S02E29 - The Minus-X Affair

  • last month
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. :


00:00It's rather unpleasant, you know, having to be shielded like this against one's own
00:17You mean he's violent?
00:18I don't know.
00:20Thrush captures an uncle agent, works on him for three or four days, doctors say he might
00:26be violent.
00:27Smell, anesthetic, paint, rubber base, paint, four layers.
00:37Doctor says he's completely irrational, with abnormally acute senses, smell, hearing.
00:44You shut up!
00:46I hear you, mister!
00:48Lewis, it's Napoleon.
00:52Forget it, Mr. Solo.
00:55One more thrush braithing, one less uncle agent.
00:59You, in the middle!
01:02You smoke pipe?
01:04That's a pretty foul tobacco you got.
01:08Smell it on your clothes!
01:14You, on the right.
01:18You've been out with a blonde?
01:21I see blonde hair on your coat.
01:29It's marvelous!
01:32All five of his senses magnified far above normal.
01:35Could Thrush have used him as some sort of a guinea pig?
01:41Some experiment that partially failed and left him like that.
01:55I'm sorry, gentlemen, I've never even heard of Thrush.
01:59But, as any reputable scientific journal will tell you, my Plus X drug is hardly ready for
02:05testing on human beings.
02:07But when Plus X is finalized, Professor Stemmler, it will stimulate the senses, will it not?
02:13How many poor souls are called mentally retarded simply because they lack certain senses?
02:18Those faculties, some of them almost indefinable, which the so-called average person possesses.
02:24Plus X will, we hope, stimulate these faculties, yes.
02:28Professor Stemmler, you indicated that two days ago your development lab was broken into.
02:33Now, isn't it possible that...
02:35That they stole some Plus X? I hardly think so.
02:38Of course, I haven't had time since then to check all my equipment.
02:44Does this room have a window?
02:46Yes, but there's no balcony, no fire escape. They couldn't possibly get in.
02:50I'll cover the back.
02:54I'll cover the front.
03:12There's an Uncle Agent! Kill him!
03:24Kill him!
03:54Kill him!
04:24That's the third suit in three days.
04:30Now, isn't it possible, Professor, now, that they could have taken some of your Plus X drug the last time?
04:36Well, if they did, they certainly found out it hasn't been perfected yet.
04:40So why in heaven's name would they come back again today to steal my lab equipment?
04:44Professor, if we hadn't stopped those little rascals, they would not only have taken your equipment, but you.
04:48What they want to do is have you perfected it.
04:51Open channel D. Priority, number one, section one.
04:54Why, that's preposterous.
04:56I'm not the type, young man, to be forced into anything at any time.
05:00And as for suggesting that I allow Plus X to be used for any criminal purpose, well...
05:05Mr. Waverly?
05:07Yes, go ahead, Mr. Geraghty.
05:09We were correct in our suppositions.
05:11I think we should institute a survey and protect on Professor Stimler.
05:14All right, I'll offer you that.
05:16I think we should institute a survey and protect on Professor Stimler.
05:20All right, I'll authorize the survey and protect as effective at once.
05:24Meanwhile, I want one of you to stay with the Professor
05:28and the other to get back here immediately with a report for intelligence.
05:32All right, I'll be indirectly. Mr. Solo can stay here and rest up a bit.
05:35Rest? Rest what for?
05:38He was run over by a truck.
05:40Large truck.
05:42A small truck.
05:44I see.
05:46Well, I suppose that means we shall have to reimburse him
05:48for still one more seal to close this month.
05:51We're not made of money, you know.
05:56We'll do all we can, Professor.
05:58You'll be well guarded, I assure you.
06:00Thank you, but I'd feel much better if someone could possibly tell me
06:03what this thrush organization could possibly want my Plus X for.
06:07So would we.
06:09Professor Stimler, I know you're not one to be forced into anything,
06:13but thrush does come up with some interesting little cuties from time to time,
06:16such as getting someone close to you.
06:18A relative, perhaps, and threatening them with harm, unless...
06:22There is no such person in my life, I assure you.
06:25And certainly not a relative.
06:27No relatives, no daughter, Professor?
06:32Our research department is disturbingly thorough.
06:35It surprises us that apparently a famous lady scientist
06:39had a 23-year-old daughter she's never told anyone about.
06:42He left her, what was it, 11 years ago?
06:45Yes, it's been 11 years.
06:48I feel no obligation to discuss my private life
06:51or my personal motivation with you, Mr. Solo.
06:54Well, I couldn't care less about either.
06:56What does concern me is that thrush might get a hold of your daughter.
07:00I haven't seen Leslie once in those 11 years.
07:04Nobody even knows she exists.
07:07I send her money to live on,
07:09which I understand she does not wisely, but quite well.
07:13She goes where she pleases, does what she pleases.
07:17I just send money.
07:19Well, if our research can find your daughter, perhaps thrush will too.
07:26The last check I sent her was care of American Express in Acapulco.
07:31She goes under the name of Bennett.
07:33You'll find her, I imagine,
07:35in whatever Acapulco bistro the jet set favors this season.
07:39I can promise you she won't even know she's being followed.
07:42My friend, uh, Kuriokin, is very good about those things.
07:51A daughter named Leslie.
07:54Well, well, well.
07:57With Uncle guarding the good professor so fervently,
08:00we might do well to take Mr. Sullo's suggestion
08:03and make some use of that hitherto nonexistent daughter, huh?
08:08Wire her to Acapulco.
08:13Also, that fellow Kuriokin, thrush central must have a dossier on him.
08:17Ask them to wire a photo of him to our people in Acapulco.
08:21Makes it a little easier, if you know what I mean.
08:25Makes it a little easier, if you know what the opposition looks like.
11:08Like, hello.
11:12Oh, I knew they were brown.
11:19Come on, let's get along.
11:35Miss! Miss, that man...
11:39Wait, your mother, Professor Stemler...
11:41Wait a minute.
11:43Man, no.
11:47Wait a minute.
11:55I suggested a nice, quiet place.
11:58Don't make me say it again.
12:06My note's gone, my equipment, my samples.
12:09It'll take months to reproduce.
12:12Professor Lillian Stemler, you will listen carefully.
12:16Your daughter is our prisoner.
12:18She was taken by us from Acapulco last night
12:21and is presently resting comfortably
12:23with a very soft gun at her very soft, young head.
12:27That gun will go off, Professor,
12:29unless we receive the cooperation we require.
12:34Mr. Napoleon Solow,
12:37you will also listen carefully, please.
12:40It is now exactly 9.47 a.m.
12:43Unless Professor Stemler walks out of her building
12:46unprotected and alone within one minute,
12:49her daughter will be dead within two minutes.
12:57The girl is my daughter, Mr. Solow.
13:00A stranger, perhaps, but nevertheless my daughter.
13:03You may shoot me if you like.
13:05That will stop me.
13:19And she's getting in now.
13:21Set up a ring of cars
13:23at every intersection for a two-mile radius.
13:26Yellow sedan, New York plates.
13:29Man driving, man and woman in the back.
13:49My daughter, Arthur. Where is she?
13:52Oh, she's served her purpose.
13:55She's well on her way back to Acapulco.
13:58Safe sound and, uh,
14:00quite the spoiled brat, from what my men tell me.
14:07You know, um,
14:09you're never telling Thrush about your daughter.
14:12Well, that's one thing.
14:14That you should suddenly, at this very moment,
14:17that you should suddenly, at this crucial time,
14:20tell our friends from Uncle all about her.
14:23Well, that does get one pause, my dear.
14:47The entire project will be a success,
14:50exactly as we planned.
14:52Were you so sure of that
14:54when you told Mr. Solow about your daughter?
14:57Or were you hedging your bets,
15:00thinking that if your project failed
15:03and you didn't return,
15:05Uncle would take care of the girl?
15:08Never realizing it,
15:10Mr. Solow,
15:12I'm afraid,
15:14Uncle would take care of the girl,
15:17never realizing that her mother was a notorious Thrush agent.
15:44Oh, what's more to the left, I think.
15:49Well, Mr. Solow,
15:51we may have lost track of Professor Stemmler,
15:54but the monitoring device
15:56Mr. Curie can put on the girl in Acapulco
15:59should lead us to the girl.
16:01I'm afraid, Mr. Curie,
16:03we may have lost track of Professor Stemmler,
16:06but the monitoring device
16:08Mr. Curie can put on the girl in Acapulco
16:11should lead us to the girl.
16:13I'm afraid, Mr. Curie,
16:15we may have lost track of Professor Stemmler,
16:18but the monitoring device
16:20Mr. Curie can put on the girl in Acapulco
16:23should lead us to both women.
16:25Assuming they've both been taken to the same place.
16:28How's your headache?
16:30Nicely throbbing, thank you.
16:32You ready, sir?
16:34All right.
16:38Yes, that's the general area.
16:40W4-A-8902-NE 7.
16:48Rollo Chemical Works.
16:51131 miles northeast
16:53in the uncle area W4.
16:58Isn't that some sort of government installation
17:01where they produce hydrogen, plutonium,
17:04some creepy thing like that?
17:06Synthetic plutonium, Mr. Solow.
17:08That is in the W4 area.
17:10Of course, it could be coincidence.
17:12What's being done with that installation
17:14has always been top secret.
17:16Suppose there should be some connection
17:18between Plus X and Professor Stemmler
17:20and some kind of effort by Thrush
17:22to knock over the installation.
17:24Very good idea, Mr. Solow.
17:26Yes, I think you'd better.
17:31Wear a less expensive suit this time, will you?
17:38Good evening, Lillian.
17:40Well, your lackeys didn't break any of my equipment.
17:43I'll say that again.
17:45I'm sorry.
17:47I'm sorry.
17:49I'm sorry.
17:51I'm sorry.
17:53I'm sorry.
17:55I'm sorry.
17:57I'm sorry.
17:59I'm sorry.
18:01I'm sorry.
18:03I'm sorry.
18:05I'm sorry.
18:07They broke your equipment.
18:09I'll say that much for them.
18:11NOW we move against that plutonium installation tomorrow morning.
18:14HE'll be ready, huh?
18:17The Plus X drug has been ready for weeks.
18:19Yes, I know it almost killed that Uncle Guinea Pig
18:22you tried it on a few days ago.
18:24I said it's ready.
18:26The defect, the very slight defect, has been remedied.
18:29As a matter of fact,
18:31you aren't looking at what the scientific world said
18:34wouldn't be ready for ten years.
18:36There, Mr. Rollo, is your plus X.
18:40When each of your men is injected with this,
18:43his senses will become heightened to a degree
18:46whereby he will become infallible in his field.
18:49The senses of hearing, of sight...
18:52Oh, yes, yes, yes. I know what it's supposed to do.
18:55But, um...
18:57how, uh... how about the other one?
19:00The minus X?
19:02No problem.
19:04To get the minus X drug,
19:06I have only to reverse the chemical processes
19:08inherent in the plus X.
19:11Oh, for heaven's sakes,
19:12why don't you go and get something for your nerves?
19:14I'm not a beginner.
19:15Neither are the security guards
19:17in the top-secret government installation.
19:19Now, listen.
19:21As much as the plus X will heighten the senses
19:24and capabilities of your men,
19:26that's how much the minus X
19:28will dull the sensibilities of the guards
19:30at the plutonium center.
19:32By the time you reach your adversaries, Mr. Rollo,
19:35they will be dumber than a box of rocks.
19:37I guarantee it.
19:39Ha, ha, ha, ha.
19:41Just stop carting me around like a piece of luggage, will you?
19:44What is it you people want, money?
19:46I've got two fur coats and a stove.
19:48They're yours.
19:49And I've got an absolutely fantastic bank account.
19:51That's yours, too.
19:53You told me you'd let her go.
19:55You said she'd served her purpose.
19:57Well, let me say something, you illiterate klutz!
20:00Now, what is she doing here?
20:08Then it is you, Mother.
20:10Oh, how super.
20:12And after all these years...
20:14Oh, of course, I do see your pictures in the magazines a lot.
20:18And, uh, oh, your signature
20:21on all those Marvy dude checks you send.
20:24Why, I feel almost as if we're friends already.
20:30Oh, what am I doing here,
20:32standing in front of you after 11 years of banishment?
20:35And these Neanderthal friends of yours
20:37with their muscles and their guns?
20:40Ha, ha, ha, ha.
20:43They part of your salon of Nobel Prize winners, Mother?
20:48Oh, I, uh, I think you underestimate your mother, Leslie.
20:52As a matter of fact, I think that's probably
20:54why she sent you away originally, huh?
20:56She didn't want you to meet our element.
20:59We're, um, unsavory, you know.
21:05Lillian, you, um,
21:07you only tried this marvelous Plus X once
21:10on that, uh, uncle agent, and it failed.
21:16I, um,
21:18I have to make sure that it doesn't fail again.
21:22What are you doing?
21:24What are you doing?
21:25Well, your daughter's a very beautiful girl.
21:28And, uh, if the Plus X works,
21:30she'll not only be beautiful, but extremely bright,
21:33capable, and sensitive.
21:34Now, you tried that once before.
21:43Ha, ha, ha, ha.
21:45We don't like each other much, you and I, huh?
21:49But we are thrush.
21:54Above all, my dear.
21:58We are thrush.
22:22Thrush assures me that each of you
22:24is the very best in his field.
22:27I hope so.
22:29Because this is where we're going.
22:37Let's see. Pass.
22:41Here we are.
22:43United States Laboratory
22:45for the Development of Synthetic Plutonium.
22:49And when that development is complete...
22:53Well, gentlemen,
22:55the possessor of a synthetic plutonium bomb
22:59will have a tremendous advantage in the thermonuclear race.
23:03And, uh, thrush likes a tremendous advantage, huh?
23:09Now, uh, you study this very carefully.
23:13I'll be right back.
23:18All right.
23:48Let's go.
24:09Now, remember, once you're inside the installation,
24:11stay out of sight.
24:13Some security guard patrolling the corridors
24:15is going to start questioning you.
24:17About an hour before the rest of us enter,
24:19Whitaker will rendezvous with you in corridor number five,
24:22and the two of you will disseminate the minus-X drug
24:25to the security guards.
24:27And get this show on the road, huh?
24:33Uh, excuse me.
24:40Military orders.
24:42Telling him to report to the plutonium lab.
24:44Without tears, if we could go back and blow the whistle loudly.
24:47Now, wait a minute, wait a minute.
24:49Stemmler's drug was called plus-X,
24:51and these characters were talking about a drug called minus-X,
24:53which is a wee bit scary to me.
24:55I think we ought to get down to corridor five
24:57and greet minus-X, whatever it may be.
24:59All right, I'll find a remote spot and dump the garbage
25:01and then report for duty as ordered.
25:09Now, the plus-X injection that each of you takes
25:12will magnify your senses tremendously.
25:15And what I'm concerned about here
25:17is with your heightened abilities to memorize.
25:21Within this room, there's collected all the information
25:24on the development of synthetic plutonium.
25:28You will commit to memory all the mathematical equations.
25:34Number two, you fix in your mind
25:37all the matters concerned with circuitry.
25:40Number three, you memorize
25:42all the relevant chemical compositions.
25:46Now, according to our timetable,
25:49which allows no deviation,
25:51all that will take exactly five minutes.
25:55Now, we will then communicate that data
25:57through a device which I shall provide
25:59to thrush computers.
26:11Got to make that before the changing of the guard.
26:15I don't want to face security guards
26:17who haven't had the therapeutic benefits of minus-X, huh?
26:23Now, what I want to make perfectly clear about this is that...
26:41THE END
26:56No one followed Professor Stemmler and me from the city,
27:00and no one could have followed the girl
27:02when we brought her up from Acapulco.
27:05So, uh, what led you here, Mr. Solow?
27:09I wanted to be gallant.
27:12Save a lady from a horrible fate.
27:18Now, I'll ask you once more.
27:21How did you find us?
27:24No comment.
27:26I see.
27:28Very well.
27:38Warm enough for you?
27:40I somehow suspect you're going to make it even warmer.
27:43Oh, yes, indeed.
27:46In a little while, your body temperature
27:48will rise to, uh, 110 degrees,
27:52which we found from past experience
27:54is, uh, somewhat fatal.
27:59Now, once more,
28:01what led you here?
28:03I can tell you.
28:07She was wearing this monitoring device.
28:10That uncle agent I put to sleep down in Acapulco
28:12must have planted it on her.
28:14It's weird, really.
28:16I didn't feel it until just a few minutes ago.
28:19Feel it?
28:20Right back here.
28:22Weighed a ton all of a sudden.
28:25It's working, Arthur, the plus-X.
28:27She would never have felt that thing.
28:29A lot of things have been showing up
28:30that I didn't know were there.
28:31Mother, dear.
28:33Thrush, for instance.
28:35The klutzy pussycat's been filling me in a bit.
28:39I don't mean to be pushy, but...
28:42if you have all the information you need...
28:45Oh, oh, yes.
28:54I'm done.
28:56I'd like to hear some of your thoughts on Thrush, my dear.
29:00Well, it's immoral and indecent, of course,
29:02but then, uh...
29:05I haven't been raised too well, Mr. Rollo.
29:08I've worn both those labels myself.
29:11Until tonight, I thought maybe, uh...
29:13I might wash away those labels someday, but, uh...
29:17Now that I know what kind of stock I come from...
29:21I realize that my little bottle
29:22has been labeled quite correctly.
29:25And indelibly.
29:27So why not make the most of it?
29:29You've got power here.
29:35And organization.
29:38I think I'd fit pretty well on your shelf.
29:42Leslie, I know you're bitter and confused,
29:44but look around you.
29:45Don't you see these people are warped?
29:48That's enough.
29:49That's enough.
29:54Now, um...
29:55I'd love to discuss those possibilities with you, my dear.
30:00Arthur, I want to talk to you alone.
30:07Whitaker, we'll show you to the, uh...
30:09garden behind my office.
30:11You can, uh...
30:13smell the jasmine.
30:15Join you later for a martini.
30:18Love martinis.
30:19Come on, slutsy pussycat.
30:21No, you will not join her
30:23for a martini or anything.
30:25Unless you see to it
30:26that Leslie is on a plane
30:28away from you, me, and this place
30:30within an hour,
30:32there will be no minus X
30:33for those guards at the plutonium lab.
30:39Now, even if you were foolish enough
30:41to allow maternal affection
30:45to keep you from doing your job,
30:46which I doubt,
30:47it wouldn't do any good anyway.
30:50She's here already.
30:52She's already involved.
30:56And I'm, uh...
30:57I'm really glad she likes us.
31:00Oh, really.
31:01Because if she didn't
31:03and wanted to leave after what she's seen,
31:06I'd have to kill her.
31:11It's in the bylaws, you know.
31:20I want you to inject this man here
31:22with the minus X now.
31:25Do you mind telling me
31:26what effect this minus business has?
31:28I mean, is it, you know,
31:29mustard and gas, athlete's foot?
31:31Oh, no, no, no, no.
31:33No, um,
31:34this should reduce your mental state
31:36to that of a slobbering five-year-old.
31:41I don't think so.
31:43I don't think so.
31:44A five-year-old.
31:48I want to see it now.
31:51Why not?
31:53Well, that plutonium lab, uh,
31:56it's pretty well guarded, you know.
31:59Oh, yes, I do know that.
32:01So let's pretend
32:02that you're one of the security guards, shall we?
32:05And see how well you defend it
32:06with this liquid in your system.
32:15How long?
32:17A few minutes.
32:22You know, actually,
32:23we're doing you a favor, Mr. Sulla.
32:25The minus X wears off,
32:27but, uh,
32:28if we kill you
32:29before you get out of the drug state,
32:32you'll have so much less, uh,
32:34pain and trepidation.
32:37Yes, well, fella.
32:54Just about time for a briefing session.
32:59I'll come back solo
33:00and find out how you're doing as a child.
33:03But I doubt if you'll remember me.
33:14When Rollo gets back, Mr. Solo,
33:16he'll expect to see the effects of minus X.
33:24The hypodermic was filled with water.
33:27Now, as soon as Rollo and his men leave,
33:29I can untie you,
33:30and you can take Leslie out of here,
33:32away from Thrush,
33:34in spite of herself, if you have to.
33:38The saloon door swings both ways, Professor.
33:41You untie me in time to stop Rollo,
33:44and I'll take Leslie out of here.
33:46I'm afraid not.
33:47If he catches you,
33:48there'll be no one left to save my daughter.
33:51And if you stop him,
33:53well, Thrush vengeance
33:54can be a pretty terrible thing, Mr. Solo,
33:57and it'll be directed at Leslie.
33:59Either way, she suffers,
34:01and she's the one I care for.
34:04And once you are inside the vault room,
34:06don't touch any of the switches.
34:09Touch them,
34:10and you might blow
34:11the whole North American continent out to sea.
34:15And that would be very difficult
34:16to explain to Thrush Central.
34:20Where's the girl?
34:21She went back out to smell the jasmine again.
34:26That's enough of that.
34:28Let's take another look
34:29at our human guinea pig,
34:32and get this show on the road.
34:47and bottles, and...
34:49You, uh,
34:50you see bottles, Napoleon?
34:52Yes, pretty.
34:55Are you, uh,
34:57are you hungry, Napoleon?
35:00I don't know.
35:01Would you like something to eat?
35:04Yes, I, I would like, um,
35:07uh, apples,
35:09and, uh, cookies,
35:11and cinnamon toast,
35:12and, uh, I'd like, uh,
35:14some, uh, oatmeal,
35:16and ketchup on it.
35:17Properly saturated?
35:21If anyone looks in your briefcase,
35:23all they'll see
35:24are some perfectly proper military documents.
35:27But once you and George have rendezvoused
35:29in Corridor 5,
35:30the two of you will go into the kitchen
35:32and drop one of these pages
35:34into each coffee urn, soup pot,
35:36milk and tea dispenser.
35:37You got that?
35:39The pages themselves
35:40will dissolve almost immediately.
35:43All that'll be left
35:44is a minus X
35:45that they're saturated in.
35:48Get it done before meal time.
35:50And John?
35:51We won't be more than an hour behind you.
35:58in a few minutes,
35:59this plus X will be well on its way
36:01to making you infallible
36:06and our mission successful.
36:16Jam on the cookies.
36:18And, um...
36:21Yes, sir, can I help you?
36:24You'll just go to that door, sir.
36:28One officer,
36:29Whittaker, Allen B.,
36:30Lieutenant, Quartermaster Bureau.
36:32Top clearance.
36:33Authorized for entry 8-13.
37:01Okay, sir.
37:11On order, sir.
37:12The, uh, adjutant's office
37:14is straight ahead and to your left.
37:16Order three.
37:23Man, am I hungry.
37:27As you were.
37:58The trumpet player.
38:00MP, security guard!
38:04All right, break it up, knock it off.
38:07He attacked me.
38:08You bet I did.
38:09Listen, that man is...
38:10Knock it off, fella.
38:11You don't go around striking an officer in this outfit.
38:13Listen, if you will take both of us to your commanding officer...
38:15What's your name, fella?
38:17Now, what are you doing in a restricted corridor, huh?
38:19My name is Ilya Kuryakin.
38:21I am a member of the UNC...
38:24That's a pretty weird name, Kuryakin.
38:26Where are you from, fella?
38:28What unit?
38:29Decide the chain of command.
38:32Good grief.
38:33All right, take him to detention.
38:51That drug I took,
38:53Rollo said its effect increases,
38:55that I'd be able to feel more things,
38:57be able to sense more.
39:00Yes, for a while.
39:04Well, I am sensing more.
39:07About myself.
39:09The way I've been acting.
39:21I've been looking for you.
39:24Well, I'm... I'm sorry, Mr. Rollo.
39:26I've changed my mind.
39:28I, uh...
39:29I don't want to stay here. This isn't for me.
39:35You mean you don't really want to grow up big and strong,
39:38like your mummy, huh?
39:42Well, that's just too bad.
39:45Because, unfortunately, it raises some problems,
39:47as far as your knowledge of what transpired here.
39:50Arthur, don't. It's the drug.
39:53No doubt.
39:58my dear.
40:00Why don't you stay out of this?
40:02I don't anticipate any on-the-job trouble.
40:05But in the event that we should run into a dilemma,
40:08it struck me that we might take along some insurance.
40:11Some, uh, pretty little insurance,
40:14with which to bargain ourselves out of it, if need be.
40:25There's still time, Professor.
40:29Dispose of that uncle agent immediately.
40:31And treat Professor Stemmler as a security risk
40:34until I've had a chance to discuss her conduct with Central.
40:51I've studied Rollo's attack plan in this timetable.
40:54We'd better hurry.
41:01Look here, my friend.
41:04Look here, sir.
41:06Chow has been over for 20 minutes.
41:08I've called security twice already.
41:10They'll get back to me when they can.
41:12And until they do, you just keep it buttoned up, fella.
41:15Here, have some coffee.
41:17Keeps me awake.
41:29Hello, there.
41:32Uh, General Ulysses S. Grant to see President Lincoln.
41:36General Grant?
41:38Can I help you, sir?
41:39No, no, no, no.
41:40I don't think so.
41:42General Grant?
41:44Can I have your order, sir?
41:53Are you there, Whitaker?
41:56Where are you, Whitaker?
42:01Uh, never mind, buddy.
42:03Come right on in, Chief.
42:06Hey, that's pretty important stuff you're doing there.
42:11Get rid of him and, uh, take his place.
42:45Gentlemen, down car to three.
42:49Two car to seven.
43:05Oh, my God.
43:07Oh, have some of this coffee.
43:09It's great.
43:10Just great.
43:12No, thank you.
43:31All right, electric, let's see what Placentis did for you.
43:35The wires carrying the current have to be seven.
43:37Please, whatever it is, whatever you're doing, you don't need me.
44:14Wait a minute.
44:16This is the lab, but why isn't the door guarded or even bolted?
44:29Coming from here.
44:30Well, that's why the door isn't guarded.
44:34Turn that knob and it releases the gas.
44:37Gas line goes through here.
44:39We'll have to burn through.
44:40You really should be proud of your mother, my dear.
44:43Plus, X just saved your life, too.
44:45Without it, he never would have smelled that gas.
44:47I wish he hadn't.
45:10Corridor seven.
45:22You should have stuck to the trumpet.
45:24I think I know where Rallo...
45:27Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.
45:31Hey, somebody else wants to get in.
45:41Now, the guard changes in 13 and a half minutes.
45:44We've been here for four and a half.
45:46That leaves us exactly one half minute before we begin.
45:49Get away from those switches!
45:51Central, this is Project 73.
45:53We are harvesting the wheat on schedule
45:54and are ready to transmit the action directly to your...
45:56Get her!
46:24The switches!
46:54All right, Lillian.
46:55The data cards are on the transmitter.
46:58Read them into the mic,
47:00and Central will have everything it asked for.
47:05Are you thrush or are you not?
47:23Pull that switch, I say!
47:24Shut it off!
47:28Voltage rises any higher, we'll all be blown to bits.
47:32Pull it!
47:33Or this one gets it right now!
48:09I'm sorry it couldn't have turned out otherwise,
48:11about your mother last week.
48:18But on the other hand, I spent 11 years
48:22unable to say or even believe that I had a mother.
48:30Well, I did have one
48:34who loved me very much.
48:40And that's not a bad thing to be able to say, you know?
48:51Mr. Waverley's going to love that.