S02E26 - The Project Deephole Affair

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E. :


00:57What happened
00:58Kuyak and may have known we were following him in his companion ducked into the hotel
01:03Did you get a good look at this? Dr. Remington?
01:29Yes solo just arrived, thank you
01:40Where the rest of the good guys about one block away they expect us to come out in exactly four and a half
01:59How many of the bad guys one car at first there's more than enough of them by now
02:06Now remember we want this. Dr. Remington more or less alive
02:11Now get everything set up in the back alley they may just try to escape through the back entrance
02:18What room is Ian? They're in the two windows up there
02:28All right
02:35It's the manager
02:38All right get ready I've got an armored taxi cab waiting out in front our people will give us covering fire
02:49Mr. Conway
02:51Who is it? It's me
02:54I'll be with you in a minute
02:57Look Harry, I can't get it up for you right now, but I will have it tomorrow
03:02Yeah, yeah, so please will you call off the dogs, huh?
03:10I'll be right with you
03:13Look Harry, there's a business associate at the door. So I'll see you tomorrow, huh? And please don't forget about the dogs, right?
03:21What is it the rent? Oh, yes. Yes, that well, I'm having breakfast with my business accountant and we will
03:31Discuss it in full detail
03:35Now scissors
03:51Give me a hypodermic dart
04:13Someone has just provided us with unexpected decoy
04:51All right, let's go
05:10Napoleon Indian dr. Remington just reported into headquarters good
05:21I wonder what I should do with him
06:46We are ready for you in the infirmary sir
06:49Oh, will you excuse me, dr. Remington
06:53I'll be back in a moment
06:56Dr. Remington will be staying here at headquarters tonight as a security precaution
07:01What is thrush one is a geologist like dr. Remington?
07:04Oh, we know is that the Russian geologist was killed in a thrush kidnap attempt his specialty was sedimentation
07:11In dr. Remington and the two top experts in that area
07:15So section one assumes that thrush might make an attempt on Remington. Yes
07:20So it appears that thrush has a new top-secret project. We don't know anything about
07:25Apparently they're desperate enough about it to try to steal some expert help. Well possible
07:38Our guest was injected with a
07:40Harmless thrush sedative he probably sleep through till tomorrow morning. What have you learned from security research?
07:48Harry buzz Conway age 35 occupation none or rather many
07:54He's formerly a disc jockey used car salesman door-to-door seller of encyclopedias a dealer in Las Vegas. I see
08:01Nothing more sinister than that. Well, the only organization interested in mr
08:05Conway's whereabouts is one dealing with the collection of old debts
08:09Mr. Conway has several. Well, gentlemen, you certainly got your work cut out for you. I
08:15Think you should deliver. Dr. Remington to the California Geology Society conference by tomorrow afternoon a scheduled
08:22Well thrush is almost certain to make another attempt to take him away from us. We can't keep him locked up here indefinitely
08:28Besides he's the key to whatever it is thrush is up to might be nice to uncover it
08:32Of course section one realizes that our assignment is becoming rather complicated
08:37Yesterday they didn't even know what he looked like and today thrush thinks that buzz Conway is Remington. Yes, don't they?
09:10San Francisco call
09:12Yes, this is she
09:14Yes, mr. Elam
09:16not this was
09:18I've just received your telegram
09:21I'm very disappointed
09:28Forget him next time
09:30Remington is essential to my project
09:34The uncle now undoubtedly will guard him even more carefully, but I'm sure you will get him for me
09:44I've been thinking a lot about you lately
09:47And what do you think mr. Elam? I
09:52Like you. Oh
09:57I've never said that to anyone before
10:27Would like to see those films from a telescopic gun camera I've been waiting out here for two hours
10:33Be quiet. Where are those photos of Dr. Remington?
10:48These pictures aren't much help. Draw the curtains.
11:03Dr. Remington received his Ph.D. and went directly to the Pyrenees, where, for reasons certainly beyond me, he stayed in seclusion for the last six years, writing his article on sedimentation. I suppose one must love rocks, or something.
11:25He looks young.
11:27He is.
11:33He certainly isn't much to look at, is he?
12:03I don't know.
12:33Napoleon, I think it is time to deliver unto Dr. Remington a change of apparel.
12:51I'll put a man on it right away.
13:34There must be some... dry cleaning, huh? Sure, I'll take it.
13:44Just put the tip of my bill.
14:04Your scheme is very convincing so far, Napoleon.
14:08Yes, isn't it?
14:09I have one question. Our victim is obviously bewildered and confused. How do we know he'll take the flight to San Francisco and not just cash in the ticket?
14:34What the...
14:54Harry? Buzz Conway.
14:58I told you I'd call you in the morning, huh?
15:01Look, how about, say, 40 bucks? Just to show good faith.
15:08Yeah, and Harry, if you give me the car back, I'll pay you the rest in no time.
15:12What happened?
15:13I'm still trying to find that out myself.
15:16Okay, see you tomorrow, Harry. Right.
16:30Harry, something just came up.
16:33Something pretty terrible.
16:36Now, I can't tell you about it.
16:39Now, everything's still a little blurry, so I have to leave town now, Harry.
16:47When do we leave for San Francisco?
16:49I have you booked on the noon jet, the same one he'll be taking, of course.
16:52I've requisitioned a private jet.
16:54And I'll be waiting for you at the San Francisco terminal.
17:34Pardon me, doctor.
17:39What do I do now?
17:41Well, nothing. I just wanted to get you off the hook.
18:04I'm sorry.
18:24Did you ring Dr. Remington?
18:27I'll have another one, please.
18:29Oh, I'm sorry, but you're only allowed to have two.
18:32Oh, wow.
18:34Why don't you join me and we can share one?
18:38Oh, I'd like to, but regulations, you know.
18:43Don't be too unhappy. This will keep you company.
18:46Well, thank you.
18:49It's not from me. An unknown admirer.
19:33Any New York papers, please?
19:35Yes, sir.
19:38Flight 49, non-stop, run-by traffic, is now arriving in four feet.
19:44How was the flight?
19:45Second class.
19:47Here are the keys to the car.
19:48Let's see if we can draw them out.
19:50I'll meet with you at the first checkpoint.
19:54Announcing the arrival of flight...
19:56Have you heard anything on the news about the Remington murder case?
20:00No, I haven't.
20:01Dr. Remington?
20:02Well, yes.
20:03Well, I mean, yes.
20:06How'd you know?
20:07The tag on your suitcase. I'm Napoleon Solo.
20:10The geology conference steering committee has asked me to escort you.
20:17Well, that's very nice of you, but it won't be necessary.
20:20We have a lovely hotel picked out.
20:22It's quite a drive from the airport.
20:24After you.
20:30Let's go.
20:48Isn't this a roundabout way of going downtown?
20:52I thought you might like to see our air pollution.
21:01Where did you get this?
21:04A stewardess gave it to me.
21:08May I see it?
21:17What's the matter?
21:19Mind if I keep this?
21:23Be my guest.
21:31Chill it up. I'll be right back.
21:44Thrush homing device, of course.
21:47They've followed us by radar.
21:49I expect they'll be moving in at any minute.
21:52How long have you been waiting?
21:54About 30 minutes.
22:05Well, that's good.
22:07What's the matter?
22:09Look, I don't get it.
22:10I don't get it either.
22:11I don't get it either.
22:12I don't get it.
22:13I don't get it.
22:14I don't get it.
22:15Look, I don't get it.
22:16I don't get it.
22:17I don't get it.
22:18I don't get it.
22:19It's a trick! They aren't following us, they've been following you!
22:33The attendant attached a drone control to the car.
24:03What's going on here? What are you doing?
24:31Hurry! I think I can brake the car to a stop now.
24:52I've spotted what looks like the control car up ahead. I'm gonna follow it.
25:05You're not quite so busy, there are a couple other questions I'd like to ask you.
25:35Where do I find the alarm industry's office? 28th floor, sir.
26:05What's the noise? That elevator's out of order. A lot of our tenants have been complaining about it too.
26:19He's on his way up.
26:35You can get off here, Mr. Koriakon.
27:05Those weren't your men. Of course not, they're insurance salesmen from the next floor.
27:24The one in the middle used to play for Green Bay.
27:27All right, where do we go from here? Take him to Mr. Elam's office. He'll be able to tell us where
27:33they're keeping Dr. Remington. He's going to want to see you. Yes, I know. Well, where are you going to be?
27:41Well, it may not be easy and I might have to get tough with him,
27:45but I will see if I can get an appointment with my hairdresser.
28:03Close the door.
28:08Are you trying to blind me? Close the door.
28:27That's better.
28:28Would you like a cold cup of turkey soup, Mr. Koriakon? No, thank you.
28:37I want Dr. Remington. No, thank you.
28:44I must have Dr. Remington. Why must you? Project Deep Hole.
28:51Deep Hole. And what is Project Deep Hole? Let us just say I'm engaged in a beautiful project
29:01to penetrate deep inside Mother Earth. Cool, dark, secure, where we all belong.
29:11Some of us more than others. Where are your people hiding, Dr. Remington? No, thank you.
29:21Leon, be persuasive.
29:33That's a little more persuasion than I had in mind, Leon.
29:39Sir, the guy in the hotel wasn't dead and I've been set up as a decoy. Well, you've got a lot
29:43of nerve, you know. Thank you. Yeah, well, watch closely because I am going to exit.
29:49I am walking out of this room and nobody's going to stop me, not you or your strange
29:53organization or anybody else. The door is locked. Now, listen, Buzz, we didn't want Thrush to come
30:06in here and take you. Now, the moment they saw you come out of that hotel window, you were a marked
30:10man. If we let you go then, they would have picked you up, realized their mistake and killed you.
30:16At least this way you had our protection and you performed a valuable service.
30:21I guess you're right. Dr. Remington is certainly a more valuable person than I am. Why should you
30:27expose him to this kind of danger? Why do they want him? Well, evidently they want some help
30:37with their new project. Now, we don't know what that project is, but we want to find out. Of course,
30:43if there's anything I can do to help, I don't know how I could have been so petty.
30:52Channel D is open. Have you heard from Mr. Kiriakin yet? No, sir, not yet. Well, I would
30:58hope that you'll hear from him soon. Otherwise, you'll have to deliver your bogus, Dr. Remington,
31:05to the geology conference tonight. Uh-huh, and it looks like we'll have to play the game just
31:10a little longer. Yes, Thrust for Undoubtedly make another attempt on your imposter,
31:16but that's the risk we have to take. Well, I have some extra men stationed here at the hotel just
31:21in case. I'll report back later, sir.
31:26I'll just come back here. I've had enough of your masquerade party, Mr. Solo.
31:56May I have the floor plan of the hotel, please?
32:11Now, this is our floor, and this is where we're located.
32:27They're keeping Dr. Remington in his room. We'll be taking him down the back stairs.
32:37The van's down in the back. They'll be waiting for us.
32:47Stop it for a moment, Leon.
32:50Stop it for a moment, Leon.
32:56Hello. Narcissus, where are you? I've taken a room near Dr. Remington at the Carlsbad Hotel.
33:04How did you know he was there? My beauty salon is in the lobby of the hotel.
33:09They can't keep anything from me there. Just a moment. Take him downstairs.
33:16I still have some use for him. Narcissus, are you avoiding me?
33:28Of course not, Marvin. The tear gas equipment and the guns are all ready.
33:34I'll be there as soon as I can.
33:35And please, no soup, Marvin. Gin will be just fine. Yes. Goodbye.
33:51Everybody, just stand still. Don't do that.
33:55I want a Clayton draper on his fairing cloth.
33:58Huh? Now, if you'll excuse me, it's just past checkout time.
35:44where am I supposed to sit?
35:59I'm Marvin Elam, Dr. Remington. I want you to help me.
36:25Yeah, that's very interesting. Why?
36:32Hidden behind that center door is a special drilling rig.
36:41Open the door.
36:55I'm engaged in a project to penetrate the Earth's crust, like the United States Project MOVO.
37:10Once I have drilled deep enough and penetrated the crust of Mother Earth,
37:15I can create sonic earthquakes of enormous size.
37:18So, look at that.
38:05our preliminary tests created these results last year.
38:10Right now, we're sitting on top of the San Andreas Fort. Once we set off our little earthquake,
38:16most of California will sink into the ocean.
38:23I fail to see the humor in that.
38:25It's very appropriate that I use California, the land of sunshine,
38:29where those disgusting people mechanically expose themselves to poisonous sunlight
38:35in a foolish desire to fry their skins brown.
38:38Yeah. What is your problem?
38:43Your drilling problem, that is.
38:50I have run into an unusually hard layer of sediment.
38:55My technicians haven't been able to break through it.
38:57We need a geology specialist like you to show us the way.
39:03In the past few days, I have been
39:06duped, framed, molested, pushed around, and generally insulted.
39:11And I've been very curious to know why.
39:13Well, now I know why.
39:14And now I've got some information for you to digest.
39:18I am not Dr. Remington.
39:23I see.
39:26I wanted to eliminate espionage and get right down to science.
39:37A collaborator of yours, I believe.
39:41Now, doctor, will you help us?
39:45Look, it takes you some time to catch on, doesn't it?
39:47I am not...
39:55Well, Dr. Remington, what are you going to do now?
39:59I guess I'd better have a look at that drill.
40:08Where's Narcissus?
40:09Where's Narcissus?
40:11Do you suppose she didn't get away from the hotel, or...
40:15Is she avoiding me?
40:17Have her report to me as soon as she arrives.
40:39You're cruel, Napoleon.
40:50Well, I don't usually wrestle with ladies.
40:54I guess I lost my head.
40:57Leaving me in there forever.
40:59I'm shambles.
41:01Narcissus, you're just as beautiful as you were four years ago in Portofino.
41:09You really think so?
41:10Yes, I think you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
41:14Tell me more.
41:16Your people made off with my traveling companion.
41:20I won't tell you where he is.
41:21Well, I know where he is.
41:23There's a homing device in his suit.
41:26That's thoughtful.
41:28All I want you to do is get me past the security installations.
41:39You're quite a man.
41:46But you'll ruin my lipstick.
42:01Now, we'll move the angle of the drill two degrees.
42:04I know this sounds a little radical,
42:06but from my experience, it's the best we can do for now.
42:09Well, if anyone disagrees, we can just call Mr. Elam.
42:12And I'm sure that, uh...
42:31What do you have in mind, Doctor?
42:33I won't bore you with it.
42:34It's very technical.
42:39Let's go.
42:56The homing device finder indicates that we should go down and see the stairs.
43:03You really did have a homing device thrown into his suit.
43:07All right.
43:09Ladies first.
43:27I don't think we should step on that magnetic plate, Narcissus.
43:30It might set off an alarm.
43:32Remember, whatever happens to me, we share together.
43:39This is a nice way to stall for time.
43:46But what do you know about drilling?
43:48When I was selling encyclopedias door to door, I actually read some of them.
43:52I got up to the letter L when they fired me for reading on the job.
44:01Doesn't look like you've installed any warning devices here, Narcissus.
44:05Rather careless of you, I'd say.
44:08You're wrong, Napoleon.
44:10There's one.
44:33The head man is upstairs.
44:35How did you manage to strike oil?
44:37I knew the drill would hit a pool.
44:39It was on the diagram.
44:40Private company has the oil rights, but that's only a minor detail.
44:44He's been quite a help.
44:45All right, we're going to need some more of your expert help.
44:48You're on.
44:52All right, we'll take the elevator upstairs.
44:54There's a fuse box in the closet in the hall.
44:56Give us two minutes to get upstairs, then short circuit all of the electrical systems,
44:59including the elevators.
45:00That means if anybody has to come down,
45:02they'll have to come past us and then use the stairs.
45:05You'll be guarding the stairs.
45:08I'll be guarding the stairs?
45:10Sorry, now, there's a very dangerous woman locked in the closet in the hall.
45:13Don't turn your back on her.
45:18Boy, they work fast.
45:35That's far enough, M. Allon.
46:05Yes, I think so.
46:12I must thank you for bringing Narcissus back to me, Mr. Solo.
46:17We have been apart a long time, you see.
46:20Sorry, darling.
46:21It looks like it's hooray for our side.
46:26Take these two downstairs and dismantle them.
46:35I don't want you in my office alone.
47:08We didn't have any choice, Narcissus.
47:11Oh, I don't care about him.
47:13It's my fingernails.
47:15They're ruined.
47:19I think I'll go and clean up downstairs.
47:24I suppose you'll be locking me into another closet somewhere.
47:29No, but we'll find something just as good.
47:35Well, you must be very proud of what you have to accomplish, Mr. Conway.
47:42Our San Francisco office reports that the drilling site has been completely dismantled
47:46and that Dr. Remington is now safely lodged in San Francisco for his conference.
47:50I would say that is not bad chess playing.
47:53Helping someone has been a novel experience for me.
47:55Hope the novelty doesn't wear off.
47:57Buzz has graciously accepted our offer of a reward
48:01and has made arrangements to pay off all his creditors.
48:04I see, a fresh start then, eh?
48:07Yes, I think this time I may come up a winner.
48:10Well, thanks and goodbye.
48:12Goodbye, Mr. Conway.
48:25Well, good luck, Buzz.
48:42You know, I've already had the man checked out.
48:44He's from a finance company.
48:45You remember those phone calls Buzz made?
48:47They weren't to his creditors.
48:49They were regarding certain competitive horses.
48:58So you suppose he'll ever catch up?
49:01Their manhunt procedures are modeled after ours.