Heathcliff & the Catillac Cats S01 E83

  • le mois dernier
00:00But Heathcliff just won't be undone
00:02Playing pranks on everyone
00:09There's a race to be on top
00:12The competition doesn't stop
00:14Mixing with the ladies fair
00:16Being charming never there
00:19The game will reign supreme
00:21And no one can deny
00:23They'll make up history
00:26And always have an alibi
00:28So join in the jubilee
00:31The cats are great, they're all agree
00:33Combined in each calamity
00:35The cats are very R&D
00:47Heathcliff, Heathcliff, no one should
00:49Terrify the neighborhood
00:52But Heathcliff just won't be undone
00:54You should realize he can win with you
00:58Un jour sans nourriture
01:00Je vais perdre ma figure parfaite
01:03Nick, réveille-toi, j'ai faim
01:12T'es pas d'aide
01:17Oh non
01:19Je suis si faible, je ne peux pas voir
01:22Je ne peux pas voir
01:24Je ne peux pas voir
01:26Je suis si faible, je ne peux pas voir
01:29Sophie, Sophie, Sophie, Sophie
01:32Petit cerveau, c'est juste une banane inutile
01:35Maintenant vas-y, essaye de manger un petit déjeuner
02:00Waste not, want not
02:04The sweet smell of fish
02:11Caviar, sushi, lobster, anything, feed us
02:17Did I make diet caviar?
02:20Sorry, but we can't help you cats out
02:23Bien, on a essayé d'être gentils
02:25Nick, vas-y
02:31Je vais te manger
02:37Ok, les gars, je vais te faire un niveau
02:39On a faim et on a faim
02:41Tu sais d'où on peut trouver de la nourriture?
02:43La nourriture?
02:45La nourriture?
02:54I can't think of anyone I'd rather see part with their fish more than Heathcliff
03:04Spike, where are you?
03:09Heathcliff, you're all smiles today
03:13The stars say today is my lucky day
03:16There's no stars up there
03:24Now can you see the stars?
03:27Sure, sure, I see them
03:35That's the cat we're supposed to scam on?
03:45Instant fortune teller
03:47My clean lottery
03:49Stop that, you bad cat
03:53Stop that, you rascal
04:02One crystal ball coming up
04:09Are you ok, ma'am?
04:11I... I... I think so
04:15You saved her life
04:17You mind if I put you down and save my own life?
04:23You have a very powerful presence
04:27Yeah, you're not exactly as light as a feather
04:30No, you can sense something very important about your future
04:34Lead me to a quiet, dark place
04:37A dark place?
04:39Yes, a dark place
04:41Lead me to a quiet, dark place
04:44A dark place?
04:57Oh, what have I gotten myself into this time?
05:00Shh, silence
05:02I see, a talking tree will give you good advice
05:05Next, you'll change from orange to white cat
05:08My stranger give you twenty cases expensive caviar
05:11In your garage tonight at midnight
05:16Twenty cases of caviar?
05:21What a joke, trees can't talk
05:24Don't sit under me
05:32Why... why shouldn't I?
05:34Eight thunderstorms coming
05:36And you could be struck by lightning
05:48Prediction number one, complete
06:00A guy could retire on twenty cases of caviar
06:04But me turning into a white cat, impossible
06:07Look out below
06:16The fortune teller was right
06:21Prediction number two, complete
06:25You'll be in the garage tonight at midnight
06:28Yes, and with no guard
06:30I'll rob that house blind
06:33Meow, meow, meow
06:39Settle down Heathcliff
06:41I have to wash this flower off of you
06:44Meow, meow, meow
06:48Calm down Heathcliff
06:50You don't want to catch cold
06:54What a cat has to go through just to be beautiful
06:57Calm down Heathcliff
07:06Today's your lucky day, rodent
07:08I got bigger fish to fry
07:10Are you ready for your surprise?
07:17I'm ready
07:23That'll hold you a while, king Tut
07:32How's our friend?
07:34He's all wound up
07:36I'm sure he'll be all right
07:38I'm sure he'll be all right
07:40Meow, meow, meow
07:43Meow, meow, meow
07:46Meow, meow, meow
07:50How's our friend?
07:51He's all wound up
07:53In tape
07:57Please don't make me lose my appetite
08:00Now help me carry out this silver platter
08:02So we can dine in style
08:12Meow, meow, meow
08:18Meow, meow, meow
08:24Food fight!
08:30Fight now, eat later
08:36Meow, meow, meow
08:48So you want the food, don't you? Spike
09:04Spike, you're not such a bad guy after all
09:07Yeah, but I'd like to catch the wise guys who set you up
09:18Please pass the fillet, old carp
09:22Looks like we came out smelling like roses this time
09:26Yeah, we pulled a good prank on
09:31So, are you enjoying your dinner?
09:34Yeah, Heathcliff
09:39How do you like a flight to the moon?
09:54You're good for something after all, Spike
10:12Bungo, for once you were right
10:15Playing frivolous feline facts is fun
10:18Name four animals of the cat family
10:22The daddy, the mommy and two kittens
10:30Yeah, what does a cat say when it gets a shot from the doctor?
10:35Ow? No, meow!
10:39The answer to this one's a rough bunny to pay
10:42Which came first, the chicken or egg?
10:47The Easter bunny
10:49What's the Easter bunny got to do with anything?
10:53Well, we were talking about chickens and bunnies and eggs
10:59So it made me think of pretty colored Easter eggs and...
11:03I wonder which did come first
11:06I wonder which did come first, the chicken or the egg?
11:10And who made the first colored Easter egg?
11:14The Easter chicken
11:19It's the Easter bunny
11:22I couldn't help overhearing your discussion about colored Easter eggs
11:26If you'd really like to know, I can tell...
11:28Yeah, please, tell us
11:31Tell us
11:32Well, it was some time ago
11:34In a very special, wonderful place called Animal Land
11:38Things at the Hen House Egg Factory Incorporated were buzzing
11:41It was spring, production was up and everyone was happy
11:45Everyone, that is, but Henrietta Hen
11:48Try though she might, she couldn't lay an egg
11:51Keep trying, Henrietta
11:53Mr. Rooster is coming
11:55Oh, Miss Four Hen, I am trying
11:58But I can't seem to lay an egg
12:03Is this the lazy hen, the one who doesn't lay eggs?
12:06I can't have a worker who doesn't work
12:08As Henrietta reaches the entrance, she clutches the column
12:11Wailing boo-hoo as loud as any hen ever wailed
12:16Poor Henrietta, she really did want to lay eggs
12:25That's it, go on, go on
12:28Well, there were four cats very much like you
12:31Very nice cats
12:32In fact, since their individual names were never recorded
12:35I'll just use yours
12:37Henrietta wandered aimlessly
12:39Soon she was approaching a, well, interesting place
12:52It'll be fish for breakfast
12:54Yeah, fish and eggs
13:02We're sorry that you're sad
13:04What makes you feel so badly?
13:06Maybe we can help
13:08My name's Henrietta Hen
13:10And I work at the Hen House Egg Factory Incorporated
13:13But I couldn't lay an egg, not one
13:15And Roger Rooster, the owner, fired me
13:17But I really did try, I wasn't being lazy
13:19But the other hens all despised me
13:20But it wasn't my fault
13:21And I don't know what to do
13:23Try something else
13:24Just because you can't do one thing
13:26It doesn't mean you're a failure
13:28But I'm a hen
13:29I'm supposed to lay eggs
13:35Good point
13:36Help her, we must, or her feathers will rust
13:39Henrietta, we're going to help you lay eggs
13:43Could be she's not eating right
14:00Non, non, non
14:13Je suis désolée
14:19C'est inutile
14:23C'est inutile
14:25Je suis une erreur
14:27Je suis une erreur
14:29Oui, c'est un problème difficile
14:34Il faut qu'on pense à quelque chose
14:36Qui va faire des oeufs
14:38Peter Flash Cottontail ici
14:39Il a laissé ses cheveux dans la boue
14:41Et vous êtes un chat triste
14:44Oui, c'est à cause d'Henrietta
14:47Elle ne peut pas laisser d'oeufs
14:51Ce cheveux n'a rien à voir
14:54Come on, we gotta find Henrietta
14:58Vegetables, rabbits have a thing
15:00When in doubt, eat a vegetable
15:02We tried food, it didn't work
15:04Not vegetables, you ought to try them
15:07Eat them raw, or you can fry them
15:09He said that in a rhyme
15:11So why not try it this one time?
15:16We'll try it, Cottontail
15:18Mind hopping along with us?
15:21Glad to
15:22I have to warn you though
15:23Rabbits never stay anyplace for long
15:31Alright Henrietta, front and center
15:34There's a hare out here
15:35With an egg-citing, egg-making possibility
15:38There is?
16:04Yeah, this egg is beautiful
16:07You can say that again
16:10Yeah, this egg is...
16:13The greatest eggs ever
16:14We gotta spread the word
16:19Stop, it's not time to leave
16:21Haven't you heard?
16:22There's this wonderful chicken
16:24And fabulous colored eggs
16:26We've got to go see
16:28A chicken laying colored eggs?
16:30It can't be
16:31Who would want my eggs if they could have colored eggs?
16:33I'd better go and take a look
16:47Faster, hurry with the basket, faster
16:50Put more vegetable
16:55Oh Henrietta, I knew you could do it
17:02Those are wonderful eggs
17:04Excuse me, Roger Rooster is the name
17:06And eggs are the game
17:07Wanna sell this little stand?
17:09Are you kidding?
17:10Everyone loves these eggs
17:11Why should we sell this stand?
17:13I was very jealous
17:20I'm glad everyone loves the eggs
17:22But I'm pooped
17:24If we're gonna make sure there are enough eggs
17:26We better expand the operation
17:28Maybe I can help
17:30I already told you
17:32We aren't selling the stand
17:33Fine, I don't wanna buy it
17:35I'd like to talk to you about a partnership though
17:38If you're interested
17:40We might be
17:42What's the deal?
17:43Henrietta works at the factory
17:45In charge of the colored egg division
17:47Now, since the colored eggs wouldn't be as special
17:49If they were always available
17:51We'd only produce them once a year in the spring
17:54Oh, I'd like that
17:56They would be a symbol of the colors
17:58And rebirth spring brings
18:00A happy symbol
18:04You cats would be in charge of organization
18:06And Peter Cottontail would take care of delivery
18:08With my speed, they'll be singing songs
18:10About me on the bunny trail
18:14Roger, you're not so hard-boiled after all
18:18Hard-boiled, now there's an idea
18:20What if the colored eggs were...
18:22Of course, it wasn't long before the colored eggs were hard-boiled
18:26And the rest is history
18:37A present from the Easter Bunny
18:39For four terrific Cadillac cats
18:42Gotta run now
18:53You and Fuzzy playing, Jan?
18:55Nah, he's no fun anymore, Mom
18:57Anymore? You mean he used to be fun?
19:00Sure, we used to play games and stuff
19:03All he does now is lie around
19:17Sorry, boy
19:19I guess I forgot older dogs like toys too
19:47Subtitling TITRAFILM