Anne of Green Gables (1979) Episode 36 - The Future of the Story Club (HD) (Engl

  • la semaine dernière
00:30Lorsque l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver
01:00s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête et l'hiver s'arrête....
01:30Anne et Diana étaient très excitées par l'arrivée de l'été, et ils l'ont profondément apprécié.
01:37Les deux filles étaient conscientes que ce serait probablement leur dernier été ensemble.
01:41Anne voulait étudier pour les examens d'entrée de l'École des Rois et devenir une professeure.
01:46Les parents de Diana ne voulaient pas aller à l'école.
01:48Cela signifie que les deux amis seraient souvent séparés dans le futur.
01:52Mais ils n'ont pas essayé de le penser.
01:55Cet été, il n'y avait pas de temps pour des pensées tristes.
02:00Il y a eu un moment où les deux filles s'éloignaient de l'école.
02:04Ils se sentaient bien.
02:06Ils se sentaient bien.
02:08Ils se sentaient bien.
02:10Ils se sentaient bien.
02:12Ils se sentaient bien.
02:14Ils se sentaient bien.
02:16Ils se sentaient bien.
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04:40Ils se sentaient bien.
04:42Ils se sentaient bien.
04:44Ils se sentaient bien.
04:46Ils se sentaient bien.
04:48Ils se sentaient bien.
04:50Comment peuvent-ils couper
04:52une belle mémoire de la vie?
04:54Venez, oui.
04:58Vous vous rappelez?
05:48C'est un chien.
05:50C'est un chien.
05:52C'est un chien.
05:54C'est un chien.
05:56C'est un chien.
05:58C'est un chien.
06:00C'est un chien.
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06:08C'est un chien.
06:10C'est un chien.
06:12C'est un chien.
06:14C'est un chien.
06:16C'est un chien.
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06:22C'est un chien.
06:24C'est un chien.
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06:28C'est un chien.
06:30C'est un chien.
06:32C'est un chien.
06:34C'est un chien.
06:36C'est un chien.
06:38C'est un chien.
06:40C'est un chien.
06:42C'est un chien.
06:44Anne et Diana s'assemblaient et se souvenaient des heures heureuses qu'ils avaient passées dans leur grotte de perches.
06:52Soudain, ils se sentaient très vieux.
06:56C'était comme si l'âge des elfes, des fées et des rêves d'un jour s'était terminé et ne reviendrait jamais.
07:03Ils n'étaient plus petits enfants et ils pleuraient un peu pour mourir de la perte de la merveille.
07:10Lorsque l'Anne retourna à la maison, elle s'est montrée dans l'atelier et a ouvert la poche dans laquelle elle avait fermé ses livres scolaires.
07:16La grotte de perches avait disparu et avec elle, tous les elfes et les fées.
07:20Le temps pour rêver avait disparu.
07:23Et il n'y avait pas de sens pour mourir du passé, parce que le futur semblait si invitant.
10:55I'm not doing it, but when I think that Gilbert Blythe might be studying right now, I can't sleep because I'm so angry.
11:01Gilbert Blythe? The way you go on, you'd think he'd stolen the crown jewels. All he did was make a remark about your hair, that's all.
11:07I'd rather not talk about him. That's how it is.
11:10You must get some sleep now.
11:12One more minute.
11:17Anne! Anne!
11:21Yes? What is it, Marilla?
11:23Come down and help me pick some apples. You've been in there far too long.
11:27Yes, that's fine.
11:42You should learn to take an occasional break from your studies, Anne.
11:45I honestly don't mind studying, Marilla. Really, I don't.
11:49It's all right to try as hard as you can, but if you end up ruining your health, the whole thing will mean nothing, will it?
11:55Now, do you want to come top in the entrance exam and then have to leave college because you're too ill to go on with your studies?
12:01Don't worry about me so much. I'm as fit as a fiddle and I don't even get the sniffles. I'm an average, healthy farm girl.
12:08That's what I hope.
12:10Marilla may have been concerned about Anne's health, but she said nothing about her own.
12:15Marilla suffered increasingly from migraine headaches.
12:18For fear of upsetting Anne, she said nothing of Matthew's latest heart attack either.
12:35Now, Matthew, you know very well that smoking is bad for the heart. How many times must I tell you?
12:42You needn't worry so. A little pipe now and then won't hurt me.
12:45Oh, and another thing, the doctor's strictly forbidden you to do any heavy work around the farm. I just wish you'd follow his orders, Matthew.
12:52Yes, yes, I know.
12:53We should take on a second farmhand for this year's harvest, and if need be, another one for the potatoes.
12:59Oh, well, if you think so. But while we're on the subject of health, why don't we talk about your headaches?
13:04You're the one who needs a doctor, not me. You should worry about yourself, Marilla. Go and see a doctor.
13:11You're right. I shall go as soon as I get the time. We're getting on, Matthew. We can't overdo things like we used to in the old days.
13:19There's no getting away from it.
14:12Congratulations, Gilbert! Well done, Gilbert!
14:14You are clever.
14:16Absolutely brilliant, Gilbert.
14:41No, it's impossible. This can't be. There must be some mistake.
15:42Thank heavens! It was only a dream.
15:47Anne felt very weak. It may have been only a dream, but she couldn't bear the thought that the dream might become reality.
15:56In her dream, Gilbert Blythe had passed the entrance examination, and she'd failed.
16:02No, thought Anne, no, no, no, it mustn't happen.
16:05And she decided to study even harder.
16:24Good morning, Anne.
16:26Good morning.
16:29Anne, are you feeling all right?
16:31I don't like the look of you. You're pale.
16:34I'm fine, don't worry.
16:36Good, because I won't be in this afternoon. I have to go to Carmody to get a few things.
16:40Oh. But today is my turn to host the Story Club meeting.
16:45Why not? You can make tea and give them the biscuits you baked yesterday.
16:49Thank you.
16:50Anne and her friends had formed the Story Club about a year before.
16:55They were forever friends.
16:57They were forever scribbling long novels, stories and poems.
17:00Anne wrote the longest stories, and her stories were inevitably about love, sorrow and heartache.
17:06Diana wrote mostly about opera singers and famous actresses.
17:10Ruby had the most murders in her stories.
17:13She never knew what to do with her characters, so she killed them off.
17:17The enthusiasm for literature lasted a year.
17:19Then it began to fade because the girls had to write a school essay,
17:22So the Story Club would meet once a month to discuss the most important problems.
17:28Diana's late today.
17:31Anne, please don't be upset with me, but I'd better scoot. I still have to study my history.
17:36But why?
17:37Ruby, I thought you wanted to ask Diana what braids to wear with your new Sunday dress. You said so.
17:41Ruby, can't you wait a few moments, just until I come back?
17:44No, I can't.
17:45I have to go.
17:46But why?
17:47Ruby, I thought you wanted to ask Diana what braids to wear with your new Sunday dress. You said so.
17:51But why?
17:52Ruby, can't you wait a few moments, just until I come back?
17:55But I've got all my history dates to learn.
17:57To be frank, I just haven't got the time anymore to sit here and talk about all this kids' stuff.
18:01What do you mean, when you say kids' stuff?
18:03Are you trying to tell us that you want to leave the club?
18:05Well, the only one who still keeps up her writing is Diana.
18:09The rest of us don't have the time for it anymore.
18:11It's just a waste of time because the exams are much more important.
18:17And you, Jane, how do you feel? Do you want to stop writing as well?
18:20I don't want to hear any more stories.
18:22But it would be a pity to stop the tea parties, which are so nice.
18:26These days we have so little time to just sit and chat.
18:29Yes, that's what I like too.
18:31But even so, I somehow feel guilty.
18:33I keep getting the feeling that I really shouldn't be sitting here drinking tea with the rest of you.
18:37I'm really happy to see all of you and the biscuits are delicious.
18:40I just can't relax and enjoy myself.
18:43But if I go home and sit at my desk studying, then I start to yawn and I wish I was here with you.
18:47I feel like running away.
18:49You too? That's very strange. I get that feeling too.
18:53Sometimes I get really scared that I'll fail the entrance exam
18:56and then my heart starts to race and I get hot all over.
18:59I wish I found studying as easy as you, Anne.
19:01Easy? You've got no idea.
19:04Last night I dreamed that I was the only scholar who failed the exams.
19:07All the other names were on the pass list, but I couldn't find mine anywhere.
19:13Honest, Injun?
19:14Well, if you're going to fail the entrance exam, the rest of us needn't even bother.
19:17I feel quite ill.
19:19Me too.
19:20But somehow I feel a little better hearing that even you're worried, Anne.
19:24That's a big even.
19:26Listen, girls, why don't we change the subject?
19:29We didn't set up this meeting to talk about horrid exams and the silly old school, did we?
19:33Well, we only got into that because Diana didn't come.
19:35When we see her, we must spare her feelings because we all love her.
19:39That's for sure.
19:42Pity. I'm so sorry that Diana isn't coming to Queen's College with us. I really miss her.
19:47It's no wonder. The pair of you are really close.
19:50Did she tell you that she couldn't make it today?
19:53Anne, I can't wait any longer.
19:55It's Diana's own fault if she keeps us waiting like this.
19:58I'm coming too. Tough luck for Diana.
20:01Wait a minute.
20:02If both of you really want to leave the Story Club, then there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.
20:06But it's not fair to break up the club when Diana isn't even at the meeting.
20:10Anne is right, you know.
20:12Please wait just a moment. I'll try to find out what happened to her.
20:22Why don't you come in, Diana?
20:25Where have you been, Diana? We've been waiting for you.
20:28You nearly missed us.
20:31Diana, what's the matter? Is there trouble at your place?
20:35Oh, no. Everything is all right up at the house.
20:38Don't spare my feelings. I heard everything you said.
20:42I didn't want to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help hearing.
20:45I was going to surprise you.
20:47But then I heard you, and what you said just made me feel so sad.
20:50You were so... nasty.
20:57I just don't belong with you anymore.
20:59You have your blessed entrance exams, and I haven't.
21:02But that's too bad. I shall manage. Never fear.
21:05I'll get on without you. Wait and see. I don't need you.
21:08It was just bad luck that I came late today.
21:11I had to wait such a long time for my stupid singing teacher.
21:14I waited and waited, and there was no sign of her.
21:17I couldn't stop thinking that you were all sitting here waiting for me.
21:21I could hardly concentrate on my singing.
21:24I couldn't produce a single decent note.
21:27Diana, calm down.
21:29Oh, no! You want to close the Story Club down, and I'm not going to stop you.
21:33It's all because of your studies, isn't it?
21:35The Story Club is dead now.
21:37The good times have all gone.
21:39Good times when we wrote lovely stories about love, murder and heartache.
21:42They've gone forever. I was the only one who still believed in it.
21:45Am I right, Anne?
21:47Why should we try to keep the Story Club alive when there's nothing in it for any of us?
21:51Ruby is quite right.
21:53It's too late to change anything now. It's all over.
21:56I'm so sorry, Diana.
22:26Marie-Laure, have you been that long?
22:53Marilla, tu es là depuis longtemps?
22:55Je t'ai appelé quand je suis retournée, mais tu ne m'as pas répondu, alors je pensais qu'il n'y avait personne à la maison.
22:59Est-ce que je dois mettre la cuillère?
23:01Non, je l'ai déjà fait.
23:03Oh, désolée.
23:11Quand tu vas dehors, appelle Matthew, dis-lui que son thé ne va pas rester chaud pour toujours.
23:18Es-tu surpris?
23:21Est-ce que j'ai l'air drôle?
23:24Je dois dire que j'ai l'air très drôle en les portant.
23:27Mais tu vas t'habiller à eux.
23:29J'espère que oui.
23:31Quand je suis allée à Carmody, je suis allée voir le Dr. Spencer.
23:34Il croit que ma mauvaise visage cause tous les douleurs que j'ai l'air d'avoir ces jours-ci.
23:39Si c'est vrai, je vais m'habiller à porter les cuillères.
23:44Je vais lui dire, Matthew.
23:51Le club de l'histoire ne pouvait pas continuer.
23:54Soudain, Anne s'est sentie très âgée.
23:57Elle avait toujours l'espoir de ce moment.
24:00Et pourtant, elle n'était pas heureuse quand c'est arrivé.
24:12L'automne et l'hiver ont passé très rapidement, et c'était l'hiver encore.
24:16C'était l'année quatrième d'Anne à Green Gables.
24:19Marilla et Matthew ont parfois pensé à la petite fille qu'ils avaient emprisonnée.
24:23Une fille qui s'était éveillée en une jeune dame.
24:47Lorsque l'hiver s'est terminé, Marilla s'est rendue à Green Gables.
24:51Elle avait été éveillée par un homme.
24:54Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
24:57Elle avait été éveillée par un homme.
25:00Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
25:03Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
25:06Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
25:09Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
25:12Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
25:15Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
25:18Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
25:21Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
25:24Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
25:27Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
25:30Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
25:33Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
25:36Il s'est dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas vivre sans elle.
25:39Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
