S02E25 - The King of Diamonds Affair

  • last month
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. :


00:00Oh, me tooth! I've broke me tooth!
00:22Oh, glass!
00:27What kind of place is this, anyhow?
00:29As for a bit of poke's pudding, what do you get?
00:32Oh, a piece of broken glass, that's what you get!
00:35Oh, look at that! Look at that!
00:37What a pity! What a pity!
00:39Pity? Oh, it's our blame in crime!
00:44Oh! Oh!
00:48Oh, now they won't take me for that dentifrit's ad on the telly!
00:52My old career is ruined! Ruined! Oh!
00:56Ha-ha! Just as I thought!
01:01Young lady, you have just bitten into a small fortune.
01:05This piece of glass will one day be polished into a lovely blue-white diamond.
01:11Worth, I should say, at least three or four hundred pounds.
01:34Good afternoon, gentlemen. Can I be of service?
01:38Yes, we'd like to see the proprietor, please.
01:40Well, I am the proprietor, Victoria Poe.
01:45May we ask you a question, Miss Poe?
01:48Well, of course. What is it?
01:50Well, you ship to Chumleys, do you?
01:53Why, we ship all over the country, all over the world, as a matter of fact.
01:58Why at Chumleys?
02:00Because in a tin of poke's pudding served there, in addition to the standard ingredients,
02:04they were found these.
02:09Glass! In a poke pudding! Impossible!
02:14Miss Poe, the objects my friend showed you are not glass. They're diamonds.
02:20Well, I don't care what they are. They couldn't have come from here.
02:25Now, as to what may have happened at Chumleys with these diamonds,
02:29you may direct your inquiries there.
02:32Oh, thank you very much for your cooperation.
02:34But if the situation should arise again, you can contact us at this number.
02:46Yes, we would appreciate it, Miss Poe, if you would do us a favor and keep this entrenew.
02:51Well, I certainly shall. As a favor to poke's.
03:13It looks like we've got company.
03:17Oh, there's another.
03:22Freeze the crowd.
03:27Lose one, win one.
03:33Freeze the crowd.
03:39Lose one, win one.
03:42Where's the party?
03:44Looks like we're the party.
04:05Back up.
04:18Get down.
05:02Get down.
05:25Mr. Waverly, Solo and Kiriakin are ready on the overseas circuit.
05:32Well, gentlemen, you seem to survive very nicely.
05:35We were saved by a falling beam.
05:38Almost, that is.
05:40Oh, thank you very much for that dinner, Pogue.
05:43I enjoyed it thoroughly.
05:45And the stones were very nice, too.
05:47Research thinks that they ought to be worth a small fortune.
05:50As for Victoria Pogue,
05:53she is definitely the most intriguing international diamond smuggler I've ever run into.
05:58Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, gentlemen.
06:01But we'll let our London branch keep an eye on Miss Pogue.
06:05I was afraid of that.
06:07What we're really after is,
06:09who is it that's rocking the world market for diamonds and why?
06:13Is there any further information on the Brazilian strike?
06:16Has it been confirmed?
06:18Yes, it has.
06:19Our research people insist that those Brazilian stones
06:22that are flooding the market aren't Brazilian at all.
06:25In fact, they positively identify them as coming from the famous peacock mines.
06:30Rather confusing, isn't it?
06:32Still more confusing is the fact that we've finally been able to identify who's buying them up.
06:37All right, sir, I'll bite.
06:41Are you implying peacocks buying back their own stones?
06:45You do realize that we're not in the business of chasing stolen diamonds.
06:50But the stability of the world economy is our business.
06:54And I need hardly remind you that diamonds...
06:57Are a girl's best friend.
06:59Also, Mr. Solo, next to gold,
07:03the bedrock on which their stability rests.
07:06I suppose you'd like us to pay a little visit to Sir Percival Peacock.
07:10Gentlemen, you've come at a fool's errand.
07:13You may tell your Mr. Waverley that his insinuation,
07:17that we're buying back our own diamonds, is so much balderdash.
07:20Nevertheless, our experts insist that you're getting them from your own mines.
07:24And I tell you, they're Brazilian. Of course we're buying them, of course.
07:28For over a century, our mines have been almost the sole source
07:32of this particular type of stone.
07:35And we're not about to give up this position
07:37just because someone was lucky enough
07:39to discover a deposit of similar stones in Brazil.
07:42Gentlemen, we have nearly a billion dollars worth of diamonds in our reserves.
07:49And we can well enough afford to add a few million to it
07:53without upsetting anyone's sleep.
07:55Well, I've never seen a billion dollars worth of anything in my life.
07:58Would it be possible to take a peek at this vault of yours?
08:01Well, it's not our policy to allow outsiders even near it,
08:05but I suppose in your case, we could make an exception.
08:14You're entering the most impregnable vault in the world.
08:17Anyone entering the inner chamber is closely watched on closed-circuit television.
08:21There and there.
08:26The safe containing the diamonds rests on a delicate scale.
08:30Were a single carat removed, it would register on this dial
08:34and automatically set off the alarm system.
08:39You see, gentlemen, the diamonds are still here.
08:44May I, um...
08:46Oh, they're all quite the same.
08:48Excuse me.
08:57Of course.
08:59I'll be right there.
09:01I'm so sorry, gentlemen, but I need it upstairs.
09:04It seems there's been another block of Brazilians offered on the Antwerp Exchange.
09:15Channel D, please.
09:17We've just left Peacock's, which is to say we've just left nowhere.
09:21No cooperation?
09:23Ah, too much, really.
09:25We have reason to believe he wasn't telling us everything.
09:28We'd like to take another look at that vault.
09:30Oh, I see.
09:32With all due respect to your and Mr. Curiakin's talents, Mr. Zollo,
09:37you might wish to consult an authority on that line of endeavour.
09:41I assume that you have someone you wish to recommend.
09:44Yes, I have indeed.
09:46The man you want is Raphael Delgado,
09:49otherwise known, amongst other several aliases,
09:52as the Count de Foy
09:55and Dapper Dan of the Transatlantic Lines.
10:01Mr. Delgado?
10:03Mr. Hayes. An honour indeed.
10:05Mr. Delgado, I am opposed to glorification of master criminals
10:09in the press, cinema and such.
10:11However, these gentlemen have a special permit
10:13issued by the Penal Servitude Board.
10:15Living alone, as I do, it's a pleasure to welcome company.
10:18Mr. Zollo is a film producer from Hollywood,
10:20and Mr. Curiakin is his writer-in-chief.
10:23Mr. Curiakin.
10:24All right, gentlemen, I will leave you,
10:26and I trust you will not inspire our youth
10:28to emulate Mr. Delgado's exploits.
10:34Well, at last, someone is going to do a film on Raphael Delgado.
10:38Sit down, gentlemen, sit down.
10:40Thank you, thank you.
10:41We're thinking of calling the film The King of Diamonds.
10:45How does that strike you?
10:47Not bad.
10:48In fact, I'd rather like it.
10:50I wish I could offer you the proper refreshment,
10:52but here there is only tea,
10:53and the authorities permit me but one cup.
10:56No, no, not necessary at all.
10:57Now, Curiakin here has researched your life
10:59in the files of Soroté, Scotland Yard, FBI, etc., etc.
11:03Fascinating stuff, you know.
11:05Yes, I'm rather proud of my career.
11:08Now, your career has provided us with many thrilling episodes,
11:10but what we need is one smashing climax,
11:13one final caper,
11:14one that is truly worthy of Delgado.
11:17Well, I'll be out of here in a year.
11:19I'll be happy to provide one for you at that time.
11:21No, no, we can't wait a year.
11:23Production schedules, location units...
11:25Supposing we invent something.
11:26Say, for instance,
11:27you are after the richest prize in the world.
11:30You mean the Peacock Diamonds?
11:32That's an excellent idea.
11:34I may try it someday.
11:35If you were free now, offhand, how would you go about it?
11:39Oh, one can never be offhand about anything in my profession.
11:43A project of such magnitude requires the most careful planning,
11:46months and months and months of it.
11:48Good. Could you be more specific?
11:50Well, one studies the location of all the security devices,
11:54one looks for any possible weakness in any of them,
11:57the weakest bastion, so to speak,
11:59and one studies maps.
12:01You have no idea of the importance of a good map.
12:03Excellent, excellent.
12:04Are you getting this, Curiakin?
12:05Yes, it's all going in up here.
12:06Good, good. Where were we?
12:07Oh, maps, yes.
12:08Oh, many, many maps.
12:09Maps of the streets leading to our target,
12:11and quite importantly, for a thief in a hurry,
12:13maps leading from it.
12:15And not only the surface of the streets, gentlemen,
12:18but, um, what's beneath them.
12:21Ah, I can see it all now. I can see it.
12:23A sequence beneath the streets of London.
12:26One man against Scotland Yard.
12:32If you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I think this has gone far enough.
12:35As I said before, a man in my situation longs for company.
12:39Any company.
12:41Except that of a cop.
12:48Now, go before I entirely forget my manners as a host.
12:51Will you?
13:05We're here.
13:06And I think the vault should be over here.
13:35If you must get us lost, could you do it a bit faster?
13:58Quiet and stop pushing.
14:05Are you sure this is the foundation under Peacock?
14:24Under the vault?
14:25Well, according to this map, it couldn't be anything else.
14:35Someone's been here before us.
14:38It seems so.
14:57Well, they did a nice job cutting through the vault floor.
15:05Let's get out of here.
15:35A smart Russian.
16:12Gentlemen, I would suggest that you meet me up here.
16:26All right, gentlemen, now you know the sad truth.
16:29The entire stock of the Peacock's diamond reserve has been stolen.
16:35The buckshot was merely a substitute to balance the weight of the alarm system.
16:41How did you possibly think you could keep a thing like this a secret?
16:44We dared not let the word leak out, not even to Scotland Yard.
16:47You have no idea of the consequences.
16:49If we hadn't, we wouldn't be here.
16:51Then you know what would happen if this became known.
16:55It sounds to me like the work of a master.
16:57The work of a genius.
16:59But what kind of criminal mind could conceive a thing like this?
17:02Only one kind.
17:04And of his kind, there is only one.
17:11And to what do I owe this intrusion?
17:14You're being taken to the cleaners.
17:17Get in.
17:18Get in?
17:19Come on, get in.
17:21Come on, quick as you can.
17:22Get your foot in there, come on.
17:24Come on, hurry up.
17:33No, no, it's impossible, gentlemen.
17:35Masterminding a plot like that from a maximum security prison cell.
17:39Afternoon, Hopkins.
17:40Afternoon, sir.
17:41No, it's impossible.
17:47He's gone.
17:50Sound the alarm.
17:51Sound the alarm.
18:03I don't understand this, gentlemen.
18:06I was very happily waiting out my term.
18:10We're partners, remember?
18:12We've missed you.
18:14I must remind you,
18:16we are partners not by choice,
18:18but only because I needed some additional capital
18:21on what you would call in your quaint way, muscle.
18:25What muscle?
18:31Well, call it choice or call it necessity,
18:36you are now a member of the family.
18:39And a family now and then has to sit down
18:41and talk things over, right?
18:51You, uh,
18:53you had visitors.
18:57the two men from Onco.
19:00You have nothing to worry about.
19:01I hadn't spotted from the first.
19:05But you couldn't resist the temptation
19:06to show them how clever you were, could you?
19:08Well, of course I was clever.
19:10I enjoyed their visit because I knew why they were there.
19:12Oh, you should have seen me.
19:15I toyed with them like children.
19:18Toyed with them like children.
19:21They wound you around their fingers.
19:25And what you told them, they found out about our operation
19:27and they found the equipment.
19:28The equipment you had to leave
19:30as a signature of your ruddy great artistry.
19:33I told you your ruddy vanity would do us in one day, didn't I?
19:37And I tell you that without Delgado's ego,
19:40without his genius,
19:42your cozy little family would still be dealing
19:44with small-armed Americans.
19:45Well, you won't have to worry about that anymore.
19:48A family can get along without you very well.
19:52You can put the umbrellas down, gentlemen.
19:56There's not going to be any rain.
19:59Not as long as I, Rafael Delgado,
20:03call the key to this entire operation.
20:06Not as long as I, Delgado,
20:09control the shipment of the diamonds to Brazil.
20:13Not to mention their safe passage from Brazil
20:16to the markets of the world.
20:17Not to mention their safe passage from Brazil
20:19to the markets of the world.
20:22You ruddy, bloomin', malconzoli, imbecile,
20:28disgustatore, porco, idiot!
20:31But you're Italian.
20:33Never mind. Headquarters for you, sir.
20:39Si, pronto. Launch it.
20:42They report what?
20:50Now I know how Uncle got in our trail.
20:54Just got word from Brazil.
20:57That jackass from Pogue shipped them the wrong tin.
21:06What did you mean?
21:09What did you mean?
21:11The wrong tin?
21:13Plain plum puddin'.
21:16You bungler. You miserable bungler.
21:19So you think you can get along without Delgado.
21:21You can't even lick a postage stamp without falling on your face.
21:24You forget you were nice and cozy
21:26and yourself sent them an alibi, eh?
21:28Which you have ruined now with your customary finesse.
21:31I'll kill him. I'll kill that Pogue nitwit.
21:34Oh, is that all you can think of? Killing?
21:36I suppose you got a better idea, eh?
21:43I'm afraid I'll have to deprive you of the roles,
21:46but you and the boys can use the laundry truck.
22:07Channel E.
22:09Odd dresser. Foreign type. Now entering.
22:15See you in the morning, Yeltsin.
22:17Very well, ma'am.
22:20Oh, I'm sorry, sir. We're just closing.
22:23Oh, I will only be a moment.
22:25It is very important that I see Miss Victoria Pogue.
22:28I'm Victoria Pogue.
22:31I wasn't prepared to believe it,
22:34but miracle of miracles,
22:36you are even more beautiful than I had pictured you.
22:40Well, I'm sorry, but am I supposed to know who you are?
22:44Ah, but you must.
22:46I'm afraid there's been a mistake.
22:48Not at all.
22:50We have met by mail
22:52and I have cherished your correspondence,
22:55every invoice, every statement I have kept.
22:57And now we meet in person.
23:02I still don't understand, sir.
23:05Senorita, your humble servant, Dom Rafael.
23:11Oh, the coffee planter from Brazil.
23:14The very same.
23:16Dom Rafael, you're one of our most cherished customers.
23:20Oh, thank you.
23:23I am very happy.
23:25Oh, thank you.
23:27I only hope that one day
23:29I might be able to show you the pleasures of my country.
23:33Oh, you flatter me, Dom Rafael.
23:35I speak only from the heart.
23:37And I say to myself,
23:39I cannot bring sweets.
23:41For what is sweeter than a Pogue pudding?
23:46So, I hope you will accept these instead.
23:51Oh, oh, you shouldn't have.
23:54It is a poor payment indeed
23:57for all the pleasures Pogue's puddings have given me.
24:02We try to please always.
24:05And you do.
24:07Almost always.
24:13Well, the matter is hardly worth mentioning.
24:16But since I am here,
24:18one of my dearest friends complained
24:20that the last in order, which would have been a pecan pudding,
24:22turned out to be burnt almonds.
24:25Oh, that's unforgivable.
24:27Let me call our shipping clerk, Mr. Wambler.
24:30No, no, no.
24:32Don't let me take away from your work.
24:34Oh, that poor fellow probably couldn't help it.
24:36It's light oversight.
24:38Perhaps if you let me talk to him.
24:40Well, if you wish, but he's...
24:42You call, ma'am.
24:44Freddy, this is Dom Rafael, our good customer from Brazil.
24:46And it seems there's been some mix-up.
24:48Perhaps he'll explain it to you.
24:50Will you excuse me?
24:52I'll just put these in water.
25:11No, he's still in there.
25:13What exactly did you mean by a foreign type?
25:15Well, I would say he was dressed a little flamboyantly.
25:17Riveless cape, broad-brimmed cap.
25:20I'll go in the front, you check the rear.
25:27You worthless mongrel.
25:29Are you sure it was only one tin you fouled up?
25:31Yes, sir, I'm sure.
25:33It was just that one tin, I'm sure of that, sir, and I'm sorry.
25:37Do you realize I am the most wanted man in London
25:39at this very moment, and I had to risk my life,
25:41my liberty to protect your wretched neck from bloodshed?
25:44Thank you, sir.
25:46Mr. Delgado, I'm really...
25:48Oh, shut up.
25:50Because of your bungling, all plans are changed.
25:52We are moving everything,
25:54every tin, every carton out of here right now.
25:57Right now, sir, and it won't take me long,
25:59and I promise I won't...
26:01Come on, where did you hide him?
26:03What is it?
26:05What do you want, Rudolmo Pagliari?
26:07He's one of my best customers.
26:09I have to get out of here.
26:11Right this way, sir, right here.
26:13It's right around the corner there, sir.
26:15Right here.
26:21Hold it.
26:23Mr. Wambly, this gentleman waving the pistol
26:26is looking for Dom Haffael.
26:28Didn't he come in here to speak with you?
26:30No, ma'am, I ain't seen nobody.
26:32I was in the fridge checking tomorrow's shipment.
26:34But, Freddy, you just...
26:36Where's the back door?
26:38Well, if you think he's gone out that way,
26:40you're mistaken, I just...
26:42What's in here?
26:44Nothing, governor, just cold storage.
26:46Oh, I hope this gives you a good case of the sniffles.
26:48You're wasting your time, gov.
26:50There ain't nobody in here.
26:58Fred, there's nothing in there.
27:00Come on, let's go.
27:02Oh, Freddy, what are you doing?
27:04I'm taking a leak.
27:06No, you don't!
27:08I've got it.
27:11Come on, we're going to have to get out of here.
27:13The smell, Fred!
27:15You have to get out of here.
27:17Come on!
27:19Come on.
27:21What in the world?
27:23Sorry, Mum.
28:21Open channel D.
28:25Now, see that lot and don't forget nothing.
28:27Right-o, Governor.
28:29A van and a car has just pulled in behind Pogues.
28:32One of the men in it is one that Mr. Solow and I met before.
28:35Middle 40s, dark suit, bowler hat.
28:37The man you're looking at is Blodgett.
28:42Head of that notorious criminal gang.
28:45He's got a gun.
28:48Head of that notorious criminal gang.
28:51Known as the family.
28:53Cousins of our friends in Chicago, I presume.
28:55First cousins.
28:57Avoid direct action for the moment.
28:59Try and find out what's going on and report.
29:01Agent 14, are you there?
29:03A van has just pulled up in back of Pogues.
29:05Go in and warn Mr. Solow.
29:17I know that.
29:33Hey, look, out there.
29:47Where's Mr. Solow?
29:49Who, sir?
29:53Nobody here by that name, sir.
30:05I can't think of it.
30:07I did see a blood going to here.
30:09I can't think of it.
30:11I did see a blood going to here.
30:13I can't think of it.
30:15I did see a blood going to here.
30:25Well, gentlemen, you're on time for a change.
30:31Aren't you going to help us load?
30:33My talent is in the creative area.
30:35Physical labor is for those without what I have.
30:37I suggest you help.
30:45All right, lads.
30:47Lively, lively, lively.
30:49You haven't got all night.
30:51Come on.
30:53Move it along.
30:55Move it along now.
30:57Come on.
31:03He was a snooper, he was.
31:05But not smart enough for old Freddy.
31:07How about Mr. Solow?
31:09Wait till you hear what happens.
31:11I didn't know we were on speaking terms.
31:13Come along, team-mates.
31:21All right, all right, all right.
31:23Come along.
31:25It's light as a feather. Move it out, move it out.
31:27Come on, you big chaps can do it.
31:43Yes, sir?
31:45We're still waiting for your report, Mr. Kuriakin.
31:49Hang on a minute.
31:51I think I bumped my head.
31:57Can I take a look around?
32:03The van and the car have gone, sir.
32:05I'll look inside.
32:08The van and the car have gone, sir.
32:10I'll look inside.
32:32Pogue's secret storeroom has been cleaned up.
32:34Agent 14 is dead.
32:36Mr. Solow is among the missing.
32:50More caviar, my friend?
32:52Oh, no, thanks, chum.
32:54Stuff's too rich for my tum-tum.
33:06Oh, air.
33:08Beautiful air.
33:12Now, the trouble with you
33:14is you have no appreciation
33:16of the rich contrasts that life can bring.
33:20Only a moment ago,
33:22saved by a hair from a prison cell.
33:24And now,
33:26flying through the air
33:28with two billion dollars in your pocket,
33:30you're in a prison cell.
33:32And now,
33:34flying through the air
33:36with two billion dollars' worth of glittering diamonds
33:38and a glass of champagne in my hand.
33:42Which reminds me,
33:44what did those two nice uncle men call me?
33:48The king of diamonds.
33:50To his majesty.
33:58Oh, it's warm.
34:02Where do you suppose we go?
34:04I haven't the slightest inkling.
34:06You know, I always thought
34:08that an unscheduled flight
34:10to one knows not where
34:12was the greatest delight
34:16Now I'm not so sure.
34:18What are we going to do?
34:20I still haven't the slightest inkling.
34:22But I think we should always make the most
34:24of what fate or chance offers.
34:28is that for the queen?
34:30No, it's short for Victoria.
34:32You've no idea
34:34what a proper family I come from.
34:36And now all this happening.
34:40let's not get too romantic about it.
34:42These people can be pretty nasty.
34:44Somehow I feel
34:46very safe
34:48with you.
34:50Under ordinary circumstances,
34:52that would not necessarily be true.
34:54I'm definitely
34:56not the brotherly type.
34:58I hope not.
35:04Oh, wait.
35:12Overseas Relay, Channel D.
35:16Come in, Mr. Solo.
35:18I've been wondering where you were.
35:20Well, I'm not exactly
35:22in a position to tell you, sir,
35:24but I can say that we are
35:26in mid-air,
35:28and we have a cargo of plum puddings,
35:30and I would say that we have
35:32most of the peacock diamonds.
35:34Well, that definitely
35:36wasn't a plum pudding I just heard, Mr. Solo.
35:38Uh, I can assure you
35:40that she is equally
35:42delectable, sir.
35:44Mr. Weverley, this is Victoria Pogue.
35:46Miss Pogue.
35:48How do you do, sir?
35:52Oh, uh, Mr. Solo,
35:56controllers just informed me
35:58that they've triangulated your position.
36:00You're off the coast of Venezuela,
36:02heading south.
36:06In the meantime,
36:08see that no harm comes to Miss Pogue.
36:10I am doing my best
36:12in that department, sir.
36:18Get me Mr. Curiacan, please.
36:20Mr. Curiacan, what are you doing at the moment?
36:22Absolutely nothing.
36:24Uh, except talking to you, sir.
36:26Well, I just had a conversation
36:28with Mr. Solo.
36:30He's in a plane over South America.
36:32So I think without wasting any time,
36:34you'd better drop in on a man in Rio.
36:40Yes, sir.
36:44It's good to see you, Mr. Curiacan.
36:46I want you to meet, uh,
36:48Agent Gomez.
36:50How do you do?
36:52Excuse me, I've been, uh, fighting a headache.
36:54And Agent Amaya.
36:58And a cold.
37:00Personally, I prefer thrush.
37:02Carmen, some aspirin
37:04for Mr. Curiacan, please.
37:06Senor Rafinha,
37:08this is Mr. Curiacan.
37:10Mr. Curiacan, please.
37:12Senor Rafinha has briefed us on your mission.
37:14Oh, good. Then perhaps you can brief me.
37:16Up to now, I've been flying blind.
37:18Uh, control here
37:20has located the mine we think you're after.
37:22To get there secretly
37:24will involve a little trip up the Amazon.
37:26These two gentlemen know the river
37:28as well as anyone in Brazil.
37:32Thank you very much.
37:34Shall we go?
37:36I wish I were 20 years younger.
37:38I'd be tempted to go along with you.
37:40If I were 20 years older,
37:42I'd be more than tempted to stay.
37:44Buena suerte.
38:04Ah, here we are, gentlemen.
38:06Welcome to Delgado's second home.
38:08The first, of course, being that one.
38:10Not the last time, I hope.
38:12I appreciate your heavy humor, Mr. Blodgett.
38:16Ah, beautiful Brazil.
38:18The land of the richest diamond mine
38:20in the world.
38:22Not yet, it is, it might.
38:24Mr. Knox,
38:26get it unloaded, all right?
38:28Aye, sir.
38:30Get these steps out of the way, come on!
38:32Get it done, now.
38:36Move that stuff over, come on!
38:38The boxes, move them over!
38:44Hold it!
38:54Nobody's come.
38:56Get it on the ground and open it up!
38:58Go on, move!
39:00Come on, come on!
39:02Open it!
39:14Well, well, well, well.
39:16This cargo's more precious than I thought.
39:20Where's your other partner, Mr. Solo?
39:22I'm sorry.
39:24There was only room for two in the carton.
39:26Ah, we meet again,
39:30Well, I wish I could share the sentiment.
39:32I wasn't speaking to you.
39:34I hadn't expected you so soon in Brazil,
39:36how good of you to accept my invitation.
39:38Through no fault of hers, Mr. Delgado,
39:40she's my guest, not yours.
39:42Take him out and shoot him.
39:44No, wait, wait, wait,
39:46I have a much better idea.
39:48The Portuguese Parterrara.
39:50Portuguese what?
39:54Take him out and shoot him.
39:56By the way, the Parterrara is a small cannon.
39:58In the days of the conquistadores,
40:00it was used to execute rebellious native chiefs.
40:02Their bodies were tied to the muzzle of the Parterrara,
40:04then the cannon was fired
40:06and their bodies scattered to the four winds.
40:08Oh, I like it.
40:10I like it. Oh, I like it.
40:12Where do you find this Portuguese parter,
40:14whatever you called it?
40:16Well, it will take a bit of time, Mr. Blodgett.
40:18The cannons haven't been fired for years.
40:20They must be made ready.
40:22May I suggest dawn?
40:24Must we get up that early?
40:26Tie them up and throw them into the mine.
40:28Tie them up and throw them in the mine.
40:54Gentlemen, please.
40:56My head.
40:58We can't stop now.
41:00Why not?
41:02You've noticed the natives have all been friendly.
41:08These rhythms let them know we're friendly too.
41:10You know, around here they have a hobby
41:12of chopping your head off
41:14and then shrinking it.
41:16I'm not sure I wouldn't prefer it.
41:18It's so cold in here.
41:20You're no longer enjoying the adventure,
41:22are you, Victoria?
41:24Oh, I never thought Vogue's pudding kitchen
41:26could seem so attractive.
41:44Greetings, Mr. Blodgett.
41:46Greetings, my friends.
41:50I come on a mission of goodwill.
41:56Much as it is against my principles
41:58to find myself on the side of law and order,
42:00I am compelled to make an exception in this case.
42:04Well, to what do we owe this fortunate change in the wind?
42:06What is there left for a man like me?
42:08My masterpiece has been completed.
42:10Can you picture me sitting in my patio
42:12clipping coupons for the rest of my life?
42:14An artist who ceases to create dies.
42:18And I am not quite prepared for that yet.
42:20Just outside the compound, there is a stream.
42:22Then I have a canoe, a guide, and provisions.
42:24You, Mr. Solo, you, Miss Vogue, and I, Delgado,
42:26are bidding farewell to beautiful Brazil.
42:28Don't tell me you're going to abandon
42:30a billion dollars' worth of diamonds to your friend Blodgett.
42:32Now, really, Mr. Solo,
42:38while those oafs, Blodgett and Knox,
42:40sit in the strongroom with your lovely pudding, Miss Vogue,
42:50Good heavens!
42:52I suppose it would be considered unethical
42:54to ask how you managed this.
42:56Later, as we paddle up the Amazon,
42:58I'll give you the details.
43:00There is no time now.
43:02Although, to tell the truth,
43:04I did this so cleverly, so exquisitely,
43:06that we have a good head start.
43:08My partners won't discover the loss for ours.
43:10We've been robbed!
43:14There's no pudding!
43:16It's all gone!
43:20Come on.
43:42You scum of the earth!
43:46Lowest to the low!
43:50If you'll step aside, sir,
43:52I'll drill the money back to you.
43:56now, I've got a better idea.
43:58The Portuguese, what?
44:00Puerto Riva.
44:02Right, the Puerto Riva.
44:04The Puerto Riva.
44:06The Puerto Riva.
44:08The Puerto Riva.
44:10The Puerto Riva.
44:12Right, the poor right.
44:14Gents, clear the third cannon.
44:30Left, left.
44:32Forward, left.
44:40Right face.
44:42All right, tie them up.
45:10Right, the fuses.
45:40All right, let's go.
46:10Get back!
46:12Get back!
46:14Get back!
46:16Get back!
46:18Get back!
46:20Get back!
46:22Get back!
46:24Get back!
46:26Get back!
46:28Get back!
46:30Next time, try and not wait until the last minute.
46:32Next time, try not to go that far up the Amazon.
46:34Turn the cannons around.
46:36Got it.
46:38Get over here!
46:40Ah, Miss Paul, muito obrigado.
46:42Maria, what are you doing?
46:44Get over here!
46:46Get over here!
46:48Get over here!
46:50Get over here!
46:52Get back!
46:54Maria, what are you doing?
46:56Get over here!
46:58Get over here!
47:08Get over here!
47:10Get over here!
47:18Get over here!
47:20Get over here!
47:22Get over here!
47:24Get over here!
47:26You mustn't weep for me, Miss Paul.
47:28You mustn't weep for me, Miss Paul.
47:30I really nothing left to live for.
47:32Not ever could I hope to top the peacock-diamond masterpiece.
47:37Yes, you could. You're the king of diamonds.
47:40Heh-heh. You know, it's a funny thing, but...
47:47Oh! Oh!
47:53I'm only sorry Mr. Delgado can't be here with us.
47:57Well, if I were in charge, I'd double the guard at the pearly gates.
48:01Yes. Where he's taken up residence, I don't think they have that kind of architecture.
48:09Yes, sir?
48:11I hate to interrupt you in your little visit to Rio, gentlemen,
48:16but I have a bird of another feather waiting for you in the wings.
48:21Yes. You'll report headquarters tomorrow.
48:24Yes, sir.
48:26That will give you at least one more night here.
48:32Mr. Weverley.
48:36I have sought a reason why I, too, shouldn't come rolling out of Rio
48:40for an afternoon or so before I am old.
48:43Ah, yes. This is our Victoria Poe.
48:47How do you do, sir? Ah, yes. Yes.
48:50Miss Poe, it may seem a trifle duller,
48:53but I'm sure much safer if I personally conducted you back to your puddings.
48:58Hasta luego.
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