• last month


00:001, 2, 3, Hup!
00:08Mom's Cavities
00:21Guess who got sent home early again?
00:24I like to poo-wee-poo-wee
00:26I like to poo-wee-poo-wee
00:29What's your deal?
00:31On top of rearing a devil child, I've got a bad toothache.
00:34Sucks to be you.
00:35Would it kill you to show some compassion for once?
00:39I can't even yell at you. It hurts too much.
00:42Principal Lynch told us fluorides in our water prevent cavities.
00:45That's fluoride.
00:47I shouldn't have skipped those teeth cleanings just so we could afford food.
00:51Maybe I can help you, maybe.
00:54Believe me, no one was more surprised to hear that than me.
00:57Do you mean it?
00:59There's no need to worry. I've got poison control on speed dial.
01:03Faster, you savages! 1, 2, 3, roll!
01:11Hey! I need those to make noise!
01:13Well, they're too loud. And what kind of game are you playing anyway?
01:17I'm the ship captain and he was the savage I forced to work for gum.
01:21Can't you just play something a little quieter and not as fun?
01:24How about Animal Rights Protester?
01:27Those are made of cows and cows are made of...
01:30Can't you tell a joke without getting nude?
01:34Someday, you'll miss this.
01:37I thought you were going to help me, Shin.
01:39I'm sure if I just get some rest, my pain will go away. That's how teeth work.
01:43I need new toys. These are all noisy, see?
01:48I will crush your head like a grape if you don't bite down!
01:51I wish giving him Ambien didn't make me feel guilty.
01:58Oh, for God's sake, what is that little twerp doing now?
02:01Be quiet!
02:02What? Did I fart?
02:04You mean, you were actually being good?
02:07You didn't see what I drew yet.
02:09I give up. Wipe your butt, Shin. We're going out in public.
02:17If flies like fruit and flies like poo, then poo must be a fruit, right?
02:20Will you quit being weird and keep your eyes peeled for a dentist that looks cheap?
02:26That dentist looks pretty cheap.
02:29Hope he'll come again.
02:30You bet. That was the best mouth job I ever had.
02:34What did Dennis do?
02:37Put your eyes back in your head. I needed a dentist with good, strong tooth-pulling muscles.
02:43Can't you just take one for the team, Mom?
02:46Dentists are not about looks.
02:49I can't breathe!
02:55Stylish haircut, clean uniform, pleasure-promising fingers.
03:00And look at that dentist hose. Talk about top-notch equipment.
03:05Just call my name, Dr. Perfection, and I'm yours for my glorious appointment.
03:10That's my dentist. Come on, let's go.
03:14And she wonders where I get it from.
03:20Can I help you?
03:21I'd like to see the dentist, please.
03:23Judging by your rumpled housewife appearance and two tag-alongs, I'd say you're here to see Dr. Feelgood.
03:28Now, do you have an appointment for today?
03:30No, I don't, but I do have a toothache and an underachieving husband. Does that help at all?
03:35Sorry, ma'am, but there's not much I can do.
03:37Find that hard to believe, coming from a cute thing like you.
03:41Are you trying to flirt with me?
03:43You can't fit her in. Pretty people can do whatever they want to do.
03:47Or maybe you aren't really a pretty person.
03:49Maybe my eyes were tricked by these flattering fluorescent lights. My mistake, I guess.
03:55Wait, don't go.
03:56Standard protocol being damned. I'm putting your mom on the list.
03:59I really appreciate this.
04:02Wow, Shin, your laziness has forced you to become a master manipulator.
04:06Yeah, I must have inherited my genius from you, you brilliant, beautiful, and busty thing.
04:11Wait a second.
04:12No, really, I've been in denial too long. It's time we both come to terms with your hotness.
04:16Shut up. I know your game. Now, what are you after?
04:19You'll need me to pay for your nursing home one day. Investing in me is investing in you.
04:24That takes me back. You're going to do the honor in a penis dance, too?
04:27I wouldn't rule it out.
04:28The answer is still no. You...
04:31Don't get upset, just because you're scared.
04:34That's creepy. I'm not scared.
04:36Every time I get mad at you, I grind my teeth right on this cavity. I hope they can fix it with a free sample.
04:41My God, they're annoying. I'm so glad I deserted my family.
04:46So, why'd they send you home early?
04:48Well, I haven't been completely honest. When you dropped me off, I got distracted by a stick and never went inside.
04:54Sorry, I think I misheard.
04:55You did what? Ow, ow, ow!
04:58I'd rate that a two. You started strong, but failed to pound me thoroughly.
05:02I know, because my tooth hurts.
05:05What's wrong, Shin? Are you worried the dentist will hurt me? Or are you just frightened by the fatty?
05:10I won't let it eat you.
05:11That's sweet, but I can take care of myself.
05:13Not if the dentist pokes holes in your face and all your brains leak out, and then who will cook me and Dad burnt dinner?
05:19He won't be poking anywhere near my brain. Do you even know where a brain is?
05:25Your brains feel like teeth.
05:26Your brain is what's on the verge of hemorrhaging right now, you little punk!
05:30Ow, ow, ow, ow!
05:32Ow, ow, ow, ow!
05:33Does this moment feel at all familiar to anyone else in the room?
05:36Yeah, we got into a rut.
05:40Alright, Action Bastard!
05:44Hold it right there! I will not let you drill that girl!
05:47But I'm simply dying to fill all her cavities!
05:50Oh, yeah.
05:51Oh, Action Bastard, now that you're in high definition, I can see how poorly animated you truly are!
05:56I'm not scared of you, Deep Driller! There's nothing wrong with my teeth!
05:59Well, if that's really so, you won't mind me shoving this cream-filled treat in your mouth!
06:08Cold food on a cavity? That's barbaric!
06:11And now for the grand finale! I can't wait to jam my massive tool into that dainty mouth!
06:18Does she get kidnapped on purpose?
06:20Don't let him stick that thing in me!
06:22It'll hurt at first, then your nerves will go numb! Amazing what the body is able to adjust to!
06:37But Mommy was just about to stick it to her with that big drill!
06:41Remember where we are?
06:45What's the big deal? They can grow new ones.
06:48That's only with baby teeth, Shin. Savor it.
06:53I'm going to the bathroom. Don't start any fires!
06:55Okay, but why are you taking your purse in there?
06:57Because I need my tampons.
06:59Mom and the dentist sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S.
07:04How is she so immature and so aware?
07:07There, the wrinkles are all covered up and this time it only took me seven layers.
07:12Nahara, you're up.
07:14She's in the can. I think it's a deuce.
07:17Oh, I see. Clearly, she didn't read the sign. Can you tell her she's up now?
07:21Sir, yes, sir. I will give her the message.
07:25She didn't buy the poo excuse. No amount of makeup will make you look better.
07:30Just once, I'd like to use the toilet in peace.
07:37Stay right here, no matter what noises you hear me making.
07:42Please be one of those dentists who leans on your arm with his crotch.
07:48Gargle, spit, swallow. I'll do whatever you want.
07:51Thanks, but I'm married.
07:53What? But you're completely hideous.
07:56Sorry, that came out wrong. I was just expecting somebody else.
08:00Yeah, it's just the male model I pay to stand in the window all day and snare desperate housewives like you.
08:05You can leave, but you've already paid and I don't give refunds. I'm kind of a prick.
08:09We've all learned a lesson today. She should have gone to the hot chick.
08:18Here's more!
08:20Meet the new guy!
08:29Cat's is pissy.
08:30Screw you.
08:34So, how's Monsieur Terrorist?
08:36You've all come to work. Great.
08:38Can't lose our visas.
08:39I know times have been tough and you ladies deserve some more help around here.
08:43Meet the new guy.
08:46Hello, my name is Taki. I'm very nervous. I was homeschooled as a boy.
08:50This is a lot of people for me.
08:52He'll be coaching the kids at recess.
08:56A coach, huh?
08:59You must really know how to score.
09:02Guess the terrorist didn't work out.
09:04How can someone so slutty never get laid?
09:07You should come to my place to talk shop tonight.
09:10You don't have to buy me dinner and I'll even give you gas money.
09:13I'll give you more gas money. 400 pesos a fart.
09:18What did you just say?
09:20That wasn't me. I don't think it was me.
09:25In any case, I need one of you to show me around the schoolyards.
09:29Me! I used to give tours at the flagship Arby's.
09:33Aw, hell no!
09:34Let me do it, Ench.
09:36We should make him feel comfortable and not to be rude, but you're an abrasive and scary bitch.
09:41You already have a man, you cow.
09:43Doyle and I have agreed to an open relationship while he's in prison.
09:46Well, I'm glad his anus won't feel guilty.
09:48I'm giving this tour and that's final.
09:50Does it look like I'm afraid of you?
09:52Pick me.
09:53You other teachers are sucky butts.
09:55I'm laughing because I want it so bad.
09:57Checking your ventriloquist now?
09:59Yep. I practice with him.
10:01Oh, that's how it talks.
10:04Well, clearly it should be me because I have smaller boobs and that's what guys like these days.
10:09Oh, is that what Daddy said when he couldn't buy you implants?
10:13I will chew your face off!
10:15Try it, tramp!
10:16Ladies, there's one fair way to decide.
10:18Laser swords!
10:20You will draw lots.
10:22Draw lots of what, pussy pigs?
10:25You're confused.
10:26I don't mean drawing on the paper with a crayon.
10:28I mean man's greatest game of chance besides being gay in the 80s.
10:32You each pick a paper white from my hand and whoever picks the one with the red tip wins out of pure non-stage chess.
10:40No. Whammies!
10:42Aw, man.
10:45No, I don't need this temptation!
10:47Freaky face wins!
10:50Well, the fates have spoken, no?
10:52Is this a good idea?
10:54She's dangerous, Inch.
10:56Just say you want to change your obscene habits and if I didn't think you could, would I hire this hot but naive man and let you go off alone with him?
11:04Wouldn't that be immoral of me, even if giving you some fresh meat would make me feel way, way safer?
11:10Oh, I see now.
11:12Polly, you've won this fair and square.
11:14Fine, go do your tour. I'm still bitter.
11:17Cut! Next scene!
11:19Scene transition dance!
11:23Score denied! It's a block from behind!
11:25Shen, damn it! That was our one ball that didn't have butt-stink on it!
11:31What are you waiting for, Ma Salvat?
11:33I'm trying, don't hurt me!
11:39Who's that new tall drink of water?
11:41Don't blow him, don't blow him, don't blow him, don't blow him.
11:43Her shadow is a boy.
11:45That's our new recess teacher, Boo. I got people on the inside.
11:48But why would the school hire more staff in a recession?
11:50I know! Actually, I don't, I jumped the gun there.
11:54Can recess be taught?
11:56Don't picture him with a gadball. Don't picture him ramming you from behind.
12:00I'm sorry, ma'am.
12:02Mount me.
12:04No, why did I say that?
12:06Nothing. Just stay back.
12:09Oh, hey, of course, ma'am.
12:11Don't show him the glory hole. Don't make him go skittles diving.
12:15Don't show him the glory hole. Don't make him go skittles diving.
12:18Don't force feed him asparagus and coffee, then make him give you the stinky shower.
12:21Don't ask him to deposit his DNA into your seed bank.
12:26I don't have much life experience, but you people are acting strange.
12:30This isn't a normal American school in Japan, is it?
12:34Well, not really.
12:36Please quit now before I'm forced to make you limp into ways.
12:40What? Quit?
12:42If I lose my first job, I'll have to go back home to mother.
12:45Do you think I enjoy reciting War and Peace in Russian while I'm sanding down her bunions?
12:49I can't quit.
12:51Can this shoot?
12:53If you aren't going to quit, then you are going to brush those stinky ass teeth.
12:56And I want you fully shaved, too. I keep my submissives very clean.
13:04Mother, it's your fault.
13:06You never prepared me for life on the outside world.
13:09I'm glad I learned this glasses trick.
13:14Oh no, please forgive me.
13:16Sometimes I... I have demons.
13:19Her eye windows make the dragon go to sleep.
13:22Without glasses, she's violent? That's news to me.
13:25Hey, maybe we should try to comfort him, guys.
13:28Yes, I will hug him.
13:30I'll look like a goddess of hope through his tear-stained eyes.
13:33We'll have so many kids, my uterus will drop.
13:37Cheer up, guy! We like you!
13:39Listen, it was a bad start, but I can still change.
13:43Normal dating could be good for me.
13:45You rigged those lots to make her win, didn't you?
13:48Yes, I'm a magician after all.
13:50Well, thanks for giving her someone to torture instead of us,
13:53but I still would have liked to bang him first.
13:56Cloth eats the web.
13:58He means well.
14:00Thanks, little guy.
14:02Welcome to the school. We're glad to have you.
14:05I'm Penny. I love cake and rabbits,
14:07but if you hate those things, I'll be glad to change who I am.
14:09I'm Maso. I'm great with hair.
14:11I'm Shin. We've met. I'll be doing this a lot.
14:14You better wash off that ball!
14:17I like this place. I'll stay if you won't make me cry again.
14:21Just say you won't. I'm extremely trusting.
14:26Let's play a game where we don't get dirty.
14:28And have musky breath.
14:30This plan could work.
14:32You know, I almost feel bad for the guy.
14:34Those legs.
14:35Bet he hammers harder than John F. and Henry.
14:39She does need to get laid by a man.
14:41Just not by me. Never me.
14:43You're the ref, Miss Polly.
14:45Just blow the whistle and don't get trampled.
14:47I'll try.
14:52Blow harder!
14:53We know you're more than capable.
14:59No offense, ma'am, but we can't hear you.
15:01Juggle, juggle, juggle, piss!
15:04Catch and retreat!
15:14She's angry. She'll scare him.
15:16You know who's in danger if he quits too quickly.
15:19We are.
15:22Learn to kick a ball, you homeschooled pussy!
15:27Keep running!
15:28This is soccer, not Lamaze class!
15:31You run slow and your hair's out of style!
15:33That was uncalled for.
15:37Wow, that would have been really good, Boo,
15:39if the person you were passing to wasn't a tree.
15:43Hitting me in the ass, huh?
15:45Is that the kind of stuff you're into, rookie?
15:47I don't think so.
15:55They haven't even had a date yet.
15:57He's gotta trust her before she acts like this.
16:02And forty-seven.
16:06You counted backwards!
16:08So what? Mama counts any way she wants.
16:10Now keep pushing, baby! I want you strong!
16:17Keep looking! Those glasses must be somewhere.
16:22Did you hear me tell you to stop, Tiny Nets?
16:24I can't take it! I quit!
16:27Well, fine! I didn't want you to wipe my ass with your hair anyway!
16:32The world is so fuzzy!
16:38Here's more!
16:45Well, sweetie, it's finally time to say bye-bye to Caitlyn's baby clothes.
16:50But why, Mommy?
16:51Now that Daddy only makes gentle love to me,
16:54I can't possibly get preggers.
16:56Or so he told me.
17:00Oh, hey, Shin!
17:01What are you doing here?
17:03You didn't come to kick me in the face, did you?
17:05No, sir!
17:06I can't catch a break or a foot to the face!
17:09Why do the boobie harnesses hanging on the clothesline have bite marks on them?
17:13It's certainly not because I get off on the pain!
17:15Shin, what are you doing over here?
17:17Mom tried to make Lunchables for my afternoon snack, but she burned them,
17:20though I'm not sure how that's possible.
17:23Oh, you can have some of our triple chocolate cake.
17:27But I made that for you, darling.
17:29No, I'd better not.
17:31Sometimes if I have too much chocolate, I get horribly violent.
17:35Really? You get violent?
17:37Mm-hmm. Horribly violent diarrhea, just like Whitey.
17:40It should be great, but my plans later call for something more solid.
17:43What's in your box?
17:45Oh, that box? It's just my dad's sister Caitlyn's clothes.
17:49She was taken from us too soon.
17:51Look at me. I'm Caitlyn. Don't drown me.
17:53I had no choice!
17:55Is a choice like a life jacket? Cause that would've helped.
17:58No. Now quit making such a mess.
18:00Speaking of messes, I will have some cake.
18:03Oh, please. Let me get that for you.
18:05I'm gonna need a change of clothes.
18:07Oh, another box!
18:10The Happy Heiress costume!
18:12I forgot we got that for Caitlyn.
18:14It was supposed to be a present for her second birthday,
18:17but then she never lived to have a second birthday.
18:21What perfect timing!
18:23Today would've been Caitlyn's birthday.
18:25We should throw this in the lake so she can finally play dress-up.
18:28Mommy, mommy, will you drive me out to the lake?
18:30Please, mommy, please?
18:32I'll miss you, but if that's what you want.
18:34She said we can go!
18:37Like what you see.
18:40Ready, honey?
18:42Who's your new girlfriend?
18:46Super dead daddy! Trust fund?
18:49Gimme chocolate!
18:50Shin, take that off right now!
18:52That was for Caitlyn!
18:54You wearing that is the very last thing she deserves!
18:56Get your poor hands off of me!
18:58I have to find the heiress' dreaming mansion so separately!
19:02Get back! It's not fair!
19:04It's the worst thing that's ever happened to me!
19:06You've repressed some things, haven't you?
19:12I hate lying to my fellow very young Republicans,
19:15pretending like my family hasn't lost all of our wealth.
19:20Ronaldus Magnus! It's Yas from the Happy Heiresses!
19:23Yas, don't go!
19:26If I catch her, she can use her love wand to undo the collapse of Lehman Brothers
19:29that was caused by their fear of a black Marxist-Socialist Nazi president.
19:33Then we'll be rich again!
19:36Hey girls, do you ever wish you could be like me?
19:39Now, even if your dad isn't dead, you still can be!
19:43You'll get my dress, my love wand, and a wig made with real human hair!
19:48Money power, transform!
19:52Now you have the power of money!
19:55And isn't that limitless power worth the cost of this costume?
19:58Seriously, we cannot stress enough that the power of money is not included.
20:01Sure is, Yas!
20:03I'm glad Mom hasn't sold the plasma yet.
20:05I had to see Yas in HD to make sure she didn't have any horrible skin blemishes like Cameron Diaz.
20:10Now when I see her in person, I know she won't shatter my fantasies.
20:14Huh? What is my beloved Yas doing at Shin's house?
20:17Community service? Well, she did get that DUI.
20:20Oh, come Georgie!
20:23You know, it's not polite to spell when some of us can't count.
20:27I was abbreviating, and why are you dressed up like Yas?
20:30How do you know her name?
20:32Cultural osmosis.
20:34I don't know. Between the box tabs and the undies, I think you're a fan of that dumb show.
20:39Am not, though George Will calls it a scathing satire of the death tax.
20:43Oh, good.
20:44We can mock it!
20:45Wait! Mockery is so elitist!
20:48Even with all my money, I can't buy Action Bastard's ratings.
20:53If you hate them so much, then why are you dressed as one?
20:55I heartily endorse all officially licensed character costume kits.
21:00I'd mock your slavishness, but it's what turns the wheels of capitalism.
21:04I'll use my powers to make you more bootiful.
21:07Super Dead Daddy Trust Fund, put more junk in Wanda's trunk!
21:10By the power of Greyskull, I have the power!
21:13By the honor of Greyskull, I am She-Ra, the princess of showers!
21:16You're doing it all wrong, Shin. Give me the love wand!
21:20Super Dead Daddy Trust Fund, turn these rotting flowers into something beautiful!
21:25The amazing power of money can do anything!
21:34Yeah, just for that, you've lost one privileges.
21:36Okay, fine then. But I think I can put the love wand to better use than you can.
21:40Hold up. Why do you even need a wand to do stuff?
21:43To harness the power of money, Shin.
21:46But Dad says your family's got buttloads of real money.
21:49Right. We have to keep up appearances.
21:51That's why Mom sold her blue blood to pay our country club dues.
21:56The amount of money we do or do not have has nothing to do with the wand.
22:00Wait, money you don't have?
22:02Why'd you say that unless you're poor like us and have to eat scrambled cat food?
22:06Hey, Georgie's on Whale Stamps and Food Fair Blessie watches girly cartoons!
22:10Quit spreading lies like MSNBC!
22:13Damn lucky weather bias!
22:15Look, the rain's poor just like you, Georgie!
22:18Shin, I am not poor!
22:24Look at you, Shin. You got Yaz's pink debutante slash funeral dress all wet.
22:29Hey, at least some of the wetness is from the rainy clouds and not me.
22:33Am I wiping up your urine? I swore never again.
22:36And how did you get so much of it around the shoulder?
22:39I practice. Can you dry it off for me?
22:42Can't you reach it?
22:44Only with my pee, but this'll help.
22:52Don't look at my boobs!
22:53I wasn't! And you don't have any!
22:57If that's 911, I'm gonna tell them you were loving me with your life!
23:00Hey, mad love isn't funny!
23:03At least he's in his underwear.
23:07Looks like it's mostly rain.
23:10Hookstable residents?
23:14You've got the wrong number.
23:16Hey, how do you know my name?
23:18And why do you sound like my mother?
23:21I am your mother. Now bring an umbrella to the post office.
23:24I've got choco-bees.
23:27My mom wants me to sing Cinderella tunes to the post-ops!
23:31She meant umbrella? That doesn't sound right.
23:34How's his hearing so bad?
23:36It must be all the boogers he sticks in his ears.
23:40I should hang up that dress so it doesn't get wrinkles or carpet lice.
23:51Wow, using human hair may be creepy, but it sure is soft.
23:55I'm just doing this to make my family rich again.
23:57I'm just doing this to make my family rich again.
23:59I'm just...
24:01I'm just so pretty!
24:04Super dad-daddy trust fund make McCain president!
24:11We'll be out of financial ruin in no time!
24:17The Prescots will be back in the top tax bracket!
24:20But we'll be paying less taxes than ever!
24:23Goodbye welfare, hello tax breaks!
24:29Ass-hat, you better not have gotten that dress wet before I throw it into the lake!
24:34Hey! Don't you move!
24:37I gotcha!
24:39Georgie, is that really you?
24:42I expect this crap from Shin and Maso can't resist a pretty dress, but you, Georgie?
24:46Money makes life happy?
24:59A storm was really rollin'
25:01Frogs and dogs are rainin' from the sky
25:04Everything seems awkward to me
25:06Nothing's just as it should be
25:07If this keeps on, I'm sure I won't get by!
25:11But then I close my eyes and try to smile
25:14I know things are bad and getting worse
25:17But after all this, I can rest a while
25:21And then I'll party, party
25:23Party, party, join us, join us
25:24Party, party, join us, join us
25:26Party, party, join us, join us
25:28Take your day away and you can
25:29Party, party, join us, join us
25:31Party, party, join us, join us
25:32Party, party, join us, join us
25:34Shake your blues away!
25:39Yo, breakin' vacation, huh?
25:42This party's shakin' and it ain't just shakin' here
25:45I see that smile grinnin' ear to ear
25:48Sing this song and you should really sing it clear
25:51Just sing along with us!
25:56Party, party, join us, join us
25:58Party, party, join us, join us
25:59Party, party, join us, join us
26:01Shake your day away and you can
26:02Party, party!
26:09Party, party!
