S02E27 - The Round Table Affair

  • last month
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. :


03:00Lucho, you disappoint me.
03:03Birds in little nests agree, remember?
03:17Stop that man!
03:20No, no, an American citizen abroad must never forget that he's a roving ambassador of goodwill.
03:26My error. Could you please tell me what it is I've hit?
03:30Oh, of course, yes. This is a very important national monument.
03:32St. George slaying the well-known dragon.
03:36Listen, that man is wanted in half the countries in Europe.
03:39I have a warrant for his arrest in my pocket.
03:42Oh, well, forget it. It's not gonna do you any good here.
03:45Don't you realize you crossed the border?
03:48Yes, this is the sovereign state of Ingolstein.
03:51Small, but mighty.
03:53You mean that sentry box?
03:55The immigration office.
03:58And those men in uniform?
03:59The National Guard.
04:02I'm afraid, my friend, the shoe is on the other foot.
04:05You are the fugitive.
04:09Brandishing firearms and destroying national monuments.
04:12Speeding, violating the frontier.
04:15Very disturbing list of offenses indeed.
04:18Guards, I suggest you do your duty.
05:25Where is that? I've never heard of it.
05:28Almost nobody has, which probably is the explanation for his survival.
05:34What about Mr. Kuriakin? Have you heard from him?
05:37Oh, yes.
05:40Come in, Mr. Kuriakin.
05:43Tell Mr. Sola where you are and what you can see.
05:48I am speaking to you from the city jail at Ingolstein.
05:52And from where I stand, I can see outside Lucha Nostra...
05:57...Bullets Malone having an espresso...
06:02...Dr. Villiger drinking a beer...
06:05...and Joe, the banker, Oregano...
06:10...he's having something stronger.
06:13A Calvados, perhaps.
06:16Thank you, Mr. Kuriakin. I'm sure Mr. Sola gets the picture.
06:20Lucha Nostra, Dr. Villiger.
06:23They're on our most wanted list. What are they all doing in Ingolstein?
06:27As it happens, Ingolstein has no extradition treaties of any kind with any other country.
06:32Never has had.
06:34Recently, some clever character uncovered this fact.
06:39Now Ingolstein is the impregnable refuge...
06:42...for half of the most wanted fugitives from justice in the entire world.
06:46A rattle, huh?
06:48Yes, indeed.
06:50One we must plug without delay.
06:54For this mission, Mr. Sola will require a complete diplomatic kit.
07:01Striped trousers.
07:03You mean the chief of police or whatever he is, huh?
07:07We can expect no assistance from the local authorities.
07:10Ingolstein is currently being ruled by the regent, Prince Frederick...
07:15...addicted to cognac, young ballet dancers, roulette.
07:19Now, you will explain the situation to the grand duchess herself.
07:26Victoria Adelaide Dagmar Alexandra Maud Xenia.
07:31That's the lady.
07:3323rd sovereign ruler of the duchy.
07:36Present at the Academy of the Sisters of the Royal Insignia...
07:39...on the outskirts of Paris.
07:58Next time you cheat, I'll hit you twice as hard.
08:11Well, what is it?
08:17I'm in the middle of a game, you know.
08:19Your serene highness.
08:21Hey, Stinky, hurry up.
08:24My credentials.
08:30I've been briefed on them, of course.
08:32I know what you represent.
08:34What could uncle want with me?
08:36What is it about my country?
08:38Is something wrong in Ingolstein?
08:40Yes, I'm sorry to say, your highness, there is something very serious.
08:44My uncle Frederick, the regent, sends me most comprehensive reports monthly.
08:48I'm not aware of any political crisis.
08:51May I?
08:53No, not political, your highness.
08:56But there is no crime in Ingolstein.
08:59Jail hasn't sheltered anything but mice in years.
09:02They're not using your jail, your highness.
09:05They're using your best hotels.
09:07Your most commutelic inns.
09:09Your very castle.
09:10Who is?
09:12The military of the world's most dangerous criminals.
09:15Wanted by their own government.
09:17They're finding, within your country, complete protection.
09:20No matter what the crime, Ingolstein is a sanctuary.
09:24I don't believe it.
09:26Perhaps you've mistaken Ingolstein for some other little country.
09:29It happens quite often, you know.
09:31My uncle Frederick, the regent, would never allow such a state of affairs for one moment.
09:35Your highness, your uncle, the prince, was brought up in the days when dukes and duchesses had expensive tastes.
09:42Now, I'm sure that you've heard of those tastes.
09:45And you know they take money.
09:46A great deal of money.
09:48The regent would never sacrifice the great name of Ingolstein for such things.
09:54How often do you see the prince?
09:56Oh, three or four times a year.
09:59What do you do?
10:02Go to the Eiffel Tower.
10:05The Louvre.
10:07Pauline's tomb.
10:14I'm sorry, your highness.
10:16I shouldn't have brought her down.
10:19Have you a car?
10:21Of course.
10:22Well, get it.
10:23We'll go to Ingolstein immediately.
10:25We'll make your apologies there.
10:31I'm sorry.
10:55Lovely Ingolstein.
10:57Dominated by its ancient Schloss.
11:00Oh, Mr. Kuriokin, it sounds so romantic.
11:03I wish I were there with you.
11:05So do I, Linda.
11:31This one should help.
11:33Thanks a lot.
11:45And another one for you.
12:03Gin? Again?
12:05That makes another 5,000 you owe me, prince.
12:08Make a note of that, will you, honey?
12:10You know, I don't understand it.
12:12Every time we play, you always win.
12:14You cheat.
12:16You just sign your John Heinrich right on here, prince.
12:18Just to keep your record straight.
12:21Oh, it's pretty late.
12:23Shall we call it a day, prince?
12:25Oh, just one more thing.
12:27It gets rather lonely around here in this old place.
12:30Just you wait and see.
12:32In another six months, we'll have this, uh, joint.
12:38When I was young, it was, as you say, jumping.
12:41The castle lit with a thousand candles,
12:43scores of lovely women,
12:45love, romance,
12:47the sweet sound of violins,
12:50and my dear cousin, the 21st duchess,
12:52coming to me to start off the ball.
12:54Ah, you should have seen her.
12:58La-da-da, la-da-da-da...
13:01Uncle Freddy!
13:06Mr. Solo.
13:08It is I who must apologize.
13:11I thought your accusation's unfounded.
13:14But I fear that you are too old for me.
13:18Your accusations unfounded,
13:21but I fear that you understated them.
13:25Who is this?
13:27My dear Vicki.
13:29The name's Artie King.
13:31Pleasure to meet you, Duchess.
13:32Get out.
13:34Oh, now, just a moment, young lady.
13:37My rent's paid up till the end of the month.
13:39Right, Freddy?
13:40Now, look, Vicki, you don't understand.
13:42I must talk to you.
13:43No doubt, Uncle Frederick.
13:45When I have time, I will listen.
13:48Meanwhile, I am taking over.
13:50In the morning, you shall summon the diplomatic corps,
13:53and I shall sign an extradition treaty immediately.
13:56Now, look, here, Duchess, don't be too hard on the old man.
13:59We just finished paying off the national debt,
14:01including delinquent interest back as far as 1903.
14:05I owe Artie King $5,000.
14:12I owe...
14:14I suppose that's what you mean by the national debt?
14:17You will leave by morning, Mr. King.
14:20Good evening, gentlemen.
14:21Your Highness, my friend is in jail.
14:25Release his friend.
14:29Oh, and Uncle Freddy.
14:31Yes, Highness?
14:33Put your shoes on.
14:42Well, I've been in worse jails.
14:45Everything seems clean enough.
14:47Got a lovely view of the countryside.
14:50You tired of that?
14:52I see you have a little reading, huh?
14:54Is that edifying? What is it?
14:56The complete history of Ingolstein,
14:58from St. George to the present day.
15:00That must be fascinating.
15:01I presume there is a reason for all of this.
15:03There is, yes.
15:04Ah, yes.
15:06Must be fascinating.
15:07I presume there is a reason for all of this.
15:09There is, yes.
15:11Channel D, please.
15:12Mr. Waverley.
15:14Are you reading me loud and clear, sir?
15:16All right, spare me the pleasantries, Mr. Solo.
15:19How's Mr. Kuriakin?
15:21Oh, he's in the pink of condition there.
15:24I think the rest has done him good.
15:26And the progress of your mission?
15:29Well, the regent's been fired,
15:30and the Grand Duchess is taking over everything.
15:33And tomorrow she is deporting all criminal types.
15:35So alert all of the appropriate agencies
15:38to have their men standing by.
15:42When are you returning?
15:43As soon as we've had a bite of dinner, sir.
15:46Well, don't make it into a banquet.
15:48I'll expect you here tomorrow.
15:55Best I ever had.
15:57Yeah, no, no.
15:59I think it's the worst, sir.
16:02Shall we join you, boys?
16:04Jeebus, the cops.
16:08Hello, boys.
16:09Well, if it isn't Baby Bullets Maloney.
16:12And our old pal, Dr. Williger, the syndicate scientist.
16:15Say hello to the doctor in him.
16:17I don't have to. I've been watching them all for weeks.
16:22Yeah, I heard you was in the clink up there.
16:31Laugh it up, Baby Bullets.
16:33The party's almost over.
16:34What are you talking about?
16:36The Grand Duchess has returned, didn't you see?
16:39So she came back, so what?
16:41So she's tired of having half the hoodlums in creation
16:44cluttering up her kingdom.
16:46You are all out tomorrow.
16:50Listen, Solo, nobody vamooses us.
16:52We're protected here by law.
16:55Her Highness has repealed that law.
16:57And you are all out on your collective immunities.
17:02What did you say, pal?
17:04Boss. Boss.
17:06He said that the Duchess is back.
17:08Somebody's got to her.
17:09She's kicking us out.
17:10Repealing the law.
17:12I might have known it.
17:13A little fancy work of Uncle's, huh?
17:14It may not be fancy, but effective enough.
17:17What you call it don't matter, Mr. Solo,
17:19because it ain't gonna happen.
17:20Bullets, put them on ice somewhere
17:22while I find out what's going on.
17:23But I haven't had my knockwurst yet.
17:25You go quiet, you get a knockwurst on the head.
17:28I paid a million bucks for this little fancy hideout,
17:31nobody's gonna blast me out unless I blast them first.
17:34Now, up with them, or start with you first.
17:49You tell that niece of yours that she's a spoiled,
17:52bad-mannered, badly brought up brat,
17:54and it's time she learned a few of the facts of life.
17:56I own this country, lock, stock, and debentures.
18:00All the mortgages and all the fishing,
18:02forestry, and mineral rights,
18:03including all the space right up to the stratosphere.
18:06And if it comes down to that,
18:08also the droit de seigneur.
18:10I own you, Prince, and I own her.
18:14Please, Mr. King, I beg of you.
18:16Any idea the little lady might have
18:18about kicking us out of this place are pipe dreams.
18:22I'm not in this by myself, you know.
18:24How do you think a hood like Lucho Nostro and his boys
18:27are gonna take to her serene, what's-his-attitude?
18:30I shudder to think.
18:34You guaranteed this whole caper was a lead pipe cinch,
18:36so what's the double-cross?
18:38There's no double-cross, Lucho.
18:40It's just a slight misunderstanding
18:42on the part of the Duchess.
18:44Well, it better be. I'm not about to be anybody's fall guy.
18:47Mr. Lucho, if you'll just give me the opportunity
18:49to explain to Her Highness.
18:51After all, it isn't really her fault.
18:54Yeah, you explain to the lady.
18:56But if you don't have no success, I'll do it myself.
18:59You're getting soft, Hardy.
19:02You don't know how to handle people no more.
19:04That's one thing I never let myself forget,
19:07is how to handle people.
19:18Uh, may I?
19:20May I, uh...
19:22May I see you for a moment, Vicki?
19:24Frederick, what are you doing up so late?
19:27You know it's bad for your sciatica,
19:29running around these damp old halls.
19:31There's more than sciatica running around these halls tonight.
19:34Please, Victoria, I'd like you to see this.
19:37Now, wait a minute. It's very heavy.
19:39What is this?
19:41That is the official account book of the Duchess of Ingolstein.
19:44Bank deposits, assets, liabilities, mortgages.
19:48But there are no bank deposits in here.
19:51Except for...
19:53Advance from Artie King, $50,000.
19:57Advance from Artie King, $182,000.
20:05Does everything come from Artie King?
20:10Victoria, without Artie King, we are ruined.
20:13Oh, don't be silly, Uncle Freddy.
20:15It's always the crown jewels.
20:17Victoria, they went 30 years ago.
20:20Your mother pawned those.
20:23You cannot throw Mr. King and his friends out of Ingolstein.
20:27You must rescind your decision.
20:31I know what Mr. King's friends are, Uncle Freddy.
20:34Exactly. They'll stop at nothing.
20:37They'll murder us.
20:39Well, we won't be the first rulers of Ingolstein to die for our honor.
20:44But what about the country?
20:47How good will your dying do you, or mine for that matter?
20:51Your purpose is to live, marry, have children, and perpetuate our line.
20:56Not to be hit over the head by some thug.
20:59What do you want me to do?
21:01Well, I'm not sure it isn't too late already,
21:03but we must reassure Mr. King that he can stay.
21:07That you... you, uh...
21:10That I what, Uncle Freddy?
21:12There's only one way to get us out of this.
21:15Victoria, you've got to marry Artie King.
21:20Uncle Frederick!
21:22It's the only way out.
21:24Once you're married to the man, you can do anything you want with him.
21:27Make him into any kind of husband you choose.
21:30You're strong, Victoria.
21:32Anyway, a woman can do anything she wants with a man.
21:35Look at me. It's the story of my life.
21:37I've been twisted around so many fingers, I feel like a pretzel.
21:41That's contemptible.
21:45Marrying a man when you...
21:48only want to...
21:51Every royal house married for position, money,
21:54to entrench themselves and secure peace and prosperity for their country.
21:59Yes, but... but they didn't marry crooks and highwaymen.
22:04This is not the hockey field, Victoria.
22:07This is life. You must do your duty.
22:16You talk to her?
22:18I think, gentlemen, I may have an idea to rescue our situation.
22:22What's your gimmick, chum?
22:24I suggest that Mr. King marry the Grand Duchess.
22:31Marry the...
22:33Are you out of your ever-loving blue eyes?
22:36Oh, Prince, I got to hand it to you.
22:39When they passed out the brains, you wasn't happy.
22:42What a pleasure it's going to be to see Artie King nailed to the wall of matrimony.
22:46Has she named the happy day?
22:48As soon as possible.
22:52I won't. You will.
22:54I'm Artie King, remember? The happy bachelor.
22:56I need a wife like I need a hole in the head.
22:58You take this one, chum, or you'll have one in the head,
23:00and I'll put it there personal.
23:02Lucho. Lucho.
23:04What did I ever do to you? You should do this to me.
23:06You got me and the boys into this mess.
23:08We got everything in the world sewed up here,
23:10and you ain't about to unravel the threads.
23:12Yeah, well, I got news for you, pal.
23:14The dame ain't been born yet that can tie me down.
23:16Artie, you start across that drawbridge,
23:18you'll end up at the bottom of the moat
23:20counting the rings on the carp's tails
23:22to see how old they are.
23:27Yeah, well, it's ridiculous.
23:29No Grand Duchess can marry a commoner.
23:32You will be a commoner.
23:34No Grand Duchess can marry a commoner.
23:37You will be ennobled first, Mr. King.
23:40What does that mean?
23:42My niece will give you a title.
23:45She already has.
23:47You want to know what it is?
24:01Come on out, boys. Join the party.
24:03Give her a drink, bullets.
24:06To Her Serene Highness the Grand Duchess.
24:09Long may she reign.
24:15To Artie King. Long may he reign.
24:23And by the authority of Her Serene Highness
24:26the Grand Duchess Victoria Adelaide Dagmar
24:30Alexandria Maude Xenia
24:33sovereign ruler of the sovereign state of Ingolstein
24:37Mr. Arthur King
24:39I can't hear you.
24:41Who's that shouting?
24:42The town crier, sir. He's making an important announcement.
24:45Apparently the Grand Duchess is going to get married.
24:48Well, that has nothing to do with you, Mr. Solo.
24:50I've been trying to reach you all morning.
24:52Report back to New York at once.
24:54Your mission's accomplished.
24:55But it isn't accomplished, sir.
24:57The man the Grand Duchess is going to marry is...
25:00What? What?
25:02Please, dear. Please, really.
25:05Go on, Mr. Solo. Who is she going to marry?
25:07Artie King!
25:10Artie King!
25:29My mind is made up, gentlemen.
25:31I appreciate your concern.
25:34But after I realized the true nature of conditions here at Ingolstein
25:39I knew that my duty to Ingolstein must come before any other consideration.
25:43I understand, but your Highness...
25:45I am marrying Mr. King tomorrow after he is knighted at the ceremony.
25:53Mr. Solo, you were sent to Ingolstein on a serious matter of great importance.
25:58You are not expected to function as a marriage broker.
26:01But, uh, Mr. Waverly...
26:03Even you, Mr. Solo, will appreciate the horrifying results of the Grand Duchess' marriage.
26:07Sometimes that... that...
26:09Words fail me when I attempt to describe Artie King.
26:13There's always the post office resume with photographs front and side.
26:18Uh, sir, the Grand Duchess seems determined to marry Mr. King.
26:22The Grand Duchess is not one quarter determined to marry Mr. King as I am that she will not.
26:27If that marriage takes place,
26:29Ingolstein permanently falls into the hands of the criminals of the world.
26:32I don't care what you do or how you do it.
26:34You must stop that marriage.
26:37How do you stop a wedding?
26:39Well, we could rush up to the altar at the last minute with a babe in our arms.
26:45Not that kind. The small kind. You know, three weeks old with a weeping mother.
26:54We'll just have to abduct the bridegroom before the ceremony starts.
27:03There. How does it feel now, Mr. King?
27:06A bit tight under the arms.
27:08Yeah, I was afraid of that. Now, where did I put those garden shears?
27:12Why do we have to bother with all this?
27:14Now, look, Mr. King, you haven't been reading that book I gave you.
27:17Otherwise, you'd know it's no bother but a great privilege to wear a knight's armor.
27:20Who can read it? All the S's are F's.
27:23Yeah, look, give me the arm piece and the hammer.
27:26Ye complete and parfait knight.
27:29Oh, how a gentleman should comport himself under diverse circumstances.
27:35Can't spell either.
27:37Yeah, well, all this knighthood stuff's a lot of jazz.
27:40Nobody ever behaved that way.
27:42Oh, yes, they did, Mr. King.
27:44There was a time when gentlemen were truly gentlemen.
27:46Not like me and not like you.
27:48Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
27:50Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
29:09I might wear two now.
29:11Uh, do you want the Senegrut through the bedchambers...
29:14or the light snack excursion through the kitchens?
29:17Bedchambers, please.
29:19This way.
29:27Oh, good night, Mr. Lucia.
29:29Good night, Prince.
29:31Oh, uh, would you like Carr to take you back to the inn?
29:34No, I think I'll stick around and wait till Artie gets to bed.
29:37You might say I'm protecting my investment.
29:39Well, you don't think he might, uh...
29:41I mean, you don't think he'd run off?
29:43Not while I'm around.
29:48One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
29:56One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
30:01One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
30:27Are you sure that book's reliable?
30:30This is the route used by Lucia XIV,
30:33who had three consorts,
30:35none of whom knew the existence of the other two.
30:38Well, in a place like this, I'm not the least surprised.
30:41Lead on.
30:43It's this way.
32:01Mr. King.
32:03Your Highness.
32:05I hardly recognized you with your face washed.
32:08Are you going somewhere?
32:10Oh, me? No, I was just, uh, going out for a short walk.
32:13Oh, Mr. King, please.
32:15No, not the sword.
32:17Huh? Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.
32:19You see, it must be very fragile by now.
32:22It's been there for over a thousand years.
32:27The sword of St. George.
32:29Real George, the dragon killer.
32:34He slew the dragon on this rock.
32:38The blow was so fierce that the sword penetrated the stone,
32:42and nobody's been able to pull it out since.
32:47I, uh, I used to be pretty good at these things
32:50when I was at Luna Park.
32:52Oh, no, no, Mr. King, please don't.
32:54I mean, you, it wouldn't be fair.
32:58You don't have to.
33:00It's all right.
33:02No, no, you don't understand.
33:04You see, there's a legend that says
33:06that he who is able to withdraw the sword from the stone,
33:09the Grand Duchess will marry.
33:11But, you see, since you and I are going to be married anyway,
33:16well, it just wouldn't seem quite safe.
33:19Well, it just wouldn't seem quite sporting
33:22to spoil the chances for some future Grand Duchess, would it?
33:34Mr. King.
33:38Now, what's the matter, Your Highness?
33:41What's wrong?
33:45I thought you wanted all this.
33:47It's marriage.
33:50I do.
33:52I mean, I want to do my duty.
33:57Well, that's funny.
33:59I was just thinking the same thing about myself.
34:04You mean you didn't know?
34:09We're both caught.
34:11I had no idea.
34:14Oh, look, I'm sorry about all this happening like this.
34:21I also know that it's just a business deal,
34:24so I'll keep my distance.
34:28Oh, Mr. King.
34:32Hey. Hey, you want to know something?
34:35Something just occurred to me.
34:37Here we're going to get married and everything,
34:40and you haven't even got an engagement ring.
34:58It's all right, isn't it?
35:00It is the thing to do.
35:02It's just the thing to do.
35:05It's just the thing to do.
35:30The state bedrooms lie on either side.
35:33That should be the Grand Duchess,
35:36and Mr. King's bedroom should be down there.
35:40Let's hope he believes in an early Betty-bye.
35:43I've had it.
35:49Well, good night, Your Highness.
35:52Good night, Mr. King.
35:54They won't win.
35:56Believe me.
35:58Not against the two of us.
36:00Feeling better?
36:21What are you doing here?
36:23Mining the store.
36:25Well, looks like you and little lady
36:28hit it off better than you thought.
36:31Knock it off, eh?
36:33As you pointed out, this is the little lady I'm going to marry.
36:36Well, I'm glad to see you've adjusted to the idea.
36:39I was a little worried you might try a moonlight flit on us.
36:43Don't be ridiculous.
36:45Good night, Artie. Sleep tight.
36:48But if you should suffer a change of heart,
36:50remember, Big Brother is watching you.
37:01Boss, one of the boys tried to cross the border,
37:04but there's an Interpol cop behind every tree.
37:07Yeah, and he tried the other two roads, too.
37:09Same thing.
37:10They got the place surrounded.
37:12Cops from all over the world.
37:27You stay here. Keep an eye on him.
37:29Don't you let him out of your sight.
37:31Right, boss.
38:01Don't do this to me!
38:11Lucho! He blew it!
38:13Artie got away.
38:15I told you not to let him out of your sight.
38:17I didn't, boss. I went right in there just after you left, but he was gone.
38:21Artie must be in with these cops. Maybe even that duchess.
38:24I got an idea.
38:26Jock, what's the last big safe-cracking job you pulled? Fort Knox?
38:33What do you have in mind?
38:35I got another little job for you, even more delicate.
38:38Very old, very special, very difficult, and you got to do it fast.
38:43Victoria, he's disappeared.
38:48Mr. King has disappeared. He's not to be found from one end of the castle to the other.
38:51There must be some explanation. Mr. King wouldn't...
38:54Lady, you don't know Artie King.
38:56He's run away from bigger and better prizes than you.
38:58But don't worry, there are abler and better men.
39:00I'm sure you'll find him.
39:02I'm sure you'll find him.
39:04I'm sure you'll find him.
39:06I'm sure you'll find him.
39:08I'm sure you'll find him.
39:10But don't worry, there are abler and better men around.
39:43Aren't you going to kiss the new bridegroom?
40:11I'll get you for this.
40:13Kidnapping a man practically on the eve of his wedding.
40:15It wouldn't have worked, Artie.
40:17Marriages are made in heaven, not in bull rooms.
40:20Mr. Waverley Solo here.
40:22We've got Artie King safe and sound in our possession,
40:25all wrapped up, ready for delivery.
40:27Jubilation is a bit premature, Mr. Solo, to say the least.
40:30Nothing wrong, sir?
40:32Well, that's one way of putting it.
40:34Luto Nostra's pulled the sword of St. George from the sky.
40:37Luto Nostra's pulled the sword of St. George from the stone in the chapel
40:41and claimed the Grand Duchess as his bride.
40:43It's impossible!
40:45It's a... it's a rig!
40:47Luto, it's a frame-up! Luto must have rigged it!
40:49Or murder him!
40:51I detect the green glint of jealousy in your eye.
40:54This marriage, Mr. Solo, is infinitely more to be deplored than the other.
40:58So forget about Mr. King and regroup.
41:01And this time, don't fail.
41:03You heard what the man said.
41:05Come on! What are you waiting for?
41:11Your Highness.
41:13Oh, Mr. King!
41:15Oh, Mr. King, where have you been?
41:17Where'd you disappear to?
41:19That can be explained later, Your Highness.
41:21Right now, you can't go through with your marriage to that...
41:23That gorilla!
41:25But he pulled the sword of St. George
41:27from the very stone in which the dragon was slain.
41:29I have no choice. I have to marry him.
41:33The whole thing was a frame-up. Luto rigged it.
41:36That's impossible.
41:38Nothing's impossible to him. Now, we... we must get you out of here.
41:41I can't. At a moment like this, my people are waiting for me.
41:45Now, please go. I beg of you, before you get hurt.
41:48Now, think of something, fellas!
41:59Are we gonna ride in that?
42:01Of course.
42:03We're all springs. Why don't we take my car?
42:06It's a tradition, Mr. Nostra.
42:08If you claim rights by it, you must live by it.
42:32What is this? A commercial or something?
42:54Who is it?
42:56It's me, Mr. Nostra.
42:59Who is this guy? Some kind of nut or something?
43:02He has put the challenge to you.
43:04You've got to pick it up if you want to marry me.
43:14What do I do now? Throw it back at him?
43:16You engage in trial by combat.
43:18Your life against his.
43:20You're kidding!
43:22On the contrary, Mr. Lucho.
43:24It's all according to the most ancient traditions of knighthood.
43:27As the Grand Duchess's champion,
43:29you must pledge yourself
43:31to go against anyone who may appear against her
43:34or forfeit all your rights.
43:36Bullets, give me your enforcer.
44:07Mr. Nostra.
44:09Drop it.
44:16Don't be rude, Mr. Nostra.
44:24You do combat, sir, with the sword of St. George in his shield.
44:28You mean these?
44:32When I drop my scarf, let the combat commence.
44:36All right.
45:06All right.
45:36All right.
45:38Boys, where are you?
46:08Let's go.
46:38Let's go.
47:08I surrender. I surrender.
47:10I give up.
47:15They'll never believe this in Teaneck, New Jersey.
47:18Mr. King.
47:38Well, here come our knights at the round table.
47:57A complete guide to perfect knighthood.
48:00How a gentleman should comport himself under diverse circumstances.
48:08I'm going to go first.
48:30What's that? What is that?
48:32Nothing, sir.
48:34Just the happy populace cheering the newlyweds.