Handy Manny S03E30 Table For Too Many Bunk Bed

  • 3 months ago
00:00A table for too many?
00:12Um, guys, why is Felipe standing on the board?
00:16One of my red checkers is missing, so Felipe's taking its place for me.
00:20Mira! Look, Manny! I'm the king! El Rey!
00:25Do you mind? I'm trying to concentrate on my next move.
00:33I wouldn't do that.
00:36Excuse me, but I think I know how to play checkers.
00:47And Pat makes an amazing jump to end the game!
00:52I... I win? I win! Yay!
00:56Yippee, Pat!
00:58Yeah, yeah, yippee, Pat.
01:03Hola, Handy Manny's Repair Shop. You break it...
01:06We fix it!
01:08This is Manny.
01:09Hi, Manny. This is Duane Buffant.
01:12Hola, Mr. Buffant. What can I do for you today?
01:15Well, my wife and I are having a dinner party tonight.
01:19She's making her famous recipe, giant meatballs.
01:23Ah, albondigas. That sounds delicioso, delicious.
01:28They are quite tasty.
01:30But there's one problem. Our table only seats four people, and we're having ten guests.
01:37So we need a table big enough to seat them all.
01:40Do you think you can build us one?
01:43Si, of course, Mr. Buffant. We'll be right over.
01:47Thanks, Manny. See you soon.
01:52Okay, tools. The Buffants need our help to get ready for una cena, a dinner.
01:57Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve.
02:06Hop, hop, jump in.
02:08Come on, let's go.
02:10Hop, hop, jump in.
02:12Si, vámonos.
02:14Hop, hop, jump in.
02:16Keep up.
02:18Let's get to work.
02:27Oh, hello, Manny.
02:29Hey, you're just in time to see my newest invention, the kitty-powered cotton candy machine.
02:35And the best part is, Fluffy makes it all by herself.
02:40She runs on this wheel, and that spins this bowl, which turns this sugar into cotton candy.
02:50I'm sure you've never had cotton candy made by a kitty before.
02:55You're right about that, Mr. Leopard.
02:58Okay, Fluffy. Go ahead and make Manny and the tools some of that cotton candy.
03:05And spin.
03:07And go.
03:12Oh, Fluffy, wake up.
03:14Come on, Fluffy. I have a treat for you.
03:19Oh, that's okay, Mr. Leopard.
03:21We'll try some cotton candy later, when Fluffy isn't so tired.
03:54Oh, hello, Mother.
03:59Manny, I'm so glad you're here.
04:02We're happy to help.
04:04Let me show you what I have in mind.
04:06So, Mr. and Mrs. Salazar will be seated here.
04:09Then the Ayala's here.
04:11Maria and Oleg next to them.
04:14And then Mr. Kumar and Mrs. Johnson.
04:17And, of course, Mrs. Bouffant and I will sit on the ends.
04:22So you need a table big enough for ten people.
04:27Does everybody have to sit in those exact spots?
04:31Well, I arrange the table based on each guest's likes and dislikes.
04:36For instance, I know that Maria likes bowling.
04:40So she'll sit next to Mr. Ayala, who runs the bowling alley.
04:45They'll have plenty to talk about.
04:47I'm even putting together a list of different things to talk about at the table.
04:51Here's what I've got so far.
04:53Number one, favorite colors.
04:56Number two, what's better on a hamburger, ketchup or mustard?
05:02Those aren't interesting, Mr. Bouffant.
05:04Well, we just need to get some materials from Kelly's.
05:07He'll be back in a little while.
05:09Oh, okay.
05:10Hasta luego.
05:15Hola, Kelly.
05:16Hola, Danny. Hi, Tools.
05:18What can I get you today?
05:20Well, we're building a big table for the Bouffants.
05:22They're having una cena, a dinner tonight for ten people.
05:25A big table, huh?
05:27Okay, well, you'll need some wooden posts for legs and some long screws.
05:35Here are some screws and some posts.
05:37Now you'll also need a piece of wood for a tabletop.
05:40How many people did you say are coming to the dinner party?
05:44So you'd better leave the wood extra long.
05:46We'll cut it to the perfect length when we get there.
05:53That's a stretch.
05:54Okay, Dusty.
05:55This should be the perfect length for a table for ten.
05:58Stand back, sawdust spiller.
06:09The Bouffants.
06:10Hola, Mrs. Bouffant.
06:12This is Mr. Ajala.
06:14I have some bad news.
06:15Our babysitter is sick, so we can't make it to la cena, the dinner tonight.
06:20I'm so sorry to cancel this late.
06:23Oh, well, that's quite all right, Mr. Ajala.
06:27We understand.
06:29Oh, thank you.
06:30But I'm very sad that I'll miss your famous giant meatballs.
06:34Oh, that's very sweet.
06:37But you know what?
06:38We'll have another dinner party soon, and you can try them then.
06:43Oh, Duaney, that was the Ajalas.
06:46They can't make it to the dinner party tonight.
06:49They can't?
06:50But I've already planned for ten people.
06:54Now, don't you worry, punk.
06:56And I'll just freeze two of the meatballs, and we can have next week's leftovers.
07:01But what about the table?
07:03It's going to be too big.
07:05We can't have a nice conversation if we're too far away from one another.
07:10You see, it's not what I planned.
07:13Well, how about we make the table smaller?
07:16Can you do that, Manny?
07:18Of course, Mr. Buffant.
07:20Stretch, can you measure two more feet from the end of the table?
07:24Sure thing, Manny.
07:29Okay, Dusty, one more cut.
07:33There. Now the table will seat eight people perfectly.
07:37Phew. Great, Manny.
07:39Okay, so now with the Ajalas gone,
07:43Mr. Kumar will be sitting next to Maria,
07:46and Mr. Kumar likes dancing, so...
07:49Okay, this could still work.
07:54Fantastic. I've now made a perfect plan for a party of eight.
08:06Oh, really?
08:08I see.
08:11Well, thanks for calling.
08:16That was Maria and Oleg.
08:19Their car broke down this afternoon,
08:21so now they can't make it to dinner either.
08:25Manny, do we have time to make a table for six?
08:28Don't worry, Mr. Buffant, we can handle it.
08:31Okay, tools, cut off another two-foot section.
08:36Okay, it's taken a lot of work,
08:39but I think I've got the perfect plan for a party of six.
08:44Now what?
08:49Hi, Dwayne. It's Mr. Ajala.
08:51I've got some good news.
08:53We found another babysitter.
08:55We can make it to your dinner party after all.
08:58And even better, we heard that Maria and Oleg's car broke down,
09:02so we agreed to pick them up on our way.
09:05We'll see you all in a few hours.
09:08Oh, uh...
09:10Yes, see you then.
09:13Well, now Maria, Oleg, and the Ajalas are all coming.
09:19Oh, everyone can make it after all.
09:22Well, that is just wonderful.
09:24I'm not so sure about that, my little buttercup.
09:27How can we plan this dinner party
09:30if the number of guests keeps changing?
09:33Oh, you're right.
09:35I've already frozen the extra meatballs.
09:38I won't be able to have them ready in time.
09:40And Manny already cut the tabletop
09:43so that only six people can fit at it.
09:47Oh, what are we going to do?
09:50It's okay, Mr. Buffon.
09:52Sometimes plans change.
09:54But maybe you could try being a little more flexible.
09:59How do I do that?
10:01Well, being flexible means finding another way to do something
10:05if the first way doesn't work out.
10:07For example,
10:08you planned Mrs. Buffon's famous giant meatballs for dinner.
10:12But maybe now you could add something else
10:14that you already have in the cupboard,
10:16like spaghetti.
10:17Oh, yes!
10:19And I can even divide the meatballs
10:21into smaller meatballs to go with it.
10:24Spaghetti and meatballs!
10:27That is a good idea.
10:30But what about the table?
10:33Well, luckily, we kept each of the pieces that Dusty set off.
10:38So I was thinking we could build you a table
10:41with a few extra leaves.
10:43I don't think leaves would be strong enough for a table.
10:47No, Pat.
10:48Leaves are what you call pieces of the table
10:51that you can put in and take out.
10:55If you add one leaf, it makes it a table for eight.
10:58If you add two, it's a table for ten.
11:01Then it won't matter how many people show up.
11:04What do you think?
11:06I couldn't have planned it better myself.
11:10Then let's go, Tools.
11:15Let's get going and fix it right.
11:18Twist and turn.
11:19Make it tight.
11:20Trabajamos juntos.
11:23We work together now.
11:25Slide and measure and tap and flap.
11:28Bend and twist.
11:29Just like that.
11:30Each of us has a special job.
11:33We work together.
11:34Todos juntos.
11:35We can fix it right.
11:42Now we can have a dinner party anytime.
11:45And no matter how many people show up,
11:48we'll be able to have the perfect-sized table.
11:52Duaney, I think we should invite Nanny and the Tools to our party tonight.
11:57After all, they helped so much.
11:59I know you didn't plan for it, but...
12:02Well, of course.
12:04All we have to do is add another leaf.
12:08Will you join us, Nanny?
12:11We would be happy to come to your cena.
12:16All right!
12:17Thank you.
12:23Fun fact!
12:29Keep cranking, Stretch!
12:35Get sharp now.
12:39Here, Flicker.
12:41Aquí, Rusty.
12:43There's not enough room.
12:45I got it!
12:52This is fun!
13:02Yeah, that looks like fun.
13:07Morning, Manny.
13:08Hi, Manny.
13:09Morning, Tools. Buenos días.
13:12We sharpened your pencils.
13:14But there wasn't enough room in the pencil holder.
13:17Yeah, I can see that.
13:25Hola, Handymanage Repair Shop.
13:27You break it...
13:28We fix it!
13:30This is Manny.
13:31Hello, Manny.
13:32This is Mrs. Lee.
13:34Hola, Mrs. Lee.
13:35What can we do for you?
13:37Well, I invited my mother to come live with us.
13:39She lives so far away,
13:41and the boys miss spending time with her.
13:43Grandma's coming! Grandma's coming!
13:48The boys are pretty excited.
13:50But Nelson and Kevin are going to need to share a room.
13:53We were trying to move Nelson's bed,
13:55but we can't get it through the door.
13:57Can you and the Tools come over and help us?
14:00No hay problema. We'll be there right away.
14:03Thanks, Manny.
14:05Well, Tools, we got a job to do.
14:08Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve!
14:17Hop, hop, jump, leap!
14:19Come on, let's go!
14:21Hop, hop, jump, leap!
14:23Sí, vámonos!
14:25Hop, hop, jump, leap!
14:27Don't go too slow!
14:29Let's get to work!
14:31Muy rápido!
14:47Si, Flicker.
14:48Looks like Mr. Lopar has made un resbaladero.
14:51A slide.
14:52But why?
14:53No sé. I don't know.
14:55Let's check it out.
15:03Hi, Mr. Lopar.
15:05Oh, hello, Tools. Hello, Manny.
15:08Can we slide down your slide, Mr. Lopar?
15:11No, no thanks. Not me.
15:14I don't like slides.
15:16Well, Squeeze, this is a slide,
15:19but it's not the kind of slide you play on.
15:21I built it to help fill some of my extra-large orders.
15:25So, how does it work, Mr. Lopar?
15:28Very simple.
15:29If a customer wants some jellybeans,
15:31I push this button,
15:33and the candy drops into the slide
15:35and then falls into the box.
15:37When the box is full, Fluffy and I close it
15:40and give it to the customer.
15:42Can we see how it works, Mr. Lopar?
15:45Sure. All I have to do is push the jellybean button...
16:01Guess it needs a little adjustment.
16:04We could help you with that.
16:06No need, Manny. I'm sure it won't happen again.
16:09Don't be so sure.
16:12Okay, well, good luck, Mr. Lopar.
16:16Bye, Mr. Lopar!
16:20Bye, Manny! Bye, Tools!
16:34Hello, Manny! Hello, Tools!
16:39Hi, Mrs. Leaf!
16:40I'm so glad you're here. Come on in.
16:46Hi, Manny!
16:48Hola, Nelson!
16:49My grandma is coming to live with us!
16:52Abuela! Grandma!
16:54You're so lucky!
16:56Yeah, grandmas are great!
16:58That's why they call them great-grandmas.
17:00You must be very excited.
17:02I am! And I get to share a room with my brother, Kevin.
17:07Can't Nelson share a room with Steven?
17:10Your brother Steven's room is too small.
17:13Nelson has to share with you, Kevin.
17:15When I was un niño, a little boy,
17:18I had to share my room with my younger sister, Lola.
17:22At first, I didn't like it.
17:24But then, I found that it was muy divertido, a lot of fun.
17:28We played all kinds of games together.
17:31Yeah, but I like having my own room.
17:34We all share a room, and we have a lot of fun!
17:38Well, Manny, this is Nelson's bed.
17:40We can't get it through the door.
17:42That's easy, guys! I'll cut it in half.
17:45That's okay, Dusty.
17:47We'll take la cama, the bed, apart.
17:50All we have to do is loosen up some screws,
17:53and it should come apart easily.
17:55Then, we'll move the pieces one at a time.
17:58I can loosen the screws, Manny.
18:00You should loosen the flathead screws first.
18:04I need both of you at the same time.
18:06Felipe, you take the screws out of the footboard,
18:09and Turner, you take the screws out of the headboard.
18:12Like I said, let's work together.
18:16Thanks, Manny.
18:18Now, it'll be easy to move the bed into Kevin's room.
18:21We can move all these pieces, right, Kevin?
18:26I'll take the mattress.
18:28Thanks, Manny.
18:30It's always easier to move things when everybody helps.
18:33We can help, too.
18:35We'll move the stuffed animals.
18:37I'll move the stuffed animals.
18:43Lo siento. I'm sorry.
18:45Está bien. That's okay.
18:47It's going to be hard to move things,
18:49since we're all using the same door.
18:52I have an idea.
18:54What if we make a line and pass the toys into Kevin's room?
18:57Just like we did with the pencils.
19:00Just a reminder,
19:02it didn't work out so well with the pencils.
19:07One alligator!
19:09An alligator?
19:11Oh, brother, it's not a real alligator, Rusty.
19:15Si, none of these are real animals.
19:18Hey, turtle!
19:21Okay, as long as they aren't real animals.
19:26One giant fuzzy bear!
19:33Where'd everybody go?
19:35This one's too big.
19:37But we can do it if we all carry it together.
19:48Oh, Manny, I don't think everything's going to fit.
19:53No hay suficiente espacio. There's not enough space.
19:57We could put that big fuzzy bear back.
20:01I don't think that'll do it, Pat.
20:03We need Nelson's room for Grandma,
20:06but I'm afraid this room isn't big enough for both Kevin and Nelson.
20:11There has to be something we can do.
20:15If we only had una cama, one bed instead of two,
20:19two beds take up too much space.
20:22Looks like Nelson is going to have to sleep somewhere else.
20:25I don't get to share a room with Kevin.
20:29I have an idea.
20:31What if we stuck Nelson's bed on top of Kevin's
20:34and made both beds into una litera, a bunk bed?
20:38A bunk bed? What a great idea.
20:41But how will Nelson get into his bed if it's so high off the ground?
20:46We'll build Nelson una escalera, a ladder,
20:49that he can use to get up to his cama.
20:52That sounds fun.
20:54I wish I had a tall bed that needed a ladder.
20:57But first, we'll need some supplies to turn these beds into a bunk bed.
21:01Let's go, Tools.
21:03Yippee! We're going to Kelly's!
21:15Kelly! Hola, Kelly!
21:17Hi, Kelly.
21:19Well, hello, Tools. Hello, Manny.
21:22Hola, Kelly.
21:24What are you building, Kelly?
21:26I'm making a little shelf over these paint cans.
21:29But it's a good thing you guys came along.
21:31I need to put some screws through the boards on either side to hold the shelf in place.
21:36Let me take care of that for you, Kelly.
21:41I mean, Felipe and I will take care of that for you.
21:45Si. We can work together, pal.
21:52Thank you, guys.
21:54No hay problema.
21:56You're welcome.
21:57What's the shelf for, Kelly?
21:59Well, I've always kept the paintbrushes over by the counter, but it's too crowded.
22:04So now I've decided to keep them over here by the paint.
22:07We can help you move them, Kelly.
22:10We sure can.
22:12Let's make another line.
22:14First paintbrush!
22:17This is fun!
22:25How many more, Pat?
22:27Whoa! Paintbrush!
22:31Boy, you guys are fast.
22:33And that new shelf gives me a lot more space by the counter.
22:37Just like in Nelson and Kevin's room.
22:39We're stacking their beds so they have more space, too.
22:42Their grandmother's coming to live with them.
22:45Kevin and Nelson are going to share a room so their grandma can have a room, too.
22:50But there is not enough space for both of their camas, their beds.
22:54So we're turning Kevin and Nelson's beds into a bunk bed.
22:59What a great idea.
23:01I always wanted to have a bunk bed.
23:03I'd be afraid to sleep on the top.
23:05I might roll out.
23:07Well, you know, Rusty, if you make a railing on the edge of the bed, like this,
23:12then you don't have to worry about rolling out.
23:14What a good idea, Kelly.
23:16You always know just what we need.
23:19Thanks, Gweeze. Let me get your supplies.
23:31Mrs. Lee will have this bunk bed done right away.
23:35Gracias, Manny.
23:39Let's keep rolling and fix it right.
23:42Twist and turn.
23:43Make it tight.
23:44Trabajamos juntos.
23:47We work together now.
23:49Cut it, measure it.
23:51Tap it flat.
23:52Bend and twist.
23:53Just like that.
23:54Each of us has a special job.
23:57We work together.
23:58Todos juntos.
24:00We can fix it right.
24:04Wow, this is awesome.
24:06Thanks, Manny.
24:08Nelson, let's make a fort.
24:12Hey, can I play, too?
24:14Sure. Come on in.
24:16This is fun.
24:18Manny, can we get a bunk bed, too?
24:21Sure, no problem.
24:23There are only eight of us.
24:25Maybe we can make it eight beds high.
24:27Or nine.
24:28That way there'd be room for you, Manny.
24:30And maybe Abuelito would want to sleep over.
24:32How many is that?
24:38Got it.
24:44Mr. Lopart is one of Manny and the Tool's favorite neighbors.
24:49And he also makes the best candy in Sheetrock Hills.
24:55Can you help Mr. Lopart count how many bags of candy corn he has?
25:01Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis.
25:08Good work.
25:10Mr. Lopart has six bags of candy corn.
25:13Great job.
