Mechanic finds an OLD TRUCK with a MONSTER in the ENGINE capable of DESTROYING ANY CAR

  • 2 days ago
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00:00A young mechanic gets an old truck and discovers that inside it is a tentacled monster capable
00:04of transforming the vehicle into an indestructible machine with powerful upgrades.
00:09Today we're going to recap the story of the movie, Monster Trucks, from 2016.
00:14In the middle of a mountainous area, a pickup truck is heading towards the base of the oil
00:18company, Teravex. From inside the car emerges Dr. Jim, who has come to inspect a problem in
00:23the excavation of an oil well. He is joined by Reese, the arrogant owner of the company,
00:28who is not happy about the delay in the project. When they arrive in the control room,
00:32one of the scientists informs them that during the excavation of the well, a pocket of water was
00:37found, where an entire ecosystem could exist. Despite being warned that the excavation could
00:42destroy an aquatic reserve, Reese insists that they continue. The excavation resumes and,
00:47through a camera attached to the drill, everyone in the room sees a strange creature pass through
00:52the water on the screen. In addition, the pressure generated by the ground begins to
00:56increase rapidly and Dr. Jim orders the operation to be stopped. However, it's too late and the
01:02entire drilling system begins to implode, spraying water everywhere. As if that wasn't bad enough,
01:07three huge creatures, resembling giant octopuses, emerge from inside the enormous well.
01:12The workers are frightened at the sight of these unknown beings, but soon everyone's
01:16attention is drawn to the well, which explodes due to excess pressure. The next morning,
01:21after all the confusion has been resolved, Reese and Dr. Jim ask the head of security,
01:25Burke, for a situation report. He says he has captured two of the giant octopuses,
01:30but the third has managed to escape. Reese orders him to capture him, as there can be no proof of
01:35what they have done, otherwise the whole project will be shut down. Burke obeys and Dr. Jim sets
01:40off to analyze the sea creatures, without suspecting that the third one is hidden inside his truck.
01:45Nearby, a high school student named Trip returns home on a high school bus. He's been dissatisfied
01:51with his life ever since his father left and things only get worse thanks to his mother's
01:55new boyfriend, Sheriff Rick. As soon as the guy arrives, Trip gets on his bike and leaves.
02:00Shortly afterwards, the young man arrives at a junkyard, where he works wrecking and
02:04dismantling old cars for Mr. Weathers. At the end of the day, his boss brings Trip another car,
02:10Dr. Jim's truck, which was damaged in the Teravex incident. Despite the damage to the vehicle,
02:15the engine is in excellent condition and Mr. Weathers gives it to the young man as a present,
02:20so that he can use it in the truck he is building. When evening comes,
02:23Trip goes to the garage to fix the engine, until he sees a story on TV about what happened at
02:28Teravex. Among the witnesses giving evidence is Trip's father, Wade, who had been missing for
02:33years. The young man is surprised to see his father, but before he can think about it,
02:37he hears a noise outside the garage. He goes out to investigate and, to his surprise,
02:42finds a car with its fuel tank mysteriously removed. Despite this strange event, the next
02:47day Trip continues his routine to school. On the way, he meets Meredith, a girl who
02:52helps him with his studies, and Sam, a student who wants to be his friend. However, Trip doesn't
02:57pay much attention to the two, but Sam insists that he come to his father's car store. There,
03:02the two encounter a crowd around the store, watching the authorities investigate a theft
03:07from the vehicle's fuel tanks. Trip recalls the same situation that occurred in the junkyard,
03:12but he puts the matter aside and returns to the workshop to work on the engine. Finally,
03:16the young man manages to fix it, but before he can test it, he hears another noise coming from
03:21outside. Armed with a wrench, Trip goes out to check the place and finds strange tentacles
03:26hiding in a pile of oil barrels. Without thinking twice, Trip throws the wrench to knock over the
03:31barrels, only to see a huge creature emerge from behind them and attack the young man.
03:36The young man runs desperately back to the workshop, but just as he was about to close
03:40the gates, one of the barrels is thrown inside and falls into a trapdoor. The young man goes
03:45to hide there too, but the monster manages to get through the gaps in the trapdoor with
03:49its tentacles. Trip is forced to leave and leaves the creature trapped inside.
03:53He then calls the authorities and Sheriff Rick appears, along with his heavily armed colleagues.
03:58The cops open the trapdoors to investigate what's inside, but the place is empty.
04:03Trip explains that there was a monster in there and realizes that the oil can has been
04:06completely sucked out, but Rick thinks it was all a sick joke by his stepson and leaves.
04:11Despite this, Trip decides to prove that the creature is real and, the following night,
04:16he sets a trap to catch it. The young man places several barrels of oil under the car
04:20compactor and, as he expected, the monster appears to take them. However, the creature
04:26proves docile and even begins to drink the oil from the vat, as if it were a bottle.
04:30Trip is surprised by this and accidentally drops the rammer control and activates it.
04:35The creature is about to be crushed by the machine and tries to use its tentacles to
04:38protect itself, but to no avail. Trip then rushes over to help it, grabs one of the tentacles and
04:44pulls it out with all his might. Fortunately, the young man manages to save the monster,
04:49but it appears to be weakened and Trip gives it some more oil. Meanwhile, at Rick's police station,
04:54Burke and Dr. Jim go to get information about the creatures that escaped down the well.
04:58One of the policemen talks about the fake call at the town's junkyard and,
05:02when he hears about it, Burke goes there to investigate. Back at the junkyard,
05:06Trip intends to take the monster to the police station, but the creature uses its tentacles to
05:11move to the workshop and hides inside. The young man rushes to bring the monster back,
05:15only for Burke to show up and send his team to inspect the place.
05:19Trip suspects they're after his new friend who, fortunately, has hidden inside the truck.
05:24The problem is that the creature starts using its tentacles to push the car and get out of there.
05:28Trip tries to disguise himself so that Burke doesn't realize what's happening and helps
05:32push the truck towards the exit. With the way safe, the young man tries to stop the monster,
05:37but things only get worse when Meredith shows up at the junkyard to help Trip with his studies.
05:42Unable to reveal what's going on, Trip tells the girl to get in the car and tries to convince the
05:47monster to take them away, discreetly. However, the monster ends up making noise and attracts
05:52Burke's attention, who sends his men after the truck. As a result, the creature speeds
05:57up and drives the truck into the forest to throw off its pursuers. The plan works,
06:01but Meredith is confused by the whole situation and Trip decides to tell her the truth.
06:05He reveals that, inside his truck, there is this huge creature full of tentacles and asks for the
06:10girl's help to hide it somewhere. Frightened by all this, she takes them home and hides them in
06:15her father's stable. There, Trip borrows tools to get the monster out of the truck, but over the
06:20course of the night, he decides to do something different. The next morning, Meredith goes to
06:25check on them and discovers that Trip has modified the truck to make the monster more comfortable.
06:29What's more, he's given it the name Creech and the creature can control the vehicle as if it
06:34were a makeshift engine. Meredith is impressed and the trio decide to go for a test drive.
06:39The girl takes off on her horse, while Trip tries to keep up with her in the truck,
06:43with Creech's help. The test is a success and Trip decides to make further improvements to
06:47the vehicle. In addition, his friendship with Creech grows, but Meredith believes that the
06:52best thing to do is to take the creature back to its home. However, the young man wants to
06:57keep his friend close and decides to go with him to find his father. Meredith goes along and halfway
07:02there, they have to stop at a gas station to fill up, or rather, to feed Creech. As Trip gives him
07:07some gas, a turbocharged pickup truck pulls up next to him, driven by a young playboy. The kid
07:13makes fun of Trip's battered truck, but he just ignores him and gets back in the car. However,
07:18Creech starts to get restless and speeds off down the road. Trip believes that the chemicals in the
07:23gasoline have made him agitated and Creech crashes into other cars on the road and even runs over
07:28several of them in a nearby store. After this confusion, they finally arrive at the lodgings
07:32where Wade, Trip's father, is living. Surprised to see his son again, he invites them into his
07:38home and tells them that three creatures emerged from a pocket of water during the Terabex incident.
07:43Meredith and Trip soon understand where Creech came from, but keep this information a secret.
07:48During the conversation, Wade receives a call and goes to answer it outside the house,
07:52with Trip leaving soon after to check if Creech is okay. However, when he leaves the house,
07:57he runs into Burke, who has learned of the young man's location because of Wade.
08:01The head of security orders Trip to hand over the truck, but the young man tries to resist,
08:06only for Burke to be stronger and surrender him, which makes Creech extremely furious.
08:11The monster spins the truck around and around, knocking Burke's men off their feet and kicking
08:15up dust everywhere. Trip and Meredith seize the chance to get into the car and drive off at top
08:20speed, but before they do, the young man takes revenge for what his father did and drives the
08:25car over their living quarters. Just then, Sheriff Rick passes by and realizes that his stepson has
08:30gotten himself into another mess. He speeds off to chase him, while Burke and his henchmen do the
08:35same and a car chase begins in the middle of town. Trip and Creech work together to dodge the
08:40dangers on the road until they are cornered by Burke in a narrow alley. However, the young man
08:45activates a mechanism in the car that causes Creech to squeeze through the alley, while Burke
08:50is trapped there. The trio manage to escape from this problem, but Sheriff Rick shows up soon after.
08:55He chases Trip's truck into another alley, but can't find them because Creech uses his tentacles
09:00to balance himself on the walls and go unnoticed. The escape continues and Burke soon returns to
09:05hunt down the young man and his pet monster. But the pair still have another cart up their
09:10sleeve and Trip activates another mechanism, which frees Creech's tentacles so that he can
09:14climb the walls. Thanks to this, the truck climbs onto the roof and starts jumping from one building
09:19to another. Trip believes he's lost them all, but when he gets back on the road, Burke and his men
09:24are on his tail again. In addition to them, Sheriff Rick returns to the chase and Trip tries to escape
09:30along the path that leads to the tracks, where a train is just passing by. The train gets closer
09:35and closer and there's no time to get ahead of it, so the young man activates another steering wheel
09:39mechanism, which makes Creech jump over the wagons. With this maneuver, the trio manage to leave their
09:45pursuers behind and continue their escape. They go to Meredith's father's cabin and build a fire
09:50for the night. While they rest, the young woman tries to comfort Trip, who found out the hard way
09:55who his father really was. The young man is still unhappy about it all and goes to his car to be
10:00alone. However, Creech also tries to cheer him up and takes him in his truck to the edge of the coast.
10:05He then jumps into the sea and starts swimming with his tentacles, just as he did in his old
10:10home. Trip runs across a bridge to reach his friend and sees him in his natural habitat.
10:15His tentacles glistening in the water. The young man realizes that Creech's true home is not on
10:20the surface and promises that he will take him back to his home. Far away, in the Teravex Laboratory,
10:25the two other beings of Creech's species have been captured. Dr. Jim begins to analyze them
10:30and discovers that not only do they feed on oil, but they also have shared intelligence,
10:34being able to share experiences and even emotions with each other. The doctor calls Reese to see
10:39his findings, but he is not impressed and says that he intends to eliminate them,
10:43along with any other evidence. This makes Dr. Jim uncomfortable, as these are intelligent
10:48living beings and deserve better treatment, but his boss is adamant in his decision.
10:52As the villain drives away, the two creatures start emitting sounds from the laboratory,
10:57which Creech picks up. Seeing that his friends are in danger, the next day he drives his truck
11:02down the road until he comes across a truck with the name Teravex on it. Recognizing the logo,
11:07Creech follows the truck to find the others of his kind. In the meantime, Trip wakes up and
11:12doesn't see his friend around. Fortunately, he left his cell phone inside the truck and Meredith
11:17manages to track it with an app. The two follow the trace and arrive at the Teravex Lab, but they
11:21don't find Creech there. They both sneak into the place and find the other two specimens trapped in
11:26tanks. Shortly afterwards, Creech appears and breaks through the walls to save them. However,
11:32this sets off the lab's security alarm and seconds later, Burke and his men appear.
11:36They fire tranquilizer darts at Creech and, even though Trip tries to stop the guards,
11:41his friend doesn't resist and falls unconscious. With Creech arrested, the two young men are taken
11:46to see Reese, who threatens them if they say anything to the authorities. They are then
11:50taken away by a guard, but Dr. Jim appears and says he will lead them out. The guard leaves and
11:56the doctor says that he lost him to help Trip and Meredith, as he won't be doing the company's dirty
12:00work anymore. The group then plans to take the creatures back to their home, but to do so,
12:05they need to get more trucks. Hours later, the young man goes to the junkyard and asks Mr.
12:10Weathers to get him a truck, which is about to be picked up. His boss decides to help him and
12:15shows him a list of available cars, one of which is the same truck as the playboy who made fun of
12:19Trip at the gas station. Without thinking twice, the young man goes over and takes the playboy's
12:24truck with the tow truck. Now, Trip just needs one more vehicle, so he remembers Sam and goes
12:29to his father's car store. There, the young man lends him the truck his father gave him for his
12:34birthday, but on the condition that he helps Trip with the repairs. The young man accepts and the
12:39two of them, together with Meredith and Mr. Weathers, begin to modify the cars so that they
12:44can house Creech's friends. After a lot of work, the trucks are ready and turbocharged for the
12:49rescue mission. Meanwhile, in the Teravex laboratory, Dr. Jim observes one of the trucks
12:54being loaded with the tanks where the creatures will be taken. In a moment of inattention on the
12:58part of the workers, the doctor gets into the truck and drives off to the car store. Once there,
13:03he unloads the tanks and, with the help of Trip and his friends, Creech and the other two monsters
13:08are freed. The three creatures are finally reunited and it is revealed that they are a
13:12family, with Creech being the couple's baby. Everyone is thrilled by this reunion, but there's
13:17no time to lose and they have to take them to the site where the excavation was made. So, with the
13:22monsters inside the trucks, Trip, Meredith, and Dr. Jim take them to their home. The trio travel
13:27through the fields to avoid the highway, but Burke has already heard about the escape and finds out
13:32via the police radio where the three trucks are. The villain sets off with his team and soon finds
13:37the group on the run. His men begin to surround the trucks and fire tranquilizer darts to stop
13:42the creatures. Far away, Sheriff Rick is with his vehicle at the car wash, but he is informed about
13:47the chase in the countryside and heads there. Little does he know that Trip is in the middle
13:51of the confusion, which intensifies when Burke's men surround Dr. Jim's truck. To help him,
13:56Meredith speeds up the car and pushes the doctor's truck away from the danger. The plan works, but
14:01now she's the one surrounded by the guards, only for the creature in her vehicle to use its
14:06tentacles to overturn the cars around it. Two of the pursuers have been apprehended, but several
14:11others are still on the group's tail. Trip decides to take the escape into rugged terrain and they
14:15follow the road that leads to the mountain. However, this doesn't turn out to be a good idea,
14:20as Burke gets right on his tail and starts pushing Trip's truck towards the cliff.
14:24The situation becomes critical when the young man is pushed out of the car and forced to hold
14:29onto the door of the truck. Burke decides to take advantage of this and prepares to push Trip and
14:33Creech off the road. But before he can do that, Sheriff Rick shows up and puts his car in the
14:38middle of the collision, saving his stepson's life. Thanks to this, Trip's truck is back on the road
14:44and Creech catches the young man with one of his tentacles. However, Burke recovers from the
14:48collision and pushes Rick's vehicle over the edge, but Rick manages to get down it safely.
14:53The chase continues and Trip sees a Teravex truck going the same way as him.
14:58Dr. Jim informs him that this truck must be carrying poison to contaminate the creature's
15:02nest and eliminate them there. To make matters worse, after the truck with the tank passes
15:07through a gorge, one of the guards sets fire to the road, blocking Trip's way. He and his
15:11friends find themselves surrounded and all hope is lost, but Rick shows up again, this time driving a
15:17gigantic truck. The Sheriff pushes Burke's car away and this heroic act makes Trip and his
15:22stepfather reconcile. However, the huge truck gets stuck in the canyon and the passage is blocked.
15:27Trip gets in touch by walkie-talkie and asks Rick to lift the body of the truck.
15:31Then, in a risky maneuver, the young man, along with Meredith and Dr. Jim,
15:36accelerate until they reach the other side and fall to safety, thanks to Creech and his family.
15:41After that, the trio manages to reach the truck with the tank and Creech jumps on top of it and
15:46flips it over with his tentacles. Meanwhile, another one has already arrived and the operators
15:51are about to pump the poison into the creature's nest. Trip advances to stop them, but he gets
15:55distracted and is hit by Burke, who hits the truck hard and leaves Creech unconscious.
16:00Quickly, the young man pulls a lever, which releases more fuel for his friend to feed on and
16:05with that, Creech gets back on his feet and lifts the truck. Finally, Burke moves towards Trip's
16:10truck, but Creech does the same and the two cars collide head-on. They struggle with each other,
16:15but Burke gets the better of them and starts pushing them towards the huge pit.
16:18At the same time, Meredith and Dr. Jim get to the pumps and try to stop them,
16:23but it's too late and in seconds, they'll dump the poison. Meanwhile, the truck continues to
16:27be pushed into the well, but Trip activates the mechanism to free Creech and give him a
16:32chance to save himself. However, the monster doesn't want to leave his friend behind and
16:36uses his tentacles to throw Burke's car over the huge hole. The villain's vehicle is thrown
16:41towards the poison bomb, which is destroyed before being thrown into the pit. Creech's home is safe,
16:46but the same can't be said for Burke, who is trapped in the car while gallons of poison
16:50are poured into it. Meredith then rushes to meet Trip, but she doesn't arrive in time to help him
16:55and the truck falls into the well, towards the pocket of water. The impact knocks Trip unconscious,
17:00but Creech frees himself from the truck and takes his friend to safety. The young man wakes up to
17:05find his friend with his parents and several others of his kind. With Creech safe, Trip says
17:10goodbye to his best friend, who leaves safely with his family, heading for the deep sea.
17:15Minutes later, Meredith and Dr. Jim rescue the young man to the surface,
17:19certain that they have saved an entire ecosystem. Days pass and Reese is arrested for the environmental
17:24crimes he committed at his company, while Dr. Jim starts a project to save endangered animals.
17:29As for Trip, he finally equips his truck with a powerful engine, thanks to the help of his
17:34stepfather, Rick. Finally, he and his now-girlfriend, Meredith, say goodbye to everyone and set off on
17:40the road in search of new horizons and adventures. But, as a reminder of his friendship with Creech,
17:45he customizes his new truck, painting the image of his tentacled friend on the bodywork.
17:50So what did you think of this movie? Leave it in the comments below.
17:53And if you liked the video, like and subscribe for more movie recaps. See you next time!
