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00:00After losing his life in a race, a NASCAR driver transports his evil soul into his monster car and
00:05sets out to find his old rival and all those who try to cross his path. Today we're going
00:10to recap the story of the movie, Phantom Racer, from 2009. At a racetrack in the United States,
00:16a NASCAR race is about to begin. The driver, named JJ Sawyer, is on his way to his car,
00:22but is approached by Cutter, his greatest rival on the track. Cutter is standing next to Tammy,
00:27JJ's ex-girlfriend, and promises his rival that he will win this race. The two then head to their
00:32cars and, before taking to the track, Cutter puts a necklace on the rearview mirror, which looks
00:37like it belongs to someone very important. Minutes later, the race finally gets underway,
00:42with Cutter and JJ fighting for first place. In the final laps, they both have to pit-stop
00:47and JJ's car starts to overheat. The mechanic advises him to wait for the repair, but the
00:52driver doesn't want to let his rival get ahead of him and continues the race anyway.
00:56The two continue to race fiercely, but as the mechanic warned, JJ's car has a serious engine
01:02defect. As a result, the driver loses control of the vehicle, which pushes Cutter's car over
01:07the wall. Finally, JJ suffers a serious accident, with the car overturning several times on the
01:12track, but the impact hits Cutter's vehicle, which gets on fire. JJ sees the scene in horror and
01:18shouts for Cutter, but it's too late and his car is engulfed in flames, taking the driver with it.
01:23Years have passed since that tragedy and JJ has given up racing for good, becoming a truck driver.
01:28On another job on the road, the ex-driver sees a driver distracted from the wheel and narrowly
01:33misses a serious accident. Even so, JJ had to swerve sharply off the road, which caused a
01:39leak in the transmission hose. While he's trying to fix the truck, an acquaintance of his, Sheriff
01:44Hodges, shows up to help him and accompanies him to the nearest garage. There, he meets up with an
01:49old mechanic friend called Cliff, who was also Cutter's older brother and Tammy's current husband.
01:54They catch up and Cliff takes the opportunity to show him a project that he has kept secret
01:58for years. The two then go to a garage door and inside, JJ finds the old car used by Cutter.
02:05Cliff reveals that he has completely refurbished it and believes that fate has brought JJ back
02:09just after he has finished fixing the car. However, this reminds JJ of a terrible experience
02:15in his past, which even made him give up his racing career. But Cliff also reveals that what
02:20happened on the track wasn't his fault, as Cutter had bribed the mechanic to sabotage his rival's car,
02:25resulting in the tragic accident. On hearing this, JJ becomes enraged and throws a glass of drink he
02:31was holding against the hood of the car. Strangely, the liquid seems to melt into the bodywork,
02:36but JJ doesn't care and immediately attacks Cliff for hiding the truth all these years.
02:41The fight is interrupted by Tammy, who appears on the scene to help her husband and JJ then leaves.
02:46When evening comes, while the truck driver goes to the bar to wait for his vehicle to be repaired,
02:51Cutter's car suddenly starts on its own and drives off down the road. At that moment,
02:55two young men see the vehicle speeding towards an isolated area and go after it.
03:00When they get there, they realize that there is no driver and decide to look for drinks inside
03:04the car. However, when one of them goes to look in the trunk, his arm starts to be sucked inside
03:09and his hand is torn off by the car. He tries to resist, but the car continues to pull him in,
03:14to the point where half his body remains inside the car, while the other half is thrown to the
03:19ground. His friend, who had been sitting in the driver's seat, tries to help him,
03:23but at that moment, the seat belt holds him tightly in the seat. The force is so great that
03:28the young man's ribs are broken and he starts to bleed, until the car finally takes him away and
03:32he drives off into the forest. The next day, JJ returns to the bar, still upset about what Cliff
03:38revealed to him. Shortly afterwards, Tammy shows up, hands him the keys to the repaired truck and
03:43wants to know what happened between him and her husband. However, JJ just wants to forget the
03:48past and soon says goodbye to Tammy and heads back to his truck. When he gets there, he falls
03:53asleep in the cab, but wakes up hours later to hear someone graffitiing the truck. When he goes
03:58to investigate, he finds a young woman painting the bodywork and, even though he doesn't know who
04:03she is, JJ takes her by force to the police station. There, he discovers that the girl,
04:08called Jessie, is none other than Tammy's daughter, who turns up shortly afterwards and takes the
04:13young woman home. Meanwhile, Cliff returns to the garage, visibly drunk and regretting what
04:18happened between him and JJ. At that moment, he realizes that the garage door is open and
04:23goes to check if anyone has tampered with Cutter's car. However, when he looks inside,
04:28the possessed car activates the door window, which instantly removes Cliff's head.
04:32The vehicle then speeds away, leaving the mechanic's body lying on the ground.
04:36Another day passes and a policeman comes to JJ's truck and orders him to go to Cliff's workshop.
04:42Not knowing what this is about, JJ goes there and is told by Sheriff Hodges that the mechanic has
04:47had his head removed. The sheriff suspects JJ because he heard about the fight the two had
04:51a few days earlier, but the truck driver claims he had nothing to do with it. Fortunately,
04:56the expert on the scene calls the sheriff to give him new information about the perishment,
05:00which occurred at the same time as JJ was at the police station. Seeing that the truck driver has
05:05an alibi, the sheriff considers him innocent, but forces him to tell him the reason for the fight
05:10between him and Cliff. JJ then reveals the sabotage that caused the accident years ago,
05:15but adds that when he saw Cutter's car, he had the impression that his old rival was still inside it.
05:20The sheriff tells JJ to leave, believing that he is still traumatized by what happened,
05:25and the truck driver decides to visit Tammy to find out how she is.
05:28At the same time, a policeman passing by sees Cutter's car on the road and sets off in search
05:33of it. He follows it to a construction site and promptly warns the sheriff, but decides to go
05:38after the vehicle himself. With his gun in his hand, the policeman heads into one of the warehouses,
05:43only for Cutter's car to appear seconds later and speed towards him. The policeman fires several
05:48shots at the vehicle, but the bullets have no effect and it ends up crashing into the car and
05:53ending up on its hood. As if that wasn't enough, the car activates the razors on the windshield
05:58wipers and uses them to saw off the policeman's face, who falls to the ground, already lifeless.
06:03Back at Tammy's house, she explains about Cutter's obsession with his car and how it ended up being
06:08his downfall. JJ then says that when Cliff showed him the refurbished car, he had the feeling that
06:13his rival's ghost was controlling the vehicle. As expected, Tammy thinks this is absurd and
06:18tells him to leave, without knowing that the ghost car is in fact real. JJ then decides to
06:23get back in the truck and leave town, but he doesn't suspect that Jesse is inside the vehicle,
06:28as the girl was looking for evidence about Cutter's perishment. Seeing JJ approaching,
06:33Jesse quickly hides inside the truck and waits for the right moment to escape. The truck driver
06:37then drives off, but on the way, he realizes that the girl is in the car and tells her to get out.
06:43Before taking her back, he buys a snack for Jesse, who continues to act rebellious.
06:48She even suggests staying with the truck driver, as she doesn't want to live in her hometown,
06:52but JJ refuses, as he knows Tammy needs her daughter to get through this difficult time.
06:57He then pulls the girl back into the truck, but Jesse is reluctant and even makes a fuss
07:01in front of everyone. However, before they can argue any further, the ghost car appears in the
07:06middle of the diner and starts destroying everything around it. Jesse recognizes the
07:10car that belonged to her father, but notices that there is no one in the driver's seat.
07:15Knowing what this is all about, JJ tells the girl to get in the truck and they drive off.
07:19Meanwhile, Tammy notices that her daughter still hasn't returned and goes to the police station
07:24to ask for help. When he learns about Jesse's disappearance, Sheriff Hodges fears that
07:28something terrible may have happened to her, because that morning, he found the bodies of
07:32the two young men who were eliminated by the ghost car. The problem is that, for the Sheriff,
07:37the only suspect in these crimes is JJ, because of his personal feud with Cutter and Cliff.
07:42These suspicions make Tammy even more nervous, because of what he said the day before about
07:47Cutter's car being possessed. Fearing the worst, the Sheriff and his deputy arm themselves and go
07:52after JJ, with Tammy insisting on going along because she believes Jesse is with him.
07:57As she suspected, the girl is with the truck driver, who tells her his theory that the car
08:01is possessed by the spirit of Jesse's father. To her surprise, the girl believes the story
08:06and asks JJ to tell her more about the old rivalry between him and her late father.
08:10The truck driver says that the supposed rivalry was created by the city to attract more attention
08:15to the races, but that in fact, they were once great friends. However, the rumors that they
08:20were rivals began to affect Cutter's mind, and he eventually became obsessed with outdoing his
08:25friend. Now that he knows the truth, Jess begins to sympathize more with JJ, but their conversation
08:31is interrupted when a police car pulls the truck over. From inside it, Sheriff Hodges appears,
08:36points his gun at the truck driver and orders him not to try to resist.
08:40Jesse gets angry and explains to everyone that JJ is innocent and that they were attacked by the
08:44ghost car, but no one listens. Angry, the girl tries to run away and Tammy, along with the
08:49Sheriff's deputy, goes after her. At the same time, JJ tries to explain what happened, but Hodges just
08:56pushes the driver against the truck and prepares to arrest him. But just as he was about to pull
09:00out the handcuffs, the ghost car comes speeding up and slams into the old Sheriff. Hodges is
09:05eliminated instantly, but the car isn't satisfied yet and turns around to take more victims.
09:10Seeing the seriously wounded Sheriff, her assistant aims her shotgun and begins to unload the weapon
09:15at the car. However, the vehicle accelerates towards her, knocks the policewoman down with
09:20one blow and begins to crush her with its rear wheel. JJ promptly sends Jesse and Tammy into
09:25the truck and rushes to help the policewoman. He tries to pull her up by her feet, but the
09:30ghost car begins to accelerate the tire over her head, destroying her skull into a thousand pieces.
09:35Finally, it's the car's turn to attack JJ, but he manages to get into the truck in time and gets
09:41out of there as quickly as possible. In the middle of the road, Tammy still can't believe that
09:45Cutter's spirit has taken over the car and eliminated his own brother, as well as two
09:49young people and three policemen. However, JJ says that the important thing now is to find a safe
09:55place, so he uses the radio to call for help. To their misfortune, no one answers the call and all
10:00that remains is for the three of them to follow the road, getting as far away from the ghost car
10:05as possible. Hours later, Jesse goes to rest for a while and Tammy is surprised to realize that her
10:10daughter has become attached to JJ. She says that their relationship has always been very difficult,
10:15as has her marriage to Cutter, who has always been a selfish and ambitious man.
10:20She even confesses her regret at having chosen him over JJ and asks what happened between him
10:25and Cliff. The truck driver, however, just shrugs it off because he doesn't want to reveal to Tammy
10:30that both Cutter and Cliff were responsible for the accident that almost took his life.
10:34The conversation continues, but in the middle of the road, the truck malfunctions and JJ is forced
10:40to stop. The three of them then get out of the cab, while the truck driver goes to check the
10:44engine to see if anything is wrong. Unfortunately, the truck seems to have a faulty transmission and
10:49there's nothing that can be done at the moment. Luckily, there is one last resort left for JJ
10:54in the body of the truck, a NASCAR race car, which he had been paid to deliver to the owner.
10:59He starts preparing the car for the trip and talks to Tammy about Jesse and his fearless personality.
11:04Upon hearing this, the woman decides to reveal the truth and says that this way of behaving
11:08was inherited from her real father, who is none other than JJ. The truck driver is surprised and
11:14at the same time angry that Tammy has only just told him. Unbeknownst to them both, Jesse hears
11:19everything from the other side of the truck and, unable to contain her anger, runs off into the
11:24forest. In the middle of the road, she comes across the ghost car, stopped in the middle of
11:28the woods. When she looks closer, a transparent figure appears in the driver's seat, but then
11:33disappears. The girl approaches the car and sees the same necklace that Cutter used to put on the
11:38rearview mirror before the races. However, when she tries to pick it up, the car pulls her in and
11:44restrains her with the seatbelt. Shortly afterwards, JJ has finished preparing the car and calls
11:49for Jesse, but just then, the ghost car speeds past, taking the girl with it. JJ and Tammy
11:55immediately get into the race car and chase the vehicle down the road. JJ believes that Cutter is
11:59doing this to get revenge for his perishment. Not only that, but the driver's spirit wants to
12:04compete in one more race with his rival to prove that he has always been the best, even after his
12:09perishment. Tammy doesn't understand why Cutter wants revenge, since his perishment was an accident,
12:14and demands to know the truth from JJ. However, he still refuses to reveal what Cutter and Cliff
12:20did and only says that the priority now is to save the couple's daughter. Meanwhile, the ghost car
12:25continues to speed down the road, but Jesse manages to unbuckle herself. To her misfortune,
12:30the rest of the car is covered in blood and Cliff's head is dangling from the passenger seat.
12:35Jesse despairs and tries to get out, but the car continues relentlessly down the road.
12:40Finally, JJ finds the car, but it's still too far away to reach. So, to save his daughter,
12:45the ex-driver decides to challenge the ghost car in a direct confrontation and lures it towards
12:50a factory. JJ asks Tammy to wait in the car while he sets a trap to stop his rival.
12:55Minutes later, the ghost car arrives at the factory and drives towards Tammy's car.
13:00Shortly afterwards, JJ appears driving an excavator and collides with Cutter's car,
13:05leaving him trapped against the wall. The truck driver seizes the opportunity and uses a crowbar
13:10to break the windshield and free Jesse. After much effort, he finally manages to free his
13:15daughter and runs away with her, but the ghost car breaks free from the excavator and sets off
13:19to attack JJ and his family. The truck driver asks Jesse to take his mother away while he goes
13:25to attract the attention of his rival. The two flee in their race car while JJ follows on foot
13:30with the ghost car on his tail. He runs as fast as he can, but the car is about to catch up with
13:35him. Even so, JJ is undeterred and provokes the vehicle into attacking him, but when Cutter gets
13:40his wish, the truck driver swerves and the ghost car goes all out, leaping towards the open sea.
13:46It seems that the vehicle is no longer going to bother them and JJ is soon reunited with
13:50Tammy and her daughter. The three of them are about to return home, but soon discover that
13:55the nightmare isn't over yet and the ghost car rises out of the water. The trio set off down
13:59the road and, as night falls, they make a quick stop at a gas station. They try to find a way out
14:04of the situation, until the owner of the gas station shows up and JJ forces him to lend him
14:09the keys to his truck. The guy agrees, but then returns to his office and takes out a gun. Despite
14:15this, JJ manages to disarm him and tells him that they need to get out of there because someone is
14:20chasing them. However, time is up and the ghost car is racing towards the station. JJ tells everyone
14:26to stand back and starts firing his gun at the vehicle, but the shots have no effect. The ghost
14:30car then tries to run over JJ, but he swerves and the vehicle ends up hitting one of the gas tanks.
14:36JJ ignites the exposed fuel, causing an explosion that destroys the gas station and leaves the ghost
14:41car covered in flames. However, the vehicle is still intact and JJ sends Tammy and Jesse off
14:47with the truck, while he goes another way with the race car. With the two of them safe, the truck
14:52driver decides to lure the ghost car into one last showdown, to settle this dispute from the
14:57past. JJ takes him towards the city and tries to lose him by entering streets and alleys, but
15:02Cutter's car doesn't want to give up and continues to chase him. The two return to the road and race
15:07side by side, competing to see who is the better driver. Suddenly, the ghost car accelerates so
15:12fast that JJ loses sight of it. He looks for the vehicle which, seconds later, hits his car and
15:18pushes him back. JJ is bewildered and Cutter prepares to crash again into his former rival's
15:23car. But instead, he stops the car next to him and from inside the cab, JJ can see Cutter's spirit
15:29materialize. Seeing that Cutter won't stop, JJ drives to a junkyard where Tammy is waiting for
15:35him. The truck driver asks for her help to end this race once and for all and, when the ghost
15:39car arrives on the scene, JJ tries to distract his enemy. The plan works and soon after, Tammy
15:45appears piloting an excavator and uses it to lift Cutter's car. However, she begins to lose control
15:51of the tractor, allowing the ghost car to escape. After that, the vehicle advances towards JJ and
15:56is about to run over him, only for Jesse to appear driving a pickup truck and collide with the car.
16:02The girl continues to push the ghost car towards a shredder and JJ quickly goes over to it and
16:06activates it. Thanks to this, the Phantom Racer's car is completely crushed and what remains of it
16:12is the old necklace that Cutter used to wear. Finally, the great feud between JJ and Cutter
16:16is over and the truck driver leaves, along with his new family. The next day, the remains of
16:21Cutter's car are piled up with other wrecked vehicles. However, for no apparent reason, the
16:26pile collapses to the ground, indicating that the Phantom Racer did it to free himself and will soon
16:31be taking his revenge on the road. So what did you think of this movie? Leave it in the comments
16:36below. And if you liked the video, like and subscribe for more movie recaps. See you next time!
