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00:00After pranking a truck driver on the highway, two brothers are chased by the scary truck,
00:04which will use all its mechanisms to destroy those who have made fun of it.
00:08Today we're going to recap the story of the movie, Joyride, from 2001.
00:12After leaving the state of Colorado to study in California, young Louis Thomas shares an
00:17apartment with his classmate, Danny. One night, he talks on the phone for hours with his childhood
00:22friend and love, Venna, who says she has ended her current relationship. The news makes Louis
00:27very happy and he invites her on a trip, saying that he has bought her a new car. Venna accepts
00:32and now all that's left is to buy the car, but Louis gets a classic model from a second-hand
00:37store with only a broken rear light. With everything ready, the young man sets off on
00:41the road and, halfway there, decides to call his mother to tell her he's traveling back to Colorado.
00:46His mother is happy with the news, but she tells him that Fuller, Louis' troubled brother,
00:51has been arrested again for drunk driving. As a result, the young man is forced to delay his
00:56trip and go to Salt Lake City to pay his brother's bail. Fuller is then released and, despite not
01:01having seen his younger brother for years, the two soon resume their old camaraderie and head
01:06back home. Even so, Fuller's talkative and inconvenient manner soon begins to annoy Louis,
01:11especially when he talks about Venna. The young man then veers off the road and ends up in the
01:16middle of a field, where he tells his older brother to mind his own business. The journey
01:21continues and the two make another stop at a gas station. While Louis warns Venna of his delay,
01:26Fuller makes an alteration to the car, without his brother's consent, to install a radio
01:30communicator in it. Using the device, Fuller starts making prank calls and insists that his brother
01:36join in. Even against his will, Louis joins in and picks up the transmission of an unknown subject,
01:41codenamed Rusty Nail. The two brothers do the prank, with Louis posing as a beautiful young
01:46woman, codenamed Candy Cane. The prank goes well, but part way through the journey, the transmission
01:52is cut off and the pair decide to end the pranks for the time being. When night falls, Louis decides
01:57to sleep in a hotel and his brother goes to make the reservations. On arriving at reception,
02:02Fuller sees a man in a suit arguing with the hotel clerk, but the old man is so grumpy that,
02:07as well as swearing at the clerk, he pushes Fuller against the door and goes back to his room.
02:12Louis sees everything from afar and is worried about his brother, but everything gets even
02:16stranger when the man from the prank, the Rusty Nail, calls him on the radio again. Instead of
02:21ignoring him, Fuller decides to take revenge on the old man who pushed him and convinces Louis to
02:26lure Rusty Nail to the hotel where they are staying. At his brother's insistence, Louis tells
02:31Rusty Nail that he'll be waiting for him and gives him the room number where the grumpy old man is
02:35staying. Hours pass, until finally, Rusty Nail arrives at the hotel and goes to the old man's
02:41apartment. On the other side of the room, the two brothers listen to everything through the
02:45wall and wait for the old man's reaction when he meets the mysterious guy with the communicator.
02:50But what they hear are strange noises, as if someone had been in an accident,
02:53and finally there is nothing but silence. Fearing that something bad has happened because of the
02:58prank, Louis calls the receptionist and asks him to inspect the apartment next door.
03:03Minutes later, the man calls the young man back, saying that everything is fine,
03:07but Louis isn't convinced. The next day, he takes a shower and prepares to leave the hotel,
03:12but he sees his brother outside being questioned by a policeman. Louis goes to him to find out what
03:17has happened and is told that the old man from the apartment next door has been found in the
03:21middle of the road, seriously injured. The policeman suspects that the two young men
03:25are involved and decides to take them to see the victim in hospital. When they get there,
03:30Louis and Fuller are shocked to find the old man unconscious and his lower jaw removed.
03:34Repenting for what he did, Louis reveals to the police about the prank he pulled on his brother
03:39that led to this chaos. The sheriff calls them to the police station to find out more details about
03:44the suspect, but the brothers only know his codename, Rusty Nail, and that he may be a truck
03:49driver. With no further information, Louis and Fuller are ordered by the sheriff to leave town
03:54as soon as possible and are left back at the hotel. No longer wanting to be part of his brother's
03:58antics, Louis tells him that he will drop him off at the nearest town and continue his journey.
04:03With nothing more to talk about, the brothers return to the road, but as night falls,
04:08Louis receives another call from Rusty Nail. The guy asks about Candy Cane again,
04:12the beautiful young woman who arranged to meet him, and Louis decides to reveal that it was all
04:17just a prank. However, Fuller once again interferes and decides to provoke the guy,
04:22calling him a lunatic for what he did to the old man in the hotel. The problem is that the lunatic
04:26soon shows that he's not joking by saying that he knows about the brothers and that they're driving
04:31a car with a broken rear light. Just then, a huge truck drives down the road, which sends Louis and
04:36Fuller into a panic. To make matters worse, the car is almost out of fuel and they are forced to
04:41take the nearest detour, which leads to a gas station. Fuller begins to fill up the tank of
04:46the vehicle, while Louis calls the police station and reports what has happened. Suddenly, a huge
04:51ice truck pulls up right at the station where they are and a suspicious man emerges from inside,
04:56holding an iron club in his hand. The situation becomes more tense when the guy enters the
05:00convenience store and approaches Louis, who can't get through to the sheriff. Fearing that he is
05:05Rusty Nail, the young man rushes to pay for the gas and speeds off in his car, but the guy also
05:10runs to the truck and starts following them. Louis takes the nearest road, but in his haste,
05:15he doesn't see the sign indicating that the road ends. When they reach the end of the line,
05:19they turn off towards a farm, but the ice truck is right on their tail. The two brothers speed
05:24up as fast as they can, but end up at the farm gates, which are locked. Just then,
05:28the truck gets closer and closer and there's nowhere to run, until finally, the truck driver
05:33gets out of the vehicle and shouts Louis' name. The young man and his brother have no idea how
05:38he knows his name and, in a panic, try to threaten him. However, the truck driver soon
05:43reveals that he only followed him to return his credit card, which Louis left at the checkout
05:47when he paid for the gas. Fuller then asks why he followed his brother with an iron club,
05:52but in fact what he was holding was just a tire gauge. Finally, everything is cleared up and the
05:57brothers breathe a sigh of relief that they won't be the next victims of the radioman.
06:01They say goodbye to the truck driver and try to catch their breath to get back on the main road.
06:05However, as they look at the truck driver trying to turn around, they come across another gigantic
06:10truck, which drives right through it and breaks the vehicle in half. Quickly, the two brothers
06:15get back into the car and speed off as fast as they can through the farm gates. Louis tries to
06:19outrun the truck through the grounds of the estate, but the truck pursues them relentlessly.
06:24Fuller calls for help on the radio, but no one answers his call. The truck gets closer and
06:28closer, so Louis tries a risky maneuver, making a sharp turn and heading in the opposite direction
06:34of the road. The maneuver works for a moment, but they end up running into a tree on the way and,
06:39in an attempt to swerve, hit it with the side of the car. Luckily, neither of the brothers is hurt,
06:44but the wheels of the car get stuck in a hole in the ground and they can't get out.
06:48Seconds later, the huge truck catches up with them and begins to slowly approach the car.
06:53Louis tries to get the vehicle out of the way, but to no avail and the truck begins to press
06:57them against the tree. The force of the monster truck causes the brothers' vehicle to warp and
07:02the pressure begins to crush the bodywork and crack the windshield. Seeing that there is no
07:06escape from the situation, Fuller picks up his communicator and apologizes to the truck driver,
07:11saying that it was all just a joke. Frighteningly, the driver says he was just joking too and starts
07:16to back the truck up, freeing the brothers' car. He then drives off, leaving Louis and Fuller
07:21alone and in a state of complete panic. Another day passes and Louis takes the car back to the
07:26garage to repair the damage. While the mechanics finish the job, he tries to comfort Fuller after
07:31that terrifying night, but the experience seems to have left him more serious and regretful of his
07:36actions. Because of this, when the two of them head for Colorado, Fuller dismantles the radio
07:41he had put in the car and throws it in the middle of the road. Hours later, Louis finally arrives
07:46at his destination and meets Venna, who has been waiting anxiously for him in her room.
07:50Shortly afterwards, the two go to the car and Fuller, who hasn't seen the girl for a long time,
07:55doesn't hide his fascination with her. The three of them then get ready to hit the road,
07:59but before they do, Charlotte, Venna's friend, drives by in her car and Fuller wastes no time
08:05in trying to catch her eye. However, it doesn't work out and the girl drives off, leaving the
08:09three friends to go on their much-desired vacation. Venna gets behind the wheel to let
08:14the brothers rest and, when she stops in Nebraska, she buys Louis a hat as a present and thanks him
08:19for the trip. The trio continue to travel until they decide to sleep in a hotel in the city.
08:24But the night isn't over yet and the three go to a nearby bar to have some fun. A few minutes later,
08:29Louis goes to the bathroom and Venna goes to the bar to order more drinks for the three of them.
08:34At that moment, a guy sitting in front of the bar starts trying to get through to the girl,
08:38but when he sees that she's not interested, he starts insulting her in front of everyone.
08:43Seeing the argument, Louis immediately sets out to defend his friend, but when the guy and his
08:47friend surround him, Fuller intervenes and the group decides to leave. The older brother prevents
08:52a fight from breaking out and leaves the young woman in her room, but he becomes increasingly
08:56attracted to Venna and tries to kiss her. However, Louis shows up shortly afterwards,
09:01without realizing what is going on, so Venna goes into her chambers and the brothers go to her room.
09:06There, Louis is more intoxicated than usual and ends up falling asleep in bed. Because of this,
09:12Fuller, who was already bored in his room, decides to go to Venna and asks her to come in and have
09:17some more. At his insistence, the girl accepts. At the same time, Louis is still asleep in the
09:23next room and wakes up to the sound of the phone ringing. Even though he's almost unconscious,
09:27Louis picks up the phone and to his astonishment, the person on the other
09:31end of the line is Rusty Nail. He accuses him of lying about pretending to be a girl,
09:35since he has just seen one, along with his brother in another room. Desperate,
09:39Louis rushes over and, without time to ask what Fuller wanted with Venna,
09:43he warns her that the radio stalker is still following them. The young woman is confused by
09:48the whole story, but Louis tells her that they need to get out of there as soon as possible.
09:52The girl doesn't want to leave, but when the phone in her room also rings,
09:56Louis and Fuller soon realize that Rusty Nail isn't going to leave them alone.
10:00The trio then head quickly towards the car, with Fuller at the wheel and accelerating as
10:04fast as possible. Louis tries to explain what happened to Venna, but on the way,
10:09Fuller sees words painted on the road signs. When sorted, the words form the phrase
10:14Look in the trunk, Louis. Fuller then stops the car and the three of them go to investigate what's
10:19inside the trunk. They fear it's something terrible, but when they open it, they find the
10:23radio that Fuller had thrown onto the road. Without much choice, they reinstall the radio
10:28in the car and wait for a call from Rusty Nail. It's not long before he gets in touch and the guy
10:33reveals that not only does he know all about the brother's friend Venna, but that he's also
10:37captured her friend Charlotte. The trio hear her screams over the radio, so Louis picks up the
10:42communicator and asks what the criminal wants. He then tells the three to meet him in the truck
10:46parking lot near the border. Hours later, they arrive at the location and Rusty Nail gets in
10:51touch again. This time, he decides to play with his victims and tells Venna to wait in the car,
10:56while Fuller and Louis go to the diner, only without any clothes on. Despite their embarrassment,
11:01the two follow the stalker's plan and enter the place. As expected, the people around make fun
11:06of them or are horrified by this bizarre situation, but the brothers continue to obey the villain's
11:11orders. Finally, Rusty Nail is satisfied with the joke and tells Venna to tell them to get back
11:16in the car. At the same time, he orders the three of them to park in the middle of a cornfield at
11:21night. They obey and then Rusty Nail calls them on the radio again, telling the three of them to
11:26get out of the car and walk down the road. The group obeys and waits for the next command,
11:30but seconds later, the giant truck appears in front of them and drives at the three of them.
11:35Fuller sends Louis and Venna running through the cornfield and the truck does the same,
11:39chasing them at high speed. They manage to hide in the cornfield, but the truck turns on a
11:43flashlight and starts looking for them. The three keep running, but they end up leaving the cornfield
11:48and the man finds them. He speeds his truck towards them and is about to run them over,
11:52but the three of them jump through a hole in the middle of the road and the truck passes over,
11:56without managing to hurt them. After getting out of the hole, the three split up,
12:01with Venna and Louis going one way, while Fuller goes the other. The truck goes after the couple
12:06and Louis ends up losing Venna on the way. Suddenly, the truck stops the chase and plays
12:10classical music loudly, which echoes throughout the cornfield. Finally, Rusty Nail gets out of
12:15the truck and chases the three young people on foot. Seeing this, Fuller goes in search of his
12:20brother, who is looking for Venna. The young woman tries to call out for the brothers, but
12:25unfortunately, Rusty Nail finds her and takes her into his truck. Louis sees that the huge vehicle
12:30is leaving and fears that something may have happened to Venna. After searching for her,
12:34he meets up with Fuller, but there is no sign of the girl anywhere in the cornfield.
12:39Shortly afterwards, Venna's screams are heard by the two, who see something on fire in the distance.
12:44They run towards the flames and find their vehicle ablaze, at the same time as the radio
12:48transmits the girls' cries for help. Louis quickly takes the communicator and tells the criminal that
12:53he'll do whatever he asks, as long as he doesn't hurt Venna. Rusty Nail then decides to end the
12:58night, with the same prank the brothers pulled on him. The villain tells them to meet him in
13:02room 17 of a hotel, but doesn't say which address, and leaves a bottle of pink champagne to go with
13:08it. Finally, he warns them that they must arrive at midnight sharp, otherwise Venna and Charlotte
13:13won't survive. Louis accepts the terms and decides to follow orders, but Rusty Nail doesn't intend to
13:18make things easy for the two of them. As well as setting the car on fire, the villain cuts the
13:23fuel hose, which starts leaking and the fire spreads throughout the car. Seeing this, Fuller
13:28quickly pulls his brother away and the two hide in the cornfield, seconds before the car explodes.
13:33Alone and without a car, the brothers run down the road, but there are still 11 kilometers to
13:38the town. Luckily, they find a bar nearby and Fuller decides to take a vehicle from the parking
13:43lot. After looking around for a while, he finds a truck with the door open and tries to start it by
13:48hotwire. After many attempts, Fuller manages to activate the truck and the two set off in search
13:53of Venna. Meanwhile, the girl is in her hotel room, stuck in a chair and crying when she sees
13:59on the clock that it's only 10 minutes to midnight. Finally, Louis and Fuller arrive in the city and
14:04start looking for Venna in all the hotels. However, their attempts are futile and time is running out.
14:10If that wasn't bad enough, Rusty Nail puts a gun in the girl's direction and ties the trigger to
14:14a rope attached to the door handle. That way, as soon as the two brothers cross the room,
14:19her friend will be eliminated instantly. It's a minute past midnight and the brothers don't know
14:23what else to do. Until, in the distance, they see another roadside hotel and believe that this is
14:29the right place. They go there and the door to room 17 is unlocked. The two enter and find the
14:34place apparently empty, until the phone rings. When they answer, they hear Rusty Nail, who says
14:39he's in the next room, listening to everything through the wall, just like the two brothers
14:44did during the prank. Louis then continues talking to the man on the phone and tells
14:48Fuller to go around the back to see what's going on in the room. His brother obeys and,
14:52on entering through a storeroom, he finds the window behind the room and sees Venna,
14:56tied to the chair. To his misfortune, Rusty Nail notices him, crosses to the window and
15:01pulls him inside, wanting him to see the girl eliminated. Louis hears the noise in the next
15:06room and rushes to open the door, unaware that the villain is waiting anxiously. Fortunately,
15:11Fuller manages to get free just in time and tells his brother not to open the door.
15:15Thanks to this, Venna narrowly escapes, but the same can't be said for Fuller,
15:20who, in breaking free from his pursuer, ended up falling on an iron pipe, which hit his leg.
15:25Louis runs to help his brother and when he gets to the back of the hotel, he finds him hanging
15:30from the fence with the pipe attached to his leg. Rusty Nail seems to have fled the scene,
15:35but he soon returns with the truck and advances towards the brothers. At the same time,
15:39the police arrive on the scene and find the hotel security guard eliminated.
15:43The police start opening the doors of the rooms in search of the suspect. After much effort,
15:48Louis releases Fuller from the fence, but they both hear the police breaking into the rooms
15:52and fear for Venna. Louis then immediately runs to the back window and, when he sees the police
15:57about to open the door, he falls in with Venna's chair, saving his friend from being shot.
16:02The danger, however, is not over yet and the truck begins to move towards Fuller.
16:06Louis hears his brother's screams and, even at gunpoint, he runs to save him. The officers
16:11follow soon after and then Louis tells them that the real criminal is in the truck,
16:15which is advancing towards them. The officers grab their guns and fire at the windshield,
16:20but the truck doesn't stop and they have to swerve. Luckily, Louis removes the iron pipe
16:25from Fuller's leg and, at the last second, they both jump away from the truck. The vehicle crashes
16:30into the hotel room, destroying it completely, but no one is injured. After that, the police go to
16:35investigate inside the truck and find the driver lifeless, next to Charlotte, who is still alive.
16:40Hours later, the ambulance arrives to help the injured and Louis asks one of the policemen
16:45the identity of the driver in the truck. He says it was a truck driver called Jones,
16:49who drove for an ice company. Remembering the driver who returned his credit card,
16:54Louis believes that Rusty Nail faked his elimination and put the ice delivery man's
16:58body in the truck. His suspicions are soon confirmed when he hears the man's voice over
17:02the ambulance radio, proving that the villain is still alive. So what did you think of this movie?
17:07Leave it in the comments below. And if you liked the video,
17:10like and subscribe for more movie recaps. See you next time!
