Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids - _Smart Kid_ - 1973

  • hace 3 meses
00:30Es Bill Cosby viniendo a ti con música y divertido, y si no estás atento, podrías aprender algo antes de que termine.
00:36Así que prepárate, ¿de acuerdo?
00:37Hey, hey, hey!
01:30Hay gente que tiene buenas escuelas, pero nunca se las deja, ¿sabes?
01:33Fat Albert y los chicos, son iguales.
01:35Les gusta tener buenas escuelas, pero no están muy a favor de tener que trabajar por ellas.
01:41Pero hay algunas personas que no tienen que trabajar tan duro para obtener buenas escuelas.
01:44Como Thurman.
01:49Las escuelas de examen están en la esquina derecha superior de vuestros papeles.
02:01Todos los que fallaron, quedarán después de clase.
02:04¡Oh, no!
02:06¡Oh, no!
02:08¡No podemos jugar más!
02:10Y aquellos de ustedes que obtengan una A, pueden salir temprano.
02:20Oh, Thurman, ¿no te has olvidado de algo?
02:23No lo creo.
02:25Tu trabajo en casa, tus libros.
02:27¡Todo eso se ha ocupado!
02:30Ese Thurman, cree que es tan inteligente.
02:51Hey, hey, hey.
02:53Qué día largo.
02:55Con un largo día
02:57No, pero Thurber, salió muy temprano
03:00Ah, ¿por qué no aprendes a hablar a través de tu nariz?
03:02¿Por qué?
03:03Para que puedas mantener tu boca cerrada
03:05Hombre, todo este trabajo de casa que tenemos
03:08Yo seguro que no quiero llevar todos estos libros a casa
03:12Thurber no lleva los libros
03:22¡Trabajo de casa!
03:23¡Eso es lo peor que he encontrado!
03:25¡Yo también!
03:26¡Ah, hombre, es trabajo de casa!
03:27¡Yo trabajo de casa todo el tiempo!
03:28¡Ah, hombre, no podemos hacer nada!
03:32¡Hey, hey, hey! ¡Thurber!
03:38¡Hola, gatos!
03:39¿A dónde van con esos libros?
03:41¡Ugh! ¡Trabajo de casa!
03:43¡Todos vamos a morir si no obtenemos mejores grados!
03:47¿Por qué nunca llevas los libros a casa, Thurber?
03:49¡Eso no es mi estilo!
03:51Hey, ¿qué tal un pequeño voleibol?
03:53No, tenemos que ir a casa y hacer nuestras dumbas tareas
03:56¡Ah, vamos! ¡Tengo un nuevo boletín de voleibol!
04:01Bien, pero solo por un poco de tiempo
04:04¡Sí, vamos!
04:05¡Sí, por un poco de tiempo! ¡Tenemos un nuevo boletín de voleibol!
04:08¡Sí, vamos a trabajar de casa!
04:15Hey, Thurber, pensé que decías que era un nuevo boletín de voleibol
04:18¡Parece un viejo cerdo!
04:20¡También tienes razón! ¡Es un viejo cerdo y un nuevo boletín de voleibol!
04:24¡No juegues!
04:26¡Vamos, juguemos! ¡Te voy a servir!
04:40¡Cuando estés listo, Thurber!
04:43¡Espero que Thurber no empiece cosas que no puede terminar!
04:46¡Quizás Thurber no puede empezar cosas que no puede empezar!
04:50¡Vamos! ¡Vamos otra vez!
04:52¡Ey, ey! ¡Espera!
04:54¡Tienes dos goles! ¡Te voy a servir!
04:57¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
05:39¡Ahí está! ¡Veo la bola!
05:45¿Qué pasa con él?
05:46Nada. Es solo que su cuerpo y mi cuerpo nunca se han presentado.
05:51¡Suéltate! ¡Tienes tu nuevo boletín aquí!
05:56Nunca haces tu propia obra.
05:58Gracias a el viejo cerdo Thurber.
06:00Él era brillante con los libros, pero Thurber rompió la bola, amigo.
06:07¡Ey! ¿A dónde vas?
06:09¡Ey! ¡Vuelve aquí!
06:11¡Ah! ¡Quítate todos!
06:13¿Escuchaste lo que dije?
06:22Y así, podemos ver que la Relatividad es el principio de que no hay una moción absoluta.
06:27Una moción, o una moción con respecto a algún espacio absoluto lleno de aterrizaje.
06:31Pero que toda esa moción es relativa a la de una porción de la materia con respecto a otra porción de la materia.
06:37Un principio confirmado por el hecho de que la velocidad de la luz es constante y independiente de la moción de la fuente.
06:44Thurber, ¡eso es increíble! ¿Cómo aprendiste la teoría de Einstein solo tú mismo?
06:50¡Ah! ¡No fue duro!
06:53¡Wow! ¡Eso es increíble! ¡Nunca había visto algo así antes!
06:59Fat Albert y los niños están muy impresionados con el Sr. No-Suéltame Thurber.
07:03Parece que todo es muy fácil para ellos. ¿O no es así?
07:08¡Todo es fácil para los niños! ¡Ayudad!
07:11Los niños no pueden pasar el día sin estudiar.
07:15¡Eso es muy difícil para los niños!
07:18Pero es un juego muy difícil.
07:21Ha, ha, te digo...
07:24Tienes que estudiar siempre, siempre.
07:27¡Nunca antes, nunca!
07:29Vamos, vamos.
07:31Vas mejor.
07:36I'm gonna tell your teacher you're working your head to the bone.
07:40Don't you tell nobody nothing.
07:43No, that should be tell nobody anything.
07:53Today's history lesson will deal with the Constitution of the United States.
07:58Who can tell us what we call the first ten amendments?
08:04The first ten amendments are called the Bill of Rights.
08:08Very good.
08:10Very good.
08:12Rudy, will you please give us the preamble to the Constitution?
08:22Oh yeah, now I remember.
08:26Four score and seven years ago...
08:28No, no, no!
08:34Fat Albert, you seem to know quite a bit.
08:37Perhaps you can recite the preamble.
08:43Listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride...
08:47No, no, no!
08:51My country tis of thee, sweet land...
08:54No, no, no!
08:56Oh, oh, oh.
08:59I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me a...
09:07I'll give you two seconds to sit down.
09:10Well, Thurmond, what's the answer?
09:12We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union,
09:16establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide it for the common defense,
09:21promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty.
09:25To ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
09:37Hey, hey, hey. This staying after school is getting to be a drag.
09:43Who needs this?
09:44Who needs it? Nobody needs nothing like this.
09:46That's right.
09:47Hey, hi gang. Hey, wait a minute.
09:50I got something real cool to show you dudes.
09:53Oh, get lost, egghead.
09:55Got a new sport we can all play. Guess what it is.
09:58Swing the stupid pipe?
10:00No, no. Watch.
10:05Thurmond, forget it.
10:06Yeah, you and sports just don't mix.
10:10Apparently, Fat Albert and the kids have made up their minds,
10:13and they don't want to be confused by the facts.
10:16Lousy homework.
10:21We get homework all day long.
10:23And homework, homework.
10:25Hey, hey, hey. This math is heavy on the head.
10:29I got it down cold. Ask me anything.
10:32Okay. If you got a quarter in one pocket and 40 cents in the other, what do you have?
10:38Somebody else's pants.
10:40And what have you been getting under the watermarks?
10:42Under watermarks?
10:44Yeah, below sea level.
10:47I don't get it.
10:51Boy, is this ever fun.
10:56Hey, wow. Yay.
10:58Man, nothing like a good game of golf.
11:01Hey, Thurmond, what you got there, man?
11:04Oh, hi there. Just getting ready to play me a round of golf on my own private golf course.
11:10Golf? You?
11:15Thurmond playing golf.
11:18That's a go.
11:20Yeah, I like that one.
11:22Dig this form.
11:33You sure dig that one.
11:36What do you know? That's the way you're supposed to hit a shank mashy shot.
11:39It is that.
11:41I suppose you dudes could do better.
11:43Yeah, are you kidding me?
11:46Give me that club.
11:48Yeah, man, that's the one I want.
11:50Hey, man, I left-handed club, eh.
11:52So what? I'm right-handed.
11:54It don't matter.
11:56Let's see if any of you cats can hit a ball as good as me.
11:58Zoom on this one.
12:00Yeah, man, watch me part of this one.
12:02I'm gonna kill it, watch.
12:06Three, four.
12:15Why you like them apples, Mr. Oil Pro?
12:17Think you can do any gooder than that?
12:19No, class.
12:21Golf isn't just power, it's accuracy.
12:23It's all in the hands and wrists.
12:27See that last flag down there?
12:31I'm gonna lay it right in the old cup.
12:36Hit the ball!
12:45Hit the ball!
13:15Hey, hey, hey.
13:17That sure was nice of that man to give us Thurman's ball back.
13:19Way to tell him he didn't have to pay for the busted window.
13:23What we gotta tell him for?
13:25He's been hiding out all weekend.
13:27And maybe he won't go to school no more.
13:29We won't get hassled so much by Miss Brafogle.
13:31That's the smartest thing I heard today.
13:35No, no, that's mean.
13:37Good idea, but mean.
13:39No way of it.
13:41We gotta go tell him.
13:43We're just keeping you company.
13:45Mama says you better go out and get some sun.
13:49You've been cooped up up here all weekend, Thurman.
13:53Thurman? Who's Thurman?
13:55Aw, come on, Thurman.
13:57What's with the corny disguise?
13:59Oh, you can tell it's me?
14:01Mm-hmm. Thurman.
14:05Hey, Thurman.
14:07Come on out. We got something to tell you.
14:09Quick, get down there. Tell him I'm not here.
14:11Huh? What's with you?
14:13Don't argue. Go down there and get rid of him.
14:17Thurman says he's not here.
14:21Don't bug me.
14:23I think he's flipped his wig.
14:25It's all this studying he does.
14:27Huh? Studying?
14:31Why, he never took a book home in his life.
14:33He doesn't have to.
14:35He's got a complete set of school books in his room.
14:37Why, that's phony baloney.
14:39All this time making us think he never studied.
14:43Hey, sis.
14:45Did you get rid of him?
14:47Did you tell him I wasn't here?
14:49Yeah, she told us.
14:53It's always darkest before the dawn.
14:55But a total eclipse?
14:57Okay, Thurman.
14:59We're gonna teach you a lesson.
15:01Come on, Thurman. Put them up.
15:03No, no, Thurman.
15:05Not like that.
15:07Like this.
15:09Come over here and work out on the bag.
15:19Ah, what's the use?
15:21You dudes are wasting your time on me.
15:23I just ain't no athlete.
15:25Hey, man, come on.
15:27You're just starting now.
15:29That's right. You gotta sweat to be cool in sports.
15:33Just like you're sweating over your books.
15:35Come on, get going.
15:37Hit that bag.
15:47Fat Albert, tell us
15:49what the chemical formula H2O stands for.
15:51Let's see.
15:55there's two parts of hydrogen
15:57and one part of oxygen.
15:59That's right.
16:01And what is that chemical compound called?
16:09Well, I must compliment you.
16:11Every one of you.
16:13You've all improved so much recently.
16:15Whatever you're doing,
16:17it's right on.
16:19Come on, Thurman.
16:23All right.
16:27Don't tighten up.
16:33Like I always say,
16:35tighten up.
16:39And step right into it.
16:45He did it!
16:49We knew you could do it.
16:51World Series, here we come!
16:53All right!
16:57Well, the kids seem to have worked out
16:59a pretty fair deal here.
17:01y se convierte en Albert Einstein por la noche
17:03y Thurman no va a ser Willy Mays tampoco
17:06pero todos están aprendiendo algo nuevo
17:08De hecho, los niños han aprendido una nueva canción
17:11¿de qué?
17:12De aprender
17:13¡Eso es!
17:14¡Eres tan inteligente!
17:26Oh, no es fácil
17:29pero puedes hacerlo si lo intentas
17:34Oh, no es fácil
17:38cuando alcanzas, tienes que alcanzar
17:47Hay cosas que quizás quieras
17:51y si eres inteligente, trabajas muy duro
17:55porque tan solo intentes
18:00no hay montaña que no puedas subir
18:03¡No, no, no!
18:09Oh, no es fácil
18:12pero puedes hacerlo si lo intentas
18:17Oh, no es fácil
18:21cuando alcanzas, tienes que alcanzar
18:30Si las cosas se vuelven difíciles, no te quedes
18:34con tu mente
18:36solo toma tiempo
18:38y el tiempo está a tu lado
18:43mientras intentes
18:46¡Sí, sí, sí!
18:52Oh, no es fácil
18:55pero puedes hacerlo si lo intentas
19:00Oh, no es fácil
19:04cuando alcanzas, tienes que alcanzar
19:21¡Sí, sí, sí!
19:23¡Es tan fácil!
