He received the DEVIL'S POWERS to judge the SOULS of EVIL MONSTERS that HAUNT humans

  • 2 days ago
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00:00After making a pact with the devil, a stuntman is transformed into a spirit of vengeance and
00:04must face an army of demons to defeat evil and free his soul.
00:08Today we're going to recap the story of the movie, Ghost Rider, from 2007.
00:13In the towns of the Wild West, a legend arose about a ghost rider who served the devil to
00:17seek out impure souls. More than a century ago, the last knight was sent to the village of San
00:22Venganza to conclude a contract and seek out a thousand evil souls for Mephisto.
00:26But realizing the power that so many spirits together could contain, the hunter refused to
00:31hand over the contract and fled, hiding in sacred grounds where evil spirits can never set foot.
00:37In the early 1990s, an acrobat called Johnny Blaze is performing stunts in front of an audience when
00:42he gets distracted by his girlfriend and almost falls off his bike. Realizing that he was just
00:47trying to show off, Barton fights with his son and begins to have a coughing fit, leaving Johnny
00:52worried about his state of health. But when he finally gets up the courage to confront his father,
00:57Roxanne shows up and asks to talk to her boyfriend alone. Together, the two of them go under the tree
01:02where they had their first kiss and the girl tells them that her father is going to send
01:06her to live with her mother. Afraid of never being able to see her again, Johnny suggests
01:10they run away together and arrange to leave the next day. When he gets home, the young man finds
01:15his father asleep with a pack of cigarettes in his hand and decides to throw the object in the
01:19garbage can, where he finds the results of a crumpled test. Curious, Johnny picks up the paper
01:25to read it and discovers that his father has lung cancer that is spreading. While he thinks about
01:29what to do, Johnny goes to the tents to fix the bikes until he is visited by a strange man who
01:34asks him to work for him. After the young man refuses the offer, the old man asks if it's because
01:39of Barton's illness and starts talking about the horrors of cancer, leaving Johnny surprised that
01:44he knows about his father's condition. The man then says that he can cure Barton and leave him
01:48in perfect health, but only if Johnny agrees to make a pact for his soul. Thinking it's a joke,
01:54the young man smiles while the old man remains very serious and says that Barton will wake up
01:58100% healthy, stating that the only thing Johnny has to do for that to happen is to sign the
02:03contract. Curious, he picks up the parchment and begins to read until something cuts the tip of
02:08his thumb and a drop of blood falls right into the signature field, making the agreement official.
02:13The next morning, the young man wakes up from what he thinks is a nightmare and finds his father
02:18completely healthy. Excited, Barton reveals that he had cancer and had spent the last few weeks
02:23trying to pluck up the courage to tell him, but just when he decided to talk about it, his cancer
02:28mysteriously receded. Happy to finally be healthy, Barton makes plans for the future and tells his
02:33son about a number with helicopters, but notices that the young man doesn't seem as excited as he
02:37is and asks what happened. Johnny then tells him that he's going to run away with Roxanne and
02:42Barton doesn't support his son, but when he realizes that this is what he really wants,
02:46he decides to let him go and gives him the keys to his favorite motorcycle.
02:50While his son leaves, Barton goes to the arena and prepares to jump through a flaming ring,
02:55but ends up having an accident and perishes in front of the audience. Hearing the noise,
02:59Johnny runs to his father and sees the same old man from the night before, making him realize that
03:04he really did make a pact and was tricked by the devil. Blaming himself for Barton's perishment,
03:09the young man speeds towards the meeting point when he begins to have some visions and ends up
03:13at a crossroads. After the accident, Mephisto appears in front of the man and orders him to
03:18get up, saying that the perished are useless. Standing up, Johnny accuses the stranger of
03:24eliminating his father and the king of the underworld replies that the deal was only to
03:27cure Barton's cancer, but that they never talked about extending his life. Furious,
03:32the young man tries to hit the demon who mysteriously disappears, saying that one day
03:36he will need him and will come back to collect his part of the deal, but that until then Johnny must
03:41stay alive. Mephisto then touches the young man's shoulders and he begins to burn from the inside
03:46out, until suddenly it's all over and the demon disappears, allowing the young man to get up as
03:51if nothing had happened. After the entity disappears, Johnny gets on his bike and continues
03:56driving towards the tree, but instead of grabbing Roxanne to get away, he just stares at her and
04:00decides to leave on his own, spending the next few years building a successful career as an acrobat.
04:06World famous, Johnny is doing more and more dangerous stunts, and for that day's show he
04:10decides to jump over 20 trucks, but when it's time to land, he starts hallucinating the pact
04:16and ends up falling and having his helmet run over by his own motorcycle. Despite the seriousness of
04:21the accident, Johnny Blaze wakes up in a few seconds and stands up as if nothing had happened,
04:26causing the audience to go wild. While the acrobat is returning home after the show,
04:30a biker is drinking in a roadside bar when the son of Mephisto himself shows up to visit.
04:35Not knowing who he is talking to, the man tells him that this territory belongs to his gang and
04:40orders him to leave, but Blackheart is not intimidated in the slightest and pierces the
04:44human's heart with a single finger, causing the biker's body to rot from the inside out.
04:49Inside the bar, the Prince of Darkness eliminates everyone else and summons three
04:53fallen angels to serve him. Happy to see his companions again after so long,
04:57Blackheart reveals that he has come to Earth to recover the San Venganza Pact and asks for
05:02their help in the mission, saying that once they have completed the mission,
05:05they will take over the human world without anyone being able to stop them.
05:09Just then, Mephisto appears outside the bar and calls his son to ask him what he's doing on Earth,
05:14getting quite angry when he finds out about his plans. As he is not a fallen angel,
05:19Blackheart knows that Mephisto has no power over him and says that as long as he is on Earth,
05:23there is nothing his father can do to stop him, but the King of the Underworld still has one
05:28last card up his sleeve, his ghost rider. Unaware that war is about to break out,
05:33Blaze is leaving the dressing room for his next show when Roxanne appears among the paparazzi
05:37and asks if he can do an interview with an old friend. Happy to see her again,
05:41the stuntman agrees to answer a few questions and the broadcasting team makes all the preparations,
05:46but when they start recording, Johnny ignores all their questions and starts talking about
05:50their past, forcing the director to end the interview. After the conversation, Blaze invites
05:55Roxanne to watch his show and she refuses, getting into the station van and going home.
06:00Although shaken, the stuntman decides to continue with the performance and prepares to jump across
06:04an football field. To make matters worse, he adds six helicopters as obstacles along the way,
06:10precisely the number his father mentioned before he perished. Wanting to reunite with Roxanne,
06:15Johnny puts on his helmet and starts the jump ahead of schedule,
06:18accelerating as fast as he can and using nitro to jump over the helicopters.
06:22After the maneuver, the acrobat starts burn rubber and goes straight to the interstate to
06:27talk to Roxanne. But as she refuses to stop to talk to him, Blaze gets in front of the van and
06:32forces the driver to brake. After she gets out of the car, Johnny invites her to dinner and the
06:37woman makes an appointment for 8 o'clock at the restaurant in her hotel. But as he is getting
06:41ready to leave, the man notices his hands getting extremely red for no apparent reason. Startled,
06:47Blaze washes his hands, which begin to smoke, until someone calls out to him from outside.
06:52When he goes out to investigate, he finds Mephisto telling him that it's time for Johnny
06:56to fulfill his part of the bargain and destroy Blackheart, and that if he succeeds, he'll be
07:00free of the pact and have his soul back. Still angry, Johnny refuses to serve him and climbs
07:05on the motorcycle he got from his father, but Mephisto tells him he has no choice and uses
07:10his powers to make the vehicle accelerate at such an insane speed that it sets the road on fire,
07:15as well as knocking over his license plate in the middle of the asphalt. As he rides out of town,
07:20Blaze's body begins to catch fire until his skin melts, transforming him into the Ghost Rider,
07:25an extremely overpowered burning skeleton. Searching for the San Venganza Pact,
07:30Blackheart and his fallen angels go to where an old cemetery used to be and discover that the
07:34place has been moved to another address. Wanting to locate the graves, the demons find the janitor
07:39and start questioning him until the man reveals that the church has moved the building elsewhere,
07:44so they must talk to the priest to find the cemetery. With the information he wanted,
07:48Blackheart destroys the janitor's body and prepares to fight the Ghost Rider who has just
07:52arrived. With a different personality from Johnny, Mephisto's horseman orders Blackheart to go back
07:58to hell and one of the fallen angels responds with an attack that causes the biker to get his neck
08:02caught in a chain, but as he doesn't need to breathe, he gets up normally and takes the steel
08:07alloy to use as a weapon. As he advances towards his enemies, he is trapped by the water demon and
08:12finally run over by a truck driven by the earth demon, making the fallen angels think they have
08:17defeated him. Suddenly, Johnny gets out from under the truck and punches Gressle so hard that
08:22he melts part of his face, using the burning chain to heat up the earth demon's body and turn him
08:27into a limestone statue. After leaving the first angel in pieces, the biker calls his motorcycle
08:32and touches it with his hands, making the vehicle look even more insane. While Roxanne waits in the
08:37restaurant, Johnny wanders around town looking for the Blackheart when he comes across a thief
08:42trying to mug a woman. As soon as he realizes what is happening, the biker nods for the girl
08:47to leave and judges the assailant guilty, grabbing him by the neck and ordering him to look him in
08:51the eye. To defend himself, the bandit tries to stick his knife in Johnny's back and realizes
08:56that the blade has been completely melted. Analyzing the robber's soul, the biker realizes
09:01that it is stained with innocent blood and uses his powers to make him relive all the suffering
09:05he has caused, corrupting the thief's spirit and making him fall to the ground lifeless.
09:10With dawn not long away, Johnny drives to the cemetery until the sunlight completes the
09:15transformation, returning both his body and his motorcycle to normal. Exhausted, Blaze crawls to
09:20his father's grave and collapses in front of the headstone where he is found by the Gravedigger.
09:25A few hours later, Johnny wakes up feeling insanely thirsty and drinks the many mugs of
09:30water lying next to his bed. After quenching his thirst, he starts looking for his bike and ends
09:35up meeting the Gravedigger again, who reveals that it was real, ending Blaze's hopes that it was all
09:40a bad dream. While bandaging Johnny, the old man talks about the function of the riders and
09:44explains that during the day he will live his life as a normal person, but that at night,
09:49the ghost rider will appear to confront evil. With little flashes of memory, the acrobat talks
09:54about the sins he saw in the robber's soul and the Gravedigger reveals that this is the Penance
09:58Stare, the power capable of incinerating the soul of the impure. Curious, Blaze asks about the
10:04existence of other knights and the Gravedigger replies that the last one appeared 150 years ago
10:09in San Venganza, telling the whole story about the Pact of 1000 Souls. Back in town, Blaze sees
10:15all the destruction he caused during the night and finds Roxanne talking to the woman he saved
10:19the night before. After the interview, Johnny goes to the reporter to apologize and the woman
10:24refuses to listen to him, saying that her life has only improved since they split up and that
10:28she intends to keep it that way. Even though he's upset, the man refuses to answer and goes home
10:34where he starts training to control his powers, until he's visited by Roxanne who shows up wanting
10:38to apologize. As it's about to get dark, Johnny is afraid to transform in front of her and does
10:44everything he can to make her leave, but as the woman refuses, he decides to be honest and tells
10:48her that he sold his soul to the devil, as well as talking about his transformation into the Ghost
10:53Rider. Obviously, Roxanne doesn't believe the story and leaves thinking he's making excuses for
10:58abandoning her when she was young. As soon as the girl leaves, the police captain arrives with
11:03several vehicles and takes him in for questioning, saying that they found his license plate at the
11:07scene of the crime, accusing him of having eliminated the mugger, the janitor and the
11:12bikers in the bar. Realizing that his partner is getting carried away, the sergeant decides to take
11:17over the interrogation and tries to light a cigarette before asking any more questions,
11:21but the flames are always drawn in Blaze's direction. Although he finds it strange,
11:25the sergeant ignores it and starts asking him what he was doing the night before,
11:29but as Johnny insists that he is innocent, the police decide to let him spend some time at the
11:34police station. At the sight of someone famous, the other criminals approach and begin to beat
11:38Johnny up until he transforms into the Ghost Rider, knocking everyone out with a burst of
11:43flames. With the criminals on the ground, Blaze steals the jacket of one of them and melts the
11:48bars to get away, but just as he's about to get on his motorcycle, one of the cops appears to try
11:53and stop him with a baton blow. Since he has no reason to confront the officers, the biker just
11:58waves to the policemen and walks away. Outside the city, Black Heart goes to the church to ask
12:03the priest about the San Venganza Pact, eliminating the priest the moment he refuses to answer.
12:08Sensing Black Heart's presence, the Spirit of Vengeance pilots towards the enemy while the
12:13entire police force pursues him, trapping him on a bridge. With nowhere else to go,
12:18Johnny jumps into the river and starts riding on the water until he reaches an end in the street
12:22where he is attacked by Abigor, the Wind Demon. Before they can continue the battle, a police car
12:27catches up with them and the biker starts climbing up the wall of the building until he reaches the
12:31terrace. As the police continue to chase him, the biker starts to get angry and uses his chain to
12:37throw the helicopter away, scaring off the pilots so that he can fight Abigor without anyone
12:42interfering. While Roxanne and the others watch from the ground, Johnny confronts the Demon of
12:46the Winds and tries to use the Penance Stare, but as it is intangible, Abigor manages to escape his
12:52hands with extreme ease. Thinking of a way to deal with the fallen angel, Blaze sets his chain on
12:57fire and begins to twist it around his enemy, creating a whirlwind of flames that burns up all
13:02the oxygen. With this, he manages to erase Abigor from existence and begins to descend from the
13:07building, being met by dozens of police officers who aim in his direction. When she sees the biker,
13:12Roxanne recognizes Johnny and realizes that everything he said was true, but when she tries
13:17to approach him to talk to him, the policemen think the entity is going to attack and start shooting,
13:22hitting Mephista's servant with hundreds of shots. With no reason to fight the lawmen,
13:27the biker erects a large barrier of flames to keep them at bay and drives off, but unbeknownst to him,
13:32Blackheart was watching everything and realized his connection to Roxanne,
13:36making the woman his main target. When dawn breaks, Johnny goes to the gravedigger who
13:41decides to tell him a little more about the previous rider, revealing that he was a ranger
13:45called Carter Slade. Driven by greed, he ended up being arrested and spent months in jail,
13:50reaching such a level of desperation that he didn't think twice before accepting the pact
13:54with Mephisto. After becoming a ghost rider, Slade went to San Venganza and collected all the souls,
14:00but he realized how dangerous it would be in the hands of the wrong person and decided to
14:04run away with the contract, being buried with it after he perished. Knowing that Blackheart won't
14:09rest until he gets the scroll, the gravedigger says that everyone around him is in danger and
14:13Johnny gets worried about Roxanne, deciding to go back to town to see if she's okay.
14:18As soon as Blaze leaves, the gravedigger hears strange sounds outside and finds Blackheart,
14:23who begins to hit the old man to make him talk, but even after receiving several punches and kicks,
14:28the gravedigger laughs in the demon's face as he says that he will fail just like his father.
14:33While Johnny visits the station looking for Roxanne, the woman goes to the apartment to
14:37see if he's there and finds Blackheart waiting for her. Unaware that his lover is being held
14:42prisoner, the stuntman goes to his apartment and finds the girl seriously injured. As soon
14:47as he meets Mephista's son, Johnny transforms into the rider and tries to use his penance stare,
14:52but as he has no soul, Blackheart is unaffected by the power of the spirit of vengeance and
14:57manages to knock him out with ease, turning him back into his human form. Victorious,
15:02the leader of the fallen angels says that Blaze will now serve him and orders him to take the
15:06contract from the gravedigger and take it to Sanvenganza, capturing Roxanne to ensure that
15:10the human carries out his orders. Out of options, the stuntman goes to the cemetery and asks the
15:16gravedigger where the contract is, discovering that the parchment has been hidden in the handle
15:20of the shovel all this time. After handing over the object, the gravedigger says they
15:24should leave as soon as possible and transforms into a ghost rider, revealing himself to be
15:29Carter Slade. Together, the two entities approach Sanvenganza and the gravedigger says goodbye
15:35saying that this is his last transformation, handing the biker a shotgun and setting off
15:39towards the horizon on his horse. In the abandoned village, Blackheart notices Blaze approaching and
15:44orders Wallow to try and stop him, sending the water demon to surprise Mephista's horsemen and
15:49take him underwater. Even in the enemy's territory, Johnny manages to transform himself and uses his
15:55penance stare on the fallen angel, making his soul burn from the inside out. With no one else
16:00to stop him, Blaze goes to the center of Sanvenganza where Blackheart is waiting for him.
16:05Knowing that Roxanne will be eliminated if he transforms, Johnny asks Mephista's son to release
16:10the girl and shows him the contract. Making sure she's safe, he slowly approaches and hands the
16:15scroll to Blackheart, transforming into the rider as soon as the villain touches the scroll.
16:20The two entities then start battling and Blackheart manages to knock Blaze to the ground,
16:24who starts throwing fireballs at his back. With daylight about to break, the biker grabs
16:29his chain and tries to pull the Prince of the Underworld by the arm, but ends up losing the
16:33contest of strength and is thrown down a well just as dawn breaks, ending his transformation.
16:38As Johnny crawls to the shotgun, the son of Mephisto reads the contract and frees the more
16:43than a thousand corrupted souls that begin to be absorbed by him, transforming him into the Legion.
16:48Worried, Roxanne runs to Johnny and tries to convince him to run away now that Blackheart
16:53has what he wants, but knowing that he will never allow them to escape, Blaze says that he must keep
16:58his end of the bargain and takes the shotgun to shoot the demon. Even with several shots,
17:02a human weapon can't hurt a demon and Blackheart manages to take down the knight with extreme ease.
17:07With Johnny about to have his soul destroyed, Roxanne picks up the shotgun from the ground and
17:12starts firing at Legion until the ammunition runs out, making her the villain's new target.
17:17To save her, Blaze asks the girl to throw the gun and manages to turn the object into a demonic
17:22version of a shotgun that hits Blackheart and causes his body to disintegrate in flames.
17:27Even so, Legion manages to regroup the spirits and rebuild his body,
17:31which makes Johnny realize that now he finally has a soul and is susceptible to the biker's power.
17:36With that, he transforms into the Spirit of Vengeance and uses his most powerful blow,
17:41making Blackheart feel the penance stare for each of the thousand souls.
17:44In this way, Johnny manages to defeat Legion and can finally end the pact,
17:48but when Mephisto comes to finalize the deal, the stuntman refuses to give back the power and says
17:54that he will use the Ghost Rider's curse against his own creator, fighting all the evil in the
17:58world with the Spirit of Vengeance. So what did you think of this movie?
18:02Leave it in the comments below. And if you liked the video,
18:05like and subscribe for more movie recaps. See you next time!
