Queen of Mystery S02 E05 Hindi Dubbed

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Queen of Mystery S02 E05 Hindi Dubbed


00:00:30This is a truck. It looks like a very expensive copycat.
00:00:33It also copies useless things.
00:00:39Now look there.
00:00:40Calm down, dear.
00:00:42He had targeted her, otherwise he couldn't have hit her.
00:00:46I'm not an honorary police officer.
00:00:49When I can't easily come to the police station, then what kind of an officer am I?
00:00:53I'm sure I've seen him somewhere.
00:01:02He slapped me as soon as he came in.
00:01:05I'm sure I've fought with him before.
00:01:08This doesn't look like my school.
00:01:11It's a small motor...
00:01:12It's you!
00:01:14Constable Lee!
00:01:15Where are you going?
00:01:16Come, sit.
00:01:17I'm going to the police station.
00:01:20Constable Lee!
00:01:21Where are you going?
00:01:22Come, sit.
00:01:24Thank you.
00:01:28This is a veteran's car.
00:01:32I've heard that you've solved the Ang Zani case again.
00:01:35I respect you a lot.
00:01:39I also respect you, Constable Lee.
00:01:43Tell me, how did you get selected in the police force?
00:01:46I always fail in the police exam.
00:01:49I also failed many times.
00:01:50I studied for three years in Noryang Dong.
00:01:53In Noryang Dong?
00:01:54I didn't work hard for the first two years.
00:01:58Then I worked hard for the third year.
00:02:00Because there was a beautiful girl in the general class.
00:02:03I'll also join the general class.
00:02:05Maybe I'll find a handsome boy.
00:02:08Please drop me at that bus stop.
00:02:11Where are you?
00:02:12Are you coming or not?
00:02:13Dad is waiting for you.
00:02:17Dad is happier without me.
00:02:21Hey, you've reached.
00:02:26You've become the president.
00:02:27Thanks to the high-end Xiong law firm for supporting Yana's mom.
00:02:31Now there's no need for any case.
00:02:32Can we go for dinner after this?
00:02:34Next time.
00:02:35When you were young, you used to stay with me all the time.
00:02:38And now that you've grown up, you don't even have time to eat with me.
00:02:41Give me a nice treat next time.
00:02:43We'll have dinner at the most expensive place.
00:02:45You've become the CEO.
00:02:48Go, you have a lot of work to do.
00:02:55Now Mr. Ha Jisung, the new president of the high-end Xiong law firm, will give his inaugural speech.
00:03:07Hello everyone, I'm Ha Jisung.
00:03:09Thank you.
00:03:16To be honest, I feel a little weird right now.
00:03:20That's because our last president has run this firm very well.
00:03:27I wish I could take this firm forward like him.
00:03:32I'm very worried.
00:03:33But I'm sure that with your support, I can make Ha Jisung a very successful firm in the near future.
00:03:41And I only need your help in this.
00:03:49As you know, Ha Jisung is the first firm to make Dongban.
00:03:53It's a public platform that fights for the rights of crime victims.
00:03:57And actually Dongban...
00:03:59Sir, are you okay?
00:04:09Call an ambulance!
00:04:31Mr. Kim, Mr. Ha has been taken to the hospital.
00:04:36Okay, I'll follow him.
00:04:46Noryang-dong General Class.
00:05:02Dongban-dong General Class.
00:05:09So this is where I'll find that handsome.
00:05:16You look so good without glasses.
00:05:21Who, me?
00:05:23Are your eyes weak?
00:05:24Don't you think these are glasses for the eyes?
00:05:26Is this in fashion these days?
00:05:28No, these are glasses for the eyes.
00:05:32Where will you get off?
00:05:34I'm not an ordinary person.
00:05:37I'll get off at Noryang-dong.
00:05:39It's the next stop.
00:05:41This was bound to happen.
00:05:44Oh man!
00:05:46I'm getting off there too.
00:05:48Oh really? What a coincidence.
00:05:51Dongban-dong General Class.
00:06:00Why are you following me?
00:06:02What do you want?
00:06:04I forgot my cell phone.
00:06:07Will you give me your phone?
00:06:09I won't follow you after that.
00:06:12Okay, hurry up.
00:06:14Are you going that way?
00:06:16I'll go this way.
00:06:17Okay, hurry up.
00:06:19I'm getting late for class.
00:06:20Thank you.
00:06:25It's not even cooked properly.
00:06:31I want to eat something good.
00:06:34But I don't want to eat alone.
00:06:46Hello, detective.
00:06:48Did you change your number?
00:06:49No, it's someone else's phone.
00:06:51Did you lose your phone again?
00:06:53You can't do anything.
00:06:54Go and catch the criminals.
00:06:57Why did you call me?
00:06:58Can you come here right now?
00:07:00I'm busy right now.
00:07:06Where can I keep this bowl?
00:07:09Why are you bothering me?
00:07:11I told you I'm busy.
00:07:12I know you're very busy.
00:07:13But it's your job to catch the criminals.
00:07:15I caught this man with a hidden camera.
00:07:17Come here quickly.
00:07:18He's hiding the camera in his glasses.
00:07:20It's not a new thing.
00:07:21It's a USB camera.
00:07:22The port is in his feet.
00:07:24The glasses in the black frame are out of fashion.
00:07:26Give me my phone back.
00:07:28Let me finish what I have to say.
00:07:31He was making a video of the wrong girls.
00:07:33I saw it myself.
00:07:46Oh, God.
00:07:47It's weird.
00:07:49Don't you want your phone?
00:07:51Give it to me.
00:07:52This is not a clone phone.
00:07:53If you run away, you'll get caught.
00:07:57Why are you doing this to me?
00:07:59Admit your crime.
00:08:02You're a very handsome guy.
00:08:04But these glasses are out of fashion.
00:08:08What's wrong with you?
00:08:16You should have known this when you came to this city.
00:08:20Sit inside.
00:08:22If you wanted to use the hidden camera, you should have used it on someone else.
00:08:25Stupid man.
00:08:27A detective shouldn't say that.
00:08:30I was just saying that such criminals are caught like this.
00:08:33What else?
00:08:34What do you think of me?
00:08:36Won't you sit?
00:08:38I want to walk around here.
00:08:40What's there to walk around here?
00:08:42What is this?
00:08:44Let's go.
00:08:45Let's go.
00:08:46Let's go.
00:08:47Let's go.
00:09:12This is the place I wanted to study.
00:09:18Let's go.
00:09:29This is cheaper than those big markets.
00:09:33The more you buy, the more you get.
00:09:48This is amazing.
00:09:51It's good to strangle someone.
00:09:58Here's the rest of the money.
00:10:00Thank you.
00:10:08Where are you going?
00:10:10I've already paid.
00:10:12He's already paid.
00:10:14Have you gone blind?
00:10:18Can't you see this?
00:10:20Oh, I forgot.
00:10:22Sorry, I don't want to buy this.
00:10:26Give me 1500.
00:10:29This is for three.
00:10:30And you'll have to pay 500 times more.
00:10:33Come on, give me 1500.
00:10:36Will you give me or should I call the police?
00:10:40Are you saying that I was stealing?
00:10:42Don't act smart with me.
00:10:46Look, you're making a big mistake.
00:10:48You're the one who made the mistake.
00:10:50You're a thief.
00:10:51How dare you steal?
00:10:53If you keep doing this, you'll go to jail.
00:10:57A thief doesn't go to jail.
00:10:59By threatening me, you're violating Article 350 of the Criminal Law.
00:11:04You'll be sentenced to 10 years in prison or a fine of 20000.
00:11:09I've only bought this much.
00:11:11And I'll prove that I took it by mistake.
00:11:14But you're threatening me and asking for money because of my mistake.
00:11:18You won't be able to escape.
00:11:19You'll be punished for this.
00:11:21I'll let you go this time.
00:11:23Come on, go.
00:11:25I felt really bad.
00:11:26I'm not taking this either.
00:11:28I'll report you to the police.
00:11:30Why are you just standing there?
00:11:31Return their money.
00:11:36Where are you going?
00:11:37You're hurt. Go and rest.
00:11:39I'll be right back.
00:11:40He just left.
00:12:02What happened to me? I can't believe it.
00:12:04That old man?
00:12:06If this continues, I'll be in trouble.
00:12:12It's okay.
00:12:13I've made up my mind.
00:12:35Then I'll save a lot.
00:12:39I should give him a treat.
00:12:54I should've bought them earlier.
00:12:56They're too expensive now.
00:12:59What do you want to eat?
00:13:01I won't tell you if I want to.
00:13:03Because when you cook, everyone tastes the same.
00:13:06You'll see.
00:13:07This time, I'll show you my skills.
00:13:09Look, I don't want to see any skills.
00:13:12You always buy pork belly and Samyang.
00:13:14How did you even think you'd mix peanut butter in Samyang?
00:13:17Please buy something that's easy to cook.
00:13:20Like canned food.
00:13:31You're being very stingy today.
00:13:34I'm sorry. I misunderstood you.
00:13:36After Munja's case, I saw you differently.
00:13:40You thought I was weak.
00:13:42I don't know why you thought I was weak.
00:13:44I was the best student at the university.
00:13:46I was a handsome policeman.
00:13:48I even shot an ad.
00:13:49That's a long time ago.
00:13:51That's not the point.
00:13:53What I'm trying to say is...
00:13:55you're very cool.
00:14:00Can you tell me what's so cool about me?
00:14:04If the law loses,
00:14:06the whole world loses.
00:14:09Policemen are people's last hope.
00:14:16Forget it.
00:14:17Don't think about the past.
00:14:19It's nothing special.
00:14:21Anyway, I respect you a little.
00:14:26What do you mean a little?
00:14:28Say that again.
00:14:30What did you say?
00:14:32I respect you.
00:14:34Detective, right?
00:14:36Are you happy now?
00:14:39If at that time...
00:14:42there was a detective like you, then...
00:14:46You don't understand. This isn't suicide.
00:14:50This is a suicide.
00:14:51I'm sure.
00:14:52My parents won't kill themselves.
00:14:54They've been murdered.
00:14:57Please find the murderer.
00:15:02I'm 99.9% sure.
00:15:04But not 100%.
00:15:09Believe me.
00:15:11They didn't commit suicide.
00:15:17Now this girl is bothering me.
00:15:20I told you I'm a bad guy.
00:15:23So I've decided.
00:15:29So you'll give me my ring back?
00:15:31Okay, give me my ring back.
00:15:33Why are you saying that?
00:15:36That ring...
00:15:38Give me my ring back.
00:15:40That ring...
00:15:50That ring...
00:16:17That ring...
00:16:18The woman he gave that ring to.
00:16:24That's right.
00:16:25She's the same woman.
00:16:29This is for 65.
00:16:34What are you thinking?
00:16:35Pay the bill.
00:16:39I thought you were buying this stuff.
00:16:43That's why she said she respects me.
00:16:45Let it be.
00:16:46I'll pay the bill.
00:16:48She bought such an expensive ring for that woman.
00:16:51And he can't buy this stuff for me.
00:17:03She's behaving very strangely today.
00:17:05Detective, yes.
00:17:07You're very cool.
00:17:16So she finally understood that I'm a very cool guy.
00:17:20I tried so hard to hide it.
00:17:22But it all went to waste.
00:17:26I'm wondering if she'll tell me her feelings
00:17:28and make me feel more uncomfortable.
00:17:32Why is she pretending like she didn't take the ring?
00:17:35And it won't look good if I ask her directly.
00:17:38I don't know.
00:17:40I'll ask her.
00:17:42I'll ask her.
00:17:43But it won't look good if I ask her directly.
00:17:45So did she take the ring?
00:17:48Not yet.
00:17:51I'm not a servant.
00:17:52You want me to cook and you just stand there.
00:17:55You told me not to touch anything while cooking.
00:17:58You can fix the table.
00:18:34So what did you want to do?
00:18:36You were telling me something.
00:18:40I've decided
00:18:42I'll walk on your path now.
00:18:51I failed before.
00:18:53So I can do better now.
00:18:56I know.
00:18:58Divorce is not an issue these days.
00:19:00I don't care either.
00:19:06I'll try again.
00:19:13But it'll be too soon.
00:19:15To start again.
00:19:17I don't have time.
00:19:19And I'm getting old.
00:19:21I'm not ready yet.
00:19:23Because if I want to start again
00:19:26I'll need a lot of things.
00:19:28It'll take some time to think.
00:19:30Why do you need to prepare?
00:19:33I'll handle everything.
00:19:42I think she likes me too much.
00:19:45She's saying it without hesitation.
00:19:59Walking on my path means studying in Noryangdong?
00:20:02I thought about it a lot.
00:20:03I got the answer.
00:20:05Queen's College.
00:20:07Queen's College.
00:20:08Queen's College.
00:20:09Queen's College.
00:20:10Queen's College.
00:20:12How did you get to Queen's College?
00:20:14That's weird.
00:20:16I know Noryangdong is good.
00:20:18But what's the time?
00:20:19It's 5 o'clock.
00:20:20There's no car.
00:20:21Yes, I know.
00:20:25So you want me to take you there?
00:20:29Everyone's drunk there.
00:20:31But it's okay.
00:20:33If a thug is after me, I can run.
00:20:35I run fast anyway.
00:20:42Are you sure you want to go to Noryangdong for studies?
00:20:44Then what else am I going to do?
00:20:46Half of the students are loafers.
00:20:48Girls meet boys on the pretext of studying.
00:20:50There's a bar and karaoke nearby.
00:20:52It's cheap to eat there too.
00:20:55Oh God!
00:20:56Will I meet boys while studying?
00:20:58I didn't know.
00:20:59By the way, you are absolutely ready for dating, right?
00:21:03Who would want to date a woman of this age?
00:21:06There are a lot of male lecturers there.
00:21:09What's this?
00:21:10Why is she worried about me going on a date?
00:21:14But why only Noryangdong?
00:21:15There are a lot of boys there.
00:21:17There are a lot of classes in Jongno too.
00:21:19It's near Tapgol Park.
00:21:25This girl will drive me crazy.
00:21:35Thank you.
00:21:37Thank you.
00:21:43Why does she want to study when she's old?
00:21:46I told her it's difficult, but she won't listen.
00:21:51I won't call her for any exam until she passes.
00:22:15Oh God!
00:22:19Everyone is studying so hard.
00:22:21I'll have fun.
00:22:23And I'll study a lot too.
00:22:29I'm glad I came to class early.
00:22:32I'll sit in the front seat now.
00:22:34Hey, where are you going?
00:22:37Can't you see this?
00:22:40What's this?
00:22:42You have to go in the order in which the books are kept.
00:22:45If you want a seat, put the notebook in the queue.
00:22:48Is this a queue?
00:22:55Oh my God!
00:23:00I've seen her somewhere.
00:23:03Where have I seen her?
00:23:07Is it right for a defendant to be found guilty if there is evidence?
00:23:11If there is evidence, then he should be declared guilty.
00:23:14Usually people think that the defendant should be declared guilty if there is evidence.
00:23:19But there are a lot of cases where he was not guilty.
00:23:22Do you know why?
00:23:23There are a few such cases here.
00:23:25Suppose there are five witnesses.
00:23:28Suppose there are five witnesses.
00:23:30When the jury listens to the witnesses, they reach a decision as the witnesses say.
00:23:36Even if there is no evidence, will the judge find the defendant guilty?
00:23:42Excuse me, I can't see.
00:23:45I can't see either.
00:23:48Convince the judge.
00:23:50Force the prosecutors to investigate.
00:23:53Oh God!
00:23:54This is better than a video lecture.
00:23:56Then this witness will testify in court.
00:23:59Evidence does not always hold the defendant guilty.
00:24:02Aren't you going to work?
00:24:09Are you working out?
00:24:21Are you tired?
00:24:24Aren't you tired?
00:24:26This is very easy.
00:24:28This is very easy.
00:24:32I fell asleep when I came here for the first time to work out.
00:24:35But I won't sleep today.
00:24:44Officer Yook, stop threatening new people.
00:24:48Everyone has to work like a team. Don't you think so?
00:24:53I mean, did I say something wrong?
00:24:56Tell me.
00:24:58Stop showing off.
00:25:00If you go beyond your limits, you will lose.
00:25:04What did you say?
00:25:14Do you know Detective Goh?
00:25:16You killed him.
00:25:30He was my senior.
00:25:44Are you crying?
00:25:46He is not the kind of person who gives up in a fight.
00:25:49He must have troubled him.
00:25:51Can't you work with your senior and junior?
00:25:57Officer Yook is the one who is troubling me.
00:26:00Officer Yook and Mr. Gaye. You know them.
00:26:03What do I know? I am busy taking care of the Chief.
00:26:06My legs are stuck.
00:26:08It happens every time.
00:26:10What is going on between you two?
00:26:12He has to take all the credit.
00:26:14We are a team.
00:26:16And I am your leader.
00:26:18He goes everywhere without me.
00:26:21What are you doing?
00:26:23He doesn't even answer me.
00:26:24Did you check the dash cam?
00:26:28Dash cam.
00:26:31I can understand Officer Yook.
00:26:33Because he is always against me.
00:26:35But that Mr. Gaye.
00:26:37He used to be my classmate.
00:26:38Why does he do this?
00:26:41I heard you humiliated Mr. Gaye when you were in the headquarters.
00:26:45Who said that?
00:26:50Crime unit 1 is doing a good job.
00:26:53Mr. Gaye is an ambitious man.
00:26:56You have a different style.
00:26:58But you are all on the same path.
00:27:00Detectives are there to catch criminals.
00:27:03I know you are Shadong's sniffer dog.
00:27:06But Sergeant Yook is fighting a fighting dog.
00:27:09His face may be scary.
00:27:11But he is a very soft person.
00:27:14And yes. Stop showing off.
00:27:18If they don't start, I won't fight either.
00:27:27It's so hectic to listen to a lecture for 4 hours.
00:27:31I would have had breakfast.
00:27:32If I knew it would be so long.
00:27:34What should I eat?
00:27:39These people are eating while walking.
00:27:41Maybe because a lot of time can be saved.
00:27:45I should also eat something.
00:27:49Pork belly, chicken mayo, pork belly, ham and flying fish roe.
00:27:55Please give me number 2.
00:28:01I also want number 2.
00:28:14Thank you.
00:28:40I woke up early in the morning.
00:28:45What is all this?
00:28:52Talk slowly.
00:28:54I talk a lot. Keep quiet.
00:28:56Don't use multipurpose pen.
00:28:58Please let me read.
00:29:34I'm sorry.
00:29:49It's very bad.
00:29:51More than being with a loss.
00:30:22I have given you a lot of freedom.
00:30:24Can't you do it?
00:30:27You are showing me your eyes.
00:30:52It's 4 o'clock in the morning.
00:30:55Who told you to leave me?
00:30:57I can run fast.
00:31:01Now go.
00:31:04I'm late.
00:31:07To sit in front, I have to come in the first 100.
00:31:34Don't turn back.
00:31:35Otherwise you will get stuck.
00:31:37If I get stuck, I will fail.
00:31:39Now it is more important for me to take the front seat.
00:32:10Oh God.
00:32:11I will be late.
00:32:13I will be late.
00:32:18A murder case?
00:32:19Okay, I'm coming.
00:32:41This is the smell of fresh blood.
00:32:45It is strange and sweet.
00:32:47How do I explain that it is cold and lacks iron?
00:32:52It is of a very special kind.
00:32:57What I want.
00:32:59You have already reached.
00:33:02There are a lot of cameras in this area.
00:33:04There is not even one here.
00:33:06Did you find anything there?
00:33:08Did you find anything there?
00:33:20What are you doing?
00:33:23This is not it.
00:33:29Go and do it there.
00:33:38I didn't see you here.
00:33:39By the way, I didn't see you either.
00:33:44You don't know me?
00:33:45I don't know.
00:33:47Is my hair condition very bad?
00:33:49You still don't know who I am?
00:33:51I don't know.
00:33:53Are you really a police officer?
00:33:54You don't know me?
00:33:56I was in an article as a genius scientific investigator.
00:34:00I was also in an internal commercial as a handsome detective of Shiodong station.
00:34:03Who watches those commercials?
00:34:05It was published in my paper.
00:34:20Everything is fine.
00:34:21I came an hour ago.
00:34:28Oh God.
00:34:30What time do these people come for the front seat?
00:34:33Let me ask him.
00:35:19Stop it.
00:35:20I want to ask some questions to the witness.
00:35:23It's strange.
00:35:26How tall are you?
00:35:28I am 5'11".
00:35:30Why didn't you tell me earlier?
00:35:31Are you a fool?
00:35:33If you have eyes, then see how the body is below.
00:35:35And what is the height of the victim?
00:35:36He is not as tall as you.
00:35:38I didn't see the victim so closely.
00:35:40I was a little late.
00:35:41Don't make excuses.
00:35:43My precious 20 minutes were wasted because of you.
00:35:46The same thing happened to me.
00:35:47Do you think that 20 minutes of a normal detective like you and a genius agent like me are equal?
00:35:52I don't know where you came from and my stomach is starting to hurt.
00:35:55Stop this first.
00:35:57How much more time will you waste?
00:36:00He ruined my mood.
00:36:30What are you doing?
00:36:51What are you doing?
00:36:56I want to know what time I have to come here to sit.
00:37:17He bled a lot.
00:37:19Anyway, I have to study a lot.
00:37:22Only then I will be able to sit in the front seat.
00:37:25I go for grocery shopping at 4 in the morning.
00:37:27I stopped in the lane for smoking and I saw Mr. Chairman lying there.
00:37:33Mr. Chairman?
00:37:34People call him by this name.
00:37:36I thought he was drunk, so I went to him.
00:37:57Did you see anyone else in the lane?
00:38:00I saw someone coming out of the lane.
00:38:04I thought she was running away.
00:38:07It was very dark, so I am not sure.
00:38:12You close your store at 2.30 at night.
00:38:14Did you see a stranger or something strange?
00:38:17Nothing special happened.
00:38:20Yes, but some surfers stole the keys of our rest room.
00:38:25The keys of the rest room?
00:38:46It's around 9 inches.
00:38:48Is it of a man or a woman?
00:38:55Wait a minute.
00:38:57Look at her.
00:38:58Do you know her?
00:39:01Looking at her clothes and backpack, I think she is going to give an exam.
00:39:06She is a girl.
00:39:08She looks familiar to me.
00:39:13Yes, she lives in Inno Residence.
00:39:16And she goes to class every day before dawn.
00:39:24You all must be thinking that you will pass the exam.
00:39:30But you are making a mistake by thinking like this.
00:39:34You can all fail.
00:39:36This is strange.
00:39:38The blood came out of the nose.
00:39:40Then how did the jacket touch there?
00:39:43The blood should have touched the inside.
00:39:46So listen carefully.
00:39:48You and I are special people.
00:39:50You have to pass the exam and make your parents proud.
00:39:54Hey, you.
00:39:57Do you have honey on your sleeve?
00:39:59If you don't want to spend the rest of your life in Noryang,
00:40:01you will have to focus continuously.
00:40:05That's all for today.
00:40:06We will meet again tomorrow.
00:40:09You are the lady who had closed her ears.
00:40:15You are the lady who had closed her ears.
00:40:17You are the lady who had closed her ears.
00:40:20Don't waste your money.
00:40:22It's better to sleep at home.
00:40:29Students, please sit.
00:40:30We have come from Jung Jing Police Station.
00:40:32Are you tired?
00:40:34Why did you come here?
00:40:37I didn't come for you.
00:40:38Don't worry.
00:40:40Where is Yun Miju?
00:40:41Yun Miju.
00:40:42Yun Miju.
00:40:43Where is Yun Miju?
00:40:44Yun Miju?
00:40:45She is sitting there.
00:40:48You are Yun Miju.
00:40:50What do you want to say?
00:40:51I am the detective from Jung Jing Police Station.
00:40:57I am arresting you for the murder of Lee Wang Shik.
00:41:01Why is he doing this?
00:41:03Stand up.
00:41:04What are you doing?
00:41:06Why are you taking me?
00:41:11Concentrate on your studies.
00:41:18I thought the blood stains were the same.
00:41:20But he killed someone.
00:41:23I don't believe it.
00:41:25I am 100% sure this time.
00:41:27He didn't confess.
00:41:28He is innocent.
00:41:29He didn't confess.
00:41:31Whoever he is, he is strange.
00:41:33The same again.
00:41:34I don't think she can kill someone.
00:41:37She looks beautiful and innocent.
00:41:41She looks innocent?
00:41:43You don't know women.
00:41:44You can't tell anything from her face.
00:41:46Then why do you think she is strange?
00:41:48You just saw the lecture room.
00:41:50It was amazing.
00:41:51Whoever has to sit on the front seat,
00:41:53has to get up at 3 o'clock.
00:41:56And Yun Miju sits on the front seat.
00:42:00So what?
00:42:06I don't understand how she killed someone
00:42:09when she was sitting on the front seat.
00:42:11I don't understand how she killed someone
00:42:13when she was sitting on the front seat.
00:42:15Think about it.
00:42:18You have lost your mind.
00:42:20I think you haven't understood this city yet.
00:42:26You may not believe it.
00:42:28But this is how it works here.
00:42:30This is a very different world.
00:42:38What is this?
00:42:39Study group?
00:42:41If you want information,
00:42:42you will have to join the study group.
00:42:44I am older and I don't have many friends.
00:42:45No one wants to talk to me.
00:42:47Look, this is all a trick to pick up women.
00:42:49This is even better.
00:42:51Have you lost your mind?
00:42:53This is not the time for dating.
00:42:54And remember why you are here.
00:42:56Do you want to fail again?
00:42:57You don't match with these young people.
00:42:59They study all night.
00:43:01And you sleep all the time.
00:43:03This is the second floor of the Inno building.
00:43:06Yes, second floor.
00:43:08This is study room B6.
00:43:12Okay, come quickly.
00:43:13Don't be late.
00:43:14Okay, bye.
00:43:19Yes, tell me.
00:43:20Are you looking for the study group members?
00:43:22Don't call me and trouble me.
00:43:25Yes, tell me.
00:43:26Are you looking for the study group members?
00:43:28Don't call me and trouble me.
00:43:33These rascals don't have any work.
00:43:37Oh no.
00:43:40Can I join your group?
00:43:41I am in front of your building.
00:43:43Okay, I am coming there to pick you up.
00:43:45Okay, are you...
00:43:46Yes, I will go to the first floor.
00:43:48Wait there.
00:43:54No, no.
00:43:55I am already here.
00:43:57This is room B6.
00:44:00Are you following me?
00:44:01I am just investigating the case.
00:44:03You know that I need information, right?
00:44:05Lower your voice.
00:44:07People get disturbed while studying here.
00:44:09I didn't make any noise while walking.
00:44:12There is no one here.
00:44:17He is saying that he will come tomorrow.
00:44:22Something is wrong.
00:44:24When he said that he will come to pick you up,
00:44:27I understood what is going on.
00:44:35This is the cheapest market of Noryang Dong.
00:44:39Give it to me.
00:44:43What do we do with this?
00:44:45After wearing this,
00:44:46we dry wet hair,
00:44:47which saves time.
00:44:51This saves ears from noise.
00:44:55And this prevents neck sprain.
00:44:58And this checks time during mock test.
00:45:01And this is
00:45:03to reduce noises
00:45:04when I keep the pen.
00:45:07You are spending a lot to study.
00:45:11This city is scary.
00:45:14Look, it is more than 500 times.
00:45:23Why? Do you want to know?
00:45:24Do you want to come inside?
00:45:29I want to go home and study a lot.
00:45:32You are not able to say what is in your mind.
00:45:35I don't think you will like this city.
00:45:37I will pass the exam
00:45:38and stop crime from authorities.
00:45:47Let's see how long this goes on.
00:46:18I want to talk to you.
00:46:19Please come to the terrace.
00:46:22What have I done now?
00:46:29I have thrown away the noise-canceling pen.
00:46:32I don't know what to do now.
00:46:36I have thrown away the noise-canceling pen.
00:46:38Now, I am not making any noise.
00:46:40I am even drinking water from the straw.
00:46:42What have I done now?
00:46:44Who is this manager?
00:46:50Miss Usulok.
00:46:52Are you the manager?
00:46:53You are really Usulok, right?
00:46:57Do you know me?
00:46:58Yes, of course.
00:46:59I am a big fan of yours.
00:47:00I know about all the cases.
00:47:02Ductive murder case,
00:47:03no-do-kill case,
00:47:04fraud marriage case.
00:47:06You really did a great job.
00:47:10drink this.
00:47:11If you take it inside,
00:47:12everyone will complain.
00:47:13Thank you so much.
00:47:15This is still hot.
00:47:16When I saw that you have registered for the study room,
00:47:19I really thought
00:47:20that I am dreaming.
00:47:22My heart started beating fast.
00:47:25I wanted to talk to Mr. Narosh.
00:47:27But today, with great difficulty,
00:47:28I have gathered the courage.
00:47:30I thought
00:47:31that no one likes me here.
00:47:33That's not true.
00:47:34I have joined your fan club too.
00:47:38My fan club?
00:47:39Of course.
00:47:40And its name is
00:47:41Usulok, I'll Arrest You.
00:47:47How many members are there in it?
00:47:49Including me, two.
00:47:50And I don't even know who the other one is.
00:47:52Why don't we have a meeting
00:47:53when we become five members?
00:47:55No, no.
00:47:56Let's talk after we become ten members.
00:47:57A fan club meeting.
00:47:58I will lead it.
00:48:01By the way,
00:48:03I need your help.
00:48:05Will you help me?
00:48:10But you said that you don't go from that lane.
00:48:13That night, I didn't have any other choice.
00:48:17Because it was too late.
00:48:19Why didn't you report to the police
00:48:21when you saw the dead body?
00:48:24I didn't see anything.
00:48:26There were blood stains on your clothes.
00:48:28Lee Wong Sik is dead.
00:48:31I thought the blood was coming from my nose.
00:48:35You are fooling me, aren't you?
00:48:44There is a man in the victim?
00:48:46Can a woman kill a man with a knife?
00:48:51She was an old man.
00:48:52That's why she can do it.
00:48:55And that's the cheapest market there.
00:48:57I hope the rates there won't increase
00:48:59if the owner changes.
00:49:01A man is dead.
00:49:03There is no importance of it.
00:49:06This packet is available in Inomart in 32.
00:49:09Can you think?
00:49:10What are you saying?
00:49:11It is available in 32?
00:49:12It is so cheap.
00:49:14It is available in a convenience store in 40.
00:49:23Can I take a break?
00:49:26I have an important class.
00:49:28You are a murder suspect here.
00:49:31Murder suspect?
00:49:33I don't have time to do all this.
00:49:36This is my last chance this year.
00:49:41Please give me my book and notebook.
00:49:43I have exams coming up.
00:49:46Is it necessary now?
00:49:48You can even go to jail.
00:49:50I have prepared for this for three years.
00:49:53I study for 18 hours every day.
00:49:56Instead of going to jail,
00:49:58it is better that I fail and go to Noyang Dong.
00:50:02Will you please meet Mijoo?
00:50:04I know she can't murder anyone.
00:50:06She is a very sweet girl.
00:50:08It's amazing.
00:50:09All men are the same.
00:50:10I accidentally sat on her seat.
00:50:12She would have killed me.
00:50:14She is nervous because exams are coming up.
00:50:16This is her last exam.
00:50:19There is a lot of evidence against Yun Mijoo.
00:50:22That evidence is wrong.
00:50:24How can you be so sure?
00:50:27Only one person can be so sure.
00:50:30Who are you talking about?
00:50:33The culprit.
00:50:37You killed Lee Wang Sik.
00:50:39What are you saying?
00:50:40I was in my room all day.
00:50:41How can you say that?
00:50:43Then you shouldn't claim that
00:50:45Yun Mijoo is not guilty.
00:50:50Thanks for the coffee.
00:50:54Thank you.
00:51:24She is motivating herself so much for the exam.
00:51:28There is no photo of any celebrity.
00:51:32I don't know how many times she has read the books.
00:51:36There are only pens here.
00:51:38What is this?
00:51:54Give it to me.
00:51:56This is yours.
00:51:57I will give it to her.
00:52:02I got the front seat.
00:52:09I got the front seat.
00:52:20I don't have two opinions about this case.
00:52:23All the evidence against Yun Mijoo is wrong.
00:52:30What are you doing at work?
00:52:33You failed in the promotion test, right?
00:52:35I am preparing for the next year.
00:52:37You are weird.
00:52:38Pay attention to catching the criminals.
00:52:41You can say that because you are not married.
00:52:46When I think about my children,
00:52:48I feel like quitting the detective job.
00:52:52I am getting more and more debts in the name of investigation.
00:52:55Then do this at some other time.
00:52:57Everyone is busy in the murder case here.
00:52:59And you can't be in the office all the time.
00:53:01And this excuse will not work that you are a father.
00:53:03I have three children.
00:53:04I will have to think about them.
00:53:07I am leaving.
00:53:19You said you will feed me at a good place.
00:53:21The food in our cafeteria is very expensive compared to others.
00:53:27Sir, enjoy the meal.
00:53:28You also enjoy.
00:53:32Look at your employees.
00:53:33They all look uneasy.
00:53:34You don't know anything about them.
00:53:36They all think of me as their family.
00:53:39Look, there is no one sitting next to you.
00:53:41It's the limit.
00:53:42You don't understand.
00:53:43You don't understand.
00:53:44You should have been an ideal judge.
00:53:47I think this job is perfect.
00:53:50I think I can bring some change in the society.
00:53:53I want to work on the Dongbang network for the support of the victims.
00:53:59Dongbang's idea was good.
00:54:01Yena's family is stable because of him.
00:54:03You will see.
00:54:04I will work on good projects.
00:54:11This reminds me.
00:54:16Why don't you work for the Hargeo?
00:54:23I have a lot of work as a detective.
00:54:26A detective also has his limits.
00:54:28We have money and power.
00:54:30We can help those who have committed crimes.
00:54:35We will work together.
00:54:41Dad, you are not like before.
00:54:44Bansi, I need you.
00:54:57Sir, there is a guest.
00:55:02Have a seat.
00:55:08Chief Kang Bokook?
00:55:11I am not the chief anymore.
00:55:12It's been a long time since I left the police job.
00:55:16So, why did you come here?
00:55:19I know you very well.
00:55:22You know who I am.
00:55:24I have heard that you run away from everything.
00:55:27It's not like that.
00:55:29You are always on TV.
00:55:32My employee knows you.
00:55:34Will you give me your autograph?
00:55:40Here you go.
00:55:41Thank you.
00:55:45I am here looking for someone.
00:55:48This is a real estate office.
00:55:50You are looking for a house.
00:55:53Still, who are you looking for?
00:55:56You know him very well.
00:55:59Detective Ha Bansi.
00:56:12You are studying very hard.
00:56:14I have only studied for 8 hours.
00:56:188 hours is not enough?
00:56:21If you want to pass the exam, you have to study for 14 hours.
00:56:25If you study less than 14 hours, you will fail.
00:56:28So, will you study in Noryang Dong?
00:56:33From tomorrow, I will sit on the front seat.
00:56:36I will study hard.
00:56:39It's strange that you are studying in Noryang Dong.
00:56:43Am I right?
00:56:44You are just like them.
00:56:46Eating, roaming and studying alone.
00:56:49When you walk, it feels like you are running.
00:56:51You always have earphones in your ears.
00:56:53You wear a sweatsuit and have a backpack on your back.
00:56:56Homo Study Pians.
00:57:01What is that?
00:57:02There are some people who study only for the exam to pass.
00:57:07If I don't become like them, I won't be able to survive in Noryang Dong.
00:57:12But I don't want to be like them at all.
00:57:26Noryang Dong
00:57:47He should sleep properly.
00:57:56Noryang Dong
00:58:14This is very heavy.
00:58:17Oh God, you are so heavy.
00:58:19I hope I don't drop it here.
00:58:22She is still not awake.
00:58:23I think she is very tired.
00:58:26Just this much for the exam.
00:58:32How can a girl be so heavy?
00:58:34My legs are aching.
00:58:40Oh God, she is making me fall.
00:58:43This is too much.
00:58:52There is an important lesson tomorrow.
00:58:59Clause 2, Article 144 of Criminal Law.
00:59:05The punishment for obstructing justice is based on its result.
00:59:14It is based on its result.
00:59:22What is the time?
00:59:23It is 3 in the morning.
00:59:25Lee Wang Sik was murdered at this time.
00:59:28And I can sit on the front seat at this time.
00:59:32How can you stay like this?
00:59:34I think it is right to study in Noryang Dong.
00:59:37But I desperately want to pass the exam and leave from here.
00:59:41I keep thinking only about this.
00:59:52It is 4 hours left for the class to start.
01:00:01I make toast in the morning.
01:00:02Can I give you a toast?
01:00:23Did you kill that old man?
01:00:36Why did you do this?
01:00:39After all, what are you trying to hide?
01:00:52I don't know.
01:01:01I see.
01:01:03So this is the matter.
01:01:10Yoon Mi Joo.
01:01:13Maybe she is not the culprit.
01:01:22Yoon Mi Joo.
01:01:27Yoon Mi Joo.
01:01:39They had an argument when someone parked the car in front of their house.
01:01:42They had their 1st fight today.
01:01:45Seems like you have seen something strange.
01:01:47I mean ...
01:01:48Are you sure that you killed someone?
01:01:50The owner of the store and the woman used to fight all the time.
01:01:53Why did you go to the bathroom the day that man died?
01:01:56That girl didn't kill that old man.
01:01:58He had a bandage on his hand.
01:02:00He can't kill anyone.
01:02:03What is this? Do you understand?
01:02:05He was the one. The criminal.