Mondo Halloween II Michael Myers Soft Vinyl Figure
00:00He's a little limited on movement, but Myers doesn't really move much anyways.
00:05Here's a look at the Mondo Halloween II Michael Myers 10-inch soft vinyl figure.
00:23Terrorize Haddonfield with Halloween II Michael Myers soft vinyl figure, inspired by 20th
00:28Japanese soft booby. The premium swivel articulated figure comes complete with
00:33swappable portraits and weapons from the 1981 film. Just before we check out the details on
00:38the six points of Michael Myers, let's first take the tape measure and let's see how tall
00:44the figure stands. While I'm doing this as well, I'd like to thank the folks over at Mondo that
00:47were kind enough to provide this sample we could have a look at. Hey, the Halloween II Michael
00:51Myers soft vinyl figure is still currently available over on their site for $95. Michael
00:55Myers though is going to stand at nine and a half inches in height, so you can even see it for
01:00yourself. That though translates to a figure that's 24 centimeters tall. As for the heights
01:05of Halloween Michaels, here's the one from NECA. The ultimate released Michael Myers from Halloween
01:09II, also from Halloween II, goes only to about the mid-bicep of the one we get from Mondo.
01:14Using what seems to be the same mold, Mondo's made two Michael Myers available on their site.
01:19Unfortunately though, while we're looking at the regular version that still is fully stocked,
01:22they have also put out a gamer variant edition that trades in the blue navy coveralls in favor
01:27of purple, and instead of his pastel white mask, he has a bright blue mask instead. It looks very
01:32similar to NES Jason Voorhees. Unfortunately though, this is the only one that's available
01:36on their site because the gamer edition was selling for the same $95. It seems what I can
01:41tell to have the exact same accessories, including the following. Michael Myers first of all comes
01:46included with a syringe. The gamer version of this is also going to have this syringe in green.
01:51The actual same could be said for the butcher knife. The syringe is very blocky, very stocky.
01:55It looks like it's been cast here in silver plastic. When you are fitting in his hand,
01:59by the way, he only has the means on one side to hold any of the two accessories.
02:03The other hand is just a relaxed hand, so he's not going to be doing much over there. Simply just
02:07take the figure, and I find it actually is easy when you take the syringe, put it down from the
02:11top. I wouldn't normally recommend this for somebody that's trying to hold a syringe. Don't
02:14ever put the needle down first, but in this case for Michael Myers, he's not going to feel the pain
02:18anyways. Just simply slide it down his hand. He's ready to go. With the actual butcher knife,
02:24let's just grab that right now. It looks to be cast in pretty much the same kind of plastic,
02:27although this time around we get ourselves a black handle. Caution though should be made when
02:32it comes to putting this into his hands. I have noticed already putting the handle side down
02:37first. Obviously you don't want to put the blade side down, but I've noticed those sliding into
02:41his grip. I don't know if it's some of the paint from inside his palm or it's actually some of the
02:45paint that's flaked off the handle. But again, when you are sliding in place, just be kind of
02:50careful when you're putting it in there. And of course Michael Myers can either have the blade
02:53down, or if you prefer you can also have the blade up as well. It does though bring one thing to my
02:58attention is the fact that neither one of these accessories are bloody, nor is his mask. I'm sure
03:03there is an opportunity on the table that Mondo down the road could release a bloodied variant
03:07of Michael Myers with perhaps the blood trickling down his eyes, and maybe then could be also an
03:12opportunity where they can add some blood on the end of the blade. Just kidding, just kidding.
03:17Among the other things that come in clear with Michael Myers, one thing that's kind of neat is
03:20he also comes in clear with a Ben Tramer head sculpt. If you are good at customizing, because
03:25I don't think again they probably could get the license for the 1978 film, talented painters I'm
03:30sure could probably go easily in there and paint the eyebrows, paint the rest of the hair all in
03:34jet black, and instantly, I mean short of obviously the sideburns are still there, but you could get
03:40yourself a somewhat serviceable 1978 Michael Myers. Either way though if you didn't want to
03:45change out the head sculpts, first of all let's kind of look at the head that we get here for the
03:48stock Michael Myers. A classic looking Dick Warlock Michael, short of again like just the bleeding
03:53eyes, it looks fantastic. If you like kind of more the stylized look to Michael Myers, I think they've
03:58really done a nice job on this. You can even see the point where they've ripped off the sideburns,
04:02a little bit of an outline going there as well, and you can almost even make out that there's some
04:06eyeballs inside the sockets of what seems to be the darkest eyes, the devil's eyes. But if you did
04:13want to change out the heads, it's just a case of grabbing onto the head that he has and just sort
04:17of twisting it off. Now I've noticed though, removing this from Michael Myers's body, it's not
04:22the easiest thing to do. I find it actually, and you probably already saw this, it's sometimes even
04:27easier if you just twist the head around and when you get to about this point, it kind of helps to
04:31give a little bit of leverage just to pop it off the ball joint. It's not even really just a ball
04:35joint, it's a peg. And again, we'll just take the Ben Tramer head, kind of just twist it back in place.
04:40If you're having a tough time doing this, by the way, I would always really recommend heating this
04:44with hot water. I haven't heated it up with hot water. Hindsight though, looking at this now, I
04:49probably should have heated it just prior to hitting record. But that's though what the Ben
04:52Tramer head sculpt looks like. Going though back to the Michael Myers head, so you can see the
04:56differences there. Very somewhat similar, but again, if you kind of want the more classic look of the
05:0178 film, I'm sure though you could probably go in there and paint it. I'm not going to do that. I'm
05:05not a very talented painter, but I'm sure the option is available if you want. Let's go ahead
05:10and just remove the head of Tramer and put it off to the side with the burning wreckage. Did they
05:14ever really put out that fire? I don't think they did. And then just put on Michael Myers's stock
05:18head, which again is a little on the harder side to do. There we go. Here we go. I'm gonna make sure
05:24it's all the way on there. Again, I would really recommend probably heating this up every single
05:28time you're putting the new head in place. The head though is considerably larger than the rest
05:32of his body. He sort of does have a very simple looking build of body. His articulation also
05:38follows that as well. I mean, he's pretty much limited when it comes to the posability, but just
05:42before we kind of get down to looking at that, one last chance to show you guys a super cool looking
05:46Michael Myers. If you again like the more simple looking Michael, and certainly very simple when
05:51it comes to posability, this one fits the bill rather nicely. And it's a good, it's a good size
05:54too for the rest of the coveralls. Now with the gamer version, this would all have been done in
05:59purple instead of this kind of dark navy blue. The head by the way also would have been more like
06:04that very bright, almost, I want to even say turquoise blue and the same rule of thumb and
06:10the rest of his hands for that matter also carry over that same color of turquoise. The colors of
06:14the coveralls though again is blue, whether you would debate the color of that being correct or
06:18not. But again, like a pretty decent looking Michael Myers, they've got some nice little
06:22wrinkles they've got there in the tops of the thighs, black boots down below here, black shoes
06:26down below, and even on the bottom you can see it says USC LLC and Mondo. Running through the figures
06:32articulation, this will be rather quick because the way the figure's head works, it's essentially
06:37only going to give you a swivel back and forth. And I know I don't have the head all the way on
06:41there, but basically will allow the head to swivel back and forth. As for the arms though, they only
06:46are going to rotate all the way around. They are a little on the more, I don't want to say tight
06:50side, but as you do rotate it all the way around, you can kind of feel there's a little bit of
06:54friction right around this point here when he starts to turn his arm all the way around. Normal
06:58human beings by the way probably wouldn't be able to rotate their arms all the way around.
07:02The hands don't rotate or anything like that. He does though have a waist swivel, which is still
07:06good to see, and standard levels of articulation on the thighs. It's to note though that the way
07:11they've designed the legs, they're not simply just going to be going forward and back because they've
07:16done it on a v-cut. Essentially it means though when Michael Myers is moving or rotating his legs
07:22for example, instead of rotating them forward and back like this, he's going to be rotating them out.
07:28And that same thing as well applies as well when you're going to be rotating the leg backwards.
07:31It's not going to be rotating straight back at a 90 degree. It's going to be kind of arched out
07:35instead. The figure has no articulation at all in the feet. I don't really feel like he needs it
07:40either. So essentially again, it is still the six points of Michael Myers. $95 is not bad at all
07:47considering the size of Michael that we're getting here. I think this is probably one of those things
07:50that I don't want to say like die diehard fans. I think of the Halloween films would probably get
07:56right on board this. I love just collecting Michael Myers and having an entire room of Halloween merch.
08:01This I think is a perfect collectible for those kind of collectors. Casual collectors I don't think
08:06may go into this as much because again like you're getting a larger Michael Myers. He's a little bit
08:10more simpler in design. He has very limited levels of posability. I personally like it though and I
08:14think it's just a fun looking figure. I would have loved to have gotten on on board the gamer
08:19variant edition of the Michael Myers just because again like the color swap that very much looking
08:23like the NES Jason Voorhees. And I'm all about Jason Voorhees when it comes to Nintendo. Of
08:28course you do get yourself the Ben Tramer alternate head portrait. You can either have the figure
08:32displayed with or without that or I guess maybe even if you wanted to you can also just have that
08:36alongside the figure if you have this on your shelf. And of course even though while you only
08:40have one gripping hand on this side of his body here, he has at least though two accessories that
08:45are tempting enough to have either one of them displayed in his hands. Still though it's a nice
08:49looking Michael Myers and going back though to with the the blade here on the knife, I would
08:54though love to see them adding a bloodied version of this. Not only where there'd be blood on the
08:58end of the knife, maybe blood would there be blood on the end of the syringe? I guess there would be.
09:02He after all lodges is not only in the eye of the doctor but also on the side of the nurse's head.
09:07Maybe a little bit of blood on there as well but most importantly I'd love to see what they could
09:11do with a little bit of blood on the running down the front of his face. Releasing this guy's a
09:15bloody variant would also give an opportunity for people that have already had the chance to pick up
09:19this guy initially to go back and visit their site again. Is it him? Well maybe not at the moment.
09:24It's not him trading out his regular traditional mask in favor of the Ben Tramer one that gets
09:29packed along with this figure. Every time it seems that we get a Halloween II Michael, we always tend
09:33to get a Ben Tramer mask and I welcome the fact that we get an alternate head portrait that comes
09:37included with this release. It's one of the many accessories that come included with the figure.
09:41Totaling of four. Two alternate heads. Two alternate accessories. Unfortunately though only
09:46one hand to hold either one of those accessories but again it does leave potentially a possibility
09:51down the road that we may get a bloodied variant of this guy. Of course there was already a variant
09:56as mentioned in this review. It was the gamer edition that was selling for the exact same price.
10:00One thing though I have to really credit Mondo for doing is that they didn't jack up the price
10:04for the variant edition. He was selling for the exact same price as the regular release and probably
10:08one of the reasons why the gamer edition sold out as fast as it did. Is there going to be a likelihood
10:13that they're going to restock the gamer edition? I certainly hope there is. I really like the look
10:17of this one and I really like the look of the gamer edition. Good news though is if you guys
10:22are still interested to get this one for yourself the Halloween II Michael Myers soft vinyl figure
10:26is still still in stock over on their site for $95. If the price of those does seem a little
10:32high you can also go the route of four interest-free installments of starting at $23.75
10:38until the figure is sold. Of course if you guys are also interested I could put the link down
10:42below in the video description. A big thank you again to the folks over at Mondo that did provide
10:46this sample of the vinyl Michael Myers that we could have a look at in this review. What do you
10:49guys think of this figure? Let me know down below in the comments section. Is this the one that you
10:53could see yourselves adding into your collection? If in the also in the meantime if you guys did
10:57enjoy this video you can do it a solid you can throw it a like. You guys want to stick around
11:00for more so I hope so hit that subscribe yeah turn on the bell of course and of course the biggest one
11:06is that you're coming back there's going to be a lot more videos coming your way.
11:09As always thanks for watching see you guys next time!