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00:00After losing his entire family to a road gang, a young truck driver transforms his vehicle into
00:05a monster truck equipped with a giant drill to destroy everyone who ended his life.
00:09Today we're going to recap the story of the movie, Rolling Vengeance, from 1987.
00:14In the middle of the road, a young truck driver called Joey is about to make a delivery of drinks
00:19to a bar. Along the way, he meets his friend, Tyler, who challenges him to a truck race.
00:24Joey accepts the challenge and the two of them speed down the road side by side,
00:28but a huge tractor appears in front of them. Instead of slowing down, Tyler overtakes between
00:34the vehicles, forcing the tractor off the side of the road and almost causing an accident with Joey.
00:39Despite this, the truck driver continues on his way and arrives safely at the bar,
00:43where his father, Big Joe Russo, is waiting for him. However, Joey accidentally hits the
00:48back of the truck and knocks over cases of booze, which infuriates one of the bar staff.
00:53Soon after, the owner of the place, Tiny Taney, shows up to control the situation and tells Joey
00:59and his father to finish unloading the merchandise. After unloading the goods, they return home,
01:04only to be disturbed by Tiny's sons, who show up in a pickup truck in the middle of the road.
01:09The unruly brothers start throwing beer bottles at the windshield of the truck,
01:13which angers Joey and he fights back, hitting their truck and almost knocking them off the road.
01:18After this incident, Joey returns home and his father scolds him for his attitude,
01:22as they need this job to support themselves. Joey promises that it won't happen again,
01:27so his father takes him to show him the new truck he's bought. He also offers his son a
01:31partnership in his new business, where the two will work together as partners and independently.
01:36This proposal makes the young truck driver very happy and the two go home to celebrate
01:40Kristen's birthday, Joey's younger sister. However, he has to leave soon afterwards to
01:45meet his girlfriend, Misty. The couple go for a drive in their new truck and Misty warns Joey
01:50that he shouldn't work for Tiny. The reason is that he and his sons often bother people on the
01:54road and have even caused accidents with victims, because they always drive drunk. Joey justifies
02:00himself by saying that he and his father only work for the money and warns Misty to stay away
02:04from Tiny and his sons. After this conversation, the two go on their romantic date, until it's
02:10time to leave Misty at home. Nearby, Big Joe puts his daughters to bed and returns to the bedroom,
02:15where he talks to his wife, Kathy. He's worried about Joey's future,
02:19but she calms him down and gives him a jacket with the logo of his new delivery business,
02:23which makes Big Joe very happy. The next day, he leaves for another job with Joey,
02:28while his wife and daughters go for a drive. Unfortunately, in the middle of the road,
02:33they end up crossing paths with Tiny's sons, led by their older brother Vic. As usual, they are all
02:38drunk and start harassing Kathy, even though they know there are two children in her car.
02:43The woman tries to overtake them, but the group stops her and starts throwing beer bottles at her
02:47windshield. Kathy is forced to stop and Vic not only drives up to her car and smashes the window,
02:53he tries to kiss her. Kathy bites the man and speeds off down the road. Unfortunately,
02:58the group of rioters speeds up even more and starts ramming into the back of the family car.
03:03Eventually, they end up side by side with Kathy's vehicle, which tries to escape,
03:07but there's no way out. Worst of all, Tyler appears in front of them, driving his truck
03:12in the opposite direction. Kathy turns the car around to flee along the roadside,
03:16but it's too late and the truck slams into the vehicle, which flips off the road,
03:20ending the lives of the family. Faced with this terrible event,
03:23Big Joe and his sons say goodbye to their family. At home, Joey receives a visit from Misty,
03:29who tries to comfort him, but she soon has to leave, as she realizes that her boyfriend will
03:34need time to deal with this loss. However, for Big Joe, this tragedy is even worse.
03:39As he walks around the house, the old truck driver fiddles with his daughter's toys,
03:43but nothing is enough to deal with his pain. Meanwhile, in Tiny's bar, the man scolds his
03:48sons for the crime they committed. He ends up having a fit of rage in front of everyone,
03:53but quickly disguises it, as he needs to keep up appearances so that his drinks business isn't
03:57ruined. A few days later, his eldest son Vic is brought to court to stand trial for the
04:02perishment of Kathy and her daughters. In his testimony, he tries to blame his wife and denies
04:07being under the influence of alcohol, which infuriates Big Joe and he accuses him of lying
04:12to the judge. However, for interfering with the hearing, the judge tells him to sit down
04:17and wait for the decision. Next, it's Tyler's turn to testify and although he's willing to
04:21tell the truth, the lawyer pressures him to talk about whether Vic and his brothers sped up the
04:26car, thus causing the accident. Tyler is unable to say this for sure, which undermines his testimony.
04:32Finally, with all the parties heard, the judge decides that there is no proof of Vic's intention
04:36to cause the accident and so he is sentenced only to a fine of $300 and one year in jail.
04:42Big Joe can't accept such a small punishment for the man who eliminated his family,
04:46but the judge only gives him the option of appealing the sentence and nothing more.
04:50Unhappy with this injustice, he and Joey leave the courtroom and Tyler tries to explain himself
04:55to his friend, but Joey doesn't want to hear what he has to say. Outside, Tiny and his sons
05:00mock Big Joe and dismiss his services. This taunt only fuels the old truck driver's anger,
05:05and as he continues down the road, he decides to stop off at Tiny's bar. When they get there,
05:11Big Joe hides a huge wrench in his boot and orders two shots for himself and his son.
05:15Shortly afterwards, Tyler passes the same bar with his truck and, on seeing Big Joe's car,
05:20he quickly deduces that Joey and his father need help. His suspicions are confirmed when Vic,
05:26along with his brothers, again make fun of the situation and pour a glass of beer over Joey.
05:31The young man doesn't take it lightly and elbows the man in the nose,
05:34while his father punches the other brother in the face. An intense fight breaks out and
05:38Tyler arrives just in time to help Big Joe, who is punched and thrown against the table.
05:43Tyler then goes after the guy who hit his best friend's father and throws a series of punches
05:48at him. Seeing the mess the bar has become, Tiny grabs his gun and threatens to shoot Tyler.
05:53However, Big Joe gets up and disarms him with his wrench, while Tyler seizes the chance and
05:58grabs the gun, threatening everyone inside. When the fight is over, Big Joe leaves,
06:03along with Tyler and Joey, who thank their friend for his help. However, Vic and his
06:08brothers swear revenge on the three of them for the humiliation they put them through.
06:12The next morning, the brothers go to a bridge on the highway, where they wait for Big Joe
06:16and Joey's trucks to pass by. When they do, the five troublemakers throw chunks of concrete in
06:21front of Big Joe's truck, which loses control and flips off the road. Joey runs desperately
06:27to help his father, who has been seriously injured. He takes him to the hospital and there,
06:31while Big Joe is under observation by the doctors. Joey suspects that Tiny and his sons have done
06:36this to his father and vows to take revenge. The young man returns home and starts modifying his
06:42truck. He works day and night on this project, collecting various parts from the junkyard to
06:46make it more powerful. After days of hard work and dedication, Joey finishes his newest vehicle,
06:52a full-powered monster truck. With everything ready, it's time for a test drive and Joey
06:57decides to use Tiny's bar as a practice track. When he gets there, he promptly drives his truck
07:02over all the used cars that Tiny was planning to sell, leaving them in pieces. Because of the
07:07noise in the bar, Tiny and his sons have no idea what's going on outside and continue to have fun
07:12inside. Finally, Joey runs over Tiny's private car, leaving it completely crushed. After giving
07:18the guy everything he deserved, Joey returns home with his monster truck and before entering the
07:23house, he receives a visit from Misty. She asks why Joey has been missing these days and tells him
07:29that she has to leave to study in another city. Joey doesn't want to prevent her from having a
07:33better future, but he can't let her go and apologizes for his absence. The two reconcile
07:38with a kiss and before saying goodbye, they enjoy a romantic moment during the night.
07:42The next day, the police are at Tiny's bar, investigating who might have smashed up his cars.
07:47The town sheriff, named Sullivan, interrogates the bar owner about who might have done it.
07:52He also says that he suspects it may have something to do with the supposed accident that
07:56Big Joe had on the road. Tiny just shrugs it off and returns to the bar, where his sons are waiting
08:02for him to find out what should be done. The old man believes that it was Tyler who did it,
08:06because as well as being friends with Big Joe and Joey, he pointed the gun at him during the
08:11bar fight. So he calls Vic in for a private chat and tells him to resolve the matter,
08:15using whatever means necessary. Vic accepts this mission with pleasure and, when night comes,
08:20he orders his brothers, Brian and David, to look for Tyler on the road. Without much difficulty,
08:25they find him and, while David drives the van, Brian pulls out a shotgun and fires shots at
08:31the truck. Tyler gets scared and tries to push the van off the road, but the brothers swerve
08:35and follow in pursuit. At a crossroads, the two of them force Tyler's truck onto another road and
08:40continue on his tail. The truck driver then uses his communicator to call for help and his call is
08:46picked up by Joey's radio, who immediately sets off in his monster truck to save him.
08:50In the meantime, Tyler tries to resist as best he can, pushing the van onto the shoulder,
08:55but the brothers are more agile and manage to swerve. If the situation wasn't critical enough,
09:00they manage to hit the front wheel of the truck, forcing Tyler to stop in the middle of the road.
09:05With nowhere to run, the young truck driver hides in the cab while Brian and David fire
09:10shots at the truck. They have fun with the situation until suddenly, a strong light is
09:14emitted from the road. It comes from Joey's monster truck which, without a second thought,
09:19runs over Brian with its giant wheels, eliminating him for good. David runs to the van and tries to
09:25escape down the road, but Joey has no intention of letting him get away. David accelerates the van
09:30as fast as he can, but the monster truck soon catches up with him and Joey activates a mechanism
09:35that releases a huge drill bit from the truck. With it, the young man drills into the back of
09:40the van and pulls the car door off. This attack causes the van to spin out of control and David
09:45tries to go the other way, but Joey runs over him with his truck, crushing him along with the van.
09:50Another day passes and the police try to investigate who was responsible for the
09:53elimination of the two brothers, but there are no suspects. One of the policemen even
09:58questioned Tyler, but he just claimed that a monster truck came out of nowhere and saved him,
10:02as if it were a ghost. Meanwhile, at Tiny's bar, he and his sons go to dinner,
10:07but the old man is enraged to see that they don't even respect the perishment of their brothers.
10:12In a rage, he starts throwing food at all of them and says that if they don't avenge
10:16the elimination of their brothers, he'll eliminate them himself. His children agree
10:20and Tiny says that the driver of the monster truck must be Joey, out for revenge for what
10:24they did to his family. So Vic once again promises to resolve the situation and sends
10:29his two other brothers to Joey's house. Unfortunately, Misty is also on her way there,
10:34having tried to get in touch with her boyfriend by phone, but to no avail. Minutes later,
10:39she goes to Joey's garage and doesn't find him, but Vic's brothers are already there,
10:43waiting for the truck driver. The young woman tries to get away from the criminals,
10:47but they capture her and attack her in the middle of the field, with no one around to help her.
10:52Shortly afterwards, Joey drives home and hears Misty crying in the distance.
10:56He sets off after her and finds her badly injured. This becomes the last straw for Joey,
11:01who is determined to eliminate Tiny and his sons in the worst possible way.
11:05Meanwhile, the brothers who carried out this terrible attack on the girl are in their car
11:10in the middle of the countryside, celebrating the night they had. Little do they know that
11:14a gigantic monster truck is approaching, ready to destroy them. When they see the huge truck coming,
11:19the two run off at high speed down the road and hide in a cornfield. After that,
11:23they look for the monster truck, but there's no sign of it. However, it doesn't take long for
11:28Joey to show up with his powerful truck and leave the brothers' car in pieces.
11:32The two still manage to escape and go their separate ways, but Joey intends to hunt them
11:36down mercilessly. One of them tries to run through the cornfield, but ends up slipping
11:41on the ground. Joey takes this chance and runs over the guy with the giant wheels of his truck.
11:46Still missing is the second brother, who flees towards an abandoned factory. He manages to get
11:50under the huge iron gate, but that's not enough to stop a monster truck, which easily drives into
11:55the factory. Desperate, he runs through the various boxes and barrels, but again,
12:00nothing can withstand the truck's power. His only hope is to try to hide in the factory office,
12:05but when he tries to get out on the other side, he panics when he sees that the door is locked.
12:09With no escape, all he can do is await his fate and Joey then brings the office down on top of
12:14him with his monster truck, thus avenging his girlfriend. Hours later, the media question
12:19the sheriff about the victims, but he says he still doesn't know who did it. However,
12:23his colleague says that the sheriff must have a suspect in mind, but he just shrugs it off
12:28and leaves. Later, Misty is still trying to recover from what was done to her the night before,
12:33while listening to the radio in her room. She hears about the incident against the men who
12:37attacked her and soon suspects that Joey was responsible for it. She tries to call him,
12:42but he's in hospital, waiting for the doctor's diagnosis on his father. There, the young man is
12:47visited by Sheriff Sullivan, who asks him some questions about what happened to Tiny's sons.
12:52The sheriff knows that Joey was responsible and warns him that if the man continues to hunt,
12:56he will be forced to arrest him, even though he knows his motives are just.
13:00Before the conversation can continue, Misty shows up shortly afterwards to talk to Joey.
13:05The sheriff decides to leave the two of them alone, but first,
13:09he hands over his card and asks them to get in touch if they need any help.
13:13Afterwards, Misty confronts Joey about his attitudes as a vigilante and that they need
13:17to get away, otherwise he'll be arrested. The young truck driver thinks about it,
13:21but seconds later receives a call from the doctor. Unfortunately,
13:25he brings bad news as his father, Big Joe, couldn't resist his injuries.
13:29The young man, having lost his entire family to Tiny and his sons,
13:33now just wants to find those responsible and finish what he started. Misty tries to stop him,
13:38but Joey, wearing his father's jacket, sets off to complete his revenge once and for all.
13:43Worried about her boyfriend, Misty takes the sheriff's card to ask for his help.
13:48Meanwhile, in Tiny's bar, he and Vic are hiding, fearing that the monster truck will show up.
13:53The young man fears for his life and to make matters worse, his father tells him that Vic
13:57has let him down and calls him useless for letting his brothers be eliminated. Unhappy with this,
14:02Vic points his gun at his father and tells him to apologize for what he said.
14:06Even at the risk of being eliminated, Tiny is undeterred and challenges his son to shoot.
14:11As he expected, at the last moment Vic gives up and fires a shot upwards. Just then,
14:16the monster truck invades the bar and drives through it, destroying everything in its path.
14:21Vic and Tiny are unharmed, but seconds later,
14:24Joey returns with his truck and continues to destroy the entire establishment.
14:28Finally, he leaves the entire bar in pieces, just as Sheriff Sullivan appears in his car,
14:33alongside Misty. After completing his revenge, Joey gets out of the truck and finds his girlfriend,
14:39who runs into his arms, relieved that he's okay. However, behind them comes Tiny,
14:44who aims his shotgun at the young couple, but Sullivan pulls out his pistol and the two
14:48exchange fire. Tiny's shot hits the Sheriff in the shoulder, but his shot hits the bar owner in the
14:53head and he is instantly eliminated. Afterwards, Joey and Misty run to help the Sheriff, but Vic
14:58takes advantage of their distraction, gets into the monster truck and drives off. The couple try
15:03to run to the car, but before they can get in, Vic runs over the vehicle. Misty quickly hides
15:08in a nearby tunnel, while Joey lures Vic away from her, only to stumble to the ground. Vic
15:13soon drives the truck towards him, but Joey swerves and passes through the truck's wheels
15:18unharmed. The villain decides to change targets, heading for the tunnel and activating the drill
15:22mechanism to eliminate his rival's girlfriend. It gets closer and closer and Misty has nowhere to
15:28run. Fortunately, Joey manages to climb into the truck and plugs the exhaust pipe, which causes
15:33the smoke to spread inside the cab. As a result, Vic is forced out of the truck and Joey sets out
15:38to stop the man. However, the villain pulls him by the leg towards the field and the two start
15:43exchanging punches and kicks, while the drill gets closer and closer to Misty. The young woman screams
15:49for help and Joey tries to help her, but Vic doesn't want to let him get away and pushes him
15:53towards the wheel of the truck. Even so, Joey manages to break free from him and throws him
15:58in front of the monster truck's tire, which runs over Vic and eliminates him forever. But there's
16:03no time to lose and the drill is almost upon Misty. At the last minute, Joey manages to climb
16:08into the cabin and disables the drill mechanism, thus saving his beloved. The fight is finally over
16:14and the police arrive on the scene to help the injured. Sheriff Sullivan is taken to the ambulance
16:18and his colleague tells him that, on investigating the monster truck, the evidence indicates that Vic
16:23was the driver who wiped out his brothers on the road. Thanks to Vic's decision to get into the
16:28truck, he ended up being framed for everything and, even though he knows it's not true, the
16:32sheriff decides to keep this story going in order to protect Joey. With everything settled, the young
16:38truck driver, together with his girlfriend, heads off down the road, certain that his family has
16:42finally been avenged. So what did you think of this movie? Leave it in the comments below. And
16:47if you liked the video, like and subscribe for more movie recaps. See you next time!
