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00:00After hitting the road to go to their ex-girlfriend's wedding, the friends come
00:03across a monstrous driver who starts chasing them with his scary monster truck.
00:07Today we're going to recap the story of the movie, Monster Man, from 2003.
00:12In an old warehouse, an unknown man is tied to a bed with a sharp knife pointed at his eyes.
00:17However, the individual who arrested him prefers to use another method to attack him and starts
00:22turning a crank, which brings an iron crusher closer to his victim's head. The man despairs,
00:27but the creature doesn't care and just keeps turning the crank. The iron comes close to
00:32touching the victim's face, who cries out for mercy, but the criminal continues to
00:36turn it to the maximum, until the subject's head is completely destroyed.
00:40Far away, a young man called Adam is driving his car down the road, heading for a wedding.
00:45Suddenly, a masked man appears in the back seat and tries to attack him,
00:48but Adam immediately stops the car, elbows the man and runs out of the vehicle.
00:53As he leaves, he stumbles to the ground and the masked man appears,
00:57pointing a stiletto at the young man. However, instead of attacking him, the man removes his
01:02mask and reveals that he is Harley, a friend of Adam's who tried to play a joke on him.
01:06Annoyed by this, Adam threatens to leave Harley in the middle of the road,
01:10but before he can lock the car, his friend manages to get in through the passenger door.
01:14On the way, Harley mocks Adam for going to his ex-girlfriend's wedding,
01:18even after she took advantage of him while they were together. Adam tries to justify himself,
01:23but suddenly a hearse with darkened windows pulls up next to them and drives away.
01:27Despite this strange event, the two continue their journey and talk about the past.
01:32The conversation continues and Harley continues to make fun of his friend,
01:36including the fact that he writes down the mileage in his notebook,
01:39always carrying a pencil and a sharpener. However, the conversation is interrupted
01:43when they spot the body of a kitten in the middle of the road and Adam swerves to avoid hitting it.
01:48The strangest thing is that, after they pass, it is shown that the kitten was put there on purpose
01:53by an unknown person. If that wasn't strange enough, another bizarre situation occurs on the
01:58road when a monster truck appears behind Adam's car. Harley can't help himself and starts taunting
02:03the driver, but in response, he speeds up the huge truck and starts a chase on the highway.
02:08Adam hits the gas, but the monster truck is faster and starts ramming into the back of his car.
02:13The two friends panic and everything only gets worse when another car appears on the track and
02:18they are forced to swerve off the road. Luckily, the monster truck drives away,
02:22but the incident has left Adam's car defective and out of gas. Furious, the young man goes after
02:28Harley and the two start to fight, but again Adam is defeated and gives up the fight. After that,
02:33the two walk down the road to get more gas, only Adam fears that the guy in the monster truck
02:38really wanted to eliminate them. Harley thinks it's just his friend's paranoia and they leave
02:42the discussion until later, when they find a trailer in the middle of the countryside.
02:46When they get there, there's no one around and Harley takes the opportunity to get gas for the
02:50vehicle, but what neither of them realizes is that inside the trailer is a body without a head.
02:55In addition, in the middle of the field, a huge pentagram is drawn in the sand. Minutes later,
03:00the pair return with the fuel and head down the road, until they come across a beautiful girl
03:04who asks for a ride. As expected, Harley insists that they take her along, but Adam refuses because
03:10he doesn't want to be late for the wedding. Finally, the pair make another stop for gas
03:14and to go to the bathroom. Harley takes a nap in the car and Adam goes to do his business,
03:19but he is traumatized to see the filthiest toilet he has ever encountered in his life.
03:24Meanwhile, coincidentally or not, the same monster truck that chased them on the highway
03:28parks at the gas station. As Adam gets out, he sees the truck and hastily hides in the cabin,
03:33but the driver immediately gets in and tries to force the door so that he can get in.
03:37Adam doesn't see the guy, just his black boots through the gap in the box and he gets more and
03:42more nervous. Finally, the driver gives up and goes to the other cabin, but there is a round
03:47hole in the wall between them. The young man tries to look through the opening and sees a
03:51man with a deformed face, a stitched mouth and a blind eye. This terrifying sight makes the young
03:56man run out of the bathroom and he finds Harley, who had woken up and was on top of the monster
04:01truck. Not content with making fun of the driver on the road, Harley even does his business in the
04:06cab of the truck, just to provoke him. Adam sends his friend back before the stalker sees them and
04:11they set off in a hurry for the highway. Once again, the two argue over Harley's actions,
04:16but he tries to calm his friend down, saying that the driver didn't see them at the gas station.
04:21However, when he looks at the clown doll smashed on the car's antenna, he finally recognizes that
04:26he has gone too far and that the driver knows who they are. Later, the two go to an inn for the
04:31night and find out on TV about the body and the pentagram around the trailer. This news only
04:36makes Adam more nervous, until the two finally fall asleep from the fatigue of the long day.
04:41Minutes later, the young man wakes up to feel something strange in his hand. He goes to see
04:45what it is and to his horror, he realizes that he was touching the body of the cat that was on the
04:50road. He throws the poor animal away and the cat ends up on top of Harley, who was dreaming of a
04:55romantic encounter. The problem is that in the dream, he was about to kiss the girl, but when
05:00he woke up, he realized he was kissing the lifeless body of the cat. The two friends leave the hotel
05:05in despair, without even having time to change their clothes, and set off on the road again.
05:10More strange things happen and suddenly the car's tire goes flat in the middle of the road.
05:15Adam needs to change it as soon as possible, but Harley doesn't have the heart to get out of the
05:19car after what happened. However, he soon changes his mind when someone gets up from the passenger
05:24seat, leaving them both very frightened. However, the girl who was in the seat was the same girl
05:29who had hitchhiked on the road, called Sarah. The two friends decide to take her along and she
05:34falls asleep on the way. The next morning, Harley says he thinks Sarah is very pretty and wants to
05:39be with her, but Adam thinks this is inappropriate and the two argue again. Because of this,
05:44Adam loses control on the road, which causes the car to sway from side to side. Then Sarah wakes
05:50up and scolds them both for their immature attitude. She had heard the whole conversation
05:54and threatens to leave and get another ride, but the two apologize and insist that she come back.
05:59The girl accepts their apology and says she liked them, but to put an end to the arguments,
06:04she tests which of them is the best kisser. After the test, she chooses Adam and so the trio
06:09continue their journey. Minutes later, they stop to rest and Adam tries to get closer to Sarah,
06:14while Harley sleeps in the car. The girl shows that she likes him and says that she did the
06:18kiss test to teach Harley a lesson, as he was always putting his friend down. The girl decides
06:23to teach him another lesson and while Harley is asleep, she takes a pen and writes an offensive
06:28word right in the middle of his forehead. After this prank, the three of them stop off at a bar
06:33and enjoy a few drinks, except for Adam, who orders a glass of milk. During the conversation,
06:38the young man notices something strange among the guys in the bar. All of them have had their
06:42arm or leg cut off and he fears that this has something to do with the guy in the monster truck.
06:47Shortly afterwards, a guy comes over to their table and asks Sarah for a dance. The girl refuses,
06:53but the guy is insistent, so Adam tries to be brave in front of her and tells him to leave.
06:58But what he gets for it is an elbow in the chest and he falls to the ground, all sore. Sarah doesn't
07:03like this one bit and kicks him right in the lower parts. After this mess, the three of them go to
07:07sleep in an inn, with Harley going to the room alone, while Adam and Sarah go to another. There,
07:13the girl helps Adam tend to his wound and says she was impressed by his courage in the bar.
07:18The young man reveals that, despite going to his ex's wedding, he has grown very fond of Sarah.
07:23The feeling is reciprocated and the two finally have a romantic moment, without Harley to get in
07:28the way. Sometime later, the couple enjoy the rest of the evening, until they hear desperate screams
07:33coming from outside. Sarah runs to see what's going on, followed by Adam and Harley. When they
07:38get there, the three of them find the same guy who got into a fight in the bar, screaming and
07:43dragging himself on the ground. Just then, the monster truck appears again and its huge wheels
07:48run over the guy's legs, destroying them. Not content with doing that, the driver turns the
07:52truck around and heads straight for the victim, but this time he drives the wheels over his head.
07:57After this scene of horror, the trio flees the scene and the next morning,
08:01they report everything to the local authorities. However, when the police get there, they don't
08:06find the victim's body, let alone the criminal. The sheriff is furious that the three were joking
08:10and tells them to get out of there before he arrests them for it. The group continues along
08:15the road, but Adam takes a wrong turn and they end up in the middle of a forest. While he's looking
08:20at the map, one of the guys from the bar appears at the window and warns them not to stop there.
08:24In addition, he shows that on the hood of the car, a message has been written in blood that says,
08:29You are next. He suspects that the person who did this was the same one who cut off his arm
08:34and that he is known as a demon in the neighborhood because of his deformed face.
08:38The trio soon understand that he's talking about the guy in the monster truck and set
08:42off far into the forest. They finally reach a town, but the car is running out of gas and
08:46on the way, they see several bizarre scarecrows in front of the houses. Even so, the only way
08:52is forward and they stop at an old cottage facing a lake. There, the three of them grab a bite to
08:57eat and while Sarah goes to get their order, Harley takes the opportunity to apologize for
09:01the way he acted towards Adam. His friend accepts his apology and the girl soon brings their food
09:06to the table. However, when Adam takes his first bite, he feels something strange in the food,
09:12like a huge strand of hair. After removing it from his mouth, he realizes that the dish he
09:16ordered is actually made from human parts and everyone rushes back to the car. Adam speeds as
09:21fast as he can to get out of town, but Harley is startled to see the body of the victim from the
09:26night before lying next to him in the backseat. Adam stops the car and everyone is shocked,
09:31but everything gets worse when, seconds later, the creature appears in its monster truck.
09:35Adam speeds down the road, but the monster truck is getting closer and closer to catching up with
09:40him. Adam continues to concentrate on the bends so as not to overturn the car. To Harley's
09:45misfortune, every time his friend swerves the car, he is thrown into the sinister body next to him.
09:51The chase continues and the truck starts crashing into the back of Adam's car,
09:55which can't go any faster. The villain continues to push them until the group's car swerves onto
10:00another road. The friends follow this road and arrive at an abandoned farm, but the car stops
10:05working. Adam tries his best to start it, only for the monster truck to appear next to him and
10:10prepare to ram the three youngsters. Sarah panics and insists that Adam start the car now, but to no
10:15avail. Seeing that there is no more time, the girl runs out of the vehicle, followed by Adam,
10:20who tells Harley to do the same. However, Harley is trapped by the heavy body over him and can't
10:26get out. Then the monster truck jumps over the car and crushes it completely. Adam rushes to
10:31his friend's aid and luckily, the corpse crumples on him. With Sarah's help, he tries to pull him
10:36out, but the crushed roof of the car prevents him from getting out. At the same time, the creature
10:41turns its truck around and heads for the car to finish the job. Sarah quickly uses as much force
10:46as she can to push the body off Harley so that he can get out of the car more easily. After much
10:51effort, she and Adam manage to pull their friend away from the vehicle, seconds before it is
10:55crushed by the monster truck. There's no time to celebrate as the creature drives its truck
11:00towards them. The three run towards a hill and manage to climb it, leaving the truck behind.
11:05After that, they set off into a forest and believe they are safe, but soon after,
11:09the villain appears and throws Harley against a tree, leaving him unconscious. He then advances
11:14towards the couple and Adam asks Sarah to run away. Seeing his friend apparently lifeless,
11:19Adam becomes enraged and tries to confront the criminal, but he doesn't have enough strength and
11:24is forced to flee. Just then, Sarah runs into the forest, but is captured by the villain. Adam goes
11:30after her and finds the creature on a farm, with Sarah's screams being heard all over the place.
11:35The young man gathers up what courage he has left, takes a shovel he finds on the site and
11:39enters one of the houses, looking for the girl. Inside, he sees several pentagrams drawn on the
11:45wall and a destroyed body on the bed. Suddenly, the body opens its eyes and starts screaming for
11:50its brother Bob, who is none other than the creature. Adam runs away and enters a room,
11:55where he finally finds Sarah, who was tied to a chair. He helps her out of there,
11:59but the villain hears her screams and runs towards the couple. Adam quickly looks for another way
12:04out, but all the windows are blocked. The young man asks Sarah to give him the shovel so he can
12:09try to open them, but the girl laughs macabrely and hits Adam on the head. Minutes later, he wakes
12:14up on an iron bed, with Sarah turning the crank of the crusher against Adam's head. Afterwards,
12:19the destroyed body, named Fred, explains the whole story. He says that Bob and Sarah are his siblings
12:25and that one day Bob accidentally ran over him with his truck. The accident caused Bob to lose
12:30control of the car and he ended up hitting a tree and being thrown through the windshield.
12:34After the accident, Sarah sewed Bob's face shut, leaving him deformed, while Fred was revived by
12:40dark magic. What's more, in order to rebuild his body, they needed to remove pieces of people who
12:45were still alive in order to place them in Fred's destroyed body. However, Sarah has learned a new
12:50magic and will transfer Fred's soul into Adam's body, which is why she has lured the young man
12:55into this trap. The girl then prepares to complete the ritual, tearing off Adam's clothes and then
13:00picking up a huge knife. The young man tries to discreetly reach for the penknife in his pocket,
13:05but Sarah realizes what he's doing and throws it away. Finally, the villain prepared to deliver
13:10the final blow, but Adam still had another card up his sleeve. In his other hand was his pointer and,
13:16with the help of the blade, he managed to cut the rope that bound his hand. He then uses it to
13:20deliver a sharp blow to Sarah's neck, which begins to bleed rapidly. Bob rushes to help her, but the
13:26girl perishes from her wounds, making the creature furious. He advances to attack the young man, but
13:32he manages to break free and, armed with a courage he has never felt before, he takes his pencil and
13:37sticks it in Bob's eye. Even wounded, the villain tries to attack Adam and points his knife at him.
13:43At the same time, Fred manages to get out of bed, grabs a scalpel and sets out to finish Adam off.
13:48Seeing himself surrounded by the two villains, the young man surprises them with a headbutt to Bob,
13:54which drives the pencil even deeper into his eye, and then uses his knife to hit Fred and
13:58cut him in half. With the two brothers wounded, Adam takes the opportunity to escape, but Bob
14:03locks the doors and swallows the key. The villain can't see, but continues to chase Adam, while Fred,
14:09who is still alive, grabs Adam's leg and knocks him to the ground. The young man gets up, but he
14:14falls on his nose and starts to bleed. Bob can sense his presence through the blood, but Adam
14:20decides to use this to his advantage and creates a trail for Bob to follow. He leads him towards
14:25the exit, where there is a huge knife stuck in the door. Adam puts as much blood as possible on
14:30the knife to attract Bob, who heads straight for the trail to attack the young man. However, he is
14:35hit by the knife in the door and, soon afterwards, Adam picks up his pocket knife, attacking the
14:40villain and finishing him off with one last blow. Thanks to this, he manages to escape from the
14:45house and tries to recover from his injuries. However, Bob is still alive and comes after him,
14:50armed with his knife. Adam is about to be finished off by Bob, but next to him comes the monster
14:55truck, which runs over the man. Adam is afraid it's another monster, but from inside the truck
15:00emerges Harley, who had survived the attack in the forest. Now, with the monster truck in hand,
15:06Adam takes control of the vehicle and uses it to crush Bob during the night. The next morning,
15:11the danger has passed and Harley congratulates Adam on having become a braver person.
15:15Adam repays him by saying that Harley helped him with this and decides not to go to his
15:19ex-girlfriend's wedding anymore. So, with their insane new car, Adam and Harley hit the road once
15:25again, unaware that Bob and Fred are still alive and ready to take revenge on the two friends.
15:30So what did you think of this movie? Leave it in the comments below. And if you liked the video,
15:35like and subscribe for more movie recaps. See you next time!
