Amnesia- Abduction [Custom Story] Part 7

  • 2 months ago
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00:00All right, welcome back to Amnesia, I don't even, abduction, whatever, let's stand here
00:08and make out, because he never wants to make out, I don't understand, he has that face
00:12on like, I want, but like, he doesn't give it to me, I don't even know what it's about,
00:17but I don't trust you, um, I'm here with Ink, she will guide me and help me, she's like
00:27there, go there, ok, we'll go there, and I have Ezio, Ezio Auditore Daffodils, uh, with
00:36me too, I'm sure, he's in a great seat, um, I feel protected, I feel safe, let's go to,
00:44I think, I can't remember, is this where it's the puzzle, I'm so confused, it's been a while
00:50since I played, I don't remember, I don't remember, remember, remember, oh yeah, I know
00:57where this is, of course, of course, of course, let's go back, once again, before I started
01:04this recording, I've been walking around for like 10 minutes, and I only had 20 minutes
01:08to record today, and I'm kind of getting pissed off about it, so I'm sorry if I, ugh, who
01:16put back your helmet, ugh, I told you I don't trust you, ugh, throw it in the fountain,
01:23I hate helmets, only stupid people wear helmets, I'm badass, I don't wear helmets, ever, except
01:31when I, when I'm, when I'm bathing, because you never know when you can enter a, a bathing,
01:38bath tub, what, floating, anyway, okay, yes, yes, yes, yes, here it is, finally, we can
01:46go, hello, um, I miss Stefano a little, even though I have ink and Ezio with me, I need
01:56my Stefano, I need him, I want to make sweet love to him, actually I don't, I think Stefano
02:03is sitting up there, you guys should know that, but he's sitting on me, and then, did
02:08I do that? Yeah, I did, no, okay, I didn't do that, but I'm a genius, so it's okay, uh,
02:16and we throw the chair, throw the chocolate, no problem, I'm a genius, I'm a genius, and
02:22then, someone told me, if you're wrong, I swear to penis, there's supposed to be a, something
02:27to click here, like, on the, this was right, how the heck am I supposed to find that little
02:33thing? Are you, Ezio? Shit, I'm Ezio, I'm disappointed, okay, here we go, I saw, I saw
02:41some light there, and we found, look, looky, looky, look, it's a blue diastereo, yay, I
02:49am happy, Ink is not happy, she's scared, and Ezio is falling off, let's go home, ah,
02:58ah, not, not go home, ah, penis, ah, fuck, he's coming over, Ink, do something, Ink,
03:07Ink, please do something, where's Stefano, I need someone who can help me, Stefano, Stefano,
03:16I need you, oh, wait, I have a perfect idea, how do I rotate, alright, yes, yes, maybe,
03:25no, yes, yes, yes, yes, I'm a genius, this will work, I'll just walk, do you think he
03:36sees me? Oh, oh, fuck, fuck, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm
03:45sorry, I'm sorry, ah, doors everywhere, ah, ah, the painting idea was a bad idea, the
03:51painting idea was a bad idea, ah, ah, let's get out of here, holy fuck, I'm sorry, I'm
03:58sorry, and Ezio, yes, he's scared, I'm sorry, that scared me, I'll let you go now, it's
04:06a mistake, ah, fuck, well, we got a blue glass charm, whoop, I don't, I don't, just, I say
04:21that too often, ok, so, we have one now, yes, yes, but didn't we pick up a red one? Do you
04:30mean I have to redo that part? Ah, man, I don't want to redo it, but, we've been in
04:41here, I want to do something new, cause, right now I don't have time to, fuck around, too
04:49much, we have been in here, yes, yes, we can go here, yes, ok, finally, I get the feeling
04:58something's new, ah, this is pretty nice, dance on the table, yes, da da da da da, yeah,
05:07oh yeah, oh yeah, who's I am? Who's the king of the castle? Me! Ah, you are not the king
05:14of the castle, I am the king of the chair, but, it's no problem here, obviously, I'm
05:22storage, I don't like storages, guys, storages are bad news, I told you, nope, nope, nope,
05:35nope, nope, nope, nope, oh, merrr, hello, Stefano, are you in here? It's blocked from
05:44the other penis, alright, let's go, let's go, no problem, I'm not scared, I'm running
05:50in the darkness, cause I'm a man, this is Zag, without a key, but, I don't have a key,
05:55are you kidding me? How are you kidding me? He's kidding me, you're already kidding me,
05:59I don't like doors, I don't like that one, it's blocked on the other side, maybe I can
06:03use a crowbar, just maybe, I don't know, doesn't really make sense, but I'm gonna do it anyway,
06:09didn't make sense, it didn't work, maybe it's the dining hall thingy, like, there's, door,
06:14perfect, I'm a genius, barrels, no, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
06:19okay, good, good, good, we have some oil, it's been a while, oh, pretty cozy,
06:28really damn cozy, what is this? Bricks? Someone shot bricks here, someone saw the amnesia
06:34monster, not funny, anyway, there's gotta be something in here, like a,
06:44thing, yeah, a thing, like anything, if I can, no, stupid, stupid, stupid goodbye,
06:55goodbye, what am I supposed to do? I don't know, I don't know what, wait, what is this?
07:06Maybe there's another door, there was another door, I'm a genius,
07:11what is in here? Nothing, closet, closet, closet, I bet you my left ball, yes, there was something
07:19there, okay, nothing at all, really, I don't understand why they put these
07:28rooms that has nothing in them, it's kinda pissing me off,
07:36okay, I get that it's a storage and they place, like,
07:40chairs and shit, maybe they're behind the chairs, chairs, I hate you,
07:49whoever come back and sees this mess, he's gonna be like, oh, no,
07:52you didn't, oh, no, he didn't, I just stacked the chairs, I don't even know what I'm talking about,
08:02they have to go back to, like, the dining hall or something,
08:06and why do they put two rooms that has nothing, I don't understand,
08:14oh, are you kidding me? Ouch, derp, derp, it's fire, really, derp, maybe I can get water somehow,
08:28don't derp me, the game just derped me,
08:30oh, come on, oh, come on, come on, maybe there's a painting I can move, I highly doubt it,
08:46maybe there's some water in the storage, probably not,
08:49fucking lame episode, guys, I'm sorry, I don't even know what I'm doing,
08:54so, if you have any ideas or anything that could help me in progress in this story, then please
09:05go ahead and leave a comment, but if you don't know what you're talking about, then please don't
09:09leave a comment, like, this thing, it's kind of annoying, like, I remember one time in Overture,
09:15there was this one guy, he's like, hey, pity, you missed this area, you have to go there,
09:19and I spent, like, forever trying to go there and look for it, and it was nothing, fucking trolls,
09:29yeah, okay, I'm definitely not failing, oh, wait, there's a fucking door,
09:33holy crap, I'm a genius, this is a chest, oh, I thought Stefano would be in here,
09:40I missed Stefano, but I have Ezio, I'm with you, pity, what is this, I can move this,
09:52all right, let's go, broken lock, maybe this, maybe this, yes, yes, yes,
10:04yes, come on, pull it, Jesus, yes, the crowbar is broken, how the fuck do I open the door,
10:14are you kidding me, are you kidding me,
10:20but, why would they, why, I don't understand, no, no, my crowbar, why,
10:34how can it break from wood, how can, no, I'm a beast, I was so happy,
10:42oh, maybe I can, maybe I can, maybe I can, yes, yes, yes, this room,
10:54I will push it, yes, oh, yes, how the heck does that work, I don't know,
11:00but I'm doing it, yes, yes, I'm doing it, yes, yeah, perfect, I have no idea what I'm doing,
11:08fuck, oh, never mind, let's go, that was awkward, at least we can move, what is this,
11:25this is a, yes, yes, I'm a genius, I'm a genius, hello, now we go here, because I'm a genius,
11:38out of oil, but that's okay, because,
11:41yes, hello, what's in here, I don't know, but let's go, what is this, a puzzle,
11:55this is definitely a puzzle episode, actually it's not, but I'm, I don't even know,
11:59I don't know, what is this, shovels, I love shovels, oh, I'm in heaven, oh,
12:10ah, don't hit me shovels, no, no, no, it's devil shovels, I've heard of these before,
12:17ah, you better save me, devil shovels, it's so dark, please,
12:23please, what's this, more devil shovels, no, I can't see, it's so dark,
12:32okay, so nothing in here, what's this, it's a door, ouch,
12:38I better look out for this, it's so freaking dark,
12:42it's so dark, freaky frack, I've been in here, haven't I, I'm lost, aren't I, am I, isn't I, am, no,
13:14it's okay, it's okay, go,
13:24oh, freaky frack, oh, he sees me,
13:32oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
13:44oh my god man boobs man boobs you can say why did i do this he's after me
14:07i thought it wouldn't see me
14:09oh i get goosebumps and etzio fell down etzio why
14:22i don't even know
14:29i'm taking you with me
14:31ah a friend i wish i could row there
14:35okay wait hey pity i'm a pig but if you want to get out you must i've done this so many times
14:46you should be like hey what's up my name's piggy what's up what's up bro let's go let's go i've
14:54been waiting for you pity let's go i'm excited let's go i'm pumped i'm pumped fist pump let's
15:00go let's go let's go i'm out let's go find monsters yeah i'm excited he's pretty you're
15:07pretty obnoxious actually i just lay here then sunbathe in the camp yeah sunbathe yeah
15:14yeah sweet sweet welcome my tan yeah yeah yeah let's go find some ladies yeah
15:22yeah i think they will be here i saw some earlier i heard some noise like
15:26i think that's a girl's i don't even know what i'm talking about yes
15:32all right um i'll leave you there for a while okay it's fine let's go let's go let's go i'm just
15:38saying all right it's back already let's go let's go i'm excited yay do you ever stop talking no
15:47yeah fist bump only when i fist bump i'm tired i mean it's not talking what
15:53oh i really have to end the episode now i had it all right it's cute you can end it it's
15:58quite cute i understand you're busy you're busy man i understand yeah i'll see you tomorrow man
16:03all right let's go see you all right see you guys i really
16:07i think i'm
16:12yeah ask me what it feel like staring at a sky so vanilla telling kurt russell homie this ain't
16:17real life i'll be making good on my promises honesty is confidence a lot of it is missing
16:22but i realize i could be better than i was lighter on my feet cooking up the soul when we fire up the
