• 2 days ago
Mondo The Thing MacReady 1/6 Scale Figure Timed Edition


00:00Man is the warmest place to hide. Here's a look at the Mondo the Thing RJ
00:05McCready Mondo exclusive.
00:35Inspired by the 1982's The Thing from Universal Pictures, our McCready 1-6
00:40scale figure is armed and ready for battle. The ultimate in alien terror.
00:44Complete with cloth and faux leather fabric elements, plus a slew of
00:47swappable heads, hands and weapons. Available for 10 days only, the timed
00:51edition also includes an exclusive dog and spider head creatures. It's cold in
00:56here. Hopefully it's not cold enough to freeze an alien. Before we look at the
01:00aliens that come in clue with McCready, let's take the tape measure and see how
01:03tall the figure stands. RJ McCready is available at least right now on Mondo in
01:07the regular release. The one though that Mondo was able to provide us for this
01:11review is the timed edition. That's also going to come in clue with the Norse
01:13spider head and the alien dog. That one unfortunately did sell out and the
01:18difference of the prices between the two, the regular release was $235, the timed
01:22edition $265. So about $30 difference there. Let's take though the tape
01:26measure and see how tall McCready stands and I expected it to be the case. He's
01:30about 12 inches in height, translating though to a figure that's about 30
01:34centimeters tall. He seems to know how to handle an alien. How does he handle AI?
01:38The reason why I posed that question to you guys is I'm gonna move over McCready.
01:41We're gonna bring in the earlier looked at Megan. I was gonna say Annabelle here
01:45for a second. Annabelle though I guess is sized if you're gonna be comparing her
01:48with a regular sized human. I mean she only goes to about the elbows here of
01:51McCready. But I guess if you wanted to have the two display in the shelf,
01:54they're not off proportion from one another. Although they don't really make
01:58much sense to be displayed together. Sorry McCready, I moved you over just a
02:01little bit more so I can actually make some space to bring in the box. I know in
02:04these reviews I always kind of rush through the box and I just kind of open
02:07up the contents, pull out all the accessories and then we kind of talk and
02:09discuss the things that come in clear with these figures. But really should
02:12some time be spent talking about how cool the box is that comes in clear with
02:16the figure. Because if you look at it, it actually does have the doors here and
02:19when you open up the doors, which are magnetically closed by the way, what you
02:23see inside is all the cool little arms here of the alien. That is so cool. They
02:28also attach them also here to the side so it actually looks like the arms are
02:31extending out like this. And I just think like I really hate to kind of think the
02:35idea that I'm gonna be putting this thing back in storage. Because like
02:38McCready, the box is pretty cool. The figure comes included with. They didn't
02:41really even have to do that. The only need is just to really be a box and
02:45once you open up the flap to take the figure out. But Mondo spent just as much
02:48time thinking creatively of what they could do with the box as they did
02:51creatively to come up with McCready. As for display stands, McCready does have
02:55one. The figure display stand consists of two parts when you get out of the
02:58packaging. When it comes out of the packaging, there we go. It comes as a
03:03circular piece. Obviously there's no printing on the front that says McCready
03:06nor does it say the thing. Again, I don't think it necessarily needs it. It's one
03:10of the things obviously when I talked about the Megan, Megan's also came
03:13included with a very similar style of display stand. The length of neck though,
03:17if you're also looking at the two, are also identical to one another too. So it
03:20just looks like they're using the same stand, but at least the stands are
03:23consistent with one another. They take the neck piece and obviously you take
03:27the rectangular peg that's on the on the end there and just plug it into the slot.
03:30Once you do get this in place, it is a little harder to get this undone as
03:34probably already saw at the beginning. One thing though too is that the clip
03:38still doesn't think... I don't think at least it's gonna be a clip that's
03:41intended for his waist. I think more if anything it's gonna be a clip that's
03:44supposed to go around his leg or around his arm. I mean it just can't get the
03:47width that it needs to properly clear around his waist. So if anything, even
03:52though I'm probably not gonna have a plan to have this displayed with
03:54McCready for that matter attached onto the display stand, I think the more the
03:58idea that they had more in mind is what it was supposed to clip around maybe his
04:01waist. Because you know again like it doesn't look like it goes wide enough at
04:05all and I feel like if if the fight with this the way I'm doing it right now, what
04:09it is only gonna end up doing is just opening up the front and the back half
04:12of the neck here. So I'm just gonna like leave it the way it is. I mean I feel
04:16like they probably could have come up with a wider waist if anything. Just came
04:20with a one that's a c-clip for example that could have fit around Megan's waist
04:24for that matter. Could have easily fit around McCready's waist. But in the end
04:27I'm not planning to have the figures displayed with the stands anyways. As you
04:31see with McCready right now, he stands perfectly fine. There was a fair bit to
04:33unpack but even more to discuss. When we talk first about the exclusive things
04:37that come included with the timed edition, McCready first of all comes in
04:40clear with the Thing Dog. The Thing Dog unfortunately while having no
04:43posability at all to it, it does effectively do what it needs to do. Just
04:46a gruesome looking appearance of the dog that we see in the film. Now we see
04:49several dogs sort of melding together here. We only get essentially the one
04:52treated dog here. I love the way they colored this just in this blood
04:56crimson red. Much darker though on the base of the body. A little bit lighter
05:00though as it extends its way out to the head. Again there's nothing that can move
05:03on this and I understanding this for an accessory piece, it doesn't necessarily
05:07need to have anything move. I think if anything could move have moved on the
05:12Thing Dog maybe maybe this one leg right here because they probably could
05:15have made this into a ball joint. But the rest of it though is decently detailed. I
05:19love the way that they've added a clear finish to it so it looks like it's
05:22slimy and wet. You get the Thing Dog but you also get as well the Norse
05:26spider head. Probably one of the more recognizable. The creature that I think
05:31most people remember the most from the Thing is the one that comes from Norse.
05:34Norse basically detaches from the rest of his body, sprouts out these legs and
05:38waddles its way outside of the room. I think it's one of the things I really
05:42like about this is first of all there's posability at this. While so
05:45unfortunately while the Thing Dog doesn't have anything that moves on it,
05:48the Norse spider at least does have hingeable arms. Legs? I guess they
05:53would be legs. Each one of these actually have a hinge so you can move the legs
05:57out if you want. I mean still in the end it has to balance really on the legs so
06:00you really wouldn't want to move them out too much. We flip this around actually
06:04you can just see the look of anguish on his face just moments before he dies and
06:07all these things start sprouting themselves out from the front of his
06:10face. Really well painted I think too. I mean they've done a nice job on this. Of
06:15course you got the eyes they're sticking out the top there as well like this one
06:18of the coolest creatures and again this thing's just kind of walking leaving the
06:21room. So those are like the things that come included with McCree that are the
06:25timed editions. When you look at those two things and then you kind of factor
06:29in the math of being a $30 difference between the timed edition and the
06:32regular edition, I could certainly see why the timed edition sold out as fast
06:36as it did. If we move those things out of the way, those things out of the
06:40way, I see what I did there. For the rest of the accessories that come included
06:43with McCree, first of all the figure comes included with a pistol. The pistol
06:47doesn't have though, well the the inner chamber does rotate but there's not much
06:52else that you can really do with it. It's though painted extremely well. Cast I'm
06:56guessing here in black plastic. The handle though has been given a nice wood
06:59grain brown and a little bit of a gold accent in there as
07:03well. Now this can actually fit into his hands. The figure already has right
07:07now the hands for the job or you can also use these hands. The one thing though
07:11about the difference between this hand and the hand that he has right now is that
07:15those are a wider grip. You'll notice though with the plastic on these, the
07:18plastic is very hard to bend. So like these hands specifically, this hand and
07:23the one mirror flip to that, these are trigger firing finger hands. So these are
07:27actually going to be the ones that you're going to want to use for the
07:29pistol. If you're having a difficult time by the way to pry the fingers away from
07:33the palm, I have already in preparation of this, even though unfortunately the
07:37plastic has now started to cool, I have heated these in hot water. Just only
07:41like 30 seconds. You don't have to spend a whole lot of time doing this. But
07:44basically just with enough of that done, you can usually, again I probably
07:48should have softened this up again just before I hit record, usually you can get
07:52the pistol right into his hand. Unfortunately though, one thing about
07:55this, there you go, and you can see the finger fits perfectly around the
08:00trigger. I haven't noticed this as much though with the pistol. I've noticed this
08:04a little bit more with the other accessory, the other weapon, the shotgun.
08:07When you do put him in his hands, be very careful. It hasn't happened as much for
08:12the pistol. There's a little bit, there's a little bit on the side. But I noticed
08:15though, trying to get this into the grip of McCready, that it starts to now chip
08:19away some of the paint that's on the handle. If you don't mind a little bit of
08:23wear and tear to the shotgun, then maybe that may not bother you. Just be
08:27careful when you're putting this into his hands. You know again, like soften the
08:30plastic. Again, even though unfortunately the plastic cooled
08:32already, by the time I got to these accessories, you may want to kind
08:37of heat these up. You can also really use a hair dryer, just to make
08:40sure that you're not going to end up scraping, ultimately, the paint that's on
08:43the handle of the shotgun. But again, like while we're talking about that,
08:46obviously the figure does come in clear with the shotgun too. One thing though I
08:48did actually kind of want to talk about though, is taking the pistol, be careful,
08:52taking the pistol out of his hand. There is actually a holster on the side of
08:56McCready's leg, that if you don't have a place to put the pistol, you now do. The pistol
09:00basically just sits in the holster like that, so it's a good place to store that
09:03out of the way. There's no place, by the way, to hold the shotgun other than
09:07really in his hands. I had that at the beginning of this review. Though it might
09:10change as we get to the final looks of the figure, I might swap it instead in
09:13favor for his blowtorch. You say blowtorch? I did say blowtorch. Before we
09:17actually talk about the blowtorch, again the figure does have gripping hands. I
09:20already swapped them out. I think I really added the packaging. He came in
09:23clear with closed fists. I've already just kind of yanked those off. I didn't
09:25mention this when we looked at the Megan. I did also want to mention this
09:28for McCready. One thing I really like that Mondo is doing is that they include
09:31dedicated pegs for each of the hands. So every time you remove the hands, you
09:34don't have to go back and, you know, I left the peg behind in the forum.
09:38I'm gonna have to try to find a way to pry that back out. No, like all the hands
09:42have already their pegs. Why can't more companies do that? Okay, so the figure
09:47does also come in clear with trigger firing finger hands. Good for the pistol.
09:50And then he also comes in clear with gloved hands. Now, while even though
09:54unfortunately being relaxed hands, you can't really use these hands for holding
09:57shotgun or the pistol for that matter, or really the blowtorch. At least you get a
10:01pair of relaxed hands. I think though, I mean even though we already have two
10:05things worthy of the $30 price difference, I would have liked if they
10:09could have also included a couple of gripping hands of the gloves at least. So
10:13you know, if again, if you he's going out in the cold, he likes to keep his hands
10:16warm and hold guns. You can't really quite do that if you decide to have him
10:19holding it with the gloves. Nice gloves though, still for what they are. Okay, I
10:24know everybody's kind of want to talk about the blowtorch. Some people still
10:27probably want to talk about the thing dog and the Norris head sculpt. I know
10:31again, like those those are pretty cool accessories. But this is pretty cool too.
10:34The figure does also come in clear with the blowtorch. Now the blowtorch does have
10:39straps here on the top and it also seems like they are adjustable straps. You may
10:44notice actually when you get these out of the packaging that the straps seem
10:46looser than they need to be to go around his shoulders. It seems to be a case that
10:51I never seem to do these all that well, but it looks like you can tighten the
10:54straps up, make them a little tighter so they're not as loose as they appear
10:57right now. I think the way that he's actually got him displayed, and by the
11:01way though, just if I get this done, he's got the hose. So the hose obviously is
11:05gonna pump from the tanks and then exhaust out the flames. The hose, by the
11:09way, I think it looks it's supposed to sit at the bottom. So when you're putting
11:12on the tank, this would be this this way that you'd want to put it on. I don't
11:16think you'd want to put it on this way. So I think the frame actually goes on
11:18the bottom. The one thing though you may want to include before you just start to
11:21do that is that he also comes with this cool flame attachment. Unfortunately
11:26though, by using a weighted bit of plastic like this, it's gonna add a lot
11:29more, I don't wanna say unnecessary weight, it just means there's gonna be
11:33more weight and stress against his shoulders and his elbows. But this
11:36basically is you're gonna plug this into the end nozzle here. There is, there seems
11:42to be, I'm gonna just remove this, there seems to be like a little ledge here or
11:45a little line that tells you that this is how as far as you need to put it in.
11:48But I don't think you need to put it in that far. In fact, I don't even think it
11:52goes in that far and you got the flame coming out the end. Now again, like this
11:56is gonna add a lot more additional weight to it. So just kind of keep that,
12:00bear that all in mind when you have this displayed on the figure. Speaking of
12:03displaying this on the figure, let's grab McCready here and we'll just kind of
12:07bring his arms back just a little bit here. We'll take the straps of blowtorch,
12:11we'll feed it up on one side and then we'll meet in the middle, we'll feed it
12:15up on the other side as well. And going back to what I had mentioned earlier,
12:18you know, when you do put it on his body there is a little, well I say I
12:22wouldn't say even a little, there's a fair bit of slack. I feel like they
12:26almost could have really tightened the straps already. I mean they know how much
12:29tolerance was required to fit this on McCready's torso. Having it loose like
12:34this is only gonna involve the collector having to go in there and have to
12:36re-tighten the straps to make it a little bit tighter. But basically this
12:39would then just fit over his torso and of course then you've got yourself the
12:42blowtorch. The blowtorch will then fit into his hand just like that. Now the
12:48figure's body is, while having some decent levels of posability to it, he
12:53does have though the jacket. So that's gonna cause a little bit of restrictions
12:56when it comes to bending like specifically things like his elbows. One
13:01though concern I have though with the elbows also involves the fact that, oh
13:04there goes his hand, let's just remove his hand. Actually we'll take also the
13:08blowtorch off right now. We'll come back to it, we'll come back to it for the end
13:11of the figure review. Let's go ahead and just by the way reminder once again that
13:15Mondo is using pegs on the ends of each of their individual hands. I really like
13:19that. Plug that in place though and before we look at the alternate head
13:22portrait, wait he comes with an alternate head portrait? I know there's a lot to
13:26unpack. The figure does have a faux leather jacket. The only thing I will say
13:31though, as great as this figure is, and there's very little very little I could
13:35complain about when it comes to the release here of McCready, the only one
13:38concern I really have is the fact that because they are using a faux leather
13:42material, depending on your climate conditions, now I've had lots of figures
13:47that have had like faux leather material and I have yet to have one in my
13:50collection where the leather material or the material similar to leather has
13:54started to flake over time. Depending on your conditions of where your collection
13:58is, if you have a lot of humidity for example, that may all lend to the idea
14:01that down the road this may start to flake, may start to split. So far it
14:05hasn't and one thing though is that the faux leather that they're using must
14:10stook me almost to the point where I had to kind of go in and smell this to see
14:15if it was real leather or not. Then of course I went to their site again and
14:18sure enough it says faux leather material but it does feel like a good
14:21quality faux leather to again the point where I felt like they were using a real
14:25leather for the figure and of course had they used a real leather that would
14:29increase the cost of figure as well considerably. Okay so he does have two
14:33alternate head sculpts. He has this one which basically joins the rest of his
14:36body when you get him out of the packaging but he does also come with the
14:39more frostbitten Macready. Unfortunately in both the cases the one thing the
14:43figure is absent of is his hat. He doesn't have his hat included with this
14:47figure. He doesn't also even have goggles. I think though down the road if Mondo was
14:51smart they could re-release this guy again and release him with both the hats
14:56and the goggles and then you could have him maybe include a couple of other
14:59thing creatures or maybe some of the other accessories even like as you
15:02probably already saw he doesn't come included with them even like the little
15:05lab test tubes or little beakers what they call them the Petri dishes the
15:10Petri dishes where you know they put the blood in there testing out with the
15:13flame something like that for example they could include with that maybe as a
15:16second edition version of Macready where maybe down the road they could release
15:20him again with the hat. I think it's just one thing I really would have loved to
15:23see this figure come included with. I'm not disappointed that he doesn't have it
15:26for all the other bells and all the other whistles on both sides of him that
15:29he already had at his disposal but the defaulted head that we get here is I
15:33would easily say it's probably one of the best likenesses to Kurt Russell
15:37we've ever gotten there has been a couple of figure companies that have
15:40helmed likeness I would say of like Kurt Russell like we've got snake snake
15:45Plissken we did get snake Plissken released from a company we've also
15:47gotten a couple of other Macreadys from other figure companies as well but hands
15:51down for me this is probably the best likeness we have gotten. Again pick
15:56your poison as to which sculpt you want to go with this one just basically
15:59gives it well it's a little bit different of an expression but it also
16:02gives you a little more frost on his beard and on his hair it looks like he's
16:05definitely a lot colder too if you did want to change out the head it's just a
16:08case of taking off even though this is the one the head I'm gonna be using
16:11displaying him wise just gonna pop the head at least from the ball joint put
16:14the other alternate head in place and again we got ourselves Macready more
16:18outside more freezing to death and of course he has to worry about an alien
16:21there as well as for the rest of his outfit even though this is a faux
16:26leather material again like the quality of material that they've used for the
16:29jacket is good really good in fact the only thing again I kind of worry about
16:33is permanently posing this guy with his elbows always bent usually when it comes
16:38to faux leather material for example like if you always have a bend in one
16:41area and you leave it like that for a while now again I I'm only basing it
16:44from my own collection I've never had issues where like leather like this has
16:48flaked but you may not want to have this figure always in a permanent bend like
16:52this if you had had problems in the past where material like this has started to
16:56flake off but like the jacket is decently well done I mean like even to
17:00the point they've even added the fur trim on the inside of the jacket it does
17:03have a functioning zipper that does work I'm not gonna zip it all the way down
17:07because just for how small that zipper is there's no way I'd be able to get it
17:10back up but anyways it does have a functioning zipper underneath the jacket
17:14you've got the fur trim and then he's got his green outfit underneath which
17:16does also have another zipper underneath got some pockets there on the side the
17:21pockets do look like they store stuff although he doesn't really have anything
17:24small enough to fit inside of them as for the rest of his outfit of course
17:28he's got the the pockets there on the front these pockets I think they are
17:31actually pockets aren't functioning at all so there's nothing you can actually
17:34put inside of them but I'm guessing I think these were actually zippers in the
17:37film don't the belt looks good too it doesn't feel though quite like it's faux
17:42leather it actually feels more if anything like suede and of course you
17:45got the little holster there on the side this is also a faux suede material so
17:50it's not plastic that they've used at all and it does for the most part do a
17:53decent enough job of holding the pistol it the pistol does flop around a little
17:57bit I think maybe there's a little bit of afforded space maybe too much space
18:01that they put inside the holster but I'm not like like I think they've done
18:04really a nice job on this guy of course these guys boots also down below there
18:07it's about the only thing really on the figure that is sculpted in plastic
18:10because it's also sculpted in plastic it's gonna mean that there's a little
18:13bit more limitations with what you can actually do with his ankles as we run
18:17through the articulation of McCready right now sticking with though freezing
18:20Kurt Russell heads gonna be on a ball joint so it does rotate back and forth
18:24it looks up it looks down actually quite a bit down and also moves back and
18:28forth as well the upper torso appears to be on a ball joint where so like right
18:33around here there's a torso sectional piece that actually rotates independently
18:37on its own but it does seem also that he's got a ball joint probably at the
18:41base of his abdomen his arms easily come out despite being encased in faux
18:45leather you can move them forward you can move them back the figure does have
18:48a swivel in the bicep what seems to be a double hinge on the elbow and the
18:52hands rotate all the way around sometimes though when you are rotating
18:55the hands periodically they do pop out but I mean as quickly as they pop out
18:59they're just as easy to pop back in place legs do split out that's as far as
19:03probably you're gonna want to split McCready's legs you can also move the
19:06legs forward and move them back but there's not as much mileage with how
19:10much you can actually swing these forward that's to the extent of how far
19:14forward they'll actually go before they get a little tight little tight around
19:17here it seems also that they've added a little bit of additional padding to the
19:21tops of his thighs we're like right here it feels a little softer than the you
19:25know obviously where this is just sitting against the plastic down below
19:28speaking down below though the figure does have a double hinge on the knee
19:31articulation where you can kind of move it back and forth on the boots but again
19:34like because there's because they're all encased in plastic you're not really
19:38gonna be able to do too much when it comes to the articulation there the only
19:42the only thing I would say about McCready as great of a figure as they
19:45did do for this guy the only one concern I really have is like the leather
19:50material for this jacket now that again goes with only just again the conditions
19:54of how you have your collectibles displayed for a while I've had like a
19:57lot of like six scale figures that have had faux leather material used for their
20:01jackets and I've never had any flaking I have bought figures for example online
20:05open up the packaging and I guess just by human conditions of where they were
20:09storing their collections I've taken out figures that have just flaked apart on
20:13me and that was just so disappointing but because he does have a leather
20:16jacket in the film the only way around all of that is had they give him a real
20:21leather jacket but again like with that alone the price of what these guys would
20:24then be going for would probably leave the the area of 200 and probably sit
20:28more closer into a three to three hundred and fifty dollar price if again
20:32they were starting to incorporate things like leather material other than the
20:35leather though the head sculpt is for me one of the best that we've gotten for
20:39Kurt Russell whether you want to go with the frostbitten look whether you want to
20:42be line it back to the defaulted look of the way he comes out of the packaging
20:45I don't think there has been a better Kurt Russell likeness on the market
20:48Mondo I think has done an incredible job now again like when you're looking at
20:52the pricing for this guy what I say he was like 232 35 for the standard release
20:57265 if you guys want to get the timed edition of him the timed edition does
21:01give you then Norris's spider head and also the thing dog that alone could be
21:06not only the reasons why I think the timed edition was probably the better
21:09option to get up the two but also probably means why the timed edition
21:13sold out as fast as it did while the timed edition until maybe they do a
21:18second run of this figure while a time then fortunately isn't available the
21:21regular release certainly still is and even though unfortunately you're not
21:24gonna be getting thing creatures along with it McCready on his own standing on
21:28his own is still well worth the price while I will admit then McCready does
21:33certainly look a lot cooler having his blowtorch with him adding though the
21:36flame effect on the end of it adds a lot of weight even more than you're
21:40probably expecting it to have definitely though I would recommend first of all
21:44that you're gonna have the character holding it with both hands not just the
21:46one and even then it's I feel gonna be adding a lot of stress over time not
21:52only in shoulders not only in his elbows but also keeping the peg still in his
21:56forearms so for me at least when it comes to displaying this guy what I
21:59might just end up doing is if I still want to have the flame on the end I
22:03maybe find a way to prop it up and kind of just alleviate some of the weight
22:07behind granted the one of the things that they could have also have done too
22:11is included like a post something that could have plugged on to the bottom of
22:15the flame and been like a self-standing base to kind of just keep the weight
22:19somewhat somewhat dedicated to that area and less away from McCready if not for
22:24that again you might just want to have something underneath the flame because
22:27again like it's gonna be a lot of wear and tear to the figure unnecessary wear
22:30and tear even though I quarters are quite small here I managed to at least
22:34bring back in the thing dog and the Norse spider head to welcomed accessories
22:39that are part of the timed edition only so if you were lucky enough to get
22:42yourself the timed edition you're getting the benefit of having those two
22:45alien creatures coming along for the ride with McCready I've gone in also and
22:49adjusted the straps I mean the straps really aren't all that difficult you're
22:52just basically bringing the adjustment piece further up to his body and that
22:56will tighten the straps but again like it's one of the coolest accessories
22:59around the fact he comes include the blowtorch I just don't think I like the
23:03idea of having the flames always on the end of it because I just don't think
23:06it's gonna be something that he's gonna be able to hold over time once again
23:10though the timed edition is unfortunately sold out over on mondo's
23:13site the difference though of price between the two is about $30 so for $30
23:18mono seems to be doing that quite well with the timed editions you're not
23:21paying over them over the nose through the roof for time dishes versus regular
23:26editions usually they tend to factor in about $30 to $50 difference between the
23:30two but always with the times they always seem to have enough cool
23:33accessories in there that could warrant why you'd want to get the timed over the
23:37regular again while though the timed edition has sold out the regular version
23:41of McCready is still though available over on their site I can most definitely
23:45provide the link down below in the video description for 235 one of the best
23:49likenesses not only of McCready but the actor Kurt Russell that famously
23:53portrayed the role as well big thank you again to the folks over at mondo
23:56that did provide the sample of the thing McCready 1 6 scale figure that we have
24:00the chance to have a look at in this review have you guys had the chance to
24:02pick up this figure let me know down below in the comment section or if you
24:05haven't would you guys be interested to get the regular release or the timed
24:08edition if you guys can get your hands on one I can only hope that fingers
24:11crossed mondo does decide to release a second run of them they've done it from
24:15time to time with other their figures that they've released in the past they
24:18sell out right away that's usually indication that collectors want these
24:21badly if you guys did enjoy this video you can do it us all and throw it a like
24:25you guys want to stick around for more so I hope so hit that subscribe turn on
24:28that Bell and of course come back as always thanks for watching see you guys
24:32next time
