DRАG RАСЕ S16Е07 (2024)

  • 4 days ago


00:12Not malditas.
00:15You know how to beat that, Maya?
00:20Malditas las odia!
00:22Bitch, but that lip sync...
00:24She's known as the Queen of Flips for a reason.
00:28We're all sad that Geneva's gone,
00:29but after seeing Maya lip-sync,
00:31there's, like, a terror in the room.
00:33Can you imagine lip-syncing against her?
00:35Well, I think the new lip-sync assassin has arrived,
00:38and whoever I gotta send home, I'm sending them home.
00:41Ooh! All right, girl.
00:42I know that's right.
00:43You know, Maya did slay her nasty boots in the lip-sync,
00:47and she feels indestructible,
00:48but that's not what Drag Race is about, baby.
00:51You gotta slay everything.
00:53Miss Q, on behalf of the former winners of the competition,
00:56welcome to the winner's circle.
00:59Welcome to...
01:00It only took you six episodes, but you did it!
01:03Cue the applause, everybody.
01:04I just won my first challenge.
01:06Thank you. Thank you.
01:07So, how does it feel?
01:09$5,000 isn't too bad.
01:10Come on, girl!
01:13Is it time to start checking the scoreboard yet?
01:16No. Or no?
01:17No, it's not that time yet?
01:18Okay. I mean...
01:19She says not yet,
01:20because she doesn't have a score on the board.
01:23We'll wait for you, sister. We'll wait.
01:24Thank you. Thank you.
01:25No matter how many episodes it takes.
01:28Listen, I know Q has been in the top,
01:31like, every single week, and so it's like,
01:33oh, her moment. Oh, my God.
01:34She's having her moment.
01:35It was my moment.
01:36I did the fashion.
01:38Q's runway looks like a fairy costume.
01:40I'm sorry. I just...
01:41I wanted to win.
01:44I'm kind of upset that I got beat
01:46by fucking Buzz Lightyear over here.
01:49Oh, no!
01:51Oh, my God.
01:54She says liftoff.
01:57Not Buzz Lightyear.
01:59Oh, my God.
02:00That's good.
02:02Speaking of the scoreboard, guess what?
02:04There is only one potion left in the game.
02:07Safiya, how did that immunity potion taste in your mouth?
02:14I was in my own head,
02:17and so to sort of, like, quiet the voices,
02:22I did what I needed to do for me.
02:24And you can't turn back, but what it means
02:27is that I have to frickin' turn it every time.
02:30I hope these girls are happy
02:31that they saw a little crack in the shell.
02:34But, baby, Safiya's back, and it's time for you to be scared.
02:39Oh, girl.
02:40At this point in the competition,
02:41they're going to start weeding out the people
02:43who don't have points on the scoreboard.
02:45Morphine, Tsunami, Dawn. I didn't mention Megami, I guess.
02:48I guess she has, like, a quarter win, but...
02:50If you don't have challenge wins at this point,
02:52you in danger, girl. You are in trouble.
02:56To infinity and beyond!
03:00Fuck that bitch. Where is she?
03:04Fuck you.
03:10So, it's a new week in the workroom,
03:12and I'm just excited to put some fire in my pussy
03:14and slay a challenge.
03:16I need a win so I can rub it on their faces.
03:18Oh, my God, you have braces.
03:26She's all ready to hit her.
03:28Good morning, mother.
03:30Good morning, mother.
03:31My queens, to make it to the top,
03:34America's next drag superstar needs to climb every mountain.
03:39So, Latido, she better do.
03:46People who will get the reference will get the reference.
03:49I still don't get it.
03:52Hello, hello, hello.
03:56My queens, the color orange,
03:59murder she sat down and she wrote,
04:01Whitney, when she sings.
04:03These are a few of my favorite things.
04:07And you know what else I love?
04:09What? A drag race rusical.
04:14For this week's maxi challenge,
04:16you'll be prancing, lip syncing,
04:19and acting up a storm in The Sound of Music.
04:25I am so excited about doing a rusical.
04:28I love The Sound of Music.
04:30It's Julie Andrews' most iconic role maybe ever.
04:34I hate musical theater.
04:36I think that people who are fans of it are something ...
04:39No, I didn't say that.
04:41Fucking roasted.
04:43Not my thing. I'm so sorry.
04:46Girlfriends, I'll let you choose your own roles.
04:50Later today, you'll rehearse with big time
04:52Hollywood director, Adam Shankman.
04:55Oh my God.
04:57Adam Shankman is a pro.
04:58He directed Hairspray, the musical,
05:00which is so, so iconic.
05:02And to help with your frawline hairlines,
05:05we've provided hair, courtesy of Wigs and Grace.
05:10Now, I'll leave you with this question.
05:12How do you solve a problem like my neck, my back, et cetera?
05:18Racers, start your engines.
05:21And may the best drag queen win.
05:28Rusev. Now it's time for us to cast ourselves
05:31and figure out who's going to be who.
05:34Being cast in the right role, it is the make or break here.
05:38Not anal bites.
05:39That's so funny.
05:41I'm right off the bat. It's got to be Mariah.
05:43It's based on the Julie Andrews character.
05:45It's like the reason the show has a heartbeat.
05:49The part of Mariah, I'm living for it
05:51and I'm just tired of being saved.
05:52So, I know from the get go, bitch, I need a lead role.
05:55This is so fun.
05:56So fun.
05:57Let's get into it.
05:59I'll take Strudel.
06:00Dawn is Strudel.
06:02You look like a strudel.
06:04Shut the fuck up.
06:05I have never done musical theater,
06:06but I love acting silly and this bitch is silly.
06:09Strudel's silly.
06:10You want sister, sister?
06:13I may not have music theater background,
06:15but I know how to dance.
06:16So, give me my cute little medium sized part
06:19and I will run with it.
06:23The baronettes.
06:24I, yeah, Zunomi and myself.
06:27I'm drawn to one of the bitchy baronettes.
06:29They're both mean girls and that's who I've been
06:32wrongfully labeled as in this competition.
06:34Let's eat.
06:36It's absolutely fun.
06:38You be a mean character.
06:39What about the baroness brawn, our villain?
06:42I am very, very, very wanting the baroness.
06:45Baroness would be like my first choice.
06:49I just want to be one of the main roles
06:51since I haven't gotten a chance to really step out and show.
06:54My first pick is baroness brawn.
06:56That is like my number one.
06:58I mean, I'm very like character driven,
07:00like how I look and my physicality and my acting.
07:02And, you know, they said last time my comedy timing
07:05is like really, really great.
07:07Yeah, I just think it's within my range.
07:09This is a very dry sense of humor.
07:12But I also feel like I would be phenomenal at.
07:16Megami and I both want the baroness role
07:19and I just don't see it for her.
07:20I don't see the part fitting her demeanor at all.
07:23Well, I mean, I think this is the one that I want
07:25and I think I would do the best in this role.
07:28Rock, paper, scissors for you.
07:31I think that would be the two on two.
07:33I'm fine with that.
07:36We're all clutching our pearls.
07:37Who is going to win this rock, paper, scissors battle?
07:39So rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
07:40Yeah. All right.
07:42Big money, big money, big money.
07:44Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
07:46All right, you get baroness.
07:51Sorry, Megami, better luck next time.
07:55We have Mariah, sister, fister and mother superior.
07:59I mean, I would love to do mother superior, honestly.
08:01When hearing the track, mother superior just screams superior.
08:06I'll just take snitch on it.
08:09All right, whatever. I'm a star no matter where I'm at.
08:12I mean, I want to be Mariah. My pop choice was Mariah.
08:15Oh, so do I.
08:16It screamed for me, boots.
08:18Oh, and morphine.
08:19I also was looking at Mariah.
08:22Okay. Well, that's unfortunate because I want Mariah too, bitch.
08:26I personally, if I'm going to put my two cents in,
08:30I do see you as the lead.
08:32I think Saphira or Plasma could do it.
08:34My two cents for myself since nobody sees me as the lead.
08:38I feel like I haven't gotten the opportunity
08:40to actually have a lead, anything.
08:42You have a win. You have a win. I want to win.
08:44This feels very, very true to who I am and what I do.
08:47I see myself as Mariah. This is what I came here to do.
08:50My thing is, it spoke Saphira to me.
08:53Can we just say really quickly,
08:54I do not have another role on my list.
08:55Girl, that doesn't mean you get Mariah, though.
08:56I'm sorry.
08:57Well, I felt like the last time we assigned roles,
09:00I was shuffled around a little bit.
09:01And you won.
09:03I need to make sure that I'm not baby in a corner this week.
09:08I have Mariah, end of list.
09:11I was waiting for her to put down.
09:13I hate to be the girl who's like,
09:15well, I want to be the lead and nothing else,
09:17but I want to be the lead and nothing else.
09:22Whatever. I could drop Mariah,
09:24and if anything, I might go for sister Fister.
09:26You know what? I'll do Mother Superior.
09:28I'll take Mariah. Thank you.
09:29Oh, okay.
09:31For once, I've tried the plain Jane technique
09:34of being a fat-out-of-hell bitch about it, and it worked.
09:40I have burger fingers.
09:41Saphira, thank you.
09:43Of course. Turn it out.
09:46The last queen that I thought we were to roll with
09:48and gave it to her, she ended up going home.
09:51I'm just saying.
09:55All right. The Sound of Ruzick.
09:57Let's get this ruzickle a-cookin'.
09:59I am so excited.
10:01The Sound of Ruzick is obviously based on the sound of music.
10:03I am cast as Mariah, the lead.
10:06How do you solve a problem like Mariah?
10:08You don't, bitch. You're stuck with me.
10:10So, like, this musical is sacred to me.
10:12I grew up watching this movie.
10:13This movie is important in my family.
10:15It's important in my life.
10:16Literally, in one of my high school graduation cards,
10:18my grandparents, like, wrote the lyrics
10:20to Climb Every Mountain, and it, like, made me sob,
10:22and I think about it to this day.
10:23Diva, I'm so happy for you.
10:26Plasma won't shut up about how excited
10:28she is for this challenge. She's like,
10:30I'm Mariah. I love Sound of Music.
10:33I used to watch it as a kid.
10:35Love you, sis, but that's what you sound like.
10:37Has anyone else watched The Sound of Music,
10:38grown up with The Sound of Music?
10:39No, I've never watched it.
10:41I watched it when I was younger.
10:43I don't remember much about it.
10:45Work. I don't want to count my chickens,
10:47but I know that I have all the tools
10:49to take this straight to the bank.
10:51We are the nuns.
10:54I'm thinking, like, our role is, like,
10:56the three girls in hairspray.
10:59That's what I see us as, which means
11:00that we have a lot of attitude.
11:02Words of wisdom from mother.
11:03Mother superior. Mother superior.
11:05Listen, I've been mama bearing these queens
11:07all through the entire season,
11:09so mother superior fits me like a habit.
11:11I hate that my parts are so short.
11:14But you have a lot of attitude.
11:16I know. So, like what you have,
11:18because we're here.
11:20I'm kind of still a little bit pissed
11:21that Plasma just got the lead role,
11:22and I kind of wasn't even considered for it.
11:24I know I'm going to give it. It's just annoying.
11:26Next time, I'm just going to be stern with what I want.
11:29Bitch, I should have been black China, honey.
11:33We couldn't have but overhear your riddle.
11:35What is that?
11:36I'm going to have so much fun with this character.
11:37Yeah, me too. Yeah.
11:38It's the mean girl.
11:41The baroness is the villain in the rusical.
11:44She runs her singing group, The Baronettes.
11:46Tsunami, Plain, and I are really feeling
11:48our villain oats right now.
11:50The role-choosing process was very interesting to me.
11:53Who do we feel like is a little bitter,
11:54but bitter betties?
11:56Clearly, that is Megami.
11:59Megami wanted bigger roles.
12:00She's worried about fading into the background.
12:02The background.
12:03It's just kind of like the same shtick over and over.
12:06I'm going to be interested to see how she does.
12:09Let's make a little trip around, shall we?
12:12Solely because the roles that we have chosen
12:16are those of the mean girls,
12:17me, Q, and Tsunami decide to stir up a little mischief.
12:22Hee, hee, hee, hee.
12:27With a little musical number, y'all.
12:29We're doing a little music over here.
12:32This really does fit you guys a lot.
12:34Thank you. I wish your role fit you.
12:37I'm having a lot of fun being a bitch to these bitches.
12:41I want Plain Jane's wicked comedy
12:46to definitely rub off on me.
12:47We believe in you, Saphira.
12:49Good luck, Morphine and Maya.
12:52Tsunami's getting a little too comfortable with this role.
12:56Never used to be like that with me.
12:57I'm her bestie.
12:58What a bitch.
13:00You're hanging around too much with Miss Lil' Plain Jane,
13:02and I know she has a crush on Plain.
13:04Oof. Didn't mean to say that, but I said it.
13:07She really thought you ate that.
13:08Oh, look who it is.
13:11Oh, ew.
13:13I'm going to crush your nasty fingers.
13:15How are y'all feeling, evil bitches?
13:17I just wanted to be a bitch for once, though.
13:20For once?
13:21So, Megami, I know you didn't get the roles
13:23that you were vying for, which were bigger roles,
13:26and this role's a little smaller and less noticeable.
13:31I've already proven myself in the girl group challenge,
13:34so I'm not worried about it.
13:36Now, Miss Plain, we're in three songs,
13:38and you're in half of one.
13:39But that's okay because I own my presence,
13:41so I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about you right now.
13:43I don't think you need to worry about me, Mama.
13:45Plain could teach a master class on being a villainous twat,
13:48so I might take a few tips from her.
13:52But we just came off the stairs of putt.
13:53I think we're done here.
13:56Bye, bitches.
13:58Do you want to go through our end song?
14:00Let the freak out in you, baby. We have the finale song.
14:02Wait, should we go over our first song?
14:04We have three songs.
14:05Oh. I started to realize it's so much material.
14:08Plain, do I have a moment with y'all's group in the script?
14:11Yeah, at page 17.
14:15They all get their moments in particular acts.
14:18My moment is all of it,
14:25The hills are alive, and they're the sound
14:26of me practicing at the hotel.
14:27Bitches are shaking in their boots.
14:29I think Plasma could hit it out of the park,
14:30but I think it also could be just so, so big.
14:33I mean, that's the only role that Plasma wanted.
14:35Yeah. She better eat it.
14:36All on her, girl.
14:40Being April is kind of fun.
14:45Hey, ladies.
14:49I'm Adam.
14:50Nice to meet you.
14:51So now comes the time where we get to rehearse
14:53our Rusical with Adam Shankman.
14:56We're going to get into the choreography.
14:57I'm kind of at a disadvantage right now
14:59because my assistant, she's actually running super late,
15:02but hopefully she'll get here while we're working.
15:04Okay, so are we ready to do a little bit of dancing?
15:08I'm so excited. I feel like I'm, like,
15:10auditioning for, like, a Broadway musical.
15:12This is for the opening number.
15:13One, two, three, four, walk, walk.
15:17Adding arms.
15:18One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
15:22Ball change onto here.
15:23Adam is working us out.
15:26One, two, three, four.
15:28One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
15:31This is a lot off the bat.
15:32This is the story of three.
15:35If you all can't stand like this,
15:37y'all should get out of the business.
15:39You're drag queens. You know how to do this.
15:43Oh, my assistant's here.
15:44Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm, like...
15:48Melissa McCarthy is in the building!
15:50Oh, my God.
15:52We all know we all need a side hustle, ladies.
15:55Bitch, that's Ursula.
15:58Molly of Mike and Molly.
16:02Okay, she's not great at this.
16:06What is going on?
16:08This is why I do not like hiring
16:09A-list movie stars to be my assistants.
16:12Guys, we got to have focus, and we got to keep moving on.
16:15Let me just see from the very, very top with the music.
16:17From the top.
16:18Here we go. Hit it.
16:19High in the Swiss shouts, but it ain't your own vision.
16:22Uh, let's do that one more time.
16:24Safiya, remember, high in the Swiss shout, front arms.
16:27Yes. You expect me to now be learning choreography,
16:33and Melissa McCarthy is sitting, like, 10 feet away from me.
16:37Baby, you got to be out your mind.
16:39I need focus, guys.
16:41You're doing great.
16:43Focus, focus, focus, focus, ladies.
16:44Anybody want a baby bell?
16:48Cheese? Really? Back here, back here.
16:50I'm working.
16:52Sorry. Oh.
16:53This is my favorite sporting event.
16:54I've ever partaken in.
16:56How do we go from learning a choreo for a musical
16:58to cheese flying in the air being thrown by Melissa McCarthy?
17:01We have a lot to do.
17:03Everybody, just hold on to your cheese until we're done.
17:05I am going to have to pick up the dogs soon.
17:08All right. I'm going to go get the dogs.
17:09I just want to say, if I can take one minute.
17:12I just adore you all. I adore what you do.
17:15Drag is a big part of why I have a career.
17:17I was going to drag shows when I shouldn't have been,
17:20and it literally gave me the courage to get up on stage.
17:23I started in drag.
17:24I started a big old red wig called Miss Why.
17:26So when I look at you fighting to carve out your space,
17:29it makes me so proud, and I just want to thank you for it
17:31and root for you, and you're all gorgeous ladies,
17:33and I just love you.
17:35Just keep doing what you're doing.
17:36It's not only wildly entertaining,
17:37and it brings joy, it's important.
17:40And fight for it, because it's worth it.
17:42Listening to Melissa McCarthy talk about drag,
17:44and even get a little choked up talking to us about it,
17:47it just makes me realize how significant it is
17:50to even be here.
17:51And there's no small parts.
17:53It almost feels like she's talking to me directly,
17:55because I was really mad about having a small part.
17:57I was being a brat and a diva about it.
17:59She read me to filth without reading me to filth.
18:02Let me eat this cheese, because you're right.
18:04Thank you. Thank you so much.
18:06Bye, ladies.
18:07Okay, great. We're going to move on.
18:09We've gotten some words of wisdom.
18:10Now it's time to go do this damn thing.
18:12Let me look at a little Mariah piece here.
18:14From what I've seen of Adam's work,
18:16he's looking for polish, precision, professionalism.
18:20Oh, my God, he's looking for P words.
18:21He's looking for plasma.
18:23I can't reiterate enough how much is riding on you
18:26on this one, so in the opening,
18:27my heels may be high, but my spirit is low.
18:34It's the hunchback for me.
18:36I hunched that back, girl, but my spirit is low.
18:41Honey Plasma is 24 years old,
18:43but has the scoliosis of a 65-year-old.
18:47Let me see Mother Superior and The Bad Habits.
18:52You guys are sort of the narrators of the piece,
18:54and this is rooted in 60s kind of dancing,
18:57so it's pony, pony, jerk, and jerk.
19:03Five, six, seven, eight.
19:05How do you tell and drag me?
19:07Two, three, four, to not so for the splits.
19:11The choreography is not what I expected.
19:13I was expecting just going with the flow.
19:16I'm assuming you chose these roles
19:17because you feel like you could dance, right?
19:20Yeah. What kind of dance?
19:21I usually do hip-hop. I do kicks, flips, everything.
19:24This is straight-up musical theater.
19:26Like, this isn't everybody's comfort zone.
19:28I am concerned for Maya.
19:30I know that she's the queen of flips,
19:32but I don't see this nun doing any flips.
19:34I'm missing something. This is your feet, baby.
19:37Rooting for you, though, sister.
19:39Not my Jane impression. Ew.
19:41Okay. Sit down. Next group.
19:43Baroness and the Baronettes.
19:45It's mostly about, like,
19:46we're too lazy to actually have to move,
19:48but when we move, we move big.
19:50It's Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard,
19:52where she's like, I'm ready for my close-up, Demille.
19:54And then, bam, bam, hit, down. Okay, hit it.
19:58You should break up. Break up.
20:00Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
20:02Maybe we'll see you in the next life.
20:04Q, the Baroness is the full woman experience,
20:09and I'm getting just straight-up boy from you right now.
20:12Do you know what I mean? I see a messy man.
20:14So, once again, Q is Frankenstein up there, clomping along.
20:18How I'm feeling this is going to go is, like,
20:20Q's going to be lipsyncing again.
20:23Maybe I should have just taken that role.
20:26You should break up. Break up.
20:27Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
20:29Maybe we'll see you in the next life.
20:34You didn't look as confident just now as she did.
20:35Yeah, I'm not getting the ... I'm not picking up the timing.
20:39You've got to find a way to get in there
20:41and make sure that you look exactly like each other physically.
20:44After all that shit-talking, it's kind of fun to look at,
20:47because I love watching other people struggle.
20:51Okay, moving on. Let me see the Von Snaps.
20:54So, let me just show you your introduction stuff.
20:56When the Oompa-Pas come in, you guys go up,
20:59and you go down, just in terms of that.
21:00So, you're just going to do ... You go up first.
21:02Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
21:06You're already scared.
21:08What's really important is that this all be very precise, okay?
21:12Don't fuck that up.
21:14It's Nagami. Can we do it a little better?
21:17I don't know. Like, it's really easy, Mama.
21:19My name is Schnitzel, and I want to marry,
21:22but all the boys tell me my Schnitzel's too heavy.
21:27Like, I'm pulling for you,
21:28but this is going to be hard.
21:30I'm slow on choreo, but when I get it, I get it.
21:32Not going to lie, a lot of work to do here.
21:35Girl, I'm here watching Nagami, about to fall on her face.
21:37I think she might need Plain Jane's immunity potion,
21:40but I'm not sure if Plain is going to give it to her.
21:45Gotta wake up.
21:47Oh, shit.
21:48We're going home.
21:50Today is the day where we debut the Sound of Ruzic,
21:53and I feel like Joan Crawford.
21:54I did my little witch hazel ice bath this morning,
21:57and I'm ready to be a star, baby.
22:02Saphira, how do you feel?
22:04I feel great. I just got to be an old lady.
22:06That's me every day.
22:06So, you don't have immunity anymore, though.
22:10Oh, my God. That's right.
22:12I don't have a safety net,
22:14and I don't believe that I'll be needing immunity.
22:16I'm feeling like the superior Mother Saphira.
22:22Did you immediately, like, gravitate
22:23towards that Beringia role?
22:25Oh, yeah.
22:25You heard the very clear man's voice,
22:28and you said, that's me.
22:30Bitch, you got the squarest head in this room.
22:32I do.
22:33And you have the most facial hair
22:34out of anybody in this room, so don't play with me.
22:37After rehearsing, like, all night,
22:39I feel a lot better about the choreo.
22:42My goal is to redeem myself from the girl group challenge.
22:45I want to show the judges that I can move,
22:47and, like, I can have fun.
22:49Do y'all have any background
22:51that would aid you in this challenge?
22:52Yeah. I do have a dance background.
22:54I was a ballroom dancer for, like,
22:57nine years of my life, I would say.
22:59I started ballroom dance when I was about
23:00six or seven years old,
23:01and I competed in competitions across the U.S.,
23:05and even abroad, and I really enjoyed it.
23:08But then I quit. I quit ballroom dance
23:10because somebody in high school told me that it was gay, yeah.
23:13Yeah, yeah, yeah.
23:13I quit something that was actually very,
23:15very special to me,
23:17because I didn't want to raise any eyebrows,
23:20and it's probably one of my biggest regrets in life.
23:25So, are you girlies, like, musical theater gays?
23:29No. No.
23:29Growing up in New York, I remember when I was, like, 17,
23:32and I went to go see Hairspray on Broadway,
23:34and Edna was, like, technically the first, like,
23:37drag person that I ever saw in front of me on stage.
23:41I was like, um, this is amazing.
23:43What is that?
23:44What is happening right now?
23:46I did love meeting Adam.
23:49Hairspray is literally my favorite musical of all time.
23:52I saw the Hairspray movie in theaters,
23:54like, five fucking times.
23:57I have rehearsed, rehearsed, rehearsed my ass off.
24:00I really want to impress Adam,
24:02because I want him to cast me in, like,
24:05Hairspray 2, Electric Boogaloo.
24:10I love your eye makeup today.
24:14That is shadiness.
24:15That is playfulness.
24:16You've been working on this eye for a long time.
24:19She laid a layer of oatmeal down first before she...
24:23Bad makeup day?
24:24Bad makeup day.
24:26It's about the finished product.
24:27It's not about the journey.
24:28You're right.
24:29Every time you put on your makeup,
24:30I'd be like, what is this clown bitch doing?
24:32Oh my God.
24:33And then she puts on the hair and lashes and the heels,
24:35and I'd be like, what is this clown bitch doing?
24:40Welcome to the main stage of RuPaul's Drag Race.
24:43She's 16 going on 17, and that's just her shoe size.
24:48Michelle Visage.
24:50Well, Ru, you know what they say
24:51about a girl with big feet.
24:53No, what?
24:54Big bunions.
24:57And Ross Matthews.
24:58How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?
25:02Oh, I just grab it and choke it.
25:04My moonbeam likes it rough.
25:08Welcome back, the fabulous Adam Shankman.
25:12What are a few of your favorite things?
25:14They're all battery powered.
25:18This week, we challenged our queens to still the show
25:21in the sound of Ruzek.
25:23Bracers, start your engines,
25:25and may the best drag queen win.
25:28And now, the world premiere, The Sound of Ruzek.
25:35Our story opens at the Abbey,
25:37a gay bar high in the Swiss Alps.
25:40This is the story of three girl groups on a mission
25:46to win first place in the musical tradition.
25:49High in the Swiss Alps, burnin' at Eurovision.
25:52It's the Salzburg Ruzek music singing competition.
25:57That's simple.
25:58And now, introducing our competitors.
26:01Performing nightly at the Abbey,
26:02it's Mother Superior and the Bad Habits.
26:06One, two, three, four.
26:07This is a biscuit, but it's a good one.
26:11Headlining weekends at Salzburg or Mary's,
26:13their music really slaps.
26:15They're the family of our snacks.
26:17Yummy, yummy.
26:19Pine cone!
26:20Pine cone?
26:22And finally, from Club Edo Weiss,
26:24the reigning champions for the past 35 years,
26:27they never break a sweat.
26:29It's the Baroness Braun and her baronet.
26:31Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
26:34Uh, what?
26:35You expect us to sing for free?
26:37Keep it moving.
26:38But there's a problem flowing in the wind
26:39for the sisters at the Abbey,
26:41and they call the wind Mariah, Mariah, Mariah.
26:46My heels may be high,
26:50but my spirit is low.
26:54I want to be the star
26:58of a brand new badass show.
27:02I'm longing to let all my freak out,
27:06to seek out adventure that's new and fresh and neat.
27:10Quiet, girl.
27:11We don't need to hear your life story.
27:13What makes you think you have what it takes
27:14to be a Bad Habit?
27:15Because I can sing eight octaves,
27:17and I look sick in a black hat.
27:19Do I finally get to perform my solo tonight?
27:22How do you say Mariah?
27:24She gets on my nerves.
27:26But she's oh so sweet, though.
27:27She can't just be in the choir.
27:30She sings harmonies.
27:32During all my solos.
27:34Sisters, we will once young queens ourselves.
27:38And the Lord works in mysterious ways.
27:40So do serial killers.
27:41She's too much.
27:43How do you tell a drag queen
27:45to not go for the splits?
27:49How do you tell Mariah
27:51to stick to the way it is?
27:55How do you say Mariah?
27:56How do you say Mariah?
27:58She gets on my nerves.
27:59But she's just so sweet, though.
28:00She can't just be in the choir.
28:04She sings harmonies.
28:05During all my solos.
28:07How do you tell a drag queen
28:09to not go for the splits?
28:13How do you tell Mariah
28:15to stick to the way it is?
28:19How do you say Mariah?
28:20How do you say Mariah?
28:23Mother Superior, I have a confession.
28:25You know without actual knowledge, right?
28:27Look, look, look here.
28:28There's something you can't take.
28:30I feel a calling.
28:32I think it's my inner freak.
28:33What should I do?
28:34My child, if there's one thing I know for sure,
28:37you can't keep your freak in.
28:38You can only let it out.
28:42I was just like you,
28:45curious about the great unknown.
28:48But I...
28:49I was just like you,
28:52so young but so ready to be grown.
28:56It's just...
28:57There's a very big chance
29:00that it won't go away.
29:05But all I can say,
29:08find out for yourself.
29:11Well, that doesn't sound very inspiring.
29:13Gosh, my child, this is my solo.
29:15There's a very big chance,
29:18a really big chance,
29:20an overwhelmingly not in your favor chance
29:23that it won't go away.
29:27But all I can say,
29:29find out for yourself.
29:38But I'm afraid I'll never find my tribe
29:41if only the Lord would send me a sign.
29:44Vonstaff family, stop.
29:46Looking for a new lead singer? Stop.
29:48Must love pricks and pinecones.
29:51Don't stop.
29:52Maybe the Vonsnaps are my tribe.
29:54No, then.
29:55Mariah, this is your sign.
29:57Uh, yeah.
29:58Find out where you're...
30:03Yeah, I got it.
30:14Hello, hello, hello.
30:15You must be the Vonsnap.
30:17I'm your new lead singer, Mariah Grande.
30:19Tell me about yourself.
30:23My name is Doodle.
30:24I like churning butter.
30:26Sometimes I doodle in circles of tether.
30:30Oh, very farm to table.
30:33My name is Schnitzel
30:34and I want to marry,
30:35but all the boys tell me
30:37my schnitzel is too heavy.
30:39Oh, that's very personal.
30:42My name is Peaselbeck
30:44sitting on pinecones.
30:46Kissing kittens
30:47and sitting on pinecones.
30:49And smelling my pinecones
30:50and dating my pinecones.
30:51Wow, that's very specific.
30:53But that's okay.
30:55All we need is a little, um, flash.
30:59Oh, so you want us to drag this shit up.
31:01Where should we start?
31:03How about at the very beginning?
31:04That's a very good place to start.
31:06Hit it.
31:08I'll say a word.
31:10Then you say the first thing
31:12that comes to your mind.
31:15When I say that word.
31:18Say anything.
31:19No, don't you dare think twice.
31:23Let's drag this shit up.
31:24Let it flow.
31:25I'll start and then you go.
31:28Like, girl, I'll have some tea.
31:32Like when we're growing shade.
31:36My favorite shady tree.
31:38That's what I was thinking from the start.
31:40Again, we'll go, go, go.
31:43A name that fits on me.
31:47Come sing it to me.
31:51My other favorite tree.
31:53Your friends, they don't get this,
31:54but we'll start again.
31:55We'll go, go, go.
31:57Give me that tea.
31:58I'ma got tea.
31:59I'ma throw shade.
32:00I'ma throw shade under that tree.
32:01Let's start again.
32:02We'll go, go, go.
32:04Give me that tea.
32:05I'ma got tea.
32:06I'ma throw shade.
32:07I'ma throw shade under that tree.
32:09Let's start again.
32:10We'll go, go, go.
32:16Hey, girls.
32:17We couldn't help it over here, you little...
32:19Was that a musical number?
32:21It was cute.
32:22We're enemies, right?
32:23So let us give you the tea.
32:25No one in the Swiss Alps wants to hear
32:27whatever freaky music you call that.
32:29We're all 16?
32:30Going on no.
32:31We're actually in our 20s.
32:33So, in conclusion,
32:34you should break up.
32:35Break up.
32:38Maybe we'll see you in the next life.
32:40So long.
32:41So long.
32:44We'll see you in hell.
32:46We can't stop us.
32:47Oh, yes, we can.
32:48This goes distinctly from your car.
32:50So good luck getting to the Salzburg
32:52Rule 6 Mule 6 Singing Competition Festival
32:54and Tournament.
32:55We'll never make it to the competition now.
33:00It's competition day
33:02and the tensions are a-higher.
33:04There's a baroness.
33:05Her pussy is on fire.
33:07But where, oh, where,
33:08are the farts that's ever right?
33:11One, two, three, four,
33:12five, six, seven.
33:13It's the Salzburg Rule 6 Mule 6 Singing Competition
33:16Festival, Tournament,
33:18and Hair Show.
33:21Okay, give it up for Mother Superior
33:23and the Bad Habits.
33:25Thank you, ladies.
33:26And now, it's time for Mariah
33:28and the Von Snapp Family Singers.
33:31I said, Mariah and the family Von Snapp.
33:36Looks like they're a no-show.
33:38I guess that means next up is everybody's
33:40favorite nationalist and reigning champion,
33:43the Baroness Braun and her baroness.
33:46It is my privilege to be with you here this evening.
33:51Hey, if you're walking through a field
33:55of beautiful white flowers
33:58and you see a one-way wet world
34:01that's fragrant and filter,
34:04you should go over to that
34:07unique and gorgeous wet flower
34:10and tell it out by the root.
34:15Believe me, believe me,
34:20how can I be wrong if I'm right?
34:24Is she saying right or white?
34:26Get your freaking feet on the stage.
34:30I love it.
34:33Oh, that's a good one, too.
34:36My favorite.
34:40Bring it on.
34:42Believe me, believe me,
34:45how can I be wrong if I'm right?
34:49For the 36th year in a row,
34:51the winner of a song for rooting music,
34:53singing, competition, festival, tournament,
34:55hair show, and swap meet is the Baroness...
34:59How did you get here?
35:00It's literally a five-minute walk.
35:01You may have stolen our spark plug,
35:03but you couldn't steal our sparkle.
35:05Actually, we stole your distributor card.
35:07But your verse, mate, is adorable.
35:08All that matters is that we're here now
35:10and we want to let our freak out.
35:12That sounds bad.
35:13Maybe you, but one kid doesn't get to dictate
35:15what's right for everybody.
35:16We have a right to sing our own music
35:18in our own style.
35:19Hit it.
35:21What do you do if you can't find your tribe
35:23and you don't feel alive
35:25and you just want to thrive?
35:27What do you do when you know that you're stuck
35:29and you're down on your luck
35:31and you just had enough?
35:33Don't be scurdy or strange.
35:36Have a shrug, do it your way.
35:39If you dance to a different beat
35:42and you want to live, you'll never see it.
35:45Baby, it's your time to blow
35:48and don't freak out in you.
35:51What do you do when you're ready to change
35:53and when you finally change,
35:55then it all turns out great?
35:57What do you do when you find a pinecone
35:59and you rub that pinecone
36:01and you can't take it home?
36:03He's gone.
36:04What? That's my era now.
36:06If you dance to a different beat
36:09and you want to live, you'll never see it.
36:11Baby, it's your time to blow
36:14and don't freak out in you.
36:16And the winner is
36:18Corita and the Bone Snail!
36:21And don't freak out,
36:23and don't freak out,
36:24and don't freak out in you!
36:27So, if someone wanted to let out her inner free,
36:30how would she do it?
36:31Asking for a point.
36:33Come on, it's fun.
36:34Smell my pinecone.
36:35Hmm, I'm not there yet.
36:37What have we learned from all this?
36:39Find your song.
36:41Learn each way.
36:43Sing out strong.
36:45Find your tone.
36:49Love yourself.
37:00The category is,
37:02I could buy myself flowers.
37:04Up first,
37:07Don't rain on my parade.
37:09So, my favorite movie musicals of all time
37:11are My Fair Lady and, you guessed it,
37:13Funny Girl.
37:14And of course, in Funny Girl,
37:15she gets a blue marble egg and yellow roses,
37:17so I'm decked in yellow roses.
37:19How do you do?
37:20She's also known as the yellow rose of Silma.
37:23Ha ha ha!
37:27Saphira Cristal.
37:30Ooh, wow.
37:32Y'all, this bitch is pollinated.
37:35This is my fantasy drag.
37:37Big, huge petals as wings.
37:39I'm such a big flower,
37:40I can barely fit on the runway.
37:42And that is Saphira Cristal.
37:43She cannot be contained.
37:45You down with FTD?
37:46Yeah, you know me.
37:50Is this just me,
37:51or does that outfit make her look a little hippie?
37:54My runway look is flower child Miami girl
37:57who went back in time to the 1970s,
37:59went to Woodstock,
38:00and is just happy to be there.
38:01And ooh, there's something in my tongue.
38:03Oh, the good old days.
38:05Oh, she's seeing trails.
38:07You know where she lives?
38:09On the corner of ass, berry, and hate.
38:11Ha ha ha!
38:14This is Pearl Bailey
38:15in the musical version of Citizen Kane.
38:18That's exactly what I was thinking.
38:20It's called Rosebud.
38:21This look is 100% representing Maya Iman LePage.
38:26It chose to be a rose,
38:27full of stones, glitz, and glamour.
38:30The book Flowers in the Attic?
38:32Well, this is flowers in the ass, huh?
38:36I hear the new season of The Bachelorette is twisted!
38:41This runway is ghoul Dawn.
38:44She is a forlorn lover.
38:46She's been dead for years,
38:47and she's kind of pissed about it.
38:49Inspired by dead flowers on gravestones.
38:52And I'm really sad, but gorgeous.
38:55Every rose has its horn.
38:57That's true.
39:00Oh, my God.
39:01My beautiful wedding dress is stained.
39:03And from the Wisteria Lane lingerie collection.
39:07It's my wedding day,
39:08so I'm giving you a sexy and chic
39:10and maybe a little bit campy bride.
39:13Honey, I'm getting too flowered.
39:15Tonight's the night!
39:19Is it she a site for sword cacti?
39:21Ha ha ha!
39:24Oh, guys, she's a grower, not a shower!
39:27This look is very Nymphia
39:28because it's very camp and it's very unexpected.
39:31And well-made, of course.
39:33How can I miss that part?
39:35Actually, she woke up like this.
39:37It's a duvet.
39:39It's cute.
39:41I loathe hydrangeas.
39:44I'm serving Lotus Mantis,
39:45more creature-esque with the very long arms.
39:48Lurching down this runway,
39:50every detail on this outfit is thought out.
39:53I'm always going to surprise you.
39:55She's giving a, like,
39:56alien glitter table centerpiece hooker.
39:59At least someone's getting laid.
40:01Ha ha ha!
40:03Playing Jane.
40:04Kids, you can lead a horde to culture.
40:07I'm giving you Rapunzel,
40:09and I'm pulling my hair,
40:11and on the very tail end,
40:13my beautiful prince.
40:15This look is a little bit different for me,
40:17but I'm still giving you that element of camp
40:19that you've come to know, love, and expect from me.
40:22Have you met her new boyfriend?
40:24He's just a doll.
40:25Ha ha ha!
40:29Tsunami is starring in the new production
40:31of Little Shop of Horrors.
40:34What I'm giving today on the runway
40:36is an upside-down bouquet.
40:38I have my cellophane stall around me.
40:42The bodice are the stems,
40:44and the ruffles are the flowers,
40:46so the ruffles in motion
40:49are fully bringing the whole fantasy alive.
40:52You know her favorite author?
40:53Know who?
40:54Judy Blume.
40:55Ha ha ha!
40:57You are silly.
41:01Welcome, queens.
41:02I've made some decisions.
41:05But first, one immunity potion
41:08is still in circulation.
41:10Playing Jane.
41:12Do you wish to use it this week?
41:17I'm not thirsty, Mama.
41:19I'll be the judge of that.
41:22When I call your name, please step forward.
41:28Nymphia Wynn.
41:30Playing Jane.
41:32Tsunami Muse.
41:34Good job this week, ladies.
41:36You are all safe.
41:41You may leave the stage.
41:47Now it's time for the judges' critiques.
41:50Up first, Plasma.
41:52This look tonight, this is beautiful.
41:54Though very Dolly Levi, it's you.
41:56It is gorgeous.
41:58Let's talk about the rousical.
42:00Taking the main role is always a risk.
42:02It could have been do-re-meh,
42:04but it was do-re-major.
42:06You had so many nuances
42:08that makes the theater the theater.
42:11There were no crumbs left.
42:13The amount of dialogue you just had to learn to lip-sync,
42:15you had to do the most dancing,
42:17and you never wavered.
42:18You should be incredibly proud.
42:20You were fantastic.
42:22I mean, just the energy that you were in it.
42:24Thank you so much.
42:26All right, let's move on to Saphira.
42:28This is a masterpiece.
42:30It's very carnival, but it's just so beautiful.
42:34Where Plasma excelled as the leading actress,
42:37you soared as the supporting actress.
42:40Bitch stole the show in a supporting role.
42:42You gave me what I wanted from you,
42:44complete with old-school drag queen lip quivers.
42:47It was all the extras that you brought to the character.
42:50The timing with the shh-shh, you know?
42:52The extras is what made it sing.
42:55And you made it feel effortless.
42:57Adam, I felt comfortable in your hands.
43:00I felt like I wanted to please you.
43:04So far, everything needs to be cut from what you're saying.
43:10Up next, Morphe.
43:12I love that you did a flower power sort of hippie moment,
43:15and the fact that you stoned this outfit brings it to drag.
43:18I think the sleeves are great,
43:20but I don't like that they're not lined.
43:22I can see so much of the back of the fabric.
43:25But that wig, girl, is gorgeous.
43:28That headpiece, I love.
43:30In the production, what I loved about you was your energy.
43:33You had the moves and the lyrics, and you were performing,
43:36but there was just something more you could have brought.
43:39You had your moments.
43:41I just want you to feel the confidence
43:43and just move it up a little bit extra.
43:46Up next, Maya.
43:48This look tonight, Maya, you just look beautiful.
43:51I like this bang on you.
43:53It's a little long, but the look in general is so pretty.
43:56That's the first time Michelle didn't like a long bang.
43:59And tonight, you never failed,
44:01but you succeeded in some ways that were very, very remarkable,
44:05and then less so in other places.
44:07It's like you were in your head.
44:09Clearly you can dance.
44:11What I love about you is I could see the work
44:13and the steps and the counting.
44:15If your face isn't projecting joy,
44:17it kind of pulls you out of it.
44:19And I was losing where your face was meant to be going.
44:21I'm not sure you knew where to be looking.
44:23At one point, your veil was over your head.
44:25I've seen you get out here in these lip syncs,
44:27and you just work it, and you are in it.
44:29We needed that same thing tonight in the Rusical.
44:32All right, up next, Magami.
44:34I really like this look.
44:36I think it's really fun, and I think you look really pretty.
44:39There's a guy who, like, discovers, like,
44:41oh my God, my dress is stained, what am I going to do?
44:44Grab the floral arrangements and just make it work.
44:47We needed that longer, I think.
44:49I would have kept walking down the runway with it
44:51and then thrown it off down to here in front.
44:53You got to be Schnitzel.
44:55I feel like I get one look,
44:57and I'm not talking about your drag,
44:59I'm talking about your face.
45:01It's the same point of view all the time.
45:03So if you're doing a different character like you were this time,
45:06and you're doing Mount Ferry or Statue of Liberty,
45:09even tonight in this, it's the same face, same delivery.
45:12I want you to let the drag deliver the personality.
45:15You did make me laugh in the musical.
45:17When you delivered the line about your Schnitzel being hairy,
45:20that was funny.
45:21I felt like when it was time for Magami to be funny,
45:24she was funny, and then she'd step back,
45:26and suddenly then she was just Magami.
45:28All right, up next, it's Q.
45:30In the challenge, perfection.
45:32It was so funny.
45:34And with a giant stole, you pretty much stole the show.
45:40We know that dancing's not your thing,
45:43but you pulled it off.
45:45The choreography, the movement, it all worked.
45:48Wait, what choreo?
45:50Like, she walked back and forth with a fucking rug.
45:53Any of us could have done that.
45:55That was pretty MVP stuff that you did.
45:58That beat, that full Amanda Lepore that you went,
46:01God love you, you're A+++.
46:03I absolutely love this look,
46:05because it's like, oh, bitch, you're gonna challenge me
46:07for a flower runway?
46:08Well, guess what?
46:09I brought the whole motherfucking garden.
46:11I think your real strength is subtlety.
46:17Thank you, ladies.
46:18I think we've heard enough.
46:19While you relax in the untucked lounge,
46:22the judges and I will deliberate.
46:24All right, just between us girlfriends,
46:26I want to know what you think.
46:28Let's start with Plasma.
46:30That tonight was a Broadway audition,
46:32and guess what?
46:33She got the gig.
46:35Couldn't take my eyes off of her.
46:36Let's move on down to Sephira.
46:38Can we talk about that runway moment?
46:40Oh, my God.
46:41That broke Drag Race for a second.
46:43Yeah, that runway was Georgia O'Keeffe down.
46:46Mother superior?
46:49She was absolutely superior.
46:51All right, let's move on down to Morphe.
46:53She did a good job tonight.
46:54I just felt like she could have given more of a character.
46:58She didn't know exactly where she fit into the puzzle
47:01all the time.
47:02All right, let's move on down to Maya.
47:04Where Morphe lacked a bit of a character,
47:07Maya had no character.
47:09So that was my problem with her.
47:11It's been a reoccurring theme.
47:12She is so timid, so reserved.
47:14For this nun, it's becoming a habit.
47:17Oh, my God.
47:18All right, let's talk about Magami.
47:20I will say, Michelle, I get what you're saying
47:22about it being a bit repetitive,
47:23what she's bringing in these challenges,
47:25but I laughed when she delivered the big line
47:28about a hairy schnitzel.
47:30But again, all of her attention is going into the stuff
47:32that she finds appealing,
47:33and then the other stuff she's just not paying attention to.
47:36Every moment of being on this show
47:38is being, like, waiting in the wings off-camera in character.
47:42That's right.
47:43You have to always be prepared to pounce.
47:45All right, let's talk about Q.
47:46In the Rusical, she was hilarious,
47:49polished, committed, and flawless.
47:51I thought that the Baroness and the Baronettes
47:54were some of the show-stopping, highlight-y things for me,
47:57and Q was the leader of that pack.
48:00That's how you do it.
48:01In fact, all of the Baronettes were fantastic.
48:04If you just zoom in on her face
48:06as the character in the Rusical,
48:08and then into her pink makeup on the runway,
48:10that's the same human being.
48:12Yeah, that's wild.
48:13She's averse, I'm telling you.
48:15She did something completely different,
48:16but impeccably done, so therefore...
48:18All right, silence.
48:20I've made my decision.
48:22Bring back my Goyles.
48:26Welcome back, Queens.
48:28I've made some decisions.
48:32Plasma, as Moriah, you had confidence,
48:36and it showed.
48:38Zephira, as Mother Superior,
48:41you were...superior.
48:45Q, as the Baroness, you could do no wrong.
48:51Plasma, congratulations.
48:53You're the winner of this week's challenge.
48:56You've won a cash prize, $5,000.
49:00Thank you so much.
49:02I've been telling y'all that this was my challenge.
49:05You three may join the other girls.
49:10And I think I deserve this win.
49:13Morphine, the judges enjoyed your flower child.
49:19But your sister act needed a divine intervention.
49:23Maya, your runway was rosy,
49:26but the judges were none too pleased.
49:30Mogami, your runway was blooming fabulous,
49:34but as Yvonne snapped, you needed more crackle and pop.
49:41Morphine, you are safe.
49:44You may join the other girls.
49:49That means Maya and Mogami,
49:52I'm sorry, my dears, but you are both up for elimination.
49:56It's 100% game on because I have to send this bitch home.
50:00Two queens stand before me.
50:03Ladies, this is your last chance to impress me
50:06and save yourself from elimination.
50:10The time has come for you to lip-sync
50:16for your life.
50:22Maya's known for her flips and tricks,
50:25and this is not a dance-y song.
50:27Everything is down to this one moment,
50:29and I need to get the emotion and sell it to the judges.
50:33Good luck and don't fuck it up.
50:38We were good, we were cold
50:42Kind of dream that can't be sold
50:46We were right till we weren't
50:50Built a home and watched it burn
50:54I didn't want to leave you, I didn't want to lie
50:58Started to cry, but then remembered I
51:02I can buy myself flowers
51:06Write my name in the sand
51:09Bogami seems to think she has this in the bag,
51:12but Bogami's just getting out of my way
51:14and just let me own this stage.
51:16No flips involved.
51:18No regret
51:20I forgive every word you say
51:24I didn't want to leave you, baby
51:26I didn't want to fight
51:28Started to cry, but then remembered I
51:33I can trick myself that's it
51:38I can hold you in my arms
51:41And love me better than you can
51:46You love me better than I
51:52I didn't want to leave you, I didn't want to fight
51:56Started to cry, but then remembered I
52:00I can buy myself flowers
52:04You better be with five!
52:07Yeah, I can love me better than
52:10Yeah, I can love me better than
52:14You can
52:16You can
52:18You can love me better than
52:21I can love you
52:28Queens, I've made my decision.
52:35Maya, Shantae, you stay.
52:39You may join the other girls.
52:45Bogami, my queen,
52:48from the BK to the USA and beyond.
52:53Now, sashay away.
52:58I'm so happy I got to experience this.
53:01Have fun with all these idiots here.
53:04I love them so much.
53:08Bogami, love you!
53:10Everyone watching, support local drag
53:13and protect queer art.
53:19Didn't expect to be leaving so soon,
53:22and I felt like I won that lip sync.
53:25I felt like I put my heart and my soul into that song,
53:29but I just hope that I made the people in my life proud,
53:34and I think I did a good job.
53:40Condragulations, queens, and remember,
53:43if you can't love yourself, how in the hell
53:46you gonna love somebody else?
53:48Can I get an amen up in here?
53:51All right, now let the music play.