Anne of Green Gables (1979) Episode 46 - Matthew's Love (HD) (English Dub)

  • la semaine dernière
01:00Avec le soutien de SWIT Airsoft et Airsoft Express
01:03Merci à mes Tipeurs Florian, Derpyh, Chun et Tommy
01:06Merci à mes Tipeurs Florian, Derpyh, Chun et Tommy
01:30Merci à mes Tipeurs Florian, Derpyh, Chun et Tommy
02:00Merci à mes Tipeurs Florian, Derpyh, Chun et Tommy
02:03Merci à mes Tipeurs Florian, Derpyh, Chun et Tommy
02:06Merci à mes Tipeurs Florian, Derpyh, Chun et Tommy
02:09Merci à mes Tipeurs Florian, Derpyh, Chun et Tommy
02:12Merci à mes Tipeurs Florian, Derpyh, Chun et Tommy
02:15Merci à mes Tipeurs Florian, Derpyh, Chun et Tommy
02:18Merci à mes Tipeurs Florian, Derpyh, Chun et Tommy
02:21Merci à mes Tipeurs Florian, Derpyh, Chun et Tommy
02:24Merci à mes Tipeurs Florian, Derpyh, Chun et Tommy
02:28La vie est merveilleuse !
02:31Où célibataire suis-je ?
02:56Oh oui ! Je retourne chez moi où je viens de deployeder.
03:01Anne! Anne! Breakfast is ready! I don't believe it! Is it that late already?
03:14Good morning, everyone. I'm terribly sorry I overslept, Marilla.
03:19After what you've been through, it's quite normal to catch up on your sleep. Sit down and tuck in, my child.
03:24Thanks. Good morning, Matthew.
03:26Good morning. Actually, you should have stayed in bed much longer, Anne.
03:29I said as much to Marilla. I told her not to wake you up too early this morning.
03:33Don't believe a word of it. He's been wasting time waiting for you to come down so that he could have breakfast with you.
03:39Who, me? Waste time? No, it was you. You took the kettle off three times, Marilla.
03:43Well, I'm glad I'm up now.
03:45Anne, let me introduce Martin to you. He's been working at Green Gables for a month now.
03:50Please excuse me for eating before everyone else, but I have to get going. There's a lot to do.
03:54I'm so sorry I was late. Don't worry.
04:02Well, I'll see you later. Start without me. I'll be along in a minute.
04:10We were lucky to find Martin. Very lucky indeed. He's experienced, a hard worker, and he's been a tremendous help.
04:16Yes, it was lucky you found him. And he's very polite, which is uncommon.
04:21I just couldn't take Jerry's table manners any longer. Come on, eat up, my child. You must be very hungry.
04:27Oh, yes, very much, Marilla.
04:41That's enough. I'm full now.
04:44Nobody makes lovely hot pancakes like you do. You should taste the revolting ones they dish up at college.
04:49No, thank you very much.
04:58Pity I have to go, but there it is.
05:00Now, don't forget to take it easy. Don't overdo it, Matthew.
05:02Yes, yes, I hear you.
05:04Matthew, are you listening?
05:05Yes, of course I am.
05:12Marilla, Matthew's not looking very well. He hasn't had another heart attack, has he?
05:17No, thank the Lord. But Matthew's getting on in years now, and it shows every day.
05:21Listen, do you remember that day you came home to visit us?
05:25Now, that was just before his latest heart attack.
05:28I thought it was the last we'd ever see of him, but he actually recovered from it.
05:32That bad?
05:33He's supposed to take it easy at work, but he won't pay attention.
05:37He believes the farm can't run without him, even though Martin can do the job with ease.
05:41And Martin himself says Matthew isn't looking good, and that's a danger sign.
05:47But perhaps he'll slow down now that you're at Green Gables, Anne.
05:50At least he listens to you. He'll take it to heart if you lay down the law.
05:55Good, so much for Matthew. But what about you?
05:58You look tired and miserable to me, Marilla.
06:01I'm looking tired and miserable?
06:04It must be my age. The years are taking their toll.
06:07Work doesn't worry me one little bit.
06:09It's my eyes, and I can't stand the perpetual headaches.
06:14This never-ending pain behind my eyes, it really drives me mad.
06:17Dr Spencer's got it all wrong, I think.
06:19The lenses he prescribed for me are hopeless.
06:21I can't believe they're correct. I simply can't.
06:25It seems a new optician is coming to visit the island at the end of the month.
06:29Dr Spencer advised me to go and see him,
06:31because he's already tried everything he could think of.
06:34Yes, you must see that optician, Marilla.
06:37Oh, it's no earth to use, is it,
06:39when you can only read with difficulty and sewing hurts your eyes?
06:44It's awful, I agree.
06:45But I'm here for three whole months now, and I'll be lending you a hand from now on,
06:48so you can get a bit of a rest.
06:50I only need one day for myself, just one day at the beginning.
06:53I want to visit my friends in Avonlea, all the people I'd like to see again.
07:02Anne, there's something I'd like to say.
07:04I'm incredibly proud of you, my child.
07:07Do you remember, my dear, when you got here, you could barely write,
07:10but it didn't take very long before you were the best pupil in the whole school,
07:14and now you've done so well at college.
07:16I saw Rachel Lindy the other day, and she still believes that's all nonsense,
07:20although she may be one of the brightest women in Avonlea,
07:23she's still opposed to the idea of girls going on to higher education.
07:27Oh, Rachel Lindy!
07:29Did she tell you that to your face?
07:33She told me that right to my face,
07:35although she knows perfectly well I don't agree with her philosophy at all.
07:38When I told her so, she was taken aback.
07:40You should have seen the expression on her face.
07:42Anne, you have a scholarship, but if anything goes wrong, please don't worry.
07:46We have some money saved, and we'll gladly help you financially if the need arises.
07:51As long as we have the money, we'll help you finish.
07:57Good morning, Marilla.
07:58Why, Rachel, good morning.
08:00Has one of your chickens been run down?
08:02A chicken?
08:03Morning, Mrs Lindy.
08:04Oh, Anne, how nice.
08:05Marilla, is Matthew at home?
08:07No, of course not. He's out in the fields.
08:09What's the matter, Rachel?
08:10Haven't you heard?
08:11Marilla, the rumor that's been going around turns out to be absolutely true.
08:15The Abbey Bank's got to close down.
08:17No, just hold on, Rachel.
08:19Anne, go and fetch Matthew.
08:21Yes, Marilla.
08:22And don't say a word about this.
08:25Yes, Marilla.
08:38Please, Matthew, calm down.
08:40There's no point in getting yourself worked up.
08:43I just think it's high time to get our money out of that bank.
08:46I've told you this before, haven't I?
08:48I'm sorry to tell you this, but my husband heard the bad news when he was in town this morning.
08:53The next few weeks will be make or break for the bank, I'm afraid.
08:56Apparently, the bank couldn't produce enough money
08:58when a certain company wanted to withdraw a large amount to pay its workers.
09:02My husband says there's been a run on the bank all day long.
09:05In town, they're saying.
09:07It's only a matter of time before the bank goes insolvent and closes its doors.
09:10Insolvent? Are you serious?
09:12I don't know what's going to happen, but if the bank closes, it'll be a catastrophe.
09:15As far as I know, you've got all your savings in that bank, isn't that right, Marilla?
09:22What do we do now, Matthew?
09:24Don't you think it'd be a good idea to take all our savings out of Abbey Bank right now,
09:28as Rachel suggests, every last penny?
09:30I don't know. Is that the right thing to do?
09:32You know, yesterday in Blair's store,
09:34they were saying the whole thing was just a rumour somebody made up.
09:39And besides, I know Mr Abbey is very honourable.
09:42Matthew, the honourable Mr Abbey you're talking about
09:45was actually an old friend of your father's, wasn't he?
09:48But times have changed, and old Mr Abbey's nephew owns the bank now.
09:52You should be aware of that.
09:53And the nephews made one mistake after another, don't you know that?
09:57Anne, have you heard any rumours about the bank going around at the college?
10:01Yes, Marilla, Miss Josephine Barry mentioned something about the bank,
10:04but I can't remember the details.
10:07Don't be silly. I won't hold it against you if you choose not to believe these rumours,
10:11Matthew, but you should at least look into them.
10:13Let's go to the bank together.
10:15One thing's perfectly clear, you can't sit around and do nothing.
10:18Yes, I agree. Listen to Rachel, Matthew, she's right.
10:21Please take her warning seriously, for all our sakes.
10:25Yes, well, all right.
10:29I don't agree with you, but if it puts your mind at ease,
10:32I'll take a drive down to the local branch at Avonlea
10:35and have a long talk to Mr Russell, the manager.
10:38If anyone can tell me the truth, it'll certainly be him.
10:42Matthew, listen, if you get the slightest feeling that something's gone wrong at that bank,
10:48please withdraw every last penny, promise me you'll do that.
10:51Yes, yes, I promise.
11:25Oh, what an honour, Matthew Cuthbert, and to what do I owe the pleasure?
11:31We haven't seen each other for a long time.
11:33That's quite right.
11:35I've come here to ask you about the Abbey Bank, actually.
11:38Ah, I'm very surprised that Mr Cuthbert actually listens to rumours.
11:44No, I just wanted to ask you...
11:48Please, take a seat.
11:55No thanks, Mr Russell.
11:59As you please, Matthew Cuthbert.
12:01Now let me tell you the whole truth of the matter.
12:03The Abbey Bank was in serious trouble.
12:06We had to write off some bad debt, it adversely affected our liquidity.
12:10It wasn't a good time at all, Matthew.
12:12But now we've managed to get over the worst.
12:14The big bank in Charlottetown has promised to give us their support,
12:17and it seems that Abbey Bank will soon be back in a sound position.
12:20Are you quite sure? A great deal depends on the Abbey Bank for all of us.
12:25There's no point in telling you a falsehood.
12:27All my personal assets are in the Abbey Bank.
12:31Thank heavens for that.
12:32I'm very glad to hear you say it, because you know, Mr Russell,
12:35the way people are talking about the bank doesn't sound promising at all.
12:39For example, they're saying...
12:40Do you mean the gossip that our bank will be declared bankrupt tomorrow?
12:43Yes, that's what I mean. The whole town can talk of little else.
12:47Why, Matthew Cuthbert, I hope you don't fall for old wives' tales like that one.
12:52Those stories always make mountains out of molehills.
12:55Avonlea is such a small place that rumours spread like wildfire.
12:58I actually think that story was started on purpose,
13:01because a new bank intends to put up a branch here, Matthew,
13:04and they'd like to see the Abbey Bank fail so they'd have no competition.
13:07And, of course, a long-standing, well-established financial institution
13:10such as our dear old bank would offer them stiff competition, wouldn't it?
13:14Do you want to withdraw all your money? Have you lost faith in us?
13:16I don't want to do that.
13:17It's just that my sister was worried about the gossip and sent me to find out the truth.
13:21That was sensible.
13:23Oh, by the way, I heard all the good news about that young girl you took in.
13:28Apparently, she won the Avery scholarship to attend Redmond College.
13:31That's a tremendous achievement.
13:32Actually, you must be extremely proud of her.
13:34Yes, Anne is our pride and joy, and she's a hard worker, and she's bright.
13:38Yes, extremely bright, to tell the truth.
13:41And, on top of it all, she's a lovely child into the bargain with a good heart.
13:47You really are extremely fond of your Anne, aren't you?
13:49She's a very lucky girl.
13:51But seriously, Mr. Cuthbert, you don't have to worry about your money.
13:54The Abbey Bank is safe as houses.
13:55Thanks. That's what I thought.
13:57I was never really in doubt, but I'm glad I decided to come and see you anyway.
14:02Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me.
14:05It was my pleasure, Mr. Cuthbert.
14:07Don't wait so long next time.
14:17So that's how it is.
14:19False rumors, competition, empty gossip.
14:21I don't know what to believe anymore, Matthew.
14:23Can we trust Russell?
14:24You could have compromised and taken half the money out, you know.
14:27I wish you'd done that in the first place.
14:30You've been listening to gossip, Marilla.
14:32Mr. Russell explained the situation at Abbey Bank to me openly and honestly.
14:37I believe him.
14:38He knows more about banking than Rachel Lindy does.
14:42Oh, I hope you're right.
14:43Because if you're wrong, we're headed for a real catastrophe.
14:46I suppose we're just going to have to wait and see.
14:48Yes, good idea.
14:50Let's do just that, wait and see.
14:52Well, I'd better get back to work.
14:54But Matthew, please don't overdo it.
14:57See you later, my dears.
14:59Take care.
15:00Of course.
15:03Will it turn out all right, Marilla?
15:05Yes, I'm sure it will.
15:08No, Anne, I must be honest with you.
15:10I don't know.
15:11Perhaps what Matthew said is right.
15:13Maybe the bank is out of trouble, but we'll just have to wait and see.
15:16There's no point in getting ourselves into a state over it.
15:20Matthew's a very cautious man, isn't he?
15:23Don't you want to spend the first day of your holidays
15:25visiting all your favorite places, Anne?
15:27Places like the wood and the spring.
15:29Aren't they waiting for you?
15:30Yes, but I want to do the dishes first.
15:32Then I'll be back.
15:33Of course not.
15:34You go.
15:35You're on holiday, Anne.
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18:04So that's it.
18:05That's what's bothering you.
18:08Of course they're getting older, Anne.
18:10It happens to all of us.
18:11It struck you forcefully because you haven't seen them for a while.
18:17Tell me the truth.
18:18Have you decided not to go to Redmond
18:20and you don't know how to break the news to them?
18:24Oh, no, I haven't made my decision yet.
18:27That's fine, Anne.
18:29Your conscience is making you think along these lines.
18:32You feel responsible for Marilla and Matthew.
18:34It would be unnatural if you didn't feel that way.
18:37Of course, it would be much easier to go off into the future
18:39with nothing to worry about.
18:41Yes, that's very true.
18:43Worries are painful.
18:44Yes, they are,
18:45but your best option is to take a degree at Redmond College,
18:48even if it hurts.
18:50This scholarship could turn all your dreams into reality, my dear Anne.
18:53Since I've known you, you've always wanted to be a teacher.
18:56Now you have your chance, and you must take it.
19:00If you suddenly abandon your plan to go to Redmond,
19:02Matthew and Marilla might be pleased,
19:04but then again they might not.
19:06Yes, that's possible.
19:08Anne Shirley,
19:09you can't change the course of your life on the spur of the moment
19:12just because it might be painful.
19:14Feeling responsible is perfectly fine,
19:17but you should also feel responsible for yourself, you know.
19:24Anne, you're an exceptionally intelligent girl.
19:26You simply can't neglect such a wonderful talent.
19:28You must realize your intelligence is a responsibility,
19:31and you can't throw one of God's gifts away just like that.
19:34I can understand why you're wavering.
19:37It shows what a considerate, decent girl you are.
19:40If you were all excited about the scholarship
19:42and rushed off to Redmond without a thought for Matthew and Marilla,
19:45I'd be disappointed in you.
19:48But you know,
19:49unfortunately no one will be able to make that decision for you.
19:52I'm afraid you're the only person who can make it, Anne.
19:55And I can't make the choice for you either.
19:58You're all on your own this time,
20:00and you're not a baby anymore.
20:02Only you'll know what to do.
20:04Yes, that's very clear to me.
20:06I know what I want, but my heart gets in the way.
20:09All the same, it did me a lot of good to discuss it with you.
20:11Thank you, Mrs. Allen.
20:13Why don't you help yourself?
20:14Don't you like cake?
20:16Of course.
20:26Matthew! Matthew!
20:34Bien, comment vont les vacances?
20:36Très bien, en fait.
20:39Regarde là-bas, c'est ton copain.
20:41C'est lui.
20:42C'est lui.
20:43C'est lui.
20:44C'est lui.
20:45C'est lui.
20:46C'est lui.
20:47C'est lui.
20:48C'est lui.
20:49C'est lui.
20:50C'est lui.
20:51C'est lui.
20:52C'est lui.
20:53C'est lui.
20:54Regarde là-bas, c'est ton copain, Dolly.
20:57À ce moment-là, elle est une vraie hooligan.
21:00Elle veut toujours son propre chemin, la stupide.
21:03Les copains grandissent rapidement, elle va bientôt s'asseoir.
21:05Oui, comme toi, Anne.
21:07Tu aussi as grandi rapidement, trop rapidement.
21:09Tu penses que c'est vrai?
21:13Matthew, je suis allée partout aujourd'hui et j'ai renouvelé toutes mes vieilles souvenirs.
21:16J'ai même allé directement dans la maison de l'école de l'Avonlee et j'ai assis à mon bureau de l'école.
21:20Aujourd'hui, c'était mon déjeuner.
21:21Je vais commencer à travailler demain.
21:22C'est hors de question.
21:23Je veux que tu ailles bien te reposer.
21:26Maintenant, c'est ton tour de t'amuser.
21:27Tu as travaillé sans mon aide pendant tous ces années.
21:31Matthew, tu as travaillé trop fort et ça a montré que tu avais faim.
21:34Tu devrais te calmer maintenant.
21:35Martin pourrait prendre le plus de ton travail, n'est-ce pas?
21:39J'ai toujours l'habitude de oublier que je deviens plus vieux chaque jour.
21:42J'ai passé toute ma vie à travailler dans l'air ouvert.
21:44Je ne peux pas arrêter juste comme ça.
21:48Si je ne pouvais pas travailler, qu'allais-je faire avec moi-même tout le temps?
21:50S'asseoir sur le sofa et fumer mon verre jusqu'à ce que le soleil s'ouvre.
21:53Une fois un travailleur, toujours un travailleur, ma chère Anne.
22:01Tu voulais prendre un garçon d'origine et puis j'ai commis un erreur.
22:05Si j'étais un garçon, je pourrais t'aider.
22:07Et tu n'aurais pas dû travailler si fort, Matthew.
22:10Je pense souvent à ça.
22:12Et puis je pense que c'est une grande pitié que je ne sois pas un garçon.
22:14J'ai fait de la vie très difficile pour toi.
22:16Absolument nonsense.
22:18Est-ce que je devrais te dire quelque chose, Anne?
22:20Je pense que tu es milliers de fois meilleure que n'importe quel garçon.
22:23Et je ne rêverais pas de te changer pour un centaine de travailleurs.
22:28Après tout, n'oublies pas que c'était une fille qui a gagné l'Avery Scholarship.
22:32Ma propre petite fille.
22:34Et je suis si fier de ma fille parce qu'elle appartient à la famille avec moi et Marilla.
22:39Oui, ma petite fille.
22:41Anne Shirley de Green Gables.
22:43Tu es ma fille, Anne, et je suis si fier de toi.
22:49Ma petite fille, Anne Shirley.
23:39Cette nuit, Anne s'est réveillée depuis longtemps.
23:42Elle a regardé la nuit et a pensé à Matthew, à Marilla et à ce que Mme Allen lui avait dit.
23:47Encore et encore, elle s'est demandé si c'était la bonne chose de laisser Matthew et Marilla seules.
23:53Mais elle n'avait pas trouvé la réponse à sa question.
24:01Le lendemain, la vie d'Anne changeait pour toujours.
24:04Green Gables était en train de devenir la scène d'une tragédie.
24:07Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
24:42Le lendemain, la vie d'Anne changeait pour toujours.
24:45Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
24:48Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
24:51Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
24:54Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
24:57Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
25:00Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
25:03Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
25:06Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
25:09Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
25:12Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
25:15Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
25:18Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
25:21Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
25:24Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
25:27Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
25:30Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
25:33Mais c'est des histoires tristes pour notre prochain épisode.
