Man FALLS on top of his NEW CAR and transfers his SOUL into the vehicle BECOMING a MONSTER MACHINE

  • 2 days ago
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00:00After being thrown from a building and falling on top of his car, a man transfers his spirit
00:04into the vehicle, becoming a monster machine that goes after all those who ended his life.
00:09Today we're going to recap the story of the movie, The Car, Road to Revenge, from 2019.
00:14On another night of crime-fighting, Detective Raynor is in a car chase against a city gangster.
00:19When he contacts police headquarters, his colleague asks him to wait for backup,
00:23but Raynor sets off alone to apprehend the criminal. In the middle of the getaway,
00:28the gangster tries to escape through an alley, but the policeman hits the back of his car,
00:32forcing him to stop. Raynor then gets out of the car and goes after the gangster,
00:36but when he checks the trunk of his car, the detective finds a young woman trapped.
00:41The policeman tries to help her out, but the gangster appears seconds later and tries to
00:45attack him. Raynor dodges the blows and strikes back with quick punches, leaving the gangster
00:50bewildered. The fight is over and Raynor wants to end the night by putting the criminal in jail.
00:54But before he does, he hands the victim a baton and lets her take revenge on the man
00:59by hitting him right in the face. Days later, the criminal is brought to trial,
01:03where the public prosecutor, James Caddick, accuses him of being involved in terrible crimes.
01:08After the evidence is exposed, the judge finds him guilty and the man loses his life as punishment.
01:14However, instead of using familiar methods to eliminate the criminal,
01:18the gangster is placed in a chamber and his body is disintegrated in front of everyone.
01:22Later, in an underground fight club, a group of cyborg criminals meet to discuss the gangster's
01:27elimination. As well as being eliminated thanks to the lawsuit filed by Caddick,
01:31the guy was carrying a chip containing important documents, which is now in the hands of the
01:36prosecutor. The group decides to go after the chip before the prosecutor finds any evidence
01:40that could incriminate them. Meanwhile, Caddick celebrates his victory in court and buys a new
01:45car, the Lazarus 1 model, and invites his ex-girlfriend, Daria, to dinner. During the
01:51meeting, Caddick tries to rekindle the relationship, which ended because of his controlling
01:55personality. After dinner, he goes out of his way to impress his ex with his new car and invites
02:00her for a drive together, but she prefers to go home. Frustrated, Caddick takes her, but before
02:05he lets her go, he threatens her, saying he'll do anything to get the two of them back together.
02:10Daria realizes that her ex hasn't changed and leaves, while Caddick returns to his office.
02:15On the way, he receives a call from his assistant, Yasha, who says he has found a way to access the
02:20files on the chip found with the gangster. Caddick then goes there, but first he keeps the chip in a
02:26secret compartment of the car. When he arrives at the office, Yasha tells him that it is possible
02:31to hack the chip's encryption, but only by illegal means. He then asks to be authorized by a court
02:36order, but Caddick doesn't want to waste time and tries to access the files himself. Suddenly,
02:41he receives a message from his security guard, asking him to leave early because he's not
02:46feeling well. However, it is soon revealed that the guard has been eliminated by the gang of
02:50cyborgs, who soon invade Caddick's office. The prosecutor quickly grabs his gun and fires at
02:56them, but one of the cyborgs, called Henry, uses his bionic arm to block the shots and traps Caddick
03:01in his chair. They then demand that the prosecutor reveal where the chip is, but he refuses. One of
03:07the gangsters called Ash uses a blowtorch to set fire to his computer and then her allies push the
03:12prosecutor's face into the flames. Even though he's wounded, Caddick gets up from the chair and
03:16exchanges punches with the cyborg with the bionic arm. Despite the effort, the villain uses his
03:22strength to break the prosecutor's arm and traps him back in the chair, with the help of Colt,
03:26the third member of the gang. Seeing that the prosecutor is not going to give up easily,
03:31Payne, the last member of the group, activates a drill on his finger and hits Caddick in the eye.
03:36Finally, Henry throws the prosecutor out of the window, who falls lifeless on top of his new car,
03:41his blood splattering all over the bodywork. The next day, Caddick's body is recovered from the car,
03:47while Detective Raynor searches for clues as to who committed the crime.
03:50Far away, the gang go to the scientist who turned them into cyborgs, known as Talon. The scientist
03:56is unhappy that they haven't recovered the chip and orders them to do so as soon as possible.
04:00His servants accept the order and decide to look for the last person Caddick had contact with,
04:05his ex-girlfriend, Daria. In the meantime, the Lazarus 1 vehicle has been taken to a junkyard,
04:11where a local worker is about to close the gates, but he hears the roar of the car's engine,
04:15which has been bathed in its owner's blood and is now possessed by his spirit.
04:19The guy goes to investigate the car, but to his misfortune, the vehicle runs over him and
04:23escapes from the junkyard. The next morning, Caddick's funeral takes place, with Daria present
04:29to pay her last respects. Afterwards, she returns home and receives a call from Detective Raynor,
04:34who is leading the investigation into the Caddick case, but she says she's not ready to talk about
04:38it. In another part of the city, the cyborg with the bionic arm, Henry, is leaving a nightclub.
04:44However, Lazarus 1 appears in front of him, advancing towards him and he is forced to dodge.
04:50However, the car continues to pursue him and the cyborg finds himself trapped in an end.
04:54Luckily, he finds the back door of a store and hides inside, but Caddick's car manages to break
05:00through the huge glass door. With nowhere to run, Henry uses all the strength in his bionic arm to
05:05push the car, but it presses him against the wall. The vehicle accelerates more and more until Henry
05:11can't resist and is completely destroyed by the possessed car. The next morning, Raynor goes to
05:16the crime scene, where he meets his work colleague, Gravenstein. He says that Henry's elimination may
05:21have some connection to the Caddick case and Raynor decides to look for more answers, starting
05:25with Daria. He goes to the place where she works and, at the detective's insistence, she asks him
05:30to talk to her in a restaurant. There, Raynor believes that Caddick's elimination was not just
05:35revenge, but that those responsible were looking for something. Daria, however, doesn't know what
05:40this could be and Raynor lets her go, but asks her to be careful, as the criminals might come
05:45after her. As the detective suspected, when Daria arrives home, Ash watches her from afar.
05:50She is joined by a plainclothes policeman, who has gone to keep an eye on the place at
05:54Raynor's request. The night goes on and Daria senses that something is wrong and asks her
05:59friend, Mila, to come and spend a night at her house. While the two are having fun, the policeman
06:04who was guarding the place gets distracted and, in a surprise attack, Payne grabs his neck and
06:09hits him on the head with his drill. Minutes later, he and two armed mercenaries burst into the house
06:14looking for Daria. She is asleep in her room, but one of the mercenaries goes to look in the
06:19living room and finds Mila asleep on the sofa. He tries to wake her and the young woman screams
06:24with fright, waking Daria, who is also approached by the second mercenary. Mila resists the guy and
06:30tries to escape through the door, but it's locked, so the mercenary takes his chance and attacks her
06:35in the neck. At the same time, Daria tries to defend herself from the armed criminal, until
06:40she manages to reach the drawer next to her and pulls out her gun, hitting her enemy in the head
06:44without hesitation. Seeing this, Payne hides and the mercenary appears to help him, but Daria
06:50discovers that her friend has been eliminated by him and decides to put an end to the guy.
06:54Unfortunately, the young woman runs out of bullets and is forced to flee into the surrounding forest.
06:59Daria runs as fast as she can through the trees, but Payne still catches up and knocks her to the
07:04ground. He is about to finish her off with his drill, but a strong light is emitted from the
07:08middle of the forest, coming from Lazarus 1. Seeing his beloved being attacked by the cyborg,
07:14Caddick's spirit controls the vehicle to advance against the cyborg. Even so, he manages to escape
07:19and drives his car down the road, but the vehicle doesn't intend to let him go so easily.
07:23Shortly afterwards, Payne believes he is safe from the car, but he soon realizes he is mistaken when
07:29the Lazarus 1 appears in the middle of the road. The possessed car forces him to swerve towards a
07:34bridge and then pushes Payne off it. The cyborg's car crashes hard into the ground and even though
07:39Payne survives the impact, he drags himself along the road, badly injured. To his misfortune,
07:44the monster car decides to finish the job and runs over the guy, leaving him in pieces with
07:49its wheels running over him. Moments later, the police arrive at Daria's house and Raynor finds
07:54her, still in shock at what has happened. He takes her to a hotel for the night and, the next day,
07:59brings her food and leaves her locked in her room so that she's safe. However, just as the detective
08:04was about to continue his investigation, Daria throws a chair to break the window and leaves the
08:09room. She says that she intends to find out who is responsible for the elimination of Caddick
08:14and her friend and that she will follow Raynor until the case is solved. Left with no choice,
08:18the detective accepts and takes her to the data market, a place where illegal goods and information
08:23are sold. When they get there, the detective is surprised to learn that Daria knows the place and
08:28she tells him that she has been involved in criminal business in the past. Finally, they enter
08:32a warehouse where a guru lives, who promises to pass on secret information if they pay the required
08:38price. Daria pays the price and, using virtual reality goggles, the guru manages to find out
08:43about the leader of the cyborg gang called Talon. However, before he can reveal more, an infiltrator
08:49from the gang reveals himself and shoots the old man. Raynor quickly finishes him off with his
08:54pistol, but soon after, the whole place is surrounded by Ash and her men. Raynor stays to
08:59contain the armed thugs and tells Daria to get out of there, but she ends up in an archive room
09:04where Ash is waiting for her. The cyborg demands the chip, but when Daria says she doesn't know
09:09what she's talking about, the villain attacks her and the two begin a hand-to-hand confrontation.
09:14Although the cyborg has cybernetic implants, Daria is skilled in combat and manages to fight back.
09:19Realizing that she has underestimated her opponent, Ash activates the flamethrower attached
09:24to her arm and starts setting the whole room on fire. Daria narrowly manages to take cover behind
09:29the lockers and finds her gun on the floor. She then fires a shot at Ash, who loses control of
09:34the flamethrower and ends up burning her own body with it. Thanks to this, Daria escapes and finally
09:40finds a way out, but the villain follows her, even with her body destroyed. She crawls on the ground
09:45to attack Daria, but seconds later, Lazarus 1 appears in front of them and, just as he did with
09:50her colleagues, he crushes her completely. Even though she is startled by the sudden appearance
09:55of the car, Daria goes to check who is driving and, to her surprise, there is no one there.
10:00She hears a voice coming from inside the vehicle, which sounds like Caddick's, but the exertion of
10:05the struggle causes her to faint. Later, she wakes up at Raynor's house, where he has taken her to
10:10tend to her wounds. She thanks him for his help and, when she checks the place, she finds photos
10:15of Raynor with his daughter who, tragically, was eliminated by the crime. The young woman is touched
10:20by this and soon realizes that she has feelings for the detective. Raynor also shows that he feels
10:25the same way and the two have a romantic moment, without realizing that the monster car is watching
10:29them from nearby. Far away, the scientist Talon meets with his army of cyborgs and talks about
10:35his allies, eliminated by the car. He then orders everyone to destroy the vehicle, in exchange for
10:40new cybernetic parts for whoever succeeds. Another day passes and Raynor gives Daria new information
10:46about the investigation. In the middle of the conversation, Daria reveals that when she
10:50confronted Payne and Ash, she saw Caddick's car attack them to protect her. Not only that,
10:56she believes that Lazarus One is somehow possessed by the spirit of her ex-boyfriend.
11:00However, the detective believes that this was just an illusion due to the traumatic
11:04experience she had, but Daria is enraged by this response and leaves. Raynor decides to chase after
11:10her on his motorcycle, but behind him appears the Lazarus One, which advances towards him.
11:15The detective manages to escape by climbing onto a high platform and runs to the gate.
11:20On the other side, he picks up a motorcycle in the street and runs off with it,
11:24being followed by the possessed car, which is on his tail. Seeing that he can't outrun it,
11:28the detective tries to lose it in a parking lot, but the vehicle pursues him relentlessly.
11:33The detective does his best to dodge the onslaught of the car, but it crashes into the back of the
11:37motorcycle and Raynor falls to the ground, injuring his leg. The vehicle then sets off
11:42towards its prey, but the detective manages to climb a ladder and narrowly escapes.
11:47While recovering from the attack, Raynor receives a call from his colleague,
11:50Gravenstein. The detective asks him to go to his house to protect Daria,
11:55without suspecting that the call is being traced by Yasha, Caddick's assistant.
11:59It is revealed that he was at Talon's service and helped him eliminate the prosecutor.
12:03After hearing the call, Yasha sends a henchman, disguised as policeman Gravenstein, to find
12:08Daria at Raynor's house, as he believes she knows where the chip is. Minutes later, the undercover
12:14policeman arrives at the scene and manages to trick Daria into taking her in his car.
12:18Just then, the car leaves the parking lot and is spotted by the army of cyborgs,
12:23who begin to chase it through the city. Even when outnumbered, the possessed vehicle lures
12:27them along a road full of paths and bends, to confuse their pursuers. Thanks to this strategy,
12:33Lazarus 1 causes the cyborgs to collide violently with each other,
12:36wiping out several of them along the way. Still, others remain standing and the chase intensifies.
12:42Meanwhile, the undercover policeman take Daria to meet the scientist,
12:46but on discovering the deception, the young woman pulls out her gun and tells the two men
12:50to pull the car over. She then rends them in the middle of the road, just as Lazarus 1 passes by,
12:55crushing them both. Soon after, the possessed car finds itself surrounded by the surviving
13:00cyborgs and, in an impossible maneuver, it accelerates and jumps over their cars and
13:05sets off after Daria. The young woman, however, flees with the car and receives a call from the
13:10scientist, who proposes a deal. If she hands over Lazarus 1, he will leave her alone.
13:16The young woman accepts and lures the possessed car to the building, where there is an old quarry.
13:20When they get there, the car sees Daria at gunpoint and sets off to help her,
13:24but it falls into a hole and everyone around starts shooting at the vehicle.
13:28Colt, another of the gang's cyborgs, looks inside the car, but finds no driver. So he searches the
13:34cabin and finally finds the chip his creator wanted so badly. With the item recovered,
13:39he orders his henchmen to smash the car into a thousand pieces. After that, he meets Daria,
13:44who asks him to honor the agreement and let her go, but the guy says he can't leave any witnesses.
13:49The young woman then tries to resist, but Colt rends her with his razor and holds her captive
13:54in a dark room. Hours pass and the Lazarus 1 is dumped by the gang in a junkyard. Shortly
13:59afterwards, an old mechanic arrives at the scene and, seeing the car completely destroyed, decides
14:05to take it in for repair. The damage to the car is practically irreversible, but the old man decides
14:10to replace the damaged parts with new ones. To do this, he takes the parts of another car which,
14:15in the distant past, also seemed to have been possessed by a vengeful spirit.
14:20The night goes on and Raynor, now aware of Yasha's involvement with the scientist Talon,
14:24confronts him in his office. The guy, however, proposes a deal to spare the lives of the
14:29detective and Daria, but instead Raynor attacks Yasha and the security guard who was in the room.
14:34With his gun pointed at the guy, he demands to know where Daria and the scientist are and what
14:39his interest in the chip is. Yasha doesn't know their location, but says that the chip contains
14:44documents proving Talon's involvement with front businesses, including nightclubs.
14:48Even with an injured leg, Raynor leaves and sets off in search of Daria. Meanwhile, the old mechanic
14:54finally finishes repairing the Lazarus 1, transforming it into a mixture of a modern
14:58car with a more retro look. He decides to take it for a test drive, but the car won't start.
15:03Annoyed, the old man gets out of the vehicle without understanding why it doesn't work,
15:08but the car, still possessed by Caddick's spirit, starts itself and runs over the mechanic.
15:13After that, Lazarus 1 speeds through the city, more insane than ever.
15:17It crashes into everything and everyone in its path and goes after another of its targets,
15:21Detective Raynor. Meanwhile, the policeman returns home and injects himself with a drug
15:26to cure his leg. He then tries to search for the scientist's location on the computer and
15:30remembers that one of his allies, Henry, was eliminated near a nightclub. He suspects that
15:35this is his hideout and sets off to find it. What he doesn't know is that in the nightclub's
15:40underground, the scientist met Daria and, knowing about her criminal past, convinced her to accept
15:45her evil side and join him. To prove her loyalty, Talon orders the young woman to attack Yasha for
15:51giving all the information to Raynor. Even with Yasha begging for his life, Daria doesn't care
15:56and, among the weapons available, she takes a bottle of flammable liquid and pours it on him.
16:01Finally, she takes a sip of the drink, grabs a lighter and threatens him. However, she spits the
16:06drink in the scientist's face, hits him in the eye with a scalpel and runs away. The villain orders
16:11Colt to eliminate the girl and, when he sees that Daria has left the lighter on the ground,
16:16he finishes Yasha off by setting his body on fire. Minutes later, the young woman continues her
16:21escape and manages to take down one of the guards, as well as grabbing his gun. Finally, Raynor
16:27arrives at the nightclub and tries to threaten one of the guards into revealing where the scientist
16:31is. At the same moment, Lazarus 1 also invades the place and starts running everyone over while
16:36trying to hit Raynor. The detective, however, manages to escape and sees the guard enter a
16:41secret door that leads to the scientist's hideout. He soon enters the passage, followed by the
16:46monster car. Raynor searches everywhere for Daria who, on her way to escape, ends up meeting Colt.
16:52She tries to fight him, but the cyborg is resistant and knocks her to the ground,
16:56punching and kicking her. Colt then releases a blade from his fist and tries to finish Daria,
17:01but she dodges the attack and the villain gets his hand stuck in the wall. The young woman seizes
17:06the opportunity and, finding an axe nearby, she removes Colt's arm and finally hits him in the
17:11neck. Now all that's left is the scientist, who chases her around the hideout with a gun.
17:16Luckily, Raynor finds her first and the two of them escape through the tunnels underground.
17:20Talon hears the two and runs towards them, but the detective gives him a surprise blow and
17:25knocks him to the ground. Seconds later, Lazarus 1 also appears between the tunnels and the couple
17:30drive off, leaving the car to finish off the scientist. As expected, the vehicle drives into
17:35the villain, who crashes through the hood of the vehicle and gets half of his body stuck in the
17:39windshield. Lazarus 1 then makes a sharp turn, causing the two halves of the scientist to be
17:44separated and eliminating Talon forever. The cyborg gang has finally broken up,
17:49but on the way out, Daria decides to stay behind to eliminate the car once and for all.
17:54She goes to a warehouse and finds a box of dynamite on top of a forklift truck. Daria
17:59asks Raynor to activate the explosives, while she lures the car towards her. Finally, Lazarus 1
18:05arrives at the warehouse and Daria calls for Caddick's spirit, saying that he will no longer
18:09control her as he did in the past. The vehicle becomes enraged and speeds towards the young woman,
18:14who takes it to the box of dynamite with an activated detonator. Afterwards, Daria and
18:19Raynor flee the warehouse, just before the explosives detonate, apparently destroying
18:23the possessed car. Shortly afterwards, the ambulance arrives on the scene to take care
18:28of the wounded and Daria is carried away on a stretcher. Before leaving, Raynor invites
18:33her to dinner and the two say goodbye with a kiss, but suddenly Lazarus 1 appears to attack
18:37them again. Raynor is pushed by the car, which then hits Daria's stretcher, throwing her into
18:42the vehicle. The car continues down the road, taking the girl with it, heading for a cliff.
18:47Daria tries to get Caddick's spirit to stop, but to no avail. With time running out, she starts
18:52removing parts from the dashboard, until she finally manages to remove the car's controller,
18:57which stops meters before the edge of the cliff. The young woman manages to get out and starts
19:02pushing the car towards the edge so that it can't hurt anyone else. The vehicle then falls off the
19:07cliff and sinks into the sea, while Daria drives away, believing that the car will be stuck in the
19:12water forever. However, at the bottom of the sea, the Lazarus 1 lights up, indicating that
19:17Caddick's spirit still lives and he will never stop chasing his former companion.
19:21So what did you think of this movie? Leave it in the comments below. And if you liked the video,
19:26like and subscribe for more movie recaps. See you next time!
