No More Confidence

  • 2 months ago
00:00So the title of the sermon today is No More Confidence.
00:05No More Confidence.
00:06I've got several points of things that we don't have confidence in anymore.
00:10The first is government.
00:12Go to 1 Samuel 8.
00:131 Samuel 8.
00:27I have no more confidence in the government.
00:29In the world government.
00:30In the United States government.
00:32Look at 1 Samuel chapter 8 verse 7.
00:37And to take this in context, what was going on at this point is that you've got Samuel
00:45the prophet, he's telling them not to worry about making a king.
00:51That the only king that you have is the Lord.
00:55They wanted a king like all the other nations.
00:58Which all the other nations did what?
01:00They rejected the Lord.
01:03And look at verse 7.
01:05And the Lord said unto Samuel, hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say
01:09unto thee, for they have not rejected thee, talking about Samuel, that Samuel was feeling
01:16like they rejected what he told them, but they have rejected me that I should not reign
01:22over them.
01:24I feel like this sometimes when I show people what the Bible says, you know, if you show
01:29somebody the gospel and they reject it, they're not rejecting you folks, they're rejecting
01:33the Lord.
01:35And we need to understand anytime you're showing somebody what the Bible says, here's what
01:39the Bible says about fornication, here's what the Bible says about adultery.
01:44And they say, well, I just don't believe that.
01:46They're not rejecting you folks.
01:48They're rejecting the Lord's word.
01:50And that's what they're doing here.
01:51They're rejecting Samuel, according to all the words that they have done since the day
01:55that I brought them up out of Egypt, even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken
02:01me and served other gods, little G, so that they do also unto thee.
02:08Now therefore hearken unto their voice, how be it yet protest solemnly unto them and show
02:14them the manner of the king that shall reign over them.
02:17So what is he saying?
02:18He's saying, look, go ahead and do what they tell you to, but tell them what kind of king
02:24you're going to have ruling over them.
02:26And I want you to look at this and see if today in the United States and pretty much
02:31any other country, is this the way it is?
02:34Look at verse 10 and Samuel told all the words of the Lord and to the people that ask of
02:39him a king.
02:40And he said, this will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you.
02:45He will take your sons and appoint them for themselves, for his chariots to be his horsemen
02:51and some shall run before his chariots.
02:55What is that?
02:56That's the military draft.
02:59He's saying that the king's going to make your sons to fight for their battle.
03:04And that's what you're going to have.
03:06And that's what you have.
03:07And in fact, right now they're trying to make a draft between 18 and 26 of all men and women.
03:15And he will appoint him captains over thousands and captains over fifties and will set them
03:20to his ear to his ground and reap his harvest and make his instruments of war and instruments
03:27of his chariots.
03:28Is that all that's happening today?
03:30Do not governments tell you, hey, go and fight for this.
03:35You're going to fight for your freedom.
03:37You're going to do this when it really has to do with what?
03:40Stealing money and property of other countries.
03:43Make no mistake, folks, the wars that have been fought for this country has been nothing
03:50more than stealing property or something of somebody else all the way back.
03:57And he will take your daughters to be confectionaries and to be cooks and to be bakers and will
04:02take your fields and your vineyards and your olive yards and even the best of them and
04:08give them to his servants.
04:09In the 1990s, I believe it was, they came out with some kind of government thing that
04:14said if the government thinks they can use whatever you have, whether it be your livestock
04:20or your water or anything, fruit or vegetables that you have, and they can use it to benefit
04:26themselves, they can take it from you.
04:28Your land, they can take it from you.
04:31Is that literally what the Bible says?
04:34Is not God right again that the governments can take whatever you want?
04:38If they deem it an emergency and they say it's an emergency and we need that food,
04:43we need that cattle, we need your animals, we need whatever, they can just come in and
04:46take it and there's nothing you can do about it.
04:49God bless America.
04:52And he will take the tenth of your seed and your vineyards and give it to his officers
04:57and to his servants.
04:58That's what they tell you.
04:59Is that if the government, the military, if they say, hey, we need this, we need to feed
05:05our troops, they can take it from you.
05:08And come in here, take all your eggs, take all your cattle, take everything you have,
05:13you store up some food, they can take it from you.
05:17And it's not theft in their eyes.
05:21He will take your menservants and your maidservants and your goodliest young men and your asses
05:26and put them to work.
05:27He will take the tenth of your sheep and you shall be his servants.
05:34And you shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen you
05:40and the Lord will not hear you in that day.
05:46He's warning them.
05:47And what do they do?
05:49They still say, we want a king.
05:50We don't care.
05:51We want a king.
05:53Ronald Reagan, he said the nine terrifying words that says, I'm from the government and
06:01I'm here to help you.
06:03But make sure you understand that.
06:04When they come to you and say, I'm from the government, I'm here to help you.
06:08That's according to Ronald Reagan, who was a president, and this was after his presidency
06:13that he saw that, that he realized that the government was trying to get more power and
06:19more power in the early 80s.
06:20And this is what he said.
06:22I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
06:25Number two is politics.
06:26And you say, isn't that the same?
06:28Not really.
06:29Go to Psalm 118.
06:32It should be.
06:33The way it's supposed to work, folks, I don't know if you know this about the United States
06:38government, but the way it's supposed to work is that the area of Osceola, Irwin County,
06:45this area, we have a representative.
06:47I don't know his name.
06:48I don't really give a rat's rear end, but he is supposed to come to all the people and
06:53say, what do you want?
06:54Oh, y'all don't want abortion?
06:57Well, I'm going to go out there and put my vote to say we don't want abortion.
07:03Or you don't want to pay more taxes?
07:05Well, I'm going to go out there and place our vote to represent this area.
07:10They don't do that, folks.
07:12They don't represent you.
07:13They're out there to figure out what they can do to make more money.
07:18I'm not talking about all of them.
07:19Look, the exception proves the rule.
07:22There's probably some politicians out there, they're truly up there to try to do something.
07:27So by the time they get into politics, it's just all about what I can get involved in.
07:31During the COVID scare, or whatever you want to call it, people were buying into masks.
07:37They were selling masks.
07:38They were getting into the mask because they knew that they're going to force masks onto
07:42us and that's how they did it.
07:46Ghassan 118.
07:52But that's the way the government's supposed to work.
07:53You're supposed to be able to vote for somebody, a representative to represent your area, and
07:59when they go to Washington or Atlanta, and they're supposed to represent you as a community
08:04and say, my people in my area want this.
08:08They don't do that anymore.
08:10It's not been doing that for years, folks.
08:12They just do what they want to do.
08:14Psalm 118.5.
08:18The Bible says, I called upon the Lord in distress, and the Lord answered me, and set
08:24me in a large place.
08:26The Lord is on my side, I will not fear.
08:29What can man do unto me?
08:30The Lord taketh my part with them that help me, therefore shall I see my desire upon them
08:36that hate me.
08:37It is better to trust in the Lord than put confidence in man.
08:44He's literally saying, don't put confidence in man.
08:48It is better to trust in the Lord than put confidence in princes.
08:52That's what they're talking about.
08:53Your politicians, your kings, whatever, your presidents, don't put your confidence in them
08:59because they're going to deceive you.
09:02All nations can pass me about, but in the name of the Lord will I destroy them.
09:09They can pass me about.
09:10Yeah, they can pass me about, but in the name of the Lord, I will destroy them.
09:15They can pass me like bees, they're quenched as a fire of thorns.
09:19For in the name of the Lord, I will destroy them.
09:22Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall, but the Lord helped me.
09:26The Lord is my strength and song, and has become my salvation.
09:32So the Bible's talking about people who trust in politics, and look folks, they're out there.
09:38I'm already hearing people believing that Trump's better.
09:41I've heard one guy saying that Trump is the savior of the United States.
09:45I've heard one guy even went to the other side and said that he believes that Donald
09:49Trump is the Antichrist.
09:51I don't know, but you know what, it wouldn't be surprising to me.
09:55But they're putting all this emphasis on people, and princes, and presidents, and politicians,
10:03and the Bible says when you put your trust in them, you're going to lose.
10:08It doesn't matter what you do, but if you trust in the things of this world, if you
10:13trust in politics, if you trust in government, you will be sad.
10:19Number three, go to Job 31.
10:24How about money and wealth?
10:26You know, there's nothing wrong with you saving up money, but just as we saw with the government
10:33going to take it out, I don't know if you know this, but in the banks today, there's
10:37either between one to ten percent of the money that's actually there.
10:41Did you know that?
10:42If you go try to get all your money out, if everybody tried to go get all their money
10:45out, it's called a bank run, they couldn't do it.
10:48There's only about one percent of the actual money.
10:51That means that the bank says, hey, we got ten million dollars in this bank, they only
10:55got one percent.
10:56But it's not there.
10:59It's all digital.
11:00It's never in the bank.
11:03That's why during the Great Depression, people started taking their money out of the bank
11:08and what did they do?
11:09They started putting it in the mattresses.
11:10Because when they went to get their money, they said, we don't have the money, it's not
11:16And older people will tell you they don't trust the bank.
11:20And when you put your money, you put your trust and your confidence and money and wealth,
11:24You get Job 31, Job 31, verse 24.
11:36This is Job, he's speaking.
11:37If I have made gold my hope or have said in the fine gold thou art my confidence, that's
11:45what he's saying.
11:46If you put your trust and your money and your wealth and gold and silver, you know a lot
11:51of people I listen to on YouTube, that's what they're telling you now, hey, start buying
11:57Well, the Bible's telling you not to.
12:00I don't know if you know this, but you can't eat gold.
12:03Did you know that?
12:04It don't matter how much gold.
12:05Folks, there's going to be a point in time where money's gone, gold has no value, silver
12:11has no value, jewels and rubies, if you can't eat it or you can't cook it, it's not going
12:18to have any value.
12:21Trust me.
12:22That's what the Bible says.
12:23But they're saying, sorry, I lost my place.
12:27If I have made my gold my hope or have said in the fine gold thou art my confidence, if
12:32I rejoice because my wealth was great and because my hand had gotten much, if I beheld
12:38the sun when it shined or the moon walking in brightness and my heart has been secretly
12:43enticed or my mouth has kissed my hand, this also were an iniquity to be punished by the
12:50judge for I have denied the God that is above.
12:55So what he's saying here, and if you read the whole book of Job, you got Job and his
12:59friends are going back and forth and saying the reason all these things are happening,
13:03the reason you lost everything, the reason that you have sores down from your head to
13:09your feet, the reason all this is happening is because you're doing something wrong.
13:14But we understand by reading the book of Job that that wasn't true, that God was testing
13:19Job throughout the whole thing and his friends were wrong, that he was not doing something
13:26He was the most upright man at the time, not perfect, not not sinless because everybody's
13:32a sinner, but he was the most upright man at the time.
13:36And what we see here is his faith is saying if he puts his trust in his gold and his riches,
13:42he's going to lose.
13:43Matthew 6, let's hear it out of Jesus' own mouth.
13:50Now, I'm not telling you to go take your money out of the bank, but if you try to, they're
13:56going to tell you, no, it's not there.
14:02If you're like me, you ain't got much money, so you ain't got to worry about it in the
14:08Matthew 6, verse 19, if you put your money, if you put your trust in money and wealth
14:16and gold and riches, this is what's going to happen.
14:18Look at verse 19.
14:19Jesus says, lay not up yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust do corrupt.
14:27So if you put your trust and you lay up treasures, if you go put up a bunch of clothes, guess
14:34The moths are going to eat it.
14:36There's nothing wrong with you storing clothes, that's not what it's talking about.
14:40And rust does corrupt.
14:42So even metal, eventually it's going to rust if you leave it out long enough.
14:48And then thieves break through and steal.
14:50Some of those thieves are not just thieves that we think of people hanging out, but some
14:55of them are the government.
14:56We just talked about that.
14:57The government says if they need something you have, if you've got plants or animals
15:03or cows or whatever and they want it and they need it for their benefit, they can
15:08take it from you.
15:09There's your thief right there.
15:10The United States government.
15:12But lay up yourselves treasures in heaven.
15:15So Jesus is saying not to worry about the things, not worrying about storing, I'm not
15:20telling you not to store up food.
15:23It's a good idea for you to have some food stored up because one day there may be a tornado
15:29or something, you may not be able to leave the house and it's not a bad idea to have
15:32a couple of days food laid up, stored up for you.
15:37I've told you that before, that plenty of times in the Bible it talks about that there's
15:42going to be a famine.
15:44In fact, we see that with Joseph.
15:46That's what he was doing in Egypt.
15:48He was storing up food for the famine that was coming up.
15:51So there's nothing wrong with that.
15:53That's not what it's talking about.
15:54It's talking about if you're putting your trust or your confidence in something else
15:58other than the Lord, you're going to fail.
16:01And if you're trusting and saying, well I've got all this stored up, I don't have to worry
16:06about God taking care of me because I've got all this food in the pantry, I've got it stored
16:11up, I've got all this money, I've got all these clothes, God's going to show you.
16:17But again, on the other side, is there anything wrong with you saving up some stuff?
16:21No, there's not.
16:22That's not what the Bible's teaching here.
16:24It's saying if you put your trust on the things on this earth, every single thing is going
16:29to be gone.
16:30For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
16:34So if your treasure's on this earth, that's where your heart is.
16:39So he's telling us not to lay it up here, but to lay them in heaven.
16:42How do you do that?
16:43By rewards.
16:46Number four is religions.
16:48Go to John 10.
16:50No more confidence in religions.
16:51The one thing I do see is that this war that's going on between Israel, the Jews of Judaism,
17:00not a race, folks, a religion.
17:02They don't believe in Jesus, they think Jesus is burning in hell, they'll tell you that.
17:06They spit every time they say the name Jesus three times.
17:10They hate the Lord Jesus Christ.
17:12They're not a race, they are a religion.
17:15Get that in your head.
17:18And the Muslims, which is Hezbollah, whatever, you know what they're going to do?
17:24People are going to say, every war has been fought because of religion.
17:29We need to get rid of religion.
17:30And then there's going to be what?
17:32One world religion.
17:33And it's going to be the Antichrist.
17:35Look at John 10.
17:36This is out of Jesus' own mouth.
17:38Verse 1.
17:39John 10.
17:40And make sure you understand, you know, people talk about respecting religion.
17:45I had a guy, he said, well, I respect Jesus, so you got to respect my religion.
17:49No, I don't.
17:52Somebody show that to me in the Bible.
17:53It's not here.
17:54In fact, let me show you what the Bible actually says.
17:56Verily, verily, it means truthfully, truthfully.
17:59This is in red letters.
18:00This is actually Jesus speaking.
18:01I say unto you, he that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some
18:07other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
18:12So what is he talking about?
18:13Somebody who's trying to, he's giving you a physical idea of somebody climbing into
18:19Maybe a barn or something.
18:21They don't come in the door, but they come in the window that they're there to do what?
18:25Steal something.
18:27Steal something.
18:28So if you normally go into a house, you're going to walk in the door, but somebody who's
18:32walking into the window, climbing in a window, they're there to steal something.
18:37But he that entereth in by the door is a shepherd of the sheep.
18:41To him the porter openeth, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calleth his own sheep by
18:46name and leadeth them out.
18:48And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him,
18:54for they know his voice.
18:56You see those goats out there, when you come out there, they know my voice.
19:00I can hide behind a building, I can speak to them.
19:03One of them is because I bottle fed it, and he knows me.
19:07And that's the same thing.
19:09When you tell people about who Jesus is, they understand who he is.
19:15The saved hear the voice of Jesus.
19:18They understand.
19:19When you preach the word of God, they understand because they have the Holy Spirit and they
19:24know his voice.
19:26And a stranger they will not follow.
19:27Now my goat, he's so stupid, he would follow you if you had a bag of feed in your hand.
19:32But this is an idea that they will not follow, but will flee from him, for they know not
19:38the voice of strangers.
19:40When you hear somebody talk about some other salvation, that is by being a good person
19:45or repenting of your sins, that should immediately tell you this is a stranger.
19:52Because I'm here to tell you, no man of God is going to get up here and say, well you
19:56know I used to believe that Jesus was the only way, now I believe it's Mohammed.
20:01Wrong answer.
20:02The voice of a stranger is what Jesus is telling them.
20:07Have you ever wondered when you read the Bible and you see that all these disciples, immediately
20:13when Jesus says, come and follow me, why do they know that he was the son of God?
20:17Because they already saved.
20:19They were already saved.
20:20They knew who he was.
20:21And then you got other ones that rejected him, the Pharisees, that's why, because they
20:26knew his voice, they knew who he was, they knew he was the Lord.
20:31The parable spake Jesus unto them, but they understood not what things which he spake
20:37unto them.
20:39And then said Jesus unto them again, verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the
20:46He gave them an idea, a physical parable of saying, hey, anybody who doesn't come through
20:51the door, they're a thief and a robber.
20:55But if you come through the door, you're what?
20:57He says, I am the door.
20:59I am the door.
21:00And what is he saying?
21:01Nobody comes to the Father but through me.
21:03That's what he's saying.
21:04All, all.
21:05Does that say all?
21:06Well, we've told you before, if the Bible says all or none, there's no exceptions.
21:13What is he talking about?
21:16Religions that ever came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.
21:24So you know, Hinduism claims to be the oldest religion, but Jesus is telling you, you're
21:29a thief and a robber.
21:31And I'll tell you all the ones after that are thieves and robbers.
21:36People like to lump in Catholicism and Jews with Christians and say, oh, they're the same.
21:41You know, Judeo-Christian value.
21:43Folks don't put me in the same place as somebody who thinks Jesus is burning in hell right
21:50Don't put me in the same spot of a group of people over there that claim to be God's chosen
21:55people and they spit three times when they say your Savior's name.
21:59Don't put me in that same group.
22:00Don't ever do that.
22:01You can say I'm Judeo-Christian, like doing Judo, but don't say Judeo because I'm not
22:07anything like that.
22:08And don't say Catholic because you know why?
22:11Yes, Catholics believe Jesus died on the cross.
22:13They believe he was born, that he's the son of God, that he rose again.
22:17But you know what they also believe?
22:18That that's not good enough to get you to heaven.
22:20They believe that you've got to believe on Jesus and do the works and repent of your
22:26sins and tell the priest and all this other stuff.
22:29There's just a whole bunch of junk.
22:30They're not, they're just a religion.
22:34I am the door.
22:35By me, if any man enter in, he will, might, shall be saved and shall go in and out and
22:45find pasture that thee cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy.
22:51I am come that they might have life, that they might have it more abundantly.
22:55I am the good shepherd.
22:57The good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
23:00So clearly the Bible is showing us here that the other religions, Hinduism, Islam, Catholicism,
23:08Seventh-day Adventist, I can go on and on.
23:10All Judaism, all these religions are there to be thieves and robbers.
23:17That's it.
23:18They're to make you think that you've got the right religion.
23:21I had a guy one time, he says, how do you know you have the right religion?
23:25I said, because it's the only one.
23:26It's the only God.
23:27The only other ones are little G's, idols, naked babies in diapers that people bow down
23:38That's the only thing.
23:39I don't have to respect your religion and I don't respect your religion.
23:42If you don't believe that Jesus is the savior and he died for your sins, I don't have to
23:47respect anything, neither does God.
23:49He don't respect religions.
23:52We respect you believing on Jesus, his son.
23:59Number five is the food supply.
24:02The food supply.
24:03Let me just give you a little hint that in the 1970s, I don't know if you remember this,
24:08you may, some of y'all weren't even alive then, but they had a food pyramid and that's
24:14what they based food off of.
24:17It mainly consisted of carbohydrates, no fat, very little protein, but it's mainly carbohydrates
24:27and sugar.
24:28You know where that came from?
24:30You may not understand this, but where it came from was a lady named Ellen G. White.
24:36You know who that is?
24:39She made the modern day Seventh-day Adventist church where they worship the Sabbath day.
24:45They come, you know, you were out there maybe mowing the grass yesterday.
24:48They were supposedly at a church, supposedly worshiping a God at the Seventh-day Adventist
24:55That's where it came from.
24:56What you have is these people like Kellogg's and all these other people that make food
25:00that's ultra-processed that you buy, not the stuff in the refrigerated section, not the
25:06stuff that you buy that can be perished, but the stuff in a box that's got all these
25:11Guess what?
25:12They were on the same council and when they came up with the food pyramid they said, hey,
25:18we want to get in on this and they made sugary processed foods and they designed it to be
25:27In fact, they took mice and animals and they tried to figure out how they could make food
25:31so addictive that you'd keep wanting it and wanting it.
25:35Also, I don't know if you know this, but today the Seventh-day Adventist church, Ellen
25:40G. White, she owns Little Debbie.
25:43So next time you go to buy a Little Debbie cake, you'll know you're supporting the Seventh-day
25:47Adventist church.
25:48I don't care if you do that or whatever.
25:49You can find some other place.
25:50Look at 1 Timothy 4.
25:51It's designed, folks, it's designed so that you'll be sick, I'll be sick, and they just
26:01want to make you sick.
26:04What does the Bible say?
26:15Look at 1 Timothy 4 verse 1.
26:18Now the Spirit, that's the Holy Spirit, speaks expressly that in the latter times some shall
26:26depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and the doctrines of devils, speaking
26:34lies and hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry
26:41and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving
26:48of them which believe and know the truth.
26:52So the Bible is showing us here that at some point in time, we're probably already here
26:57forbidding to marry.
26:58I know three couples right now that they want to live together because they say there's
27:05no use in getting married because that's what the world tells them.
27:10No reason to get married, you can just live together.
27:13What's the reason to get married?
27:15And I've showed you that before, that the Bible says that when you get married and you
27:20say your vows between God and man, you are making a vow between two people and before
27:28They say, what's the big deal in getting a piece of paper, where to God it's a big deal.
27:36Abstain from meats, commanding to abstain from meats.
27:40You know, they don't want you to eat meat.
27:43I love meat.
27:44I love eggs.
27:46They tell you that these things will harm you.
27:49Why is that?
27:51Because it's made by God.
27:55It's what God created.
27:57And they want to create lab-grown meats that is grown up in the lab that has got a bunch
28:02of garbage in it.
28:04Go to Matthew 6.
28:06I just heard the other day that in Denmark, I believe that's the right country, some country
28:14in Europe, you know, they want to tell you about this garbage carbon tax.
28:22And in one of these countries, if you own one cow, you have to pay a hundred extra dollars.
28:28A hundred dollars for every cow.
28:31Because they say that cows are sitting out there pooting and farting and making the ozone
28:36and making all this stuff.
28:37That's what they say.
28:39Folks, God created cows.
28:42I don't know if you know that.
28:44And cows have been eating grass and pooting all these years and it's not affecting anything.
28:53It's perfect.
28:54But that's what they tell you, is that this climate change, which is false, is because
29:01of the carbon.
29:02And I preached a sermon, I don't remember how long ago, that that's not true.
29:07But scientists have proven, of course they get demonized, that the thing that causes
29:13a change in the weather has to do with the big yellow ball in the sky, the sun, and the
29:20It has nothing to do with carbon.
29:21It has nothing to do with you having more kids and having a carbon tax.
29:25It doesn't have to do with anything to do with anything with cows or animals or burning
29:31coal or sticks or whatever.
29:33It has nothing to do with that, folks.
29:34It's just dumb.
29:35They've been burning stuff for years.
29:37Look at Matthew 6, 25.
29:41So if it's happening in Denmark, eventually it's going to happen in here, where if you
29:46own a cow, you're going to pay more money just to have that cow out there.
29:49Therefore I say unto you, take no thought of your life, what you shall eat or what you
29:55shall drink, nor yet for your body what you shall put on is not life more than meat and
30:02the body than raiment.
30:04Behold the fowls of the earth, for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather in the
30:09For yet your heavenly Father feedeth them, are ye not much better than they?
30:16Which of you, by taking thought, can add one cubit upon his stature, and take ye thought
30:23for raiment?
30:24Consider the lilies of the field.
30:25So he's first saying, look, don't worry about what you're worrying about eating, because
30:31God knows that we have to eat.
30:33I don't know if you know this, but God's got the blueprints of your body, and he knows
30:36that you've got to eat, and he knows that you've got to drink to survive.
30:42He's the one that created us.
30:43He knows that.
30:44But he's saying not to worry about it, because did you know there's not one bird out there
30:48that falls dead because of starvation?
30:50Did you know that?
30:51They don't fall dead.
30:54There's nothing that dies because of starvation, because God gives them the idea.
31:00You don't see any birds out there.
31:01They're not gathering anything in their barns.
31:03They're not gathering food.
31:08And aren't you better than the birds?
31:10I'd say so.
31:11You have a soul.
31:12Animals don't.
31:13And then he's saying, you know, can you think?
31:16Make yourself taller.
31:18You can put on taller shoes.
31:19You can put on elevator shoes, but it's really not going to make you any taller.
31:25And about your clothes, you may say, there's nothing wrong with dressing up, folks.
31:29Don't get me wrong.
31:30But when you're worried about your clothes more than you're worried about the Lord, consider
31:34the lilies of the field, how they grow, they turn out, neither do they spin.
31:38So the flowers out there in the field, they're not worried about what they look like.
31:44And yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of
31:50Wherefore, if God so clothed the grass of the field, which today he is, and tomorrow
31:55he starts casting the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O you little faith?
32:00So he's saying, look, all those plants and stuff you see out there, one day he's going
32:04to burn them up and you're not going to see anything.
32:07Wherefore, take no thought, saying, what shall we eat or what shall we drink or where shall
32:14we be clothed for all these things that the Gentiles see?
32:20For your heavenly Father knoweth that you have need of all these things.
32:25Did you know that God knows that we need to eat, drink and have clothes, but seek ye first
32:29the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
32:33And some of these things will be added to you.
32:35Is that what it says?
32:36All of them.
32:39Take therefore no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow shall take thought for the things
32:44of itself sufficient until the day is the evil thereof.
32:49So we shouldn't sit there and worry about the food supply and what's going to happen,
32:55you know, even though they're trying to demonize eggs and plants, I'm sorry, eggs and meat
33:01and they want you to eat plants, they want you to drink milk that's made out of some
33:05kind of plant, plant milk.
33:07Folks, that's not the way God made things.
33:10He didn't make things.
33:11If you find it naturally in the world, that's the way God created it.
33:17If you find some stinking milk from an almond, I don't even know how you can squeeze an almond
33:22and get milk.
33:23You can't.
33:24It can't happen.
33:26It's something else in there.
33:27They just call it almond milk because people think almonds are good for you and they say,
33:30well, let's put milk.
33:31They want you not to eat that.
33:34Well, number six, guess what?
33:35It's health care.
33:36Health care.
33:37Number five, food supply.
33:38Did you know that health care goes right along with it?
33:43And I'm here to tell you, they go hand-in-hand, hand-in-glove, right together.
33:50They want you to eat garbage food, potato chips, food that you eat and thirty minutes
33:57later you're hungry again.
33:59That's what they want you to do.
34:01Because they want you to go to the doctor.
34:02They want you to go to the doctor and you say, well, I don't believe you.
34:07Well, I'll just tell you my own personal self that when I stop eating all that processed
34:12stuff, sugar, I did it on January the 2nd, I was pre-diabetic, I had high blood pressure,
34:18I had sleep apnea, I had allergies, I had acid reflux, I had constant joint pains and
34:22a lack of energy and all that went away.
34:26The doctors told me, they said, you're going to have sleep apnea, you're going to be on
34:31a CPAP machine the rest of your life, you're going to be taking blood pressure medicine
34:35the rest of your life.
34:37The doctor told me I'd be taking acid reflux medicine the rest of your life.
34:41So why did it go away?
34:42I thought doctors knew what they were talking about.
34:46You tell me.
34:47Go to Matthew 9.
34:53Because the stuff they don't want you to eat, the meat and the eggs, that's what I ate.
35:02Matthew 9 verse 9, And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man named Matthew sitting
35:12at the receipt of custom, and he saith unto him, Follow me, and he arose and followed
35:18And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners
35:22came and sat down with him and his disciples.
35:27When the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your master with
35:32publicans and sinners?
35:33But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that would be whole need not a physician,
35:40they that are sick.
35:41Out of the word of Jesus' own mouth, he's saying, Look, if you're sick, go to the doctor.
35:47You do that?
35:48Or do you go get a checkup and get this done and that test and this test and that test?
35:54Hey, if you're feeling fine, that's out of Jesus' own mouth.
35:57If you're whole, if you're not sick, why are you going to the doctor?
36:02But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice, for I am not
36:08come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
36:12And that word repentance, most people say, Well, that means you got to quit doing whatever.
36:16That's not what it means, folks.
36:17The word repent, because God himself repents 35 times in the King James Bible.
36:24In the New Bible version, they change it, relent.
36:26I wonder why that is.
36:30Repentance just means to change your mind.
36:32So what is he saying?
36:33He's saying, I'm calling this calling.
36:35He's not coming to call the righteous.
36:37He's calling to be called the sinners who are the unsaved to change their mind about
36:42being a good person or repenting of their sins or believing in some other garbage religion
36:47and believe that he is the only way.
36:49That's repentance.
36:50When the Bible says to repent, to be saved, it means you've got to change your mind, whatever
36:56you're putting your trust in and whether it's yourself or Buddha or Muslim or Hindu
37:01or whatever.
37:02And you got to change that belief and put it, your belief into the Lord Jesus Christ
37:07and what he did, his righteousness.
37:09That's what repentance is.
37:11Go to Mark 2, Mark chapter 2, again, Mark 2 verse 13.
37:29And he went forth again by the sea and all the seaside and all the multitude resorted
37:34unto him and he taught them.
37:36And as he passed by, he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus, sitting on the receipt of custom.
37:43And he said to him, follow me.
37:44And he rose and followed him.
37:46Now I don't know if you just noticed that, but in Matthew, they called his name Matthew.
37:52Now I don't know if this is the same person.
37:54I'm not saying it is, but it's kind of interesting, the same story, the same thing happened.
37:59Let's keep reading.
38:00And it came to pass that as Jesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners said
38:06also together with Jesus and his disciples, for there were many, and they followed him.
38:11And when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat with publicans and sinners, they said
38:15to the disciples, how is it that thou eatest and drinkest with publicans and sinners?
38:19When Jesus heard it, he said unto them, they that are whole need not of the physician,
38:24but they that are sick.
38:25I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
38:31So see, I don't know if the guy's name is Levi and it's really Matthew, or if his name
38:37is Levi in Hebrew and his name is Matthew in Greek.
38:43I don't know.
38:45But it sounds a lot like the same story.
38:46It might have been two of the same things that happened at different times.
38:49I don't know.
38:50But I will tell you this, go to Matthew 5, I mean, I'm sorry, Mark 5, Mark 5, a couple
38:58pages over, Mark 5, Mark 5, verse 25, and a certain woman which had an issue of blood
39:18twelve years.
39:19So this lady, she had some kind of blood-borne disease.
39:24We don't know exactly what it is.
39:26We don't know what happened.
39:29But she had it for twelve years and had suffered many things of many physicians.
39:34So according to the Bible, it's saying that she had to suffer for twelve years.
39:40A lot of times it's because of physicians.
39:44And had spent all that she had and was nothing better, but rather grew worse.
39:50Because of these physicians, she didn't get better.
39:54She actually got worse.
39:56We don't know what happened.
39:57But that's what the Bible is telling us.
39:59We know that this is true.
40:01That for twelve years, she went to doctors, she gave them all her money, and she got worse.
40:07When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind and touched his garment, for she said,
40:13if I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.
40:17So there's her faith.
40:19She didn't have her faith in the doctors.
40:20She didn't have her faith in the healthcare system of the day.
40:23She said, there's Jesus.
40:24He's the son of God.
40:25I'm going to touch him, his hem of his garment, and I'm going to be whole.
40:30And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up.
40:33And she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.
40:37And Jesus immediately knowing in himself that his virtue had gone out of him, turned him
40:43about in the press and said, who touched my clothes?
40:47And disciples said unto him, thou seeth the multitude thronging thee, and said thou who
40:52touch me?
40:54He said, we're in a crowd of people.
40:55But Jesus felt his virtue leaving from him because of the lady being healed.
41:00And the disciples were like, why are you asking who touched you?
41:03I mean, we're in a crowd of people.
41:04There's all kinds of people touching you, is what he's saying.
41:06And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing, and the woman fearing
41:11and trembling, knowing that it was done in her, came and fell down before him and told
41:17all the truth.
41:19And he said in her, daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole, go in peace, and behold
41:24thy plague.
41:25So we take this two different ways.
41:27Jesus always uses physical to show us spiritual.
41:30And the Bible's showing us that her faith, believing that she could be healed only by
41:34Jesus, not by these daughters, not by any physician, that the Lord God himself could
41:40only be the one to heal her.
41:42She had enough faith to just touch his clothes and believe that she was healed and she was
41:47But the spiritual aspect of this is that if you put your trust on the Lord Jesus Christ
41:52only and not anything else, you will be healed, you will be saved.
42:01So I'll tell you the cure for cancer, you know, did you know that I already actually
42:06have a cure for cancer?
42:09And they've done tests on this, I listened to a doctor where he in the in the 80s, he
42:13did this. He took animals.
42:16He took petri dishes of cancer.
42:19And what he did was he fed the cancer.
42:21And the only single thing that would feed cancer is sugar.
42:25You know that sugar is regular sugar.
42:30That's the only thing they tried fat, they tried protein, they tried everything else.
42:36But the only single thing that would feed cancer to make it grow more and stronger and
42:42harder to beat is sugar.
42:45So if they knew that this back in the 80s, why did they put more sugar in your food?
42:52I don't know. Maybe they want you to die.
42:54Sugar feeds cancer.
42:56That's the only thing that feeds cancer, nothing else.
42:58Everything else will cause it to die.
43:01If you ate nothing but fat and protein, cancer would die.
43:06Another thing that they lied about is those PCR tests and sticks you had to stick up your
43:11nose. They're created to fail.
43:13Do you know that? I don't know if you know that, but I lost about a thousand dollars
43:20because for a week I had to sit at home because I was positive for COVID.
43:26So, you know, I listened to a guy where he said he took one stick, he shoved it in one
43:33nostril, one was positive, he took another PCR test, took another test, another one was
43:38negative. A positive and negative in the same nose.
43:41How does that work?
43:42Oh, maybe because it's not any good.
43:45Folks, the politicians, the world are laughing at you because you're sheep, you're
43:50sheeple. It means that you're people and you're just following what people tell you.
43:54You know, it's a so-called disease.
43:56And look, I'm not denying that there's some people that died of it, but it was 99
44:01percent survivability.
44:04Did you know that? So why did these people supposedly die?
44:07Well, you'd have somebody that that would come into the ER with a car crash and they'd
44:12stick a stick up their nose and say they had COVID, they'd say they died of COVID and
44:17not the car crash. They could be bleeding out of the orifice, they could have an arm
44:21removed. And they said, well, that person died from COVID.
44:24Folks, most people didn't die from the disease.
44:27You know what they died from?
44:29The lack of treatment.
44:31A lot of people died because they put them on a ventilator and that was not the thing
44:35to do. And then you have nurses and doctors who protested against it.
44:41You know what they did? They fired them.
44:43So now you've got a medical facility of people who will just do whatever somebody
44:48tells them. Folks, these are facts.
44:51The next the next disease is going to be the bird flu and it's going to be even worse,
44:55supposedly. And they're going to try to get rid of eggs and they're going to tell you
45:00that it goes from chickens to cows to goats to whatever and you're going to be eating
45:06bugs. You're going to be eating bugs and you'll be eating stuff on the ground.
45:13The mask that they told you that you had to wear a mask and it protected you, you know
45:18what they did? They didn't do anything.
45:21Do you really think a piece of cloth over your face is going to keep molecules of a
45:26virus to come out?
45:28Well, we believed it, didn't we?
45:29We put on masks, we put on all these expensive masks, you went out, no, not this mask.
45:35And, you know, I listened to a surgeon.
45:37He said, unless you're operating and you're standing over somebody's body and you don't
45:41want liquid particles to come out of you into that body, that's the only thing that a
45:47mask is good for.
45:48But people are still wearing it on.
45:50I saw somebody the other day.
45:51I was like, you're an idiot.
45:52You know what mask does?
45:54Mask allows you to breathe cotton and your own carbon dioxide.
46:01We're human beings, we're mammals, we're supposed to breathe oxygen and we exhale
46:06carbon dioxide.
46:07There's your science lesson.
46:09But when you have a mask on and all you're doing is breathing your own carbon
46:13dioxide, it's hard for you to breathe.
46:17They're laughing at you. Why?
46:18Because I told you, if you remember point one, the government, what were they doing?
46:22They're buying up all these masks and they're getting paid money after money after
46:26money because you went out there and bought a mask.
46:29And then they said, well, you don't have to have that mask.
46:31You just put on a piece of cloth, put on a diaper over your face.
46:37You know, the only mask that's going to help you from spreading some kind of virus or
46:44anything, which, by the way, is created in any kind of laboratory, is what you would
46:49call a scuba mask.
46:51It's what the firemen use.
46:52They don't call it scuba because it's not underwater.
46:54Scuba stands for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.
46:58So it's just a self-contained breathing apparatus.
47:01And it's like it covers your face and it covers your mask, your mouth and your nose.
47:06It's what they use when they got an oxygen tank so they can go into the fire so they
47:09don't breathe the smoke.
47:10That's the only thing that's going to protect you.
47:12It's not a shield.
47:14That's not going to protect you.
47:17It's not going to protect somebody else.
47:18And we went hook, line and sinker and said, OK, folks, some people, they would not allow
47:24me to come in unless I had a mask on my face.
47:28I said, well, you're not getting your property.
47:30You're not getting your stuff.
47:31I'm not going to deliver it to you.
47:32I'm not going to put on this mask.
47:34Number seven, military or the freedom.
47:39Folks, today, if you trusted your military, you got a problem.
47:43Now, I tell you, 20 years ago, the United States military was something that people
47:48feared. They're laughing at us because when you got China and North Korea and Russia
47:55and all these other militaries that are marching around in line and they're doing all
47:59these things and they're showing all their weapons off, you know, we got we got a bunch
48:03of faggots, a bunch of queers that are dressing up in drag and doing all these queer
48:08shows. And they put them on TikTok.
48:11They're showing men that are transvestites wearing women's dresses and they're on
48:18ships and boats.
48:19And that's the world we live in.
48:23And the world is laughing at us and mocking us.
48:26Look at Psalms 20.
48:29They're mocking us.
48:31That's our military, folks.
48:34All the people that that refuse to get a fourth vaccination in the military, they're
48:40out. They got a bunch of followers, a bunch of homos.
48:48Psalm 20, verse six.
48:52Now, know that I, the Lord, saveth his anointed.
48:56He will hear him from his holy heaven, from the saving strength of his right hand.
49:01Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord,
49:06our God. They that are brought down and fallen, but we are risen and stand upright.
49:12Folks, I'm here to tell you, if you're trusting in our military, you're going to lose.
49:18That's what they're talking about, the chariots and the horses.
49:21Some trust in chariots.
49:22You can call them tanks, ships, aircraft carriers, whatever today.
49:27Well, that's what they had at that time.
49:29It's chariots and horses.
49:30And if you trust them to fix, to fight our battles, you will lose.
49:36You better trust in the name of the Lord, our God.
49:40And look, I know July 4th is coming up and you can wrap yourself in the American flag.
49:46And look, I understand that there's people who've died for this country and they listen
49:50to the lies of the United States that are telling you under false flag events.
49:56I can just tell you that assassination of Ferdinand the Great that started World War
50:00One, false flag.
50:03What is a false flag?
50:04It's where somebody says, hey, this happened and we got to fight for this.
50:09But somebody else did it.
50:13Got us, got the United States and other countries in World War One.
50:16How about Pearl Harbor?
50:18You know, not long ago we celebrated, I'm sorry, you know, on December the 7th,
50:24somebody's going to celebrate Pearl Harbor.
50:26What happened there?
50:28Well, there's a lot of people they saw radar and they saw a bunch of planes coming to
50:31Pearl Harbor and they called Washington and they said, hey, we got a bunch of planes
50:35coming. They said, don't worry about it.
50:37What else did they do? They put all the ships together because they knew that the
50:42Japanese were coming to bomb them.
50:45Folks, those people that died at Pearl Harbor, they should be spitting in the face of
50:49the United States.
50:51Before that, FDR, who was the president, you know what he did?
50:55He was sanctioning and taking money from the Japanese left and right.
51:01You say, well, what else? Well, you know, I don't know much about the Korean War.
51:05I'm sure that was something. But I'll tell you, the Gulf of Tonkin that got everybody
51:08into the Vietnam War.
51:10Did you know that we'd done it ourselves?
51:12Had to have something to start a war, right?
51:15It wasn't the Vietnamese.
51:16It wasn't the boat that blew up.
51:18It was the United States. They blew it up and they blamed it on them.
51:21About 9-11, you know, got us into Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan.
51:30What happened there? Oh, we knocked our buildings down ourself.
51:34Folks, this is all facts.
51:35You don't believe it? Look it up yourself.
51:38You can't take a building down with an airplane.
51:40Well, they do as they do. Thermalite or whatever it's called, where it actually melts
51:44metal and it burns down.
51:45And that's how a building falls down.
51:47Just like this. You take out the bottom.
51:50Can't do it from the top.
51:53We listened to it, didn't we?
51:54Oh, we got to go in there.
51:55Those those dang Muslims that tore it down, we're going to go out there and kill them.
51:59Why? So we put a base in Iraq.
52:02So we put a base in Syria.
52:03So we put a base in Afghanistan.
52:05So we create a group called ISIS, Taliban, and we made videos of them cutting people's
52:12heads off and killing babies.
52:14Folks, how's that different than abortion?
52:16You see the hypocrisy that we have in this country, we say, hey, we're for human rights,
52:22but then we take and rip body parts off of babies for abortion.
52:27That's hypocrisy, folks.
52:28That's when you're telling somebody something else.
52:31So, you know, I don't care what you do.
52:33I'm just telling you the truth.
52:36But the only thing you can have confidence in is number eight salvation.
52:40Go to second Corinthians.
52:41Second Corinthians. You can't have folks.
52:45There's no confidence in the government and politics.
52:48People's going to be talking about Trump and how he's the savior of the United States.
52:51Forget about it. Your money, your wealth, religions, food supply, health care and military
52:59and freedom. Folks, there's a piece of paper called the Constitution.
53:03That's not where you get your freedom from.
53:05Make sure you understand that God gives you your freedom.
53:09When you forget that, he may help us remind us real quickly.
53:15Look at second Corinthians five, verse five.
53:19Now, he that has wrought us for the self, same thing as God, who also have given unto us the
53:26earnest of the spirit.
53:28So what is he saying?
53:29What is the earnest?
53:30I've told you before, it's like a down payment.
53:32If you go buy a house, they'll say, hey, you want to buy this house for one hundred thousand
53:36dollars? You say, yes, I'm going to give you an earnest money, not really a down payment, but
53:41I'm going to tell you that I'm going to buy this house and give you five thousand dollars, so
53:45to speak. They say, OK, this is earnest money.
53:48And then if you buy the house, that does sometimes become the down payment.
53:52But if you don't buy the house, they don't give you back.
53:55They don't have to. That's what the earnest means, that you're honestly going to do that.
53:59Well, the Bible is teaching us here is the Holy Spirit inside of you is the earnest.
54:04Jesus is saying, I'm coming back for you, therefore, therefore, what, therefore, what we just
54:12said, we are always, not sometimes, always confident.
54:19What are we confident about?
54:20Knowing that while we are at home in the body, we're absent from the Lord.
54:25So if you're on this earth, guess what?
54:27You're not with the Lord.
54:29That's what he's saying, because we have the earnest of the Holy Spirit inside of us, we are
54:34confident we know that's what's going on.
54:37For we walk by faith, not by sight.
54:39We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present
54:44with the Lord. So we had all rather be absent from the body means that we'd rather die.
54:49Why? Because we're going to be with the Lord in heaven.
54:53What he's trying to tell us.
54:55Go to Proverbs 3, Proverbs 3, Proverbs 3, verse 13, happy is the man you want to find
55:13happiness. Read the Bible.
55:14This is where it tells you happy is a man that finds wisdom and a man that gives
55:18understanding. So what is wisdom?
55:21When you learn something, understanding is how you learn how to apply that.
55:27That means that's how you become happy.
55:30But what kind of wisdom you're looking for, you're looking for the wisdom of the world,
55:33that's not going to make you happy, it's the wisdom of God.
55:36For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver and the gain of
55:44thereof than fine gold.
55:46So he's saying that wisdom and understanding is better than you having a pocket full of
55:50silver, a pocket full of gold.
55:52She is more precious than rubies and all things that can't desire are not to be
55:58compared to her.
56:00Length of days is in her right hand and in her left hand, riches and honors.
56:04Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all paths are peace.
56:09So it says the wisdom and understanding will cause you happiness and peace.
56:15And then we won't choose a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her and happy as
56:20everyone that retains her.
56:21The Lord, by wisdom, have founded the earth and by understanding has established the
56:27heavens by his knowledge.
56:29The depths are broken up and the clouds drop down the dew.
56:32My son, let not them depart from thine eyes.
56:36Keep sound wisdom and discretion.
56:39So that so shall they be life unto the soul and grace to the neck.
56:46Then shall they walk in the way safely and I foot shall not stumble when I lay it lies
56:51down. That shall not be afraid.
56:53Yea, thou shall lie down and I sleep shall be sweet.
56:59Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither the desolation of the wicked when it coming for
57:04the Lord shall be thy confidence.
57:08And shall keep thy foot from being taken.
57:11So he goes through all this stuff about what we should keep, not keep our confidence in.
57:16But what the Lord of wisdom, understanding when people are suddenly taken and for fear
57:24and they're scared of stuff, not to worry because the Lord is good.
57:27Proverbs 14.
57:31Told you before, if you don't know where to start in the Bible, there's 31 chapters in
57:35the book of Proverbs, one for each day of the month.
57:39So tomorrow starts July, July 1, read Proverbs 1, next day Proverbs 2.
57:47And that's a good way to start out.
57:49Proverbs 14, verse 26.
57:56In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence, so you can be happy, you can have peace.
58:04And if you have strong confidence in the Lord, if you fear the Lord, there's your strong
58:08confidence and children shall have a place of refuge.
58:11The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death.
58:16Last place, Proverbs 25.
58:29So with confidence, you've got to have faithfulness.
58:33You got to be faithful.
58:35Look at verse 19 of Proverbs 25.
58:38Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble.
58:43So what is it saying?
58:44It's saying if you put your trust in a man that has no faith and it's a time of trouble,
58:50it's like a broken tooth and a foot out of joint.
58:54So what does that mean?
58:55Well, if you have a broken tooth, it ain't going to do you much good.
58:59You'll be chewing a lot of food with a broken tooth and a foot out of joint.
59:03You're not going to do a whole lot of walking.
59:06You should be doing a lot of sitting.
59:07You're not going to be doing a lot of anything.
59:09And what it's saying is giving us a comparison.
59:11If you put your confidence in an unfaithful man that has no faith in the Lord and he just
59:17doesn't really know what he's doing, like our government and our politics.
59:20And guess what?
59:22In the time of trouble, when things fall apart, it's like a broken tooth, a foot out of joint.
59:28So I want you to understand these things, that if you put your confidence in the things
59:33of this world and not in the Lord, you will be sad.
59:39You won't have any peace and you'll fail.
59:42Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer.