• last month


00:00One! Two! Three!
00:04You did it!
00:08When the whistlers blew!
00:12He did it! He did it!
00:14Penny, over here! I got everyone, just like you angrily demanded!
00:18Stop making your ass my boobs!
00:21Daddy hit me again!
00:23Is everyone here?
00:25Phillip's at work.
00:26Shut up! I'm talking!
00:28Daddy went to grab the remote, but he slapped my leg.
00:30He said it was an accident.
00:32But I think we just had a big breakthrough.
00:36Weird. I hear blowing, but I don't hear a lady spitting.
00:39What you doing over here?
00:43I was whistling.
00:44Looked like blowing.
00:46See, I need to get a famous actor to see me.
00:50You missed the news about Daddy hitting me again.
00:52I'm happy for you, Penny.
00:54Maybe Penny's dad will give you a love punch too.
00:57Just make sure to leave the TV remote by your leg.
01:00TV remote love punch!
01:02Shin, please stop. Your song is awful.
01:05Who's the guy you ought to whistle at?
01:07T-Lot. Jacob from Twilight Eclipse.
01:11I like Taylor Lautner's coming to town for the premiere.
01:14I'll help you, Mossel.
01:16Soon you'll be whistling like the French sailor you'll someday illegally marry.
01:21I like striped shirts.
01:23If I could whistle, I'd use the power to summon my imaginary hellhound into existence.
01:30Go, hellhound, attack!
01:33You guys can have the movie stars, hellhounds, and gay French sailors.
01:37If I could whistle, I'd do it for the hotties.
01:42I don't need to learn how to whistle. I already know how to rape whistle.
01:46That's icky.
01:47You can snake whistle. Teach me, please. I want to see snakes.
01:50Come to me, my Slytherins. Obey the call of my snake whistle.
01:55She said rape whistle, not snake whistle.
01:57That's pretty crappy wordplay.
01:59You're a turd, Smith.
02:01Wow, that was clever.
02:03His brain is like Taylor's abs.
02:05So now you're going to whistle at Georgie?
02:07No, Taylor's still the man I want to whistle at.
02:10But Georgie did say he would teach me.
02:12Uh, did I say that?
02:14Yeah, Georgie, teach him.
02:16Instead of showing just Maso, I'll show you all.
02:31I felt a connection, so I went for it.
02:33So, Georgie can't really whistle.
02:35Your turn, Boo.
02:40You teach us.
02:41If you really want me to, I'm happy to sing about Daddy acting like his old self again.
02:45Hold on, I didn't ask for that.
02:47I'm on stage, doing some rape whistling for the overture.
02:50My daddy, it feels so good when he's sloppy, but one stray strike won't do.
02:55I need punches, beatings with shoes.
02:57I want to punch you.
03:03Don't say stuff like that. Save it for men's clubs or a cowboy's luxury box.
03:08Georgie, kiss me.
03:09Why am I friends with him?
03:11The key to whistling rape are otherwise his good cheek control.
03:14My mom got strong cheeks from that sucking contest.
03:19That was an odd contest our mothers had, wasn't it?
03:22Odd how? They were just some drunk moms showing who could please their man better.
03:26Wait, what did bottle sucking have to do with men?
03:30I wish I didn't know the things I do.
03:32I don't have time to suck bottles. Taylor's here tomorrow.
03:35We need someone to quickly teach not rape whistling.
03:38Hey, Grandpa whistles all the time until his teeth fall out.
03:41Then he cries.
03:43How about we just practice together?
03:45As soon as I'm done talking, blow.
04:01Why do all our ideas end with Shin nearly crapping himself?
04:03Who's that sound?
04:04It's that way.
04:05This Zelda theme should net a fine lady elf.
04:08Holy frank, it's Dropout.
04:11Greetings, younglings. Yanro I am.
04:14Whatever happened to you becoming a pure digital being?
04:16Where's your sluggy?
04:18I had to burn it.
04:20Well, your whistling's awesome. What's your secret?
04:23Yeah, I'm great at whistling.
04:26Dropout Sensei, please teach us how to blow.
04:29I'm not a pleasure slave.
04:31What is the one thing we need to know?
04:33I'd say the number 42.
04:36But for whistling, it's about breath control.
04:39Wow, awesome!
04:43That's it. I'm a whistling mentor like Whistler in the Blade movies.
04:47Oh, crack.
04:49Damn, it's like the end of Total Recall.
04:52Go ahead and give this people air.
04:54Yeah, that movie keeps airs.
04:57Your whistling tips suck.
04:59Well, that's kind of because I can't actually whistle.
05:03My whistle's just a high-pitched Gandolfini-like wheeze.
05:07You're not alone. I lied about being able to whistle, too.
05:10Train with us. Just don't act dorky.
05:12A fellowship of whistlers?
05:14What'd I just say?
05:15I'll be cool.
05:17Try taking a deep breath first, then exhale.
05:19Um, okay.
05:25Well, he wasn't kidding about the wheezing.
05:28Now I hear the Gandolfini.
05:30We can't practice with him. It's embarrassing.
05:33His breath is B.O.
05:35Plus, hygiene makes him look like Pierce Brosnan.
05:38So much for learning how to whistle.
05:41I know what to do.
05:42What, make fart jokes?
05:45We'll learn from hottie Nanako.
05:47She's got a pet bird she whistles to.
05:49I forgot about it because pet birds are stupid.
05:52Nanako is just like Snow White,
05:54if Snow White was Japanese and once dated a vampire before falling madly in love with me.
06:00I don't believe this for a second, but I do believe she can whistle.
06:05To Nanako!
06:06Nanako, I love you too.
06:08I hope Griselda's not home. She's beefy.
06:11Hold on.
06:15Oh, it's my little strudel doodle.
06:17Yeah, is Nanako here?
06:19No, she's at the police, trying to get Rex's murder case reopened.
06:23Oh yeah, that.
06:24How did he die?
06:27Horribly. Wanna see crime photos from investigation?
06:30Yeah, okay.
06:31And while we enjoy those, you can teach all of us how to whistle.
06:34Oh yeah, but you must know, I can't whistle, but I can teach yodel.
06:41Those pictures were crazy. How was the yodel lesson?
06:45Tried to kill myself.
06:47Maso, what's your plan if you can't whistle at him?
06:49He could blow on Taylor Lautner's hair.
06:53Yeah, I guess we're back where we started.
06:55Blowing ourselves.
06:57Kids and their damn global warming causing exhales.
07:07It worked!
07:09T-Lot will love you.
07:11Do it again for us.
07:20He's pea-shy for whistling.
07:23We gotta give him some space.
07:27Come on, kid. Do it for Taylor.
07:29Don't be pea-shy. Let it blow.
07:38Yay, Maso finally juggled.
07:40Thanks, you guys.
07:41Now try to rape whistle.
07:45I think I know his secret.
07:47For normal whistling or rape whistling?
07:49Ah, screw it.
07:51Let's all whistle.
07:52On the count of blue.
07:53Alright, in one, two, blue, go!
08:00I called it. I knew he'd part this up.
08:04Chin, chin, chin, chin, chin, chin, chin, chin, chin.
08:06Here's more!
08:09Trains, trains, and train-o-mobiles.
08:17And here's the site where 14 sleeping hobos got smushed.
08:22Yo, rock star!
08:24Cute story, but I think your stage presence is missing a little something.
08:28Dope-tastic rhymes and wicked dance movements.
08:31He's right.
08:32Never give up the dream, Danny.
08:34Well, since you asked so kindly, here's a singing warning that swells.
08:38Stay behind the white line!
08:43Or your next stop is in hell.
08:46I sing of hell in the voice of an angel.
08:48You were right, Mom. A lot of losers ride the train.
08:53Chin, don't make fun of losers.
08:55Mind the gap, in case you're an idiot.
08:58I can't make fun of this fat loser.
09:01We got the same haircut.
09:03Chin, hurry and get me a seat.
09:05As soon as you see one...
09:09So the fattest ass gets the seat?
09:11Because even your fat butt can't beat this lady's.
09:13She's probably got four or five cheekies.
09:17Now, Chin, she has a lovely butt.
09:23Dirty hippie.
09:27Butt baby!
09:28Butt baby!
09:29Wow, these are really nice pants.
09:34Hey, you didn't give me a chance to spew.
09:36Aw, how precious.
09:39Mr. Vintage Clothes just got some vintage chin.
09:42Next stop, Little Sudan.
09:45So why aren't we driving again?
09:47We're taking the train to cut down on all the nasty gases we expel when we drive the car.
09:52I got news for you, Madre.
09:53Just because I'm in a train doesn't mean I'm going to stop expelling gas.
09:56In fact, I feel something bubbling up from deep inside me right now.
09:59A lot of innocent people here.
10:01I know you don't want to see them gassed just because you were too cheap to drive.
10:04Oh, really, Chin? Come on.
10:06Like, people on mass transit aren't already used to awful smells.
10:10Hema, you... Hema!
10:15Pass it to Hema.
10:18Hi, Mama!
10:24Dude, lay off my sis.
10:28Now, now. Maybe if you didn't spit up, you wouldn't strike out so much.
10:31The cops!
10:33Help! This baby's after me!
10:36Hema, he's gone.
10:38She scares men off like you.
10:41When at least her grabbing got you a seat.
10:48Whatever the kids do, I'm the one who gets stared at.
10:51Ooh, I like that color.
10:53Now, you might want to do something with those lashes.
10:55Yeah. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Much better.
11:01It's rude to ignore someone talking to you.
11:05She's bitchy, but I wouldn't mind being on the morning train with her.
11:08Packed in tight, my hand wandering.
11:12That's it. Pretend you don't see me standing right here.
11:17Hey, maybe you're deaf.
11:20That doesn't work for me.
11:23Little boy, where is your mother?
11:28The lady.
11:29And she lets you run around annoying people?
11:31I'm a little scamp.
11:36Your lips! I smack them like a cowboy.
11:38Shut up.
11:43Oh, crap! That's the guy I'm stalking!
11:47My girly shit!
11:50Derek, wait for me!
11:53Deaf girls are nothing but trouble.
11:57Yeah, I said it.
11:59Coming up on Coscobay Auto Row.
12:01Press your faces up to the train windows to see what the middle class used to drive to work.
12:09Things are finally quiet, though Shin is mysteriously missing.
12:12I was so stoked when I saw that A. I'm like, I'm gonna get a 4.0 this trimester.
12:16Prep school, kids. I'm glad we sent Shin to that cheap American school.
12:19He'll never end up like them.
12:22You guys wanna see my finger gun?
12:25Out of there!
12:26What? Chill out. I'm hanging.
12:28Shin, we didn't raise you to be a prep school D-bag.
12:31Cheese doodle.
12:32No, Shin. I don't want you filling up on junk when we have a big Bacon Helper casserole at home.
12:37And I don't want you with guys who'll one day haze Georgie.
12:40Whoa, cool. That sounds painful, which is good.
12:42It's not good. Anything done by a bunch of D-bags on the floor with their half-tied ties, trendy bags, and sexually charged talk about monsters is awful.
12:51And kick-ass.
12:52Sorry, we didn't mean it.
12:54Yeah, sorry.
12:55Okay, well, just try not to be as douchey.
12:59We'll try, bitch.
13:01I almost made a difference today.
13:03Mitzi 4, rude douches 0.
13:06Yeah, I know. Goodbye.
13:13Oh yeah, this is Bois Bois.
13:16No, using your phone all of the time don't cause cancer. It ain't in my brain.
13:21Hello, boobies.
13:23It still super sucks. I gotta get chemo. I'll probably be in the hospital for weeks and then die painfully.
13:28And I'm about to die from shaking my hot booty too much. Oh yeah, baby.
13:32Yeah, everyone's looking at me because they don't understand I have in-opera bubble throat cancer.
13:37Oh, I don't mind as long as you wear a muzzle so my ears don't hurt all of the time.
13:43You's gotta wear a muzzle because you're way more annoying than I am.
13:47No, he's not.
13:49Kiss my ass. Just because I have titty cancer don't mean you can't sympathize with me.
13:54Next stop, Sky Mall Ground Mall.
13:56That's us. Stay right behind me as we get off.
14:01Oh no, not now. Don't ruin Mommy's big trip to the Sky Mall Ground Mall.
14:07You're gonna have to pop out a boobie.
14:09I know. I have shy nipples. How about a bottle?
14:17Why do you two always have to embarrass me?
14:19I don't know what to do. Sorry, everyone.
14:22It's up to me again. If only I had something shiny to distract Hemo with.
14:27Oh, duh.
14:28Ass dance, ass dance, new music, ass dance, ass dance.
14:32Ow, Mom. Why'd you break up my ass dance? It was working.
14:36You can't solve all problems with your ass.
14:40I love you, Sky Mall.
14:41Sure wish you bought me that spy pen.
14:43And you thought we wouldn't find anything for you at Ground Mall.
14:46Yeah, but you still didn't buy it for me.
14:48Life's tough like that.
14:49I also wouldn't have minded getting that indoor dog bathroom.
14:54Let go, let go, let go.
14:56Oh, I feel bad for that guy's wife. He comes home drunk, ruins the train for everyone.
15:05Hey, you look just like my family.
15:07Can I practice telling you a very embarrassing secret I'm working up the nerve to tell them?
15:12I was born to sing. I'm gonna be a star.
15:16Pray you don't make it home, hero.
15:18Oop, there it is.
15:23Here's more.
15:27Weeding out the undesirables.
15:31This lap band's a miracle.
15:33It's amazing how active you can be when you're not encased in a hundred pounds of gristle.
15:37Phew, now I'm kinda hot.
15:39Weird. I'm probably just getting a little too excited from all that talk about my own lard.
15:45The fat is in your DNA, subhuman!
15:47But lucky for you, I have a new job!
15:49What man could possibly want to hire that maniac?
15:52Well, girls, he's late.
15:54Or my watch is broken.
15:57It was up my butt.
15:58Please stop referencing the events of the caught years.
16:00What if the new guy wants to hear?
16:02F that. This new recess teacher you and Ench found better be a nice, normal...
16:07I apologize for not being perfectly on time.
16:10I'm still trying to master super speed.
16:12I thought I had enough time to torture Homeless Man, but he was so covered in urine he wouldn't combust!
16:17Shocking. He's a nut.
16:19I'm so happy you hired me!
16:20This school made me the man I am today, so thank you for the chance to expose myself to the gas again,
16:25as well as eliminate your weak children in my fires!
16:27Oh, wait! I hired you to watch football.
16:30We need school athletics to get matching fans from the small child left behind program to pay for gas leak cleanup.
16:36You subhuman! You can't clean up the gas leak! You'll deny Darwin's will and evolution itself!
16:41The leak's gone. It's under the soccer field.
16:43The leak cannot be under anything!
16:44It is the source of all my superpowers as a homo superior!
16:48It brings me the flavor!
16:49Our kids can be dicks, so I would stop calling myself a homo and change my shirt.
16:53Uh, okay.
16:54Which one's better for the kids?
16:56Evolution freaks out some of the parents. We're the other.
17:00Must find leak!
17:02Where'd you find him?
17:03Oh, he was in the park kicking his balls.
17:12All right, kids, meet Mr. Flamer!
17:14He'll be here every Friday to teach the three R's, Recess, Recreation, and Repeating First Grade.
17:20This guy? They're joking!
17:22Yeah, he's a mutant!
17:23Shin, stop ad-libbing!
17:26My homo superior!
17:28Nuna, what are you doing at this school? My invisible clones won't like this.
17:32I didn't know you went to this school.
17:34Here, I'll humiliate myself for you by using super speed to don the costume of the pathetically evolved red-crowned crane.
17:40The only thing worse is the red-crowned human female!
17:42Seriously, Ginger's disgust me.
17:44Hey! What have you got against chicks with red hair?
17:47Well, come on! Let's re-establish our team of homo superiors!
17:51Okay, so, speaking of superior teams, maybe we should get back to talking to the kids about playing soccer.
17:58The field's a mess, so first have the kids weed and see.
18:00Yeah, it shouldn't be too hard. In fact, it's the kind of light gardening most of them will end up doing for a living.
18:08Quit whining! Whiners get automatically marked for elimination!
18:11Also marked would be those who suck at soccer!
18:13The disgusting dogs of humanity who exist only to serve and die for homo superiors like me and the boy up front!
18:20Well, I zoned out during that, but do any of you have questions for Mr. Flamer?
18:24Uh, yeah. Can we please see your flaming power?
18:27Yes! Eliminate some humans!
18:30I can't get over that in the parts he liked me and now he's bashing my red hair.
18:34I'll be looking at more than just your soccer skills! Hair color will be crucial in determining who I eliminate!
18:40So hard to meet a good jerk.
18:42Great! So, everyone get outside and try not to disgust the Flamer with your looks.
18:46Let's kick balls!
18:50So far, this is just like recess.
18:52Any second now, that fascist progressive will ship us off to the camps.
18:55If we're in the same cabin, I'd call Top Bunk.
18:57No, you idiot. I'm talking about death camps. Haven't you watched Glenn Beck or read Liberal Fascism?
19:02I've never read a book, let alone some weird book about fashion.
19:05Flamer's always talking about eliminating the weak. He's an abortionist Darwinist. Aren't you worried about him killing us?
19:11Well, I've got an invisible clone army, but I do think he hates that you're a gypsy.
19:15I'm not a gypsy!
19:16I'm not a gypsy! Did you tell him I'm a gypsy? Why'd you do that?
19:19I said didn't Penny's play Gypsy? Lines got crossed.
19:22He's going to kill me, Shannon! It's not like I can impress him with my soccer skills! I hate soccer! I'm screwed!
19:27Don't yell at me, dude. I warned him that doing Penny's plays would bite him in the butt.
19:32Boy, I worry for your safety. Why are you playing with this gypsy subhuman?
19:37Oh, Mr. Flamer, that was just a misunderstanding. Georgie's not a gypsy.
19:41He's a conservative. Don't kill him. But you can still make fun of him.
19:44I will gladly humiliate him in front of the others. His shame will fuel them.
19:48I wish I was homeschooled.
19:50Childrens, gather around my sun hat. We will now begin the gardening and bush trimming of the football pitch.
19:57Don't growl. Sunshine is good for those with vitamin D deficiency, no?
20:02For those with melanoma, it'll make things worse. Now, I can't remember who has what, so it's a gamble.
20:07For those with melanoma, it'll make things worse. Now, I can't remember who has what, so it's a gamble.
20:11Also, Flamer says if you must spit, spit on the conservative boy.
20:16And those who can't weed will themselves be weeded out like ginger trash!
20:21Great. He hates red hair too. And I just dyed my bush.
20:24This feels weird. I usually don't swat like this unless I have a mirror under me.
20:32Cheer up.
20:33Stop humiliating me.
20:34Keep digging! I think I smell the gas!
20:36Why can't he just burn the weeds?
20:39I hate this hateful new guy.
20:42Yeah, but he's so decisive and angry. It kinda makes me hot.
20:45Well, he is confident. And who doesn't like a powerful, sexy bad boy who can literally heat up the bed?
20:51Not that I'd ever want a hate monger like that inside me.
20:55It's getting a bit hot, isn't it?
20:57Ever since I first saw him, I've wanted something hot and dangerous in me.
21:00You wanna do me with my strap on with some hot sauce on the tip?
21:03I thought you were trying to overcome your depraved sex addiction.
21:06I'm trying.
21:10Well, this work really agrees with you. Helps with your granny arms.
21:13Thank you, Shin. You know I've been trying to get rid of that jiggly flap for years without having any luck.
21:18Wait, I don't have granny arms!
21:20Hey! There is still grass on your mounds!
21:25Ent, you have a call! The teaching board needs the Flamer's tax and background check info!
21:31Crap, I forgot. Guess I'm gonna have to make up some numbers.
21:34Ent is gone and Flamer's snorting gas.
21:36Break time.
21:37Hey, wait guys! We wanna break too!
21:41Lazy men. Typical. You wanna go with him too?
21:46This sun's making me the boring kind of wet.
21:48You wanna see what I use whenever I'm sexually frustrated, which is always?
21:52Alright, I'm in. But this time better not end with you felching me.
21:57We're like Romans! In a masculine way.
22:03Well, I'm shocked that people too lazy to teach are too lazy to weep. This sucks. I say we strike.
22:09Yes, strike!
22:11Kids can't tell what these are, right?
22:12Drop the dongs!
22:13They're for the kids!
22:16They're the cheapest popsicles we could get with the school's budget!
22:19Well, we need them now!
22:21Ooh, that feels so right. Good call, Miss Polly.
22:25Yeah, and if you melt it a little, it should slide right into your lady mouth.
22:28Let it rip!
22:30Promise never to mention this and you can each have two.
22:34If your parents ask, you have normal popsicles.
22:38Don't worry, I think I can steal a box of them for us for later.
22:41I just wanna get some other flavors, like chocolate.
22:45Uh, Flamer's still out there.
22:48Don't get him. But if I'm burned, it's on you.
22:50Must find source of gas leak.
22:54You know, you could come inside and take a break with us. Maybe even have a chilledo.
22:58No thanks! I need to find the gas leak to upgrade my powers!
23:01Must destroy invisible clone army.
23:04Must eliminate subhumans.
23:06Must destroy clone army.
23:08If you don't help, they'll think you're weak.
23:10So go save your butts from getting torched!
23:15Well, all it took was hiring an erratic stranger with power over flames and invisible balls,
23:20but I'm proud to say we have our football pitch back.
23:24Ah, all the melanoma kids are screwed.
23:28Yes, yes, that's it! Just pile all the weeds and grass clippings at one spot! Perfect!
23:33Okay guys, gather around the sun hat again.
23:36Oh bueno, you're already assembled.
23:38Anyway, the field's done, so Flamer will now pick students for the football team.
23:42Yes! And those kids I don't select will be placed alive on this brush pile and incinerated!
24:23Party, party, party, party, join us, join us.
24:26Party, party, join us, join us. Party, party, join us, join us.
24:29Shake your day away and you can
24:31Party, party, join us, join us. Party, party, join us, join us.
24:34Party, party, join us, join us.
24:36Shake your blues away!
24:41Yo, break a vacation, boys!
24:44This party's shakin' and it ain't just shakin' here.
24:47I see that smile grinnin' ear to ear.
24:50Sing this song and you should really sing it clear.
24:53Just sing along with us.
24:58Party, party, join us, join us. Party, party, join us, join us.
25:01Party, party, join us, join us.
25:03Shake your day away and you can
25:04Party, party!
25:06Oh, I grabbed your shoe.
25:09Brand old party it is.
25:11Party, party!
