DRАG RАСЕ S16Е08 (2024)

  • 4 days ago


00:00It's been a day.
00:15Megami just went home.
00:17And all I can think is how in Untucked, Megami was saying like, New York top five, New York
00:21top five.
00:22And now I'm like, well, girl, New York four.
00:26Choose chaos.
00:27B, bad ass bitches, NYC girls, take it home.
00:33How are you feeling, Maya?
00:34I mean, it sucks to be in the bottom again.
00:37And then lip syncing, I had to go an extra little step because she ended up running her
00:42mouth saying, oh, this is a song that I know, it's no flipping and this and that.
00:46She kept saying, it's no flipping.
00:48So I have to show her, bitch, I can still beat you without flipping.
00:51Oh, damn.
00:52Talk your shit, Maya.
00:53Talk your shit, Maya.
00:54And you ate that.
00:56Her message was beautiful and amazing and inspiring, though, for sure.
00:57Murphy, you didn't even like her.
00:58What are you talking about?
00:59Don't start this narrative, bitch.
01:00She's rotten.
01:01This is the Maya.
01:02This is the Maya.
01:03Put it away.
01:04We prefer it when you were quiet.
01:05I didn't come here to lip sync every week.
01:06With the girls we have now, it's a strong cast.
01:07And I need to show more of my personality and show the judges that I'm not, you know,
01:08I'm not a bitch.
01:09I'm not a bitch.
01:10I'm not a bitch.
01:11I'm not a bitch.
01:12I'm not a bitch.
01:13I'm not a bitch.
01:14I'm not a bitch.
01:15I'm not a bitch.
01:16I'm not a bitch.
01:18So moving forward, the queen is here.
01:19Congratulations, Plasma.
01:20And, baby, you fought for that role, and guess what?
01:21It paid off.
01:22Yeah, I'm kind of sitting here like, why did we give her that?
01:23I'm upset that you got the role because I could have done that shit too.
01:24Raise your hand if you think Murphy would have done as good as Plasma.
01:25I would like to see her try.
01:26I'm upset.
01:27I'm upset.
01:28I'm upset.
01:29I'm upset.
01:30I'm upset.
01:31I'm upset.
01:32I'm upset.
01:33I'm upset.
01:34I'm upset.
01:35I'm upset.
01:36I'm upset.
01:37I'm upset.
01:38I'm upset.
01:39I'm upset.
01:40I'm upset.
01:41I'm upset.
01:42I'm upset.
01:43I'm upset.
01:44I'm upset.
01:46I would like to see her try.
01:47I think Morpheen would have done an unbelievable job as well.
01:50Stop lying.
01:53What did you just say?
01:55What did you say girl?
01:58Stop lying.
01:59What did you say to him?
02:01What happened?
02:02You know, fuck her.
02:03She's been on the bottom every single week, and if she doesn't think I would have done
02:05great in the lead, then bitch, she has another thing coming.
02:07Fuck that bitch.
02:08At the end of the day, all we can do is be our best selves.
02:12Isn't that right sister?
02:14Where's this going?
02:15Hey, man, all right.
02:16Oh, here goes the leaf.
02:17Here goes the leaf.
02:18I've had enough.
02:19Let's go.
02:20The competitive aspect gets a lot more real
02:22every time someone goes home.
02:23Wait, look, it's your leaf.
02:25Turn it, turn it.
02:26Oh, oh.
02:29And there are the people who see the crown
02:31inching closer and closer.
02:32They are so hungry for the carcasses of the dead.
02:36And they're not leaving until we're all bodies on the floor.
02:40It's like, if the tension wasn't already high,
02:44mama, it's sky high.
02:46Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
02:57We are down from 14 to nine, which is wild.
03:00And I can't wait to get down to me.
03:04How's everybody feeling?
03:06You know, I have a bone to pick with Zidane.
03:08A bone?
03:09Yeah, something that, you know,
03:11actually happened before the race.
03:12Oh, crazy.
03:15We were at this club in New York and we were both engaged.
03:19I already know where she's going with this.
03:21And I look at this man across the bar
03:23and with a suit, he's hot, delicious, gorgeous.
03:25And I'm looking stunning, right?
03:27So Zunomi's like in the corner there.
03:28And then I asked one of the girls, is he into the girls?
03:30And she's like, yes.
03:31And as I'm talking, I turn around
03:33and Zunomi's making out with the man.
03:36After I just had shown interest in the man.
03:38I don't know what you're talking about.
03:40First of all, I didn't take anything from Morphine.
03:43I don't take things from anyone.
03:45They come to me.
03:47But the gag is, after that man,
03:48she was making out with another guy.
03:51That looks familiar, I've seen it on TV.
03:52You know what's funny, that around Zunomi,
03:53no man is safe, but Zunomi always is.
03:57That was good!
03:58That was good!
03:59You ate that, you ate that.
04:02Hello, hello, hello, hello.
04:07My beautiful queens.
04:09For today's mini challenge,
04:10in the grand tradition of the legendary documentary,
04:13Paris is Burning, the library is about to be opened.
04:21Because reading is what?
04:23That's right.
04:24First up, Q.
04:26Step right up, shady bitch.
04:29All right, the library is open.
04:32Dawn, your name should be Dusk
04:34because you look better in the dark.
04:37Maya, if Danny DeVito could do flips,
04:41there pretty much wouldn't be a difference.
04:44Safira, you are a wise, sagacious mother.
04:47I have really nothing negative to say about you,
04:50not unlike your STD tests.
04:52You know, Q and her husband are in an open relationship,
04:55which is ironic because when couples
04:57see Q from across the bar,
04:58they decide to become monogamous.
05:01Plain Jane, I could call you a fucking whore,
05:05an ugly cunt, a dumb bitch,
05:08but I'm not because I want to fuck you.
05:10Oh, you know, we are on TV, right?
05:12Safira Crystal, my sister, my brother, and my uncle.
05:20She's like the Morgan Freeman of drag.
05:24Wait, no, no, no, that's actually RuPaul.
05:28Plasma, my girl.
05:30Where were you on January 6th?
05:33I don't get it.
05:36I don't get it.
05:37It's the day of the insurrection.
05:41Plasma, when I see you dance,
05:43I think of the old ladies that was on TV exercising.
05:49No, I got it.
05:50Tsunami, honestly, really bold name
05:53for someone who hasn't made waves in this competition.
05:58Nymphia, knock knock.
06:01Who's there?
06:02Banana who?
06:03Knock knock.
06:04Who's there?
06:06Banana who?
06:07That's what it feels like to talk to you.
06:10Tsunami Muse, many people don't know
06:12that Tsunami is actually really into astrology.
06:15I'm a Libra, and Tsunami is a cancer.
06:18To the drag community.
06:21Airplane Jane, are you comfortable sitting in the exit row?
06:23Because, baby, we are all clear for your departure.
06:27Mother Suferia, when I heard that you were
06:28the first queen from Philadelphia,
06:30I thought, finally, the liberty bell of the ball has arrived.
06:32But, girl, it looks like you're just a Philly cheese mistake.
06:37Plane Jane is so dumb.
06:39She studied for her COVID test
06:41and got excited when she passed.
06:43Maya, you're on the page.
06:45You are known as the queen of flips,
06:47but you should change your name to queen of flops.
06:51Morphine, the face, the woman,
06:53the BBL of the season, and the body.
06:56Oh, my God.
06:58Plane Jane, the thing more nastier than your personality
07:01is that dandruff off your shoulder.
07:04And that beard growing out of your face.
07:07That's too much, sister.
07:09That's all.
07:10Oh, my God, really?
07:11Are you sure?
07:13Okay, the library is closed.
07:15You are all shady, but the winner
07:17of today's mini-challenge is Tsunami Muse.
07:23There's not me winning the reading challenge.
07:26You've won a cash prize of $2,500.
07:30Can I put two mini-challenges together
07:31so it could be a maxi-challenge?
07:34Okay, lady kids, for this week's maxi-challenge,
07:37we are playing the Snatch Game.
07:41It is the Snatch Game, baby.
07:43And I am excited.
07:44This challenge separates the weak from the champ.
07:47It is where you find out who's really gonna make it.
07:49You impersonate a celebrity and make me laugh.
07:53Simple as that.
07:54What could go wrong?
07:58Racers, start your engines.
08:00And may the best drag queen win.
08:04Come on, Snatch Game.
08:07Get into it.
08:08The challenge for this week is the legendary Snatch Game.
08:12I look so idiot.
08:13I've never done something like this before,
08:15but I'm excited to continue acting a fool.
08:20Who are y'all gonna be?
08:20Dr. Jane Goodall.
08:22Who's that?
08:23She was like the first woman to find out
08:26that chimpanzees were basically the same as humans.
08:28Is she funny?
08:31Jane Goodall is definitely a risky choice
08:34because she is on the more quiet side,
08:36but I feel like she has perks and quirks here and there
08:38to really make her funny.
08:43I'm doing Meghan McCain of the iconic McCain dynasty.
08:48Hey, Paul.
08:48I wanted to make sure that I picked someone
08:51that I was absolutely fine reading the dog shit out of.
08:54Meghan is a conservative.
08:57She's an idiot who just like has a platform
08:58for being John McCain's daughter.
09:00And I think that she's a trash goblin.
09:01So I'm gonna have fun.
09:03Will I have a corn?
09:04I'm doing Treasure of the American Musical Theater
09:06of Patti LuPone.
09:09Y'all don't know who that is, do you?
09:11No, okay, well.
09:12She is a three-time Tony Award winning actress.
09:14I love her.
09:15And she like stops the show.
09:16It is a musical and then it is Patti LuPone's musical.
09:19Today gonna be the plasma show.
09:22Well, darling, I don't know if you've been watching
09:23from last week, but Plasma came in here
09:26and she had her shtick.
09:27And then she won doing her shtick.
09:29And I feel like now she's just like shtick, shtick, shtick,
09:31shtick, shtick.
09:32But I would like to see something different from Plasma.
09:35I'll let you guess.
09:36Something Earhart.
09:37Wait, Amelia Earhart.
09:40I'm serving very adventurous Amelia Earhart.
09:43It's a character people know, but they don't know
09:45who she is so I can have some freedom with it.
09:47That's my approach, yeah.
09:49I'm the pilot on this plane
09:50and hopefully I'm gonna have you ready for liftoff.
09:54Who are you doing?
09:55I'm doing the go-to fairy, a made-up character.
09:59Okay, that's always gone over well, sister.
10:01Good for you.
10:02I mean, Trinity Wong with her devil, so.
10:04She did, that's true.
10:06She's feeling a little spicy after winning that reading.
10:10I'm going with that character because it gives me agency
10:13to sort of just make it my own and stand out.
10:17So bring it on.
10:20Hey, ladykins.
10:23We've got company.
10:25Here, all the way from her penthouse suite
10:27in the Drag Race Hall of Fame, it's Chad Michaels.
10:32Hey, babe.
10:35Traffic from Malibu was a real bitch.
10:39Chad Michaels is the world's
10:41most well-renowned Cher impersonator.
10:44Chad is a Snatch Game grand champion.
10:47I don't know why they booked me
10:48on these chicken shit dicks.
10:51And she's here to answer your questions.
10:54Shall we?
10:55Let's do it.
10:55Wow, gorgeous.
10:58John, Morphine, Plain Jane, and Maya, please come on over.
11:04Hello, ladies.
11:05It's so nice to meet you all.
11:06Let's start with Morphine.
11:08Chad, any guesses?
11:09That's sort of an auburn wig with a part down the middle.
11:11Oh, there's a pearl necklace.
11:13Are you doing Anna Delvey?
11:14Yeah, Anna Delvey.
11:15Anna Delvey.
11:16That's so current.
11:17It's so current.
11:18For those who don't know who Anna Delvey is,
11:19she is an iconic con artist.
11:22She swindled and fooled all the important people
11:24in New York.
11:25They made a show about that bitch called Inventing Anna,
11:28and bitch, she's yours.
11:29Give us a little Anna Delvey right now.
11:31Maya, why are you vying?
11:32You look poor.
11:35Oh, baby, I have this in the bag, honey.
11:37I mean, I don't know what accent I just did,
11:38but that's how she talks.
11:40You're going with that.
11:41I'm excited to just let loose.
11:43So, Plain Jane, I'm getting Kim Petras.
11:45Well, I mean, the blonde could be Gaga,
11:47but we've got cock rings in that wig, so.
11:51So it could be Gaga.
11:53So this is actually a celebrity
11:55who Gaga has taken inspiration from many times.
11:57Serbian superstar, Yelena Karlyusha.
12:01Have you ever heard of this person, Chet?
12:03I have not.
12:05Okay, period.
12:07Yelena is a Serbian pop superstar.
12:11She's sort of the equivalent of Madonna here in the U.S.,
12:14so it's Slavic clownery, shenanigans,
12:17milf town realness.
12:19That's up to you to come out and show us who she is.
12:23And make RuPaul laugh.
12:24Helen, Carla, some shit.
12:26I definitely don't know who that is,
12:28so sis, I hope you can bring out some character now.
12:32Now, Maya here has a long wig that looks a lot like Cher.
12:35It does.
12:36I'm nervous.
12:37Are you coming for me right now?
12:39No, actually, I'm doing Tiffany Pollard, New York.
12:44That's an interesting choice.
12:45Maya says that she's gonna do Tiffany Pollard.
12:48I'm like, what, with a megaphone?
12:50How are you gonna make her funny?
12:52I'ma just basically pretend like I'm home,
12:55being around my friends.
12:56That's mostly when I'm myself,
12:58and joking and laughing and having fun.
13:00Maybe even be one of your friends,
13:01one of your loud friends,
13:02because you can take on their energy.
13:04Now, Chet, the critique for Miss Maya has been
13:06she's a little timid.
13:08I sense that in you.
13:09Feel free to be funny on your own.
13:11Remember, you need to make Mother Ru laugh.
13:12That is the whole point of this challenge.
13:14It's not to deliver this stunning lookalike.
13:17Gotta make Mama laugh.
13:18Fingers crossed you can make this happen.
13:20I don't think Maya knows what the hell she's doing.
13:23Well, thank you, ladies.
13:24Have fun out there.
13:25Thank you so much.
13:26Yep, that's my cue.
13:27Change my character.
13:28Oh, Lord.
13:29After the walkthrough,
13:30I'm having doubts on the characters
13:32that I chose to impersonate,
13:33and I wanna be able to do someone I'm comfortable with.
13:37She kinda did say be one of your friends.
13:40Channel that.
13:42Miss Mama is stressing out right now.
13:45This will be my time to show them I can be funny.
13:49I don't know how she's gonna pull that off.
13:54My queens, say hello to Chad Michael.
13:58Hey, everyone.
13:59Now, I think, Chad,
14:00you can pretty much imagine whose hair that is.
14:02She's serving me baps, girl.
14:04Well, I'm gonna go with a mythical character,
14:06the Gold-Tooth Fairy.
14:07I wanna create a character and really flesh her out.
14:10Does the Gold-Tooth Fairy actually exist in reality?
14:14Just in your mind?
14:15That's fabulous.
14:16She's writing a blank check.
14:17She's writing a blank check.
14:18Bitch, you better cash that check.
14:19And it's gonna be a big one.
14:22Trust yourself, because I'm hopeful for you.
14:25This is great.
14:26I'm hopeful for me, too.
14:28All right, so, Safira, I see a red sequined dress.
14:31Are you Dorothy Dandridge?
14:33No, it's not a dress.
14:36Is it a cape?
14:37It's a cape.
14:38Are you James Brown?
14:39I'm James Brown.
14:40Oh my goodness.
14:42Godfather of soul.
14:44The first concert I ever saw,
14:46it was December 28th, 1969.
14:49James Brown and the Famous Flames.
14:51And we were in, literally, the last row.
14:55So why'd you choose James Brown?
14:56Because I know all of that information.
14:58Oh, you know.
14:59You know what you're doing.
15:01Safira's playing the kiss-ass game today.
15:04Is Lux Norlandon in the house?
15:05Just kidding, do not air that.
15:06She's gonna come for me.
15:07No, don't air it.
15:08I love James Brown.
15:10James Brown's one of my favorite stars in the world.
15:12Just like no other.
15:15You can amplify that with the ow and all that
15:17and just go crazy with it.
15:19All right, so, Nymphia, you've got some binoculars.
15:21You've got, oh, are you Jane Goodall?
15:23My goodness, that's an interesting choice.
15:26What made you choose her?
15:27The fact that she likes chimpanzees that likes bananas.
15:31Oh, okay.
15:32What do you like about her?
15:33Her confidence, conservation stuff,
15:36and her love for the animal world.
15:38How's it gonna be funny?
15:39She does pan-tooting,
15:40like she speaks the language of chimpanzees.
15:42Oh, wait, did you just do it?
15:46I'm scared for her.
15:48I wouldn't say I'm a comedy queen.
15:51So, talking to Rue and Chad is scary.
15:54It's just like, there's so much expectation,
15:56like, oh, how do I make Rue laugh,
15:58and like this and that, and now I'm like.
16:00And I'm just tongue-tied.
16:01I'm like, oh, I'm so nervous.
16:03And I'm just tongue-tied at the end.
16:06Like, you've already kind of said Jane Goodall,
16:07she was a quiet woman.
16:09She sat in the jungle and just loved these apes.
16:11I fear for you how you're going to make that funny,
16:14but you are in charge of your own destiny right now.
16:17So, I think Chad has given you some things to think about.
16:19I know I didn't sell her well, but in my mind it works.
16:23Well, let's hope in the room it works.
16:24Yeah, let's hope.
16:26Nymphia always pretends that she's like nervous or scared,
16:29but then she ends up killing it.
16:31Have fun out there.
16:31Thank you so much.
16:33But, I don't know if it's a joke this time.
16:35I think she's actually really nervous.
16:37All right, ladies, gather around.
16:39Now, later today, you'll head to the Snatch Game set.
16:43And one more thing, playing Jane,
16:46I warned you that that immunity potion
16:48came with an expiration date.
16:51Unlike me, bitches.
16:54Starting this week, you only have three more chances
16:59to use your immunity potion.
17:02Either for yourself, or to give to another queen.
17:07I think this is going to be the week
17:09of the immunity potion taking center stage,
17:12because the weight of this challenge is looming on us.
17:16And like, a lot of girls are shaking in their boots.
17:20Brought to you by delicious
17:21House of Love cocktails and mocktails,
17:23it's the Snatch Game.
17:25And here's your host, RuPaul.
17:27Welcome everybody to the Snatch Game.
17:30Let's meet our contestants from the pit crew.
17:34He's a stuntman whose special skills include sword fighting.
17:39Say hello to JP.
17:42Are you excited to be here?
17:43I don't see how that's any of your business.
17:44That's a great answer.
17:46Up next, he's a model whose name means lion in Arabic.
17:51Say hello to Leigh.
17:53Why a lion?
17:54I'm a lion at heart, so that's what it is.
17:57All right, well, let's meet our celebrities.
18:01First up, she's the original fly girl, legendary pilot,
18:06Amelia Earhart is here.
18:09Hey RuPaul, you look so small from up here.
18:13Now listen, what in your aviation career
18:16has prepared you to play the Snatch Game?
18:19Oh, the in-flight snacks.
18:21I was the first girl to eat peanuts on a plane.
18:23Can you believe that?
18:26All right, up next,
18:27she puts her money where your mouth is.
18:31It's the gold tooth fairy.
18:33Hey RuPaul, it is a pleasure coming here
18:35from the fairy world.
18:36Gold tooth fairy.
18:37How different are you from just the regular tooth fairy?
18:40Well, they are a little cheap.
18:41You know, I'm a hustler.
18:42I'm a gold digger.
18:45Are you digging for teeth?
18:46Well, more than that.
18:51What's more than the teeth?
18:52What else are you digging for?
18:54Bones and you know, whatever you got,
18:56you know, I can resell it.
18:57That's how I make my money, you know?
19:00All right, up next, it's primatologist,
19:03Jane Goodall is up in here.
19:05What's up, Jane?
19:06Hello Ru.
19:07Can I start with a greeting from the National Park of Gombe?
19:10Sure, why not?
19:19Up next, she's her father's favorite daughter,
19:22conservative sweetheart, Megan McCain is here.
19:27Hey, bitch.
19:28Megan, how's the view from here?
19:29The view?
19:31That is trauma, baby.
19:35Up next, the godfather of soul, Dave Brown is here.
19:39How you doing, Ru?
19:42Do you remember the first song you wrote?
19:44First song I wrote was a little ditty
19:46that I did when I was in prison.
19:48It was called, let me the fuck out of here.
19:50Let me the fuck out of here.
19:56From Broadway to Hollywood, it's Patti LuPone.
20:00Hi, Ru, it's so good to be here finally.
20:03Listen, Patti, you have starred in so many iconic shows.
20:07Is there a part that you'd love to sink your teeth into?
20:10Well, you know, Ru, I auditioned for the original company
20:12of Into the Woods back in the 1980s
20:14and I really wanted to play Cinderella,
20:16but can you believe that Stephen Sondheim
20:18told me I was too old?
20:19That is ridiculous.
20:21You could play any role.
20:23Don't I know it.
20:27Up next, world-famous fraudster, Anna Delvey is here.
20:32It is such a dishonor to be here at the Snatch Game
20:34with all these broke-ass people.
20:37Can I ask you a question?
20:40What are you wearing?
20:42You look poor.
20:45M.I.A. in this bitch is Trina's cousin,
20:49Shaquita, what's up, girl?
20:51I got Shaquita in the house, Shaquita in the house.
20:55It looks like M.I.A.'s trying to make up a character
20:57that is at least somewhat relatable.
20:58We know who Trina is, so we know who Shaquita must be.
21:02So, Shaquita, do you also rap?
21:04No, I don't rap. I do nails, I do hair.
21:07I live in Miami and I stay in a pork and beans project.
21:10Did you say pork and beans?
21:11Yeah, the pork and beans project.
21:14Up next, she is Serbia's biggest pop superstar.
21:19Welcome, Jelena Karli-Ulša.
21:21Hi, RuPaul.
21:23You make me wait so long, I almost fall asleep.
21:26It's jet lag.
21:27Yes, of course.
21:28Now, aside from you, what is Serbia famous for?
21:30It is famous for war.
21:34War, yes.
21:34Big, big Balkan war.
21:37They call Jelena number one BBW in all of Serbia.
21:41What is BBW?
21:42It's Beautiful Balkan War Survival.
21:49Well, we're not going to have a war here at the Snatch Game.
21:52Are you ready to play, everybody?
21:53Of course.
21:54Yes, please.
21:55All right.
21:56Here we go.
21:57Leigh, here is your question.
21:59Lady Bunny was the first drag queen to go green.
22:02She's been recycling her blank for years.
22:06Celebrities, go ahead and write your answer down.
22:10All right, so Leigh, what say you?
22:11She's a comedy queen, so recycling her jokes.
22:14That's a great answer.
22:16And you know what?
22:17It's true.
22:19Let's go to our celebrities
22:20and find out if you got a match, okay?
22:22Patti LuPone.
22:23Now, Leigh, have you met Lady Bunny, Patti LuPone?
22:25You know, Ru, I've met Lady Bunny
22:26so many times since the 80s.
22:27I wrote that Lady Bunny's been recycling
22:29her diseases for years.
22:32If it's not diseases, we're looking for jokes, Patti LuPone.
22:35Let's move on down to Amelia Earhart.
22:38What say you?
22:39Before I started my flight across the Atlantic,
22:41I went green myself.
22:44Yes, and I recycled my own gas.
22:46You recycled your own gas.
22:48Are you talking about fuel?
22:49Fuel, of course.
22:51Maybe that's why, you know, I've had some flight difficulties.
22:54Haven't we all?
22:57Let's move on down.
22:58We're looking for jokes.
22:59Dr. J, good all.
23:01What say you?
23:02Well, we must protect our future generation.
23:04We must protect the planet.
23:06So I wrote silicone,
23:07because just like plastic and paper,
23:09silicone is also recyclable.
23:12We must all do our recycling.
23:14I think Dr. Jane Goodall is on a different program.
23:18Let's move on down to Serbian superstar, Jelena.
23:22Excuse me.
23:23I'm a little distracted by beautiful,
23:25shiny breasts over there.
23:27Jelena's stock is popping.
23:29Excuse me.
23:30I say injectable, Z-grade silicone
23:33that is in Jelena's body.
23:35I think I say same answer as,
23:37she reminds me of my deceased babushka.
23:42Did you say deceased or diseased?
23:45Plain is hilarious.
23:47She is really weaponizing her Slavic upbringings.
23:50Jelena and I used to date back in the day.
23:52No, it's not true.
23:53You are very ugly man.
23:56I would never, I would never touch it.
24:02Let's move on to the gold tooth fairy,
24:05Lady Bunny.
24:06She's been recycling her jokes for years.
24:09What say you gold tooth fairy?
24:10You know, I've heard of her.
24:12She's a great business woman, but she's still poor.
24:15However, I've heard she's recycling her dollar bills.
24:20What do you do with your dollar bills?
24:22You know, I put them in a piggy bank.
24:25And then when I need another tooth, I break it.
24:28You keep your dollar bills mixed with your teeth?
24:33And I said, I didn't know what direction I was going.
24:36The tsunami.
24:39I don't understand this character.
24:40I'm sorry.
24:41Are you ready to play JP?
24:43I'm so ready.
24:45Carson Kressley moonlights as a magician,
24:48but instead of pulling a rabbit out of his hat,
24:50he pulls a rabbit out of his blank.
24:54Celebrities, you go ahead and write your answers.
24:57So JP, Carson Kressley pulls a rabbit out of his...
25:01Birkin bag.
25:03Birkin bag.
25:04Let's go to our celebrities.
25:06Let's start with James Brown, the godfather of soul.
25:09What say you?
25:10Every time I see Carson Kressley,
25:11he's wearing some fancy shoes.
25:13So I always say he was wearing his dancing shoes.
25:15He pulled a rabbit out of his dancing shoes.
25:18Do you have your dancing shoes on?
25:19Hey, I got my dancing shoes.
25:21Those dancing shoes look a lot like your character shoes
25:24that you wore last week.
25:25My character shoes?
25:26The character shoes that you wore.
25:27I ain't got no character shoes.
25:28My name is James Brown.
25:30Last time I met you was 1969.
25:33You're telling me you've seen me in character shoes?
25:36You were in character shoes.
25:38Nah, it wasn't me.
25:40Grandpa is killing it over there.
25:43Let's move on down to Anna Delvey.
25:45I wrote down Birkin bag as well.
25:48Oh, wait a minute.
25:50Oh, he crossed out the top there.
25:52No, you don't see nothing there.
25:53Let's check with the judges.
25:54Do you need more money?
25:56No, unfortunately the judges have deemed that answer
25:59very fraudulent.
26:01All right, Taquita Carson Cressley Moonlight
26:04as a magician.
26:04He pulls a rabbit out of his blank.
26:06What do you say?
26:07His name.
26:07Oh, Taquita, it had to be said.
26:13Miss Maya is pulling it off on Snatch Game
26:16out of all challenges.
26:18This is where you turn it on.
26:20Dr. Jane Goodall, we are looking for Birkin bag.
26:23What do you say?
26:24Well, I would like to introduce Mariah Graybeard.
26:30I think she would like to answer for me, would you not?
26:36The banana's rotting.
26:38I think we wrote banana bag.
26:41Did you write that really?
26:44That's a match.
26:46I have to be honest.
26:47I thought I was here to give a talk.
26:49Oh, no, you're not.
26:50Okay, well, now this one's for late.
26:53Michelle Visage is rebooting the Golden Girls.
26:56The theme song is Thank You for Being a Blank.
27:00Celebrities, go ahead and write your answers.
27:02All right, Lace, thank you for being a beard.
27:06A beard.
27:07Let's go to our celebrities
27:08and see if we have a match.
27:09Let's go to Meghan McCain.
27:11Well, did you know I can do a 360 handstand on a keg?
27:15We used to do them on the National Mall,
27:16but we started having to pay people off
27:18so they wouldn't tell.
27:19Oh, okay.
27:20And you bring that up, why?
27:21Well, because I think we should all be
27:22God-honoring members of society.
27:24If you pay people not to tell others your secrets,
27:27then you can always live by the golden rule.
27:31James Brown, what's your answer?
27:33Oh, is he gone?
27:34The show is over?
27:35Is he finished?
27:41James Brown!
27:41I'm here!
27:42Y'all ready?
27:43Yes, we're looking for a beard.
27:45Now, let me tell you something.
27:46Michelle Visage is one hot, sexy thing.
27:48So I said, thank you for being a hot, sexy thing.
27:53Thank you!
27:56Let's move on down to Anna Delvey.
27:58So, you know, sitting next to this person,
28:02she inspired this answer.
28:03I wrote, a broke, stupid, ugly fake whore
28:05who's dumb and poor-looking.
28:07I'll drink to that.
28:10My girl, Anna Delvey, is kind of cringey.
28:14Cousin Chiquita, what did you write down?
28:16We're looking for beard.
28:18The baddest bitch, ow!
28:20Thank you for being the baddest bitch.
28:22Yeah, like my cousin Trina said.
28:24Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, okay.
28:26Yelena, are you familiar with Michelle Visage?
28:29Yes, Michelle Visage is beautiful,
28:31dignified American woman
28:33who donate me her removed breast implants.
28:38Aw, they found a lovely home.
28:41Now, we're looking for beard.
28:43Golden Girls is brand new in Serbia.
28:46And I don't know direct translation.
28:48I think it translates to, thank you for being comrade.
28:53Yes, thank you.
28:55Uh-oh, that buzzer means we are out of time.
29:00And the winner is, non-dairy ice cream.
29:04Cause ain't nobody got time for lactose.
29:08Until next time, keep snatching with the stars.
29:11Good night, everybody.
29:13Good night.
29:13Good night.
29:14Good night.
29:15Good night.
29:16Good night.
29:17Good night.
29:18Good night.
29:19Good night.
29:19Good night.
29:20Good night.
29:21Not good today, not good.
29:23Today is annihilation day.
29:25I think some girls are impressed
29:27about how Snatch Game went,
29:28and it could go any fucking way,
29:30but another bitch gone, let's go, let's go.
29:33Do, do, do, do, do, knock them down.
29:35So how are you feeling about Snatch Game?
29:37I feel like I did good.
29:38I don't feel like I flopped or sunk, you know, so.
29:43What, you think otherwise?
29:45I just, I think that you're very optimistic
29:47and I love that about you.
29:49You weren't in the top for me.
29:51Yeah, for sure, yeah, I know.
29:52And I'm not even sure if you're in the middle for me either.
29:54No, don't put that energy out there.
29:57What are you doing?
29:58I hope I didn't bomb that bad.
30:03I'm gonna keep telling myself that I didn't.
30:04We have to.
30:05That's right, girl.
30:06I am aggressively optimistic.
30:07I love aggressive optimism.
30:08I'm gonna be on the van, leaving,
30:09talking about, I don't know what y'all saw,
30:11but I don't know.
30:12Who's very, what's up with that?
30:16I think there's a tsunami of optimism.
30:18There's a tsunami coming for Tsunami.
30:20And I hope and pray that Fema comes and rescues her.
30:23And that Fema's name is Plain Jay.
30:28I feel like it's really a toss up
30:30as to who is gonna be in the bottom this week.
30:33If you wanted to ever give your potion to someone.
30:35I, you know, if you could have just a thought about it.
30:40The fact that I'm pleading to her.
30:42Oh my God.
30:43As much as I hate doing it,
30:45I am gonna massage her feet, shave her back.
30:48I have been thinking about it.
30:50And you are my sister and I do want you to stay.
30:52But I don't think you're gonna need it this week, no.
30:55I'm really only saying that morphine
30:58is nothing to worry about.
30:59To kind of get her off my back.
31:01If there's anybody that should be sucking up to you,
31:02it should be Nymphia.
31:04I will.
31:05Do you guys really feel like that?
31:06I will.
31:07Y'all can speak louder, I already know.
31:09It's gonna come down to the runways, y'all.
31:11So you're saying we can all look like shit today?
31:16Oh, thank you.
31:17What a way to campaign for your immunity, babe.
31:20Plain, I just really think as a week two sister,
31:25I know you don't wanna see me go.
31:29Come on, please, Jane.
31:32I don't, sister, I think you'll be okay
31:33without the immunity this week, I really do.
31:35I trust you.
31:36What if I go?
31:37Then you go.
31:38You won't.
31:39No, sister.
31:39You'll live and regret.
31:40I'm putting my faith in your charisma, uniqueness,
31:43your nerve, and your talent, sister.
31:47Oh, damn, I felt like I was getting suffocated there.
31:54What's the queer culture like in Taiwan?
31:55Taiwan was the first country in Asia
31:57to approve gay marriage.
31:59So it's very gay rights, yay.
32:01So it's great.
32:03I know that there's a queer scene
32:04and a drag scene in Russia, too,
32:05but it definitely has to be.
32:06It's very secluded now.
32:07It is, yeah, it's-
32:08Because it's illegal.
32:10It's not necessarily illegal to be gay there,
32:13but there are no laws to protect against violence.
32:16Even though Russia is where the entirety of my family
32:19comes from, my parents, my grandparents, et cetera,
32:22I can't go back there,
32:24and I probably won't be able to go back to Russia
32:26for a very, very long time.
32:27I would really like to be able to go to Russia.
32:30I would love to see where it is that I'm from.
32:33In Russian culture, generally,
32:35the grandma is like-
32:36The pillar.
32:37The pillar, right.
32:38My babushka was like a second mother to me.
32:42I was always an insecure kid,
32:44and she was always my biggest cheerleader.
32:49My relationship with my grandma was very special.
32:50I feel like she was the shadiest bitch of them all.
32:54Is that where you get it from?
32:54Absolutely, honey.
32:56That's how I would read a bitch,
32:57because my grandma was, you know-
33:00She was ruthless, but she was funny.
33:01She did pass before I started drag.
33:04I just wish that she could have been here to see me.
33:07The love that I felt from my grandma,
33:09I'm never gonna experience that kind of love again.
33:12She would be reading these other bitches
33:14and telling me that I'm number one.
33:16I come from a different background.
33:17My dad was a trainer for the UFC.
33:20Oh, shit.
33:21My dad is Saul Solis.
33:23He is known as the godfather of Texas MMA.
33:26When he found out I was gay, he was very not happy.
33:29Well, we didn't talk for a while,
33:31because he had so many things to say,
33:33and they weren't, I support you.
33:36He did not like that I did drag,
33:37and told my mom that the worst thing
33:39that a father could hear about their child
33:41was that their son is gay,
33:41and my mom said,
33:42well, you need to get your priorities straight,
33:43because the worst thing I could hear
33:44about my son is that he's dead.
33:46I was like, if you have a problem with me,
33:48I will give you the opportunity to see
33:49how it is to not be around me.
33:53I won't talk to you.
33:54I won't call you.
33:55I won't come around for a good long time.
33:59He came and saw me in May at a show for the first time,
34:02and you couldn't take the smile off his face.
34:06Oh, wow.
34:07And it was just so frickin' amazing
34:09to see him so excited about what I was doing,
34:12and he even asked, he said,
34:13why aren't you on that drag race show?
34:14I am not my dad's biological son,
34:17but he chose to raise me that way.
34:18He never said, this is my stepson.
34:20He said, this is my son,
34:22and that love stays with me every day,
34:24because we can choose how we love and who we love.
34:27You know, when he died, he died of COVID.
34:29He called me before he went on the ventilator,
34:33and I was asleep.
34:34Oh, you missed the call.
34:35I missed the call.
34:35Oh my God.
34:37And there's one thing that I'm really sad about,
34:41is because I didn't get to hear, talk to him,
34:44and tell him how much I really love him.
34:48He was my best friend when I was a baby.
34:51I used to go everywhere with him.
34:54The one thing that makes me so sad
34:55is that I never got that much time with my dad
34:57after we made up, and he saw what drag could be.
35:04Can we all give you a hug?
35:07Every day, there's something I want to say to my dad.
35:10I love you.
35:19To the main stage of RuPaul's Drag Race,
35:21the often impersonated,
35:23but never constipated, Michelle Visage.
35:26Ru, that's why I'm the regular judge.
35:31Style superstar, Carson Kressley.
35:34Now, has anybody ever impersonated you?
35:37Oh, actually, yes.
35:38Someone stole my identity once.
35:40We ended up dating.
35:41We had so much in common.
35:44Same address, same height, same hair color.
35:47Same credit score.
35:48And she is a true original.
35:50The marvelous Cara Sedgwick is here.
35:53Hello, welcome.
35:55Thank you so much.
35:56It's so exciting to be here.
35:58My whole family, we are all huge fans of drag.
36:02Well, let's see if they're still huge fans
36:04after your performance tonight.
36:06Oh my God.
36:08Yes, indeed.
36:09This week, we challenged our queens
36:11to make us laugh in the Snatch Game.
36:14And tonight on the runway, category is Dancing Queen.
36:18Racers, start your engines,
36:20and may the best drag queen win.
36:24Category is Dancing Queens.
36:27Up first, Q, serving the robot.
36:31Robots are taking everybody's jobs now.
36:34I'm giving the judges complete robot.
36:36I'm walking like a robot.
36:38I'm dancing like a robot.
36:40Or I'm just like dancing like myself.
36:43In the future, robots will dance like white folks.
36:49Tsunami Muse, serving salsa.
36:53Oh, it's hips and salsa.
36:55I grew up dancing salsa with my mom and my dad.
36:57When I was a kid, they would put my feet
36:59on top of their feet,
36:59and then they would just do the moves.
37:01It's in my blood.
37:02I am having such a blast.
37:04This salsa's from New York City.
37:06New York City.
37:09Nymphia Nguyen, serving Japanese butoh.
37:13Oh my goodness.
37:15Butoh is a traditional Japanese dance
37:17formed after World War II.
37:19It was a contrast to ballet, essentially,
37:22where butoh was trying to go into more the depths
37:24of their dark souls through their facial expression,
37:27which was very twisted, and their body movements,
37:30which was really slow.
37:32I love these faces.
37:33One day fashion, the next day potpourri.
37:37Dawn, serving polka.
37:41I didn't even know them.
37:42My grandparents grew up doing polka dancing,
37:44so we have a big skirt.
37:46It looks gorgeous when I spin.
37:48We're giving strudel the yassified version, okay?
37:52And a one, and a two, and a.
37:54Where's Lawrence Welk when you need him?
37:58Sephira, serving drag you majorette.
38:01Yeah, come on, drum line.
38:02Drag you!
38:04Bitch, don't make me drag you!
38:07I am storming the runway in the drag you colors.
38:10And for the children who don't know,
38:12drag you is a spinoff of Drag Race,
38:14where drag race alumni make over cis women
38:17and help them find their inner drag queen.
38:19Jeez, those kicks.
38:20I want to represent my black sisters.
38:22They are the inspiration for everything
38:24that is sickening in this world.
38:27Plasma, serving tap.
38:29If the BFA wasn't showing already,
38:31then it sure is today,
38:32because I am doing musical theater tap dance.
38:35These taps are not dubbed.
38:36I am legitimately tap dancing.
38:37It's Danny Kaye as Vera Ellen in White Christmas.
38:41That is it!
38:43Give us the time, Steph.
38:44I'd tap that.
38:45Pull back!
38:48Mama, this is musical theater perfection.
38:51Watch this.
38:54Look out for the stairs!
38:57Morphine, servling flamenco.
39:02Well, she's keeping up with the Joneses.
39:04The Catherine Zeta Joneses.
39:07I'm a huge fan of Spanish culture.
39:08I'm such a fan of Rosalia.
39:10And I love Charro.
39:12I just feel so stunning tonight.
39:14You know, there's a pill now for restless leg syndrome.
39:19Maya, serving 90s hip hop.
39:21It's like ketchup and mustard had a baby with a pirate.
39:27My dancing inspiration is Destiny's Child,
39:30TLC, SWV, all these girl groups that I grew up on.
39:34And I am on this runway feeling it.
39:36Oh, I love a mullet.
39:37Kisses in the front, party in the back.
39:39Mary Gay Blige.
39:42It's Plain Jane, serving Latin ballroom.
39:46Oh, there's no ballroom in this outfit.
39:49As a kid, I was a Latin ballroom dancer,
39:52and now I get to flip the gender roles of that around
39:57to be the beautiful Latin ballroom dancing cunt.
40:03I think she thinks I'm her dance partner
40:04because her outfits match.
40:05I do.
40:07Why y'all gagging?
40:08So she bring it to you every ballroom.
40:13Welcome, queens.
40:14I've made some decisions.
40:17But first, Plain Jane,
40:19do you wish to use your immunity potion for yourself
40:23or for one of your fellow queens?
40:27You know, Ru, some of my sisters
40:29were feeling a little thirsty this week,
40:32but I believe in their talents
40:34and I'm going to be saving this for a rainy day.
40:36I see.
40:39When I call your name, please step forward.
40:47Ladies, you are all safe.
40:52You may leave the stage.
40:58Now it's time for the judges' critiques.
41:00Up first, Tsunami Muse.
41:02You had a really good idea, but it went nowhere.
41:05It just literally was like no character and just talking.
41:10It was a little hard to sort of find what you were going for,
41:13but I love the elegance of your outfit.
41:16It's beautiful.
41:16And how you easily stepped into that salsa.
41:19Just beautiful.
41:20You know what you're doing.
41:21And that's what we were looking for in the Snatch Game.
41:25Up next, it's Nymphia Wynn.
41:28If you were impersonating Jane Goodall,
41:31it would have been fine,
41:32but this is supposed to be spoofy and funny
41:34and it was giving us PBS vibes.
41:36There was no monkey business.
41:37Very that.
41:39But this, wow, wow, wow.
41:41This makeup is exquisite.
41:43The butoh dance that you did, all of it was beautiful.
41:47I have to say, I'm blown away by your imagination
41:50and your artistry.
41:51Every time you've stepped on this runway,
41:53it is really well thought out, beautiful.
41:56And actually, that's part of the problem
41:58with the Jane Goodall.
42:00You're so cerebral that it doesn't allow the rest of us in.
42:03I think that's just how I am.
42:05I'm just innately very shy
42:07when I have to really reveal myself.
42:09I'm like, do I have to?
42:11I get it.
42:12But you know, the way the audience
42:14gets to fall in love with you
42:15is through those places that are imperfect.
42:18Give me the burnt edges, bitch,
42:19because I like my toes burnt.
42:23Up next, it's Saphira.
42:25My new favorite game in this competition
42:26is to spot how Saphira tries to camouflage
42:29her dance and shoot.
42:30Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
42:36She got covers on them biscuits.
42:38Drag you.
42:39I love that it was a nod to drag you.
42:41You look gorgeous.
42:42I love your hair like that.
42:43This is right.
42:44Overwhelmingly, both your James Brown
42:47and your majorette, you're having a great time.
42:50And because you're having a great time,
42:51we're having a great time.
42:53And that is the purpose of entertainment.
42:55And I felt like you even went head to head
42:56a couple of times with Ru,
42:57which I also thought was ballsy and amazing.
42:59So, bravo.
43:01Up next, Morphine.
43:03I just loved your flamenco so much.
43:06I mean, I just thought it was so stunning.
43:08Anna Delvey.
43:09We weren't buying into the Anna Delvey foundation.
43:12That's a hard character,
43:13because even her accent in the show
43:16is inconsistent because she was making it up.
43:18Listen, the accent was horrible.
43:19It was all over the place, but that's funny.
43:21If you played that up, you know,
43:22and made it even worse and had a point of view,
43:24there was no real point of view.
43:25It was boring.
43:26And you don't want to be boring in the Snatch Game.
43:29Up next, Maya Iman Lapage.
43:32Also known as Trina's cousin, Shaquita.
43:35Hey, yo.
43:36You killed it.
43:37I was so proud of you.
43:39You made a character.
43:40She was a bit one-notes,
43:41but what I loved about her is that you stayed committed.
43:44This look, what you did so successfully,
43:47is the presentation, and that sold the look for me.
43:50Girl, I am so proud of you,
43:52because you have followed the direction.
43:55You have let your child come out to play,
43:57and this will serve you not only in this competition,
43:59but throughout your life.
44:02Up next, it's Plain Jane.
44:04Let's talk about Jelena Kerelushka.
44:06She is the Serbian Lady Gaga.
44:08Oh, I didn't know that.
44:09Wait, she's a real person?
44:11Oh my God, I thought you made her up.
44:12No, no, she's real.
44:13You leaned into it.
44:14It was a very smart choice.
44:16You had a big, giant laugh from Rue.
44:18You were purported to have been dating Anna Delvey,
44:20and you said, no, I would not date her.
44:22She's an ugly mom.
44:23That was funny.
44:24See, that's good material.
44:27Your Latin ballroom look, you look absolutely beautiful.
44:29I like the lock steps and bachacatas.
44:31I would have wanted you to take it way further,
44:33because they are ridiculous.
44:36If you want to see drag, watch a Latin ballroom competition.
44:40You will see drag.
44:42Nonetheless, great snatch game.
44:45Thank you, queens.
44:46I think we've heard enough.
44:47While you untuck backstage,
44:49the judges and I will deliberate.
44:53Just between us squirrel friends, what do you think?
44:56Let's start with Tsunami Muse.
44:58Brilliant idea with the gold tooth fairy.
45:01The thing is,
45:02she absolutely didn't know where to go with it.
45:04When I can't find the character in snatch game,
45:07then I'm really in trouble.
45:08But I did love the outfit, and I loved her dancing.
45:11All right, let's move on down to Nymphia.
45:12When I saw that she was doing Dr. Jane Goodall,
45:15I was like, oh, this could be funny.
45:16She could really have a monkey of a time with this one.
45:20She did not execute it very well.
45:22Actually, she executed it.
45:23She just killed it dead.
45:25Yeah, but her buta Japanese dance, gorgeous.
45:27It had this Mrs. Havisham decaying look to it.
45:32Hey, James Brown.
45:34I absolutely loved her choice.
45:38I loved her jokes.
45:39What I love most is how free she was with the character.
45:41I love James Brown so much.
45:43Listen, I wish Sephira could have gone further with it.
45:46But I was satisfied that someone had the guts to do it.
45:50Dancing queen majorette for Drag U
45:51shows reverence for the history of this program.
45:53She has fun with it.
45:55And that's what drag is all about.
45:57All right, let's move on down to Morphine.
45:59When she did her snatch game, I thought,
46:00am I on Morphine right now?
46:02No, but she was.
46:03I'm getting very sleepy.
46:04I think there was opportunity for more comedy.
46:07You can't make that shit up, you know?
46:09Even though I'm sure I know people like that.
46:12But on the runway, I thought she looked beautiful.
46:14Her paint tonight, that face was sitting.
46:19On the runway, we all knew exactly who she was,
46:22where she was.
46:22We probably could even hear a song in our head.
46:25I don't know that much about Trina,
46:26but now I'm in love with her cousin.
46:29It was the first time where we got to know Maya.
46:31And she was having fun.
46:33And that's what snatch game is all about.
46:36Let's move on down to Plain Jane.
46:37She always had an answer for you because she was living it.
46:39So she didn't have to rely on planted bits.
46:42She had really sussed that character out
46:44so that I could have thrown anything at her,
46:47and she was prepared to answer.
46:49That's why I thought she made her up.
46:50That's right.
46:51I thought her dance was beautiful but tame.
46:54But she just looked so beautiful that it was hard to fault her.
46:59So Kira, what character would you do on the snatch game?
47:02Madeline Kahn.
47:03Oh my god.
47:04I've been with thousands of men.
47:07Again and again, they promise the moon.
47:11They keep on coming, and going, and going, and coming.
47:16And always too soon.
47:19You are the winner of this week's challenge.
47:23All right.
47:24I've made my decision.
47:26Bring back my ghost.
47:31Welcome back, ladies.
47:32I've made some decisions.
47:36Saveria, this week, you made the judges feel good.
47:42You're safe.
47:44Oh, god.
47:47What if I won?
47:49I would shed.
47:51Plain Jane, this week, you get a BBW.
47:56A big, beautiful win.
48:00You're the winner of this week's challenge.
48:05And you've won a cash prize of $5,000.
48:09Spasiba, RuPaul's.
48:12Oh my god.
48:14I won the snatch game.
48:20Maya Iman, this week, you turned la page, girl.
48:27Keep it up.
48:28You are safe.
48:33Tsunami Muse.
48:34Tonight, your salsa was spicy.
48:37But your snatch game gave us a golden toothache.
48:43Nymphia Nguyen.
48:44Your runway look was perfection.
48:47But your Jane good all wasn't good at all.
48:55Tonight, you came painted for the gods.
48:58But you had trouble reinventing Anna.
49:05Nymphia Nguyen, you are safe.
49:11You may join the other girls.
49:13Thank you, Ru.
49:20Tsunami and Morphine.
49:23I'm sorry, my dears, but you are up for elimination.
49:27I am shocked that Tsunami and I are in the bottom.
49:32This is, like, this is hard, bitch.
49:36This is not only my good Judy, but this
49:38has been my best friend, my rock, this entire competition.
49:41And I have to lip sync against her.
49:45The time has come for you to lip sync for your life.
49:56It sucks to be lip syncing against my sister,
49:58but we're in this together till the end.
50:01And we catch a glimpse of each other.
50:03And in that moment, we're like, baby, let's give them a show.
50:06Good luck and don't fuck it up.
50:32And I'll wind up feeling down.
50:37I need a man who'll take a chance on a love
50:40that burns hot enough to last.
50:44When the night falls, a lonely heart falls.
50:50Oh, I want to be a monkey.
50:54Oh, I want to be a monkey.
50:56Oh, I want to be a monkey.
50:59Somebody, somebody who loves me.
51:04Somebody, somebody who will hold me in his arms.
51:11Oh, I need a man who'll take a chance on a love.
51:15Tsunami and I are dancing together.
51:17And this is bringing me so much joy.
51:19We are just trying to make the best of a really bad situation.
51:22A lonely heart falls.
51:24Oh, I want to be a monkey.
51:28Somebody, oh, I want to be a monkey.
51:32Somebody, yeah, I want to dance with somebody.
51:38Somebody who loves me.
51:41Don't you want to dance?
51:42Say you want to dance.
51:43Don't you want to dance?
51:44Don't you want to dance?
51:45Say you want to dance.
51:46Don't you want to dance?
51:47Say you want to dance.
51:48Don't you want to dance?
51:49Say you want to dance.
51:53Somebody who loves me.
51:57Ladies, I've made my decision.
52:15Morphine, Shantay, you stay.
52:20You may join the other girls.
52:33Attention, world.
52:35Seek higher ground.
52:37A tsunami is coming.
52:40Now, sashay away.
52:45You've forever changed my life.
52:54Don't cry because I left.
52:57Cry because I exist.
53:05I'm going out gracefully and beautifully.
53:08I'm going to take my L.
53:09But I definitely wish I would have been able to stay longer
53:11because I wanted to show my looks.
53:13I didn't even show my best shit.
53:15All of these girls, they definitely have a spot in my heart.
53:18And I had an incredible amount of fun.
53:21I'm a real girl now, bitch.
53:27Condragulations, queens.
53:29And remember, if you cannot love yourself,
53:32how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?
53:34Answer me that.
53:35How much for one rib?
53:38All right, now let the music play.