Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids - _Playing Hookey_ - 1972

  • hace 3 meses
00:30Es Bill Cosby viniendo a ti con música y divertido
00:32y si no estás atento, podrías aprender algo antes de que termine
00:35Así que vamos a prepararnos, ¿de acuerdo?
00:37¡Hey, hey, hey!
01:03La mitad del divertido de la vida es esperar, ¿sabes?
01:07Mirando hacia adelante para ver qué tan bueno algo va a ser antes de que suceda
01:13Sí, de hecho
01:16Como el tiempo que me envié para un kit de desarrollo de músculos
01:21Y todo lo que tuve para mi boxtop en 25 centavos
01:24Fue una bolsa de bolsa de bolsa de bolsa
01:27Y todo lo que tuve para mi boxtop en 25 centavos
01:29Fue una bolsa de bolsa de bolsa de bolsa
01:31Que se suponía que tenía que romper en la mitad
01:34Lo mostré, lo rompí en la mitad
01:37Una página a la vez
01:41De todos modos
01:42Tenía un poco de tiempo pensando en mis músculos antes de que llegara el mailman
01:46El Fat Albert y la banda están pensando en cómo va a ser
01:49Tomar un día de descanso de la escuela
01:51Es un pensamiento grube
01:53Pero de alguna manera, las cosas no siempre funcionan como esperamos
01:58El Fat Albert y la banda
02:05Hombre, me gustaría que no tuviera que volver a la escuela esta tarde
02:09Sí, yo también, hombre
02:11No me siento bien sentado en una sala de clase
02:14Sí, hombre, sentado ahí, leyendo esos antiguos libros
02:17Cuando podríamos estar ahí, disfrutándonos un poco en el día
02:20Sí, podríamos estar en nuestras bicicletas
02:22Sí, podríamos estar jugando al béisbol
02:25Podríamos estar jugando al viejo balón
02:27¿Cómo puede ser?
02:28Tenemos que irnos a la escuela, a la escuela, de todos modos, pero tal vez
02:33Porque tenemos que irnos
02:35Todo el mundo sabe que eres un niño
02:37Tienes que ir a la escuela porque tienes que ir a la escuela
02:40Sí, pero no tenemos que ir a la escuela
02:43Sí, lo tienes, hombre
02:45Tienen tu nombre en esa pieza de papel
02:47Y cuando llaman tu nombre, si no estás ahí, entonces no estás ahí
02:50Y cuando no estás ahí, ponen una marca en tu nombre, hombre
02:53Diciendo que no estás ahí
02:56Entonces, cuando pones tu carta de reportaje, y tu madre dice
02:59Bueno, ¿por qué no fuiste a la escuela?
03:01Sí, pero mamá no recuerda todos los días que estoy fuera
03:05Y yo solo digo, bueno, ese es un error que el profesor hizo
03:08No, pero...
03:09No, pero voy de vuelta a la escuela esta tarde
03:13Ese es el problema contigo, hombre
03:15No hay clase
03:17No puedes dividir un día de juegos
03:19¿Quién dice eso?
03:21¡Todos dicen eso!
03:23Lo sé
03:24Creo que no deberíamos ir a la escuela mañana
03:27Mañana, tomaremos todo el día y nos divertiremos todos
03:31¿Por qué no? ¡No lo sé!
03:32¡No lo sé!
03:33Si nuestros compañeros se aprenden de eso, van a llorar
03:36¿Qué quieres decir?
03:37No vamos a escuchar nada
03:43¡Lo sé! ¡No voy a escuchar nada! ¡Soy profundo!
03:51Hola, mamá. Vamos a la escuela ahora
03:53¡Hey, Bill! Pensé que ibas a jugar al hockey
03:57¿Qué fue eso?
03:58Dijo que nos salvara un paquete para después de la escuela
04:02¡Bad Albert! ¡Es tiempo de ir a la escuela!
04:04Sí, hombre
04:05No me voy a olvidar de la escuela
04:09Hasta luego, mamá
04:10Si me quieres hoy, estaré en la escuela todo el día
04:14¡Hey, hey, hey!
04:15¡Hey, hombre!
04:16¡Hey, hombre! ¿Qué pasa?
04:18¿Cómo está, hombre?
04:20¡Hey! ¡Mira lo que me dio mi mamá!
04:22¡Un agujero para la maestra!
04:37¡Hey, Donald!
04:38¿Qué pasa, hombre?
04:39¿Cómo estás?
04:40¿Qué está pasando?
04:41¡Hola! ¡Hola!
04:44¿Qué haces con todos esos libros?
04:46¿No los investigas, hombre?
04:47Está jugando al cool
04:49Hace que todos crean que va a la escuela
04:57¡Voy a la escuela!
05:00¡Va a la escuela!
05:04¡Vas a la escuela!
05:06Bueno, tengo que...
05:08...quitarme la mesa
05:12Tengo que cambiar el aire en la mesa
05:18Tengo que...
05:19Checkar en el comentario en el muñeco
05:29Soy un vagной, solo no me siento como playing hooky, es todo
05:46Hey, hey, hey, es Donald Eversteen
05:50Oh, Donald's so uptight, no tellin' what he'll do
05:55I bet he'll tear his locker door right out the hinges when he gets to school
06:00Yeah, and he's gonna slam his books down so hard on his desk that the whole building's gonna shake, man
06:06Yeah, and then he'll tell the teacher we're all playin' hooky
06:17He wouldn't do that to us, would he?
06:20Yes, he would
06:29Hey, hey, hey, love the skateboard
06:35Well, Fat Albert and the kids have made the big jump
06:38Instead of going to school, they've decided that they're really gonna play hooky
06:42And they're gonna have a great old time of it, too
06:44At least that's what they tell themselves
06:49Hooky's great, man
06:50Couldn't do this in no school
06:53Look out!
07:01What's the matter with you kids comin' rollin' down the hill like that, bangin' on an old man with his junk wagon?
07:06Uh-oh, we're sorry
07:08We'll get it all picked up for you
07:10Don't get mad, mister
07:11We'll fix everything for you
07:12I don't need your help
07:14What are you kids doin' out of school, anyway?
07:16Uh, what school?
07:18What school?
07:19You know good kids are ditchin' school just so you can mess up an old man with his junk wagon
07:24But, but...
07:25I'm callin' the police
07:30These kids, these kids are messin' up an old man with his junk wagon
07:36Hey, hey, hey, let's be on our way
07:41Wait, Bill, I want my skateboard
07:44Come on, you wanna get caught by the police for messin' up an old man with his junk wagon?
07:51You kids come back here and wait for the police to whoop you!
08:02Hey, men, the coast is clear
08:04I be sure be hopin' that the old man with his junk wagon don't tell the police where we are, baby
08:13Uh, he don't know who we are
08:15But Donald knows who we are
08:17And he's gonna tell everybody at school
08:20You're all plain hooky
08:22Russell, they ought to call you Surrender
08:27I'll take one look at you, and I give up
08:29Yeah, told Donald he wouldn't blow the whistle on us dudes
08:33Yeah, quit playin' hooky to have fun
08:36Now watch my fat Albert flip-flop
08:38Watch it
08:41Hey, hey, hey
08:46Hey, hey, hey, made my own subway
08:54Hey, hey, hey, love to go cruisin'
08:58I be don't be dig be
09:00How be we be gonna get be
09:02A boat be, ride be
09:04Do I gotta spell everything out for you, man?
09:06Hmm be
09:08Here's the scoop
09:09See that garbage scowl comin' down the river?
09:12Captain Albert's gonna fling that old harpoon smack dab in the back of that scowl
09:17And we're gonna get a free tow all the way down the bay
09:25Harpoon away
09:29Harpoon away
09:35I be don't be dig be
09:37How be we be gonna get a boat be, ride be, maybe
09:42No class
09:45It's almost ready
09:46If the squares in school could only see us now
09:49Hey, hey, hey, ski jump away
09:52Okay, crew
09:54You do like I say
09:55And this old toboggan's gonna fly off that old ski ramp
09:58Clear into outer space
10:00Let me out, I'm scared
10:02Don't worry
10:03We're gonna go sailin' high in the sky
10:05And come coastin' to a stop
10:07In them nice soft ashes, man
10:26I don't know about that old boob sled
10:28That's bob sled
10:30The way you drive it, it's a boob sled
10:38Hey, be Harold
10:39I'm be gettin' it down, be man, be
10:42Tell me again, be, about a good time, be
10:45We havin' playin' hooky
10:47Hey, hey, hey
10:48Hooky's better
10:49Late in the day, day, day
10:52Uh-oh, the police
11:03Let's split
11:06Hey, you kids
11:07I'm you in this neighborhood
11:08Where's a good place to eat lunch?
11:13Beak, beak, um, um, beep
11:15Beep, beep
11:16Um, um, barbecue
11:17Beep, bully, barbecue
11:18Beep, barbecue
11:21Thanks, kids
11:24That was close
11:30Hey, hey, hey
11:31Who wants to ride on the hangin' car?
11:50Come on, rusher
11:54Hey, hey, hey
11:55Hey, hey, hey
11:56Hey, hey, hey
11:57Hey, hey, hey
11:58Hey, hey, hey
11:59Hey, hey, hey
12:00All right
12:02Stop, I wanna get off
12:06Hey, hey, hey
12:07How you stop this thing?
12:23Look out
12:25Watch out
12:43For a minute
12:44I thought we was all washed up
12:51Anybody got a towel?
12:57Hey, you kids
12:58What are you doing around here?
13:02If I lay my hands on you kids
13:04You'll be sorry
13:12You ain't see
13:14That man's gonna turn us into the police
13:17And you all be ended up in jail
13:20I'll dry up, kid
13:22I wish I could
13:23I wish we all could
13:31I'll tell you, Chuck
13:32There's no percentage in going to work
13:34Until you've given everything else a fair trial
13:37The way I figure it, Len
13:38The lazier we are today
13:40The more we'll get done tomorrow
13:44Hey, you kids are soaking wet
13:47Come on over to the fire and dry off
13:50Hey, hey, hey
13:52Hey, I'll bet you kids are playing hooky
13:58Oh, no
13:59Then what are you doing around here?
14:03We be just be flunked
14:12We have met all day
14:14Can you spare a little food, please?
14:23Pretty tasty, huh?
14:24Wanna know what's in that?
14:26Once you get used to outdoor cooking
14:28It spoils you for that slop they serve at home
14:31Right, men?
14:36You wouldn't think it to look at us
14:38But Len and me were just as bad off as you poor kids once
14:42Us poor kids?
14:45Yes, sir
14:46Chuck and I, uh
14:47We start out with nothing in life to look forward to
14:51Then we start playing hooky
14:52And a whole new world opened up to us
14:56And you kids can have what we've got, too
14:58I can see you now
14:59Saying goodbye to your dull humdrum routine
15:03Riding free under only the best brake cars
15:07Touring every hobo jungle from coast to coast
15:21Free as the wind
15:23Out in the good fresh air
15:30Meeting the best people and staying in the best places
15:33And the best part of it all is
15:36You don't have to worry about keeping in touch with old friends and relatives
15:43Because if you don't go to school, you'll never learn to read and write letters
15:46And another thing
15:50Our private car is pulling out
15:51We gotta run
15:55Remember, kids
15:56The good life can be yours
16:02Hey, what you kids doing down here so early?
16:05School didn't start for two hours
16:07You ever heard of dropouts?
16:11Well, hey, hey, hey
16:12We're drop-ins
16:15Now pay attention, you dudes
16:17We got some catching up to do
16:19Now, around, uh
16:20Uh, what year was the Magna Charta signed?
16:24That's Carta
16:26Shut up
16:27Who's the teacher here anyway?
16:31I think Fat Albert and the kids kind of discovered one thing today
16:35School may not be the greatest
16:37But the worst thing in the world
16:39Is not going to school
16:41When there is school
16:43To prove that they've learned their lesson
16:45Fat Albert and the kids
16:47Have come up with a song about playing hooky
16:50That tells it like it really is
16:52You give a listen
16:54Hey, hey, hey
16:56I see you over there sneaking around
16:58Like you're some private eye
17:02You really think you're getting away with something, don't you?
17:06Well, just you listen here
17:10There's no fool like a fool
17:14Playing hooky
17:18There's no fool like a fool
17:22Playing hooky
17:27Anyone can tell
17:31He's only fooling himself
17:34Cause there's no fool like a fool
17:38Playing hooky
17:43You think you're the smart guy
17:47Just cause you stayed away
17:52If you're so smart
17:54We'll think real hard
17:56Tell me, what did you learn today?
18:00You'll end up like that one dude
18:04Who's always in geography
18:08Believe it or not
18:11He gets lost
18:13Every time he crosses the street
18:15Hey, hey, hey
18:17There's no fool like a fool
18:20Playing hooky
18:24There's no fool like a fool
18:28Playing hooky
18:33Well, just look at you
18:35What are you gonna do?
18:37All your friends are back in school
18:40Learning, having recess
18:43Hey, I tell you what
18:46As long as you're sneaking around
18:48Why not sneak back into class?
18:50There's no fool like a fool
18:54Playing hooky
18:58There's no fool like a fool
19:02Playing hooky
19:06There's no fool like a fool
19:10Playing hooky
19:18There's no fool like a fool
19:22Playing hooky
19:48Subtítulos realizados por la comunidad de Amara.org
