The Jeremy Kyle Show (9 March 2018)

  • 2 days ago
The Jeremy Kyle Show (9 March 2018)
00:00You're watching On Demand. Please check the closing time before trying to vote or enter any competition or other interactivity in this programme, as it may not count and you may still be charged.
00:10On today's show, with Mother's Day this coming Sunday, I thought I'd take this opportunity to meet some amazing mums and share their stories with you.
00:19There aren't many people that make me cry, but you are an amazing lady.
00:24How old was his dad when his dad died?
00:2636, Andrew's 35.
00:28Right, so are you going to be burying him next year?
00:30Well, what does he have nightmares about?
00:32Is there anybody else that would stand by him?
00:34He's my only bear. Nobody wants to know what else I'm going to do.
00:37You've lost me. Who have you got left?
00:39No one. You're going to go down in the next few months, 36, same as your dad, in the same grave as him.
00:45Is that what you want us to see?
00:47Stand there and do the same again.
00:49Well, it's going to happen, Andrew.
00:52What do you make of this lady and everything she's had to deal with?
00:55Inspiration. Strong. I don't think she realises how strong she is sometimes.
01:01Are you going to kick it?
01:03Who does he support?
01:06Oh, good, she won't be able to score it in the goal then, come on.
01:33So, my friends, good morning and a big welcome to a special Mother's Day edition of the Jeremy Carr Show.
01:37Now, with Mother's Day this coming Sunday,
01:39I thought I'd take this opportunity to meet some amazing mums and share their stories with you.
01:44We'll start differently. My first guests this morning are a mother and daughter who mean business.
01:48Now, Margie and daughter Stacey are here because Margie's nephew, Andrew,
01:51is quite literally tearing their family apart.
01:54They claim that Andrew repeatedly manipulates his mum, Alison,
01:57so they're here to support her and to tell him,
01:59change your ways because your family have had enough.
02:02Margie and Stacey are on the Jeremy Carr Show. That way.
02:14You all right? You look terrified.
02:17Welcome to the show.
02:18Now, this is about a young man that I've met already, Andrew, OK?
02:22We, last time on the show, we spoke to him and we spoke to his mum,
02:27and this guy has a major, major drug problem.
02:31Can we just... I'll tell you what we'll do.
02:33Everybody look at this. Just play this clip now, please, Johnny.
02:37Tell me about what went missing this time, the amount of money.
02:40Oh, this is... If he has done it, it's the laws of the law.
02:44Well, this lady was dying in hospital.
02:46You believe he stole £1,000.
02:48Are you on heroin now? No, I'm not.
02:50How long have you been clean for? Your mum doesn't think you are.
02:53I've been clean a couple of days. I've used a couple...
02:56During the test, Andrew did co-operate, but he appeared drowsy.
02:59There's a surprise.
03:00During the test, Andrew was not capable of remaining focused.
03:03There's a surprise.
03:04His psychological condition was not acceptable for testing.
03:07Therefore, I'm afraid to tell you, Jez, the test was inconclusive.
03:10I'm going to shock you now.
03:12I believe you didn't steal the money. I didn't.
03:15Can we please do our best to work this guy and help this guy?
03:18But you have to be totally honest with me, OK?
03:21That's the one understanding that we have to have right now.
03:24You need to be 100% honest with me. No lies.
03:26Do you want to help? Yes. Promise me? Yes.
03:31We saw Andrew, we saw his mum.
03:33You two come from a different school, and I like this.
03:36This is about a Mother's Day special, we want to help Alison,
03:39but you say she doesn't help herself. No.
03:42Well, you phone her up and ask her for money for tarps and food
03:47or gas and electric, and at first she'll say no,
03:50and then she'll give them it, and knowing for a fact what it is,
03:53but it's cos it's her only son.
03:55Hard, Stacey, isn't it? Mother's Day here approaching,
03:57but it's difficult to put your foot down, right?
03:59It is when it's your son.
04:00I totally understand where she's coming from,
04:02because I've got my own son.
04:04And it is hard, but she's got to put her foot down.
04:08Why are you two here today?
04:10I need some sort of help.
04:12But I don't understand, and please don't get this the wrong way.
04:15You say you care about Alison,
04:16you haven't spoken to her for over two years, why is that?
04:19Through Andrew.
04:20Like, we would tell Alison what Andrew was doing.
04:22Has he stolen from you? No.
04:23What are you going to say to the mum, Alison, today?
04:25Basically, to open her eyes and see what he's like,
04:28what he's using her for money.
04:30We're all in the same boat, we want to make him right,
04:32but we've got to be strong, right? Let's get her out.
04:34Mum Alison on The Jeremy Carr Show, that way.
04:41Welcome back.
04:44They make a point, don't they?
04:46My eyes are open. They've always been open.
04:49Well, they haven't, you've wiped his backside for ages.
04:51No, for nearly ten years, I never saw him.
04:54And I wouldn't see him.
04:56Why didn't you see him, Alison?
04:59Because he brought him to me house.
05:01And I disowned him yet again.
05:03And then after nearly ten years, I went to Peterborough.
05:06He knew I was coming.
05:08And was he there? No, he wasn't.
05:10I walked round Peterborough like an idiot, looking for him.
05:13And then, that was in August. Yeah.
05:15His birthday was in October.
05:17No money. He was always wanting money,
05:19always on the phone for money. He didn't phone for...
05:21Do you think you have cream soft or not?
05:23I reported him missing to the police in January.
05:26I thought he was dead.
05:27I was convinced he wouldn't come knocking at my door.
05:29That was it.
05:30Do you let him back all the time?
05:32Is there anybody else that would stand by him?
05:35He's my only man. Nobody wants to know him.
05:37What else am I supposed to do?
05:38He's your only man.
05:39What did he do when he came home? He had changed.
05:42How old was his dad when his dad died?
05:4436. Andrew's 35.
05:46So, are you going to be burying him next year?
05:48Well, what did he have nightmares about?
05:50Well, the plots there for him.
05:52He needs help.
05:53Because if I don't know this...
05:55Don't you start! I know you know it.
05:57Andrew, I'll get to you.
05:59He's lied to a lot of people.
06:00He's got a girlfriend, which, don't take this the wrong way,
06:03amazes me, because the troubles that he's gone through,
06:05the lies he must tell.
06:06This is Debs on The Jeremy Carr Show. Give her a round of applause.
06:17I need you to be as honest as they've been.
06:19You had no idea, did you?
06:21What's life like with him?
06:24He's honest.
06:25Yeah, every day is about the next fix,
06:27wherever he gets it from.
06:29Takes the money off me, basically.
06:31So you're enabling him as well?
06:34Why did you stay with a man like that?
06:38Because he's normal, he's lovely.
06:40But he isn't normal, is he? He's a heroin addict.
06:43This is why we're here.
06:44I want my child back before I bury him,
06:46like his dad, at exactly the same age,
06:48probably exactly the same date.
06:49Words are good, actions are more important,
06:51and you have to be firm.
06:53This is not going to be nice.
06:54After this break, this is not going to be nice.
06:57I don't care that it's not going to be nice,
07:00but I've seen and done it too many times
07:02when the parents, the siblings are like,
07:04oh, it'll be... No!
07:05I've forgiven him that many times,
07:07and after the ten year he was away and he came back,
07:09and I told him when he came home a couple of years ago,
07:11this is it.
07:12If it starts again...
07:13But if he does not do what I tell him to do after this break,
07:16and I'm not trying to shock anybody, he's going to die.
07:18Fact. Andrew's next. Don't go anywhere. Right back.
07:20You've lost me. Who have you got left?
07:23You're going to go down in the next few months,
07:2536, same as your dad, in the same grave as him.
07:28Is that what you want us to see?
07:30Stand there, Andrew, and you'll see him again.
07:32It's going to happen, Andrew.
07:43Thank you very much indeed.
07:44Welcome away from the road, Margie, Stacey, Alison, Debs,
07:46all centred on your son, your nephew, your cousin, your boyfriend,
07:50this guy who, let's just repeat this, OK,
07:53was given heroin by your brother, who's no longer here,
07:57at 12, was injecting it from 17, was selling it at 13,
08:01watched his father die of it.
08:03Half of his life has been on heroin, more than half of his life.
08:07And it's easy, isn't it, for me to sit here and be quite firm
08:10and quite harsh.
08:11But unless somebody sticks a size 10 up his backside,
08:14this ain't going to get any better.
08:15Andrew is back on The Jeremy Carl Show. That way.
08:24The first thing I've got to say is, where were you?
08:26I seen you, Stacey, a few weeks back on the street.
08:30You didn't ask how I was, where I was living,
08:33you didn't say, can you and your mum come and see how my flat was.
08:37I know exactly where you're living, I've seen the state of your flat.
08:40You have? Yes, I have, on the video you sent us on Facebook.
08:43And also...
08:44Why did she not come to your flat?
08:46Why did she not come to your flat? We had it straight last time.
08:49Why would she not come? Cos she's ashamed of you
08:51and she doesn't want to be in a drugs den.
08:53Come on, Andrew, let's be honest about this, shall we?
08:55She didn't know I was back on...
08:57That's the state of you in your flat. Have a look.
08:59That's the state of you in your flat.
09:01Why would anybody want to go there?
09:03Come on.
09:04I got sent that video of that flat in the other week.
09:06I got sent that and I had to look at that
09:08and that's when I realised how bad it was.
09:10In the other week? Realised? It's been going on for 15 years.
09:13I didn't see him for 10, I've speak to him on the phone.
09:15You don't like what I'm going to say? Not good enough?
09:17I know.
09:18Ten years you don't see your son cos you know he could have died.
09:21Now, people last time said,
09:22Oi, oi, oi, people said that I was soft with you,
09:25that I bought too much about you,
09:27but I believe that you want to change.
09:29Don't have a go at these people.
09:31Go look in the mirror, mate, this is you.
09:33I know I've got a problem. What?
09:35I know I've got a problem and I'm trying to help you,
09:37so if I can't help you, you can help yourself.
09:39How are you going to help yourself? How?
09:41You don't tell me anything, you hide everything from us.
09:44We had to go and tell your mum. I'm gobsmacked.
09:47We had to go and tell your mum, that's why...
09:49Today, today, look at me. Sit back and look at me.
09:52I'll change your life on one condition.
09:54Complete honesty, you've stolen from all of them, haven't you?
09:57Yes. You've lied to all of them. Yes.
09:59You've made pitiful excuses,
10:01but you didn't have the greatest start
10:03when her brother, your dad, gave you herring at 12.
10:06Yes. And then you watched your dad die.
10:08And she gave us cannabis to babysit our children, if you remember.
10:12When I was 12, I used to knock off school,
10:15I used to come and sit and get stoned in your house.
10:18And how long ago was that?
10:20Doesn't really matter when it was,
10:22I don't think my mother ever invited me from school to her house
10:25and gave me a joint, God rest her soul.
10:27I'm being honest, I'm not having a go, right?
10:31But none of that, none of that is a deflection.
10:35This is you, you put that stuff in your body,
10:37you lie, you cheat, you do whatever.
10:39You lied to your girlfriend. Yes.
10:42Look at her, she's lovely.
10:44Best thing that's ever happened to you, you're going to lose her.
10:47This is it with me, how many chances?
10:49You've lost me, who have you got left? No-one.
10:52You're going to go down in the next few months,
10:5536, same as your dad, in the same grave as him.
10:58Is that what you want us to see? No.
11:00Stand there and do the same again?
11:02Well, it's going to happen, Andrew. I've just buried your grandma.
11:05I've just buried your grandma. I know.
11:08Andrew, you need to sort yourself out.
11:10You need to sort yourself out,
11:12because you say that I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you.
11:15You haven't shown that.
11:16So after the last show, you chatted to Graham, what about?
11:19About trying to get a bit of help in what he'd be able to do for us.
11:25What do you want?
11:27I want to come off the heroin.
11:29How are you going to go through the hell of coming off heroin?
11:32I've done it once before. You're not strong enough, are you?
11:35I'm talking now. How difficult would that be?
11:37Very, very hard. Really?
11:39You just phone up your mum, she'll give you a few quid, you get some,
11:42you'll score, you'll be on the methadone, you'll be getting help,
11:44you'll just phone up her, you'll do something, won't you?
11:46You'll lie, you'll cheat, you'll do whatever.
11:48Convince me.
11:50Convince me.
11:51I don't know what's the part wrong.
11:53I need the help, I've kept myself clean before,
11:56and it was only a...
11:57Two minutes, Andrew. Watch.
12:00This is what you disclosed to me after the show,
12:03that you're on £70 worth of heroin daily,
12:07you're smoking spice daily,
12:10you're taking benzodiazepines daily,
12:13you're on a methadone programme, OK.
12:15What was distressing me at that time is that
12:18you're injecting the heroin, all of your veins have collapsed,
12:22except for the one in your groin,
12:24and your physical health is not that brilliant.
12:27When I lost me dad, it was just like...
12:32..I didn't know what to do.
12:35OK, and me life's just been on a rocky road since then.
12:39Every time me dad was out in jail, I was with him.
12:42He was me world, so when he died... felt like I had nobody.
12:50How old was he when he died?
12:53OK, here's the question.
12:55How old are you?
12:57And I'm worried, very, very worried,
13:00that that could be me in a few more months
13:04if I don't sort myself out.
13:07I'm going to work long and hard
13:10to find the best intervention for you.
13:13But you have to have that commitment
13:17towards whatever intervention programme I can find for you.
13:21In all these things across your head, what's that?
13:24I've been high enough, fell off a settee...
13:27Oh, so you didn't accidentally bang your head like you told us?
13:30Did you not know how severe it was?
13:33Right, listen to me.
13:35You are on death row, and if you think I'm exaggerating that,
13:38you're not.
13:40So, you think you've got what it takes, yeah?
13:45Who's that?
13:47My dad and me.
13:49Your dad killed himself for taking heroin, right?
13:52Is that what you want to do?
13:54I started this a long time ago,
13:56and I remember saying to somebody, you're going to die,
13:58and then they told me about three months later
14:00that this person had died, and I didn't really believe it.
14:03You will go the same way.
14:08I'm going to die.
14:10You will go the same way.
14:14But you might not.
14:24Andrew, Andrew, listen to me.
14:27It is hard.
14:28Listen to me.
14:29This will be the most horrible, hard, difficult time of your life.
14:36This is an unbelievable offer.
14:38This is 12 weeks, residential, no contact with anybody.
14:42Perry Clayman Project, London.
14:44Not just the medical detox, but then afterwards,
14:47working, dealing with all the reasons.
14:50But you will be climbing the walls,
14:52and this will be hell for a period of time,
14:55when that detox happens.
14:57I actually genuinely believe that you not only deserve this,
15:00but will do something about it.
15:02But if you don't, mate, you will die.
15:04Do it for your dad. Do it for your mum.
15:07Do you want it?
15:09Yes, I want it.
15:10Come with me, all of you. Come here.
15:20All these people, and I can't open the curtains.
15:23Andrew, I promise you, I spent my entire life saying this, right?
15:28Never again will you get this opportunity.
15:30Do you understand that? Yes.
15:33I can't be doing this anymore.
15:36And here is the man who's done so much for this show, Perry Clayman.
15:39Good to see you, buddy. How are you?
15:41Nice to see you. Nice to see you.
15:43Andrew Perry Clayman. Andrew, nice to meet you.
15:45We're not messing around. This is Mum.
15:47Now, listen. Don't worry.
15:49Come in, guys. Come in, come in.
15:51Perry, tell him. 12 weeks.
15:53I'm here to offer you 12 weeks residential treatment
15:57at the Perry Clayman Project in London,
15:59where we'll detox you from all the substances that you're using,
16:03but obviously give you the therapy and the counselling
16:06to keep you staying stopped.
16:08And this is a one-time opportunity.
16:11You look terrified.
16:13Because I know how hard it's going to be.
16:15What do you want, death or back? I want this.
16:17They told me you won't do this.
16:19Don't let me down, cos my neck's on the line this time.
16:21This man does an amazing amount.
16:23I don't have to give this to everybody. We can only, right?
16:26Do you want to be dead at 36 like your dad?
16:28You sure? Yes.
16:30Cos these people know.
16:32This is the best, best chance.
16:34This is your destiny in that car.
16:36You mess this up, there's nothing I can do. They'll be burying you.
16:39If you take it and you listen to this man,
16:41you work with everybody, it will be amazing.
16:43Say goodbye. You're going to rehab.
16:45I love you.
16:51Say goodbye to your mum. It's Mother's Day.
16:54Thanks, Perry.
16:59I love you, but I can't do it anymore. I can't do it.
17:02You do it.
17:04Thank you for coming, though.
17:08I'll get you through this.
17:10Big one.
17:12Andrew, you can do it.
17:14Listen, I know it's scary,
17:16but this is the best you will ever get.
17:18It's going to go through her and come out the other side for me.
17:21Get in the car. Go on. Good luck.
17:23Thanks, Keith. You go. Thank you, Perry. Good luck.
17:29Perhaps a weird way to celebrate Mother's Day,
17:31and I know it's difficult, but I promise you, we will do everything.
17:35I think you'll be all right, but you have to be what I said.
17:38Steph and Karen will work with you. You've got to be strong.
17:41Any phone calls, any... No.
17:43Cos that won't help him.
17:45That'll help him, you know. Not taking that stuff,
17:47but it's going to be difficult, all right?
17:49We'll leave you with the girls. Give yourselves a round of applause.
17:52Thank you, guys. Thank you very much indeed.
17:57Good luck to them.
17:59Now, my next guests this morning have been through
18:01an incredibly difficult time.
18:03In just seven years, this lady has lost three of her daughters
18:06in separate tragic incidents,
18:08but despite this heartbreaking tragedy,
18:10this lady has shown unbelievable and selfless strength
18:13and those closest to her wanted to surprise her.
18:18There aren't many people that make me cry,
18:20but you are an amazing lady. Have a look at this.
18:23Sam has been through every parent's worst nightmare,
18:26not only once, but three times.
18:28She's had to be strong for her grandchildren
18:30and nobody deserves a treat more than they do.
18:32I was Emily, Amy and Abi's headteacher
18:35through Park Primary School.
18:37Sam, Geoff and the family have been through so much grief,
18:41but Sam has been unbelievably strong
18:43and has just taken over and been a real mother to Chantal and Jensen.
18:47Through her own grief, she's gone on with the job
18:49of bringing them up in a positive way,
18:51bringing their mother's memory alive to them every day.
18:54It's been so hard for her.
18:56If anyone deserves something for herself, it's Sam,
18:59and he would give all the family a little bit of happiness.
19:03I'm one of Amy's best friends from school
19:05and I've known Sam for many years
19:07and what she's done for them kids is absolutely brilliant.
19:10She's such an inspiration and they're so lucky they got her.
19:13Love you, Sam.
19:15No-one deserves a treat more than Sam does.
19:20Sam deserves a treat every day,
19:22though a Mother's Day treat would be an especially fitting and poignant one.
19:25She experienced every mother's worst nightmare
19:27when she lost three of her own children,
19:29two of whom were mothers themselves.
19:31Though devastated and distraught,
19:33Sam repeatedly rose to the occasion.
19:35Steadfast and faltering, she toils daily
19:37to ensure that her remaining grandchildren and son
19:40have the best chance possible to live a loving, healthy and happy life.
19:44She continually ensures that the memory of her late children
19:47is kept alive and fresh in their minds.
19:49She's so strong and is an inspiration to all her family and friends
19:52and I can think of no-one more deserving of a Mother's Day treat than Sam.
19:58Ladies and gentlemen...
20:02Ladies and gentlemen,
20:04Sam, our best friend, Bevan, her son Nathan,
20:07on The Jeremy Carr Show. Give him a round of applause.
20:13Listen, I've done this a long time,
20:17read this story this morning.
20:19I know there's been some publicity on this.
20:21I cannot imagine, as a parent, to lose one child,
20:24but to go through that three times, I mean, I absolutely salute you.
20:27You bring up your grandchildren.
20:29Nathan, I know, as Sam will talk to you in a sec,
20:31but take me through this, sweetheart, if you can.
20:34I lost Emily eight years ago.
20:37She just turned 15.
20:40She had...
20:43It was, like, drigolated, but not by your hands.
20:46It was a friend's party, wasn't it? Yeah.
20:48How do you recover from losing a child?
20:50Did you think that you would ever be able to carry on at that point?
20:53Not at first, I didn't know.
20:55I really didn't think, like, you know, at first.
20:58Like, you know, but as the years get on, then...
21:03Like, being strong and everything,
21:05and my other daughters and my son as well.
21:07In 2012, Amy, how old was Amy?
21:10How did she die?
21:12She had ill health from the age of 18 months.
21:16She had papillomas, warts on her throat.
21:21She had one lung from the age 11, she did.
21:25And she was...
21:27Infections all the time, in and out,
21:29but then she had two massive strokes then,
21:32and she was in a coma.
21:35And then they found out that she had cancer in her bowel,
21:39and in her liver.
21:41Her son Jenson was 11 months at the time when his mother died.
21:45This lady took this kid on, who today is six.
21:48He's left, yes.
21:50But that wasn't it. No.
21:52Your third child. Yeah.
21:5418 months ago, um,
21:57Arby died in a house fire.
22:00She died.
22:02Um, yeah, but it's smoking elation, and it was.
22:06My mother killed her.
22:08She had a daughter, Chantel.
22:10Nathan, can I bring you in here?
22:12What do you make of your mum?
22:14She's unbelievable.
22:16So good with her kids.
22:19She's excellent, like...
22:22You bring these kids up? Yeah.
22:24There are people watching this, myself included, actually,
22:27who are thinking the injustice that you would get from losing one kid
22:31would be enough to send you nuts, two, three.
22:33Yeah. How do you turn that...
22:36I don't know. How do you...
22:38She gets up every morning, gets these kids dressed, ready for school,
22:42and the love she's got for them, the love they've got for her,
22:46and it's just, they keep it going.
22:48They have a reason for living now.
22:50It's not one day goes by that the girls are not in her head.
22:53Every single day, she has updates.
22:55You talk about them every day.
22:57You had no idea about this this morning, did you?
22:59No. You were just coming to watch the Jeremy Carr show,
23:01seven day out.
23:03Well, we wanted to salute you for Mother's Day,
23:06cos I just, genuinely, I think you are unbelievable.
23:16We wanted to bring the kids, because what you've done for these children...
23:19And, you know, we do this show every single day.
23:21There are many people in your position who couldn't have coped
23:24and maybe those kids would have gone in care.
23:26Six-year-old Jensen, four-year-old Chantel on the Jeremy Carr show.
23:29Give them a round of applause.
23:38Oh, look at this.
23:46We have some hampers for you for Mother's Day.
23:49Oh, thank you very much.
23:51Because you deserve that.
23:52But then, Jensen, it's not really fair she gets presents, is it?
23:55It's not really fair, Chantel, is it?
23:57Do you want some presents?
23:59Right, get the kids' presents out for me, please.
24:06In the front, there we go.
24:08In the front, in the front, in the front, in the front.
24:11Is that cool? See, that's good.
24:17Wow. Thank you very much.
24:20Jensen, what do you make of your nan?
24:22How cool is your nan?
24:24He loves you, Nan.
24:26Jensen, how cool is your nan?
24:28What football team do you support?
24:30What football team do you support?
24:32Cardiff City?
24:34What? Who, then?
24:36You don't know, do you?
24:38Is that nice?
24:39Is your nan nice, lady?
24:43I came in this morning...
24:45Right, completely, just ignore me.
24:47I came in this morning and I made a vow.
24:49Look at me.
24:50I wanted to do something really special.
24:52This will probably make me cry.
24:54I lost my mum a year ago,
24:55and people should appreciate their mothers every single day.
24:57We're going to fly you to Tenerife, the four of you.
25:02We're going to send you...
25:05You and Nathan and the kids.
25:07We're going to send you to a private villa with a pool in Tenerife
25:10a given week that suits you this year.
25:12We've got you free flights courtesy of Eden Travel in Cheshire.
25:15They're going to do the whole thing for you.
25:17It's going to be amazing, because what you do is just unbelievable.
25:21And everybody should salute this woman.
25:23Give her a round of applause.
25:25That'll be all right.
25:28You got some sun, didn't you?
25:30Thank you very much.
25:31Oh, my God.
25:32It's all right.
25:33It's all right.
25:34Thank you, thank you.
25:35Really good to meet you.
25:36Give him a round of applause.
25:41Listen, a massive round of applause for this amazing lady
25:44and more after the break.
25:45Give her a round of applause. Thank you.
25:48I'm here to find out if Keely is your sister.
25:50You said I grew up as an only child and this would mean the world.
25:54When was your mother?
25:55She was 16, two years ago now.
25:58On Mother's Day?
26:00The DNA test results show that Keely and Jaydeen...
26:11Are DNA doubts ruining your relationship?
26:13Is an ex refusing to accept paternity?
26:16If you're 18 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
26:19email talk at along with your number.
26:21Text TALK plus your name to 63334.
26:24Text costs 25 pence plus one standard rate message.
26:26Or you can call my team today.
26:28It's 09011.
26:29It's 123456.
26:31Calls cost 25 pence plus network access charge.
26:43Welcome back to a very special Mother's Day show.
26:45My next guests today are potentially half-sisters, Keely and Jaydeen.
26:48Now, sadly, two years ago on Mother's Day,
26:50Jaydeen's mum passed away.
26:52Now, since then, she's been determined to find out more
26:54about her extended family.
26:55Today, she's here with my next guest, Keely,
26:57to find out, with DNA, if indeed they are half-sisters.
27:00Massive, massive moment.
27:02Keely's on the Jeremy Carr Show that way.
27:03Give her a round of applause.
27:12This is an extraordinary story, but I just...
27:14It sure is.
27:15I mean, you read it out like that and you go,
27:17I was actually bumped into what could potentially be
27:19my half-sister, Jaydeen, a week ago.
27:21But it goes back further than that.
27:23And can I just say now, because I think it's important,
27:25you have different mothers.
27:26Yeah, we do.
27:27She has her own story to tell about that,
27:29but there is a chance that you could indeed share the same father.
27:33Who is still alive?
27:34Yeah, he is still alive.
27:35Tell us how...
27:37Not just the supermarket.
27:38Go back.
27:39How did you find out about her?
27:40There was not really much I can say apart from that
27:43she messaged me in 2016,
27:45said she potentially could be my sister.
27:47Out of the blue, you had no idea.
27:49How did you deal with that?
27:50I talked to it with my siblings and stuff,
27:52and then amazingly, just last week, I bumped into Asda.
27:55You'd never met her?
27:56So how do you know when you bumped into her in Asda
27:58or any other leading supermarket, by the way?
28:00I just had these, like, butterflies in my stomach
28:02where I felt like it was instant attraction to lead towards her,
28:05and I'd just seen her and everyone slowed down around me.
28:08It was like something out of a love story,
28:10but for siblings, basically.
28:13So the great thing about this story, potentially,
28:16is the two of you have had very little idea before 2016.
28:20There's wider family to consider.
28:22There is, and I'm going to have to keep searching, aren't I?
28:25But this is the first step.
28:28Excited? Nervous? What?
28:30You seem quite cool.
28:31Apprehensive, because I just feel like she is,
28:33for some weird reason.
28:35You've got that... That's something funny, isn't it?
28:37Cos when I do this show and people go,
28:38I've got definitive proof,
28:39and then a lot of them come along and they go,
28:41that's just a gut instinct thing.
28:42Gut instinct can, in many cases, turn out to be right.
28:45But you just have a feeling that this girl...
28:47I just had a feeling.
28:48Would you be delighted?
28:49I would be delighted for all of us.
28:51I have to say, when you read about Jadine's story,
28:53she's been through a hell of a lot,
28:55and certainly, for her at this time of year,
28:57this would be a major, major flip, wouldn't it?
28:59Let's get her out. Lovely girl, by the way.
29:01Jadine's on the Jeremy Carr Show. Thank you.
29:18Jadine, welcome to the show. Thank you so much.
29:20I'm here to find out if Keeley is your sister.
29:23You said, I grew up as an only child, and this would mean the world.
29:26Yeah. I grew up knowing that I had sisters on my mum's side,
29:30but they weren't a part of my life,
29:33so I was still classed as an only child.
29:36I know from what they've told me about you
29:38that you're not one of those people who feel sorry for themselves,
29:40but you have had quite a hard upbringing.
29:42You were put into care at eight?
29:44Yeah. For...
29:46Your mum was ill, wasn't she?
29:48She was quite ill, and she just sort of deteriorated through the years.
29:52You sadly lost your mother?
29:54At the age of 16, two years ago now.
29:57On Mother's Day? Yeah.
30:01We've got a lot to catch up on, haven't we, Keeley?
30:04What would having a family, having not, in effect, had one,
30:08having lost the only person who was a constant in your life
30:12so sadly two years ago on Mother's Day,
30:14what would having a wider family mean?
30:17Well, it'd mean everything, because family does mean a lot to me,
30:21and having family with me
30:24and knowing that I've got more family out there,
30:26it just means that I've got more support,
30:29and it just means there's more of me out there.
30:33Listen, I hope so for you, but I can only read it out. You all right?
30:37I'm all right. Oh, my God.
30:39Give me a hug. It's all right.
30:41The DNA test results show that Keeley and Jaydeen...
30:45Happy Mother's Day, you half-sisters.
31:08Oh, my God.
31:11Oh, my God.
31:15Spare part.
31:21Oh, don't leave us hanging, Jen.
31:26Well done. All right.
31:28Listen, listen, listen.
31:31Good news. I feel so pleased for you.
31:33I know you've had a hard time. We're going to support you,
31:36and we're going to do what we can,
31:38but I'm really pleased that you managed to get some family,
31:41especially at this time of year.
31:43Oi, you. Oi.
31:45Look after your new half-sister, because she needs the family.
31:48Really nice to meet you. Give them a round of applause.
31:51Lovely, guys. Well done.
31:55Good luck to those two.
31:57My next guests are here after living every parent's worst nightmare.
32:00At just 20 weeks pregnant, this brave mother was told
32:03that she had only a 50-50 chance of survival.
32:06Now, miraculously, he pulled through,
32:08and those around her want to celebrate the sheer strength
32:11and love this lady shows day in, day out.
32:13How are you, Michelle? Give her a round of applause, those young ones.
32:17Have a look at this for you.
32:21Hiya, Michelle. Just want to say how much I love you
32:24and how well you've coped with Reggie's condition.
32:27You're a fantastic mother to Reggie and Caitlin.
32:31You're doing absolutely brilliant, so keep doing what you're doing.
32:34You're fantastic, and I love you loads.
32:39Hi, Mum. We just want to say how fab you are and how much we love you,
32:42and we're really proud of you, and we love you so, so, so much.
32:49Michelle and Luke, come this way, guys.
32:51You all right, darling?
32:53You're surprised about that.
32:56It is Mother's Day. This is a special show,
32:59and I just want to ask you, because I've watched your face.
33:03I want to start with you. What do you make of this lady
33:05and everything she's had to deal with?
33:09Strong. I don't think she realises how strong she is sometimes.
33:13You had to try so long to conceive.
33:16You almost gave up hope, you told my team, of ever having Reggie,
33:20and everything was going smoothly to that 20-week scan. What happened?
33:25Just a normal 20-week scan.
33:27I was getting measurements, and she thought everything was fine.
33:30She asked her supervisor to come in and double-check
33:33she'd done everything correct,
33:35and that's when he was in the same spot on my tummy.
33:38It felt like an hour, but it was probably only about ten minutes,
33:41and then he said, I just need to go and get my supervisor.
33:45And then another ten minutes, I'd say, and it was just complete silence.
33:49With that, I just broke down. I knew something was wrong.
33:52I thought he'd passed away.
33:54Worst moment ever?
33:56Yeah, yeah.
33:58And you can't explain the feeling, can you?
34:01We'd waited so long. We knew he was a boy.
34:04What was the diagnosis, sweetheart?
34:06It was hyperplastic left heart syndrome.
34:08He's got no left side of the heart. It just didn't grow.
34:12What does that mean in layman's terms?
34:15The left side of the heart is the side that does everything, more or less.
34:19It's the most important side.
34:21He was only a few days old with that first operation.
34:23Yeah, he was meant to have his first operation at five days old.
34:26He was doing quite well, but then the third day, he deteriorated quite badly.
34:31How is he today? What's the situation with him now?
34:36Health-wise, the best he can be at the minute, heart-wise.
34:41Do you worry every minute?
34:43Every minute, yeah.
34:44You say she's an absolute tower of strength, this woman.
34:47I know you've got your daughter, Caitlin.
34:49You're incredible.
34:50He thinks that this is, quite rightly, about an amazing mother.
34:54You say I'm in awe, really, of how she keeps going.
34:58Yeah, people say to us both,
35:01we're strong, I don't know how you get through it, I don't know how you do it.
35:05But we've got no choice.
35:07You've got to.
35:08Caitlin as well, your daughter, a massive, massive...
35:10Caitlin, she's my best friend.
35:12I think she stayed strong for me because she knew how I was.
35:18She's so...
35:20Chip off the old block, isn't she?
35:22She's just amazing. She's amazing.
35:25Reggie dotes on her, he calls her Nin Nin.
35:27How old is Reggie now?
35:28He's 17 months.
35:30Is that my Reggie?
35:31You thought they both weren't here, but Caitlin and Reggie are.
35:34Give them a round of applause.
35:42He's cool.
35:44Hello, darling.
35:46Oh, little man.
35:49Hello, mate.
35:50He likes me.
35:52Say hiya.
35:54Come on, Dad.
35:55Caitlin, really nice.
35:56He's Dad's boy.
35:57Is he?
35:59You got him supporting the right team?
36:01He's learning.
36:02What team?
36:04Get off the stage, bud.
36:05Caitlin, welcome to the show.
36:08You told my team it's been upsetting,
36:10but your mum and Lee were always really honest with you,
36:13and that was helpful.
36:14She says you've been an absolute rock.
36:16She has.
36:17Hello, mate.
36:18Say hiya.
36:19Are you going to wave?
36:20Say hiya.
36:21Wave to everybody.
36:23Say hi.
36:24You are so cute.
36:25He's adorable, ain't you?
36:26Do you want the microphone?
36:28Oh, look.
36:29Go on, destroy it.
36:30I love it when kids destroy things because it costs so much money.
36:32Break it.
36:33Go on, I want to see it.
36:34Say hello.
36:35Say hello.
36:36Say hiya.
36:38So the thing was, what Lee was really keen to do,
36:40and I love this,
36:41was that he wanted to say that you're an amazing mother
36:43and this incredible rock,
36:44and that without you this whole thing would have fallen apart,
36:47but he also wanted to say to you that you're incredible
36:51and the way you've supported your mother,
36:53and he knows that the two of you
36:55probably don't get as much quality time together as possible.
36:58We went to the cinema, not yesterday, the day before,
37:01for the first time in over a year,
37:02just me and you, didn't we?
37:03Well, I've got loads sorted for you two,
37:06because it's Mother's Day.
37:08First up, beautiful,
37:09spa day for both of you, courtesy of Groupon,
37:11any location locally of your choice.
37:13Would that be nice?
37:15We're also going to send you to...
37:16You don't have to clap, I've got loads to give out.
37:18We're also going to send you to London.
37:19We're going to send you for a break in London.
37:21Hotel, Style Hotel,
37:22it's an ultra-modern hotel in the centre of London
37:24for the two of you.
37:25Just to include this, because I know, watch her face.
37:28A four-hour make-up masterclass for you
37:31at the London Make-up School in Shoreditch.
37:33We have a laminated gift certificate we'll give you as well.
37:36That's where it is, that's fantastic.
37:38We're going to do that for you.
37:39Cos you're desperately into that, aren't you?
37:41Oh, she loves me, cos she's going...
37:43So, a four-hour make-up course in London,
37:44and then I just thought, what else could we do?
37:46So I'm going to send you to the O2 to see Harry Styles.
37:48Is that all right?
37:50I'll do that.
37:51And then, have we got any presents, by the way?
37:53I've got some presents from Reggie, for Reggie,
37:56and I've also got something special for you.
37:57They're coming on.
37:59I brought you out on Sunday, that's it.
38:05That's courtesy of these people, and this is the most...
38:11I'm not going to undo it, but this is an amazing
38:13250-quid make-up thing for you to take.
38:15Is that all right?
38:16Reggie, I don't know.
38:19Good boy.
38:21Good boy. It's all yours, Reggie.
38:23It's all yours.
38:25You're a lovely family, I have to say this.
38:27I know, look, we do this every day,
38:29and I get really agitated with people who seem to moan
38:31when they've got nothing to moan about,
38:33and I get really agitated with people like you,
38:35who are dealt...
38:36Oh, he's so cute.
38:37Reggie, come on, kick it.
38:38Are you going to kick it?
38:40Who does he support?
38:42Oh, God, she won't be able to score it in the goal, then.
38:44Come on.
38:45Are you going to kick it?
38:46Kick it, kick it, kick it.
38:48Good boy.
38:50Anyway, listen, have a wonderful time in London at the spa,
38:52and enjoy the make-up, of course,
38:54and thank you for sharing the Mother's Day, OK?
38:56Thank you so much.
38:57Right, that's it, we can do that.
38:59Let's have a look at this.
39:00No, I'll do it, come here.
39:01Come here, come here, come here.
39:02We're going to go to a break.
39:03Back in a minute.
39:04Don't go anywhere.
39:05It is a Mother's Day special.
39:06Yes, what Emmanuel did was incredible,
39:08and I think what was steeped in him by his mother
39:11was equally incredible.
39:12If you look in that direction, this guy saved your life.
39:15Emmanuel and Samantha on the Jeremy Clow show, That Way.
39:28Thank you very much, everybody.
39:29Welcome back to this Mother's Day special.
39:31Today I've been talking to some amazing mums
39:33and hearing their incredible stories.
39:35My next guest, Ben, has been searching for one such mum
39:38and her son, who he says quite clearly saved his life.
39:41You see, Ben was a heroin addict sleeping rough
39:43when he first came into contact with Samantha
39:45and seven-year-old Emmanuel.
39:47Now, seeing Ben struggling, young Emmanuel turned out his pockets
39:50and gave him every bit of change that he had.
39:52Blown away by this kid's kindness, Ben at that moment said,
39:55I'm going to turn my life around.
39:57And now, two years on, this guy is clean of drugs,
40:00he's got clean work, and he is desperate to say a big thank you
40:04to a mother and a son who he says absolutely changed his life.
40:08It's a great story. Ben is on the Jeremy Clow show, That Way.
40:18That's a story, isn't it? It's amazing.
40:21I spend my entire life on this show with people who think
40:25and look like they can't do anything to improve their lives.
40:28This is an incredible story. Just tell everybody what happened.
40:32How bad it was, where you were at.
40:34Well, I got to my rock bottom.
40:36I'd been a heroin addict from the ages...
40:38Well, a drug addict from the age of 12.
40:40Got addicted to heroin from the age of 16.
40:43My rock bottom was homelessness, street begging.
40:46You said that at that moment you genuinely thought you were going to die.
40:50I wanted to die. I didn't want to wake...
40:52Every morning I'd wake up and I thought,
40:54not again, I've got to go through all this again.
40:56I thought you said that they were judging me.
40:58Everybody that walked past me looked at me as a tramp
41:01and reinforced in my mind that I was nothing and I'd never get anywhere.
41:04And then this one particular day...
41:06He came to us with this. I think it's amazing.
41:08Tell the story of what happened that particular day.
41:10Well, I was sat in the doorway begging.
41:13And then this little boy come up to me.
41:16I guess he was about eight or 11.
41:19He said, here, mate, you need to give me some water.
41:22I thought that was lovely. He's gone away.
41:24I don't know what he's done. I think he's gone into the shop
41:27and he's come back out and he's looking at me for a little while
41:30and I thought he's looking at me now thinking I'm a tramp.
41:32That's what I first thought was.
41:34Then he's come back over and he's put his hand in his pocket
41:36and he's pulled out all the change in his pocket, I do believe,
41:39of roughly £2.50 and it's done me then. It just broke my heart.
41:42That's you when you were on heroin. Look at the eyes, look at the demeanour.
41:45Yeah. Do you recognise that man?
41:47That's a face full of fear, that is, yeah.
41:49And he changed everything in your life at that moment?
41:52It was then I just decided I did need help. I just wanted help.
41:55I just couldn't do this life any more. It just choked me up.
41:58I did start feeling sorry for myself, finally.
42:00You said you checked into rehab, you got clean.
42:04All you could think about was this little boy and the mother,
42:06and that's the point of this show, it's a Mother's Day special.
42:09What an incredible job she'd done to teach a kid such morality.
42:13Yeah, because that was genuine, you know.
42:15Did they save your life?
42:17Yes, I'd say so. You mean that, don't you?
42:19A big part of it, yeah, absolutely.
42:21A month ago, Ben put a post on Does FB Mean Facebook?
42:26It went viral, but she had no hope of being reunited.
42:31And then Sam got in touch.
42:33I deleted the video.
42:34Begging on the streets of Banbury, sitting in a doorway,
42:36off my face on heroin exactly two years ago,
42:38in between Tesco's and the chip shop on Middleton Road,
42:41something happened to me that would literally change my life forever.
42:44A young boy about 11 years of age came up to me.
42:46It was raining, I was under a sleeping bag.
42:48He gave me a bottle of water and literally emptied his pockets for me
42:50and gave me everything he had.
42:52Something happened at that moment.
42:53I remember thinking, if this young lad felt obviously sorry for me,
42:56then why don't I feel sorry for myself?
42:58I got straight up and I walked into a drop-in centre
43:00called Turning Point, which is quite funny
43:02because it literally was my turning point.
43:04I was sent to rehab where I spent nine months in treatment,
43:07but that wasn't enough. I wanted more.
43:09I wanted to somehow give back the kindness
43:11that the young boy had showed me.
43:12I started volunteering, going back to college
43:14and currently receiving training to become a wellness coach.
43:17A far cry from homelessness, heroin and alcohol.
43:20I'm just two years... Just short, two years, I'm clean.
43:24I mean, I will probably never meet him again,
43:26but that doesn't mean I can't repay him
43:28by showing kindness to the next person and knowing in myself
43:30that the investment of probably no more than four or five quid
43:33and a bottle of water, but more importantly his kindness,
43:36was the best investment anybody had ever made.
43:38He made an investment in a human being, in the universe, in me.
43:42I'd love to give him this key ring.
43:44It's the highest key ring you can get.
43:46In Narcotics Anonymous, for multiple years of recovery,
43:49it means a lot to me, but without him I wouldn't have earned it.
43:52If you could share this status, maybe he will see it.
43:54Today, I'm two years clean and sober.
43:57I'm thankful for that single random act of kindness.
44:07Amazingly, two weeks ago, the mother got in touch.
44:10You've never seen them, have you, since that day?
44:12I've not seen them, no.
44:13It was a Mother's Day special.
44:14Yes, what Emmanuel did was incredible,
44:17and I think what was steeped in him by his mother
44:19was equally incredible.
44:21If you look in that direction, this guy saved your life.
44:24Emmanuel and Samantha on the Jeremy Kyle show, back row.
44:38Thank you. Thank you.
44:41How are you, my friend?
44:43Thank you. Are you OK?
44:47I've done this show...
44:49I've done this show for a long, long time,
44:52and this is a very, very different story.
44:55When you read that post, what did that mean to you?
44:59When I first read the post, I didn't really...
45:02It didn't go into too much detail,
45:04but a week later, I actually had been on the radio,
45:07and that's when I realised that that was us.
45:09When Emmanuel went to him and gave him the water
45:13and then later on wanted to give him money as a mother,
45:16what did that mean?
45:18I was proud of Emmanuel, cos he was only seven,
45:20and it wasn't the easiest thing to do,
45:22but, yeah, it was the right thing to do.
45:30You said that an act...
45:31I mean, this says everything about you as a mother.
45:33An act of kindness can change somebody's life.
45:35If people were kinder, the world would be a better place.
45:38Ladies and gentlemen, this is Emmanuel.
45:40Welcome to the Jeremy Carr Show, you little hero.
45:42Can you believe that you genuinely changed this man's life?
45:46I mean, you're still young, but what you did saved this man's life.
45:50What does that mean?
45:52It just makes me feel like everyone else should be like that,
45:57cos some people are less unfortunate than us.
45:59What do you want to say to him, Ben?
46:01I'd like to give you this, to start us,
46:03because it means a lot to me.
46:06It might not mean much to you now,
46:08but one day you can look back at this
46:10and it'll remind you of what you've done,
46:12cos you did literally save my life.
46:24Did your mum, this great lady sat next to you,
46:27did she always teach you there's a right and wrong way to behave?
46:31Yeah, she always told me what's the right thing to do,
46:35so if we saw someone who needed help,
46:40she taught me to always go up to them and help them.
46:44It is a Mother's Day special
46:46and we wanted to give something back to you as a thank you.
46:49So, this is the present moment.
46:51Look at his face. Presents?
46:54We have a family gift ticket to the Harry Potter experience.
46:57Do you like Harry Potter? You're going to be a special guest.
47:00An amazing day. Round of applause.
47:10We're going to send you...
47:12If you say no, I'm going to look like an idiot.
47:14You like the space, don't you?
47:16We're going to send you and your mother
47:18a complimentary VIP visit to the National Space Centre.
47:21They've got interactive galaxies,
47:23the galleries of the UK's largest planetarium,
47:25a unique three-day simulator experience
47:27and the iconic 42-metre high rocket tower.
47:30You're going to be a special guest.
47:32The complimentary visit to the National Space Centre as well.
47:35Round of applause again.
47:43We're going to send you to the Bluestone National Park Resort in Pembrokeshire.
47:46We're going to give you a weekend break for the whole family.
47:49It's five-star, it's a three-bedroom lodge.
47:51You're going to go there with the whole family and have a fantastic time.
47:54I hope people will understand.
47:56Parents, honestly, watching this,
47:58if you can look yourself in the mirror and say
48:00that you've taught your kid like she's taught her kid,
48:02I reckon we'd all be very proud of the job we did.
48:04I hope you have a fantastic time.
48:08And that's for you and that's for you.
48:11But I sit, squat, whatever, in front of a lot of people who will say,
48:14and I want the last word to be with you,
48:16there's no way out, you know.
48:18You changed your life, Ben. You deserve huge respect.
48:20What would your message be for people
48:22who perhaps right now think there is no way out?
48:26Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
48:29You're in a better place, aren't you?
48:31And you have this family to thank.
48:33Give them a round of applause, guys.
48:39Give them a round of applause.
48:43Well done, guys, it's been a great show.
48:45I'm out of time for the day. If you want to be here,
48:47you need my helpers in my website.
48:49The details are on the screen to the guest, to the audience and to you at home.
48:51Thanks for watching. We'll see you very soon.
48:53I'm out.