Maddy O'Reilly inteview / Podcast

  • 2 months ago
Maddy O'Reilly inteview / Podcast
00:19hello Maddie how are you so I have to
00:24guess from your name you have like some
00:27Irish ancestry I would have said um for
00:30the longest time I didn't think so
00:32the name was kind of given to me when I
00:34came in just because of like the color
00:36of my hair and stuff and then we just
00:38recently my family we did like our whole
00:40family tree and we do have it's like a
00:42lot of English and Irish but for a long
00:44time I was like no I don't have any
00:45Irish Emme it's a funny story
00:48yeah yeah oh yeah yeah I know that my
00:52great-great-grandmother was Irish um and
00:55obviously my mom's English so that whole
00:56sides English so I definitely have Irish
00:58in me tail also but yeah I've never done
01:01one of those DNA tests so it'd be kind
01:03of interesting yeah that's cool yeah
01:04it's a lot of fun so Maddie you just
01:08came back from like a two-month break
01:09right yeah I worked maybe I did like two
01:13shits I think in December future dance
01:15and then basically the entire month of
01:17January was off that must been nice okay
01:20I can't remember the last time I've
01:23purposely taken a month off I had a bad
01:25year last year where there was a couple
01:27months where I pretty much had no work
01:29but that was not of my own volition
01:32dropped by a couple clients but it must
01:35what did you do did you just like I
01:37didn't do anything
01:39why is it the best thing ever it was so
01:41nice I feel really refreshed I went um
01:43and spent like from right around
01:46Christmas to right before a bein in
01:49Northern California so I was just up
01:52there hanging out and it was a family up
01:54there my guy lives up there yeah yeah
01:57that must have been nice yes okay I
01:59didn't have to wear makeup is just like
02:00childen like comfy clothes it was great
02:03and you guys just play it like really
02:04aggressive board games oh there's this
02:06thing called [ __ ] putter ball and
02:08it's like a mixture of beer pong and
02:12mini vas we don't use it like in the
02:15beer pong fashion we just cut back and
02:17forth okay
02:18yeah it's caused chaos yeah so before
02:21the podcast started we were talking
02:23about like how aggressive and
02:25competitive we both get when we
02:26play games of their boyfriends whether
02:29it be board games or whatever yeah yeah
02:32party it's pretty bad so that well it's
02:37like good you know it's funny I when I
02:39when I was dating my boyfriend when I
02:42first started dating him we played
02:43Scrabble together and I beat him twice
02:46and I was an English major so sometimes
02:48I like to think I'm you know more
02:50verbose than others but he's very very
02:53and so I beat him twice at Scrabble at
02:55the beginning so like boy did I hold
02:56that over oh yeah oh yeah and
02:58unfortunately ever since then he's beat
03:01me at Scrabble literally every single
03:02time we've played and he just doesn't
03:04ever let me forget hubris is a is a good
03:08thing if I lost consistently I would
03:14just be right not playing that game
03:15anymore let me find something out oh I
03:18yeah kind of how I felt
03:20we just went to Sequoia last weekend and
03:23we played Monopoly the national parks
03:26edition which was which was cool I saw
03:28it in the gift shop and I bought it for
03:29a way too much money and he absolutely
03:32destroyed me and we just the way we were
03:35talking to each other it was bad I mean
03:37we were getting so aggressive and just
03:40really patron it was like it brought out
03:45the worst in both of us I feel yeah
03:47we've unfollowed each other on social
03:49media over pop it really yes pop it's um
03:54there's a game called classic and
03:56classic actually reached out made a
03:58custom board for me oh wow what is that
04:00game it's like a it's like air hockey
04:03but with magnets basically oh oh god
04:07this game is great but yeah it causes
04:09like you know what game makes me the
04:11most angry of all the games I don't know
04:13why is foosball like that makes me crazy
04:17but yeah it really turns me into a
04:20monster there's something about that
04:22game that I get like so angry
04:25that's so funny oh my god so um
04:29you're back to work she has like any big
04:32projects planned or shoots coming up
04:33that you're excited about I'm doing a
04:35lot of fun stuff her my snapchat right
04:37now I kind of wanted to like because
04:39obviously I do whatever gets booked and
04:41I don't always get to pick the people I
04:43work with so when I'm doing my own
04:45content I'm like I can pick who I work
04:47with and what I do it's [ __ ] awesome
04:49isn't it great to like do your own yeah
04:51it's fun it's a lot more fun yeah yeah
04:53yeah so who are some of your favorite
04:54people that you like to work with oh my
04:56god so I'm obsessed with Jenna sativa
04:58yeah she's she's great she's pretty
05:01great she's [ __ ] awesome um Toria
05:04Vaughn oh and I have like a thing it's
05:07just great it's like my best friend
05:09though um that's girl wise and then guys
05:12I really like just any male talent
05:15that's like passionate but can also do
05:17like a rougher scene with me because I
05:20tend to go mm-hmm unlike the crazy yeah
05:24you're known for like your rough stuff
05:27yeah so so how do you prepare for a
05:29scene like that do you okay so obviously
05:32with guys that you've worked with quite
05:34a bit I assume that like you guys kind
05:35of have a rapport and he knows like what
05:38you're cool with them what you're not
05:39how do you handle it when you're working
05:40with somebody that you don't know so
05:42well um I don't usually enjoy doing a
05:45really crazy scene with like a newer guy
05:48because a lot of times they haven't had
05:50a lot of experience doing rough stuff
05:53and there's a correct and incorrect way
05:55to like hit someone or pull your hair or
05:57all of that so I'd rather not my first
05:59time like working with a guy at being
06:01like right aggressive unless it was like
06:04raqqa the first time work that Rocco
06:05obviously it was like he knows what he's
06:07doing I'm gonna need two weeks off for
06:10the seat I already know so can you like
06:14elaborate a little bit on like the right
06:16way to hit someone or the right way to
06:17pull someone's hair because that's
06:19probably gonna confuse a lot of people
06:20okay so when I don't if you hit someone
06:23in the face and it goes a little too
06:24high like in the temple area I've had
06:26that happen and it black my eye and
06:28that's like obviously takes a long time
06:30to heal pulling hair a lot of people
06:33want to pull like at the end and you
06:35should really like come in at like the
06:37Ruby yeah
06:38yeah but other than that like I can't
06:42hit other people so I don't really know
06:45how I just know it feels good to me okay
06:47so you like being like slapped in the
06:49yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah my boyfriend
06:52won't do it to me he thinks it's weird
06:55feel bad but yeah I know you mean and
06:59it's more like and that's the thing I'm
07:01kind of like that about choking to I
07:03don't actually want to be choked out but
07:05there's something just about the
07:06dominance of like putting your hair grow
07:09and applying some pressure but I don't
07:11actually want you to like really choke
07:13me out I actually don't like that yeah
07:15like it's more like the motion so like
07:17if you slapped me in the face I don't
07:18want you to [ __ ] crack me across the
07:20face like like really hot and be like oh
07:23yeah it's more about just like it's like
07:26a little kind of things it's like your
07:30favorite what are some of your favorite
07:32things to do and during a rough sea and
07:34like what does some of your paper oh
07:36um I'm really until yep it's so weird
07:39it's so hard when I'm like in this
07:41setting to talk about it cuz I'm like oh
07:43wow I do some really crazy [ __ ] yeah I'm
07:45doing it this is a seem so exciting
07:48yeah so um I really like like spitting
07:53um I really into other people's sweat if
07:57I'm like really into the performer I
07:59want all of their sweat I don't know why
08:00it's a [ __ ] there's like a whole
08:02study with pheromones and stuff like
08:04that I was talking about this with a
08:05friend of mine because um chemistry like
08:08when they talk about chemistry between
08:09people it literally has to do with
08:11chemistry and how somebody smells and
08:13their pheromones like there's a whole
08:15biological background to it that I won't
08:17try to get into because I'm not that
08:19well-versed in it but it's something
08:20about like your genes kind of recognize
08:23in other people genes that would benefit
08:25you in terms of producing a child
08:27oh so you actually like have physical
08:30reactions to people so that must be why
08:32cuz that's not with every person my some
08:34people I'm like I have to I don't know
08:37why like put my hair in it like let's
08:38mop the floor up with it whatever you
08:40know yeah it's crazy
08:41yeah it's it's like a it's like an
08:43intrinsic biological reaction it's
08:46really really interesting
08:47the [ __ ] yeah it's really interesting if
08:49you look into it because it's a whole
08:51like fascinating kind of science but you
08:53know people are still exploring but like
08:55my boyfriend like I love the way he
08:57smiles when he's sweaty like I like all
08:59that stuff like I'm into it you know
09:01like I don't like it be smells bad I
09:03like it but then other people like I was
09:06actually at spin class the other day and
09:07there was this guy next to me and you
09:09know people get sweaty and I was like so
09:11grossed out
09:12yeah I the way that he smelled and they
09:14couldn't necessarily pinpoint why but
09:16it's just it's it's really interesting
09:18that's funny
09:19my grandma told me like when I was
09:20younger she was like you'll know that
09:22you found the one when like his dirty
09:24laundry doesn't gross you out and like I
09:26wonder if that's like part of it I think
09:27so absolutely cuz I'll like smell like
09:30my boyfriend's underwear well maybe but
09:33you know like if I miss him or something
09:35or like he's gone on a work trip I like
09:38small like his shirt or whatever like
09:40when we first started dating out like
09:41sleep with the house to work I I do that
09:44I still do that yeah yeah yeah so how
09:47are you with your writing um [ __ ] it's
09:49gonna be two years okay so it's been a
09:51while so does he work in the industry oh
09:53he's the civilian side first civilian
09:57how's that working out for you guys um
09:59I'm lucky because he was um he
10:02understands the industry he used to
10:04follow like AUSA's podcasts and stuff so
10:06he gets like that it's just a job it's
10:08just a really cool job and yeah we do
10:11things that you wouldn't do it like an
10:12office job right right
10:14um he's really understanding which I'm
10:15lucky because I know like that's not
10:18always the case when people in the
10:20industry day outside of our circle yeah
10:22that's weird so you said this is the
10:24first guy that you've dated who hasn't
10:26been important yeah both of my exes
10:27we're not talent but involved in the
10:31industry in some way did you find that
10:32that was easier in some ways and more
10:35difficult in other ways or uh no it's
10:39often I've been really lucky everyone's
10:41kind of been really understanding I'm
10:43like try to be honest and like okay this
10:46is what I do for a living so what are
10:47our boundaries will talk about them
10:49before we get to a point where there
10:51might be an issue I'd rather just get
10:53everything out there right did it was it
10:55weird at the beginning like how did you
10:57guys meet did he know what you did when
10:59you guys first met we followed each
11:01they're on and um Instagram for a really
11:04long time and um I'm really sure I am
11:07assuming that I don't know if you want
11:08to tell me what he does but I'm assuming
11:10this thing kind of cool
11:11yeah he's those art so he does cool art
11:13on the side but his like bread and
11:16butter is like I paint night it's kind
11:20of like a wine and sip or sipping wine
11:22those kind of things where you go in and
11:24you get drunk and you pain yes the
11:27number one artists in the world for that
11:29wait he's like number one paint night
11:31guy they change the name though to like
11:33yay maker I think just now I didn't
11:34actually know that there were like I
11:37knew that it was something that people
11:38do like I just thought people did like
11:40randomly cuz it's fun but I didn't know
11:42who was like like a thing yeah well he's
11:45in Northern California so like so wait a
11:48minute wait a minute so is he there for
11:50like the best artist who can make art
11:53drunk like how does that what is or
11:56they're like competitions in this shows
11:58he has like the best reviews um he has
12:01the most like thing like the highest of
12:03like return customers that go back he's
12:05like a falling so wait does he host
12:08these things yeah okay he's insane when
12:11he does it like it's like dirty jokes
12:12and it's like a sexy thing it's so much
12:15fun okay so it's like a whole thing the
12:17whole thing yeah
12:18it sounds like fun the problem is I
12:20don't drink which is why like I've never
12:21gone to one oh because yeah I don't I
12:24mean if it goes sober but I think it
12:26would be his show is more fun yeah yeah
12:29yeah what's the story we'll get into why
12:35I don't drink but yeah I get it most
12:36things are affected so okay so you guys
12:41met that way and then obviously he knew
12:43what you did for a living and then you
12:45went out and did you guys like kind of
12:47like how did that discussion start this
12:50is just something that's interesting to
12:51me I know is interesting to a lot of
12:53civilians as we call people who don't do
12:56porn by the way because I think people
12:58in their head imagined they could date a
13:00porn star and then they start dating a
13:02porn star and they actually like catch
13:03the feelings and then that's when it
13:06seems like everything changes for people
13:07because all of a sudden these guys
13:08realize they don't want to show this
13:10girl with the rest of the world and then
13:11they get weird they're like all their
13:14seen her dues yeah like the dynamic
13:16changes yeah so I like I said I followed
13:20him for a minute I was in a relationship
13:22though and then when I came out I was
13:24single for a little bit and then I was
13:25like Iceland to his diems and he thought
13:27I was kidding and we talked for a really
13:29long time before we met up and we were
13:31only gonna meet up with the intention of
13:33just like hooking up that's all I really
13:35wanted it to be inside of heat we
13:37weren't looking for anything soon right
13:38and then god damn it
13:41um crazy crazy crazy chemistry so then
13:46we were like [ __ ] it let's let's do this
13:48and he's just I took him to eevn last
13:50year so he got to see it and do the
13:53whole red carpet thing with me how did
13:55he find that he loved it he got to go
13:57and like you know see awesome yeah and
14:00it's like if it wasn't for AUSA I I'm
14:02gonna see wouldn't be in a relationship
14:03aasif am yeah so he's an awesome fan and
14:06they took a picture together at a party
14:08a subpoena and that's how I start
14:09following him on Instagram this guy's
14:11cute mm-hmm and that's hot so we cute
14:17does she know that yeah oh my god that's
14:20awesome [ __ ] - so how did you get
14:24started in the adult industry um I was
14:27like watching porn one night and you
14:30know sometimes you can like it really
14:32turned on and you'll do something that
14:34like you normally wouldn't do and then
14:36the next day you're like ah [ __ ] that
14:37like whatever I was like usually that
14:40happens to be right after orgasm yeah
14:41exactly I was weird yeah like what did I
14:43do that
14:45I like scrolled down and there's like a
14:50link cuz I was watching mofos mm-hmm and
14:54there was a link it's like become a
14:55model I'm like yeah and turned on its
14:57holy gonna do this I didn't think they
14:58were gonna call me and then like a
15:00couple days later I got a call and it's
15:02like from a really sweet chick who
15:04helped me through the whole process
15:06uh-huh she's like you want to come shoot
15:07three scenes Miami I'm like um sure why
15:13not [ __ ] it and then I went down there
15:15and I thought I was just gonna do three
15:16scenes and then be done and they're like
15:18yeah so um you know you can make a
15:19career out of this you're pretty good no
15:21one's like oh I can't I could do this
15:23for a living yeah sure let's try and
15:25like okay you're gonna get a giant go to
15:27okay cool that's amazing so what was
15:30your first scene like oh my god it was
15:33so not cuz I'm so shy and even still
15:35like I get super nervous doing like my
15:37pretty girls and psych stills no one
15:39sucks starts I'm fine but yeah I was a
15:41[ __ ] nervous wreck but luckily I had
15:43like a really cool talent and it was the
15:47same was like a leo
15:48he isn't it was like a Miami guy okay um
15:52and we did like a graduation like scene
15:55and it was really simple and the
15:57director is really cool the director was
15:59a Ken dark Ken's work
16:01he shoots here now in LA for real folks
16:03like okay yeah they made the whole thing
16:05like really cool so you had a good first
16:08experience yes thank God which is great
16:10yeah cuz I thought everybody does yeah
16:12the three scenes I shot I'm really lucky
16:14I had a check I can't talk about what
16:16she does now because she actually has
16:18like her I'll tell you when we're done
16:20but um she helped me through the entire
16:22thing was like don't they wanted me to
16:26do my first anal for $1,200 I didn't
16:29know any better
16:29yes like should I do it and she called
16:31me and she's like I can lose my job for
16:32this do not do that yeah so she kind of
16:35was like giving me guidance through like
16:37the entire process of like no you save
16:40that and when you do you don't do it for
16:421,200 oh yeah I had no idea how rates
16:44worked I know nothing like right so she
16:46was really cool and they helped me like
16:48pick an agent and do all that cuz
16:50obviously when I first came in I wasn't
16:51ready to be a speaker girl so right
16:53right right I don't even really know who
16:54he was I didn't know anything yeah it's
16:57just fresh so for those of you who don't
16:59know I've actually had him on this
17:00podcast before but Marc Stiegler is
17:02probably the most coveted agent in the
17:04industry and being one of his girls is
17:07considered being a is called being a
17:10speaker role and it's funny I was
17:11actually thinking about this yesterday
17:13because I saw that he just signed Joanna
17:15angel now an angel has been in the
17:18industry for a while she's well
17:20established she's got her own production
17:22company that was actually just bought
17:24out by gamma she's a really well-known
17:27she's very very successful she's awesome
17:30so like it was interesting to me because
17:33she hasn't had an agent I don't think
17:35this entire time and she isn't needed
17:37like everybody knows who Joanna Angel it
17:39looks like she doesn't need an agent and
17:42actually for a long time she wasn't
17:44shooting for other companies
17:45she was only shooting her own thing cuz
17:48I shot her a couple of times but she
17:49hired me to shoot her and so I just was
17:54thinking about how interesting it was
17:55that she you know sign with not that
17:58necessarily that she signed with Marx
18:00Bigler but that it was such a big deal
18:02and now she's a speaker girl and all
18:05these other girls were saying like
18:06welcome to the family and it just kind
18:07of made me think about like the cult
18:09that is like marklar like there's no
18:12other agency that's like that do you
18:14know there's no other agency that people
18:15sign for and like the special like title
18:18and then it's like this family and it's
18:20this huge honor you know yeah so it's
18:22just it's so interesting how that's
18:23become like its own thing so tell me in
18:27your experience like what it means to
18:29you to be a speaker girl cuz I know that
18:31you said that was a great accomplishment
18:32of yours and why you love him so much I
18:35still remember what it was like to get
18:38myself out of my contract and have him
18:41like want to take me I was like [ __ ]
18:43freaking out like I love you girl what
18:46the [ __ ] does it feel awesome
18:47um to me it's just like I think it says
18:50a lot about you as a performer it means
18:53that you're basically not a [ __ ] you
18:55show up on set you do bomb-ass scenes um
18:59you're professional you're on time and
19:01then like it's just really cool
19:03I can talk to speedla about real life
19:06things that you know like [ __ ] that
19:08comes up in my personal life I can go
19:10and talk to him about that I haven't
19:11been able to do that with either of my
19:14previous agents with HM LA when I first
19:16came in then I love LA Direct for almost
19:19two years before I went to speak ler
19:20mm-hmm so it's just really I didn't have
19:22that connection with either of those
19:24agents and in fact when they called you
19:26get that sense of dread when they call
19:28with Spieler cause like okay hold on
19:31so it's just like I don't know it makes
19:34me feel good it makes me feel like okay
19:36I'm I'm pretty good at my job if I get
19:38to be a speaker girl yeah
19:40yeah I'm speaking from a producer
19:42standpoint and I've definitely said this
19:44before on this podcast like I know that
19:46if I'm hiring a Spiegel girl it's
19:48somebody who I expect is gonna be
19:50professional it's gonna be on time would
19:52actually have read the script will
19:53actually bring the Wardrobe that I asked
19:55them to and will be a good performer
19:58yeah like those are all things that like
20:00I just kind of assume when I hire
20:02someone from his agency so it's
20:04something that definitely comes across
20:06to the producers as well and I was
20:10talking to I have a new assistant that's
20:11that's working with me and I'm kind of
20:13still training her and I was explaining
20:15to her all the different agents and
20:16stuff like that and whenever we run into
20:18like a like a wall in terms of you know
20:21we can't find someone for this day or
20:23someone cancels on me last minute I'm
20:25always like if you text speak leur he
20:28will tell you right now if who's
20:30available and what's great about with
20:32him is that like other agents they might
20:34be like okay so and so and so so is
20:35available shows as available this day
20:37but I got a column because even though
20:40they're not booked on a job they may
20:41have like doctor's appointment or
20:43something like that they have to do and
20:45so they won't be able to do the shoot so
20:47initially they'll tell you oh yeah this
20:48person's available and then they'll call
20:50you back a few hours later and be like
20:51oh no she's not available with a speak
20:54with Marc I know that like if he says
20:56she's available she's available yeah
20:58like there's no like [ __ ] around with
21:01that like I can rely on it and I know
21:03that he'll get back to me immediately in
21:05that girl will be like on set in like an
21:08hour like she will come right away
21:10so if you guys want to take a day off
21:12like a doctor's appointment or saying
21:14like that you have to tell me that's
21:16right yeah you schedule that in yeah
21:18it's like I like it because he treats
21:20this like it's a real job as it should
21:22be yeah so if you want to take off work
21:24you tell him if my god
21:26god forbid I have to be five minutes
21:27late for a scene or something which
21:29never happens but their husband a time I
21:31got in a fender bender
21:32i text him and let him know like you
21:35would with a real toilet cake he let the
21:36director know running a little bit time
21:37like behind she just keeps everything
21:39like professionally I love it yeah it's
21:42funny too cuz like if he has a girl that
21:44he knows tends to be late
21:45he'll tell public half an hour early
21:47because like heels like it's pretty yeah
21:51he's great
21:52I am I moved to Hollywood and I'm not
21:54used to living there so I still tucked
21:56some link hey what time should I leave
21:57in the morning to be ahead of time and
22:00he'll like break it down perfectly
22:02yeah it's a [ __ ] you know what
22:03else is funny about him too is that he
22:05can find anybody like no matter where
22:07they are I remember once he like dug up
22:08my home phone number and I was like I
22:10don't know how you found it yeah it's
22:13weird you can't lie to him no you look
22:15really stupid because he already knows
22:17the truth I know you should be like a
22:24[ __ ] detective it's pretty cool um
22:28okay so in August 2015
22:32you appeared in an episode of the
22:34Lifetime television series living with
22:36the enemy to defend your career against
22:39a self-proclaimed
22:40anti-pornography life coach so can you
22:43tell us a little bit about this because
22:44it sounds pretty interesting and very
22:46confrontational it was you know okay so
22:51I signed up to do this show but when you
22:54get selected um they don't tell you who
22:57you're gonna live with like they let
22:59that come out as you're meeting them
23:01okay so yeah can you gonna give us
23:03because I've never heard of this show I
23:04said got canned after one season but it
23:06was called living with the enemies so
23:08they would do people like a vegan person
23:12and then someone that like hunted
23:13animals like a hunter all right go live
23:16together first and then something about
23:20they did a parenting episode where it
23:21was like a helicopter parent and then
23:24someone that's more like oh do whatever
23:27you want yes children have been taken
23:29away by social service and then um I
23:35remember I didn't uh but it I forgot
23:40what I was to think I was expecting I
23:42can't remember but I had no idea was for
23:44me so no oh I thought was maybe it put
23:45with like so I really religious he
23:47wasn't religious at all he was just like
23:49used to be addicted to pornography he
23:53was like um it was causing issues with
23:56his marriage
23:57so he lived with me here in LA and then
24:00I had to go to Northern California and I
24:05was really nervous about like staying in
24:07his house cuz he has children and him
24:09and his wife were like actually you
24:10can't stay in her house so the producers
24:12got me a hotel room it was this crazy
24:14[ __ ] but then we ended up like agreeing
24:16on a lot of things like yeah we think it
24:19should be a little bit harder than just
24:21clicking that you're 18 cent access porn
24:23mm-hmm so we had like a lot of times
24:25where we were agreeing but it's a
24:29reality show so the producers would
24:30create drama between them yeah I know
24:32how that is I was like this is not
24:34really reality so actually did you find
24:36that it wasn't as confrontational as you
24:38thought it would be like was he pretty
24:39open to like communicating you wanted to
24:42like um kind of brainstorm away to see
24:46how we could make it harder for children
24:48to access porn because it's super easy
24:50yeah so um they didn't like that we got
24:55along really well we're like oh you know
24:56why this is right and then they would
24:58just create [ __ ] then they made me meet
25:00some like random girl who said that
25:03pornography made her guy basically have
25:07a domestic violence situation with her
25:09so we got into it like a crazy heated
25:12argument I made her cry and then I felt
25:13horrible like so I was like I don't ever
25:15want to do this yeah yeah it's not not
25:19yeah I know it doesn't sound like fun at
25:21all and I'm I kind of hate confrontation
25:24so I don't think you could pay me like
25:27any amount of money to do that did you
25:30did you come away from that experience
25:31feeling like maybe you learned a little
25:33bit like did it kind of or do you feel
25:36like he learned something from you like
25:38do you think it was actually in the end
25:39a positive thing despite what the
25:41producers tried to turn it in time cuz
25:43we um and I actually this makes me want
25:46to reach back out to him his wife and
25:47him ended up being really sweet to me
25:49you know there was just like a weird
25:50like obviously who's gonna let a random
25:52foreign girl come live in their house
25:53but ya know sorry but yeah there's like
25:56a lot of things that we touch bases on
25:58on the show that I'm like there are
26:01common grounds and there are things that
26:02we can do to to make it harder to access
26:05so we should be talking about that more
26:06I agree and and also making it known
26:10that like
26:11don't go to porn for sex education
26:14that's not what this is for unless it's
26:15like a specific video saying okay this
26:17is which is before us right yeah yeah
26:20I know sometimes I feel like we get so
26:23wrapped up in like defending ourselves
26:25against like the moral majority that we
26:28forget that sometimes like there are
26:30some things in this industry that could
26:32be improved for sure and that people
26:33like who are against porn have some
26:36valid points that we should look at
26:39sometimes I feel like I don't know
26:40sometimes I feel like the point in [ __ ]
26:41gets a little too defensive which is
26:44understandable considering the stigma
26:46and all of this [ __ ] that we come up
26:48against all the time but sometimes I
26:51feel like we could open ourselves to a
26:53little bit more courteous discourse yeah
26:56because I think what it is is we are so
26:58used always having to have our balls up
27:00that we don't always want to like listen
27:02to yeah if they're valid points yeah
27:04absolutely should try to do that more I
27:07think yeah be better for everyone yeah I
27:09agree I want to ask you about one of my
27:13favorite subjects so you do volunteer
27:16work for the Humane Society yeah and you
27:19foster dogs in your spare time yes I am
27:21like a huge dog person so it but I have
27:26to admit like I can't I'm kind of a
27:30hypocrite cuz like I can't work at a
27:32pound I can't like a foster dog cuz I
27:34can't handle I can't even go into a
27:37pound it makes me so insanely depressed
27:39I'm real sensitive about dogs and like I
27:41can't foster dogs because like I
27:43couldn't give them away so like I can't
27:46watch those when people post stuff on
27:48social media about like dogs being
27:50tortured dogs being abandoned like that
27:52I can't watch that stuff like it really
27:54[ __ ] me up and it sends me to a dark
27:56place I just like throw money like take
28:00my money but don't tell me about any of
28:02the horrible things that are happening
28:04because like I get real [ __ ] up about
28:08so how does that work for you like can
28:10you tell me a little bit more about what
28:11you do so um I got both my dogs are
28:14rescues when I rescued the last guy he's
28:17really difficult so I'm unable to take
28:19any other dogs into my house waste time
28:22permit Oh everything and know what you
28:24mean he's an
28:25but I love him yeah I know what kind of
28:27dog is it um
28:29I know he has um pit bull and then like
28:31I said he's staffing mix mm-hmm
28:33maybe a lab because he has webbed toes
28:35he's he's really big so I'm thinking lab
28:38what's your other dog
28:40it's a shepherd husky okay so I just
28:42have two handfuls so how do how does the
28:45difficult was a difficult dog's name
28:47Jones Jones and then what's the taya
28:49kaya so how does Jones handle kaya um so
28:53that was like a really traumatic I
28:55didn't think I was gonna be able to keep
28:56him when I first got him because he's
28:58just he was so aggressive mm-hmm um he's
29:01pretty chill with her know everyone so
29:03well like Eliot seemed once every four
29:05or five months I have to break up a dog
29:07fight but that's okay I know how you
29:11feel cuz I have two dogs two I have a
29:13pit bull German Shepherd mix Khaleesi
29:15and I have yeah she's the tan one and
29:19then I have a German and then I have an
29:21Australian Shepherd mix Bonnie who
29:24actually I got from Scott nails oh
29:26really yeah nails like years ago what a
29:29smart dog I've yes she's so and she's
29:33super chill like she's so sweet she's
29:36the sweetest gentlest dog she never
29:38barks she's never ever ever aggressive
29:41um and she and she's great so when I got
29:45Khaleesi I got her it's a puppy they're
29:47both rescues I got CLE C's as a rescue
29:49puppy and to be completely honest like
29:52when I went to go get her I didn't know
29:55that she was part pitbull and I like I
29:59some pimples that I've met that are
30:01amazing and I like love them but I
30:04wouldn't purposely go out and get a pit
30:06bull just because I know if you get a
30:08difficult one it can be pretty it's hard
30:11it's hard to rent um yeah it is I rent
30:14so I have you know a pitbull and
30:16technically we're not supposed to have
30:17them but yeah I know what you mean but
30:21yeah though I went to the shelter I was
30:24like I was telling my guy at the time
30:26was like you know just anything but a
30:27pitbull I don't wanna have to go through
30:28yes I don't wanna have to go through
30:30like not being able to rent places and
30:33things like that well then that's what I
30:35got and I don't he's like the best dog
30:37in the world he's just he's a
30:38lot of work and ionamin six and a half
30:41years old so he all these behaviors are
30:43pretty yeah deeply rooted yeah I just
30:48deal with it he gets walked by himself
30:49because he's pretty bad on a leash and
30:52I'll just like duck him between cars and
30:53things like that hmm
30:55how the whole system so now since like I
30:57can't foster instead of doing a wish
30:59list cuz I hate I kind of hate that and
31:01now I get shifted up I hate wish list um
31:04I like well I post for I got really
31:10attached to rock a real rescue mmm
31:11because I know the lady bear and I will
31:14be like hey this dog needs surgery
31:15donate $50 some more I'm gonna send you
31:17an autographed DVD and an eight-by-ten
31:19like I try to rally for donations for
31:21that yeah cuz I'm just I'm a big softy
31:25and I try to like share and network the
31:26dogs my Instagram page huh yeah no I
31:30know I know what you mean um so I got
31:33Khaleesi as a but the thing was is that
31:35once they put her in my arms I wasn't
31:37gonna like turn her in I wasn't like now
31:39she's a pitbull take her back look
31:40there's no way there's no way you just
31:42gave me oh yeah I'm like not gonna take
31:45him but and she was one of seven you
31:46know and they were having a hard time
31:47and that's the thing with pitbulls is
31:49they have a lot of puppies that's why
31:51there's so many of them um some way ok
31:53I'm gonna take her and I'm like and I'm
31:54gonna raise her right and so like she
31:56won't be aggressive right cuz it's about
31:58the owner not about the dog or whatever
32:00bad dog is a bad owner but she just
32:03ended up and she no trauma in her life I
32:06trained her and all that stuff but she
32:08can be top aggressive for sure and she's
32:11her ambani are fine and I think a big
32:13part of it is cuz Bonnie's very
32:15submissive and she grew up with her
32:17Khaleesi was a puppy when I brought her
32:19and so and then my brother has a dog
32:21Tommy who's also they get along fine and
32:25but every once in a while she she's gone
32:30after a couple of my mom's like little
32:31dogs she doesn't like little dogs so I
32:33have to be careful with her with that
32:35and I get it like she can be difficult
32:39she's actually good walking I sent her
32:42to boot camp for two weeks which was
32:43very expensive but was it it was great
32:46it helped so much it helps some I have
32:50I can recommend you to a lot so she's
32:54pretty well trained for the most part
32:55but I just have to be careful with her I
32:58have to make sure I don't put her in
32:59situation like my trainer said he said
33:00don't you no no no this is foolproof he
33:02said just don't set her up for failure
33:04don't put her in situations where
33:06something dangerous could happen you
33:08know I mean so that's what I do with my
33:10guy like he gets to go to the dog park
33:12but when he goes he's muzzled like yeah
33:14I hate it and people look at me crazy
33:15but I still want him to have a full life
33:17even though he's a dick
33:18yeah so I just for my dog too and I have
33:22to put her head on her when I take her
33:24to the ranch to hang out at my parents
33:26cuz she will and with the muzzle on she
33:27will still sometimes try to attack the
33:29little dog and she serves a mine to the
33:31[ __ ] Hospital oh my god like they've
33:33had to have full stitches cost me a lot
33:35of money and so like I'm not about that
33:37you know know me I'm yeah just like when
33:39she goes you know that she gets that
33:41pitbull they said yeah she doesn't want
33:45the edge you know what I mean it's it's
33:47really bad and the house they're like I
33:49swear they're like the biggest cuddle
33:51buddies Oh God ya know she like she she
33:54can be a little iffy with strangers
33:56sometimes it takes her a while to kind
33:57of get to know you but when she knows
33:59you she's like so cool yes so
34:02affectionate and you know she just like
34:04I just love her so much like so much we
34:07just actually I was saying we went to
34:09sequoias last month last month last week
34:12and it was snowing and we ticked them up
34:15there and the snow for the first time
34:17and they had such a good time it was so
34:19awesome and we went down this trail and
34:22I like knew nobody was out and around
34:24because it was snowing like really
34:25heavily and we let the muffle leash and
34:28they just like and I took a video of it
34:29and I swear to God like when I'm feeling
34:31down I watched that video and it makes
34:33me like so happy is that so funny how
34:35they're like they're like your children
34:37whose brain I just love her so much she
34:39brings me so much joy but I'm just
34:41saying like I understand what it's like
34:42to have like a difficult dog but you
34:44know you just you do it all love like I
34:46put up with so much [ __ ] yeah I don't
34:48even care
34:49I seem like there's a guy in my building
34:51he got this dorbz like obviously from a
34:54breeder like the most picture perfect
34:57poster Golden Retriever puppy mm-hmm and
35:00I just found that he got rid of it so
35:02it's too hard and I'm like you have the
35:04that's the easiest breed this is like
35:06the number one family dog link are you
35:09kidding yeah I know I don't want to hear
35:11there's no excuses I have to go there's
35:14so much [ __ ] with my dog and I don't
35:15even care I'm just like whatever
35:16I know I agree with you and that's the
35:17thing and sometimes when I get like
35:19frustrated about it um I just think to
35:21myself I'm like you know what I'm just
35:22lucky that I'm in a position I can
35:25manage this dog and that I have like the
35:27resources to and I have a system with
35:30her and then I'm able to give her a
35:32great life
35:33because you know if I just like decided
35:36she was too hard and I gave her up
35:38Knight sent her to a pound like that no
35:40one would adopt her no that's how my god
35:41be put down yeah absolutely so it's like
35:44you know I'm just lucky that I can I
35:46have the resources to be able to take
35:48care of her give her a great life and
35:50she's like I mean I love her so much so
35:52yeah that's all so it's not everyone's
35:54like that obviously no things up that I
35:56don't I don't understand how you can
35:58give up your dog like I just like over
36:01my dead body
36:02right you know Namie yeah like over my
36:04dead body you can take my [ __ ] dog
36:08anyways okay so let's go back to you
36:21so you're passionate about poetry I am
36:25and you know it's so funny I'm like such
36:27a ok one of my only new year's
36:30resolutions it's like I'm gonna let
36:32people start seeing my stuff mm-hmm I
36:37know what you mean it's an extremely
36:39intimate part of you and it's funny cuz
36:41people who you know don't probably don't
36:44really understand Poynter like what
36:45you've already shown us your most
36:47intimate parts but I mean the poetry is
36:49like that's your heart and that's that's
36:52a hard thing to come up against I used
36:54to write poetry too and really yeah and
36:57there's no [ __ ] way I was gonna let
36:58me read that stuff it's it's tough am i
37:01thinking about making like an Instagram
37:03but no one knows it's me and like
37:05posting but then like that's not a bad
37:07idea because then you could at least get
37:09it out there and then like see some
37:11initial reaction and maybe maybe if it
37:14got enough positive reaction it would
37:15give you the the courage to come
37:17forward yeah it's not funny like I can
37:20do all this crazy stuff on camera but
37:22god forbids yeah and read my notes on my
37:28what is your poetry generally about in
37:30particular love cuz I fell in love for
37:32the first time with this guy like I I
37:35was engaged before him so I thought I
37:37was like I what I love the people I was
37:41with but I was never like in love so now
37:43I'm like crazy head over heels and it's
37:45[ __ ] weird and crazy to me so I write
37:49everything like all mushy [ __ ] and I'm
37:51like I have to look really tough and I
37:55do not look tough my foot does he have
37:57you let him read it I've let him read
37:59like one thing and then I like regretted
38:00it and then I wrote him this thing and I
38:02got lost in my own I'm so [ __ ] happy
38:03that it did I was like thank God you
38:05know I got it like I spent so that was
38:08like immediate regret yeah like if you
38:10ever thought about doing like a poetry
38:12workshop or anything like that
38:13I sure they should look into my shed
38:15yeah man
38:17my goal like I said I have to do this
38:20eventually I'm just ah they're back I
38:23get it it's scary it's a very it's a
38:25very intimate part of you yeah yeah and
38:28it that's a thing
38:29see here's like also another like the
38:30difference kind of between you know like
38:33doing porn and writing poetry when
38:35you're doing porn
38:36yeah it's intimate but it's parts of
38:38your body you know and if you're an
38:40exhibitionist which I assume you are
38:41like that's not a big thing like to me
38:44like I couldn't you be important cuz I'm
38:47not an exhibitionist I'm too like
38:49nervous about like showing everybody
38:51everything like to me I can't but like
38:54for people who are exhibitionist it's
38:55not you know such a big deal that's why
38:57they love it that's why they feel free
38:58living it and you know obviously you're
39:01working with somebody else so you're
39:03bouncing off of somebody else's energy
39:05and it's a whole collaboration putting
39:07the scene together it's you the director
39:10the other talent makeup artist you know
39:14like all this stuff so it's like a team
39:16effort but poetry it's you and one other
39:21person it's you and one other person
39:23it's you and the paper it's you and your
39:25pen that's it that's all it is and
39:27there's like you know I mean it's very
39:30much all you
39:31and that's pretty scary it's so it's so
39:35scary you know I I don't know if I'm
39:38ever gonna be able to get over that I
39:39don't know how I was trying to work on
39:42love yeah yeah I think you yeah you
39:44should also like I was telling you
39:46before the podcast you should go check
39:48out my friend Derrick Brown's poetry his
39:50stuff and by the way for those of you
39:52who are listening um he I had a my
39:55podcast I think he was like my fourth
39:57interview or third interview or
39:59something like that but he's amazing and
40:02he's so great to watch live like he does
40:06when he reads his stuff aloud like some
40:08of his music a company he's just a great
40:10showman and his poachers beautiful yeah
40:13he's he's fantastic I always recommend
40:16him to anybody if you like or even if
40:18you don't like poetry like Derek Brown
40:20will change your mind that poetry for
40:22sure he's great
40:23I'll have to look him up I have it
40:25written down my notes like oh yeah
40:26definitely like a I'd love to go and see
40:28him live yeah he's a lot of fun a lot a
40:30lot of fun um okay so I want to talk
40:34about your extreme scenes cuz I know
40:37you've done some pretty like hardcore
40:38[ __ ] about it a little bit earlier but
40:42you've done like some extreme like
40:43bondage and stuff like that yeah and
40:45there's like a clip that's circulating
40:47on when I first did it
40:49people were assuming that I was doing
40:51drugs because like I snorted like five
40:54loads to come what what yeah oh wait
41:00okay hold on a second I mean that oh
41:04I've never tried to snort liquid um let
41:08me just say I had the worst headache of
41:09my life then it was fun so it's doing
41:11this really a [ __ ] you know legal porn I
41:13know they're pretty yeah I'm I went to
41:15Prague for two weeks and afterwards I
41:18was like having crazy chemistry with one
41:21of the male talents and he's like well
41:22you smart the calm and the directors
41:24like you have we sorted I was like sure
41:26why not doesn't like I'm turned on yeah
41:27you're in the moment yeah that I can
41:29only grow in four years I said yes you
41:33keep asking the question along and if
41:35someone's gonna say yes I did it and
41:37then idiots on Twitter you like you can
41:39tell I'm sorry look with the people that
41:41you're doing drugs on set I'm like I
41:42must be where growth I'm ever doing
41:44okay I can assure you I will no longer
41:46be a speedlight girl yeah that was
41:51oh my gosh I like people were more
41:53horrified at the idea of you doing coke
41:55of sorting code then sorting comes to me
41:59snorting to come is like way worse than
42:01sorry coke like oh my [ __ ] god yes
42:06I'm not did that burn it didn't burn at
42:10all like it yeah wasn't bad it's just
42:12like that night I'm really bad headache
42:14yeah probably not that kind of man it's
42:17like four or five loads I think Portland
42:19yeah all of it yeah it's like a huge
42:22pile as wage girl okay they're really
42:26impressed I've never heard that before
42:29and I thought I'd heard everything I
42:32liked it I'd like to treat this kind of
42:34like a circus act like I love it I get
42:37off on just really shocking people or
42:39upsetting people I know I shouldn't do
42:41it with a religion but I do because I'm
42:42atheist uh-huh so um like and I don't
42:45mean to offend you if you're religious
42:47but I'm not okay um I really wanted to
42:50do a bondage scene around Christmas
42:51where I got dressed up like Jesus and
42:53beat on a cross and I did it it was
42:56awesome they made the cross spin so I
42:59was on a spinning cross with a beer as
43:01Jesus we were a beer yet oh man girl
43:05that's amazing death threats for that I
43:08bet you did like I got a drag on my
43:11cross it was so awesome in religion like
43:18that no so because of that I like to do
43:21it lawyer I liked it I just like to
43:23shock people I don't really want to hurt
43:24anyone's feelings I just like to be like
43:26oh no you didn't do that yeah thank you
43:29I feel like Jesus can take it yeah
43:31totally in the bunch yes he's got other
43:34things to worry about
43:35he's not too mad if you're like doing a
43:37porno and got a beard oh man you know
43:40Jesus yeah I'm just gonna just gonna go
43:42out there he's cool with it
43:48so um did you sing earlier - but you had
43:51like a bunch of you've had like pins
43:53stuck in Utah I just did that around
43:55Thanksgiving um so tell me exactly what
43:59they liked it like through the whole uh
44:01no it was like a picture
44:03um it's I did like through the areola
44:08yeah and then all like into my chat like
44:11through my chest and I feel like four
44:13needles in each boob so are you into
44:16paint I'm assuming I'm a big pain slit
44:19what does it do for you like how can you
44:21describe like what how it makes you feel
44:23why you're into it the science is like
44:25basically it when someone's into pain
44:28like that it releases endorphins like
44:30the same way if like someone was like
44:31doing heroin is what I read mm-hmm I
44:33don't know so um I really enjoy just
44:36like I get high off of it I really and
44:39I'm like such a control freak in most
44:42areas of my life that when I'm being
44:43submissive I give up all of that Brian
44:46it's like the best feeling in the world
44:47I don't have to think and I like that um
44:50but I get I get a huge adrenaline rush
44:53from doing it uh-huh sound like let's go
44:56[ __ ] crazy like but it has to be in
44:58the right context right because we're
44:59like we can you stub your toe yeah you
45:02know I have to in like I'm very very
45:04selective with who I do bondage extreme
45:06bondage for and I only do it with one
45:08company right so kink no I don't really
45:11care for kinko why I only if it's even
45:14sire than absolutely everyone else not
45:16so much I shoot for insects okay
45:18with my hard my hard stuff okay it
45:21actually it's funny cuz I dated a Dom
45:23for a while and that was like his
45:25favorite website dude there I cannot say
45:28enough about them there's they've been
45:30so great to me and like really like I
45:33we've done the waterboarding with them
45:35which I was pretty scary I've done like
45:39all the things that I didn't think I'd
45:40ever do like I'm petrified of a cattle
45:43prod and I tried that out on
45:44Thanksgiving just because I know like
45:46I'm in a situation where it's safe and
45:47they know what they're doing so did you
45:49feel like okay so do you get this sounds
45:51like okay I'm afraid of this thing I
45:53want to try to conquer that fear like
45:55through a safe environment
45:56I'm like what can I do to scare the [ __ ]
45:58out myself I'm like let's mummify me
46:02let's try that oh so obviously made a
46:05few bad and they wrapped me really tight
46:07and then bagged my head on top of it and
46:11it's like a claustrophobic feeling I was
46:13just pretty cool and then I was like I
46:16want to try a needle play and they do
46:17reality in London rivers yes she does
46:20all her crazy stuff with them okay so
46:22I'm like I wanna do needle play they've
46:24like sold her vagina up before yeah so
46:29like I want to try it just my boobs and
46:31I also need my nipples pierced so this
46:33will be a test to see if I can handle it
46:34mhm and so we did that and then like
46:36last month I got my nipples pierced
46:37yes wow that's some crazy crazy [ __ ]
46:43yeah I don't like it it's fun yeah I can
46:47tell yeah I would any of that stuff and
46:50I you know I like it kind of rough but
46:53you are like next-level the
46:55waterboarding looks like probably the
46:57only thing I don't think I'll try again
46:59those really dramatize like that's no
47:00joke we did it inverted like the right
47:03look like how it would be done yeah
47:04backed away and I'm like wow dude I
47:07couldn't handle very much to it then I
47:09can I can take a lot no it's like oh I
47:11can't do this Jax oh my god Maddie
47:15you're like a next-level [ __ ] girl I
47:17gotta say I am thoroughly impressed I
47:20just like to shock people you know yes I
47:22don't look like it people expect me to
47:24like if you're into bondage I should
47:25have black hair and tattoos and a goth
47:28and like I'm your girl next door the
47:30likes get beat up do you feel like
47:33that's a big part of your success
47:34because like your image is so different
47:37than like what you actually do yeah I
47:39think it's there's an appeal to that I
47:42know like when I watch harder stuff I
47:45want to see the girl that looks like she
47:46doesn't do it doing a lot of crazy
47:48yeah unexpected yeah yeah I got it
47:52well thank you so much for coming on
47:54Maddie this is great and I won't lie you
47:58made my skin crawl a couple times but in
48:00a good way
48:02I don't know if I could I'll I kinda
48:05want to go watch these scenes that
48:06you've done but I don't I don't know if
48:07I can I might I'd have to watch it
48:10through my fingers but props to you for
48:13for all that because that's some that's
48:15some pretty intense stuff I'm very
48:18thank you I'm a huge fan of yours I was
48:20like I've been like watching you like
48:22post about pockets like a dude I totally
48:24want to do that but I want to be like
48:26teasing reach out to you and they like
48:27do it like [ __ ] yes I've been wanting to
48:29yeah yeah no of course I'm very honored
48:33that you came on thank you for having me
48:35can you tell everybody where they can
48:37find you on social media and if you have
48:39anything in particular that you want to
48:41promote um you can follow me on Twitter
48:43at Mattie O'Reily xxx and on Instagram X
48:47Mattie o Reilly X fantastic yeah alright
48:51thank you so much Maddie thank you and I
48:53will see the rest of you guys next week
