesn't
28:12work you can say well let me show you this way but sometimes the the old saying is there's more
28:17than one way to skin a cat you need to understand that that your way is not the only way of doing
28:23whatever uh and and sometimes we need to just give people a little bit of grace and mercy
28:30and listen to them and when they tell you hey this is how i do it and then it don't work and
28:37you can say well this is how i do it but don't be a know-it-all because nobody likes to be around
28:43a know-it-all but this is what it's telling us the first principle of the oracles of god
28:49is that it nobody knows everything in this book and when you get to the point where you ever say
28:55i know that i don't need to be taught that you got a problem you got a problem that that's pride
29:03coming in you know a lot of times some of the stuff that's being preached is being repeated
29:11and we should never get to the point that we say i've already heard this i know where he's
29:16turning to because you know what next week you may need that same verse and say oh yeah i remember
29:23you just gotta understand there's a reason why god does stuff i don't know but there's a reason
29:29why sometimes and because and become such as need a meal and not a strong meat so what he's saying
29:37is that these people should be teachers and they should be eating meat i mean you can't give a baby
29:43meat they'll choke and and die and you give them milk and what he's saying is that some of these
29:50christians that he's talking about he's saying you should be eating meat spiritually off the bone
29:58but instead you're such a baby christian we got to give you milk because you can't handle the strong
30:04word you can't handle the strong meat of the word well what does that mean well some of the milk of
30:10the word would be preaching on salvation baptism sin some of the meat of the word how about the
30:16names of god i mean when that kind of difficult uh how about the age of the earth well you got
30:21to sit down and think about how you can figure out how old the earth is and then how about end
30:27times prophecy some of these are meat of the word i try to mix in some of these sometimes i have milk
30:31of the word sometimes i have meat of the word because we need we don't need to just be like
30:36babies just sitting there learning just just god is good sin is bad now let's go home we need to
30:45learn some more stuff folks a lot of times that's being taught in church but strong meat belongs to
30:52them that are a full age even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both
31:03good and evil so the bible saying when you get to the point where you can discern good from evil
31:09it's not talking about just knowing right from wrong he's talking about using your senses to be
31:13exercised folks we live in a youtube video world and sometimes we just need to get ourselves some
31:19smarts and the best way you do is pick up a book this is a book it's got paper in between it and
31:26you open it up and it's got words black words on white paper and you can read that i don't care what
31:34it is and you'll get smarter the best book is the king james bible it will make you smarter there's
31:40plenty of verses and psalms and proverbs that tells you that but sometimes don't depend on this
31:47this is garbage this will make your brain topiaca tapioca print pudding and you need to get smarter
31:56we all do pick up a book and read it bow your head and have a word of prayer