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00:00After being chased by an ambulance that captures people in the street and takes them to a secret laboratory,
00:05a young cartoonist investigates the appearance of this mysterious diabolical hospital car.
00:10Today we're going to recap the story of the movie, The Ambulance, from 1990.
00:14In the middle of the streets of New York, a comic book artist called Josh goes to lunch with his friend.
00:20On the way, they chat about Spider-Man stories, until Josh sees a young woman pass by,
00:25who had caught his eye the other day, and gathers the courage to talk to her.
00:28After following her down the street, the designer catches up with her,
00:32introduces himself, and then asks her out. As expected, the young woman doesn't accept
00:37the invitation from a stranger, but Josh does everything he can to break the ice and
00:41gradually wins her over. On the way, the young woman begins to feel ill due to her diabetes
00:46and collapses in the middle of the street. Josh immediately helps her and promises to
00:50stay by her side, but nearby, an unknown man sees what has happened and, from inside his limousine,
00:56sends for an ambulance. Minutes later, the ambulance arrives at the scene and takes the
01:00young woman away, who finally reveals her name, Cheryl. Josh is willing to accompany her,
01:05but the nurses won't let him in, but he promises to meet her at the hospital after the service.
01:10Hours later, Josh is at his workplace, which is none other than Marvel Comics.
01:15After finishing his shift, he asks Stan Lee himself to leave early because he's meeting
01:19his new friend in hospital. The head of Marvel allows him to leave and Josh finally arrives at
01:24the hospital, carrying a bouquet of flowers for Cheryl. He asks the attendant about her,
01:29but there's no one there by that name or description. He then talks to one of the nurses,
01:33who tells him to look for his friend in a nearby hospital. Josh follows the advice,
01:38but when he gets there, no one knows about the girl and things only get more complicated,
01:42as he doesn't know her surname. Unfortunately, Cheryl has been captured and taken to a secret
01:47laboratory where a mysterious doctor is experimenting on his victims. The girl screams
01:52for help, but she's trapped on a stretcher and the doctor covers her mouth so as not to agitate
01:56the other patients. Meanwhile, Josh goes to the police station and tells the whole story to Frank,
02:02a grumpy lieutenant who isn't a big fan of comic books. Even so, Josh hands him a sketch of Cheryl,
02:07along with a drawing of the ambulance that took her. However, as he doesn't know her surname,
02:12neither his testimony nor the drawings are of much help to the investigation.
02:16Josh then leaves the police station, but before he does, he is approached by police officer Sandra,
02:21who promises to help him, as long as he gets more evidence. Josh promises to gather evidence
02:26about the suspicious disappearance, but the next day he calls the city's hospitals,
02:30but no one knows Cheryl's whereabouts. This situation makes him nervous,
02:34which also ends up affecting his work at Marvel. Stan Lee reprimands him for this,
02:39saying that Josh is late delivering the stories of the publisher's new superhero,
02:43Doctor Strong. The artist promises he'll get everything done on time and his boss tells him
02:48he'd better, or he could miss out on a great opportunity at Marvel. Josh continues with his
02:52work, but during his break, he goes around New York showing posters of Cheryl, hoping
02:57that someone will know where she is. After a lot of searching, he finally finds the young
03:01woman's roommate who, coincidentally, is also diabetic and, when she hears about it, calls
03:06Cheryl. Unfortunately, Josh's story proves to be true when his friend hears a message on her
03:11answering machine, in which Cheryl asks for help. After that, the roommate asks Josh to go with her
03:17to a stable at night, where Cheryl works to earn extra money. The girl goes in to see if her friend
03:22is there, but she is captured inside the stable and screams for help. The cartoonist rushes to
03:27help her, only for the ambulance that captured Cheryl to come through the gate at the same
03:31moment. Luckily, Josh manages to swerve before being run over, but the ambulance also picks up
03:36the girl and takes her to the doctor's lab. Josh then returns home and tries to contact Lieutenant
03:41Frank during the night, but the officer doesn't return his calls. The next morning, the cartoonist
03:46wakes up tired and drinks some milk, but as he does so, he begins to feel very ill. He leaves
03:51the apartment and asks the neighbors for help, but his situation becomes so serious that they decide
03:56to call an ambulance. Fearing that it's the same ambulance that picked up Cheryl and her friend,
04:01Josh refuses to go, but the nurses soon show up and take him away on a stretcher.
04:06When he wakes up in hospital, Josh has a nervous breakdown and tries to run away,
04:10but Lieutenant Frank appears shortly afterwards and controls the situation.
04:14With everything explained, Frank says he will leave Josh in the care of the hospital supervisor,
04:19as he still has more questions to ask. What's more, Josh's unconvincing story about the missing
04:24girls has made him one of the suspects in the case. With no other choice, Josh is forced to
04:29stay in the hospital bed and soon meets his roommate. The guy is an old man called Elias,
04:34who has been in the hospital for years, but was once an investigative journalist.
04:38He heard the whole conversation and suspects that the young cartoonist is the main suspect
04:42in the disappearances. Josh tries to convince him that Cheryl was picked up by an ambulance,
04:47just like her friend in the stable, but the old man doesn't believe it. Their conversation is
04:52interrupted by the hospital supervisor, who gives Josh a sedative to help him sleep at night.
04:57Hours later, an ambulance arrives at the hospital, bringing along a policeman,
05:01who asks where Josh is. He says that the patient will be transferred to another hospital and the
05:06supervisor asks for the documents to authorize the transfer. The policeman goes to get the
05:10papers and the woman grabs a coffee from the kitchen, but he takes advantage of her distraction
05:15and uses his baton to attack her. After that, two more henchmen appear, dressed as nurses,
05:20and go to Josh's room to take him away. The cartoonist is still unconscious because of the
05:25sedative and the nurses easily place him on the stretcher, but old Elias finds this strange and
05:30runs up to the guys, demanding an explanation. The policeman soon joins the nurses and tries
05:35to stop the old man, but Elias is undeterred, activates the fire alarm and goes after the
05:40three of them alone. The confusion causes all the patients to leave their rooms, forcing the
05:44policeman and the nurses to flee, while Elias takes Josh back to his room. Shortly afterwards,
05:50a hospital nurse appears and asks if they know what happened, but Elias disguises it by saying
05:54that neither of them has left the room. The nurse then tells them that the supervisor is missing and
05:59the strangest thing is that she left her insulin injection on the counter. Upon hearing this,
06:04Josh soon notices a pattern between her, Cheryl and her roommate, as all three of them were
06:08captured by the ambulance and were diabetic. Elias then decides to help Josh solve this case,
06:13as it could lead to the best news story of his career. The two change clothes and head out the
06:18door of the hospital, but on the way, they run into a guard. Elias quickly pretends to be grieving
06:23over the perishment of his supposed wife, while Josh poses as his son and, thanks to this farce,
06:29they both manage to get past the guard. Outside the hospital, the pair take a cab to the New York
06:34Post to research cases of missing diabetics. When they get there, they come across an ambulance
06:39parked nearby and Elias calls Josh to investigate the car. As they approach, the two notice that no
06:44one is around and Elias tries to take pictures with his old camera, but it doesn't work. While
06:49he tries to fix it, Josh goes to a public phone and calls Lieutenant Frank. The sketch artist passes
06:54on the information to the policeman and in the meantime, Elias fixes his camera and goes off to
06:59take pictures of the ambulance by himself. After recording everything on the camera,
07:03the old man prepares to return, but a strange green light illuminates his face and it comes
07:08from inside the ambulance. From inside the car, the two nurses and their colleague,
07:13who was previously disguised as a policeman, appear. The three of them force Elias to hand
07:18over the camera, but he prefers to throw it into the river and punches one of the men in the face.
07:23Despite his courage, the trio leave him unconscious and put him in the ambulance.
07:27Minutes later, Josh finishes talking to the lieutenant and looks for Elias, but soon realizes
07:32that his friend has been captured. Even so, the old man still left the photographic film at the
07:37crime scene, so that Josh can develop the photos for the police. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Frank is
07:42about to arrive at the location informed by Josh, but halfway there, he sees the ambulance leaving
07:47at high speed and begins to chase it. Frank quickly sets off his car's siren and forces
07:52the ambulance to stop on the roadside. After that, he orders the guys to open the back doors
07:57and show the patient, who is completely covered in a white bag. The lieutenant removes the blanket
08:02and finds another nurse, who wakes up and attacks the policeman with a knife in his chest.
08:06Frank falls wounded and the trio escape in the ambulance, but the policeman gets up,
08:11grabs his pistol and starts shooting at the vehicle. The ambulance then turns around and
08:15speeds towards the policeman, who continues to shoot, but is run over and falls lifeless to
08:20the ground. The nurses then place his body on the stretcher and flee back to the laboratory.
08:25Meanwhile, Josh returns to the Marvel Studio and is soon visited by police officer Sandra.
08:30She tells him that Frank is missing and Josh believes that, on the way to find him,
08:34the ambulance probably captured him, just as it did Elias. The policewoman then calls the police
08:39station, asking for information on the registration of the ambulance and is told to look for it in a
08:44junkyard in the city. The next morning, Josh goes there and gets a list of the cars that have been
08:49there. Thanks to this, he finds the license plate number of the ambulance, along with the owner's
08:54address and goes to a public telephone to tell Sandra everything. She says she'll check whether
08:58the information is true or not. After the call, Josh leaves the phone booth, but to his misfortune,
09:04he finds himself surrounded by a gang of young thugs. The cartoonist tries to defend himself,
09:09but he is outnumbered and soon knock him down with several punches and kicks,
09:13leaving him unconscious. Hours later, Josh wakes up injured and to make matters worse,
09:18the dreaded ambulance shows up to take him away. He tries to resist, but he's too injured and the
09:23nurses easily strap him onto the stretcher. Josh fears for the worst, but the same gang that
09:28attacked him earlier reappears to see what's going on. Josh seizes the opportunity and tries to
09:33provoke the thugs, saying that the ambulance has invaded their territory and that they may have
09:37valuable medicines inside the car. The gang falls for it and, even though the nurses tell them to
09:42get lost, the thugs start attacking them. Unfortunately for them, the supposed nurses
09:47are much stronger and beat up the whole gang. Josh's plan doesn't work and he is put into the
09:52ambulance, which speeds off down the road. As a result, the car starts to sway and a
09:56suitcase that was next to Josh falls next to him. Even though he's tied up, Josh manages to grab
10:02the case with his foot and uses his mouth to pull something out that might help him get free.
10:06However, all he finds is a jacket with the name Vint on it and then his only chance is to force
10:11the stretcher against the ambulance doors in order to get out. After a lot of effort,
10:15he manages to open the doors and, when the ambulance goes up a hill, he climbs out of the
10:19car. However, he is still trapped in the stretcher and it speeds off down the road. In front of him,
10:25two cars are passing at a crossroads and luckily Josh overtakes them, escaping unharmed.
10:30Finally, the stretcher collides with several garbage cans and overturns on the ground,
10:34but this blow is enough to loosen the restraints and Josh manages to free himself.
10:39Even so, the nurses notice that he has escaped and run to catch him. The designer runs towards
10:44a factory and inside, he asks one of the workers for help, who tells the intruder to get out of
10:49there. Soon afterwards, the two nurses also enter the factory and the worker tells them to leave,
10:54but they soon finish the guy off. After that, they go back to chasing Josh, who goes down a spiral
10:59staircase and hides in the middle of huge iron tunnels. One of the nurses follows him and finds
11:04him between the pipes, but thanks to the narrow space, Josh manages to defend himself with punches
11:09and kicks. With the nurse bewildered, Josh runs to the end of the tunnel and throws himself against
11:14the iron railing in order to get out. He falls with it on the other side of the road and narrowly
11:19misses being hit by two cars passing by. After this scare, Josh continues to run towards a park
11:25and, ironically, he finds himself at the scene of another crime, where the police are investigating
11:30the perishment of a young woman. The sketch artist shouts for help and the two detectives,
11:34McCloskey and Ryan, believe he is a possible witness. They take him to the police station
11:39and Josh explains that he was running away from two nurses who captured people in an ambulance,
11:44but the detectives want to know about the crime in the park. Seconds later, Sandra shows up at
11:49the police station to talk to Josh, but the detectives prevent her from interfering in the
11:53interrogation. Even so, she says she's discovered that 11 diabetic people have been captured in
11:58recent weeks and that this has something to do with the ambulance case. The detectives then let
12:02her talk to Josh for a few minutes and he tells Sandra about the jacket with the letters VINT
12:07which he found in the ambulance. Sandra promises to investigate further, while Josh continues at
12:12the police station. Meanwhile, in the secret laboratory, the mad doctor keeps Elias strapped
12:17to the stretcher. The old man questions the intentions of the doctor, who says he is bound
12:22by the limits of modern medicine and therefore secretly carries out his experiments on diabetic
12:26patients in order to profit from the results. Elias says he's not diabetic, but the doctor
12:32wants to use him as collateral to publicize his scientific experiments when the time is right.
12:36The old man tries to resist, but the doctor punches him in the face and injects him with
12:41a substance that makes him squirm in pain. Far away, Sandra continues to search for clues in
12:46the police files. She accidentally spills coffee on the papers, but while trying to clean it up,
12:51she finds a reference to the word VINT, which doesn't refer to a person, but to a nightclub
12:56called Vintage. The policewoman goes there and, as she feared, finds the dreaded ambulance inside
13:01the nightclub. Immediately, she calls the police station and asks for help, but the person who
13:06answers is Detective McCloskey, who doesn't want to hear the story and hangs up the phone.
13:11Even though Josh asks to speak to her. Instead, he and his colleague continue to insist that Josh
13:16give his statement about the crime in the park and the cartoonist decides to play their game.
13:20He says that it was the two nurses Sandra is investigating who eliminated the girl in the
13:24park and that they need to go to the nightclub where she is. The detectives agree to take him
13:29to the nightclub and have to hurry because Sandra is in trouble. In the middle of the crowd, two
13:33guys try to catch her eye and, to disguise it, she agrees to dance with one of them. However,
13:38the guy shows that he wants to be more intimate than he should and Sandra finishes him off by
13:42head-butting him in the nose. Afterwards, she goes to the microphone, introduces herself as
13:48a policewoman and asks for everyone's help in finding the ambulance criminals. The nightclub
13:52patrons think it's all a hoax, but Sandra shoots several times into the air with her gun to prove
13:57she's not joking. Minutes later, the detectives arrive at the scene and Josh leaves as soon as
14:02possible to find Sandra. Inside the nightclub, he sees the policewoman and runs over to her,
14:07but just as he does, the ambulance speeds towards him, driven by the mad doctor. Josh
14:12narrowly manages to escape, but the ambulance comes back to crush him and he is forced to
14:16swerve quickly. The doctor starts driving the ambulance all over the nightclub, destroying
14:21everything around him and running over everyone who crosses his path. Finally, he finds himself
14:26surrounded by several armed police officers and is forced to flee, driving his car through the
14:31wall and out onto the road. The doctor has left, but Sandra, Josh and the two detectives decide to
14:36look for evidence on the second floor of the nightclub. There, they find the doctor's secret
14:41laboratory and some nurses show up with guns, but Sandra and the other cops eliminate them all.
14:46After that, they find dozens of hospital beds and in them are the victims of the doctor's
14:50experiments. After searching them all, Josh finally finds Cheryl in bed and is happy to
14:55see her safe. The young woman says that the doctor injected her with a chemical substance,
14:59but her body rejected it and she could perish. Josh promises that the doctors will take care of
15:04her and then Cheryl thanks him and, to his unpleasant surprise, she asks Josh to call her
15:09boyfriend and let him know that she's okay. Devastated to learn that the girl was already
15:13engaged, Josh nevertheless promises to pass the information on to him. The designer goes to
15:18another part of the lab, disappointed, and Sandra tries to comfort him, showing that she has feelings
15:24for him. She says she's going to call Cheryl's boyfriend herself, but on one of the pillars,
15:28one of the ambulance nurses appears, disguised as a policeman. He rushes Sandra and threatens
15:34to hit her with a knife, but the policewoman counters with a sharp blow that leaves him
15:38bewildered. The undercover cop tries to fight back, but at the same moment, Elias appears,
15:43pounces on the man and knocks him to the ground. Josh is happy to see that his friend is okay and
15:48Elias soon promises to work on his news story, which is sure to win him an important prize.
15:53Shortly afterwards, Josh and Sandra leave the detectives to investigate the scene and go to
15:58rest for the night. However, the two decide to go out in style and take a limousine to the
16:02designer's apartment. On the way, Josh also shows that he has grown fond of the policewoman over
16:07the course of this adventure and the two of them head to the apartment to enjoy the moment.
16:11However, Josh loses his keys when he's attacked by the Junkyard Gang and,
16:15to make matters worse, the ambulance reappears and hits him and Sandra on the sidewalk.
16:20The policewoman falls unconscious, but Josh gets up and tries to run down a dark alley.
16:25The ambulance follows in his wake and he tries to escape by jumping out of a dumpster,
16:29but the doctor crashes his car into it, knocking Josh onto the hood. The doctor continues to
16:34accelerate the ambulance while attacking Josh with his hand through the windshield.
16:38Josh manages to break free and continues running down the street until he comes up against a huge
16:43fence. He manages to climb it and sees, on the other side, a huge hole in a construction site.
16:49Then the doctor appears with the ambulance in front of him and warns him,
16:52through the car's microphone, that he will make him pay for interfering in his plans.
16:57Josh takes advantage of the fact that the villain doesn't know what's on the other side
17:00of the fence and taunts him, daring him to run him over. The doctor decides to grant his wish
17:05and speeds the ambulance towards the fence, but when he crosses it, the car crashes into
17:09the hole and the ambulance explodes completely due to the impact. Finally, the danger is over
17:14and Josh is taken to the ambulance, which this time is a real one. There, he meets Sandra who,
17:20although injured, is safe on the stretcher. The two decide to end the evening with a kiss,
17:24but the restraints on the stretcher prevent them from getting any closer.
17:28So what did you think of this movie? Leave it in the comments below. And if you liked the video,
17:32like and subscribe for more movie recaps. See you next time!
