McFarlane Toys Batman V Superman Batman Armor Suit Figure
00:00Krypton sent a savior. Bats brought the war. Here's a look at McFarland Toys DC
00:05multiverse Batman v Superman Batman armor suits.
00:23Gotham City's formidable forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis's most
00:27revered modern-day Savior while a new threat quickly arises putting mankind in
00:32greater danger than it's ever known before. While Bruce studies Supe's moves
00:36let's go ahead and take the tape measure and see how tall the Batman armor suit
00:39stands. Then of course we'll also bring in some of the other Batman figures of a
00:43familiar film so you can see the differences there. Batman though in this
00:46suit is gonna stand at about seven three-quarters of an inch in height
00:49translating though to a figure that's about 19 centimeters tall. The red capes
00:54are coming! The red capes are coming! At least the red cape that I have in my
00:58collection right now happens to be the Justice League Snyder Cut Superman that
01:01though will be updated shortly because I also have picked up the Superman
01:04Doomsday 2 pack which I would imagine is probably gonna be using a similar mold
01:07to the one that we're getting right now. Bringing a couple of Batman though
01:10here's what the figure looks like with the Batman v Superman Batman now
01:13sporting of course the cloth cape. This is also by the way something that's also
01:15gonna have a cloth cape we're gonna talk more about that in a moment. The
01:18Nightfall Batman or Nightmare Batman we can also bring in as well and here's
01:22also what the figure looks like with a Batman v Superman Wonder Woman. One
01:26little correction I did want to make and I'm probably gonna mention a little bit
01:28this list later into the review as well is that though when we looked at the
01:31Nightmare Batman I said there was also gonna be one that was gonna packed along
01:35with this guy and it being that it was gonna be the same figure I could see
01:38myself probably passing on that set. In actual fact though the Nightmare Batman
01:42in that set is gonna actually have the scarf covering her over the front front
01:45of his face and then the Batman armor suit Batman is also gonna have a half
01:49to face so there's certainly arguments may made as to why you'd want to get
01:52that that two-pack set also as well. Now here's the part for Batman that's a bit
01:57of a bummer. The figure doesn't come in really with much in the way of
02:00accessories. Sure yes the figure does come include with a display stand but I
02:03mean how often we already get these stands anyways. One thing I did want to
02:06mention though about the stand is that the plastic black seems a
02:09little bit lighter. I know that sometimes does change sometimes we get ourselves
02:13stands that are a little bit darker in the color but I couldn't help but notice
02:16though the one that we get here for the armored Batman is a little bit more of a
02:18darker gray than it is a black. Does anybody really care? Okay let's move that
02:21off to the side. I hope you don't care the figure does come also include with a
02:24trading card. The trading card does have Batman armor suit from Batman v Superman
02:28Dawn of Justice. Recommended though if you kind of were on the fence of
02:32watching Batman v Superman or you've seen it the theatrical release the
02:35director's cut is so much better. On the back though of the card one thing
02:38that's also a little bit disappointing is that not that the real name is Bruce
02:41Wayne. I mean we already know that anyways but that the read up is so
02:45simple. I mean they really rushed through a summarize of really what
02:49exactly happens in the movie. They make no mention at all of armored Batman. They
02:53make no mention of the fight with Kryptonian. They make no mention really
02:56of anything. This is though the same read up I think we've also gotten from both
02:59Batman and Wonder Woman so at least they're staying consistent with that but
03:03I just wish that the read up was a little meatier. Off to the side. The figure
03:09though it does come also includes some swappable hands. Now he has a closed fist
03:13and he also has a gripping hand so he already has really that gripping hand on
03:16this side of his body anyways so if you want the mirror flip to that you can
03:20basically just pop the hand that he has. Oh don't stick up my little finger. He
03:23does have though that basically you just pop that hand off and have basically the
03:26flip to that on the other side. The hands are decently detailed. This one here
03:30again is just a closed fist so if you want to have him punching the lights out
03:34of the Kryptonian you can also do that as well. Swapping out though the hands
03:36just a case of holding on to the forearm for dear life. Just wiggle this off the
03:40provided post and take the hand that you want to then use and pop it back in
03:44place. I'm doing this already anyways but I mean like unfortunately it's not like
03:48I can change the hands out and then say oh well he also has these accessories as
03:52well because unfortunately this figure doesn't come in clue with anything. Why
03:55am I having such a hard time getting this onto the peg? Oh it's wiggling back
03:59and forth here. I didn't have any earlier issues with this of course now that the
04:02camera is rolling. Can we get this all on there? Okay I think we've almost you know
04:06what I'm just gonna switch it back. It's giving me a tough time. Let's just
04:09switch it back to the hand I knew is gonna be a little bit more easygoing.
04:12Okay so despite not having unfortunately any accessories we just move off those
04:17the ones that we already have with this release. The one thing though it seems
04:20that when we are getting this Batman we're getting him two other times too.
04:24This is the cleaner version of Batman. I'm saying cleaner version but clearly he's
04:27banged, he's battered, he's obviously already had the start of a battle here
04:31with Superman. There's also again a halved version that's gonna be released
04:36along with the scarfed version of the Nightmare Batman. I keep
04:39wanting to call him Nightfall Batman. The Nightmare Batman also is gonna have a
04:43slight variation to that so certainly there is reasons I suppose if you want
04:46to get yourself the two-pack but there's also as well another variation of this
04:50guy too. There's a platinum edition and the platinum edition is also gonna come
04:53in clear with this kryptonite rod or the spear that he uses and it's also gonna
04:57have a slight greenish tint so it looks like it's almost kind of illuminating
05:01the front of his armor. It's kind of a cool enough reasons I think to then
05:04venture off and dig getting not only the gold label collection two-pack but also
05:08the platinum edition because you're getting this guy with a few different
05:11kind of unique tweaks to them. The head sculpt is actually pretty good on this guy and
05:15one thing I really like is that the way they've painted his eyes kind of gives
05:18at least the idea that his eyes are glowing. Of course you can also see the
05:23scratches and the dents all into his armor. I also really love and I'm getting
05:26behind this a lot more now that they have all fabric capes. Now Superman
05:30unfortunately though is still stuck with plastic capes as you can see right here
05:34but like the Batman v Superman Batman also we've already had the review of
05:39he's also now going with the fabric cape too. I hope again it's a trend that's
05:43going to continue moving forward. The thing that's interesting about the cape
05:46here is first of all it's quite tattered down below but also that it has a wire
05:49frame so if you did want to bend the wire you can certainly get in a more
05:53unique pose. I think that's a really cool touch. It's rooted quite in there too so
05:57it's not like the capes gonna come loose. Got the bandolier there featured on the
06:00front that actually seems like it's a separate plastic piece from the rest of
06:04his armor but all along the detail is really good on this guy. Of course the
06:07silver finish that they've given him as well. Yes he probably could have maybe
06:10afforded a little bit of a darker wash just to bring some of those details out
06:13to the forefront but other than that I mean like I couldn't have been any more
06:16happier with the way they've sculpted and painted this figure. Down below we've
06:20got a little bit of gold that breaks up the otherwise all silver on his
06:23body here and of course underneath his suit so basically he's got like these
06:26plates that cover over like what would be just a regular suit underneath and
06:29you can see some of the darker gray kind of peeking its way out. Unfortunately
06:33though I did notice with my with my Batman getting him out of the packaging
06:36not that his ankles are necessarily loose but the way that they're always
06:39hinged there's always sort of like you can either have them like just regular
06:43flat but then when you go to bend his feet they always go immediately to
06:47the next adjustment point. There's nothing really like in between so
06:50sometimes though just with a with a sheer weight of him when you put him
06:54down on a shelf for example I feel like he as you can probably even see for
06:57yourself he tends to want to lean backwards so of course you may want to
07:00use the display stand even though I was knocking it earlier for the coloring of
07:03the plastic that they chose. At least though you can take the peg you can find
07:07which foothold that you want to use plug it in place and it might just help to
07:10get this guy bounce a little bit better. Now for the articulation though for
07:14armored Batman we're gonna start things first with his head sculpt. It's gonna
07:17rotate I would say normally all the way around unfortunately though with the
07:20lift of his collar it might cause a little bit more conflict when it comes
07:24to trying to rotate his head all the way around. You can rotate it but you can
07:27feel it goes it squeaks it creaks it does eventually make its way all the way
07:32around but it will rub against the plastic when you're doing it. Sure
07:36enough he's gonna look high up so if he's looking up to Superman flying away
07:40do you bleed? That sounds more like Bale than it does Affleck. The head can look down
07:45also as well about that low you can also rock it back and forth but only just a
07:49just a little bit. The upper torso is gonna be on a very good ball joint so it
07:53gets a full rotation going. Of course sure enough the abdomen down below also
07:57does have its ball joint so you can rotate that freely too. Now when it
08:00comes to his arms where they place the shoulder pads they've actually attached
08:03it right here. It does give a little bit of freedom when it comes to rotating his
08:07arms and you can do a full rotation all the way around but this is only by just
08:11a little bit of plastic that's keeping the two pieces together. Sure enough yeah
08:15you can get still a T pose on the figure's arms. The figure's arms
08:19themselves do have a swivel at the bicep. They also possess only just a single
08:22hinge in the elbow. There's a nice little bit of extra gold added in there as well.
08:25Actually really it's not just the utility belt it's the gold on his
08:28gauntlets. Some gold down below here also on the sides of his legs. There are a few
08:32little areas I know we kind of stopped for a second while we were talking about
08:35articulation. There's a little bit of paint bleed you can see carried over
08:37into the gold but it's not a big deal breaker at all. Hands do rotate all the
08:41way around even though I was having a considerable struggle trying to get
08:45the hands to replace. Legs do split out there on ratcheted joints. Yeah you can
08:49of course move the legs forward and back even though he does have still the
08:53softer lower trunk plastic. Still it doesn't give him that idea that he looks
08:56like he's got diapers on. Pretty clean and kind of streamlined to the rest of
09:01his figure's body. Sure again like legs move forward and back. You got a little
09:04bit of a swivel there at the top of the thigh. Double hinge on the knee which is
09:08good to see. And again like the only problem again I would say for the ankles
09:11is that like when you move them there's like one angle that you can have
09:16them and then when you try to move them just a little bit up they want to move a
09:19lot more than what they do. So you have to kind of put the figure down on the
09:22shelf and just kind of lean him forward just a little bit so the figure is gonna
09:26topple backwards. And if you're having any tough time where you feel like the
09:30figure is gonna oh oh it's gonna fall of course make use of the display stands.
09:35They're there. They're sold with the figures for a reason. All in all it's a
09:38good-looking Batman. Now there is again like I mentioned there's two versions of
09:42this guy. Two other versions other than the one we obviously looked at here. This
09:44is the regular release armored Batman. There's the platinum edition that's
09:48gonna have the greenish kryptonite glow that's gonna come off also included with
09:52the kryptonite spear. And then there's also as well the gold label collection
09:55that's gonna come packed along with this guy. Which if again I could have jumped
09:59that back into my time machine I would have gone back to the review that I did
10:02of Nightmare Batman and made made the course correction where I said having
10:06these guys packed together in a two-pack gives me no reason to want to get the
10:09set now. But now going back and realizing that the scarf on the Nightmare Batman
10:13covers over the front of his face and that this one speaking of faces you only
10:17get half of it with the armored Batman even more is a reason for me to go back
10:20and try to track down that two-pack. One of the lines actually that Bruce utters
10:24in Batman v Superman when he's looking at Superman is that he says do you bleed?
10:28Funny though enough when I was trying to get this guy out of his plastic prison
10:31not that I cut myself though doing it but when I got him out of the packaging
10:35I was trying to move his ankle and I ended up pinching my finger. Ouch! Did I
10:40bleed though? No no I know I didn't bleed. The figure though unfortunately is a bit
10:44of a letdown with the amount of accessories that he actually has. Sure
10:47yes swappable hands are fine and good but for this guy to actually be battling
10:51the Kryptonian one of the things that he has at his disposal is the kryptonite
10:55grenade gun and unfortunately this figure doesn't have this at all. Now the
10:58platinum edition is gonna come included with the kryptonite spear. From what I
11:02can see at least I don't think the two-pack gold label collection that
11:05comes included with Nightmare Batman is gonna come with any accessories other
11:07than a display stand. So it does beg the question why would a figure like this
11:11not include a grenade gun? I mean I guess in the end the grenade gun is still
11:14considered a gun. I know guns are a big no-no when it comes to including with
11:18these figures. It might be one of the reasons why unfortunately it was left
11:21off out of the packaging. Despite that though I do really like the look of
11:25Armored Batman here. I especially like the fact that we're now getting into
11:28the territory of fabric capes always now being the norm. Fabric capes adds a
11:33little more of a premium finish to this. Not only do I like the material that
11:37they've used for his tattered cape I also like the idea that they incorporated a
11:41wire so you can move the cape around for some dynamic poses. In the end though
11:45I still will be venturing off to try to track down not only the platinum edition
11:49that has the glowing green kryptonite paint scheme but also I'll be trying to
11:52get my hands on the gold label collection and if I do happen to do of
11:56course I will be doing follow-up videos and I'll probably likely bring this guy
11:59back. What do you guys don't think of Armored Batman? Let me know down below in
12:02the comments section. Have you guys had the chance to pick this one up or did
12:05you already get your hands on this one the platinum edition and the gold label
12:08collection release of Armored Batman? If you guys did also enjoy this video you
12:13can do it you can help me help out the channel by hitting it with a like but if
12:16you guys want to stick around for more so I certainly hope so you can hit the
12:19subscribe you can turn on that Bell and of course you can always come back. I did
12:23already kind of tip my hat early that we all also will be looking at the Superman
12:27Doomsday 2 pack. That may not be happening though this week because this
12:31week's already kind of booked up but certainly will be coming up probably
12:34next week so making sure you're coming back for that. As always thanks for
12:37watching see you guys next time.