DRАG RАСЕ S16Е10 (2024)

  • 4 days ago


00:00I'm gonna go get my drink.
00:13Plasma was just eliminated, and she had two wins,
00:17so I'm, like, kinda glad some competition is gone.
00:21Plasma Leaving says that anybody can go home at any moment,
00:24no matter how many wins you have.
00:26It comes down to that final lip sync,
00:28but you're going home.
00:30Thank you all for the love. XOXO, Plasma.
00:33That lip sync was fucking amazing.
00:35It was fantastic.
00:37I can't believe you flipped in a gown.
00:41I thought you were gonna be sent home
00:43because you didn't have a wig under your wig,
00:45but it was sickening.
00:47You are the Lip Sync Assassin.
00:49Three for three, Mama.
00:51I am in awe of Maya
00:53and kind of wishing that we had got rid of her earlier.
00:55Maybe I shouldn't have helped the bitch.
00:57So how you feeling?
00:59It's not a good feeling to have to lip sync almost every week,
01:03but I'm happy to be here.
01:05It sucks that I had to send Plasma home
01:07because we were actually becoming close friends.
01:09Love you, Plasma.
01:11I feel like it's gonna get harder and harder for me
01:14because the judges are gonna be expecting me
01:16to bring more to the table,
01:18but I'm a damn good performer, so watch it, bitches.
01:25Well deserved.
01:27I've been, like, itching for this second win,
01:29so, like, I've, like, want to keep that momentum going.
01:34It feels like the girls have their eyes on me.
01:37They're seeing me snatch another win up.
01:39I think they're gunning for me to, you know, fall again.
01:43We're down to 7 girls.
01:45When you walked in with your 6 new sisters,
01:47did you expect these to be the ones
01:49that you saw getting towards the end?
01:51I definitely saw Nifia in play.
01:53I saw Safira, Q, from my group, for sure.
01:56What the fuck does that mean?
01:58Oh, my God! I'm sorry!
02:00Dawn, yes, you too, you too, you too!
02:02I've been doing great in this competition.
02:04It is just a matter of figuring out
02:07how the fuck to have a win.
02:10I saw it being Safira and Q as well.
02:12And Tanami, but here you are.
02:16Morphine and Dawn are the only two girls
02:18that don't have wins now,
02:20so the pressure is honestly getting to both of those girls.
02:22I'm really frustrated that I haven't even been in the top.
02:25Bitch, I want to win, you know?
02:27But hopefully there's not going to be
02:29any more sewing challenges.
02:31Imagine it's a sewing challenge to get into the finale.
02:33Let's do it.
02:35Walking out.
02:37She's been walking out.
02:39You might not have Safira to make your dress for you that time.
02:41But I have a good mind.
02:43I'm not slow, you know, like you.
02:45But, I mean, I still did these intricate things.
02:47Maybe you wore that little simple dress.
02:50And we're going to talk about execution.
02:52I executed, you know.
02:54I would say the Morphine versus Viya lip sync.
02:56If my name was called today to lip sync,
02:58I would have gotten a scissor and cut my dress
03:00because I was not going to let that bitch send me home.
03:02You still gonna go home, whether it's cut or not.
03:06I'm feeling the tension
03:08because I'm sitting right next to these motherfuckers.
03:10I'm like, Carrie, is this what you do in Miami?
03:12That's a lot.
03:14The Miami girls aren't friends.
03:19I don't know what you're going to lip sync.
03:21I mean, you're cute when you're home,
03:23so I don't know what you're going to do here.
03:27On that note...
03:29The stakes are higher than ever.
03:31And I'm over it. I need to win already.
03:33Do you think it's going to be a New York girl
03:35who leaves next week?
03:37Hope so.
03:39Well, I know it's not going to be me.
03:41People can't tell, but I can perform.
03:43Yeah, so can I.
03:47This is something that I know I have.
03:49I'm very confident in.
03:51So this week, I'm going to win the hearts of the judges
03:53because I'm not going down without a fight.
03:59We're here again!
04:01It's a new week in the workroom,
04:03and there's so much space for me to twirl.
04:05I can finally get a word in.
04:07No one's talking over you.
04:09My ears are rested.
04:11Good morning, girls.
04:13Good morning!
04:15I have to tell you something.
04:17What's that?
04:19I've started having dreams about you guys.
04:21Oh, no!
04:23Are they sex dreams?
04:25Which one of us are you fucking?
04:27Maybe I shouldn't say dreams, I should say nightmares.
04:29I definitely am thinking constantly about my sisters
04:31in sometimes ways that I don't want to be.
04:33Anyone in particular?
04:35No one, no, no, no!
04:43She's all ready to hit her.
04:45So tall.
04:49Hi, queens.
04:51Hey, girl.
04:53America's next drag superstar
04:55can use her charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent
04:57to inspire the people,
04:59especially when it's funky.
05:01So step to the beat
05:03and save the country.
05:09Hello, hello, hello!
05:13I love that suit.
05:15I love that suit.
05:19Throughout history, drag queens
05:21have been on the front lines of social change.
05:23That's right.
05:25And this election year,
05:27the most important thing we can all do is vote.
05:29Yes, ma'am, voting.
05:33But you can't just tell people to vote.
05:35You have to inspire them to feel the need.
05:37So for this week's Maxi Challenge,
05:39you've got to dig deep
05:41and let your voice be heard
05:43in the inspirational anthem
05:49First, you'll write a solo verse
05:51about what matters to you
05:53as a drag queen living
05:55in the USA.
05:57I think it's a very interesting
05:59layer to the challenge.
06:01It's not just being cunty fierce.
06:03It's a get-out-and-vote,
06:05make-your-voice-heard anthem.
06:07Next, you'll record your vocals
06:09with Power composers
06:11Leland and Freddie Scott.
06:15Then you will exercise your right
06:17to shake your groove thing
06:19with choreographer
06:21Jamal Sims.
06:25Baby, I just did
06:27James Brown in the Snatch Game,
06:29and I can't wait to get down and be funky.
06:31I feel another wind coming.
06:33And ladies, here is the best part.
06:35This song, Power, will be featured
06:37live on stage as part
06:39of the Work The World Tour.
06:43I brought the tracks.
06:45Now you bring the power.
06:49This song will be featured live on stage
06:51for the Work The World Tour,
06:53which is so exciting.
06:55This challenge incorporates performance skills,
06:57dancing, and lip-syncing.
06:59I'm confident because I eat at everything I do,
07:01so there's no way I could fuck this up.
07:03Get your inches,
07:05and may the best drag queen win.
07:11Let's listen to this thing.
07:13All right!
07:15I feel like Wendy Williams.
07:17The song Power is about
07:19getting everybody to vote,
07:21getting everybody to wake up,
07:23and fight for our power.
07:25I don't know how I'm supposed to write about voting
07:27when my whore self wants to come out.
07:29I have creative juices. I'm gonna start writing.
07:31Plank still has that damn immunity potion,
07:33and the immunity is going to expire
07:35this week, so...
07:37I'm going to give her a nice massage,
07:39bring her her breakfast, to bed.
07:41I'm gonna do whatever it takes
07:43just in case I'm in the bottom again.
07:45You know that episode of SpongeBob
07:47when he took five hours just to write that?
07:49Is that what you feel like?
07:51You definitely look like SpongeBob.
07:53You're definitely the SpongeBob of the cast.
07:55On your hand's some Squidward.
07:57I am one of two SpongeBob characters.
07:59I'm Miami Montevideo.
08:01So shady.
08:03Pressure's on for you, girl.
08:05You gotta make Miami proud.
08:07Because Mia's not doing it.
08:09I didn't say it.
08:11It was Morphine. Morphine said something.
08:13What happened with Mia? You had to beat her.
08:15You just like to run that mouth, Miss Morphine.
08:17Q, you might need that immunity potion today.
08:19It's a dance challenge, Q.
08:21And guess what? Last dance challenge I did in the bottom
08:23because I made an outfit that sucks.
08:25Well, uh...
08:27This time it's Rusical Bottom.
08:29Morphine is so thirsty for a win.
08:31She's getting a little sensitive
08:33about anybody that pokes fun
08:35that she hasn't exactly made her mark here yet.
08:37No one is safe, honey.
08:39Nobody is safe.
08:41Do you have some lyrics that you're playing around with?
08:43I'm gonna try and bring in a little bit
08:45of national anthems into this.
08:47In the black community, we have what's called
08:49the Negro National Anthem,
08:51which is called Lift Every Voice and Sing.
08:53You might have heard us.
08:55Lift every voice and sing
08:57Till earth and heaven ring
08:59Lift Every Voice and Sing
09:01is the Negro National Anthem.
09:03It is a beautiful song.
09:05It's about lifting every voice
09:07to get equality for everyone.
09:09Being black in America,
09:11it's just like really gives you
09:13a sense of community,
09:15a sense of pride.
09:17So I'm gonna try and lift every voice.
09:19No, I like that. I do like that vibe.
09:21Miss Mai, you won the last little writing song challenge.
09:25You think you're gonna take home another challenge win?
09:27I mean, I'm hoping so.
09:29I consider myself as a fake rapper or whatever.
09:31I'm excited because I love to dance, of course,
09:33and I'm good when it comes to writing lyrics.
09:35What I'm singing is
09:37living in a country where all rights should be equal.
09:39Just because I'm gay
09:41don't make me less equal.
09:43And then I start rapping after that.
09:45Mai, you just rhyme equal with equal.
09:47What are you doing?
09:49Maybe if I heard you singing it,
09:51it would be different.
09:53Just imagine them just calling me out
09:55as the winner of this challenge
09:57and I could watch everyone lip-sync.
09:59That would be different from all the other weeks.
10:01Oh, shit.
10:05You're, like, writing, writing.
10:07It's really easy
10:09to talk about all the things
10:11that you're good at in a verse,
10:13but this is very different,
10:15and I'm really spending a lot of time
10:17trying to consider what do I think my power is.
10:19It's really about, like, overcoming your trauma
10:21and your hurt, right,
10:23and, like, healing your inner child,
10:25because once you're able to do that,
10:27that's when you're really able to, like, help the world.
10:29Yeah. That's cute.
10:31Okay, I need to be blessed by some sort of song god.
10:33Where is Megami, my ghostwriter?
10:35For the girl group, you, like,
10:37you didn't write your lyrics.
10:39I told Megami, like, I was thinking about singing about this,
10:41and Megami put it into words for me.
10:43Okay. Well, she's not here now.
10:45So you're Megami.
10:47Oh, my God.
10:49She mentions that Megami wrote her entire lyrics last time,
10:51so she's having a little trouble,
10:53and I realize that I think I might have
10:55a bit of a curse going on at the moment
10:57because this is now the fourth time
10:59that I've been positioned next to someone
11:01who is freaking out about a challenge.
11:07Still empty.
11:11My company.
11:13Give me your pen.
11:15I'm not a part of this.
11:17What rhymes with yellow?
11:21Fellow, mellow, bellow, hello, jello, marshmallow.
11:23Don't be a marshmallow.
11:25Stand up and vote yellow.
11:29She wrote Nymphia Wind.
11:31There's a wind coming.
11:33Girl, the wind is your elimination.
11:35No, I'm just kidding.
11:39No, Nymphia.
11:41I need a miracle.
11:43Oh, gross.
11:53It's time to do our recording session with Leland,
11:55and I feel like Beyonce.
11:57I feel like I'm going to go record a hit smash song.
11:59I'm Leland.
12:01This is Freddie Scott,
12:03and we are the composers of Power.
12:05This song is all about empowerment,
12:07so I want to hear you deliver your message.
12:09Y'all ready?
12:11First up, Morphine Love Dion.
12:17How are you feeling about your verse?
12:19I really like my verse.
12:21It's all about the drag bands happening,
12:23but giving it a little cunt flair.
12:25Okay, amazing.
12:27So let's see what we're working with.
12:29Okay, let's do it. I'm excited.
12:31Got my faith in the hot times.
12:33I got that beat, that desire.
12:35I got that ballot to ride on.
12:37They try to take all our power.
12:39But I heard ballot,
12:41so I think that she's at least telling people to vote,
12:43so that's good.
12:45We're already almost there, so really just own it.
12:47Here we go.
12:49I got that drag that they ban on.
12:51I got that skin with the armor.
12:53I got that ballot to ride on.
12:55They know they can't take our power.
12:57That was wonderful.
12:59Potentially a show-stopping verse.
13:01Bitch, I'm going to be a songwriter after all, honey.
13:03Living in a country where our rights should be equal.
13:05Just because I'm gay
13:07don't make me less equal.
13:11Normally, as songwriters,
13:13I would be a stickler for rhyming
13:15equal with equal, but it's such a choice
13:17that you have to sell it.
13:19Otherwise it comes across as lazy songwriting.
13:21But you have to say,
13:23just because I'm gay
13:25don't make me less equal.
13:27Make me think you're going to say another word
13:29and then say equal again.
13:31You have set yourself up to have a really funny moment
13:33that people are not going to be expecting.
13:35Double down on that moment.
13:37Let's try it again.
13:39Living in a country where our rights should be equal.
13:41Just because I'm gay
13:43don't make me less equal.
13:45Let's take a chance.
13:47Tap that word and keep it moving.
13:49Let's grab it again.
13:51Just because I'm gay
13:53don't make me less equal.
13:55Poor Maya.
13:57I mean, well, girl.
13:59Just because I'm gay
14:01don't make me less equal.
14:03I mean, maybe Maya would have had a better song
14:05if Safiya wrote it for her.
14:07Ooh, I'm sorry.
14:09I'm sorry.
14:11We've got power.
14:13Being true to love will always make them cower.
14:15Writing up lies won't stop our wiles.
14:17Healing up our inner child.
14:19Dawn sounds very interesting.
14:21So bare, so don't bare their shame.
14:23It seems like she's having fun up there.
14:25And I'm glad that Dawn is having fun
14:27on what could potentially be her last week here.
14:29Can you try rapping everything for me?
14:31We've got power.
14:33Being true to love will always make them cower.
14:35That already feels so much better.
14:37I'm grateful to that man, because I went out on a limb.
14:39And I'm just glad that there's someone else to say
14:41that limb is going to break, mama.
14:43So Dawn, let's climb back down the tree, okay?
14:47The ignorance is strong, so we gotta flex.
14:49Spreading the love like I'm spreading my legs.
14:51All good, but you see where that's going?
14:53Spreading the love like I'm spreading my legs.
14:55Make that a moment.
14:57Here we go.
14:59Spreading the power and I'm gonna have to use it.
15:01They come for...
15:03Sorry, sorry.
15:05Spreading the love like I'm...
15:07This is hard.
15:09Ignorance is strong, so we gotta flex.
15:11And we're spreading love like I'm spreading my legs.
15:13I was so confident going into this,
15:15and now I'm starting to get in my head a little bit.
15:17I'm, like, focusing a little more on breath control
15:19than I should be.
15:21Get rid of that. Be in this moment.
15:23Throw some Jennifer Coolidge on that line.
15:25Spreading the love.
15:27Like I'm spreading my legs.
15:31I don't understand a word Plain Jane is saying.
15:33I hear da-da-da-da-da-da, spread my legs.
15:35I'm not exactly sure how that is getting people
15:37to come out to the poles.
15:39Maybe the stripper poles.
15:41Big, juicy tits, uh.
15:45Hello, Nymphia Wind. How are you?
15:47I am super nervous, but we're here to have fun.
15:49There is no reason to be nervous.
15:51You are a ray of sunshine...
15:55...and I feel that into the song.
15:59Take your moment, whatever you need to do.
16:01Ooh, it's getting windy.
16:03Fire to community.
16:05You better get that power within your flower.
16:07Have a seat at the table when you vote yellow.
16:09It's pretty obvious that, uh,
16:11she didn't have a ghostwriter this time.
16:13Just because this verse has less lyric
16:15doesn't mean it's any less impactful.
16:19You have the opportunity
16:21to make each word a moment.
16:25So that's where I want you to go with this.
16:27Here we go.
16:29Do not ban my beauty.
16:31You better get that power within your flower.
16:33Have a seat at the...
16:35That's all right. That's all right.
16:37Ah! Oh, my God.
16:39You better get that power within your flower.
16:41Um, let's grab that one more time.
16:45Thinking about the sanity potion,
16:47I'm like, I don't want to give it to anybody yet.
16:49Don't, then.
16:51Oh, you have to do something.
16:53I know.
16:55Ooh, it's getting windy.
16:57I don't want to save somebody,
16:59especially somebody like Nifia,
17:01who does so well in, like, design-based challenges.
17:03Like, what if there's something like that in the future?
17:07Do not ban my beauty.
17:09You know what you could do?
17:11This is so evil.
17:13I'm open to suggestions.
17:15Tell her you're gonna.
17:21Let's go!
17:23I am American, bleed red, white, and blue
17:25I got the freedom to love
17:27With so much love for you
17:35Honey, that's gonna get me up at my house.
17:39Your tone is so beautiful and rich and amazing,
17:41and also you can do a lot of different things.
17:43It's so much fun.
17:45I'm so excited.
17:47I think Safiya is my biggest competition in this challenge,
17:49so I'm going to play a lot more with my range,
17:51my vocal range,
17:53and, like, really turn something out
17:55that makes people want to get up and vote.
17:57Do you have a singing background?
17:59Yeah, yeah, I grew up in theater,
18:01did musical theater every once in a while.
18:03I would say I'm, like, where I carry,
18:05but I can carry a tune.
18:07That's all we need.
18:09So let's get this chorus,
18:11and let's focus on just singing big, long, high notes.
18:21Y'all are ready for my power!
18:27Oh! Oh! Oh!
18:29The energy is there.
18:31All I want from you right now is a big, long note.
18:33Go for it.
18:35Oh! Oh!
18:37Give me a...
18:45You know that sound when nails hit a chalkboard
18:47and it's like...
18:51Oh! Oh!
18:55Yikes, sister, yikes.
18:57She's in trouble!
18:59Not ready for my power, bitch!
19:07Looking sharp!
19:09It is time to learn choreography with Jamal.
19:11Make sure that your dance moves
19:13are equally as powerful as your lyrics.
19:15We don't have a lot of time. You guys ready?
19:17Yeah, let's do it.
19:19He's got his nice smile, his eyes are so beautiful.
19:21I don't know how I'm gonna focus on these steps,
19:23but he also reminds me of my cousin,
19:25so I think I'll be fine.
19:27The footwork is...
19:29and one and two.
19:31So we're gonna go...
19:33and swing, pop!
19:35Ooh, what?
19:41This is hard.
19:43I saw you add a little bump, I'm not mad at it.
19:45Trying to make it do what it did.
19:47All right, come on, addition.
19:49Safira is an all-around funky queen.
19:51I might have to throw some pearls or something.
19:53Q, do you have any moves?
19:55Um, I can do some things like...
19:57Uh-huh, hey!
19:59A lot of this is about commitment.
20:03And if you're committed, the audience is gonna feel committed.
20:05I'm not scared at all, I'm ready to go for it.
20:07I'm not a dancer, I can't go into this challenge
20:09like I do a design challenge.
20:11But, you know, I'm gonna try to funk this shit up.
20:13Ready, go.
20:15Roll, pop.
20:17Roll, pop.
20:19So it's roll, hit it, smack it.
20:21A little bit like a plié.
20:23Q has Barbie hands.
20:25Have we all noticed this?
20:27You know how Barbie's hands are, like, stuck
20:29so they can hold their purse or whatever?
20:31She's definitely moving.
20:33I don't know if she's grooving.
20:356, 7, 8.
20:37Baby is stiff as a board,
20:39but she doesn't give up.
20:43It should feel like it comes from the puss.
20:45That's what I'm looking for.
20:47Although Q is our least dancery girl,
20:49there's confidence in her.
20:51And sometimes confidence can take you a long way.
20:55From the top, we're gonna rock,
20:57and it's just gonna go 1, 2, 3, 4.
21:01Bend those knees.
21:03This is where the funk is gonna come in.
21:05We're gonna go 5 and 6 and 7 and 8.
21:09Ooh, all right.
21:11Go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and 7 and 8.
21:15All these girls like to talk about how I can't dance.
21:18Mama, I'm not exactly seeing Dancing with the Stars up here.
21:21Right now it feels very up straight.
21:23You want to bend your knees low.
21:25Rock the hips.
21:27There you go, there you go.
21:31Missed on, missed on, missed on, missed on, missed on.
21:34It's not very funky, it's very funky.
21:371, 2, 3, 4, 5 and a 6 and a 7 and 8.
21:42Right now the shoulder's going like this,
21:44but now just hold on to your core.
21:495 and a 6 and a 7 and 8.
21:52Almost, those shoulders, you gotta lose those shoulders.
21:55Yes, I will.
21:57Let's try it with music.
22:001, 2, 3.
22:02I just realized what she was wearing.
22:04What the fuck is she wearing?
22:06Nythia says she's a dancer,
22:08but what Jamal is showing her is very 1, 2, 3.
22:111, 2, 3.
22:13And she's not hitting those marks.
22:16Dun, dun, dun, dun, okay.
22:19You're going to show me your funky power move.
22:24Hey, hey, hey!
22:28The bitch just starts flipping.
22:30I mean, that's not what he asked you, girl, but okay.
22:33Oh, all right, so you got legs and tricks, huh?
22:37I think the flips are the only weapon
22:40that mine could use, to be honest.
22:42We're going to go 1 and 2 and 3 and 4.
22:45It's a little giddy up.
22:47Hey, hey, there you go, one more time.
22:495, 6, 7, let's go.
22:51And 1 and 2 and 3 and 4.
22:53From here, we'll rock 5, 6.
22:55There you go, one more time.
22:57But Maya starts doing kind of a good job.
23:00Hey, hey, hey, and whoo!
23:02Which, ugh, my God, why?
23:07Come on, walk.
23:10So are you a dancer?
23:12Yeah, I'm a dancer a little bit.
23:14I can do whatever you want to teach me.
23:16Let's go then.
23:18She can do whatever you want to teach me.
23:20Don't say that morphine,
23:22you might shoot yourself in the foot.
23:241, 2, 3, 4.
23:26And the head should go,
23:28think of your head going back, right?
23:311, 2, 3, 4.
23:33Come on, chicken head.
23:37Ooh, ooh, ooh!
23:40I love myself, it's so goofy.
23:42Your head's weird a little bit.
23:44Almost, yeah, it's a groove.
23:46It's cool, it's funky, it's uh, it's ah.
23:49Everything is back, if you go forward,
23:52it's a different groove, right?
23:54One thing I will do is fix
23:56this chicken movement that I'm doing
23:58because bitch, I need a win, I need a win, honey.
24:01I used to dance when I was younger,
24:03I used to be a ballroom dancer.
24:05So you know, I could give you a little bit of like a lock step
24:08and I have like a little fluidity in my hips.
24:10Okay, your section happens to be a little fast.
24:14I don't want it to scare you.
24:17But you're gonna kick 1 and 2 and 3 and 4.
24:24So you can watch me do it.
24:26I'm just gonna go 1 and 2 and 3 and 4.
24:301 and 2 and 3 and 4.
24:33Almost, and 4 is missing.
24:35So it's like 1 and 2 and 3 and 4.
24:38Shit, wait.
24:39Almost, and 8 and 1 and 2 and almost.
24:445, 6, 7, 8, go, kick, up.
24:48Shit, that's okay, that's okay.
24:50Plain Jane is in her head, and it's never good.
24:53You have to get out of your head.
24:555, 6, 7, 8, kick, 1 and 2 and 3.
24:59You went a little ahead of it.
25:02Plain lives in a place of delusion
25:04that doesn't allow for her to think anything less of herself,
25:07which I love.
25:09However, this is funk, and you can't fake the funk.
25:121 and 2 and 3 and 4.
25:14Based off that rehearsal,
25:16I'm going to meet the person today.
25:21Let's go, let's go!
25:24Today we'll be performing the new drag anthem, Power,
25:27in front of Bru, Jamal, and the rest of the judges.
25:30I'm ready to funk it up, honey.
25:33How are you feeling, girl, about this challenge?
25:36I say this every week, but this time,
25:38I feel like this is the one where I'm gonna be in the top.
25:41Oh, she's feeling confident today.
25:43Don't you agree?
25:46I don't know if I'd go that far, but...
25:49Yeah, how are you feeling, Plain?
25:51Well, you know, I'm gonna kill the challenge.
25:53I don't mean to say it, it's just a feeling
25:55that I'm embodying and I'm living in it.
25:57I thought you were a little bit, during the rehearsal,
26:00you were serving a little bit rickety bones, mama.
26:03Honey, I may be giving you rickety bones out of drag,
26:06but in drag, honey, it's the full fantasy.
26:08Plain is 1,000% overly confident
26:10to a point where it's reaching delusion.
26:12I'll let her be high in the clouds
26:14because once that balloon pops, she's gonna be on the floor
26:17and we're all gonna be laughing at you.
26:21This challenge has been
26:23a bit of a emotional rollercoaster for me.
26:26Really? Oh, wow. Yeah.
26:28I wrote a lot of my verses about being in therapy
26:31and healing your inner child,
26:33and it's brought up a lot of feelings
26:35of the way that mental health has kind of shaped my life.
26:38In the words of my therapist,
26:40I have general anxiety disorder, depressive tendencies,
26:43severe and acute OCD, and ADHD.
26:45I think it's so powerful to understand
26:47that it's okay to be imperfect, and it's okay to grow,
26:50and it's okay to ask for help.
26:52Because I think that a lot of people are like,
26:55no, I'm fine, and I don't want medication.
26:57It's like, okay, being born with a certain set of chemicals
27:00and a precondition for neuroses,
27:02if anything, I think it makes you more powerful.
27:05So really face them. Yeah.
27:07Mental illness doesn't go away,
27:09but being able to talk to a therapist
27:11allows me to navigate the world
27:13in a way to where it doesn't have to feel so painful.
27:16We need to feel those negative emotions,
27:18but it's about being able to move through life with them.
27:21It's a shitty thing to deal with,
27:23but it's made me who I am, so I'm proud of it.
27:26I appreciate it. Thank you.
27:30Playing Jane. Yeah.
27:32You know how beautiful I think you are, right?
27:34Oh, my God. Right.
27:36Sister, are you feeling worried about your underwhelming verse?
27:39I'm just very thirsty.
27:41I'm so thirsty for juices from you.
27:44Oh, okay.
27:45So this immunity potion is about to expire today,
27:48and of course, Nymphaea is yet again pleading
27:51and begging for a sip of that immunity,
27:53and honestly, I don't blame her.
27:55Do you think you're feeling generous today?
27:58Well, I don't know, sister.
28:00We're week two, sister.
28:02You have to be loyal to your groove.
28:04Right. We'll see, girl. Time will tell.
28:06Shady girl.
28:08Plain doesn't look like she wants to give the potion to anybody.
28:11I don't think Plain wants to give it to Nymphaea specifically.
28:14I think Plain would rather dump it in the garbage than give it to Nymphaea.
28:18So what do you guys think about the importance of voting,
28:21especially the political climate of the country right now?
28:23More important than ever.
28:25I feel like to a lot of people, voting is just like,
28:27who is your presidential candidate, right?
28:30But that is not everything that matters,
28:32especially when the local governments are the ones
28:34that are kind of robbing people of their ability to vote.
28:36If they don't vote at local levels,
28:38then it won't matter because they won't be able to have a voice.
28:42Are y'all up on your local representatives?
28:45I think it's important to know who is on the ballot.
28:48Get to know who's doing what and what they're known for.
28:50Because it matters a lot, bitch.
28:52This shit's getting real, and we need to get out there and vote.
28:55If these candidates that are trying to limit human rights
28:57stop winning their elections, then maybe they'll stop running.
29:01One of the reasons why they keep winning is because they vote.
29:04And that's the problem with our community.
29:06Our community gets overwhelmed, and they're like,
29:08oh, I can't do it, and then they don't vote.
29:10And then they get mad about what happened,
29:12and it's like, well, did you vote? No.
29:14The reality that queer Americans are facing
29:16is that as safe as we thought we were, we're not nearly as safe.
29:20You cannot be apathetic in any way, shape, or form.
29:23So we need to stand up and gather all of our supporters
29:27and our allies and use our power to vote.
29:34Main stage of RuPaul's Drag Race.
29:37It's power top Michelle Visage.
29:40Actually, Ru, I'm verse, as in Versace.
29:46Ross Matthews. Now, what's your special power?
29:49I can swallow a bottomless mimosa in a single gulp.
29:52With your mouth?
29:54I didn't say that.
29:56And welcome the mayor of Funkytown, Jamal Simms.
30:01Tonight, we are one nation under a groove.
30:03Oh, right. A bonnie-gonnie, brother.
30:07This week, we challenge our queens to inspire We The People
30:11with the drag anthem, Power.
30:13Racers, start your engines, and may the best drag queen win.
30:19And now, the world debut of Power.
30:23Living in a country where our rights should be equal
30:26Just because I'm gay don't make me less equal
30:30Take a chance to make a difference
30:32We got the power, let's use our voices
30:34Don't let them win, let's keep it going
30:36Martin Luther King, I have a dream
30:38Ooh, la única gente
30:41I got my place in the front lines
30:43I got that heat that inspires
30:45I got my space in the hot times
30:47I got that beat, that desire
30:49I got that drag that they ban on
30:51I got that skin with the armour
30:53I got that ballot to write on
30:55They know they can't take our power
30:57We got power
30:58Being true to love will always make them cower
31:00Writing up laws won't stop our wild
31:02Healing up our inner child
31:03Who are you? I cannot be tamed
31:05Suburbs that don't bear their shame
31:07Connect, use your privilege, make a change, it takes a village
31:09That child in you can put up a fight too
31:11Here we go, here we go, get down with me
31:13If you wanna make change, get up and sing
31:15We all live in a crazy place
31:17We're not all the same, but we need our space
31:19Fighting for the right to live
31:21Keep my man and save the kids
31:23If you ain't loud, then how can they hear?
31:25Fuck and be proud and fight cause we're real
31:27Tell the ones above, take your power and spread the love
31:30Alright kids, let me hear you say
31:32Let's vote
31:34I am American, bleed red, white and blue
31:36I got the freedom to love with so much love for you
31:40And if we lift every voice together
31:42Use our power in that booth
31:44We can stand whatever the weather
31:46Make them see we know the truth
31:48And the truth is, I got the power
31:50Ooh, it's getting windy
31:53Aspire to community
31:56Nymphia for equality
32:00Do not ban my beauty
32:04You better get that power within your flower
32:06Have a seat at the table when you vote yellow
32:08Ah, it's a shame if you're nasty
32:11Yeah, I've got the power and I'mma have to use it
32:14I'm coming for our freedom and bitch, I'm gonna lose it
32:16The ignorance is strong, so we gotta flex
32:18Spreading the love like I'm spreading my legs
32:20Try to get up and fight for what's right
32:22This battle can be beaten overnight
32:24So groove to the beat until heat to kick rocks
32:26And if you're at the polls, you can catch this box
32:30Wow! See Power perform Bly on the RuPaul's Drag Race
32:34Work The World Tour
32:36Get details now at bossevents.com
32:42Category is True Colors
32:44Up first, Maya Imane Laperge
32:48Alright, Patti LaBelle, here's something else for you
32:52Red is my favorite color because it's extreme sexy
32:56It makes me feel like a slut
32:58Baby, I'm giving you appliques
33:00I'm giving you feathers at the bottom and on top of my ass
33:03I'm just giving sheer fierceness
33:05If you stay red, you ain't got to get red
33:07Exactly, back feathers
33:09That's how you shake your tail feather
33:11Oh yeah
33:13Nymphia Wynn, how much for one banana?
33:18I had a long, long, long, very hard, long thought
33:21of what color I should have chose
33:24I was between light yellow, marigold, lime yellow
33:29Well, I chose banana yellow
33:31I have these bananas on my boobs
33:34You know, a bit of like Josephine Baker banana skirt
33:37It's very camp, it's very fun
33:39I'm basically a delicious banana tree
33:41waiting to be plucked and digested
33:43You know who would love this look?
33:46Plain Jane
33:48Oh, I've got a toothache and a headache
33:51and an assache
33:54Green represents nature, and it represents money
33:58and opulence, and I'm very in tune with all of the above
34:02I am just giving you crystallized pageant perfection
34:05There are hundreds of green and AB stones
34:08cascading into geometrical patterns over a mesh illusion
34:12and my body looks like it's been sculpted by Aphrodite herself
34:17Just in from Emerald Tiddy
34:19She makes me want to eat my greens
34:22Sephira, that's that Bridgerton blue
34:25Slewfoot, more like Bluefoot
34:28I am blue from head to toe, but not just any kind of blue, royal blue
34:33I'm channeling Queen Charlotte
34:35I have a huge circle skirt
34:38I am as wide as I am tall
34:41I have the tallest blue wig
34:43that I have ever been on this stage, probably ever
34:46Baby, I am giving you everything you want and a little bit more
34:50This week, the role of Evelyn in The Wiz
34:53will be performed by Marge Simpson
34:55Dawn, would you like to come up for a nightcap?
35:00It's the longest nightcap in history
35:03Tonight on the runway, I am serving Sleepy Bedtime Friend
35:06It is completely made out of materials
35:08that I would have found in my childhood bedroom
35:11We have navy blue corduroy, because navy blue is my safe,
35:15it's my calm when my brain gets off
35:18Oh my god, is she a little spooky tonight too?
35:21Is she a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare?
35:23Mmm, cute!
35:25That's what I call a brim job
35:28I'm wearing lavender, which makes me feel really pretty
35:31I'm wearing a really large fringe hat
35:34It has so much movement when I walk
35:36I'm wearing these really fantastic wide-leg pants that I made
35:39that have all this pleated ruffling
35:41with all this beaded lavender fringe
35:44It gives a really nice sparkle as I walk
35:46If I'm going to do a solid color, I'm going to give you layers,
35:49I'm going to give you texture, I'm going to give you silhouette,
35:51I'm going to give you drama, because there's nothing boring about Q
35:54Ruffles, I can never have just one
35:55No, I can't either
35:56Here comes the rain again
35:58Swish, swish, fish
36:02It's eggplant season
36:04It's always eggplant season, Ron
36:06I chose the color royal purple because it speaks just glamour, sex
36:11The hat is trimmed with ostrich feather trim,
36:14dyed in a deep, deep, deep royal purple
36:17I stoned the entire outfit with Swarovski crystals
36:21I look naked, which, you know, I love to show off my body
36:24I am just staring into that light, I don't care if it's burning my cornea
36:28This is my Met Gala moment, and I'm just serving it
36:31She wears this hat when it's purple, right?
36:33Ladies, if I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times,
36:35grow out your shin hair
36:39Welcome, queens
36:40Plain Jane
36:44This is your last chance before it expires
36:47Do you wish to use your immunity potion tonight?
36:57This decision is tough, but it's now or never, baby
37:02I am Maru, I would like to, in fact, extend my kindness and generosity
37:09to one of my sisters, and grant her immunity tonight if she would accept
37:17I would like to gift this immunity potion to Nymphia Wind
37:26So you are extending a banana branch to Nymphia Wind
37:32That's right
37:33Nymphia, do you accept Plain Jane's gift of immunity?
37:39Yes, please
37:41Alright, bottoms up
37:44Down the hatch, sister
37:47Savor every drop
37:54So, Nymphia, you are safe, and you may slay another day
37:59You may leave the stage
38:01Thank you, guys
38:03I'm a little shocked that Plain gave her immunity to Nymphia
38:07because Plain is a rotten human being, and I didn't think she would ever do that
38:10So that was nice of her
38:12She should have maybe used it on herself
38:16Alright, queens, so now it's time for the judges' critiques
38:20Starting with Maya Imane Lepage
38:23In the power performance, you were in your element
38:27It felt like you were comfortable for the first time
38:30Look at you on this runway tonight
38:32This is the best you've ever looked
38:34You're letting us have your neck
38:36I just felt really proud of you, not only in the challenge, but on this runway tonight
38:41This is where you need to be to stay in this competition
38:44Up next, Plain John
38:46You were fun in the power performance
38:49I like that your lyrics had some comedy in them
38:51I thought you finished really strong by fingering yourself
38:55It's a good way to finish
38:57But I will say this
38:59This is the first time I felt a little chink in the armor
39:02You seemed nervous, and normally I don't get that from you
39:06When you got side-by-side, and the funkier part started coming, that's when it started to creep in
39:11But your verse, you shined
39:13This runway tonight, you look beautiful
39:15Your padding is always so on point
39:18It is exquisite
39:19Cast for Match is going to come and give you a little bit of endorsement
39:23Because them hips is made for sleeping on
39:28Up next, Sephira
39:30You were so funk-tified
39:33You know the feeling, you got the references
39:36That was your stage
39:38It was like we were all paying rent because you owned it
39:41You know, the first thing I noticed was them dancing biscuits
39:44There was sequins tonight
39:46Come on, dancing biscuits
39:48The way you wrote your lyrics
39:50You did this Rick James swoop in that love for you line
39:53It was like we were speaking the same language
39:55I got it
39:56What lyric are you most proud of?
39:58Probably, if we lift every voice together
40:01It was my hearken to lift every voice and sing
40:03I loved it
40:04I was eating out of the palm of your hand
40:06And I was coming back for dessert
40:07And you know, when you come down this runway
40:09You always have a sense of levity and laughter
40:12This is such a statement of how you do this thing called drag
40:16And I kind of love it
40:18Up next, dun-dun-dun-dun
40:21You were the white man can't funk moment
40:24But here's the thing, you looked adorable
40:27And you gave it a good go
40:29Listen, the white folks in the audience
40:31They can relate to you
40:33Because no soul was detected
40:36But it funking worked
40:38And you know what it was?
40:39It was because your joy was there
40:41You have your own brand of funk
40:43What would you call that brand of funk?
40:45White woman of suburban descent
40:49You did take a huge undertaking with all of those lyrics
40:52But they were very deep and very profound
40:54And that tells us a lot about who you are as an artist
40:57And tonight, this sleepy creepy thing
40:59I like it, I like the shape
41:01I like the little cutouts on the side
41:02I don't know what the fuck you are
41:04But this is just a weirdo queerdo type of drag
41:07And that's what makes you you
41:09Up next, Q
41:11My favorite outfit of the week
41:14Is your red outfit from the Power performance
41:17It was so hot
41:19And the extraordinary look was the perfect thing to wear
41:23To distract us from the fact that this is not your strength
41:27It was like, I'm gonna blind these bitches with a look
41:29So they don't get too into me walking
41:32But it worked, Q
41:34And this tonight, I like the dripping on the hat
41:37I'm not sure about the way the stuff flows from the boobs
41:40I'm not sure if it's flattering, but I like the glint
41:43Thank you
41:45Up next, Morphe
41:47I've been waiting for more Morphe
41:49I sound like Michelle after she got her tits out
41:51More Morphe!
41:53But tonight, I got it
41:55I'm on a Morphe high
41:57Throughout this competition, you've been kind of middle of the road
42:00And tonight was the first night I really saw you shine
42:05I was not ready for this performance
42:07In rehearsal, you were great
42:09But on the stage, I was blown away
42:11Every step was right on
42:13And this outfit makes me horny
42:15It's so good
42:17The color is perfection
42:19When it's right, it's right
42:21So proud of you tonight
42:23Oh my god, thank you
42:25Queens, one final question
42:27And please answer honestly
42:30Are you registered to vote?
42:35Plain Jane?
42:40I am
42:42Yes, I am
42:44Absolutely, Mama
42:45Did you know that 63 million eligible U.S. citizens are not registered to vote?
42:49The good news is, it's not too late
42:52Go to vote.gov to register now
42:55And remember, no social media post is as powerful as a registered vote
43:03Thank you, Queens
43:04Well, you enjoyed delicious House of Love cocktails and mocktails in the Untucked Lounge
43:10The judges and I will deliberate
43:13All right, now, just between us, girlfriend, I want to know what you have to say
43:18Starting with Maya
43:19She was the one that surprised me tonight
43:21Because in rehearsal, she was so shy
43:23But her performance was fearsome
43:25In the power performance, just didn't love the look she chose
43:28Like, the hair made her look like an Oompa Loompa
43:30Oompa Loompa?
43:31Am I lying?
43:32You weren't having a good night until you said Oompa Loompa
43:34No, listen, this is a bitch who can take a licking and keep on ticking
43:37She fought week after week and earned this glow-up tonight
43:42Plain Jane
43:43Plain Jane looked like a pop star
43:45When I saw her, I was like, whoa, couldn't take my eyes off of her, as per usual
43:49But then she came out and she seemed really nervous and really stiff
43:53And I thought, huh, this is weird for Jane
43:56You know, Jane is a perfectionist
43:58And I think that that can actually inhibit her from time to time
44:01It's interesting that on a night when she kind of had some cracks showing
44:05She didn't drink her potion
44:07But I'll tell you this, even Jane's bad is still really good
44:10Yeah, it's a theorem
44:12There was an embodiment of funk
44:14I didn't see her counting, I didn't see her thinking
44:16I just saw her being funk on that stage
44:18She knows what she's doing
44:20The athleticism, that side split to turn up and jump up onto her feet
44:23She's got it
44:24And then tonight on the runway, she flipped the script with the Marge Simpson hair
44:27And I thought it was fantastic, and I love that color blue with the gold
44:31I love Dawn
44:32And I think it's because I have the exact amount of funk that she has
44:35I watched her do her thing
44:37And then I said, slay that funky music, white queen
44:41But she made it work tonight
44:43Yeah, she killed it in her way
44:45And it's interesting, that runway was fascinating
44:48I love the way Dawn does drag
44:50And I thought it was quintessentially Dawn
44:53Q stands for questionable funk
44:57But you know, she also pulled it off
44:59And that's a miracle that you did somehow with that choreography
45:02But it really worked
45:03And the outfit was rock
45:05What she looked like helped sell the fantasy of the funk
45:09The runway tonight, hat's what I'm talking about
45:12It is about that hat moment, that drama thing
45:15Who cares about the rest of it? That hat is everything
45:18I would love to have seen a different silhouette underneath the hat
45:21But I was fine with that
45:23Morphine, the 305 came out tonight
45:25Like, that heat
45:27When you're performing in a group, your eye always goes to her
45:29And that's how I was feeling about Morphine tonight
45:31Like, that's how you do it
45:33I agree, Morphine was great
45:35If Tina Marie is behind the group, Morphine is inside the group
45:40Tonight on the runway, I really do love what she did with that cape
45:43It was so, so beautiful
45:45And my favorite thing that I get to see on this show
45:48Is when they have been struggling to find their way
45:50And then, boom, it just works for them
45:53And tonight, that happened for Morphine
45:55All right, silence
45:57I've made my decision
45:59Bring back my girls
46:02Welcome back, queens
46:04I've made some decisions
46:06Maya Iman Lepage
46:08This week, the walls came tumbling down
46:12You are safe
46:14You may step to the back of the stage
46:21This week, you brought the funk
46:24With a side of mayonnaise
46:29You are safe
46:35Ooh, look at all that funk
46:46This week, you blinded us with your beauty
46:51You're safe
46:57What is going on?
46:58You may join the other girls
47:00Thank you
47:08Plain Jane
47:10This week, you were slightly overpowered
47:13By Nymphia
47:16You are safe
47:21What is happening?
47:23I'm being punked, I'm being punked, I'm being punked
47:27That means, Zafira
47:29Morphine, my dears
47:32You are the top two queens of the week
47:40Oh, my God
47:41I'm not gonna get emotional
47:43Oh, my God
47:44I'm not gonna get emotional
47:45Because this just feels correct
47:47This is exactly what I came here to do
47:49And it's being the top, okay?
47:51In the spirit of united we stand
47:53And divided we fall
47:55Tonight, no one is going home
47:59Oh, my God
48:01But there will be only one winner
48:05Two queens stand before me
48:08Ladies, this is your chance to impress me
48:12And win a cash tip of $5,000
48:17The time has come for you to lip-sync for the win
48:27Of course, the one time I'm in the top
48:29I have to lip-sync for the win
48:30But one thing about me, I'm a lip-syncer
48:34I'm ready to own this lip-sync
48:36Good luck and don't fork it up
48:42I've got my Gucci on
48:44I've got my Louis Vuitton
48:47But even with nothing on
48:50Babe, I've made you look
48:52I've made you look
48:54I'll make you double take
48:56Soon as I walk away
48:58Call up your chiropractor
48:59Just to get your neck break
49:01Tell me what you, what you, what you gonna do
49:06When I do my walk
49:08I can never do a double take
49:11Cause daddy don't make a lot of what I cook
49:14Ladies, if you feel me, this your book
49:17I've made you look
49:18Yeah, I look good in my Versace jeans
49:21But I'm hotter when my morning hair is a mess
49:25Cause even with my hoodie on
49:27Babe, I've made you look
49:29I've made you look
49:32And once you get a taste
49:34You'll never be the same
49:35This ain't that ordinary
49:37This that 14 karat cake
49:38Tell me what you, what you, what you gonna do
49:43When I do my walk
49:45I can never do a double take
49:48Cause daddy don't make a lot of what I cook
49:51Ladies, if you feel me, this your book
49:54I've made you look
49:56Yeah, I look good in my Versace jeans
49:59But I'm hotter when my morning hair is a mess
50:03Cause even with my hoodie on
50:06Babe, I've made you look
50:08Said, I've made you look
50:18Ladies, I've made my decision
50:27Saphira, you're a winner, baby
50:33Baby, baby, baby
50:35I am so happy that I have my second win
50:38It's about damn time
50:39You've won a cash prize of $5,000
50:44Maureen, you are safe to slay another day
50:49Thank you, gracias
50:52Congratulations, queens
50:54And remember, if you cannot love yourself
50:58How the hell you gonna love somebody else?
51:00Can I get an amen up in here?
51:04Now, let the music play