A NERD'S OLD CAR is a MONSTER jealous of its OWNER and chases all his GIRLFRIENDS-1

  • 2 days ago
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00:00After buying an old car and rebuilding it, a young nerd is possessed by it,
00:04and now his car decides to go after all those who mistreated him,
00:07revealing itself to be a monstrous vehicle.
00:10Today we're going to recap the story of the movie, Christine, from 1983.
00:14In a car factory in the 1950s, a line of Plymouth Fury model cars is being finished.
00:19However, one of them is special, a red model, which is being inspected by one of the workers.
00:25To his misfortune, while checking the engine,
00:27the hood door closes by itself and crushes his hand.
00:30While he goes to tend to the wound,
00:32another employee inspects the car from the inside and drops ashes from his cigar on the seat.
00:37Hours pass and work at the factory comes to an end.
00:40Everyone is leaving, but the supervisor notices that the red car has its lights on and goes to
00:45check, but finds the body of the employee with the cigar.
00:48Decades later, in 1978, a student called Dennis arrives with his car at the house of Arnie,
00:53a nerdy and clumsy young man.
00:55Despite their different personalities,
00:57the two become great friends and make their way to the first day of school.
01:00There, they collect the materials in their lockers and tell the new student,
01:04Lee, appears and attracts everyone's attention with her beauty.
01:08Later, Dennis is waiting for Arnie for lunch,
01:10but discovers that his friend is being harassed by Buddy, the class bully.
01:14When he hears about this, he runs into the school workshop,
01:17just as Buddy has taken Arnie's lunch, and threatens him with a knife.
01:21Dennis tries to intervene, but the bully throws the lunch on the floor and makes Arnie slip on it.
01:26The fall leads to Arnie losing his glasses and, not satisfied with that,
01:30Buddy smashes them with his foot.
01:31The bully laughs at the whole situation, but Dennis takes advantage of his distraction
01:36and disarms him with a blow, followed by a punch right in the face.
01:39At the same moment, the rest of the gang attacks Dennis,
01:42only for one of the teachers to arrive at the workshop and tell them to stop.
01:46He soon becomes suspicious of Buddy and Arnie confirms that he threatened them with a knife,
01:50but Buddy denies everything.
01:52The teacher forces the bully to empty his pockets and then he shows him the penknife he was hiding.
01:57As a result, he and his henchmen are sent to the office.
02:00Buddy ends up being expelled from school, while his friends are sent to detention.
02:04At the end of the day, Dennis and Arnie talk about what happened, until, on the way,
02:09the young nerd sees a car in front of a house and tells Dennis to stop.
02:12They go there and find a red Plymouth Fury model car, the same one from the factory incident,
02:17but which is completely old and badly looked after.
02:20Arnie doesn't mind and becomes obsessed with the car, until its owner, old George LeBay, turns up.
02:26He says that the car is called Christine and that it belonged to his brother,
02:29who perished a few weeks ago.
02:31Because of this, the old man wants to get rid of the car as soon as possible and offers it for $250.
02:37Dennis advises his friend not to buy such a wrecked car,
02:40but Arnie closes the deal without hesitation.
02:42When evening comes, the young man returns home and tells his parents about his purchase,
02:47but his strict mother is totally against the idea and tells him to get rid of the car.
02:51The young man refuses, as he already does enough to please his parents
02:55and bought the car with his own savings.
02:57Even so, his mother remains adamant in her decision,
03:00prompting the young man to leave the house and take the car to a garage with Dennis.
03:04There, they are met by the owner of the mechanics, a grumpy old man called Will,
03:08who treats the two youngsters rudely.
03:10Despite this, he lets the young men keep the car overnight, but then tells them to go home.
03:16On the way back, Dennis asks why Arnie bought a car that's as crumbled as Christine.
03:20The young man replies that he's finally found something as ugly as himself,
03:24but that it can become something better if he puts his mind to it.
03:27Weeks go by and Arnie works day and night to fix the car.
03:30The owner of the garage continues to be rude,
03:33but he decides to hire the young man to help him in the garage and in exchange,
03:37Arnie will be able to pick up all the scrap metal he needs for his car.
03:40The young man accepts the offer and continues working on the car,
03:44without realizing that, in a mysterious way, he is becoming more and more attached to Christine.
03:49The next day, Dennis and two other friends talk about the new student and he is challenged to
03:53go and talk to her in the library. The young man accepts the challenge,
03:57but when he sits down at Lee's table and asks her out, the girl tells him she already has a date.
04:02Dennis leaves the table embarrassed by the rejection and, at the end of the day,
04:06goes to Arnie's house to talk, as they haven't been seeing each other as often.
04:10But when he gets there, Arnie is different, without his glasses,
04:13with more stylish clothes and a rebellious temper. He doesn't even want to talk to his
04:18friend and promptly leaves to go do some extra work for the shop owner.
04:21His mother tries to stop him, but the young man just ignores her and goes on his way.
04:26She then talks to Dennis and says she's worried about her son and his new car,
04:29as she's discovered that the previous owner took his own life inside the car by inhaling carbon
04:34monoxide. On hearing this, Dennis goes to old George's house and he reveals what happened
04:39to his brother. The guy says that when he bought Christine, his brother became obsessed with the
04:43car, even after his daughter and wife lost their lives in it. To make matters worse,
04:48after his brother perished, the car mysteriously turned up at George's house weeks later.
04:53This makes Dennis even more worried and, at the end of the day,
04:56he decides to go to the garage to have a look at the car. When he gets there,
05:00he tries to get into the car, but as soon as he pulls the handle,
05:03the radio starts playing and Dennis runs off before anyone sees him.
05:07The next morning, the young man goes to the school stadium to play a football match.
05:11Dennis is preparing for an important move, but in the distance, he sees Arnie arriving with
05:16Christine, fully restored, which attracts the attention of Buddy and his friends.
05:20In addition, Lee appears from inside the car and she and Arnie kiss in front of everyone.
05:25Dennis is confused and upset when he sees this and loses concentration on the game.
05:30Unfortunately, one of the rival players takes advantage of this and takes the ball from him
05:34with a blow so strong that it knocks him unconscious and seriously injures him.
05:38Days pass after this incident and Dennis wakes up in hospital with his leg in a cast and his
05:43neck fractured. At his side is Arnie, who has come to check on his friend and the two resume
05:48their old friendship. Dennis reveals that, because of what happened at the match,
05:52he'll never be able to play football again and that he almost became a paraplegic.
05:56He also asks how Arnie managed to fix Christine in such a short space of time,
06:00but his friend just says that he worked hard to do it. The conversation, however,
06:04soon changes tone and Arnie tells him that he made his parents register the car in his name,
06:09otherwise he would drop out of school. Dennis notices that his friend has changed his
06:13personality a lot and something bad seems to be growing inside him. Even so, Arnie just says
06:18goodbye to Dennis and, when evening comes, he drives Lee to a drive in movie theater.
06:23The two of them are having a romantic moment, but when everything starts to escalate,
06:27Lee backs off and gets out of the car. Arnie goes after her and the girl says she doesn't
06:32want to spend those moments in the car. What's more, the two start arguing about the fact that
06:36the young man is obsessed with Christine and pays more attention to her than to his own girlfriend.
06:41He finds this conversation absurd and convinces Lee to get in the car because of the rain.
06:45The girl agrees, but as soon as they get in, the windshield starts to malfunction and Arnie goes
06:50out to try to fix it. Just then, Lee grabs a snack to eat and the car turns on the radio by itself.
06:56If that wasn't strange enough, a strong light is emitted from the dashboard and the girl starts to
07:01feel sick, as if she's choking. She starts to run out of air and Arnie immediately runs to help her,
07:06but the car acts on its own again and locks the doors from the inside.
07:10The young man despairs and tries to open the door any way he can, but to no avail. Luckily,
07:15Lee, already out of breath, manages to pull the lock on the door and a driver standing next to
07:20her manages to open it. When he sees this, Arnie goes into a rage and attacks the guy,
07:25but the man just wants to help get the food stuck in the girl's throat out, and he succeeds.
07:30After this bizarre situation, Arnie takes Lee back home, but the girl quickly gets out of the car and
07:35doesn't want to talk. Even so, he tries to apologize, but Lee says that somehow it was
07:40the car that did this to her. Not only that, she feels that Christine seems to be jealous of Arnie,
07:45as something strange always happens when the two of them are together.
07:49Again, the young man thinks it's all paranoia on his girlfriend's part and promises that they'll
07:54talk it over the next day. Arnie then goes back to the car, only he can't start it. Instinctively,
07:59the young man tries to talk to Christine and tells her that what happened to Lee won't change
08:03anything and that she will continue to be his car. After that, he tries to start it again and this
08:08time the car works again. The two then return to the garage and Arnie leaves Christine there,
08:13but before he knows it, Buddy and his henchmen sneak into the place.
08:17After the young man leaves, the thugs go to Christine and, armed with sledgehammers,
08:21they begin to destroy the entire car. Not content with destroying the bodywork,
08:26one of the thugs starts tearing up the seats and destroys the radio.
08:29The next day, Arnie and Lee reconcile and go together to the garage so that the young man
08:34can get his wallet from the car. However, when they get there, Arnie is shocked to see
08:38Christine completely destroyed. Lee asks who did it and tries to support her boyfriend,
08:43but Arnie can't control his anger and forces her to leave.
08:47Later, during dinner, the young man tells his parents about what happened and they try to
08:51comfort him, saying that they're going to help him buy a new car. However, this only makes Arnie
08:56even angrier because he knows that his parents, like Lee, never liked Christine. What's more,
09:01he blames them for what happened because if they had let him park his car in the garage,
09:05none of this would have happened. After saying a lot of rude things to his parents,
09:09Arnie leaves the table and goes to his room, but his father goes to him and tells him to
09:14apologize to his mother. The young man continues his rebellious behavior, which forces his father
09:19to take physical action, only for Arnie to strike back and almost take his father's life.
09:24Hours pass and the young man is still obsessed with Christine. He returns to the workshop and
09:28decides to repair her, piece by piece, until she is exactly as she was before. However, he is
09:34surprised to see that the car, in a supernatural way, repairs its engine by itself. Intrigued,
09:40Arnie asks Christine to show him what else she can do and then the car begins to restore itself
09:44completely, without any effort. Later, in the middle of the road, one of Buddy's henchmen,
09:49called Moochie, hitches a ride in a truck and stops in front of a highway. The young man continues on
09:55his way until he hears the sound of a car engine in the distance. As he gets closer, he meets
10:00Christine, who pulls into the road and stops in front of the guy. Frightened, he suspects that
10:05Arnie is inside and tries to justify what he's done, but the car turns on its headlights and
10:09speeds off towards him. Moochie runs as fast as he can and manages to jump off a jam just before
10:15the car hits him. He thinks he's lost the vehicle, but Christine appears soon afterwards and gives
10:20chase. The young man continues to run away and jumps out of a gate that leads to an old warehouse.
10:25After that, he runs down a narrow path, but right behind him appears Christine,
10:30who chases him leisurely, almost as if she's having fun with the whole thing.
10:34Finally, the young man finds himself trapped without exit, with the car right in front of him,
10:38just waiting. With nowhere to go, he pulls out his pocketknife and threatens whoever is driving,
10:44but Christine starts to advance and, even though the alley is too narrow, she forces her way
10:49through and crushes the young man. The next morning, Arnie goes to Dennis' room and tells
10:53him what happened to Moochie. Dennis finds this suspicious and finds it even stranger that
10:58Christine is restored after being torn to pieces. However, Arnie just shrugs it off and leaves.
11:04On the way out, the young man is approached by Detective Jenkins, who says he's investigating
11:08who destroyed his car, as well as the perishment of Moochie, who was found with his body split in
11:13half. Arnie says he doesn't know about the young man's elimination, although he is pleased with
11:18the news. The detective begins to suspect the young man and reveals that he has heard his
11:22girlfriend Lee's testimony about what happened to the car and how, strangely, it was restored.
11:28This is the last straw for the young man, who loses patience and leaves without reporting
11:32anything else. Later, he calls Lee and tries to convince her to meet him, but the girl refuses,
11:38which only makes Arnie even angrier. Meanwhile, at a convenience store,
11:42Buddy and his friend don by some drinks and drive off down the road. Halfway down the road,
11:46a car with its headlights on starts chasing them. Buddy stops the car to see who it is,
11:51but the headlights obstruct his view. He tries to lose the car by reversing,
11:55only for the vehicle to do the same, revealing it to be Christine. Annoyed,
11:59Buddy speeds his car down the road until he stops at a gas station where his friend Richie works.
12:05He then gets out of the vehicle, pulls out a piece of iron and prepares to confront whoever
12:09is following him. Suddenly, Christine appears at high speed and, without hesitation, she crashes
12:14head-on into Buddy's car, completely crumpling the side of the vehicle. The bully suspects that
12:19Arnie is inside and dares him to confront him. However, Christine again speeds towards Buddy's
12:24car, but this time she pushes it into the workshop. At that moment, Don was inside,
12:29and he was pushed along with the car and smashed against the wall. As if that wasn't enough,
12:34the wrecked car starts leaking gasoline and the fuel reaches Richie's feet.
12:38Eventually, Buddy's car starts on fire, and when it comes into contact with the gasoline,
12:43the entire garage explodes, taking Richie with it. Seeing this tragedy, Buddy flees to save himself,
12:49but Christine comes out of the garage, covered in flames, and sets off to eliminate her latest
12:54victim. In the middle of the dark and deserted road, the flaming car watches Buddy run as far
12:59as he can. Finally, the monster car runs over its victim, leaving only the body lying on the road,
13:05covered in fire. Sometime later, Old Will hears a car approaching and,
13:09when he opens the doors of his workshop, he finds Christine, covered in smoke.
13:13The old man finds this strange, as Arnie had gone with his car to do a job he had asked for.
13:18So he arms himself with a shotgun and goes to Christine to find out who is driving.
13:23The old man approaches and tries to open the door, but the whole body is extremely hot.
13:28He uses an old rag to open it, but no one is inside. This only makes everything stranger,
13:33but even so, the man decides to get into the car to investigate.
13:36Christine takes advantage of this mistake to avoid leaving any witnesses and, as well as
13:41locking the old man in the car, she smashes him by pushing the seat against the dashboard.
13:46The next day, Arnie returns to the garage and finds several police cars inside.
13:50On entering, he comes across Detective Jenkins, who tells him that he has found his boss inside
13:55the car, lifeless. The strangest thing of all is that the situation seems to indicate that
14:00he took his own life, as his gun was with him in the car. Faced with this, Arnie says he doesn't
14:05know what could have happened, but suspects that it was Christine's doing, who once again
14:09appears completely restored. Meanwhile, Dennis returns home and receives a call from Lee,
14:14who asks to speak to him. She goes there and says she suspects that the car is somehow
14:19controlling Arnie so that he acts strangely and violently. Dennis doesn't believe that
14:23his friend is capable of doing anything bad, but if the car is controlling his mind,
14:27it must be destroyed. After the conversation, Lee leaves, but seconds later, Arnie appears,
14:33along with Christine. He calls Dennis to take them for a drive, but Arnie is once again behaving
14:38very strangely. On the way, he starts drinking more than he should, exceeds the speed limit and
14:43even lets his hands off the wheel and lets the car drive itself. This attitude makes Dennis worry
14:48and he repeats Lee's words that Arnie isn't in control of his car. However, instead of listening
14:53to his friend, the young man just tells him, in a threatening tone, that nothing and no one will
14:58stand in his and Christine's way. To prove it, Arnie accelerates the car to maximum speed and
15:03swerves into another lane, almost colliding with a car coming in the opposite direction.
15:08Seeing that his friend is on the verge of madness, the next day Dennis leaves a notice
15:12on Christine's bodywork, asking Arnie to meet him at the garage in the evening.
15:16When the time comes for the meeting, Dennis and Lee are waiting for him in the workshop,
15:20but they don't find Arnie there. So the two of them get into a nearby excavator and drive it
15:24into the workshop. The two agree that Lee will stay in the office and close the gate when Arnie
15:29arrives and, as soon as he leaves, Dennis will destroy Christine with the bulldozer.
15:34They go ahead with the plan and the girl goes to the office, but what neither of them knew was
15:38that Christine was hiding in the workshop, amidst a lot of rubble. Then the car turns on its
15:43headlights and sets out to run over the girl who, in an act of reflex, grabs onto a dangling tire
15:48and dodges just in time. However, Christine doesn't give up and sets out to attack her again,
15:53only for Dennis to put the excavator's claw in front of her and protect her from the impact.
15:58After that, Christine backs off and goes to the far side of the workshop,
16:02while Dennis drives the tractor to the opposite side. The two vehicles are positioned,
16:06one against the other, and it is revealed that Christine is not driving alone, but with the
16:10help of Arnie, completely dominated by her influence. Suddenly, the car activates its
16:15headlights and, in a matter of seconds, completely repairs itself. To make matters worse, the
16:20excavator stops working and Dennis tries to restart it. In the meantime, the car speeds
16:25off towards the office to eliminate Lee once and for all. The girl despairs and the car crashes
16:30into everything, but instead of hitting her, the impact throws Arnie through the windshield.
16:35The girl goes to see what has happened to him and Arnie scares her with a jump and grabs her
16:39by surprise. Unfortunately, his body is mortally wounded by one of the pieces of glass in the
16:44windshield. Arnie, in his final moments, tries to caress his precious car, but he can't resist
16:50his injuries and perishes in front of Christine. Helpless to do anything else, Lee flees the scene,
16:55but Christine, in a last act of revenge, backs up to try and hit the girl. At the last second,
17:01Lee manages to swerve and the car gets stuck in a column. Dennis seizes this chance and,
17:06after reactivating the excavator, he drives it towards Christine. The blow hits her hard,
17:11but the car resists and tries to get away. Christine sets off in Lee's direction,
17:15only for Dennis to use the excavator's claw and pierce the vehicle from behind. With this blow,
17:20the mad car seems to lose power and becomes disabled. Lee rushes to the excavator to join
17:26Dennis, but Christine activates again and begins to rebuild once more. So, to put an end to the
17:31evil forever, Dennis starts up the bulldozer and runs over Christine, who tries to resist,
17:36but is completely crushed. The fight is finally over and the next day, Dennis and Lee meet up
17:41with Detective Jenkins in the middle of a junkyard. There, they find Christine turned
17:46into compacted scrap metal. The danger seems to be over, except that the three of them hear a song,
17:51very similar to the ones the car used to play on the radio. Fortunately, it was just one of the
17:56junkyard workers with hysteria. Finally, the three of them leave, but they don't notice when a small
18:01piece of Christine begins to move, proving that the diabolical car is still alive. So what did
18:06you think of this movie? Leave it in the comments below. And if you liked the video,
18:10like and subscribe for more movie recaps. See you next time!
