Potatoes and Dragons S1E23 - Plastic Fantastic

  • il y a 2 semaines
00:00Long ago in potato land, there was a king, noble and grand.
00:08Some revered him, others did fear him. One dared to jeer him, a dragon, not a man.
00:14Hey ho, away we go, get the dragon, get the dragon. Hey ho, away we go, get that nasty dragon.
00:21Hey ho, away we go, butcher him and cut him slow. Hey ho, away we go, get that nasty dragon.
00:30Un peu plus tard...
01:02You realize of course that this means war.
01:10I know, I'll build one with 500 steps.
01:14But that's gonna cost some serious dough.
01:16Yeah, yeah, of course, of course. Well, then I'll have to make some sacrifices.
01:20I'll either sell a few family heirlooms or I'll trade in a useless employee or two.
01:28I vote for selling heirlooms, sir.
01:30Oh, take it easy. What's the most I can get for you? Two steps, that's it.
01:34No, no, I'll call the antique dealer, then we'll go to the attic and see what's up there.
01:49What do you mean it's junk?
01:51So, it's not a real cactus. It's a hand-painted porcelain cactus that happens to be very valuable.
01:59I deal in antiques, not bouncy rubber toys. For all this, I'll give you ten smackeroos, no more.
02:08Ten smackeroos? How am I supposed to pay for my staircase?
02:12Here, let me see.
02:15Qu'est-ce qu'il y a avec les pommes de terre?
02:18C'est l'arbre de cristal que m'a donnée ma tante Angelina.
02:25T'aimes ça?
02:28Tiens, tiens, tiens.
02:41You're gonna fix that!
02:54You in the construction business?
02:56No, I'm an artist. My name's Midas. Give me anything and I can make a plastic sculpture out of it.
03:12Oh, that's good!
03:15That was a warm-up. To give you a real idea of my talents, I need something big to make a sculpture out of.
03:22Now I'll bet your gizmo would work great on a dragon. And I happen to know where you can find one.
03:30Oh, this dragon is gonna be your masterpiece.
03:33Right, you go straight till you reach the cave, then do your thing.
03:38We gotta do something to protect the dragon from Midas' machine.
03:41Don't worry, I have a plan.
03:44Hold it right there, Juju. You're gonna fix my rabbit, remember?
03:50And we're gonna build a big staircase.
03:57I can sell these sculptures for a fortune. I intend to get that machine by hook or by crook.
04:03Midas, wait! I'd like to come along and learn more about how you make your plastic sculptures.
04:09They're so, uh, uh, uh, plastic.
04:13Why, thanks. The moment I saw you, I knew you had good taste.
04:20Tout est plus beau en plastique, n'est-ce pas?
04:35Vas-y, tortueuse! J'ai envie de construire ce stagiaire vite!
04:39Ma reputation royale est en danger!
04:44Voilà, un bon travail de réparation.
04:53Hey, dragon!
04:58Où est-ce qu'il est?
05:03Oh, et là, il y a un beau toit!
05:06Maintenant, fais cette feuille!
05:08Oh, et là, il y a un beau toit!
05:18Oh, à la fin, un défi méritant de mes talents!
05:22Hey, là, gros gars! Prêt à être frappé?
05:28Si tu ne veux pas t'endormir comme un jouet de plastique trop grand,
05:31C'est ton tour!
05:38Je vais te sauver!
05:47Atta boy, Riri! Prends ça, plastique!
05:52Tu ne causeras plus de problèmes.
05:55Et toi non plus!
06:16Cet antique va payer pour ça!
06:24Je vais être le plus riche vendeur d'antiques au monde!
06:28Je sais que le visage du roi vous fait fredonner.
06:32Alors donnez-moi une autre feuille pour capturer en plastique!
06:36Et cette fois, je veux que vous me donniez une énorme!
06:44Grâce à ce dragon, je vais faire une fortune!
06:48Non, tu ne le seras pas, t'inquiète!
06:51Eh bien, je pense que c'est le moment de sauver le jour!
07:02Non, non, non!
07:12Qu'est-ce que c'est un masterpiece!
07:14Disons que c'est deux clowns en plastique!
07:19Je suis un génie!
07:20Pas seulement peuvent les touristes monter sur mon grand escalier
07:24et profiter d'une vue spectaculaire du roi,
07:27mais ils peuvent aussi admirer un magnifique travail d'art!
07:57Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
