xian wang de richang shenghuo 3 dub episode 1

  • last month
00:21Shame do you want to know the real reason that you lost today? Why is that?
00:28You don't watch the show
00:53Here you go one noodle bowl super spicy with an egg
00:57Thank you last season Wang Ling was able to prevent the demon race from invading and annihilating all of wash you
01:05Fortunately songhai is experiencing a calm and orderly post-invasion reconstruction and Wang Ling can finally live the quiet life
01:12He's always dreamed of
01:22Since losing their home many demons have come to the human world seeking refuge
01:27so now
03:57Right back at you
04:07Open your eyes. Does anything seem unusual?
04:22Unbeknownst to them the reason faction 60 is able to start on time
04:27Is all thanks to the hard work of their amazing friend
04:38Finally done live here. Where else you blasted my home
04:48I found you. I need your help. It's an emergency
04:51The department called they want me to rebuild the school by next week. Is there anything you can think of?
04:59perhaps there's a trick or
05:04Man up already just ask
05:16After their long vacation our friends from class elite have grown
05:21in their own unique ways
05:24Hey, wait, don't you live here? Where'd you just come from? I
05:30Finally found my sword sister. We live in the sword to where I grew up. Oh, all right Congrats
05:49Everybody and good morning. It's me. She really knows how to make an entrance
06:24Think I can safely assume you're the most popular girl at faction 60
06:32In a chopper, wait, can we have two princesses in our faction?
06:37We're not supposed to understand rich people ways. Hold up. What's with the lollipop?
06:42All I know is she's definitely not from around here
06:47Hey, wait, I hope you've had a good morning. Whoa. Why is there a helicopter here? It's blocking the entrance
07:06Was the girl in the black dress at the school gate, I don't think she's from Pashu
07:11Are you blind bro? There was a logo on the chopper the cumia family the cumias
07:19They're the exorcist family, that's right, but they're from soon land. Why is she at faction 16?
07:44Attention meet the cumias eldest daughter Yoshiko
07:49Another transfer how predictable
07:52She may be new and an exchange student, but she came here to study so get her respect
07:59Hello soon wrong. Let's fight like a snake and a clam
08:03Huh? What's that mean?
08:05And if I beat you that means I'll replace you as the top girl of faction 60
08:13You are the first daughter of your family and I'm the first daughter of mine. We're jackals of the same layer
08:19Let's face it one school doesn't need two top girls
08:29You there this cumia
08:34Man you're in class ordinary
08:42This is my fault, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you in class ordinary I've embarrassed you
08:49Exorcist like us have been oppressed by cultivators for ages
08:53Demons roam the streets while Hwasoo lays in ruin. This is the perfect time for the cumia family to wipe Hwasoo off the map
09:00My journey begins here first
09:03I'll conquer faction 60 then we take song high and after that the entirety of Hwasoo
09:10The cumia family will be the turtle that takes over the magpies nest
09:15In order to achieve this goal, I'll fight and claim my place as top girl at faction 60
09:21Princess, please forgive me. You gotta give me another chance. I swear. I'll make it up to you, please
09:45Princess you are so brilliant. So powerful and courageous. We know you'll conquer all of Hwasoo. Yes
09:52Therefore, I can't allow any more failures understood
09:57Soon wrong doesn't seem interested in my challenge. I've got to find a way
10:03Have you heard people love the new from the demon world movie it means shall you cry
10:12Anyway you ready for some lunch
10:18You again, what do you want quit harassing me my apologies miss soon you misunderstand
10:26See, I'm not here for you
10:29Huh? I have a small gift. It's for mr. Wang Ling
10:39Crispy noodles, he won't be swayed by your obvious gesture of flattery
10:47Ling wait a minute. How could you betray me for some noodles? These are just any cheap noodles
10:53They're the limited edition versions of a proud soon land classic
10:57Think of this as a friendly get a cultural exchange between soon land and was you oh
11:03My I assume he liked these crunchy snacks, but I didn't know that they'd be received with such enthusiasm
11:10Be strong and in control wrong wrong
11:27Challenge accepted. Oh
11:30Let me make myself clear
11:32I'm not sure to start a fight with you
11:35What I really want is to become faction 60s top girl
11:40Which means we both have to prove we have the talent for it
11:44Fine, it's whatever. Just tell me what we're doing
11:49I've heard that was you ladies are supposed to be great calligraphers and painters while we excel at floral design and tea ceremonies
11:58Hmm I've got an idea. Why don't we have an old-fashioned cooking competition?
12:16Ladies and gents welcome to the fashion 60s top girl competition
12:20Without further ado allow me to introduce today's lovely contestant daughter of the flower fruit water curtain group make some noise for soon
12:34The daughter of the kill me a financial group
12:43Sitting behind me is the judge of the competition from faction 60
12:51The rules of this competition are simple conquer one links appetite
12:55Before the incense burns out our contestants must make a meal using five packets of crispy noodles
13:00After which the judge will announce the results. Yeah the moment you've all been waiting for the competition
13:13Julia immediately jumps into action firing up for walks. This isn't a meal. She's making a whole speech
13:24Holy cow
13:25What can only be described as pure culinary art?
13:28We see the ingredients curve elegantly through the air and into the broth making only the slightest flash
13:34But here on the other side we have a faction 60
13:37Oh, gee soon wrong displaying calm confidence the way only a senior can refuses to act on impulse alone
13:44Looks like she's studying her opponent's strategy before making a move
13:47No, sir wrong not that one. That's just the sauce the cooking oil is in your left hand
14:03Listen you've got to press it in all the way first, then you turn the knob
14:07Wait, wait, wait
14:12So you send me some of your men at once and a few fire extinguishers
14:25Oh soon wrong, I know everything about you for instance as the first daughter of your wealthy family
14:32You've never cooked a meal in your life
14:35I'm not surprised. You're acting like a fool the title of these top girl is going to be mine
14:45Looks like you Mia finished her meal first. Oh, it's nothing I went ahead and made a little extra
14:51Why don't you guys come try it for yourselves in a surprise move kill me and not only finished early but made multiple portions
15:04This is better than the best ultimate seafood noodles
15:10This is the greatest meal
15:15Thick soup with choice ingredients. This isn't a class of its own
15:29Young lady it seems we only have one pack left
15:35But he's eating it, but he doesn't seem to like it as much as everyone else
15:43That's it, so what did you think are you all satisfied?
15:53Unbeknownst to them
15:55Kumiya had a secret weapon
15:57She added a super filling boba poi to their soup when nobody was looking
16:02Now the students stomachs are too full to try even a bite of soon wrongs dish
16:08So I uh, I've never cooked before
16:18I didn't expect this new top girl for the new year, but still try this
16:31What that's it the light though
16:34Most cultivators practice so intensely that they may not eat anything for months or some even years
16:41In fact the higher the phase they reach the less sensitive they become to smells or tastes
16:47For someone at Wang Ling's phase all delicious foods will become devoid of flavor
16:53only one thing can impress Wang Ling and that's
16:59The texture
17:05Covered for you once that should have been enough. Tell me how long must I lie
17:55Shane you impressed everyone except for Wang Ling
17:59See he only took one bite of your fancy noodles
18:03Why is that?
18:06Noodles soaked in water even when you use the expensive ingredients, they'll always lose their crispy texture
18:13Look at him. He can't get enough the winner and raining top girl
18:28Come on we're gonna be late for class
18:32Kumia's first step in conquering washu has failed and as the stories often tell us
18:38Sometimes the best meals we can eat are made from the simplest ingredients and no matter how skilled the chef
18:44The food always tastes better when it's made with love
